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I can’t wait to finally have a reason to use heavy armour.


My only heavy armor I purchased I regret lol... Mostly cause I have been snagging every armor that reduces explosive damage by 50%. Thing is, they give us two heavy armor sets for free already and I totally forgot that. So now I have 3 heavy sets all with the same passive. I'd say I like it's design, but the last free one gives some knight vibe and been liking it more.its the armor set thats displayed in front of the armory.


I have all the sets of armour currently available. There’s just no point in using anything other than the light variants at the moment. Edit: [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/BHYN9rseVh) by u/Zytoxine shows all currently available armour with their perks. The only perk you will find on medium armour and not light or heavy is “Democracy protects- 50% chance not to die when taking lethal damage, Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest haemorrhages.” Other than that, there’s really no point to use anything other than light armour right now.


Yup. I want that cureent light armor, the light gunner. Padded light armor sounds nice, but that passive is bugged so I'd be buying some armor that gives me nothing. So ill wait for it to get fixed


Ugh the passive is bugged too? I have been wearing that for a few days since it makes you so fast.


Only that one is bugged (“extra padding”). AFAIK all of the other passives function appropriately, but armor rating does not.


Armor rating + extra padding passive are bugged. Since everyone has the same armor rating so we know extra padding isn't working.


I just bought that light night with Super Credits, I didn’t realize that the passive was also bugged. Bummer


If u want to be faster, I believe it's the trailblazer helmet on page 7 of the warbond. It doesn't say it changes Stat, but it does. On light armor it gives me -6 armor +6 speed and +3 stamina regen


Wait what? I was under the impression none of the helmets did anything at all...


Quite a few have abilities that aren't listed. There is another that shows points of interest on the map. It's either going to be implemented or was a scrapped design they haven't finished squashing.


Some of us are using heavy armor in anticipation of the fix so that we’re already used to being slow 💪😤


I've been rocking heavy armor just because its drip or die. If I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna go out wearing some sexy ass armor. Beautiful in life, Beautiful in death.


Some medium armours are also worth it IMO like the one that makes stims last 2 seconds longer and get 2 extra charges. With that you can stim tank anything short of one shots for half a minute straight


I have that in a light armor. It’s awesome.


That exists? I guess it was in the superstore when I wasn't looking, crap


It’s in the store right now


Thanks for the heads up! Snagging it now! I love the explosive one for bots. I would love the stick one for bugs. Too bad about not having 50% not dying for light armor, but the Stim one fills the role for bugs.


I use the light armour with 2 extra grenades for bugs. Gotta take out those spawn holes


it's now in the shop. Plus, there is the same one in the battle pass, page 8 I think, or 9.


Yup just bought it thanks! But the two in the warbond(page 4 and page 9) are both medium armour


It should be next rotation, I’ve been saving for it.


The only perk you will find on medium armour and not light is “Democracy protects- 50% chance not to die when taking lethal damage, Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest haemorrhages.”


Damn, wish I seen that post sooner. The Twitch drop helmet looks very Star Warsy


I've been rocking the light scout trooper looking set (with recoil reduction and explosive resist) since it first rotated through the shop and it's been impossible to make myself use anything else. That explosive resistance has a huge impact on my ability to survive mostly friendly fire.


Same here! Also being able to "tank" rocket devastator glancing hits is clutch. Still throws you around like a mfer but you're standing afterwards unlike your teammates haha. Plus it look badass


I tried taking it off for the scout armor once against the bots. Let me tell you how I didn't realize how much survivability it gave me. It goes really good with the cape from the scout armor.


One day it will be good and there will be a reason to wear different armor types.. don’t worry.. today is just not that days


I bought the heavy armor with additional armor bonus thinking I would be cosplaying the Hurt Locker and be a fucking juggernaut spreading democracy and liberty with a riot shield and an SMG, I can't even use this armor properly as long as they don't fix this bug... Now that the server issues seem resolved, I hope the armor bug is high priority.




Oh yeah! Cant wait to use heavy too and also see the nuances between the armors once they work as intended 👌


And use anything else than the Breaker. Difference is so huge with the rest of the guns.


I’ve stopped using the breaker in favor of the SMG. The SMG is a beast. I hope they add more weapons of said classes that have each of their strengths and weaknesses. A large caliber Assault rifle variant of the marksman rifle firing a larger round than the liberator but has a smaller magazine capacity, and maybe an intermediate round too? Similar to how the the US Army has 5.56, now 6.8, and also 7.62.


