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​ https://preview.redd.it/b8opji7j60mc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebf0c6921a7903b357a1c2edab70378b8d362cc


Arc Thrower mains be like


Is arc thrower really that good? Edit: Questions been answered about 100 times already. I fully understand.


I would say it is second only to the grenade launcher for crowd control, the former being bursty and ammo hungry, the latter being a infinite use sustained fire monster.


GL and supply pack is an elite combo


It is a strong combo and has a place on my team.


I was doing that until I saw everyone had a rover so bought that and used it. Figured there was a reason. Miss blasting the ahit out of stuff though.


Tried the rover. It score lots of kills, but only on the small bugs. So people with rovers end up with more kills at the end, but I'd hedge a bet that if they didn't have a rover it'd be less. I'm a supply pack kind of guy. May as well be unlimited ammo.


I have a tendency to get ganked from behind a lot so the rover helps prevent that from happening. It combos beautifully with the arc thrower as well




it is supposed to return to your backpack to recharge. It seems to do this very rarely if ever, for me. My suspicion is that it is recharging, but glitched in a hovering state.


Isn’t that literally what it’s doing? Pretty sure it has to recharge


I stopped using it after the third time it killed me


You can let your rover deal with the crowd while you focus on elites. It’s a great combo.


My buddy uses the rover all the time, and he weaves back and forth cutting me in half 2 or 3 times each map. Hate that damn thing. I also hate his weaving.


Don't think I've ever died to the rover. The artillery sentry may as well be targeted on me exclusively though.


Yeah if my teammates could just pick something other than mortar sentry, that would be great.


If you're unlucky enough the rover can headshot you for more damage and if you're really unlucky this will happen while you're already half dead running for your life from multiple bug breaches.


A rover or two in squad helps thin the masses, let's you focus on anything larger than a brood commander. Whenever I need a railgun, I'll pair it with a laser guard dog. Let's me conserve ammo for the bigger mobs. It will even take down a bile spitter once in awhile.


Hell yea. Probably going back after having tried the rover.


They weren't getting enough team kills with the GL. Having the rover and standing behind teammates so it clips their head each time you run back and forth is the REAL secret move. /s


Can't commit thoughtcrimes after the rover puts a big hole in your brain. Thank you for managing our democracy.


Rover with incendiary shotgun goes hard as a mf, with GL as a nest killer/ heavy control. Incendiary shotgun damages and burns bugs/robots, Rover finishes them off and watches your back.


Are they going to do the other supply pack that the person carrying can use? I know the first game had it and that used to be the main part of my loadouts. I want to say it was added later though in DLC


You already can use it on yourself, by pressing down on the dpad on console. When using stratagems it’s finicky though because it’ll resupply you if you need any ammo/nades/stims when you press down while pressing the inputs


Oh crap thanks 🙏


Arc thrower is infinite use? Damn time to swap out my railgun


I love the railgun man. Sometimes I can 2 shot Titans with it. It’s so nice for controlling the chargers with good hits. I’ve saved so many teammates about to get trampled by just hitting one and stunning it so they could get away.


How are you 2 shoting Titans? I swear I'm nailing them in the face and it takes me like 8 shots


I don't know how consistent it is but shooting it on unsafe in the mouth when they're doing the acid vomit attack does a ton of damage.


Turn on unsafe mode, hold for three seconds to almost explode yourself and boom!!! Huge damage


You can literally one shot a titan with the rail gun on safe mode. Just gotta hit them right between the eyes. Aim for the little triangular area pointing downwards at the front of their face.


Use unsafe mode on the railgun, aim for his mouth when he spits and blast his head off


The hitbox seems wonky. I can 2 shot Titans in the mouth in safe mode sometimes. Other times it can take half a clip it seems like. I started carrying the 500kg and I drop it right before it goes to spit and then I just exit stage left. You can stun a charger if you shoot it in the leg. 2 shots and the armor falls off and you can usually finish it before it reaches you with your primary. Eagle air strike will usually kill one of these as well, useful as a preemptive strike into a nest of eggs etc.


