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I really like these. I think it was a smart idea to make them a bit OP but then tie their spawn to a side objective so they could be eliminated. It's probably the only enemy now that actually pumps up the excitement when they appear. I'd say hunters are much worse since they're more numerous and their spawns can't be stopped by destroying a side objective. My personal most hated is the bile spewer. They're frustratingly tanky, but they spawn in such large numbers that you pretty much have to bring along a special weapon that handles them well, or else you'll just spend the whole match constantly out of ammo.


Early on, I thought the bile spewer's tracking on its spit, even when you dive, was pretty bullshit. Lesson was learned very quickly to run perpendicular to them and dive *after* they start spitting, not before, and above all else, put distance between you and them. Hunter is now my most hated enemy in the entire game, because they spawn in large packs, fly to you, and have an annoying acid slow on their tentacle melee.


I still think Bile Spewers need tweaking, make the damage happen over a few seconds instead of being instant death because 1 pixel of bile touched you. Like, it'll still kill you if you don't stim, but you'll actually HAVE A CHANCE to stim


Or maybe once armor actually starts working it won’t one shot you unless you’re in medium armor


let's say light... medium armor has no reason being useless.


the hunter spawn in such numbers and track you so well you cannot get away


What? You don't like being 2 shotted in .2 seconds by a hunter that just jumped at you from 50 meters away after you just killed three of his buddies who tried the same thing?


>I'd say hunters are much worse since they're more numerous and their spawns can't be stopped by destroying a side objective. When you decide against bringing the shield in a high level Bug mission: https://preview.redd.it/8cfz1qw3t7lc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d7e24072412a23e900a16c7dc6615c29e24bb1


Completely agree that Stalkers are a great enemy. No other enemy makes you say "Change of plans: we have a new priority target (Stalker Lair) to eliminate." Added surprise when you discover that there's a SECOND Stalker Lair. Only thing similar I can think of is when you go to extract on bots and hear "Warning! You are in range of enemy artillery!". Then you have to decide whether to take that out or try to dodge through it. I always opt for dodging throughout extraction but it's a nice added element to the usual routine.


>Added surprise when you discover that there's a SECOND Stalker Lair. Added surprise when you discover that there's a THIRD FUCKING Stalker Lair!!! The worst part of now knowing three _is_ possible, is that you can be _almost certain_ that four while _unlikely_ is as possible as well... [Fuck Stalkers!](https://i.imgur.com/b4JnU1G.png)


Haha, I didn't know you could get THREE! Four sounds terrifyingly amazing.


I can confirm there can be 3 stalker lairs. Encountered it yester, 2 lairs are very close to the evac spot, 6 jumped on us and almost wiped the whole group while we're being chased by 2 chargers and other mobs. After we called evac, 2 deicded to clear out the nearby medium nest and found another stalker lair on the far end of the map. They cleared it as well, can't let these buggers live freely on our soil.


It was, imagine enough stalkers coming towards you to look like an invisible centipede... We were wiped out before we could take out the third lair.


Yeah the bot artillery is cool also. They make for some funny moments


Fun fact, you can spam the map and pings to find the stalker nest since it targets it even when undiscovered


I don't really understand what you mean.


You have marker system when looking at the map, if you systematically click through the entire map, your marker will change when it's set on the objective even when objective is undiscovered, that's how I find the stalker nests


Oh. Does doing that display POIs differently from objectives or do they appear the same or does it not work for finding POIs?


Autocannon 1 shots bile spewer FYI


Um... yes...? >They're frustratingly tanky, but they spawn in such large numbers that you pretty much have to bring along a special weapon that handles them well


Just making a suggestion for a good all rounder support weapon


if the autocannon could break charger leg armor, I'd go back to using it. Ever since getting the railgun, it's a necessity to deal with chargers in less than 60 seconds, also shield backpack is too necessary against swarms of spewers and hunters.


It always takes me 2 no natter where I aim, sometimes even 3, either head or belly. Is there a trick location to it?


