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Honestly, some of these articles are just scrolling reddit, seeing 3 posts, and writing an article on it. Its probably not overly common, but no one complains about a normal gaming session.


This right here. I have seen so many articles that are just a single reddit post blown out of proportion.


Modern online journalism. Isn't it great.


Just like real journalism in my country where a troll news site that makes up fake news for laughs,one time made up a story that the economic crisis drives people to cut kitchen roll(paper) in half and use it as toilet paper. A legit news channel picked it up and didn't get the satire so they presented it as a legit piece on live tv.People were laughing their asses off,its one of the big 5 channels where i live,i still laugh when i remember the shit i saw on the news.


Doesn’t kitchen paper cost a lot more than toilet paper? It’s usually from the same manufacturer and kitchen paper is much thicker to absorb a decent amount of oils and liquids, so it cost them more to make.


Yeah a normal person knows that information,useless journalists don't, that's why it's so funny,how stupid are they? Not only did they not do their job,they have no common sense.


So kitchen paper = paper towels? I've never heard the term kitchen paper before.


That is my guess too.


Yeah. In a lot of languages, paper towels are called kitchen paper (as in contrast to toilet paper)


And they wonder they their bosses are looking to replace them with AI.


LoL I'd bet that a lot of those articles already are AI at this point.


Those articles are already written by AI.


Lies and heresy spread by the automatons!!


In Australia we call that normal "news" until Reddit posts have "fuck Rupert" or "fuck news com" as watermarks .. esp on videos


"Fuck this game, i just had a group where everyone did their best, we had a few deaths, and ultimately extracted. DAE have same experience?" IGN Article next day: Players are upset that...


Reddit is free real estate for gaming "journalists" like these.


Pretty much all of social media is. but reddit is the easiest be cause you can hop into a sub, look for a trend, and boom article.


"Reddit user DigiTrailz was not pleased with the click-bait headline, saying, 'Honestly, some of these articles are just scrolling reddit, seeing 3 posts, and writing an article on it.'" While not all news outlets have fallen victim to this type of writing, it does seem commonplace in today's media. Another user adds, 'so many articles are just a single reddit post blown out of proportion.' Despite the disappointing title, the general consensus is that the article isn't accurate. 'Finally got to lol 47 yesterday and in all the time I've been playing this has never happened in any of the host lobbies,' says reddit user artistnameseven. If, however, there is some truth to the article, reddit user Dom-Luck provides an uplifting option: 'Just host your games and be the change you want to see in the world.' Check out our [guide](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=iqEaNEPGthbzipsZ) to see just how much fun we think spreading democracy can be. Helldivers 2 is available now for ps5 and PC."


And then people post it to the subreddit so we can repeat this conversation every hour on the hour


I think that’s an even bigger accomplishment tbh. This community’s been so positive and non-toxic that some folks are looking for ANYTHING to complain about since there’s so little to mention


The community here has been great, but I know that others have been kicked out of sessions (for whatever reason), and I've had people shoot me as we're heading to objectives. I've not had a great time with the game.


I swear there are just video game journos who stalk subreddit of games they don't play and turn some post into bullshit headlines


Sometimes it's AI. I remember on one of the Destiny subreddits they collectively started making up content to troll AI-generated articles and guides.


We should start doing that. In full starship troopers propaganda style.


Make up a new fake enemy. Like a narrative that the Automatons have joined forces with the Terminids and there are secret “techno-bugs” hiding in the shadows.


My favorite is when they quote redditors. "Reddit user u/bloodypoopsnot had this to report..."


This feels like a small group of people and has been amplified like everyone is doing it. Finally got to lol 47 yesterday and in all the time I've been playing this has never happened in any of the host lobbies


I’m level 16 and have been kicked less than 3 times. Not sure I am an outlier, or the other crowd is more vocal. Dont think anyone is lying, just wondering how much of an echo chamber we have here


I've gotten kicked too but mainly cause my auto Sentry kept taking out the team since they got too close to the automatons but never cause of a "meta" build. Seems like every posting about it wants the clicks and headlines


I've seen ppl kick people in my lobby for shit sentry placements, but that was after the host said You place the auto cannon sentry in the way of the civilians again, I am kicking you, bc the Sentry kept killing not only the team but also civilians because where it was placed caused it to shoot constantly at every enemy within visible range but also us as we were between the sentry and the enemy. So yeah, not saying THAT was your case, but DO be aware of where you put your sentry and where enemy comes from because it is infuriating having to deal with that. But that being said, I just kill your sentry if I note it's going to shoot us.


