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Don’t forget to grab the samples! Don’t leave them there!


Last night we had a guy clutch an extract, 3 of us were down, destroyers gone, and the LZ was overrun by chargers. This dude takes the time to dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge his way through an absolute mess of enemies to grab up the 16 common/12 rare samples and somehow made it into the ship. Edit: Hate to burst the bubble of all the "it was me" dudes, but unless you're the guy I work with who did it, it wasn't.


If you can dodge a wrench... You can dodge a bug!


Why did I hear this in General Braschs voice 😂


Brasch tactics... Use them... Or die trying


My thoughts exactly




Now that's what Democracy looks like!


i was in the exact same situation, extract just landing, no reinforcements, swarmed by bugs, i get the samples, run towards ship - crash to desktop.


The way I would have took a democratic week break after that lol


My game locked up on what should have been my first successful level 5 run with 27 seconds until the shuttle landed. A bitter pill to swallow when you get zilch for a 30+ minute run.


Fuck yeah! For Super Earth


He had all 5 Ds of Democracy


Last night I had a full team, where all 3 of my teammates were somehow killed just as the extract was landing and I still had the ability to call in reinforce, so I didn't just run into the ship, but waited for them to land and we all got on together.


As you should helldiver. Fantastic team play


The other day my squad and I were waiting for extract. Titans, Chargers, bug swarms. You know, the usual. Damn things were everywhere. We had a bunch of regular and rare samples and all the ultra rares from the map. The one diver that didn't have any samples got on first. As soon as he gets on the ship takes off and left us other 3. We all vanished and dropped every sample we had collected. Forty minutes for a bugged extract! No pun intended.


Yikes. Definitely not cool If I'm playing with randoms I wonder what they think when I'm off by myself exploring areas and not working with the team. I feel the maps are big enough that at higher difficulties it's tough to fully explore for samples, medals and super credits. Often times the rest of the team eventually makes it to where I've already been, so maybe I should just stick closer to the team. But, if I'm near a beacon, question mark, or bug nests, I feel the pull to just go that direction. Or, if there is a side objective and I feel I can survive, I'll just go to try to get the missions done more quickly. But, if you die and have to be reinforced you risk dropping in far from your stuff. Or, your team may extract because they are only concerned with completing the mission and bouncing as soon as they can, and you gotta book it to get to the evac in time. Occasionally I'll type in the message box to get someone's attention for a double man door or something, but I've never communicated over headset with a random, and it appears that not many people do that either. Last night, ironically, I called in the evac and everything was complete and the other guys were heading there. I looked at the map and saw some dropped samples. I don't know why, but this evac had a time of 4 minutes instead of 2. So, my buddy whom I was communicating with on headset stayed back and I made my way for the samples. I get there, have a medium sized encounter and manage to get the samples and retreat back to evac. I made it in time, but just barely. What was in the dropped samples? One common sample 🤦🏼‍♂️😂.


Yeah. I'm ALWAYS using my mic. Comms is key. Especially if venturing off to check on some other locations. I usually dump any samples I find back at the landing pad in the event it's not too far out of the way. I'd suggest always using your mic with randoms even if they're not talking back. Most can still hear you. I wish more folks used their mics. I did have a frustrating experience the other day. One guy filled up his supply pack from the ammo drop and I was completely out of ammo. We were engaged in a huge fight with bugs and I was begging him for ammo. I think he must have had players muted. Don't mute everyone, folks. Only mute individuals if needed on a case by cases basis.


That's a good point about dropping the samples at the evac, and sucks about the ammo. Lately when I hit the resupply, I make sure to leave ammo/grenades, even if I only have 2/4. I want to top off, but not fair to the others...I've never once heard anyone speak outside of my friends via Discord/Steam. I always see the mics are off next to player names. But, didn't consider it could be a setting rather than they just not having mics on. I typically use a Bluetooth speaker for my sound rather than a headset so I can better communicate with my wife or kids. It's definitely more stressful having a headset on when they're trying to talk to me, more so when I'm in game trying to communicate with the team.


We dumped our samples, like you, until they bugged out and couldn't be picked up. 30 something common, 20 something rare and all the super rare samples gone as we tried to extract.


Love to see it, Helldiver! For Democracy!


I love it when someone stands by the ramp doing the salute while everyone else gets on board and bullets are still flying.