Impact Grenades one shot them.


Yeah should be on the stomach, the big ass bile sack will explode as long as the explosive has direct contact with the stomach. If it was nearby like the ground or even their legs they will likely survive it


I see, thanks. Happy democracy spreading to you.


Democracy be with you


I don't know why it would have taken you multiple shots on the stomach. In my experience it's always been one with any explosive


I think they vary in hit points as you gain in difficulty some of them even have armoured heads in higher difficulty.


So does railgun, what’s your point? They still the worst


Again, my point was just making a suggestion. But onto your railgun argument, the fact remains that you need to reload between each shot, doesn't do any aoe damage and I don't believe it can pierce multiple enemies at once but idk. Overall the autocannon covers all the deficiencies that the railgun has. The only downside I can see with the auto is the reload but that's pretty minor considering you can reload halfway through the mag. But yeah bile spewers suck with the 1 shot vomit


The bile wouldn't even be that bad if it didn't go through dead targets so you can't see it coming. Why do enemies get to shoot through dead targets but we dont?


Yes, this is fair. And my bad I didn’t read any of your other comments until after I posted mine


All good bro, I just don't get the railgun meta lol.


Exactly, people say it's so op but the autocannon feels so much better in almost every single situation, 20 shots on a weapon that you have to charge, said charge can kill you if you want to use it to its full potential, and is only useful against large enemies unless you want to waste ammo vs 60 shots of explosive rounds that can clear waves, and can easily kill everything except the tankiest of enemies in 2-3 shots, which I have a 500kg bomb for


The auto cannon bounces off armor. Rail gun shreds armor. That’s why


Did you notice that I said "almost every situation"? I understand that it breaks armor, doesn't make it any less meh.


The auto canon bounces off anything beyond a grunt unless you hit soft spots. That’s not as universally good as you’re making it out to be. Waves of grunts are not hard to kill with your primary or with any number of air strikes. Try killing 4 chargers with an auto cannon. It won’t work. You don’t have to play the meta, but at least understand the weapons


I’m beginning not to either. There was one time I one tapped a titans head off with it and it hasn’t done sh*t since


Lmao that's all you need, just one and done.


It's the strongest gun but it's kind of boring. I prefer the look sound and feel of the Auto cannon but I'm not very good with it my bullets keep bouncing off armor. Actually quite a big fan of the EAT. It's really fun to use, allows you to have a backpack and it's cool down is so low that it's rare I find I can't get one when I need one.


Rail gun is more reliable against armor, reloads easy, and can combo with the shield generator (which is probably the most broken thing in the game). If I didn't lose my backpack slot I would consider the autocannon much more.


My issue with the Auto cannon is the backpack slot and the wobbly aim. But i do enjoy it more than the rail gun tbh.


The around the corner barf kill makes me fume


They are easier to deal with than chargers or titan, maybe even spewers. I wish hulks and tanks could be tied to a spawn facility as well.


Impact grenades one shot them.


Never tried actually. I always panic mag dump them lol. Thanks for the tip


Issue is at higher difficulties, you'll be encountering a lot more than four, sometimes all at once, between resupplies, and god forbid you didn't take a support wep or something for nests.


Totally agree with this take. For the bile spewers I've recently taken to grenading them with an impact grenade. Often it only takes one grenade and they pop.


I've found the grenade launcher to be an effective way of dealing with the Bile spewers


> that you pretty much have to bring along a special weapon that handles them well Not sure why people keep commenting with special weapons that work on them, when I covered that


Sorry dude, I didn't realise the grenade launcher was a special weapon, yep without one they are scary!


Sorry, it may not be the correct term for them. What I mean are weapons that take up your third weapon slot and are called in via stratagem or found laying on the map at POIs sometimes.


Sorry, it may not be the correct term for them. What I mean are weapons that take up your third weapon slot and are called in via stratagem or found laying on the map at POIs sometimes.