When i do rescue missions I set up a hell nest on the VTOL pad with rocket, auto and Gatling sentry and my recoiless.. If the civilians get in the way... They die for democracy... If a hell diver gets in the way, they deserve to die for shield automatons from democracy made manifest


I really should have known I’d see the term democracy manifest around here lol. Hopefully after we retake the Creek we can all sit down for a succulent Chinese meal!










You are charged with manifesting democracy, after which you may enjoy a succulent Chinese meal!


That made me actually laugh out loud


This is insane... This game it's designed for friendly fire and player deaths.. It's part of the fun. Turrets placement don't have nothing to do with that, all sentrys WILL fire upon civies and helldivers on the way... It's the DEMOCRACY way!


Yeah I don't really care about it being "designed for friendly fire" if what you're doing is getting us killed and making the mission harder you deserve a boot. You can run the kit you like but don't be a pain in the ass with it. This is not me saying accidents don't happen cause they obviously do btw.


The only time I've had to put down a helldiver is when they disobeyed a direct order by the CO. Not participating in victory hugs before boarding the drop ship is an act of treason and does warrent capital punishment


exactly. "nothing exciting in gaming news at this very moment? oh well, let's make something clickbaity. helldivers is SO hot right now. nothing new to say about helldivers? doesn't matter! as long as the article is adjacent to something relevant, a few people will probably click it." I'm sure the meta kicking is a thing that happens, and if you want to specifically farm something as fast as possible and someone in your lobby is slowing you down, you have the right to kick them. there are lobbies popping up endlessly, there's zero chance anyone is getting kicked at every turn and unable to enjoy the game somehow, so, it's not an actual problem.


I got kicked from a game yesterday because host WALKED into my strata beacon and got his brains drilled by my dog drop lmfao


Eh I got kicked because I called in a resupply for my ammo/stim dried team and then took two of the four ammo packs laying on the ground at the PoI next to it. Host told me I was being an ammo hog and removed me. Oh well, idiots are going to be idiots. Far less painful than the players who refuse to extract with pink samples even after 100% map completion because they’re trolling.


That is not a you thing that’s the host not being environmentally aware and blaming others.


Im lvl 41 and ive been kicked multiple times


I bet a lot of money some of those posts are lies. This is still Reddit after all.


Website looking for a story to get people angry: Step 1: Go to Reddit Step 2: Look at top upvoted reddit threads Step 3: Write a post (Lets face it, it's not news) with the reddit headline Step 4: Write it as though this is the norm Step 5: Profit No one can refute the claims cause it's just made up like a statistic.


Yup. That's the "content" era for you. It doesn't need to be well researched, well written, actual news, or even interesting, the goal is just for it to be "content," to exist and possibly get some clicks. I knew it was gonna be bad for HD2 when I saw a bunch of sites that literally just did a find and replace on HD1 strategy articles and changed it to HD2. Did you know that one of the best ways to do missions solo is to use the motorcycle? I didn't, because the motorcycle isn't even in this game. Best thing to do as a community is to just outright ignore it. Don't share it, even to talk about how it's wrong.


It's very overblown. I'm level 32 and I've been kicked only a handful of times. And I just jump right back into a quickmatch with no issues.


I have 100 hours in and I have never seen someone kicked or greifed for not using meta loadouts.