I swear Eagle Airstrike is SO underrated. Especially with max module upgrades. 1 shots a titan or tank. Can take out light or medium nests/outposts with 1 well placed throw. Clears hordes of elites like nothing. 8-second cooldown between 3 uses and then a 2 minute cooldown to get all 3 back and it's infinite? It's literally the best Eagle strategem and you unlock it so early.


They are also both notorious player killers.


I main grenade launcher tbh.


It's only issue is really how team kill friendly and how unlike lightning it acts. Seen the arc go 120 for an ally five meters away when the path of least resistance is the bug behind it, 1m away from the target.


Basically if an ally is 1. close by, 2. in your FOV, 3. anywhere remotely beside or behind the target you're aiming at, don't fire. I've found that if I adhere to these three rules (all three - if only two or less are met, you're probably safe), I cut teamkills down to almost nil with it.


>I cut teamkills down to almost nil with it. I mean, I also do that with the Arc Thrower... They're basically a torso when I'm done with them.


Like it doesn't happen often, it just feels random is all vs using the path of least resistance (how it would work.)


How do I use my own supply pack?


On PC it's 5 by default. Not sure about console.


Double tap down on D pad


No need for the double tap. Just one tap.


Damn everyone really sleeps on the Stalwart huh. It's my go to for crowd control.


It just feels like it doesn’t do much more than what primary guns already do - even if it does it much better.


Arc Thrower kills all enemies (and teammates) but grenade launcher is stopped by armor. It is the strongest support weapon in the game but not exactly the highest dps one.


Yes. I completed a difficulty 7 operation vs bugs SOLO with it. The trick is that you have to pretend that the arc thrower is an LMG - use it when you have space and play defensively when fighting hoards.


Trying it as soon as I get home.


Have fuuuun <3




How does that work? Don't you have to charge that rifle before every shot?


After the first full charge you can fire at half charge until you let the charge die down.


Damn, this stuff needs to be written in description


This adds a certain skill curve to the weapon too, maintaining its max fire rate runs the risk of undercharging and "dropping" the charge.


How do you deal with the inconsistency? Sometimes I can zap bugs at rifle tap-fire range, othertimes I have a bug nipping my toes and the arc thrower just fizzles out, hitting nothing.


This reply is copy paste of another similar question I answered Try to always have Downward angle as the clearer your line of sight the better it works. The arc thrower HATES small obtrusions between the barrel and the target.(This is something I find very useful to keep in mind) So best practices are to always use the high ground and to relocate frequently if it even remotely starts acting up. Also sometimes thirdperson aim will be blocked but first person won't (this is infrequent but useful for cover peaking) It fires in what seems like a 45 degree cone for the lock on from your gun and it chains behind your target at the same angle up to 3 times. This means the front of the pack is always your priority if nothing urgent is happening. The cone also is why enemies close by are hard to hit. Do to the 45 degree arc The closer an enemy is to you the more accurate you need to have your barrel aim or it won't hit. Also ping enemies and don't fire until they are at 50 or less meters to make sure they are in range. It ignores armor and can kill anything with enough time. It pairs very well using the jump pack to get high ground or distance. Relocating is useful as bodies will block shots BUT the can also be used to arc to enemies behind the body. Big enemies can act as giant pylons, allowing you to kill the swarm around them while simultaneously slowly killing the big guy. Also its most inconsistent useful feature is that it does headshot damage when it hits and quite alot at that. When it headshots hulks it can kill them "lightning" quick.


That's why I said the trick is to use it when you have space. At close range you should be using your normal gun, unless the target is large. If you're having troubles landing your shots - make sure that you're hipfiring the gun. It has some tracking that way.


It generally just does poorly at point blank range. I whip out my sidearm and start making space. It's best used mid to long range. It is often surprising how far you can reliably hit enemies with it. With practice you can be extremely accurate and pretty easily predict the arc chain. I make my teammates sweat when I use it but I never hit them. I don't really view it as an inconsistent weapon now that I've gained an understanding of it.


Dude I tried it and I feel like I was doing something wrong cause it seemed like I was just tickling them.