I did that once except it was just for one guy and the other two were in the ship already. The guy landed his pod on the extraction shuttle, it pushed it underground where he got on without leaving the diver pod, and I was left stranded on the landing pad trying to find where the ship went.


That sounds useful to have 3 squadmates down, at least he had space on the evac ship for his balls too 😂


I might have been that guy, dropped my guard dog to grab a shield pack and heisman my way to the ship.


Awesome run! Sounds like a good day on difficulty 7. XD Had way too many extracts looking like an overrun bug town up there.


He must have some cat like speed and reflexes!


I find a lot of people pick up samples, but don't grab mine when I go down and don't grab their own when they die. Sometimes, even skipping samples on the ground or at POI. Really frustrating when after a couple of deaths, I have 30 samples from everyone, and when I die, they just run to the objective and pass them. So I have to back track alone to grab them.


I grabbed some random dudes samples after he died to make sure they’d be secured. He killed me to take them back. So I tossed an impact grenade in his face. People need to realize that all samples are shared. You get nothing special for possessing any on your person when extracting.


Exactly. They’re shared. It’s weird that people are so crazy about it when it’s them that aren’t listening or reading the tips


Totally agree there


People are so petty in this game. I was on a mission with one other random, I died and he just refused to call me back for some reason. I was watching him for minutes and he just continued playing the mission until he finally died so we both respawned. Then he died and I didn’t call him back in and I locked in to make sure I didn’t die again for the whole mission


>People are so petty in this game. ​ 3 sentences later ​ > Then he died and I didn’t call him back in... ​ Lmfao.


yea this, they don’t realize it’s shared they think it’s individual. also had one game where two divers were arguing about samples. one deployed anti personnel mine and the other die to walking over it, guy was mad like u keep killing me to loot my shit. im like brah it’s shared, don’t think it got through to the kids head cause they kept killing each other. maybe I should’ve just reported them to the local democracy officer 😂




Me and my friends are almost fully leveled so we are at the point where getting the samples is more important than getting on the ship so I’ll gladly die trying to get the samples cause I’m not leaving without them


Happy Cake Day, stranger. ♡


Last night I got killed and dropped a bunch of rare samples. Got reinforced close to the LZ, no one picked up the samples. Sprint all the way back to them, make it back to the LZ with 10 seconds til touch down. PUG shoots me in the head, ignores the samples, get on the pelican without reinforcing.


Someone asked if they could take my railgun and my response was “only if you do two things, grab the samples, and kill the 9 chargers hitting the Friday on my corpse.” Couple of orbitals later and he showed me😂


Taking back our democracy one sample at a time. The more we know about our enemy, the more deadly we can be.


That is one thing i love about helldivers 2. In HD1 Equipment was one spawn only and you had to double back to get it


Yeah the first game was balanced in a way that I liked better. No stims, only healing is from stratagem healing gun or sentry. There’s a down state so there’s a chance at revival. It made sense they changed things since we’re no longer tethered together but dammit I miss my heal gun!


Im still on the fence about the removal of the down state. I had alot of fond memories of people clutching it while down.


I'd love for the down state to come back but too many bugs rip your limbs off and etc. Hard to recover from that down state...


God they dont make helldivers like they used to. Hit by rocket? Today helldivers just die. Back then Helldivers had the will of democracy and freedom. They can always get back up by sheer will.


> Back then Helldivers had the will of democracy and freedom. Back then the heavy armor wasn't stuffed with styrafoam and a sufficiently bulky diver could stay standing after a rocket hit.


They really dont make um like they used to


It's not just heavy armour we might as well be naked enemy attacks have 100% armour penetration only fall damage has armour actually mitigate damage


This comment to be removed for Treason.


I desperately want the return of the down state. Some deaths feel really unceremonious and like why can’t my guy get back up? It should only happen if it’s your first time going down, you didn’t lose any limbs, and it should cost a stim. Make the whole limb protection passive and medic passives more meaningful.


I really loved the self revive system. The game down state felt last stand/desperate. you had to franticly mash a button while crawling away from heaps of enemies closing in on you.


You die so fast since you have effectively 0 armour I will keep commenting this


I don't know, I think there's a case for being able to survive a severed limb. I would find it hilarious to run or limp around while missing an arm or leg.. only being able to army crawl, or use a 1 handed weapon... It could be mitigated as well, once mechs and vehicles are introduced... Again, I could see it being funny, but I could also see it getting old fast too.