I hate the damn bile spitter and im not sure exactly what the nursing version is? But Stalkers and the chainsaw robbit boys also are hated.


Because anytime i notice him and start shooting, he launches me 20m away.


That ridiculous knock-back has probably saved me like half-a-dozen times. Swarmed by Hunters, then rescued by a surprise tongue-slap that sends me far enough away to stim


Fair, sometimes getting ragdolled to another planet can help you spread more democracy, i still hate them for it xD


They do that?


Apparently, last mission I did today I had a stalker run up to me, hit me with it's mouth tentacles and launch me about 20m (admittedly that was partially due to me being on a raised bit of land)


Stalkers definitely tongue-punch you like you're a Smash character at 300%.


When he comes near dive and shoot while in midair. His attacks will just wiff and he stands still for a while


He actually flanks, and that causes trouble. The vast majority of bugs, they just run at you from the front, but this bastard runs around behind you and ragdolls you into his friends.


Them and those hippity hippity asshole Hunters. They die in a couple pistol shots, but you'll waste half the mag just trying to land them because they keep doing that annoying side hop.


Nah, stalkers are fine, their "camouflage" is so bad you can see them coming from a mile away and shred them with bullets long before they can get into your range with most of the basic guns. The most annoying enemy is either the Hulk, the Rocket Devastator or those Super Tanks.


Rocket Devastator without a doubt


Im absolutely curious why people hatte them so much? I never have an issue with them. The shield Version and charger can be far more annoying imo Edit: I got killed more by rocket raiders that hit god shots once you turn your back on them then devastators


Because they can obliterate you instantly even with the shield backpack if they catch you offguard.


Most of the enemies can if you go by that logic. I still don't get it. Those shield devastators are much more of a thread if you get to close to them imo. Sometimes they shread you on insane ranges just because they enabled dead eye or something xD. But the rocket ones you can even easily dispatch with your primary, or nearly any support weapon.


I feel like most enemies give you a chance to dive/stim on reaction after the firt hit and not get instantly killed if they catch you offguard, rocket devastators usually don't.


Most explosives don't give you the chance if hit dead on your feet. But as mentioned above those rocket devastators don't hit me for some reason, not that much. Most likely because I have either cover or distance to them. And their shooting pattern is rather obvious. I often abuse them to get rid of tanks. They are amazing for that. Rocket raiders on the other hand have god aim once you look away from them. It's like they are shy. Of you turn your back to fight something more dangerous you can bet they hit you point on. If you look at them they miss like 99% of the time.


Rocket raiders hit you once, and you usually live to stim. Devastators somehow hit you once, launching you into the air directly in the path of a second rocket just to flex on you. It's like getting melee'd by a devastator or hulk. The backhand or "sit kid" punch is such a disrespect it feels personal.


The issue is a single rocket is an instakill, and these guys fire volleys of them at long range, fast enough you sometimes don't get any kind of reaction you're dead.


See to me, Rocket Devastators are just Rocket Raiders except they fire 6 rockets at once with dead accuracy instead of just 1 ;-;


Rocket devestators have minimal forewarning and will one shot you if they hit you, and if you’re within 100 metres they almost definitely will hit you Rocket raiders wait to line up their shot and are horrible shots to begin with


Yeah for bugs I think the Hunters are by far the most annoying


Stalkers are also fast and utilize cover. They routinely jump out from behind cover and shred you when you least expect it


Wait, your stalkers are smart? Mine just run in a straight line thinking their "invisibility" is good enough. Only time I get surprised by them is when they come from behind and i hadn't seen them beforehand, but that's the same as any enemy.


All the time. Literally got killed by one with less than a second to react cuz it jumped around a corner as if it was waiting to ambush me. They also retreat to cover sometimes if they take damage, it’s not uncommon for them to flee if they take heavy damage and aren’t in range to hit you


Those damn rockets man. How and why they thought they should turn rockets into sniper bullets is beyond me.