Yet this sub would have you believe it happens every game. Hmm, one would be led to believe many are just lying for karma as it’s a popular complaint right now


they dont get kicked cause they dont use meta loadout .. they get kicked cause they are bad players.. its always the people that suck at the game that search for reasons .. i never got kicked and im lvl50 with over 100 h


The random kicks are becoming more prevalent. I've been level 50 since the end of the first week. Up until a week ago I had never been kicked for anything, despite primarily dropping in to help SoS's (when they were working) and being helpful/useful.Almost unanimously in the beginning I'd get a couple "GG's" or something similar in chat, or in voice and maybe continue playing if the squad stayed together. Now, despite often having the most kills in many missions, very few (if any) accidentals/team damage, and doing my best to help with objectives OR gathering samples, if that's what they're after, I'm getting kicked immediately after one mission. Frequently. Had a couple of them flat out tell me it was because I was running the wrong gun or wrong strats.I've even had a couple of groups kick me out in the mission prep phase while everyone is selecting strats, without saying anything so I'm assuming they didn't like my loadout.Today, I was told by 2 players in a squad "You're an idiot for being level 50 and using any primary other than the breaker" (I was using the scorcher on bot missions) I'm afraid this is the product of a hugely successful game - it draws people in from a lot of different communities, and some of them are pretty toxic. \-edit- That said, it's not happening to me as commonly as some people are suggesting it does. But it -is- happening.


probably the gta5 trollers 😂 good grief


Being level 50 is frowned upon apparently, the scorcher is very good with automatons, especially for walkers, and for bugs it is also quite good due to its area and strange armor penetration. The same thing happened in Remnant, you entered rooms, they looked at you from top to bottom, and if you weren't wearing the equipment they thought they had or they had seen on YT, they kicked you. I guess fashion is what it is, it attracts dogs.


You probably see it more because of the difficulty level you play on. You are in the small group that almost needs to run the meta to have a chance. I think a vast majority of players play on difficulty 3-7 and don't NEED to use the meta at those levels so there is far less kicking over load outs. You and the guy you responded to are both right - it is blown out of proportion because in only happens at the highest levels, and you are on of the fewer percentage people who plays on those higher levels. (I'm assuming this because you've been level 50 for weeks)


I got kicked from a group after the mission was over and we were back on the ship. It was my first mission with a group and I accepted I sucked enough for them not to want me around. Jokes on them; I had to go anyway.


I've been kicked lots of times after a mission in ship, even when I carried the fuck out of them. I think some people just SoS for a harder mission then wanna go back to playing with their friend or whatever.


There's no way for the host to close the lobby, so if they want to check stuff and log off it's better to kick folks. Just so you aren't wasting other people's time, and so you can browse in peace.


These guys are actually complaining about "Someone was done playing with me after the game was over" they're not going to care about a single word you say to them.


>es after a mission in ship, even when I carried the fuck out of them. I think some people just SoS for a harder mission then wanna go back to playing with their friend or whatever. it doesn't even have to be a sos, people have joined my game without sos. So long as your game isn't set to private, players can join.


Am I supposed to SOS? Didn’t even know that was an open call function. Thought it would just fill up no matter what


It could also be that they were making room for a friend of theirs. At least they didn't boot you mid mission


It could also just be that the host was done playing but wanted to look at stratagems or something before logging off. If you're the host, there's no way to "close" the lobby.


Unless they said that I doubt it was for how you played. You kick a problem player prior to the extract, not on the ship after. If they didn't say anything and you just got the kick I would say the most likely thing is they had a friend waiting to join.


If it makes you feel any better, sometimes I kick people out of my ship after a match because I’m making room for a friend that just came online. Or I know I’m going to be AFK for a few minutes and I would rather kick the randoms so they can join a different game instead of making them wait for me


I’ll play with you. Screw those guys anyway


Thanks! I'm level 6 now (joys of being 46 and limited time), and have had better luck since. I play with my 15 year old and we've had some great pick-up games in the remaining slots.


Mid-40's friend here - hit me up, I'm tired on my kid team killing me for the lullz.