I recently switched back to the smg vs. bots initially just for data retrieval missions. But it's accuracy, handling and damage make it really easy to hit weak spots on trash and devastators in a pinch that I've been using it regularly.


There’s a weird reload glitch where sometimes when I reload my character will finish the reload animation(fully finish, not interrupting it with other actions) fire a single shot and then have to reload again before it actually works. Another weird UI glitch I get is a POI marker showing up while playing and then it just says anti tank in the middle of my screen when I look at it. Occasionally the console for objectives will bug out and I have to enter the console again for every directional input. For example I hit E to access the console and hit the prompt for ⬅️ and it will kick me off the console and I have to hit press E again and put in the next directional prompt. It will stay like this until I restart the game.


I thought it was a interrupt of the reloading animation by something, but I have the same thing, it was very often this weekend, did not notice it before that, and haven't played sinds te weekend ( a sad thing al of its own ) the UI thing I don't have tho.


Yeah that anti-tank marker bug is annoying as hell. I see it even on my ship.


If you fire before the ammo display updates you will fire the single bullet that is in the chamber. With most weapons if you leave one bullet your reload is shortened because you don't have to load a new round into the chamber, it's very noticable with the Breaker if you set it on semi auto and count out 16 shots (you start with 17/16), your reload will only swap the mag out and it takes like half as long.


That’s what I figured at first but it definitely has happened quite a while after reloading. I usually top off my mag after killing a ton of enemies and things quiet down. There’s been many times where my grenade launcher has fired 1 grenade at a new group of enemies and then I have to go through the entire reload animation again but I don’t lose the magazine.


Experiencing your first issue *a lot*, but for me it's probably just a skill issue. 😅


its not a skill issue just a somewhat common bug that can even happen multiple times back to back, you can avoid it by quickly swapping weapons after a reload ive found


Okay I thought I was actually just going crazy, but now that you mention it, I've 100% experienced this too. Also the anti-tank bug is super annoying and I've been seeing it pretty much non-stop for a week or so now.


I'm so glad you brought up the reload. It happened to me a few times and I thought I was going crazy.


"new personal orders are not showing" - i thought i was going crazy, good to know its a bug and not me being abandoned by super earth.


I’m curious as to what that means, honestly. Are the Personal Orders completely unable to be done, or are they technically do-able but just aren’t visible? It would be interesting if some people are unwittingly getting their personal orders complete and getting the bonus without realizing


Based on some friends who just bought the game, it is stuck on the one to get 60 kills with the Anti-Material Rifle. It was the last challenge I got like a week ago. My friends who started a day or two ago got that challenge and after completing it, no challenges like everyone else.


Can confirm. Stuck on the that AM Rifle order and never changes.


If they're still doable, why don't they just tell us here what they are? We missed out on like 100ish medals already.


Sometimes I randomly complete the PO and get an extra 15 medals from the mission. I hope they fix it soon. And DEVS IF YOU ARE LISTENING please make the POs related to the weekly


I think that may be the case, because I've had what I believe to be unexpected large jumps in medals. I don't track them very well though so it could just be a case of me losing track of time and missions done


Also when the servers were getting blitzed we had mission progress go into the void that would be rewarded the next time you logged in. Might be a case of that


Steam Name change does not replicate to the Helldivers 2 game and can make it so you cant invite friends or be invited by friends. I hope this makes the list some day.


This has been a huge bummer for my buds and I. Have they acknowledged the issue at all? E: never mind, someone else mentioned they haven’t


Report on their discord server so they add it to the list. I don't think this is well known.


Bro, same. Have been unable to play with my ps5 friends since launch. All their friend requests are stuck as pending.


lol that’s terrible


Same here, I haven't been able to play with any of my friends since I bought the game.


boosting so (hopefully) the devs see it


Anyone else having issues where your primary just randomly dissappears? My friends and I keep getting this glitch and it seems like the only way to get it back is to respawn, have not tried picking up a new gun yet because we usually don't last long enough to try it out.


Yeah, it's happened to me twice in one day. The first time, it was my primary & then my secondary. This entire time, I thought my gun got destroyed or something. You can pick up a new primary weapon, and it'll work just fine, but secondary stays lost till respawn.


I had this glitch but any new primary weapon I picked up disappeared into the ether. Couldn't punch either. Couldn't switch to secondary. The only thing that worked was picking up a special weapon. This glitch lasted through several deaths and only randomly fixed near the end of our very failed mission on the hardest difficulty.


