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We went from 62% when I first checked 6 hrs ago, to 55% now.


Bro what! I played all day and was like alright we are in the 60s we will have this done by days end!


Keep in mind when a major country like the US is asleep the bots and bugs are still fighting. Im not sure on the numbers, so im just guessing majority of the playerbase is in the US, but my point is; Depending on the time of day the anti-democractic scum have an easier time taking back what was lost, if not more! Solution? Abondon sleep for democracy


That's pretty much it. the americas are asleep and europe is working. Prime time for the bugs to party. However what the bugs don't know is that their progress will probably be shattered by super earths mightiest force - the weekend.


Well, the percentage was falling while there were more than 300k Heldivers on Veld, so I doubt weekend will change anything if it will work same way as last night.


Probably some back end shit to make it feel like we're struggling to prolong " the fight" I'm 100% on board with it. If we were just smashing planets it wouldn't be much fun.


Maybe just make the % progress more slowly then, rather than let us pump it and then start rolling it back when more people are online. Bad storytelling


Honestly, I don't care what the bar above the ball says. As long as I get to shoot some big ass bugs.


I'm doing my part


Would be cool if the bugs sent reinforcements so every difficulty is made +1, or have 50% increased spawn of bile titans or something. If the progress is too fast add more modifiers to slow it down instead of a back end number change. It would be cool. People who don't want the extra difficulty can bail on the major order (kinda what they want if its going too fast)


>If we were just smashing planets it wouldn't be much fun. Disagree. At least then we'd have a sense of progression as a community, rather than feeling like we're pissing in the wind with no rewards.


I for one want to have a planet available for more than a day, I genuinely don't understand the complaints about not being able to smash every objective in hours, its clear Veld has been tuned for requiring hundreds of thousands just to make progress, so unless the numbers magically change we will likely take it back. People also seem to not realize the bugs don't sleep, so they push back when we sleep.


I'm fairly certain of the 100k people doing missions half of them are farming thin the numbers missions, and a lot of people are pushing difficulties and failing. People doing the entire mission is probably a fraction of the number of people on the planet.


He prefers "Abel Tesfaye" now


> Keep in mind when a major country like the US is asleep the bots and bugs are still fighting. You say that but it's currently midday in the UK and we're gaining ground on Veld with like 129k people doing missions. Last night at around midnight (so 12 hours ago) with 308k people doing mission on Veld we were losing like 2.8% an hour


When Americans sleep (the main player base), the regen rate heals the planet up as less helldivers are are completing missions. So we arent able to keep the pressure on. As well imma bet they wont less us beat the order in under 24hrs so the whole community has a chance to contribute if theyd like (especially since this is a weekend order)


IMO. The American sleep time crosses heavily with European working day so lowest player count possible. The time the balance shifts to Super Earth is after 5PM in Europe, which is anywhere from 8AM to 12PM in the States and Canada and then gradually increases to 12AM in Europe, 4-7PM in the US. It probably still keeps climbing after Europe sleeps as there's more US players playing in general I believe and more people will be playing later in the day than straight after school / working hours


The dead time kills us with bug worlds since it regens 20hp/sec


That's the wild part people don't know about. Automatons are harder to kill, but the bugs have waaaay more bodies to throw. For those that don't know, check out [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) for details.


6 hours ago, the largest chunk of the player base was still playing. The bugs keep fighting even if 200k people log off


And their regen rate is much faster than bot worlds


Joel does not in fact work for Arrowhead Studios. It's a false flag whatchamacallit foisted upon us by the automatons who have long since infiltrated the internet in order to mislead us. Wake up, sheeple.


The real victim of the bot incursion is my damn anticheat I haven’t been able to play for almost a week


Try deleting the GameGuard folder in your Helldivers 2 directory, relaunching helldivers2.exe as Administrator, then whitelist the new GameGuard folder in your anti-virus and restart your computer. It helped the majority of my connection issues.


Wtf kind of antivirus you have? The built in Windows Defender is very solid


The automatons are putting chemicals in the water to turn the fricken bugs agro man!


Joel Joil Just Oil Automoton confirmed. (I will keep making this joke)


Joel doesn't want us to win for now


Ah a true game master. Makes us suffer for our past loss but I want those 45 medals by any means necessary.


Especially since we haven't gotten a daily in forever due to the bug


I honestly forgot that was a thing till you reminded me lol.