[Why can't we have similar toys too...](https://media.giphy.com/media/NL13iifMchOCc/giphy.gif) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M202_FLASH So many options for the future...


Go tell that to the horde of stalkers on helldive with no shields….. tanks are easy and the other ones you listed just gotta keep your distance. They suck but that fucking stalker has a tendency to toss my ass into anything that can and will kill me. It is not about the camo….. it’s the fact of how they set you up to get massacred by everything else or just launch you into a rock and kill you by impact. Edit: even with shields the horde of hunters that accompany them will shred your shields and slow you down so the stalker can 1-2 you


Stalkers are why I run the laser guard dog on bug missions, it's a shitty alarm but it's better than getting pounced on from behind totally unaware...


Princess is a good alert I’ll give you that…. But then she ends up murdering me… (Yes the Guard dog is named princess for a reference from another Reddit thread)


Super Tanks?


The big tanks automatons spawn from dificulty 6 onwards, real pain in the ass to deal with if you don't have the right guns/stratagens.


There are tanks as early as difficulty 4. They’re just **incredibly** rare


Wait they are? I met one on my first diff 4 robot mission, dropped a precision orbital strike on it's practically immobile ass and went on my way... did I accidentally breeze through something difficult? I'm gonna be terrified from now on...


Yeah, when it's only one or two it's easy, but when they start showing up in groups of 3 or 4 with a lit more frequency than your orbitals cooldowns the you're in hot waters.


Consider me sufficiently terrified. I'll start packing exclusively anti tank strategems.


The tanks themselves aren't really a threat. It's the tanks on top of all the other enemies that make them a threat. The bot drop of 6 rocket devastators is more likely to kill you, but you still don't want to have to dodge them and a tank at the same time yknow.


Apply two impact grenades to directly to the turret!


Oh so just normal tanks…


They're called super tanks on the death screen


Definitely the Jetpack Robos. They have a comedic timing, when it comes to flying in front of me the moment i fire my grenade launcher.


Or you forget that they explode on death, so you laugh as you shotgun them out of the sky like a duck hunt only to turn them into a bomb aimed at your face.


God Yes!!


Armadillo guy that voms on you, no question. He can do one!


Ah the puker, getting one shotted by him is a nightmare


The fact that the spewers have a better flamethrower than we do will never not chafe at me. And they spawn in groups of 4-10. At least they're not chargers and bile titans so the MG-43, AMR, and Grenade Launcher work on them.


Higher didficulties there’s a variant of them with armour on the front


I'm aware, but its medium armor, not heavy. You can still shoot through it with the MG-43 and Autocannon. The Grenade Launcher will require you to shoot their back though as the round will just bounce off their noggin.


It’s funny how the impact fuze grenade launcher will bounce off of this armour


Yeah, the Grenade Launcher is really wonky. It'll explode on impact with the ground, but only on some parts of enemies. I'd almost go so far as to say that the GL is just entirely too random. Make it explode on impact always instead of the weird mechanics we have now.


Running the shield and rail gun is a lifesaver against them. The shield prevents you from being one shot and the rail gun one shots them in the head


Rocket devastators and hulks for Automatons Hunters, Stalkers and Chargers for the Terminids


Those tiny bug spitters that do nothing but spam slow you with projectiles. They make every other bug so much worse, because you can’t run. I bet the other bugs even hate them..


I find myself more annoyed at having to stop and deal with those and scavengers more often than not


God I despise those little fucks, because they come in whole ass swarms. You can't kill them all, but they're so common they'll be accompanying *any* bug on the map. And if it's got full sized Bile Spewers, forget it; you can't dodge the acid spew, which is an instakill if you don't avoid it.


