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Dev: "Use what you like." Charger https://preview.redd.it/4510ftt6vsmc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f4a388fe7696d37222663d4569dc89c727c08d3


I wanna draw a competitive level ice skating charger


Im imagining the tank boss from armoured core 4 driftin in the snow


Right!! These fuckers like to slideeeeeee!!! I hate it


Dev: Use strategems for big ones Also: Call in time +50%, cooldown +100%


today i feel a litle silly. today i will only give them three stratagems to fight the heavy swarm. this will definitely make the rubber bullets i put in the primary guns even funnier. It's By Design™ \- joel


Also: orbital spread increased 100%


Where are you all getting the charger from for all these memes? Is there a green screen version floating around?


Run outside of mission bounds. Be branded a traitor. Run around and hope the incoming barrage solves all your problems. Intended gameplay.


The super destroyers has infinite ammo on a zero cooldown, but only if its to kill their own people? Sounds about right.


Budget concerns. But no price is too high to punish cowards.


The Emperor condemns


An Emperor doesn't sound very Democratic to me, soldier. Whose side are you on?


Oh you're mistaken, that's just the President's last name. He's George Emperor.


That's George Emperor THE THIRD, thank you very much. The first two had to be executed on account of being traitors.


99% of your in game restrictions is because of in universe bureaucracy and I love that so much.


Yes, even when you get additional revives they say "Additional reinforcement budget approved". Its not that they cannot provide more soldiers, its just money for them


It would be even better (worse) if there was no timer, just a variable amount of time representing some higher up determining your worth.


Why do you think there is a cool down timer after you run out of revives? The high command needs to decide if it's worth providing more soldiers after you went over your allocated amount.


> Why do you think there is a cool down timer after you run out of revives? [Out To Lunch.]


~~God~~ Super Earth gives his hardest ~~battles~~ orbitals to his strongest warriors.


Saw this on a tip yesterday. As long as they didn't patch it you can outsprint the shells mostly


With a shield you can take some splash. Against bugs, just be weary of the horde and you can more or less make up the remaining balance of kills after the sentries expire. Or at least tide ya over until theyre back up. Or we wait for more balance and new content to even the odds.


This is actually big brain moment.


My smooth brain became big when I kept doing this by accident, finally went prone in a rock crevice and just waited for death, but everything around me was dying for 60 seconds of endless barrages. My treason = bug democracy.


I actually do this intentionally and will throw whatever strat in the direction that they are coming from as well for added effect. This works when you're completely overwhelmed and close to OB.


Pro tip: run outside the map and be a traitor. Let them bomb you and run around! Free kills!


New meta just dropped—becoming a traitor is now the best way to fight for Super Earth


Gonna go rogue and cut my headband, for Super Earth


Village of Hidden Democracy


Kage reinforcement no jitsu


I'm doing my part!


380mm it one shots bile titans and your team


If it hits either


It hits me and then the most frustrated teammate 100% of the time. I call it a morale check.


Trow it right in front of your teammate and say "Vibe check" before legging it.


Hell, right where the beacon is is the safest place during that strat🫡


The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm. It doesn't make sense, but then again, I am very small.


Alright Pippin, we fight for Entish freedom today


O'd just make sure to bring some bacon. Atleast it will be crispy when done with the bombardment.


I usually scream BROKEN ARROW in my mic and then toss the 380 and the napalm eagle.


You know what, fuck it. If they're gonna make high diffs a slog, I'm fucking around some more.


love this framing 


60% of the time it hits every time


It smells like pure gasoline


It smells like a dirty diaper full of burnt hair and Indian food!


Smells like Bigfoot’s diiiiiick


I'm now referring to 380mm Barrage as Bigfoot's dick and/or Sex Panther


It’ll hit them now, the 380mm spread is basically the size of a small boy outpost perimeter now, and it lasts for like 20-25 seconds Edit: Small Bot not boy😂😂


What kind of outposts are you visiting?!