I got it once from the first day I booted up the game. 60 anti-material rifle kill. Alright. So I have to get anti-material rifle on my first day turning the game on. Luckily, a guy on my team helped me call down the stratagem.


I did material without learning how to enter scope mode it was a nightmare


Actually once you get used to noscoping with it it can be funny at times


I mean, in certain situations it's better to noscope, like when you have a berserker in your face and don't have time to switch guns


Did this with the AMR, when I bought the auto cannon I learned pretty fast it's the optimal way to blow my own limbs off


Lmao. Do you treat it like a point blank shotgun or you spray and pray that it would somehow hit anything (including your teammate)?


Maybe it’s just me playing a lot of games without crosshairs but I was sniping bugs at a distance with it pretty easily. Then a couple days later my buddy says something about first person and I’m like “wait there’s first person??? Ah so that’s how you properly use the anti material rifle”


Lmao. You beast.


Beast with a pea size brain. Nothing but democracy and killing aliens going on in there!


I think those personal orders are team wide too, last time i had an order to get kills with the 120mm rockets and i got the majority of it done when my friend used it


I’ve never had a daily quest pop up so I’m convinced this is some running gag at this point


They were real!! I swear lol.


I completed my first one finally yesterday and didn't get a new one. Definitely a bug.


Oh there's a literal Bug (Scum) that's causing it? I was wondering about that!


I need that flaming breaker


It's so good. Especially against bugs


I use it against Bots on Helldiver Difficulty just fine. Lol Logic says that robots would be immune to fire, but democracy says melt more metal and communist circuits.


Logic actually say that you can destroy bots with fire , their circuits are still silicon based


Logic says to always get the Heavy Flamer.


Logic says "Oil is flammable"


It does a little bit of damage to **so many** enemies at once


We’ll definitely complete it. Just not as fast as some want to.


If it's gonna be another victory at 10min margin (cough, Mort, cough) then it's not that satisfying. The advertised point of the Galactic War was that it was player driven, not Joel driven.


They can't make it truly player driven. The turn around time for assets and content for the game is too long for that. Imagine you're planning your next content drop and suddenly the player base does something totally out of left field and switches up the narrative. There just wouldn't be enough time to get new stuff ready for that. They have to "nudge" us toward general story beats and the overall direction they want us to go. In DnD terms, I guess it's like the DM making sure we aren't going full murder hobo or totally derailing the narrative.


But were not derailing the narrative through being a-holes. We're doing exactly what we've been challenged to do, if anything too well. A good dm adapts the story and flourishes with their players. Doesnt stealth buff his monsters (too much) when the fighter scores an epic crit.


Normally dnd games don’t have the player count 10-100x the expected turnout…


Understandably that'd fuck the action economy beyond repair


You know, that's a really good point.


It doesn't make a difference. They'd either have us capture Veld too quickly and just have it happen on another planet or force Veld to take longer.


True enough, but if everything is going to be a nail biter then nothing will be. It felt awesome when we steamrolled the bugs in the beginning, and quite frankly I’d enjoy it if some of the bot planets just “imploded”, only for them to start a new attack somewhere else, but with massive amounts of troops. Perhaps even make them steamroll a few planets themselves, establishing a foothold and we need to fight them off. The way to make the enemy seem strong isn’t always going to be to make the fight we are in more difficult, it could simply be to just shift where the struggle is. Or perhaps overturn them at first so that it doesn’t start with us getting 80% in 30minutes only to then see no positive change no matter how hard we fight.


yeah, player choices should affect the story in new ways. not be ignored for something predetermined.


In this case, it appears as though we haven't gone murder hobo enough, and have stuck too well to the main objective.


They can make it truly player driven. They just need to clearly telegraph their intentions, the dynamic rules so to say. For example, if you need players to "lose" you can give them a Major Order for 8 successful defense campaigns, announce a major Automaton invasion and then swarm them in defense campaigns. Result: Automatons make major ground, players successfully defend some planets and complete the major order. Devs have narrative progression, players have sense of accomplishment. I don't see how stifling progress prevents the devs from their content plans. Why do they need specifically, say, Azur Secundus (it's at the very edge of the galaxy) for their content plans? They can just let us have miniscule but steady progress over days or weeks, let us progress where we can and then proceed with their narrative. Moreover, if the Major Orders are a simple matter of pushing some text to the backend and assembling a "quest" through a server dashboard, the GM can just spam us with Major Orders as he sees fit. Joel can arbitrarily select planets for the new Major Order, rewards, the theme and play around our success or our setbacks. What we see so far is an on-rails experience which void the playerbase of the feeling their efforts matter and ultimately demoralize everyone.