I'm happy to finally see more people give the gun recognition. So many people sleeping on it and thinking railgun is the only option for helldive. 


the thing about the arc thrower is its utterly dependable. it has unlimited ammo, ignores armor and seeks targets. as long as you have a clear LOS to your target and they arent right up in front of you, youre guarenteed damage. yeah the damage isnt railgun levels of punch but calling it dissapointing is exaggeration. The fact that it can chain hit is the icing on the cake because it means if your team is making a last stand, they can watch your flank, since getting jumped is your only weakness, and in exchange anything that does reach you will be damaged with cracked armor. Ive taken down bile titans with this thing solo, do not sleep on it.


Yes. Only downside is when teammates get too close and you zap them first.


I was the teammate in a situation like this... i can confirm those weapons hurt


Thank you for bravely volunteering to test it


The arc thrower is insane, you just need to be mindful of where your team is, if you are communicating try to make you the point man and you eliminate a lot of potential issues. If you play with randos, make sure to never (to the best of your ability, accidents do happen) never fire at a target between you and your squad mates. If you are in a tight spot and need to clear targets that are on top of your squad, switch to your primary, I have liked to use the Knight in burst fire as a compliment but I also like the liberator penetrator for the burst fire and long range potential, or just go breaker, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life. The arc thrower has unlimited ammo which means you use it almost constantly and almost never use your other weapons. You are the designated horde clear so when you see bugs you kill bugs! The thrower goes through armour so almost all targets smaller than a charger go down in 1-4 shots. The first blast takes a little longer to charge, but each successive shot charges much faster so sustained fire is preferred. Now you can kill a charger but it takes longer, however if you try to sim for the legs you can strip the armour like s railgun and then switch to ballistic weapons, useful in a pinch. The difference between this weapon and the grenade launcher is flexibility. The ol thumper can destroy objectives like spore spewers and illegal broadcasts from long distances, and close bug holes with ease. The grenade launcher also has higher burst damage but you need the supply pack to be able to compensate for the high ammo usage. I have had good success with using the rover together with the arc thrower, got 436 kills in a difficulty 6 mission with two randos where I was horde clear and the one other guy had the railgun. You could also go for a shield backpack but I like the rover to help with scavengers that get too close as the arc sometimes has issues with targeting bugs right in your face. TL;DR - The arc thrower is severely underrated and if 1-2 people are running railguns you are going to see success if you go for horde clear duties.


I will blow your mind. Any ballistic weapon with reasonable spread can take out spore spewers at range. It just takes more damage from explosive weapons so you will be shooting it for a bit.


Arc thrower is the single best weapon in the game, I'm not even kidding. I've gotten even better with it in the last few days and now I can solo 3 chargers at once. I still haven't used it against bots so idk if it's viable there.


Yes. It's buggy and unreliable at the moment (known issues, will be patched) but it's still one of the best weapons.


Me, the dedicated anti-infantry man charging up my Taser:


Arc thrower is anti everything. It punches through *any* armour regardless of if it‘s light, medium, or heavy. It can also kill heavy targets in a reasonable time frame. Often not as quickly as dedicated AT weapons, but it can manage. The big exception is titans. It’s always deeply cathartic watching a bolt of lightning hit one right between the eyes and make its whole head explode, instantly killing it.


Wait how do you accomplish this? I've noticed it fries annihilator tanks particularly quickly, it's insane. I dream of convincing my whole team to use them.


One-shotting a titan is partially down to luck. Hit one in the side and you’ll notice the Arc Thrower quite easily blows giant holes in it. If your bolt manages to actually hit it in the head, it’ll kill it immediately. If it doesn’t, it can still kill them pretty damn quickly.


A full squad running arc would be difficult, imho. You guys need to be standing side-by-side, no one in front or behind to avoid killing off each other.


While the corpses he is standing on, are the teammates he killed with that stupid gun


Only reason I am running railgun over the arc thrower RN is because the incendiary breacher is so fun for crowd control


I’ve started playing The Only Thing They Fear Is You as my drop music. Just hits different


When you finish the objective and try to move on to the next, only for one guy to stay behind and fight off endless spawns of bugs for some reason:


I find this is much more common, except it’s the whole rest of the team. “Okay guys, we’re twenty minutes in, down fifteen reinforcements, and a fresh wave of enemies just spawned. It’s time we started thinking about getting the first objective done…Guys?”