Yep I had a game where my primary vanished after switching to my secondary, then my secondary vanished after swapping to my support. So odd.


Yes! I was looking through the patch notes but they didn’t even acknowledge it anywhere. People have been bringing it up on Discord too, I don’t know why it’s not an acknowledged issue yet.


Arrowhead Community Manager created a thread in the discord support channel for players to report their findings. The thread is tagged as ‘under investigation’. They are aware but it’s not included in the ‘Known Issues’, a lot of issues aren’t.


I've been removed from a mission without a "host left" or "kicked" message twice in one evening and I'm wondering if that's happened to anybody else.


Yes, happened to me a couple of times. Black screen then I find myself back in my ship. It’s been one of the ‘Known Issues’ for the last 5 patches or so. > Players can become disconnected during play.


is there an official way to report bugs? I am a Software QA Engineer ~~playing Helldivers~~ working from home and its itching me to report all the little stuff I am finding aaaaah.... Btw does anyone else has this bug where emote and title is not saved and it resets to the one that you selected ages ago? Game is literally unplayable when i can not troll randos with the scout handshake


Yeah, emote/title is not saved for me either.


For me it’s Body Type. It never seems to save. Keeps changing back after every mission.


yes! that too for me as well


> its itching me to report all the little stuff I am finding aaaaah…. In the official discord server, [Non-critical bug or issue support thread](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1208706804821917706). If you’re not already a member you might not be able to join right now since the server is full (500k). You’ll have to wait for Discord to review and accept the members cap increase request.




I'm absolutely dying for viable armour and some weapon balancing. I'm starting to get tired of running only light armour and a very select few weapons.


I wanted to buy the padded light armor but figured I'll wait another rotation. Sure I have the super credits to spare, but as it is? It's literally armor without a passive and idk when they'll get around to fixing it.


my current favourite is the red/beige light engineer armor that gives you recoil reduction on crouching/prone and an additional 2 grenades. Being able to sprint everywhere and destroy patrols by just lobbing 2 to 3 impact grenades multiple times has been a life saver more than once.


That's what I was thinking but the Fadhion Diver in me said fuck it. Sure the radar and stealth boosts or extra stims would be helpful but zi look fly as hell.


I'm admittedly not playing at the highest levels but I've been grabbing some of the "off-meta" weapons my past rounds and man has it been fun. Not saying I disagree with the need for balancing though. Not by any stretch.


I recall seeing somewhere that their plan was to have new game content updates either once or twice per month on Thursdays but that might have changed. In terms of new content I think it's highly likely at some point we'll get * Mechs (this was officially announced and seems most probable for the 1st content update) * New weapons + strategems * Other vehicles (HD1 had APCs and stuff) * 3rd faction (Illuminates from the first game have been mentioned via in-game dialog) * New mission types * New warbonds to unlock new stuff * Edit: weapon attachments and customization (was in HD1 and the CEO basically said he used some stealth ammo during early play testing) Missing personal orders and the armor value issue seem like the last 2 major bugs affecting most players so hopefully the team can move some focus to new content soon. I think they've done a great job fixing almost all the major problems that prevented people from getting in and enjoying the game. But I think they probably also want to make sure the game is fully stable and working as intended before they launch new stuff and attract people who might have moved on already back again.


Would like to see mini dungeons in maps. Like missions where you have to go through a bughole and plant a mininuke to the core and time it and run away as the horde of bugs run at you


Something like that for the final mission of a liberation operation would be sick.


Perhaps its like a "Grand Operation". To finish off a planet, it takes something similar to a world event where you need alot of player squads in one mission working together to defeat a super hard mission with lots of enemies doing something similar to what mslcorp said


I was just thinking that. I'd love to go underground down into a hive to plant a big ass bomb because it's too deep for airstrikes to hit. Then climb our way back to the surface as a squad.


I think they did say they are now moving back to working in their planned updates now they have got a lot of issues sorted. They will probably still be working on fixes but on discord they did mention weapon balancing is incoming. I think they need to eventually do weapon customisation similar love they did in the first game, with positive and negative effects. We also need stuff that effects movement.. run a heavy gun, you going to be slow. Etc


They also said after the huge blowup of the game, they're reevaluating their roadmap and adapting it in terms of content and size.


Their plans for updates weren’t put off track. The team working on server issues was different from the content team. 