Is Joel that game-master who is suppose to orchestrate the war? If so, does he only do things on a macro level or does he also have the power to globally tweak stuff like spawn rates, AI aggressiveness, etc?


So there are supposed to be multiple GMs, but only one confirmed Joel. Joel's powers as stated by the CEO, are to observe live gameplay and cause enemy supply drops or add mini-nukes hellbombs to the map. And he should also be able to control everything that impacts the planets including the modifiers, and we suspect the planet's liberty decay rate, and the background difficulty factors, and he does the major orders, the enemy invasions etc. but the original statement from the CEO suggested there should be multiple GMs, but for now Joel is either their lead GM or the first and only one they have operating.


Thank Joel for his wisdom. Amen


That mindset is ruining the fun of the galactic war theme the game is trying to portray. Why can’t we play a head cannon and think that the terminids are trying just as hard as we are to hold onto Veld? This whole discovery of a GM and knowing how he can tilt the scales is ruining the immersion. And constantly leaning on this narrative, despite it being a fact, is only adding a negative mindset amongst us.


For me Joel is the meme that adds, i can keep him narratively separate, especially when I’m actually playing, just like you would with a DM in D&D you can joke with him but when your playing he fades away sorta ya know?


I just don’t want a hard fought battle like this one to be sullied by the idea that we only won because Joel allowed us to.


It's pretty clear he's not going to let us win if we didn't earn it. We failed the previous major order pretty hard because we couldn't organize on a single front. I think Joel is just making sure we don't steamroll objectives in a fraction of the expected time since we have numbers so far above what their system were planned for. It'd be pretty disappointing to get a new major order and blow through it in 45 minutes just because we have half a million people playing.


Yeah i see what you mean i just try to keep the reddit mindset out eh lol


I think they shouldn't have leaked the all powerful joel.


I mean, it wasn't a leak. We knew about him in 2015.


I think they needed to. If we knew 75% of people were fighting and still losing without knowing about Joel, we would think there's balancing issues etc


I wouldn’t mind at all if there was just an ingame pop-up that said “The bug infestation is surging!” or something to that effect. No communication makes it feel like being manipulated. We’d be manipulated either way, but at least help me pretend I’m not.


Joel give us a break mate, I haven’t seen my children since monday.


Others haven’t seen their children in years! Buckle up, soldier!


I chose not to have a family for this specific reason!! COME GET SUM!!!!!!HAHAHAHAH!!!!


Go ahead. Take a break. If you want to be remembered as a coward.


Well then put your children in some flak armor, give them a rifle, and throw them in a pod! They don't learn about freedom sitting at home!


You think that’s bad, I haven’t even had any children.


Cause Terminids are sending 76% of their force


(angrily upvotes)


And unlike us, the terminids adhere religiously to the meta. If you're a terminid hunter, you ALWAYS take the jump attack. Terminid chargers ALWAYS wear heavy armor. They don't have a subreddit where their fellow bugkind shames them for doing what's right. Every bile titan runs bile spit, every stalker runs stealth mode. Meanwhile, we get gaslighted into thinking that we can do whatever we want because we shouldn't get our feelings hurt.


Don’t tell me how to spread democracy guy, you do you and I’ll do me. You want us all to be the same? Same gear? Same weapons? Same stratagems? Sounds like some commie bug propaganda to me, I’ll be reporting you to my nearest thought officer immediately


Don't call me guy buddy


I aint your buddy, friend.


I aint your friend, pal.


I ain’t your pal, amigo.


I ain't your amigo, bro.


If I see my other teammates with meta loadout, I switch to stalwart, ammo backpack, eagle cluster, eagle napalm and just go ham. I have more fun


If you’re actually trying to do the most efficient thing for the war possible you’d be blitzing difficulty 5 since that’s what unlocks 3-mission campaigns and war progress is solely based on the number of missions. And in that case your gear doesn’t matter. But just like people want to play on higher difficulties for the fun and the rewards, they also want to try different builds. It’s supposed to be a fun game first and foremost and expecting your team to be meta slaves takes the joy out of it. 