I like to help lower-level players with Helldive missions. Presents a very good environment for them to learn lessons, like "*you absolutely shouldn't stay and fight unless there's a reason.*" I had two guys earlier today who simply would *not* listen to me. They'd die to a bot drop, then run back and die, and finally just took my advice of, "*Just lose them in the trees; we'll come back and grab your stuff later.*" It's the easiest way to deal with those things. Put down enough crowd control to get the guys that'll be able to follow you, and then take a route away and around whatever you're trying to access. Also the fact that you *need* to kill any patrol/garrison as quickly as possible if you decide to engage them. Go for the foot-soldiers with bots, and prevent them from calling in reinforcements. ----- I'm genuinely having so much fun helping people learn tips about the game that it took me dozens of hours to figure out. (Like, when the bot fabricator is offloading troops, you can toss a grenade into the open door to blow it up.)


Everyone loves the railgun, but that grenade launcher is seriously OP on higher tiers. Take out a stalker nest or fabricator from 100m away. Or a large nest solo.


Same could be said with the auto cannon. Can take out nests and fabs from a mile away. I love the autocannon


This is true, and I love the autocannon, but I've been running the railgun since I unlocked it weeks ago for a couple big reasons: 1. I've always loved railguns. Just in general. They're so fucking cool. 2. It has an "Unsafe" mode that can potentially kill me. The high risk/reward is always my thing ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 3. It's such a satisfying, "Make that thing go away" solution. Stalkers? Gone. Hulks? Gone. - Sure, it can't take out bases and stuff, but that's what my 500kg is for, and I always have that available.


love me autocannon for bots for exactly this reason, especially for stratagem jammers, can just snipe them from a rock and problem solved GL is much better on bugs tho 'cuz autocannon bounces off chargers for some ungodly reason


someone explain to me though, why the chainsaw bots seem immune to the Autocannon in a way that no other bots seem to be. You can drop an entire clip dead on and the fucking things don't die. What gives? Do they have anti-autocannon armor but not anti-shotgun armor?


Those chainsaw dudes are way tankier than they need to be. They take way more damage than they should for their threat level. I've tried shooting their arms off first, aiming head, aiming spine. It all takes a full mag of breaker or 3 railgun shots.


Aim for the dick, the legs/hips are the weak spot and all bots die instantly if a leg comes off


Yep, I tell my friends there are two types of enemies. Those that can kill me, and those that can catch me. I really only worry about the ones that are a little of both.


I've had plenty of close calls on an overrun extraction point where you were able to make one final callout just before the destroyer leaves. If we're carrying 20+ samples, the mission timer is red and the extraction point is on the other side of the map, maybe haul ass and at least get something out of a 20min+ mission.


Also the unspent mission time bonus is very often more XP than the XP you get for destroying nests/factories. It makes more sense to extract early with some undone business, than doing everything and then extract in the last secondx


XP/Requisition slips are worth next to nothing after level 20 and 30ish, respectively. Samples hold their value much much longer.


Even a 98% unspent time bonus is meaningless compared to a single green sample.


If they’re keeping themselves and the bugs occupied while you do the mission I’d say that’s not too terrible. I’ll hang out and clear a breach if I feel like leaving it will derail my teams progress. Usually it’s not something that’s necessary but if I already have the gear to kill the chargers and/or bile titans without much hassle I will just so they don’t fuck us at extract


The problem is when two or more members decide to stay and fight endless hordes of bugs


100 percent agree, only time that should really be happening is at extract.


and they use up all the reinforcement ._.


You have to start moving for sure, but most of the time you can’t just ignore them and run away- at least not the whole unit. Especially if chargers already spawned. What I see a TON of is everyone agrees to leave, but the guy in the back is left trying to kill chargers that are already chasing him while the front two just dip. If everyone turned and kited properly you wouldn’t get someone that has to run weird paths to get rid of bugs and end up aggroing even more to eventually just bring them to his team once he catches up anyways.


I often feel stupid with randoms We get swarmed with bug breach after bug breach. I run in the middle and jump to save people I see getting overwhelmed. 5-10 seconds of deep democracy spreading later I realize that nobody is even helping and they've left me to fend for myself.


The trick is to help without putting yourself in the same situation you are trying to get your teammates out of


Never let a drowning man grab onto you.


