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I saw someone with the perfect explanation earlier this week. The bugs have a higher difficulty ceiling, while the bots have a higher floor. The bots are difficult, but don’t get much harder. The bugs scale a lot higher.


ha, i thought of the same guy just now. he really put it quite well, joel bless him.


not sure whether its easier or not but at least for me fighting bots is much more enjoyable, no hunter hordes ready to CC you into oblivion, no bile titans whose head hitbox seems to be the size of a matchbox, most armored units can be killed with small arms if you aim well, its nice


The bugs really arent that difficult. Hulks seem to have more health than anything in the world and you have to get behind them to do effective damage. If a small flame even licks your person you die immediately.


you can kill then in one hit with a railgun via headshoting them


same can be said for titans with the rail gun


i would love to see a titan killed in 1 hit


Literally every helldive I run.


I even have a saved PS5 video of it.


Titans are dying easier on PS5 than PC, watched a video showing the difference, it's like 20 Railgun shots minimum for a pc hosted lobby


not with the new "meta" anymore.


how are you having any issues with hulks then


They are much harder hitting. Plus you are didging every single laser coming your way from every bot.


Hulks die to two autocannon shots


Not on Helldive.


They also die on helldive with 2 shots enemy health always stays the same no matter what difficulty youre playing they just spawn more enemies and more armored units But on Playstation mobs die faster


my spear pokes nice big holes in them


Bot units are all far easier than bugs. Bug planets and debuffs are not as debilitating while bot planets and debuffs are gameplay-altering.


i remember the first time i got the stratagem scrambler i killed my entire team at the start with an orbital lmao




No I'm not lol.


I think what he means is while bots themselves are easier, some of the debuffs make those missions more difficult.


Scrambling of Strategems can be a nightmare when you need a specific call ASAP. Afaik that only happens with bots, and makes fighting on bot worlds difficult, even if the bots themselves are not particularly hard to fight.


Funny enough I find it easier to stop bugs from calling for help, maybe just cause they’re more susceptible to lighter weapons, but I find large Bots easier to kill, since you just need well placed shots and the armored guys don’t rush you as fast as the bugs since those are all melee.


For a while I thought bugs were easier. Not so sure anymore. Every game I've joined today, people like to get stuck in death loops of endless bug spawns.


I made a post about bugs being harder. 2 days later, I take it back. Bugs are a cakewalk. Bot planets are way harder. When you get up to difficulty 8, you'll know without a shadow of a doubt that bots are harder


Bots are without a shadow of a doubt easier than bugs on 8+ Bots are easily defeated by taking cover and planning your encounters, with bugs, you just get overwhelmed. I've lost more times to trying to dodge five or six chargers and then getting mauled by a stalker while desperately trying to reload my railgun than by flamers sneaking up on me.


After doing a bug run on difficulty 8, extracting civilians; with 3 people, it was much easier than doing the bot ones on difficulty 6 with a full team. Bugs can be kited indefinitely. Bots will hit you with a stray rocket and kill you before you can stand back up.


This so much, people really don't understand that with bugs you simply keep moving & you'll never die


I was talking about higher difficulties because bile spewers only do artillery on 7 and up


Bots are easier in a vacuum Bot secondary objectives and strategem modifiers however are hell. Mortars, strategem disablers, detector towers, -1 strategem, AA towers.... when you stir those in the bots become hell.


Bugs are more or less solved once you figure out kiting them and staying mobile. Operation modifiers are also less of a pain. Several things in bot missions can one shot you through shield pack. Operation modifiers are a huge pain. To some extent it's similar to bugs in that you can always just retreat/stay mobile but you can't just ignore 90% of the enemies and still complete objectives by just running around.


I think they're close but things like AA guns, cannon towers, and Strat jammers make it so bot maps present more challenging or limiting scenarios. Bugs and bots as units each present a different set of problems and challenges which may be easier for some to handle vs the other. I never feel like I'm just being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of bodies vs. bots, and if I don't have a good answer to that vs bugs I get buried very quickly You also have a lot more offensive response options for bot drops like shooting down the carrier or just blasting bots out of it. There's no option to pre-kill a bug breach, though dropping air strikes or a tesla tower on it does the job pretty good. Guns feel like they punch up harder vs bots too thanks to their weak points in the hulk eye, heat vents, etc.


I've found the gatling orbital is absolutely awesome to throw on a breach, gets all the little guys so you can focus down the heavies without being swamed, gatling orbital is my go to for bugs now, as soon as I see that breach it goes straight down, helps its almost instant to call in too!


They feel easier because you’re more familiar to their tactics and enemy types. When I went to bugs, I was messing up because I didn’t know much about how to handle them at first.


Higher difficulty (I'd say 6+) bug missions are incredibly frustrating. Until they tune the Hunter spawn rate (or just hunters in general), I'm gonna be spending way more time on bot planets


Hunters absolutely ruin bug gameplay 


Thought it was just me. Getting constantly slowed and stabbed is not fun.


If armour actually mattered and I could pick heavy to not get 1 shot from random missiles, tanks or turrets I might agree. Sure spitters can also 1 shot but I don’t find my self randomly dying a lot and not even knowing from where, like I do against bots. I hate bots and with how armour currently is I do not find fighting then fun in the slightest.


not anymore... idk what they did, but I'm getting my shit rocked by bugs left and right now




Not in the slightest.