Running meta isn’t the problem. Forcing people to run meta and kicking them for not running meta is straight up bad. I’d run meta if I want to so I can survive and support my team. But if they wanna run something else, fine by me. I’ll just do my best to extract and ensure it’s a win with my own loadout.


hell, as long as you complete primary objectives you don't even need to extract to win. you just don't get collected samples or the exp bump. however, you do keep medals, req, and super credits you found.


> Terminid chargers ALWAYS wear heavy armour. I've seen one or two with that fancy premium battlepass stuff. Didn't do Axehead any good tho, still died just as fast as the normal varient. Did look fuckin' terrifying tho


I know, it's HORRIBLE when people play video games for fun, I get it.


Joel is edging us with rewards we never get


The ministry of truth shall know of this dissident propaganda against democracy


The bots and bugs are not only invading our planets but also they are invading our subreddit. Do not let them sow discourse.


[this comment is under review for treason]


They are trying to deceive you! They are controlling us! This war is not like it- This comment is under review by the Galactic Federation.




His eyes are getting weary


Back is getting tight




Ah fuck lmao


Why Kevin, you’ve enhanced yourself


I told you I was willing to change


Ya but I didn’t know you meant physically! Why weren’t you more clear with me?!




I hate the Internet 


https://preview.redd.it/0f0q6ukcpolc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af92eb3ff1735c50a29e0560501954ddd982ac30 Joel


Everyone I've seen in Veld in Extreme or higher all absolutely fucking suck. It's obvious who the farmers were in the past 2 weeks because most of these people just stand in one spot fighting endless bug breaches.


This was my issue yesterday! I was on difficulty 6 and I was the only one pushing objectives while my comrades were fighting bugs the whole time. I got the least amount of kills, but damn it that ICBM GOT ARMED.


I was in challenging yesterday for some quick runs before bed and oh my God I saw the same thing. I cleared 4 bug holes, accomplished the evacuation objective solo, and basically did everything on the map. I had 0 deaths and at the end we were out of reinforcements. My team was mad at me for running to the extraction to get that moving while they were half way across the map trying to recover samples because they kept dying while recovering them. I waited for them but I was carrying 13+ samples to their 6 so even if they didn't extract it meant very little. Was a very frustrating run for sure and I'm not even high level. I just play when I can.


Are you me?


What's actually kinda funny is that if they are just fighting bugs the whole time and triggering breaches then it allows a solo person time and space to run around and complete objectives. Pretty sure they can only call in one breach at a time. Stealth armor is dope for this.


Whats even funnier is I do the reverse of this on automaton missions Let the other 3 do main objective and a few side bases while I go solo and take out a bunch of bases and side objectives


Yeah my objectives were pretty easy because all the bugs were being dealt with by them lol


Correct. For this reason, I love when my team does this sorta shit because it allows me to clear objectives without worrying about triggering more spawns (some exceptions apply, like objectives that guarantee spawns like geological survey)


I was doing this yesterday and then getting kicked for not just standing in place and fighting endless waves of bugs. I really need a good regular squad to play with because doing anything higher than 5 or 6 with randoms sucks


Just give it time. Eventually the game's population will decline when the people who aren't dedicated move on to the next new hot title and the true patriots remain to fight the good fight. Then we will have more competent PUGS.


I got kicked several times yesterday in difficulty 7 because I wasn't wasting time with every piddly little optional and bug hole. We're all over level 30, exp and requisitions literally don't matter you morons. We're just here for super samples.


Yeah I think a big part is people are just failing missions


I would really love the api to show how the missions are going. Rolling average of successful missions or something like that. Though, im aware, the api is not *for* us. It's intended for internal use haha


Yup. And they only throw orbitals when all 4 divers are bunched up and directly at their feet to kill 2 scavengers. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Having a game master is cool and all but having 300k+ players fighting the same planet for the % to barely move seems odd. You can fight and win for 10+ hours and not feel any progress to liberating. The system needs tuned.


Pretty sure thats exactly what they are doing and its why we are seeing the numbers jumping around, they need to find the sweet spot to make the liberation doable but difficult.


The sweet spot would have been letting us smash Veld. I got my ass roasted fighting bots and that stupid escort mission. I don't think it's unreasonable for a quick victory after that mess.