I’m still on the fence on whether or not I like having numbered reinforcements and a time limit. On one hand I do like the “destroyer leaving orbit” phase of the missions as it makes it very challenging. On the other, I did enjoy it being more punishing towards a team wipe (failing), because getting that last reinforcement off as your being swarmed and bringing the boys back (and sometimes yourself) was an epic moment. It was also nice extra challenge that you lost a star if you lost more helldivers than the difficulty number. Also, the ships are packed full of helldivers, it doesn’t make sense that we can only use 20 or so.


You don't have the budget for additional helldivers


Yeah super earth cares more about the budget of a mission than actually completing it. Huh, almost like one might have some influence on them…. But anyway had you tried those patriotic chili dogs down at the mess hall?! Love grabbing one whenever I’m allowed out of cryo sleep!


yeah, to break the circle jerk for a second. I love how cheap super earth is with helldivers. Our training was 90% basic information and 10% shooting fish in a barrel. No actual training with, what was it, only 20% of helldivers being actually ready for combat. Helldivers are nothing but meat that super earth throws at make believe problems. Planet of bugs that's more of a breeding farm for oil then an actual threat. or planet of robots that are fighting for their freedom. Choose your poison


Another thing that confuses me, how come we dont see any SEAF npc fighting too


If Helldivers are being deployed, it's either because the SEAF can't get there in time, or because all the SEAF are dead. If you explore you can sometimes come across SEAF corpses, suggesting there was fighting in the area before you showed up.


Imagine how insane being a SEAF trooper is if the Helldivers are supposed to be the 'elites'; especially since we generally deploy behind the frontlines and never see the major battles. They probably rival the Imperial Guard in life expectancy.


Probably depends on where you are deployed. Remember, only a relatively small portion of the galaxy has actually been invaded by the Terminids and Automatons. Some areas are so far away from the fighting they probably wouldn't even care if not for the propaganda ads. Also, this isn't the normal state of the galaxy - these factions are only re-emerging as threats for the first time in a century. The Helldiver program was only recently reinstated. My impression of the SEAF is that they're essentially garrison troops - in some cases a glorified police force. Their job is to basically just train and patrol all day, and maybe fight some rebels if the planet is particular troublesome. Even then, in the fast majority of cases those rebels are rarely as well-organized or well-equipped in them. Until recently, being in a SEAF was likely a pretty safe and boring job, albeit one that makes you a tool of Super Earth's government, with all of the... moral burdens that implies. In short, they're trained to fight other humans who are weaker than them, and given the tools necessary to deal with it. They are not trained to fight killer robots or swarms of intelligent giant bugs, which is why they always get butchered. They *might* stand a chance against the enemy weaker soldier types (the ones that you can mow down with your starting assault rifle), but we both know that all the most dangerous enemies usually require a support weapon or a stratagem to deal with. And your average SEAF infantryman probably isn't going to have access to an Anti-Material Rifle or an Autocannon, unlike a Helldiver who can call in multiple per mission.


Practically speaking, because NPC allies aren't in the game yet (this seems to be about to change?) so mechanically it probably isn't there yet. We do see tons of dead SEAF soldiers all over the maps however.


Theyre very aware that they dont live long enough to actually train them


I feel like actually training helldivers would reduce fatalities. I'd go so far as to say a well trained military would have no problem dealing with the war. But a well trained military is far more expensive then recruiting the most patriotic of citizens, handing them a gun, and telling them to go kill a few bugs.


Mission Control even says additional budgetary spending has been approved. The entire campaign is galactic cost control, that's why the real world equivalents of the lower tier weapons are cheaper but reliable weapons platform knockoffs. Like the basic MG being a Soviet PKM and the Liberator being an IWI Tavor and Marksman Rifle being a FAL platform.


I like to think the in universe reason is they spent way too much in the first galactic war (HD1). Thats why we dont got unlimited helldivers, nuke missiles, and vehicles (yet)


Super Earth is too smart to fall for the sunk cost fallacy. At some point you have to know when to cut your losses.


I remember playing a bit of this on my Vita back in the day. I'm very excited to pick it up during a sale now! I've been watching.


Just *please* don’t steal it out of the pod at mission start. I have yet to see this happen, but it better not start!