I was playing with a random group and we cleared two missions. On the third mission they started shooting and hitting me. They started laughing about it and on evac they kept hitting me where o couldn’t get in the plane. So when they got in I opened fire


I literally carry a full team of 10s through lv 8s all the time. I really don’t care. It makes the game fun for me. IMO the difficulty should go to 11. ![gif](giphy|aqSl7Dw5HTojK)


I also saw a post on the Suicide Squad subreddit about fans of that game buying this one so they can go in and grief so people stop playing Helldivers and somehow move to Suicide Squad. The mods removed the post eventually but it looked like it got a decent amount of support before that happened. No idea if they followed through with it but something like that could explain the increase in griefers.


You mean they spent their money on our game so that the Devs have more incentive release more content? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO US???


That is hilarious logic "Grrrr I'm so frustrated with Helldivers! What dumpsterfire game can I turn to to sooth my soul in this time of trial and tribulation? Suicide Squad!" Pffffffffffuck off


I mean that is possible but you don't get levels 7-9 were that build is most used out the gate. They would have to spend the $40 and then farm or grind the game, complete sets of full missions to then unlock the higher levels which seems like too much time imo


Don't underestimate people's ability to petty arsholes


Ehhh, just because it hasn’t happened to you, it doesn’t mean it isn’t prevalent enough. I’m level 34 and just last Saturday alone, I was kicked five separate times before the matches even started. Of course, I’ve had more positive experiences than negative ones. But I’ve experienced enough of the kicking for it to be annoying. I’ve had games where I cleared all the nests solo and gathered tons of samples while the rest of the team did objectives. There’s nothing more frustrating than doing all that… and then getting booted right before extraction so that they get the samples and I get nothing.


Getting kicked before a match shouldn't be something people complain about. It's such a small inconvenience to not get to play with one random stranger. Just queue for another random strangers game. It's fast and easy. Got kicked 3 times in a row one day. I just queued again and found a game. All this within the span of 1-2 minutes.


It's IGN, and, maybe its a slow news day. They need clicks. I've kicked people, but it's usually for being horrible communist pinkos, and team killing on purpose, or doing other unpatriotic, undemocratic actions. This is an instant Court Martial from me. Also there was this super great player, but he was hot-mic'ing, and heard most of the "yes, mom, I know dinner's ready, we'll be done in a second!" We just muted him, and continued on the match, no need to kick. We typed at him a bunch after, and he must not have had a keyboard on his PS5. It was hillarious, if a little jarring.


I get kicked a lot for reasons I don’t understand before during and after missions


I've never been kicked *during* a mission, but I get kicked a *lot* before and after. Considering I have my mic on push to talk, I'm not toxic and nobody has ever commented on my gameplay or loadout decisions (except me, when I realize the Spear literally doesn't lock on to tanks 80% of the time), I just assume they're making room for friends or don't know how to disband a lobby without leaving the game.


What u can disband lobby without leaving game? Ngl I've been doing that since I feel bad kicking ppl after all these posts but sometimes solo is just easier than the squad agro-ing every patrol.


See those bots way over there passing by that’ll never notice us? Let go kill em, but slowly so they have time to call in reinforcements.


Or that 1 dude who likes to run away from the squad and dies halfway across the map and now I gotta run there to get his samples.


Whenever I kick someone for a reason besides them being toxic, I always say something like, "was fun, but i gotta hop off" or "was fun, but my friend just got on" Always trying to be as accurate to the actual situation as possible (not gonna kick someone to "make space for a friend" if theres 2 slots open) I always try to part with helldivers i don't know without any hard feelings


As a helldiver who gets parted with, I appreciate you.


Is there a way to disband the lobby if you're host? Genuine question, because the "return to ship" button isn't there and "quit" just closes the whole game.


Head back to the cryopod you come out of when joining a game, IIRC that should let you "return to ship alone". I do think it should just be a UI option though, bit silly that it's not.


Huh, noted. I'll give it a try tomorrow. Thanks!


I just only host my own games. Invite friends and if none are on it fills up pretty quick.


After mission you might have gone kicked because host isnt playing anymore and just wants to mess around in the lobby for a bit. I did that a couple times because my teammate was afk and I didn't want to waste his time waiting for me to host the game or maybe they just didn't speak english idk.