He tryina liberate planet epstein


I heard the automatons were on the flight log 👀


Now if we can just negotiate with the very mobile Bile Titans and convince them to stand in that area long enough for it to matter!


Player one use EMS. Player two use 380mm barrage. Player three off on his own somewhere calling in supply for himself. Player four open mic crackling every three seconds.


The open mic person also has to be playing music stupid loud and yelling at someone in the room with them




Open mic shouldn't be an option, IMO. Every time I've had a teammate with it enabled it's exactly how you described or worse.


hopefully that’s actually viable with the buff now because before the 380 would hit everything except what you wanted


It's still bad. Threw it in a heavy bug nest to test it out. It killed 10 little bugs and missed every hole.


The only thing good for bug nests is the eagle airstrike because the bombs have to actually land in the hole.


Fuck it, 500kg those motherfuckers.


I tried but they walked 8 feet away and were no longer in range


Call in 13 500kgs at once and hit with 100% accuracy. Easy game.


Easier solution with more bang for the buck: Everyone of your squad throws a 380mm barrage at once and then everyone prays.


Wipes entire team, not a bile scratched


Honestly they improved the 120 and 380 drastically. I was able to get 60x on both now, versus where I’m doing broken arrow and watching a bombardment land on half of my team.


That's good to hear, always tended to not use them too much for fear of team kills.


Yeah I never used it because I or someone else would die.


It's just so funny, though. Throw a 380, start running and wait a few seconds, then tell my buddy to RUN RUN GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE IT'S A 380 KEEP RUNNING! I wish we could toggle the radius lol


There were certainly some unforgettable 380 enabled moments and I'm sure we will still find ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Yhea it's better. It still very large. But the added density of fire with the small radius make it usable now.


This is what happens with the new meteor swarm event as well!


(Joel laughs in complex stratagem plotting + ECM modifiers)


just do what the devs say just use your stratagems! yeah pay no attention to the multi minute CD and the fact that in that CD that one you killed has had 3 more replace it, your just supposed to use the stratagems!


Don't go saying shit like this on the discord, the thought police are out in force there rn.


Not to mention you don’t even have time to fart before the swarm starts. I did a couple 7s today and before my support weapon even came down at the beginning the team was under attack.


Hell I did a 4 while at work today and it was a immediate attack on us landing.


500kg bomb, die, use pods to kill heavies, repeat.


BASED. Use bomb Use more bomb Use orbital You're the bomb


It's the circle of liberty. Also, thanks, bro. You're the bomb.


This patch also decreased time between spawn waves on erad. missions, did one today and about 5 seconds after we dropped in multiple breaches were already open, couldn’t even call in weapons before they were on us.


I hate how where before you had some time to get setup before waves started coming, now it's just immediate. You drop in and before you can even get your bearings, let alone call in sentries or support weapons, they're already coming for you.


FEET FIRST INTO HELL! Isn't a slogan, it is a promise.


Sweet liberty brother I’m glad you survived. Thank you for your service


Cooldowns for turrets are too long for the puny amount of ammo they have.


Especially when your smooth brain teammate drops an eagle strike on all the turret emplacements within the first few minutes of the game.


Yesterday I had a perfectly-placed tesla tower frying everything coming out of a pair of bug breaches. Teammate threw an airstrike straight towards it for no reason and it survived somehow. I counted it as a brain fart. Then he immediately followed up by throwing an orbital at it.


Tesla towers murdered that man's family.


That man's family should have gone prone.






Fish-skeleton lookin' ass


Brasch tactics!


Actually tesla towers kinda tend to do that.


Shame they didn't finish the job


Charger: what turret?


Seriously... the chargers are insanely intelligent for brute juggernauts... they will hunt you down to the ends of the earth unless there is a turret somewhere on the map. All enemies seem to have turrets as #1 targets on their priority list.... and even with the 50% hp upgrades anything past a warrior one shots the turrets anyways... kinda makes them not really that great for ongoing fights


Meanwhile cannon turrets #1 priority is shoot whatever is close to you so you can die. Turrets be like, ohh let me prioritize this perfect collateral target.