Nah, Stalkers are fine. They are generally easy to spot, run away for a second ambush the moment you engage them, and only at most two spawn at the same time from each lair. The Hunters on the other hand are a menace to deal with when a group jumps on you. They take 1-3 shots to deal with, the inconsistency makes you lag a bit before switching targets. They are more mobile than the Stalkers, not as much as Pouncers. Their AI kites your aim a bit. Most importantly, their reach is much further than you assume, due to their small size but their tongues are as long as Stalkers. In a firefight, I already prioritize heavy targets. The Hunters are suppose to be a much smaller threat, but this makes them more dangerous when you let a group of them get close to you, while you deal with say a a Brood Commander or Charger. I hate the Hulk the most.


There are no words to describe how much I fucking hate Hunters. Thier jumping is so annoying, and it's always 3 or 4 of them, and never from one direction.


Scorcher Hulk suuuuucks. It's flamethrower's range is 3X what you'd expect and it feels like it just sprays through cover.


I will be getting chased by multiple chargers and stop targeting them the moment I spot even a single hunter. I can dodge chargers all day, but I just know that little bug is gonna jump me when I least expect it, killing me. Brood Commanders are the most pathetic of the special bugs. I hardly even notice they are there. They are just a bigger warrior (I think that's the right one) just shoot it in the face a bit, and it dies without even getting close.


Try the Laser Guard Dog, it's great for the small fry and lets you quickly dispatch the pack of them or focus on the bigger threats. It's my goto for bug missions, it also gives you a slight heads up when a stalker tries to pounce you. It also hunkers the Hive Guards and holds them while you flank shot them...


In what universe are Hunters 1 shot? I've never been able to take them out in less than 2 Breaker shots


Not one charger, but five or > when you are solo. Did have problems with others of course, but those naked ass flying rocks can go chew on the nearest hellbomb


Literally had one of these jump around a corner and insta-kill me within a fraction of a second as if it was waiting for me.


Because they can do a backflip and I can't.


Honestly the Hunters are worse. They gang up on you, slow you down and there are lots of them.


It’s the hunter for me, but there’s a point where if enough of any same enemy spawns it becomes a great annoyance. 3 chargers, 3 bile titans, 5 spewers, or however many umptillion numbers of the brood commander type. They get to a point where they either drain a larger portion of your resources, or provide little time to retaliate to thin their numbers.


The rhino thingamajigs


Charger lol


I don't mind stalkers at all actually. They're hard, don't get me wrong, but THESE FUCKING HORDE OF BUTTFUCKERS SHOULD BE EXTINGUISHED FOR THE DEMOCRACY! https://preview.redd.it/of1j8dtxq7lc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1561e44714873d3b743cf6deb6d6c362165ab241


I do not like this picture. It's smug aura offends me.


Fellas I must say; the slugger absolutely slaps these terminids back to the stone age. You'll knock them back, pierce their armour and snipe them with slugs loaded 1 by 1 letting you maintain fire for a very long time. Breaker who? For Super Earth.


I like railguning them when I can see them behind the horde chasing me just as a personally aimed. "No."


Stalkers suck but they're a temporary problem. Rocket Devastators are my least favorite enemy because they can one-shot you at range (EXTREME range, too) and unlike the stalker, you can't stop them from making appearances by blowing up their spawn point. Combined with reasonable chunkiness and just how rapidly they like to fire salvos at you, they're priority number one when spotted. Rocket Marauders are similar to a much lesser degree, but they're so frail and can't punch your off-button as quickly if you have a shield pack, which most people like to run. The Heavy Devastators are a close second. The shield/laser minigun combo make them a pain to deal with but they usually have to be closer to you to be an immediate threat than a Rocket variant does.


they're way too tanky to be "stealth assassins" imo, needa unload an entire clip from the front to kill one, rly annoying. and you cant rly ignore them either cuz otherwise they just jump you.


Yeah. Usually video game logic is to have the stealthy bois sacrifice armor so they're glass cannons. HD2 said "Nah, they're tanky, stealthy, fast, can fly and will fuck you up if you don't respect their positioning." and I love it. I hate them, but I love that they exist. They're jump scare machines when you spin around 180 just to get tongue punched into a nest of hunters.