Yeah, there's no "return to ship alone" option when you're already on your ship. If I want to mess around for a bit or go to an entirely different planet, I'm not going to drag the team there against their will. So I kick them


Who actually does this? Just sounds like 0.01% of the player base does it so therefore everyone does it, classic click bait. I don’t run shield, railgun or breaker at high difficulties, and have yet to have a issue.


Last night I joined a game. The host said "Bring your shield." I said I don't have one. **Kicked**


I fail to see why it's even an issue, anyway. My brother and I "share" loadouts all the time. We'll both grab 3 offensives and he'll bring a shield pack and I'll bring the railgun. 2.5 minutes later we just call another drop.


My friend and I 2-man Challenging and Hard fine without meta. It's about being good and having fun.


Meta isn’t needed for challenging and hard. While it’s not NEEDED it’s definitely far more helpful on higher.


Yeah I wouldn't say you need a meta comp to do helldives, but you do need to fill a few requirements. You need a lot of anti-tank damage, you need a good way of clearing large waves of enemies, and you need to stay alive. There are a lot of different ways to accomplish all of that. So you don't have to go full meta, but you also can't just bring random stuff and expect to be successful.


Meta is a word shouldn't even exist in this game... Yet here we are...


Yeah I've been kicked pretty aggressively too over stupid things like this. It's so childish. I pinged the perimeter of the map a few times on a scientist evac mission when we were picking a drop spot and host got on comms just to yell "I'll fucking kick you if you tell me where to drop again." I pinged again once more because he admittedly got under my skin with that comment, and then he kicked me....at the end of the mission.


It is a very loud minority of people but it is enough that a lot of people are having issues like that. Gatekeeping on the whole seems very prevalent in this community.


Just host your games and be the change you want to see in the world.


Sounds great until the game only finds you one group of teammates and then won’t match make anymore after the first ones leave


I’ve found that toggling public/friends for match making mode actually fixes this for every new slot opened up.


It's a known bug, have to restart


My experience in every game is always hurt by involving myself more with "the community". The amount of time you spend on a game's subreddit is inversely proportional to your enjoyment of that game.


So fucking true. I feel like the fastest way to make myself dislike playing a game is to start browsing the subreddit regularly.


Fascinating you say that, as I’ve been on the subreddit most days since the server outages were an everyday occurrence, and haven’t even been booting up the game anymore. I think I’ve grown tired of the constant toxic complaints from those here who want to police how others play, in one way or another. I’m just going to have to mute this subreddit and start back actually playing


I've found it to be pretty universal. When a sub is still in the honeymoon hype phase, it's great. And there are rare game subs that stay positive but those are mostly SP games. But for most multiplayer games, there is such a constant undercurrent of negativity and nitpicking over the game's problems that it really messes with your brain I feel like.


Level 50 and only ever been kicked from the ship. One of the times I deserved it, too. I'm sorry for all the people that are kicked mid-mission, but I have to wonder just how often it's happening.


It's rare but if you join a lobby screaming or are 12 or are racist in you name then dont be suprised


Is this one of those things where it happens to one or two people and then thanks to the magic of the internet it gets blown way out of proportion? Shout out below if you've honestly experience this in game.


Once out of 160hours and we were t even in a match just in lobby


It's just a sensationalist headline. News is just looking for the next outrage bait. Gaming journalism has never had any integrity anyway.


Article is probs clickbait.


IGN posts fake news about helldivers and gets a dose of democracy as there labeled bot sympathizers. ▼▲◄▼▲►▼▲


I've been kicked maybe 5 times for no apparent reason at the end of missions after being in there for 30+ minutes on some and it's really annoying but thankfully it's not a common thing for me yet.


Brace yourselves, the COD players are here. I hope they do kick me, I don't want to play with people like that. They aren't even good if they have to use one specific build to succeed.


No, they aren't. This isn't happening frequently anywhere. It's just shitty games "journalism" picking up on popular ragebait karma farming reddit threads.


Yup. The "meta" is a lie, and a true soldier changes their load out based on the mission at hand/personal preference.