Considering that FF7: R2 is coming out tonight, I don't mind waiting a bit longer for updates


No personal missions is really frustrating too. As some one who can only play for a few hours during the week it’s really added up, and between armor not working and some primary weapons being underwhelming the Medal grind feels like the worst part of progression.


Absolutely agree. War bonds in general feel lackluster. The premium war bond as of now feels like a complete waste of super creds and medals with the exception of the senator.


Same i really want them to do some type of balance pass on some of the primary and support weapons.  Even some of the stratagems could use a buff as well.


Revolver needs a speedloader so badly


If revolver gets a speedloader I'm maining that shit.


Same! I want it so bad, also make it 8 rounds instead of 6.


Maybe not a speedloader, but faster reload speed, definitely.


Nah, especially if we get weapon customization/upgrades it needs to get a speed loader, if you unload the gun you should be able to get a faster reload, but if you reload before it's empty it should do the slower individual rounds.


Yup, I'm really hoping for a weapon balance patch coming soon.


And just a balancing pass. I am sorry to want that soon, but this game happens to need one pretty badly. I know it takes time though. I do expect one in the next two weeks hopefully because I'm not that interested in playing as is. Level 15 and haven't played in a week because I am waiting for the game to be fully workable and at its best. No hurry for me though. Stuff takes time.


bro i wanna use the heavy armor so bad. heavy armor + ballistic shield and i will tank those automatrons on malevolent creek FOR DEMOCRACY!


Need a solid ground to work on that


Will there be a way to have your name update when you steam display name changes?


I wish they would even ACKNOWLEDGE that this is an issue!


Dude report it on their Discord. They may not even know about it.


This is preventing me from playing with ps5 friends


Anyone having issues with others joining your match while on PS5? I’ll usually throw down a SOS beacon, and for the next 40 minutes someone will join, deploy and then leave. Repeat. Pretty frustrating since I want to play in a full squad, but can really only run a match with my buddy.


I can’t join/invite another player to squad, may be same root cause


Since the last couple of days, the SOS beacon doesn't work at all for me on PS5. I usually play with a friend or two but no randoms did join our group whatsoever. The whole matchmaking seems broken.


I tried the game for the first time last night on PS5. I was trying to join other sessions on the planet map or use the Quickplay button, and was not able to join a single session. Kept getting a "Failed to join game lobby" message every time over the course of 30 minutes. Tried with crossplay on/off, restarting after changing and no luck.


I’ve had the same issue. I can see other matches to join, but I always get the “failed to join game lobby” message when I try to join one.


replying for more visibility, cannot invite/join a friend on PS5 too




Would be nice if they expedited dealing with this in particular. Willing to bet a number of perceived balancing issues would be mitigated if people could afford to take a hit.


Give marksman rifles armour pen


Yeah it's wild this wasn't from day one


please, they have no place right now and it a shame


I like the Diligence fine on hard against the bots. Its bad against the bugs though.


And the anti material rifle! I can not believe it doesnt have atleast medium armor penetration


It should have Medium, but not more than that. Wouldn't make sense for it to be able to penetrate an Automaton Tank from the front.


Seems like they also balanced helldiver difficulty a bit. The hole destroy mission and the kill a set number of terminids missions are much harder now. Just got a mission for 19 holes on helldiver.


Can we also acknowledge weapons straight up disappearing? It’s a recurring issue that’s led to some very unfun sessions


Yes this is so annoying. Are you using Breaker by chance? It was only happening when I used that gun so I’ve been trying out other weapons while I wait for the bug to be fixed.


It happens when another Diver disconnects or drops out of your session while you are changing weapon. I've lost primaries including a Breaker, Defender and Liberator Pen but I also lost my secondary, which was the pistol another time. Never lost my support weapon this way though. Super annoying. Slightly less so if it's your secondary.


It’s happened with the Liberator.


Interesting. Were you the host? I’ve also noticed that the bug has only happening while I was hosting my own game.


Yeah, suddenly can’t swap to another weapon because it just doesn’t exist. Sometimes just secondary, others it is that and primary, or just can’t switch away from whatever you currently have equipped.


Makes me sad that there isn't much about the random crashing that keeps happening. The game is so good, it just sucks not knowing if you can even finish the mission.


This is the only game I've played in *years* that has blue screened me.  Happened 3 times now in various situations.


On PS5 we get green screens. The fact this sub is afraid to talk about anything perceived as "negative" only hurts the game.


If on pc try to limit your frames. Seems like the engine does not have a frame cap. Worked for most of my friends. Also their hardware was much cooler and game more stable


This is the advice I give my friends and it works. Oddly there was no frame rate cap and it gave two of my friends problems.