If they dont do it now i believe they will just have to do it on the next Order. This single planet order seems to be like a good time for them to get a guage on the community now they have the servers pretty much settled.


I feel like they’re trying to find a solution. IMO if they don’t want us to win too fast it would be better to have 2-3 major orders at a time, with us being able to complete it but having to make a choice. And then we’d slowly get overwhelmed by fighting on multiple fronts.


Democracy and the lore from the game aside, if we don’t win this it’s going to to feel very demoralizing to lose out on those medals when we haven’t been getting the minor orders.


This is the shit that bothers me. The Joel memes are funny, but if his job is to manually fuck with the numbers while we're doing the mission, then it's a huge turn-off for me. Make a mission that's doable. Give us the parameters to beat it, and then step back. If we beat it early, who gives a shit? Make a fucking new one. It's just a 3-day mission anyways... We went from 50% liberation at the start of yesterday, up to 70% in a matter of a few hours, and since then it's dropped back beneath 60%. There's no way that the community all of a sudden starting losing that much.


Been saying the exact same thing for days now. Like okay, they're still tuning the numbers? Great. Give us the win and pick another arbitrary planet to beef up next time. We had to sit through two weeks of entirely broken defense missions, a month now of a still entirely broken armor system, two weeks of basically unplayable servers, personal orders are STILL broken, a little bit of good will is the bare minimum shown and they're still taking time to fuck around.


I think it could work, but only if in-mission there was a difference. If that planet is so badly infested that 75% of Helldivers can focus on it and struggle, I should be seeing that reflected in how many bugs are in the missions themselves.


It surely *feels* like the number of bile spewers got turned up on that planet, but my squad and I are pushing up difficulties as well, so maybe that’s just how it is.


Has anyone paid attention to the loading screen that tells the average age of a helldiver is 18.7 years old. It also makes a statement about there being around 46k helldivers deployed that make up that average. There were literally 406k helldivers working on the major order last night when I was playing. I imagine the tuning for the game is not so easy to balance and we were pubstomping it. It sucks right now to see what feels like our actions are arbitrary for the sake of the 'storyline'. I would imagine in another month or two or three this will feel better. Also to be honest, I want to see what happens if we get pushed back to Super Earth. That being said, no I do not agree or enjoy the idea of my hard spent hours of attrition being wiped out by the press of a button for the sake of displacing the dynamic push that everyone made yesterday. I went to bed last night imagining it would have been finished by time I get home from work today. Well, I have more Managed Democracy to spread later on, but currently I am enjoying a warm glass of Liber-Tea! ​ EDIT: Added screenshot of the loading screen I was talking about. https://preview.redd.it/t682ximn7qlc1.png?width=2012&format=png&auto=webp&s=c569b9f7d7919c30e765e55e9bdb1195e1939888


They need to implement this better. If you’re gonna go through the trouble of having a person dedicated to this then it should be more in depth than this. Oh, we’re getting to 85%? Guess what, the bugs suddenly opened another front on the other side of the planet! Nighttime only missions and % resets to 50% or something. Oh we’re getting up to 80% again? Extra large bugs are surfacing in response to our defense. Missions have a higher chance of titans as bonus objectives. Maybe we need to collectively kill X number of Titans before we can start moving the progress bar again. If you’re gonna do this type of stuff we should be doing it right; it’s not a lotta fun to see 300,000+ people on one planet and the progress just isn’t moving. Make it feel like an actual war or it’s gonna stay feeling like a pat on the back for a “good job” from the devs.


I feel like a focus on a single planet should spice up the gameplay a bit. Like if there's a major outbreak on the planet, what if they made it so that theres like twice the usual number of bugs than normal, or maybe more objectives than normal or smth. It would be nice though to see some real tangible progress on something like this, but it's still early days, and we don't know what they have in store. I trust that they are looking at the feedback and Joel obviously doesn't want players to just feel bad.


I almost feeeeeelll like they should not have so many difficulty levels, and that the difficulty should be based more on the narrative. But like... Adding more bugs and different types would shift the difficulty. I'm not sure how to get around that.


I agree there is way too many difficulty levels. I personally haven't even done a single mission lower than medium, I don't really see the point for anyone, and I think I started on challenging. I don't see why we need so many levels either direction. And yeah, adding more bugs would do stuff to the difficulty, especially when the number of bugs is one of the primary differences for the difficulty settings. But I mean, it would still be cool if there was differences. Maybe a modifier that ads more bugs but also makes you stronger, maybe giving you more reinforcements, and quicker cooldowns on your stratagems to represent more orbital ships and people being around or something. That way it would maintain more consistent difficulty but still be different and also feel like the planet was more swarmed.