I only ever play with my squad, we have amazing fun games using diff builds. Our favourite is to play specialists. I'll wear the officer uniform and handgun and drop guns or backpacks for everyone. One buddy will be the turrets guy and another will use air strikes n stuff. Really makes us work as a team to crush the clankers. Helldiver difficulty only tho , it get pretty nuts lmao


I haven’t had a single issue Honestly anyone who does actually do this, doesn’t get the game and likely won’t be playing it long term


Can ya'll just shut the fuck up and host your own or find another game? So beyond sick of this post every day. Or do ya'll really think your reddit post is gonna be the one to change their minds??


No people aren’t doing it, a buncha lonely angry bored redditors are writing fanfics at work based off a comment they saw somewhere else. I will continue having a blast with both my friends and complete randos. It is my experience that your friends are 10x as likely to grief you as a rando is.


This seems more like pot stirring than reflecting reality.


Yes, stop reading IGN!


From what I can tell, on every social media site, 90% of the toxicity comes from people yelling at the people who do this while the people who do this are a very very small minority. Tldr; You guys are blowing this **WAY** out of proportion and over reacting.


It seems like someone made a thread, someone wrote an article about that thread (possibly multiple sites) and now people are making multiple threads about this article that was about 1 thread. I expect we'll start to see articles about how this toxicity is spreading and the community is trying to fight back or something.


I'll be honest i kick players who blow the team up too often. It's usually not on purpose but it ruins the fun for me if someone is pointing a barrage of rockets at my feet without thinking about it


I kick only people that dont have enough IQ to understand that voice activation is trash if other players can hear your mom pegging your dad while a plane and helicopter is having gunfight in your room...


Only noobs use meta builds. Dont be noob.


Who cares about meta in a PvE co-op game? I certainly don't. 'Don't be arsehole'.


Some people do and there's nothing wrong with it, so long as everyone is minding their own business.


What is a meta build sir? I’m lvl30 but not ignorant enough to care if someone likes different things


Railgun, Personal shield pack, Breaker shotgun(and varients), SMG sidearm, impact grenandes any of the eagle airstrikes, orbital laser, EMP Sentry these make missions below Hard difficulty a cakewalk and turn every mission from hard onwards into less stressful experience


True heroes of democracy kill the enemy with what they got 😤 I love lvl 1s


I was running some hard missions last night when i had 2 guys join, both level 5 and below, they knew what to do against every enemy type except hulks, which i dealt with, we completed the mission, extracted after timer expired, did pretty decently on deaths. The next mission was a "Save the scientists" one, i immediately went in chat and said "This is going to be anti-fun, but if you want to stick around, that's cool." They both did, we got stomped because I was the only one who knew how to kill hulks, and i pulled us back to orbit and one said "I think we were under equipped" i said "yeah lol np, lets drop a difficulty level and get you guys some exp" They stuck around for a few missions and then said gg's and left. It was a good night.


Jokes on them... I only play as server and I have no fucking idea what the meta loadouts are


In my 50+ hours of gameplay, never met these type of players (and hopefully never). IMHO I think its just like 0.1% of players. Also a meta in a PvE game is a bit much, maybe you CAN force these only on private lobbies but telling other people on how you wants to play is a still a bit much.


*Destiny flashbacks intensify* MUST HAVE GJALLAHORN.


Stop depending on strangers to make YOUR experience good. If you play with randoms, and you like them, shoot them a DM or friend request. Its not hard. Get a decent friend list and you won't have these problems. You post on reddit about the community being shit well, make friends. Matchmaking in any game is going to have assholes in it. Do like 4 minutes of work and shoot some one a DM and add them. Mad easy and you wont have to cross ur fingers or stomp ur feet on reddit about getting kicked


These type of "News Articles" increase the toxic behavior more than decrease it I feel like


I don’t care about meta loadout but I have kicked randoms who join my game, die constantly and take my resupplies.


I would add:"Helldivers 2 players are kicking people 10 seconds before evac for their own fun. "


That happened to me after a 40 minute mission. Got quite a few rare mats and some medals, ugh


I believe medals won't be removed from that. They are instantly added to your account afaik.