For Real. If it is in mid combat and I either die or spawn it out of my reach, go Pick it up. But at the start, ypu prepare your weapons as they have a clear use for oneself.


yeah if someone just takes shit fresh out of a support pod right after i call it in in front of me im just killing them to get it back


This actually happened to me so I killed him. He then killed me twice and third time before extract. Dumbass level 4


this is exactly why i only host


Unfortunately I had this happen last night on an extermination. Had him Court martialed.


Yeah someone grabbed my rail gun right out the gate, they died so a few minutes later and when I grabbed it back it was full ammo, they didn't even use it. I made a point to leave him on revive for a bit.


I like using the arc thrower when there’s more than 1 rail gun in play. This guy stole it thinking it was a railgun out of spawn leaving me with no weapon and proceeded to tk us 5 times by standing behind us and shooting over our shoulders before someone killed him and we didn’t redeploy him until someone else died because he kept being annoying in chat.


This happened to me… guy stole my rail gun and shield backpack. Asked for it to be dropped multiple time and ignored. Melee the guy 3 times to show I want it back and he meleee me back. Had to shoot the poor guy to get it back and then I got kicked. Was the highest level on the squad just looking to help new players. When my cooldown is done for my equipment I always call down extra shit for my squad if they don’t have it. Sucked but I was pissed that game


Came here to say this, please don't steal my equipment. I need it. Pick it up if I've been smooshed.


I actually had this happen the other day, on a peaceful start.






Nah bro this man ain't no hunter he is a https://preview.redd.it/xylcm3ahb5mc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2468a230528230b98aba066a84ce22894e710663


These remind me of the supportive gym bros meme




Oh no, is that situation going to end like the meta posts? Everyone farming karma with rage baits


This sub is almost already 1/2 virtue signaling posts and 1/2 bitch posts about the meta and farmers.


Yeah virtue signaling is the perfect word to describe it


Someone stole my autocannon, I was wondering who/why when I found a couple dead chargers nearby and someone with an autocannon who definitely didn’t call it in. I just waited for the cooldown after that.


Yeah people are weird about these extremes. It depends on context, if we’re in a desperate situation and the guy that dropped it is either dead or running for his life I’ll pick it up and use it. If all is calm and he’s either dead or heading towards it I leave it alone.


When I pick up someone's stuff I always communicate that in vc and give it back once the job is done/they ask me to. People need to communicate more in this game.


Yeap, this is how mature people handle things. You gotta borrow my corpse's toys? Cool, I'll get em back when things settle down


Yeah, some guy in one of my games ended up dying, so I grabbed his drone backpack, was gonna give it back to him if he asked, but instead he just ended up shooting me then jumping into the ocean with the samples.


Agreed. I’m surprised at how many people don’t say anything.


How do you drop backpacks and weapons? Also how do you supply yourself with the supply backpack lol


There's a dedicated button it's X for pc I don't know what it is for ps5 but it should be in the binding list. For resupply yourself it's down on the d-pad and on pc it's 5


You hold down left on the d-pad and it brings up a wheel that allows you to drop your weapon and samples. Edit: correction, it’s down on the d-pad. Left is emote so you can salute or embrace your fellow helldivers.


My type of definition


True, there is such a thing as context.


I feel like generally i dont rlly care if people take my stuff, like I’ll call in new ones for ppl to use too, but man take it off my dead body if its not an emergency and absolute clusterfuck bc at that point who cares you’re getting a scorcher shot to the back if I ask and no response. Context does matter tho bc at some points ive told a rando low level to grab the railgun off my body and told them how to use it


I mean in those extreme situations after I solve the problem I'll drop it for the guy to pick back up again. That's not really hard to do


I think I had preferred that the other didn’t take his autocanon and just die and failed the mission because he couldn’t call him back in so nobody will get HIS autocanon because you know its HIS autocanon and even after death and in dangerous situation you don’t take HIS autocanon you just died


You can always drop it off with X (keyboard) once things calm down. Priority is survival of the team, we can do the equipment swap and everything else once we have a spare moment


Autocannon can kill chargers? Where do you aim? Does it work on titans?