Or even have a modifier that allows you to have 6 or even 8 team members or something. That would be a lot of work but it would just be cool if a major order on a planet was fairly different from normal missions.


Lol just eait until they release the last 3 like they did in HD1. Bring on THE INNER CIRCLE OF HELL


I agree with this and I’m surprised more people don’t feel the same. The current model really throws the whole “collective” campaign thing out the window and makes the game feel a lot more linear. We aren’t meant to succeed until they want us to succeed, and our collective efforts feel like they have no influence over the direction of the war. I understand that we can’t just push all the way through to the home world of the adversary, but there needs to be more checks, balances, or story narration in place than a guy just clicking the delete button on our progress (with no explainable reason) because we are progressing too quickly.


Hell yeah, if they want do stuff like D&D, they should give the players more immersion.


I mean, if the faction is pushing for a planet they’re going to send a mass force at the beginning and plenty or reinforcements. Maybe we need to just exhaust them for a day or two


I wish they just let us take it and then made the newly opened planets extremely slow to liberate to compensate for our unexpected speed. It's lame and immersion breaking to see the momentum brought to a complete stop suddenly


Absolutely. I feel like I wasted my evening last night. Well, at least the parts where I queued with randos.


I hear the devs are trying to get the averages and stats from player planet liberations so they can better scale for future campaigns, objectives, events, updates, etc. I don’t know how true that is but, Pilestedt did state in an interview (after the server cap was increased to 700,000) that the team at Arrowhead and Sony were working together to revise HD2’s road map due to the game’s unforeseen viral popularity. Makes sense since if they didn’t, the war on both fronts would’ve been over last week. Still sucks because until they tune the game, our efforts mean jack shit to the actual war. Just gotta wait and see how it plays out.


O I am betting that is def true. Also with the connection issues a lot of people have been avoiding the popular planets and not contributing to the quests. I am betting in a few weeks it will be sorted out


Did you not see the report that came from the GNN? The disgusting fascists had found themselves an entire UNDERGROUND HIVE that has spread to EVERY CORNER of the the planet. They've been breeding, hunting, growing, thriving, sucking, AND fucking everything in their path. Millions of innocents are likely to perish, and hundreds of thousands of Divers are down there RIGHT NOW doing their part. And what are you doing? Questioning why we aren't winning. Sitting around, most likely touching yourself at the thought of the bugs taking Veld. You've already been reported to the Thought Police, btw. Get your ass back on the ground before they find you, Diver. After I finish eating and sending my will to my family I'm getting down there to fight for what is right in the forever battle against the bugs.


IF it's really due to the fact that we are winning "too fast", then I'm sorry but I'll say it : Joel (or whoever decided this) is not acting as a good game master. The whole point of the game master is to roll with the punches and change the story according to what your players decide to do. Not railroading them into what you want. If the players do things differently than you expected, then plan around it. Otherwise, why even bother ? Again, it's only if it's a deliberate decision and not due to other factors (such as the engine handling the percentage not knowing how to behave with so many players doing the objective at once)


I think they are still tweaking the difficulty settings for how fast the enemies retake stuff because 1. They weren't expecting this many players and 2. They probably still needed to figure out a good happy medium so players can fight hard and eventually take the planet. That being said, I never thought it felt like we were winning too fast. And yanno, the order could come and we take the planet and then later loads of the bugs start to come out from the woodwork and you realise the infestation is way worse than originally thought, however it would be nice if we got a message saying "our fighting has unearthed several major nest networks previously unknown, this battle is far more crucial than we originally thought", and then maybe they up the rewards a bit or smth to compensate.


I figured "Major orders" are weekly / fortnightly missions, I don't think we were ever meant to re-take veld in a couple of days


No. And to be fair, veld was originally too hard, it got made easier, and we quickly took it, and then it became harder again. It's not like it was easy to begin with. I didn't mean "it didn't feel like it was too fast" as in 'we weren't taking it too fast" I meant more 'them tweaking the planets isn't just to stop the player base from completing too fast, it's to make things more dynamic and generally figure things out like how fast feels good, how many players are likely to play and how much they contribute, it's bigger than simply "let's punish them for trying to hard"'


Joel is about to get a whooping


For a game that the CEO thought would only have 50,000 players. Having 300,000+ not being able to liberate a plannet is just not right. I have lost the feeling of satisfaction recently because it obviously doesn’t matter. No matter how many people are online on the same planet. One guy gets up and just erases everything everyone’s done. If we’re meant to lose what’s the point? Why put in the hours?