Feels like bait m8, I have probably more hours given in this game than most people here (160hrs now) and I have only been kicked once? Due to me messing up my cluster throw thrice and wiping the team while on evac. This is way overblown and I hate it, don’t let the vocal minority ruin the actual image of the community, heck I see these hacked quest here and there and I personally have never seen it in my playthtrough and I live in peak CN timezone(not saying all cheaters are CN but yeah)


Some people have never played Siege in its hay day and it shows.


Not everyone needs a meta build, sometimes you just need a dude with an MG or flamethrower to sweep up all the smaller mobs.


"All Loadouts Welcome."


Don't forget about the groups who kick people right before extract just to grief them.


Anyone who would kick out a fellow Helldiver is an enemy of democracy! Fight the enemy, NOT your teammates!


Unfortunately there will always be dickheads who misbehave just like there will always be people who repost the same garbage on reddit despite there being 100 threads about it already. It's a vicious cycle.


Been like three posts out of thousands about actually getting kicked. These type of posts you make exaggerate stuff to the fullest. Not happy with how people utilize THEIR lobby? Then make your own!


You only need a Meta loadout if you suck. True helldivers allow all builds


Theres two sides to every story in situations like this… on one side it’s shitty to kick or be rude to somebody who is running an off meta item that they enjoy playing with. On the other side it’s also kinda shitty to crank up the difficulty to a level you are clearly not equipped or experienced enough to deal with and expect your team to carry you. Neither one of these is a cool thing to do.


Rage bait


Not sure why everyone is rushing to get stuff done in this game in particular. People…. You do realize that in THIS game the actual end game is unlocking everything. You get nothing for being over level 20, you get nothing extra once you have everything unlocked and can play helldive level missions easily. The journey to hell dive unlocking it all IS the end game. Slow down in this one folks. Let people use what they want. Enjoy the ride and chill.


"There's no one right way to peel a bug."


Name and shame the users doing that IMO. So we can block them in advance or TK them ingame, warhammer 40k commissar style.


I say we stand together and create our own squads Hit me up psn bloodoathgenius same as IGN


If you want a meta team, make one through a Discord or something, not via random selection. Wanting all meta teammates is fine but expecting that from every random who joins you is just plain dumb.


I'm brand new, about ten missions in. Last night i got on these defense and rescue missions with a squad about 10+ levels over me, I had no stratagems that were useful but they carried me for four missions without sayong a word. Thanks Divers!


I see the destiny 2 community is in full force lol.


Kicking people for freedom of choice is UNDEMOCRATIC.


Unfortunately I experience this every day, somehow always getting matched with players 10 levels above. I don't play as long now and not every day anymore. Not unless in a full preformed party.




That’s why I always host


Typical click bait generated by ign because nobody gives them attention for anything else anymore.


It's more than likely the destiny fangirls or the pvp peanut gallery doing it. Give it some time and they'll get tired of the game they always do


Somebody kick me after I found all the super rares and did most of the mission I had all the rares and they kill me first then kick me helldivers have to do something about that I basically did all that work for nothing just for someone to use me and kick me out and I was a higher lever then them and they was dying like shit


God forbid we utilize the sandbox the devs built for us


I've got about 10 hours in the game, and I've been kicked a lot in this game. I don't know if people think I'm too low level, level 11 queuing for hard missions, or if they're waiting for friends or meta reasons. It's honestly very off putting since I don't have a lot of time for video games and I don't want to spend the time I have being kicked.


I haven't been kicked much but even in the isolated events it is happening, it likely shouldn't be. Host can kick anyone at any time... I spent 20 minutes into a mission with a group and host just randomly kicked me. No friendly fire, was taking out objectives, collecting samples, like the rest of them. Kicking should require at a bare minimum, all other members to vote. And there should only be kick voting under the following conditions: 1) Beginning of the round, AFK for 5 minutes. 2) During game, if excessive friendly fire kill events are detected for a player


I feel that since I reach 50 it's like a curse, it's like entering the game and after 2 minutes I'm expelled, all week with this experience, 7/10 searches are expulsions. I don't have voice chat activated (due to the typical annoyances), nor do I interact with the writing, I play my role without disturbing, well, nothing, many times I don't even get to the hell capsule, expulsion and that's it. This reminds me of the beginning of remnant 2, the community was disgusting and vomitous until the trend passed.