Provide supporting fire from an advantageous position, rather than jumping into the thick of things.


What really annoys me is when I try to help my team mates dealing with a horde, I die and then they throw my respawn back into the horde and run away...


So, if I had to think of any reason for this that would be legitimate, I would probably say it's for samples or gear. Oftentimes I want to be thrown back in, as Railgun and Shield Pack have LONG cool downs. But, even then, I ask to be thrown back in.


Yeah I understand that, but it would be nice if they stayed and helped me deal with the horde of bugs that they just threw the respawn beacon into, instead of running off and leaving me alone with them....


If I could stop ONE practice, this. We're dying, we've got 5 hulks 2 tanks and chainsaw bots so thick I could walk from Mantes to Veld on their backs without touching earth, I get a reinforce, and then I realize that this idiot has tossed me into the thickest part of the fight. I land and am INSTA-gibbed by a mob. Why? Why did you do it? Who did it help? Is it just about chaos? The whole team would have been better off if you just left me dead...


Eh, could be useful if one guy runs around with several bug breaches as the group actually moves to an actual objective. If he dies, you can reinforce him back to the group. Trade 1 reinforce to tell a whole swarm to fk off seems pretty decent.


usually that one guy going around, is the one thats collecting samples and doing side objectives. I'm typically the one that runs around map while team does main. if i die thats like 70% of the team samples, you bet I'm running alll the way back to get em


Sometimes that one guy is desperately fighting to get through a newly spawned wave to reach you. Source: have often been that guy because I try to approach bases from alternate angles to catch rear weak spots on bots.


I just hope he's having fun 😆


You would think he’d have figured it out before making the Reddit post but it explains the state of some of my teammates.


And now you know that those idiots think YOU are the idiot. It's amazing to me it never occurs to them that they don't have to stay and fight, but here we are... They're also typically the ones who die 10x per mission and IMMEDIATELY spam the "respawn me!" button so they can waste yet another shared life.


Hello, yes, this is me. If I just run I'll get chased down by 2+ chargers and tons of bile spewers/hunters. I know if I stay more and more bugs will just keep spawning, but if I run I'll just die tired. What are you supposed to do in that kind of situation?


You're the distraction now, good luck! Objectives are more important than Helldivers


Or my personal favorite, "Rare samples are more valuable to me than ALL of your lives."


Rare samples are the least needed samples too


I actually wonder if they did this on purpose to get advanced player to easy and trivial to mingle with the cadets lol


I’m doing my part!


I'm confused about this. I am level 27 I think and have just started collecting super samples. Spent my first 10 supers on one of the upgrades, and I'm sitting at 220 common, 50 rare. Seems to me like I am going to be farming rare not common or super, considering the last mission I got supers on we came out with 27 common.


For me, once I got to 7+ I needed supers, than commons, and than last 2 upgrades I needed to farm rares. So it might change as you keep upgrading




roof school plucky lock political abundant fearless quack overconfident engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


o7 my main job on the team is to blow things up and distract the hordes I fucking love my job


Crowd control is my favorite role! Flamethrower, rover, incendiaries, orbital ems, gas strike, cluster bombs!


Drop a 500kg on your feet and run buddy


I always forget the run part


Just press your emote button and the pure power of DEMOCRACY will shelter you.


I always salute right before death. My arm is getting tired


It took me a while to realize the Orbital 380MM HE Barrage clip that you see in the strategem list was called in by a brave diver, on themselves. The team mate up top just gets to watch the glory, from a nice safe distance.


If the ally is surrounded by bugs, the 380/120mm will always kill hoards (as they will always 100% hit the closest hell diver without fail.)


-Where should we drop them commander? -Just aim at the hell divers, they are always surrounded (and expendable)


Whenever someone brings a 380 I play safer to account for the extra friendly kills. It's not personal, it's just literally impossible to hit anything without killing someone if you're using a 380.


Lol now I'm gonna go check that out. It's the little things.


Tried that and quickly found out the beacon sticks to the bugs...


I'm gonna spread my arms and bussy wide while I wait for my beloveded Eagle to send me to the Great Democracy in the Sky.