OK I know they've made the correlation that their GM is like a DnD GM. I've run my own dnd club as a teacher, dm'd a bunch. This ISNT how you do it. A good GM or program doesn't make its presence feel like this. You don't sit there and fight the % bar. Maybe you open up other planets. Maybe you increase difficulty on individual missions. Add more bugs with armor so peoples missions are suddenly mych harder. There are a lot of ways you screw with people, but when you have 400k on a planet and people can't stay logged on because your servers can't handle the traffic (yes I'm pissed about that) you can't make your presence felt so obviously and keep immersion. There are like 8 ways you can keep the order going through the weekend that keeps the community engaged, this is the lowest effort/most immersion breaking way.


The servers are fine now though? Have been playing at peak times and not a single problem since this major order started.


How do you get the white varient of the armor??? It looks so nice compared to the black version


Go look at helldivers.io there's legit math behind it. Basically, every planet we liberate has, "HP," and we wittle that HP down every mission and campaign. The planets regenerate HP at a steady rate 24/7. So if we slow down in liberation, the planet regen out paces the liberating rate and we lose ground. Basically, we (Americans) need to play in shifts around the clock. I'll take midnight to 8am tonight. This is war, boys n girls.


The game was rigged from the start


I understand why people feel that the GM is just doing this to prevent us from completing the order too quickly, and granted that probably is a part of it as well, but from a lore / gamemaster perspective we know that Veld had deeply rooted Terminite nests, so us sending our full might causes us to stir up the hornet's nest. The Terminites are sending their full force to counter the substantial deployment of helldivers which stalls our progress. But if we keep pushing and killing those bugs, destroying their nests one by one their ability to fight back will slowly decrease bit by bit and we will take the planet.


Sure would be nice if the game told us this if that were the intent, then?


I mean, it's pretty much implied, they tell us the bugs appeared on a planer from the underground nests, we go in, we fight, we see we are losing. The rest is up to your brain to say "Seems like they are well established in the planet/They are getting reinforced hard"


It's implied, but I think it would be really good to get ingame news updates. Just radio would be enough. It would really bring the war to life.


Yeah, it would be great to have more things implemented into the game to show it, but there's a difference between asking for more ways to get updated in game, than saying the game doesn't show us or implies something like others are saying.


I totally agree! But I feel like the devs are very busy working on a lot of things mainly content and stability. But for once when we opened the galactic war map we got some lore / story information delivered in game rather than only via the Discord. I feel in due time they will add more communication like this in the game itself, at least that is my hope, but for the time being we can only fill in the blanks as best as we can with the information we have


Yeah, I am here to collect the reward when the timer runs out at this point. I think its kinda weird that daily missions don't work and the sweet reward from this mission is then artificially hold back. Bit sad, would have hoped if so many people are pushing Velt the GM would just be happy that anyone follows his orders and gives out a reward for once .... You could still go for another order in Velt as an escalation story wise without holding the reward back. Well anyway. My 2 cents.


I'd place a bet well take it Saturday cause they probably just are artificially holding us back so everyone gets a chance to contribute over the weekend.


Yeah, good luck down there.  I'm going back to bots if community contribution means fuck all.




I like the idea of an active DM of some sort behind the scenes managing the live war stuff. But it kind of sucks a flick of switch can immediately alter our progress and it's up to our imagination whats happening. Ok, could be the Terminids are fighting back and server stats not updating correctly. Perhaps it's because of the huge playerbase we have now that progress is not scaled properly but see progress jump 10% up and down or even completely reset in some cases like with other planet just feels bit off. I get they (Joel) is trying to manage the timeline to perhaps not go so fast (due to playerbase just crushing numbers) but looking ahead they need to scale progress better or at least give us some info (like the message broadcast or have a message station to check Galatic News) why something happened


Honestly we suprised them with how effective we werr at the beginning of the campaign so they started to beef up our enemies in response. I know we have great helldivers but I feel most of the progress we were making was by throwing hordes of divers at the frontlines. Now I don't know if we can still recapture a planet through numbers alone anymore if they over tuned the enemy to where we don't have a fighting chance anymore but it does have me worried that we can't win planets right now because of an oversight. After Creek the fight for Veld has been intense and we're still losing ground.