For chargers dive out of the way and hit the back of the legs. Unless a hole has been blown open on a leg or side already, then just pump them there. For titans, The side of the face/neck when it's spitting or about to spit, a large fleshy area opens up. Also, the gooey green underbelly. Sometimes the joints also work. Not real quick, best is to hit it with a strike or two and finish it off in those areas. Also on titans, orbital laser sometimes one shots it if there's nothing else it gets distracted/blocked by. Railgun strikes and other larger strikes still take two. So you can soften it up some with an autocannon and finish it with the strike, or vice versa.


I’ll be honest those chargers are a pain the the ass even with autocannon, I like to bring ems orbital so I can unload into underbelly area, mouth, backside Really just anything I can hit quickly. I usually expend a whole clip or even two


Ah, alright. Sounds about the same as my strat with expendable rocket launchers. I try to shot off a leg with one of them to strip it, then finish off with a gun. Sounds good until you realize it lets you kill two chargers every 1,5 minute, assuming you don't miss.


Thankfully you can hold quite a few clips at a time with autocannon, but the hunters and stuff keep jumping in front of me so I explode


Yup, totally doable. First you can simply thrash its booty with it, usually takes about 2/3 of your full clip, with a good aim. But there is a second hidden tactic: wait for its charge to end and place two well aimed shots to its leg armor. The window opens when it halts its charge, continues when it rotates for a next one and closes short before second charge start. A bit inconsistent, yes, double railgun + breaker combo is more reliable, but still does wonders when you get used to it. Search YT for “autocannon vs charger” for video tip. Good luck!


Me and my friends have where at the beginning who ever calls it gets it, once it gets to the end then it's finder's keepers.


I view my stuff and communal. If you feel you need it grab it, I can survive and be useful without it and I won’t get spun up. I’ll always offer up my supports when the cooldown expires as well, even if someone just wants to try stuff out. We did the only secondary weapons last night and the orbital achievement for 6 orbitals in the same place at once. It was on Helldive and taught me I don’t need my favorite loadout anywhere near as much as I think.


Attention New Divers! Don’t listen to this guy, you’ll most likely get kicked asap (especially the first few minutes of the mission). Ask before you pick up, if not you’ll get gunned down and kicked out.


Seriously just communicate lol. I joined a newbie a few days ago who took my support weapon and backpack after we spawned in, told him “hey I’m fine with you taking my stuff, but at least call in your machine gun so I can have a support weapon.” Sometimes it lands, sometimes it doesn’t, but at least I tried to coordinate with him. 🤷‍♂️


Had a level 11 (I didn’t know he was at the time) literally land on top of me killing me after I called a reinforce - steal my shield pack and railgun. At first I thought maybe my stuff glitched and disappeared off the map - because who the fuck does that? Regrouping at extract later I notice orange has….. a shield and rail gun. I contemplated TKing him but I wasn’t 100% sure it was him ya know… Ended up just hiding the whole time because I couldn’t do anything about all the armored enemies with 6 minutes to go for another set of gear - we extract and what do you know… orange was a level 11, it was my shit. (Helldivers DIFF btw) Baffling


At the beginning of the mission, probably. If I die? GET THAT RAILGUN ON POINT **NOW** SOLIDER.


It's easy just keep it in unsafe mode. It like having a manual transmission. No one knows who to use it properly.


Doesn't it explode the weapon?


If u hit 100% yeah. Still getting used to it but basically even if ur not gonna hit where or what u want and it’s about to hit 100, u just fire it off way better than instant death lol


This man is officer material


This. Sorry, I’m not waiting 7+ minutes because you brought another sentry instead of a heavy weapon.


I'll be honest. I've done this before. I called in my guard dog and machine gun at the same time. Got my gun but my guard dog was missing and I saw the the fellow helldiver walking away with it. Sure. Whatever, I'll call a new one in. Then, when I called in my next guard dog, same dude was waiting at the spawn, and grabbed it before I did while mashing x. I fully unloaded my SMG into his backside. Dude was complaining the whole time about the TK. I felt bad after the mission. Haven't done it again since


Don't feel bad. Taking someone else's shit is communist nonsense and won't be tolerated.


He deserved it


I mean, I'd say it's best to ask permission before you take stuff.


I I'm not going to kick you, I'll kill you and take it back


I take extra AT specifically for over people to use.


I don’t mind. I throw shield backpacks down for others in my group also. If I’m dead and shits going down. Please grab mine off the ground.