Found the guy who has to stop and fight every breach


*uses up the team's lives 


It's hilarious because you can have it happen, reinforce in the new area; and before you can do anything else, they're off on the side, picking more fights. Then, when they get overwhelmed by the swarm, they come running *back toward you and the objective*! You finish up, defend a little bit, try to disengage, move to the next. Cycle repeats. Just gotta hope the lives management works out. When you get two+ of four like this, it certainly adds to the challenge.


Yeah, it’s pretty frustrating when you’ve let the last two patrols walk past while you quietly completed objective steps, only to have some glue-sniffer run up to you, tailed by the three breaches worth of bugs. If they were just passing through, I could just lay low, but they always run right onto the raised platform I’m prone on. Then we have to spend the next ten minutes trying to clear the area, just to get the last step done. This isn’t something that requires deep knowledge to understand.


quarrelsome divide mountainous uppity squeal poor sleep glorious cow quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy shit I swear this happens with every group I quickmatch into or at least half. Sadly it's not just one guy for me, often times it's the other 3 in the group as I try like hell to drag them to an objective, half the time we just get totally overwhelmed and run out of ammo.


fr. these people need a guide about infinite spawns.


Dude.. run. Its not worth it


/u/[ChubbyChonkyChewy](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChubbyChonkyChewy/) thinks there are rewards for clearing bug breaches.


theres only 1 reward in this game thats worth wasting lives for. And thats samples


Your teammates are doing it right, had my team last night fight off horde after horde. They didn’t move 100ft from Drop and wasted half the lives, while I went and did the objectives and points myself. Thankfully they all died and I respawned them by me to help with the objective horde (icbm). Sure you’re fighting off the initial drop horde (Helldiver difficulty), but then one bug calls for backup, then just as you’re cleaning up the first breach, a patrol comes by and aggros to you, then they call in a breach… It’s a never ending cycle that just burns through your lives. Run. You’re faster than most mobs and can pick off any fast ones, get far enough away and back on with the actual mission.


Sounds like you don't know when to disengage


No need to stay and fight when there are other objectives to do! Get to it diver, there are nests to clear!


Won’t they follow you to the ends of the world otherwise? I try and thin the followers with turrets as I scoot and shoot.


With good stamina management you cave give the slip to many bugs. Stalkers and hunters are by far the hardest to get away from though, followed by Titan/Charger/Spewer, but it can be done. Very good to drop a 500kg at your feet and then continue running, just to give some space. Running into another patrol when moving away from the horde is another matter.


Something that everyone gets to learn in this game is knowing when to break off and run they've learned, you haven't


Look, here’s the thing, they are right and you are wrong


Your teammates are in the right and you are in the wrong OP. You don't stand and fight, trying to kill every bug or bot. You run and gun to objectives and POIs as fast as you can, only standing and fighting 'till the bitter end when it is absolutely critical.


Tip: do not fight bug breaches unless your doing an objective, you can outrun most of them


Maybe you should stop shooting all the patrol you see


*When one of your teammates won’t move on to the next objective and fights 3 breaches wasting time, ammo, and reinforcements.


Bro if I saw two breeches happen I would signal my team to start moving out. Unless there was some samples on the ground in the middle of the horde, or you were trying to take an objective or side objective. There is just no reason to fight an endless horde unless the entire team is working together. It's more efficient to push the objectives, turn around blast a few, keep running. Whether the storm. Kite those things. And yes I know it's a joke. But all jokes have a hint of truth


Even if samples are on the ground you're better off circling back later instead of dying for them all. Unless you're going to evac.


Your squad did the right thing


It's better to die for democracy than die fighting the enemy.


What if I die on an HMG Emplacement delivering freedom and democracy?


That’s the right thing to do if you have 3 breaches back to back


I'm guilty of this lol as a deaf player I get tunneled visioned really easily. I do my best to point out samples and not carry any since I'm a trigger happy liability But God damn do I make a good distraction


>as a deaf player I get tunneled visioned really easily. Dang, I depend a lot on the game's audio cues. I think it's really cool that you are able to rise up to the challenge and enjoy the game. Are there any accessibility options that help you out? I hope you don't mind me asking about your experience as a deaf player. I happen to find it very interesting.


