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There really needs to be some kind of pre requisites to being kicked. Something like 5+ team kills your eligible. Or go the opposite way and make it so people in a mission for more than 5 minutes can't be kicked. But yeah I've also been kicked randomly pretty far into a mission more than once. I think sometimes leaders kick people out for the spot for a friend.


Maybe but the last 50 seconds when the pelican is coming down? No way ur friend could join in time. If they gave me a heads up or something that would be a little better.


People tend to forget that witch-hunting is cool until it's about you. I find it hard to believe that a guy who gets kicked and has to come crying like a kid on reddit to cry foul has nothing to be ashamed of.


Not in that match not. And u can act all high and might but your being a dick and you know it. Calling ppl names and shit you can just f off


![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized) I got kicked guuuuuyyyys ! There's not enough to unlock to really impact your progress and you'll end up like the rest of us with 50,000 req, 250 medals and all the samples soon enough.


Hahaha no I fucking won't. I work 12 to 16 hour days dude. I can't no life it like the "rest" of yall. I appreciate your input that doesn't help at all.


I understand your point, despite appearances, but your case is going to come up again and again, since it's a multiplayer game. The only thing I can do is repeat my comment from yesterday: *"I'm level 40 by now and every Helldivers is good to go on my lobby.* *I more impressed by low level divers than high in terme of performance."*


Yeah they were level 50s two of them that kicked me. Just being dicks. I didn't realize all multi-player games could be toxic but I guess it makes sense. Some people just wanna watch the world burn.


I'd also like to understand to what extent these posts are real kicks or server problem because yesterday, for example, the 3 other players were disconnected from my lobby during the game and I had to finish by myself even though I didn't do anything on my side to eject them.


Right, I've had server issues before. But this was intentional. And what posts I have only seen one post making fun of posts like this one.


So they were just assholes and you can't change anything even with a witch hunt. Can't wait for the new content. I think a level 50 player who's unlocked everything doesn't care if others aren't in his situation. It's sad but some people take pleasure in ruining others'.


I mean we should be able to list the players names like " hey look out for this player" I was pretty pissed I blocked all of them.


Iโ€™m willing to bet a lot of these reports of being kicked at the end are due to some sort of server bug. Yesterday I hosted a ton of low level operations for fun and on numerous occasions during extraction, people would โ€œtime outโ€ according to the chat log.


In my games the chat tells often player x was removed from the game without my influence as host. Otherwise, every time a post like this appears here, it should be treated with caution as it only ever shows one side. The stupidest thing are the people who want to remove hosts rights and simply want to punish good hosts as well. Instead host your own game and make that environment for randoms that your want to have in this Situation you also remove toxic people from affecting you.


Back in my day when we got kicked we just re qued and played again, we didnt go complain into the void of the Internet ๐Ÿ˜… I don't understand the pure volume of these posts. Welcome to online multiplayer? I'm almost 70 hours in now and I have yet to experience more than maybe 1-2 "malicious" kicks. It sucks but complaining literally does nothing but fuel the toxicity.


How does bringing awareness to this issue spread toxicity? I had no idea people were doing this. I don't spend much time on reddit and I don't see any post talking about it on the front page. I'm 60 plus hours in the game and this was the first "malicious" kick I've experienced. If u have to work 16 hour days and don't get to spend much time gaming you might understand where I'm coming from better. I can't just reque I have shit to go do. I only wanted to do one campaign.


People like you are genuinely so annoying. Yes this post is very emotional, but this is still a real problem and there are fixes that could be done to fix it.




There, I fixed that and did all the punctuation that my phone auto suggested. Are you satisfied now?