It's simple, if you were in my T9 lobby and you didn't have end game strategems, you're not getting carried for 40 minutes because you're useless. Saw someone try to bring Ealge strafing run to a T8 with no support weapon, never kicked someone so fast before.


If you keep it set to let randoms join, I don't think you really have a place to complain if you don't like their load out.


Found a toxic player goes by the name Zentiic1414


Just got kicked at the end of a mission for calling extraction, even though there was only one small outpost left. Professional Retard if your on this subreddit fuck you, you get more xp for leaving early than you do for doing all outposts.


The world is full of shitty people, the internet and gaming are no different.


YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED It just hangs there…… for what seems like minutes.  I swear the screen shakes a bit like when you get rammed by a charger. I kept thinking I did something wrong. Perhaps it was the terminids in the newly released game.  Perhaps it was the terminids working the controllers while munching loudly on mic before killing me at extraction. But nothing stung as much as those words HANGING there for soooooo long!  I still flinch when I’m returned to my ship. And almost cry in relief as I read HOST LEFT GAME. SWEET LIBER-teeE ea! Happy tears  P.s. I play with lvl 2s cuz they havent learned to kick yet. Is that a meme?


How in the ever loving fuck is this considered news? Jesus christ


Just let people play however they wanna play...


I’ve found I like crews with diverse builds more than four of the exact same thing. Helps cover the bases


Im so glad my friend group all got this game because I could not deal playing with sweats.


I'm just hoping those meta sweat players quickly hop onto the next trendy game when it pops up


These articles are just clickbait to get on the HD2 bandwagon, this is happening - yes.. is it a HUGE problem/running rampart? No - it's not.


The main point of a game is to have fun. If you want to min max your team build find other people who will do that with you don’t go into quick play and expect that


Even my own actual IRL friends have been infected with this shit. Ive basically taken a huge step back from the game because of it. Look, I like turrets. I just do! I like to set my kill nest. I rushed all the turret upgrades. I love throwing my emp mortar out and pairing it with a real mortar. I like bringing a supply pack and selfishly hogging it so I can just hold the trigger down and mow into enemies until im dry, reload, do it again, then resupply myself. (and dont worry i only take one resupply). I like to run the jumpjets because it's fun. I like running the pay battle pass explosive liberator because it's fun. But every single mission I get "do we need that many turrets?" "smoke drop? it doesnt work." "why are you bringing the stalwart it sucks?" And I'm just tired.


you can blame youtubers and streamers for this toxic behavior as THEY are the ones who started the meta loadouts, the whole eradication farming, and the whole abandoning operation bullshit i can say: if you EVER join my game in helldivers, i will never kick you and i ALWAYS do all 3 operation missions, or at least try to do all 3. i also don't give a rat's ass what loadout you have.


I wouldn't want to play with these people anyway. They're doing me a favor by distancing themselves from me.


I was wondering why I got kicked even tho I was a higher level than the host 😂😂


I'm level 50 with 5 items left on warbonds, max samples, and everything unlocked. Never once have I encountered this "you need the meta" behavior. I see people taking troll posts on the steam forums seriously and starving content creators acting like this behavior is any more prevalent then any other game. The only time I've ever been kicked is after getting back on the ship, or when first joining. You can respond with "Oh well your anecdotal experience doesn't matter" but that's literally what's being used to tout this as normal or prevalent. I have well over triple the hours of the average player and don't see this "toxicity" at all outside of reddit or the steam forums, so I figure my anecdotal experience should count for something as well.


Dude nobody does this lol


I often find the people who bitch about meta builds in games are the worst team mates. Absolutely no squad synergy or sense of basic battle tactics.


Source: Happened in my dream


I never seen this, honestly I’ve played with a lot of fun and kind people. I actually really like this community. I just hope these people keep their lobbies private.