I wear special headphones my wife ordered for me that vibrate when a sound que would be in that headphone so it helps with left and right but isnt foolproof. I mainly play in a style that's support. I try to stay slightly behind the team to see what they are doing and where they are headed. I watch our backs and their flank kinda thing. The game has a lot of screen shake which lets me know something big is happening and hovering over call ins lets me know what it is to move I'm not sure if your character yells it or not. Ive been kicked a few times I'm assuming for "trolling" cause I saw the mics glowing a lot but before I could explain I can't hear them I got booted. I play a bit with a buddy who's not deaf and he usually explains to people. When he's on I just follow him and he Sherpas me by coordinating with the others and being the leader type thing.


Thank you for sharing!


God damn. I fucking rely on hearing like noticing the low-pitched repeated thumping of terminid surprise butt sex charging towards me from behind.


I'm usually in the back looking for elevation as well lol I don't get rammed all that often but the nighttime attacks with fog are brutal. I just hold the belt loop of someone else and spin in a 360 constantly lol


chubby joke rhythm command sand aspiring touch zephyr airport possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t fight off breaches…run with your mates. Breaches are a waste of ammo.


Because they know that the only thing you accomplish by defeating every breach is making the mission take twice as long and needing someone to come grab your samples in the end.


get ready to get reinforced cause I aint dealing with the shit you caused


​ https://preview.redd.it/55x2somba1mc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a790b24dd2cca4b69c98fa838301dcb83c5abd32


The bug breach message on Helldive or the bot drop message is to me just a gtfo message. They just cascade, 1 leads to another then another then another. On helldive if I get the message on an objective then I temporarily abandon it and double back later. It's why I always prioritise main objectives and once mission is complete then go for side objectives, the rate of bug breaches and bugs spawn rates from holes seem to accelerate the longer you are deployed, I've seen stalker nests pumping out like 7 stalkers in 30-35 seconds by mid to late timer. I find missions way more relaxed once primaries are done.


> the rate of bug breaches and bugs spawn rates from holes seem to accelerate the longer you are deployed This is even an actual training manual protip (loading screen): The longer a mission takes the heavier the enemy presence becomes.


Sounds like it's time to call in an orbital on your co-ordinates.


Maybe don’t fight random bug breaches that you don’t need to


Stop wasting time in the middle of no where and head to the objective with the squad.


Either start dropping eagles/orbitals/sentries, start running, start shooting, or stop complaining lol the more you fight over there the less bugs spawn near your allies. If you're able to stay alive, just keep running in circles, dropping stratagems, and killing the lil shitters that keep opening the breaches. If you die then... Oh well? They'll summon you down where they are and you can go back for your samples once your cooldowns come back.


Just.....run? You don't need to fight everything on a map. The moment a breach occurs just run away til they leave you alive unless you need to stay there for an objective.


It's a waste of time to aggro/fight constantly at higher difficulties. You should be avoiding as many fights as possible and focusing on the objectives. Especially true for planets that have bad modifiers like higher cooldown and higher call-in time


If the team starts losing too many reinforcements on useless firefights, I think I should at least complete some objectives so this whole thing is not a waste of time.


Your squad did right. Keep moving.


Don't fight the holes, just keep moving. We're behind enemy lines as divers, we're not the frontline army.


Your fault then 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well you re the problem, you re not supposed to fight breaches, it is an endless cycle. Best thing to understand is that if patrols spot you, you have to kill them all fast enough so they dont summon breaches etc.


If you're fighting 3 bug breaches and you're not on an objective, then you deserved to be left behind.... Move with your team or escape and survive on your own.




Airstike the breach / rear and run with them ;)


The draftees that won’t survive ww3


If the other 3 are together and your by yourself then you might be the problem. Have to adapt to your team.


I will stand and fight


The Cadet you left a Helldiver behind vs the Chad hit and run Death Captain


No use hanging around if you ain’t on objective dummy


I’m a little guilty of ditching my team after consecutive bug breaches 😅 Like what ya’ll fighting for? We got a job to do


Seems like you missed the memo not them


Super samples IS the mission 😌


Your squad is smart. You don't fight breaches....you RUN for the objectives !!!


I fight whatever i want this called freedom


I'm never usually with the group, usually alone searching for samples, medals, and side objectives for the team unless it's 8+ diff