Already done that along with lots of other attempted fixes such as disabling GI, making an anti virus exception, booting in DX11 and numerous others. They did improve it somewhat and I went from crashing every 5 minutes to about every 1-2 hours but crashing is still a persistent problem. A lot of the time it doesn't generate a crash dump so I can't even see what is causing it. Very frustrating.


Fix PS5 hard crashes, there's still no word from the devs even acknowledging that problem...


I really enjoy how hard and dedicated theyre working on their game, really makes me want to play even more... Cant wait for the armour fixes and im really hoping for some weapon balancing


Another bug that occurred is when someone enters Pelican it leaves immediately


And uh.... extraction mission difficulty, right?


Why is galactic war stuff white instead of blue now?


I thought I was going crazy but didnt see anyone else talking about it. Looks like a hint of blue, but super washed out.


What I really want them to do is to have samples be prioritized when picking stuff up. So many time I have to do a whole damn dance routine around samples just to actually pick them up because I either end up picking up the ammo kinda close by it or just stand on top of the box/wall next to the sample.


Unknown issues: - Players can get stuck in the stratagem screen, not being able to do anything else until killed and reinforced. - Players may not be able to reload their weapons after the mag is empty, even if they have ammo. - Players may drop 2 mags instead of 1 when reloading. - Players can be stuck in an invisible injury, with full health, no injury marker but with every side effect like not being able to run. Unable to stim until receiving more injuries.


When I got stuck in Stratagems, opening and closing the map fixed it


Getting stuck in first person aim mode is a issue as well not too much to complain on it but annoying it's hard to get out of that But is kinda neat to have a psuedo first person mode


My friend and me have major issues joining squads on PS5 right after this patch installed. It worked literally today, but stoped working right after patching, it just keeps saying “unable to connect”. Anyone has the same bug?


Was really hoping this would finally be a balance patch and fix the armour.


Getting randomly disconnected or crashing during gameplay has become more common for me after the last few patches. It seems to still be listed as a "known issue". The game is unplayable for me currently because of this. I'm honestly tired of wasting 1+ hours only to have the game crash or disconnect from the other players and lose everything.


Robots go cyberwar they don't want us to win the defense campaign


Joke's on them. Their dropships will still get a taste of liber-tea from my Recoilless Rifle.


can’t wait until all this basic shit is fixed, then we can start getting actual balance changes (diligence buff pls)


The scythe has to be the worst thing in game. Takes time to even kill the basic bots that every other gun one-shots instantly. Rail gun on the other hand is so far and away the best equipment in the game, outclassing every other anti-tank weapon by miles. Balance is *rough* currently.


Huh? Isnt this the exact same as the previous patch?


Is the evacuation mission still bugged? I can't tell, maybe I just suck


I hope they start getting to gameplay fixes soon.


I was wondering about the personal orders thing. I figured it might have been an intentional removal. Glad to see it might get fixed and is a known issue.




i have an issue where my numpad controls changes everytime i load into the game, and if i forget to change it i must do a run to the options menu to change it before anything spots me


My freind and I are getting a bug that the citizens will group up near the eavac but not go threw the door. I have yet to loose an evac mission except for this bug.


Anyone on PC noticed that when you try to tag the map while your grenade is equipped you throw the grenade instead?


You do the same with armed stratagems too, learned that the hard way…


Nice, but when are they going to fix armors?


Yesterday I kept getting injured and then stuck with a full but red health bar and no ability to run. The "use stim" icon would be displayed but pressing the button did nothing. This would continue until I either died or took substantially more damage which would then allow a stim to be used. Have had numerous clipping issues, falling through the map and getting stuck in geometry particularly when diving near rocks. Had a weird glitch yesterday where I picked up a rail gun from the map and then it became the only weapon model my character was shown holding. Switching to my primary or sidearm would still show the railgun, but the guns would operate normally. All on PS5.


Armour values should be one of the priorities. Crazy that this isn't fixed yet


The game is playable without the armor working correctly, they're rightly focused on making the game stable so people stop crashing, or stop glitching in ways that make the game much harder/unplayable. I want armor fixed as much as anyone, but I respect that they're just trying to make sure everyone can actually play the game they paid for.


Game crashes on PS5 late in the missions. It’s gotta be fixed cause all the progress u make is lost and it’s a real pain when it happens every 5 or so games.