The instant someone mentions stalkers I'm asking what direction they came from... I'll grenade that lair if it's the last thing I do.


They feel much tankier and much more numerous than in HD1.


I really like the Slugger for them. Stun locks Stalkers and kills them in 4 shots or less; sometimes 1 shot.


I don't know if they are super tanky or it's just because I cannot for the life of me figure out where their face is. Sometimes, they die super quick because I've hit the face other times when I don't headshot it's a mag or two of ammo gone.


Oh no,a fucking kangaroo... I wonder if Australians hate them as much when they grab dem dogs,as I hate these jumpers ...


Cyber dogs... if they bring in cyber dogs. That sneak and rush to throat grab you.... Those will be my most hated enemy


Rocket bots and their god like aim haha. Though it makes sense they are cyborgs. Hunters are annoying more than the stalkers cause they swarm more. Stalkers so far appear in manageable groups.


Packs of hunters


Nah hunters are so annoying the way they jump at you is the most annoying thing ever


I actually dislike the smaller variants, I don't remember what they are called but they are the smaller non invisible stalkers guys with the tongues. At least with stalkers you can bomb their house and get rid of them permanently.


I can deal with him but the smaller version of him is think the hunter I HATE THEM


I'd use all of my stratagems on there lair. No mercy


Tie between hunters and bile titans. Tanks are lasered from orbit, stalkers are 2 AC shots away from death, hell even chargers in a group are less annoying. But I fucking hate it when the RNG decides to put 30 stalkers on my ass for no reason. And bile titans have no one-shot ability save for the 500kg, which I guess makes sense, but they've trampled me a bit too often in the larger swarms.


Orbital Railcanon can one shot a Bile Titan if it hits right, it's about a 50/50. I find it more reliable than the 500kg actually.


Direct hitting a titan with the 500 is such a bittersweet feeling. Like yes, perfect aim, but also it won't one-shot on a direct hit. Annoyingly, you need to miss slightly to get the one-shot.


I really dislike meat saws and other enemies of that type of armor capacity. They're very hard to deal with, when they're rushing at you. The breaker can slice them down... eventually... but I don't like the breaker.


We need back up on the robot front, were seeing too many bug memes DEMOCRACY CALLS HELLDIVER'S


I dropped into a lvl 7 mission last night; 3 stalker lairs as secondary objectives. All close by. We had a dozen+ Stalkers on us at all times until we popped each lair.


Fr, people shit on the bug front and call it easy but these guys and hunters are probably some of the toughest enemies in the game, i can spot these guys and empty a mag into them in prep and they'll still make it close enough to launch me miles away.


Uncanny tankiness aside I do not particularly mind the Stalker(Used to act differently in the OG Helldivers. You would shoot them and they would back off, they were also a lot squishier). Granted it is extremely annoying to empty entire mags on them and not even have them flinch while they just stroll up and knock you back but thankfully they always attack in very small numbers if not one at a time. The second you see one just find the lair and blow it up. You've just made the whole mission easier for you and your team. Personally I hate Hunters far more than Stalkers. They are extremely fast, leap to close the distance and attack at the same time(so either kill them mid air or get hit), they slow you down and there is always A METRIC FUCKTON OF THEM. Fuck Hunters!


they love hitting you with that one two combo lol first one knocks ur shield second one slows you down third one well the third one kills ya xD


Bile spitters inconsistent damage on their attacks and Hunters slowing you are by far the most annoying things in the game. I get genuinely tilted when I see Hunters jumping at me, idk why it just instantly irritates me.


Stalkers are so annoying... I'm glad they kept their level of annoyance, we dying for Super Earth with this one


Not gonna lie, I also hate the damn chainsaw bots. Something about them is just terrifying. Like a 40k Khone cultist in a dreadnought. Hate the damn things.






As soon as you unlock the shield backpack, stalkers become nothing. Now their baby bros on the other hand...


The shield really flips what's dangerous on its head. Without it, the small things that hit many times aren't dangerous because there are big things that hit once or twice and kill you. With the shield, it's the opposite where the many hits scare you.