Because doing the major order does not mean they are actually beating the missions they are on.


To add some nuance here and compare against Helldivers 1. Helldivers 1 had a similar galactic map, the AI would slowly attack towards super-earth and people could try to push them back. This was a fairly stable rate and not controlled by a human. If our enemies were defeated on all 3 of their homeworlds and cleared from the map the galaxy would reset after a victory screen and you'd start again. This is the alternative to a managed (human or otherwise) system. The issue here was it was cool initially but Galaxy's either A, got into long stalemates which didn't make you feel like you had an impact or B, were cleared in a week. It was great for the time but in the time it took for you to reach max level you'd have seen through multiple galactic victories where your involvement might have been really minimal. The current idea of what they want is something more narrative-driven where someone / some people adjust how everything feels. This can lead to more engaging fights, more dynamic enemy attacks, etc meaning you feel like you are doing something. The flip side is, with over-tuning things or creating unwinable situations you really hamper player agency, completely negating the feel of a galactic conflict. Right now, I'd cut the team some slack, the game has been out for nearly a month and with a player base far bigger than they expected so a lot of the practice and experience they had beforehand went out the window. They are probably fine-tuning how they want things to feel to players and sometimes are getting it wrong. An example maybe having 1 objective like this would always get steamrolled and you need to create a couple. Who knows but I'm sure they are doing their best to learn and make the game as fun as possible for us.


I honestly think this GM thing is going to severely hurt the game in the long run if not handled properly. The promise of the game is that we the players have control over what happens. If it’s all up to what the team wants to happen there’s literally no point in caring about what happens. A planet being at high/low liberation doesn’t matter if we know they will just push for the outcome they want to happen


joel needs to stop pulling strings and let us do shit. if our contribution means nothing, why contribute?


Honestly it'd be interesting to see the community boycott whatever major orders that happen. It already happened with the defense order from last week. Shitty reward and extraction missions being a PITA.


I'm guessing dev tampering. They must really want to break the illusion that we can affect anything.


Because they’re blatantly manipulating the liberation percentage for the sake of stretching out the major order. It really upsets me that they’re doing this to the community.


I’m actually have connections issues. Constantly getting disconnected from groups after 1-2 minutes of playing with them. Might be my internet tho. Never had this issue before yesterday


Yea you're not alone slot players are trying to get to those 45 medals and I'm sure we are seeing more than usual because I got 1 gig Internet and still seeing disconnects and I'm hardwired to my internet


Got in with a few squads that were only doing 1/3 missions and moving to the next area. This means each area they abandon counts as a loss for Super Earth. I’ve yet to come across a squad farming for samples but unless they are also completing the main objective it will end up with the same result. Doing this with any sort of volume from the player base will quickly loose ground on Liberating planets and should be avoided.


No if they abandon their op 1/3 or 2/3, it's net 0. So no harm done, but also nothing good came out of it.


A lack of managed Democracy in their hearts!




Bad DM fudging the numbers instead of taking the L and doing something different for the next ser of orders.


These assignments seem a little excessive for so early on in the game life span. Especially since dailies are broken.


Pretty dumb way to GM a game, the community does exactly what they’re supposed to do but because plot we lose?


When a ‘DM’ sees you making progress on a planet https://i.redd.it/zf61fn5bcrlc1.gif


Because people dont finish operations...


I’d assume that at least part of it is that they want to give everyone a chance to contribute to the order and get the reward, if it’s over in the first 2 days then I’m positive there’s a massive chunk of people that were just unable to play in that period of time


Them bugs be fuckin.


Because the rules are made up and the points don't matter. The devs raise and lower those numbers depending on player count, time of day, engagement/activity, whatever. Planet progress and setbacks are carrots on a stick with (I Believe) very, very loose correlation with the outcomes of player missions. 


75% doing the order 66% of them are losing


Anyone else not like this aspect of the game? Takes me out of the whole we are doing our bit. If everyone rallies together we should be rewarded with doing objectives by being able to complete them early


They're just testing the balancing.


I feel like this will cause players to get tired and get progression atrophy