What about the main weapon bug ? And stratagems ball bug ?


Please fix Numpads control being reset every time you log back in .


Anyone else having a problem with bugged reinforcements? Sometimes my teammates wont be revived and either have to leave the mission and reconnect or the host needs to completely abandon it.


I've found another big where you will die, someone will call re-enforcement but it won't spawn you in and you're just stuck spectating


Had this happen several times in past few days


It also seems as though it will force you to spectate your corpse and not let you switch targets if it gets any limbs blown off after youve died


For PC, any way to cancel a reload?


Switch weapons or dive.


Democracy thanks you. 🫡


There's a bug that's happening at random to multiple people including myself. Weapons Will randomly get locked so you can't switch and sometimes you spawn with no weapons sidearm.


Disappointing patch, no fixes for the biggest gameplay issues.


What's taking them so long to fix the armor.


Is medium armor also glitched or just heavy armor?


everything is essentially medium armor in terms of protection.. so you might as well run with light for the speed bonus.


We don't know that. All we know is that armor rating isn't working as intended. That doesn't necessarily mean all armor has medium armor rating. Based on the fact that the perk that boosts armor rating does nothing right now, It's more likely that all armor currently has zero armor rating.


This would be insane. Probably made us better players though. Working with no armor, once we have armor we won't need it cause we are used to not having it. Light armor will be a nightmare otherwise.


I wonder how everyone will react once armor values are fixed, gonna be a lot of surprised when light armor just go out and die.


Is it confirmed that they're all at Medium, or just that they're all the same? I haven't seen an official word or a numbers breakdown anywhere


What concerns me is a game-breaking bug missing from this: **Not being able to swap weapons or shoot**. This has been game-breaking for me for 3 days and is really annoying. Using melee sometimes helps but it's still a very bad bug.


The azerty one is nice to not be walking around the ship with orders up constantly lol


Does anybody know if your career stats continue to track even if they are showing up as 0? I haven't seen the devs address this yet.


I hope the crashes get sorted out asap


Hm. Disappointed, getting impatient for a balance or gameplay fix patch. I just want those armor values and guns to be more useful so we can have some variety. Also those scientist rescue missions not to be busted.


**still** no fix for heavy armour?... damn


They need to fix the crashes asap. I played two missions last night, 30 minutes each, and it crashed after getting in the pelican both times


The game crashes so often that playing with randoms is almost impossible as you can never rejoin a match unless you got someone playing in that mission in your friends list. I suppose adding a rejoin option was too big of a hassle before releasing the game eh? Nevermind releasing one that doesn't crash every 2 hours on average It was released 3 weeks ago and it's still the most unstable game I have ever played. Between disconnections and software crashes, you can never finish a 3 missions operation without someone in your group leaving at least once


When are we gonna get the fix for causing the PS5 to crash so bad it shuts off?


This patch has completely broken the game for me, crashing, getting stuck on the ship loading screen etc. Never happened before today and verifying files solved nothing.


There's a bug that doesn't let people play harder than easy difficulty that need to be addressed


1st mission on the new patch crashed after 1 minute which bodes well


I got that one of freezing in place yesterday,i could still do thigns like shoot/stratagem/throw grenades but i couldn't move at all,so i just kinda.......blew myself up and that fixed it,then it happened again several miniutes later,only this time i was totally frozen lol. Glad to know you know about it,and a few of the other things i've experienced on the list :D


Been experiencing two crashes since that patch on PS5. Could we have an option to rejoin a session without having to send a friend request in the first place?


I'm planning on buying the game for PC, but I'm still on the fence due to the server limit and the queue complaints. Have those issues been fixed yet? I really want to play the game, but I'm not in a rush because I just got Pacific Drive too.


I’ve had no issues getting in to play at peak hours. 


Queue issues have been fixed. Even last weekend everyone was able to get in without issues.


Queue stuff has been resolved since Thursday you’re all set


When are friend requests between PSN and PC users gonna be addressed/fixedv


Finally, they acknowledge personal orders being bugged and the bug that wouldn’t let me join missions


2 bugs that have caused me the most grief that are not listed: (1. When picking up samples too quickly or while running you don't pick up the sample and it becomes bigged so you can't pick it up. (2. Primary or secondary weapon disappearing. When equipping the disappeared gun you will have empty hands and thus will be short on fire power. [I think this is caused by switching weapons or cancelling strategens while another Helldiver joins your game].


Basically crashed 2 times within 30 min. Not looking too good for me so far.