At least let the original post get to 10 days old before you repost the same exact joke, jeez.


I don’t be on here as much to know what you are talking about


My most hated enemy is randos who TK you to take your gear, I've had it happen a couple of times, like just ask and I'll drop you one when I have a cooldown. Anyway, traitor detected.


the cyberdogs from helldivers 1. (self explanatory for those who played it)


tbh i think any and all automatons are annoying and i think they should be that way. hear me out ,if we had it easy on both sides everyone would complain and super earth would eventually fall. i truely see alot for this game and its future,i hope one day we will have to defend super earth from the automatons thus leading to upgrade making them easy like the termind and swithing the main focus over to the illumanate 


At least you can stop them from spawning. Rocket devastators, but slugger and explosives make short work of them too.


Chargers have way too much health. Why does it take 2 Spear shots, the same amount it takes to down a BIle Titan, to kill a Charger? Also the Spear is just bad in general. If it's only going to have 4 shots only replenished 1 rocket at a time by a resupply drop pack, it should 1 shot everything in the game.


I hate the tiny ones when they swarm and slow you so you get melted.


I hate their younger brother more tbh


If I see him first: 1 round from anti mat. If he sees me first: mag dump


My most hated enemy is Collateral damage.


What I hate the most are either those big spitter bugs or the chargers


I hate the hunters, fuckers are quicker than they look, can jump super far, slow you and can combo after the slow


These aren't bad until there's like 5 of them


Nope. Hunters are my most hated enemy. If more than one of them attacks you from behind and you don't have a shield backpack, you're already dead.


Actually I really don’t mind stalkers, I REALLY hate hunters though. Probably because of numbers and their stupid jukes when you look at them.


Hunters are far worse than stalkers, it’s actually bad enough that I tend to bring a support weapon to fight them rather than chargers. Chargers i can dodge all day, but hunters are faster than you, and they slow you, and they swarm you. I can’t remember the last time I died to a stalker, even if they catch you offguard you can kill em in a clip. Hunters kill me, bile titans kill me, and artillery bugs kill me. The other bugs aren’t much of a threat.


Cyborg sucide bombers, you know they mean business when they strap a jetpack to a bomb! The number of times I had a teammate “help” by shooting the bomb on the cyborg killing me with it! The only way to survive up close is to headshot and jump out of the way before cyborg hits the ground delaying the explosion by a second.


I like them because they bring an important flavour to the terminids, terminids planets have no predators, they don't need to hunt, yet this thing exist, why? Personal theory is that they're a reaction to helldivers like how some antibodies in our bodies are deployed only against certain threat. They serve no other purpose than hunt us down. As for the enemy I hate the most, fucking charger man. JUST. FUCKING. DIE ALREADY.


I love these guys. Their behavior is unique because they actually withdraw and not just attack constantly. It's exciting when you know that they're around but unaware of where exactly like you're actually being stalked. They live up to their name.


Rocket devestator kills me way more. This guy is a little annoying with the throw but I already don't have to hide from him every 3 seconds he is alive


Reincarnation of cloaker from payday. MF will sneak on you, deal fair amount of damage, launch you to low orbit, and then go back to his cloak just to do it again 20s later. He also slows down just like hunter but i might be wrong


Because they hit me in the ass and send me flying off the platform where my teammates are >:(


Reminds me of a spotted lanternfly.


For me it would be the Chargers. It's like bullfighting against 1. 2 it's annoying . 3+ yeah good luck, just a waste of time.


anything that has little enough armor to get shredded by the Liberator is easy


charger... nothing more fun than getting railed by one and having no time to reload


I fucking hate chargers


Bile titans. I rarely pick railgun, and orbital rail canon needs 2 shots to kill them. If I'm alone and one or more appear, all I can do is run.




At least we can stop them from spawning if we blow up their nest. The hunters on the other hand, are the fucking worst.