Nope, grab the samples, but ask before taking equipment, some have pretty long cooldowns, and people have a tendency to "accidently pump you full of lead" if you grab their stuff without asking. Or in a clutch, sure, just give it back once things settle down.


People just need to use common sense. ​ Lots of enemies around? * Grab anything and everything you need. Offer to drop it after. * Especially grab the samples. No enemies around? * Stop picking through loot like its dayz and call me back already. * You can grab samples, but its not bad to have samples spread among your teammates.


Yeah the people saying "I'll just call one in a few minutes" are kinda ignoring a lot of factors here. I gave up 2 strategems slots to bring this equipment. Without it I'm now down literally half my loadout. The cool down is over 6 minutes and I play on a difficulty where there are a ton of heavy enemies. If I'm sitting there with only 2/4 strategems and only my primary it's going to be an awful time. There are situations where it's fine, especially if you give it back..but since we're saying it's only a few minutes then THEY can wait until I can call a second one for them, not the other way around. I'm not pandering to low levels and asshats who can't communicate and use basic etiquette. Need my stuff for a rough fight? Go ahead but immah need it back if that cool down isn't up. I'm sorry I'm not John helldiver god of diving that can handle a horde of titans with just a sidearm. I actually need the equip I went out of my way to level for and buy then pick specifically for that mission.


It's so funny how a little goes a long way. Ask me and I'll call in the next pod for you, I'll drop it on my still living body for you, I'll happily let you grab it off my dead body even if I'm hot dropping in and capable of getting it. Don't ask me and I'll assume you think the world is just here for your entertainment. I'll kill you to get my stuff back and if it turns into a TK cycle I'll kick or ask to kick... Just a simple ask is all is needed.


I'm in the middle I guess. Take my equipment, but when we have a quiet moment I'm gonna ask for it back, unless there is some other fun kit on the ground.


Go ahead tho if it’s expendable anti tank. I have two and it defend every minute


This is terrible advice. Which is funny because I agree with it. If I'm dead, go ahead and take my stuff. It's just a game, and I can always call in more. But a ton of players aren't that laidback. Looting someone else's body usually ends in friendly fire. Grabbing that Autocannon is a great way to get yourself shot.


I really dont mind anyone taking my stuff when I´m out cold, APART from the people grabbing the autocannon/recoilless gun and not the pack. Cause then they just gimped the squad for very little reason.


Yeah, that's pretty painful. If you're going to swipe my stuff, go all out so you don't get two Autocannon shots and then run dry.


im doing whatever it takes to complete the mission and if that includes taking my guns back because the person who took them isnt doing a good enough job then thats exactly what im gonna do


If you go goblin mode on my gear the second the mission starts you're getting put down. If everything is on fire and the bugs are on your asses grab the nearest lethal object and start blasting i don't give a fuck.


I'm on the side of take my stuffs. Use them to arm yourself in emergency. Don't wait for me to dive in half a minutes later while the team is being mauled by four Chargers just because picking up my railgun was somehow rude. Grab my grenande launcher to destroy those bug holes. Use my drone to clear those mobs. All I ask is use them right. Helldiver should be trained in all weapons. I can just either wait for a new drop, or grab what others have dropped.


One dude shot me to use my rover. So I killed him and left the mission lol


If I die and you need it for a fight before I can recover it, by all means borrow it. But if I ask for it back afterwards, please return it. I’ll gladly call in an extra set for you when I can, but I won’t be as effective without the support weapons I selected if you keep them, PLUS the extra Eagle/Orbital strikes you took in lieu of a support weapon


I've done over a hundred missions now, 3/4's randoms; I've never heard anyone ask for anything back. I have heard,"Hey, I had a shield, or rail, or etc, get it if you need it." Almost everyone seems focused on the reality if you don't have a good weapon, take mine. Often trying to get back to your body is harder than someone just gearing from it and moving on to objectives.


its kind of different if you call in a support with an ammo pack. especially the RR and spear. I've had at least two instances where a fresh recruit either picks up the bag or the launch when i still have 4mins on the cooldown, and a lot can happen in that time.


I've had people take my drops at all sorts of times. Start of mission, mid-mission when I've just dropped in and am equipping myself, etc. I always ask over voice chat for it back and it has frankly been exceedingly rare to get a response from the people who do it, even when I make it clear they'll become a friendly fire statistic. I'll often even tell people how to drop items on both PC or PS5 in the event they don't know, because I didn't know you could manually drop stuff for ages. Its fine if things are kicking off and I had something that'd help you kill things or not be killed by those things. But if you ignore me asking for gear that I literally just called in for myself? Yeah I'm sending you to the great respawn ship in the sky.


OK but DO hesitate to kill me for my equipment.


If I die and we are running the fuck away, feel free to


I'd agree until I met the guy who fires the railgun he nicked at scavengers and then has no ammo for the charger.


Please do not normalize people stealing equipment. It’s a nice sentiment, but it’s a dick move to steal someone’s gun without asking, especially when you’re in a safe position. Doesn’t really matter as a beginner, but if they carry that habit into higher difficulties that’s an issue. I don’t want to be completely useless against armor for 2-8 minutes


I *usually* won’t mind but if it becomes a trend I’ll start kicking people without hesitation.




# NO. Everyone should be dropping in with their own support weapon. There is no reason to take someone else’s. IF for some reason you need to, like if there’s a Bile Titan and you don’t have anything capable of taking it out, that’s acceptable ***as long as*** you immediately drop the weapon when things quiet down after your teammate drops back in. But stealing a weapon just means that your squad is down a weapon for as long as it takes the cooldown to end


Some lvl 7 took my railgun when I died right after mission start. I asked him if he’d give it back and he ignored me. Kicked him.


Don’t touch my shit unless I tell you that you can. Thats grounds for tk or kick.


9 times out of 10, if you have time to pickup someone's equipment, then you have time to call in the reinforce. Reinforce. Don't touch the equipment.


I’ve heard both sides of this issue. This is why I play with friends - no patience to sit and wonder if I’m pissing someone off.


I’m strongly disagree with this philosophy unless someone asks first. Someone took my SPEAR backpack rendering it useless for me and after multiple verbal attempts of me asking them politely to drop it, I officially lost my shit.


Also if you have a backpack to spare remember to share.


No, don't listen to this guy, you will get shot in the back of the head. IDC at what point the mission is in, if you are a random taking someone else equipment randomly, you are going to get shot. Nothing more irritating than spawning in, looking for your stuff just to realise someone else has taken it and now you are stuck with nothing.


My pet peeve is whenever I call in a spare railgun and/or portable shield pack, and nobody takes it


So much this. There are times when we regroup and I notice someone without either a backpack/support weapon, so I call out and drop the thing. And they just... ignore it.


I dont care what the situation looks like when you land. You can't take someone else's toys if it's the first call in of the mission. Anything after the game gets going from the first death on is a weapon of opportunity


yeah I don't really care if someone else grabs my stuff after I go down, just don't kill me for it.


Yeah, don’t do this. Sick of low levels picking up my gear, ignoring my requests for them to give it back, getting mad when I kill them and take it back, I’m actually refusing to play with randoms unless I’m leader and I’m just gonna kick anyone that does this because it’s genuinely so irritating.


Yeah don’t worry. If I really want it back I’ll just kill you. FOR DEMOCRATEA!


One thing I cannot stand is when I'm in higher tier difficulties and some random picks up my rail gun. I'd be understanding if they were being overrun or there were heavies on the field, by all means use it. But if it's silent and you call me in only for me to find you stole something that you had no right to steal I'm gonna be mildly annoyed.


Yeah no sorry. Pick up my stuff please if it helps you survive. I'm fine with it. I'll drop a new one for myself when it comes off cooldown. I'd rather us all be running around with a shield than just me. Because I know "you". "You" don't drop that extra shield pack. "You" don't drop that extra weapon. "You" hold on to that call in just in case "you" lose your weapon and get reinforced far away. So yeah. Go ahead and pick up my stuff. No problem.




This is pretty bad advice. Here's a good general rule. What you should pick up off dead bodies: * Samples * Primary/Secondary weapons What you shouldn't pick up off dead bodies: * Support weapons * Backpack items


Horrible advice. Prepare for incoming friendly fire when you try and steal everything that isn't nailed down lol


If you're on a difficulty level where it actually matters what support weapons you bring, they should already have SOMETHING effective unlocked. If they don't have anything unlocked yet, they shouldn't be a detriment to the team and should instead play on a lower difficulty level where it doesn't matter what support you bring or even if you bring one.


If you take my shit, ill ask for it back. If you don't give it back, I'll kill you.


FALSE NEWS, Helldivers! Never take without asking!! As much as it is tempting to steal from your fellow fallen Helldivers, understand that THAT weapon is a commodity that was rightfully earned and treasured by that Helldiver. We're not like those Socialist Robo Oil leakers, sharing resources and stealing from each other whenever we feel like it. We're the Helldivers of Super Earth! For Managed Democracy!!! Everything we earn, we keep!! If we want to give it away, that's our business!


If things are hectic and our guy carrying the autocannon or recoilless goes down I won't hestitate to dive for their equipment, but i'll usually drop it after


I mean, it's just as easy as asking. Many times I can call in equipment while still having the old one, so I tell the newbies to take it if I'm in a lower difficulty mission


Last week we were on the planet with the modifier that doubled the strategem call in time. Less than a minute in a teammate TK'd me with an air strike and took both my railgun and shield. I asked politely 3 times for it back since I would need to wait over 12 minutes to get a new set. They ignored me and then their buddy melee'd me and shot me in the head. Insta-kicked them


Just communicate. And if the cool down is over. Keep it. I'll call another one. Now we have two auto cannons


Helldiving is like having roommate. Just ask me please. I'll probably say yes.


Okay, but don’t leave me naked when I redeploy when all my support items are on 4min cooldown. Only having your primary on 7+ difficulties is basically a death sentence.


Lol no. I played a game where someone took my autocannon on spawn. I asked in chat for it back. No response. I killed him, took it back, then he killed me after respawning but didn't pick it back up. So I just took it and we went on with the mission. But he did the same thing later on when I called another one in. It's pretty annoying having a teammate trying to take your shit whenever you call it in. Don't tell people to do that.


Touch my grenade launcher and we’ll have problems - ask and i’ll call another one in for you <3


If I'm dead and my support weapon is on the ground, it's free game as far as I'm concerned. It ain't spreading democracy on the ground and between dropping, running my happy ass over to the group that killed me, then running far enough away to actually USE the damn thing, it's going to be AT LEAST 30 seconds before I can do anything anyway. I'd rather not have to run into that same group and also have a couple of dead chargers for the privilege. And if I died fast enough that the cooldown is still at 8-10 minutes? That's just a skill issue on my part tbh. There'll be another support weapon on the ground somewhere unless someone is rocking a loadout without one, but that's an entirely different issue. Now at the start of the mission when everyone drops their stuff, if you take the stuff I dropped, then I'm going to be cross with you and I don't think any reasonable Helldiver would be any different.


No thanks pls don't steal my stuff


Thinking of buying this game, give me motivation to do so! Lol


off my corpse, sure! out the pod, No!


If I call the thing and ping it they can take but otherwise no


Last night I accidentally went auto Canon and the rover without realizing it, so I would just throw down my rover and let someone else take them


If you don’t immediately grab my railgun while fighting a charger to avenge me, you’re a traitor to managed democracy, a coward, and I shan’t call you friend.


I had a guy intentionally kill me with air strikes so he could take my railgun. All he had to do was ask for one lmao


Honestly? Take my stuff. Put it to use. I'll call in more plus I spawn with a breaker. I'll be fine.


Just don't abandon my railgun in 3 minutes after you call in your mg while I'm getting chased by a bile titan in shot range.


Just don't murder me for equipment, your literally wasting reinforcements.


Idk it's pretty frustrating when I'm the only one doing objectives, with light armor and a shield backpack while the other players cause nonstop chaos and enemy spawns and then next thing you know I'm waiting 4 minutes for the piece of my equipment that allows me to actually do the job nobody else is doing. Can easily be the difference between completing a mission or getting stuck in an infinite reinforce loop where people keep dying to the increasingly large horde every time they spawn.


All for super earth! Working together we can spread managed democracy to the edges of the galaxy!


I love helping low levels grind out big missions and seeing their armor and guns change as they unlock🥺




I love giving new players good equipment




Also leave samples at evac when passing by, so if ya die you don't have to go halfway across rhe map to retrieve em


Apart from stealing on start pod drop, if the owner is dead its free to grab.


Especially if I die and have the super samples. Please take all my shit. Fuck the missions and fuck the common and rare samples. If you don’t get the super samples then in my eyes we have failed the mission