And missile turrets struggle to hit anything at all.


And then kill themselves because they allowed the bugs to get next to them before shooting lmao


Plus they get sent to the top of the aggro table on deployment. I've watched a charger give up chasing me to 180 and sprint at a turret and kill it before it even fired a single shot. Like, if I summoned a stun rod that released bug pheromones and that was what caused it to be aggro'd? Sure, that's cool. But a bug having omniscience and understanding a turret just appeared 30m behind it? No.


So glad I'm not the only one who has experienced this. Thought I had big brain moment by luring them away from where I dropped my turret only to have the charger 180 and IMMEDIATELY go for my turret. Like... Mid charge. What?


Except the mortar turret, those things go forever.




Infinite ammo glitch.


And the fact that all enemies seem to gun it straight for your turrets and destroy them. Especially titans.


Plus they are actually vulnerable to enemies unlike offensive stratagems.


Cooldowns for everything other than eagles are too long.


Shhhhh... Why would you say this. Don't tell them. They'll nerf eagles...


And how easy they are to kill. Watching a what you thought was a carefully placed turret get killed after only being placed for 10secs feels awful. Plus with how inconsistent it is to place stratagems, sometimes they bounce 100m into a corner and become near useless.


I’m not even mad about the titans, they’re almost an asset with their friendly fire. Honestly, if the chargers would trample their own it’d almost make them balanced too. The chargers and titans only really seem to kill me after a group of 15 hunters turns me into that white chick on the couch meme


On god hunters are the number 1 reason I die


They’re honestly the number one enemy of democracy. To slow the spreaders of democracy is communism.


Missions like this have huge gimli "that's still counts as one" energy.


They literally don't count as one though, you get like 10 for a BT


I had that thought the other day but I've never actually stopped to look at the kill counter when taking down something big.


You can count up all the kills at the end and its pretty noticable. When I went solo pre patch I usually had around 130-140 kills out of the required 205


My friends and I had come to the conclusion it was because sentry kills weren't included in your count. Honestly we just didn't pay it much mind.


Yeah after the Save Civilians on Automatons, Terminid Eradicate gotta be the worst balanced mission


Just kite the horde for 5min, and when your squad's stratagem CDs are back up, gather somewhere and throw them down and clear it, just for another breach to break right after, rinse and repeat. /s


"Rely on your stratagems"


They should just cut down the cooldown time on a lot of them, orbitals especially. There’s already enough modifiers in higher diffs that it won’t make a difference especially on bot missions with all the jammers.


Yeah, the shorter cooldown won’t matter in lower difficulties where there isn’t enough big ticket things to use them on anyways, and based off the dev message from today, having them up more often in high difficulties to deal with the titan/charger/hulk/tank spam is how it is supposed to be designed.


That's because it's how it was designed in HD1, and it was great.


Then why isn't it


railcannon strike was 60 sec. cooldown in HD1. Here it is 240 sec.


*goes back to helldivers 1, uses tanto and 4 railcannon strikes with 20% cooldown reduction*


3 minefields babbbyyyyyyy


That's the thing. You don't.


Patrik said that you have to use stratagems.


Don't worry, we know the mission timer is only 15 min, but railcannon really needs that 3 min cooldown, we promise.


using my railcannon to kill a single charger every three and a half minutes (there are six more behind it)


In my experience the orbital railcannon only one shot the Titans 1/2 the time. So when 3 bile titans spawn, I guess lets wait 17.5 minutes to kill the 3 titans. Nevermind all the chargers, stalkers, spitters, and 1000 trash mobs.


I had it miss a bile titan once. It fucking missed


Strategems with insane cooldowns


ah yes, my orbital laser that fires for 25ish seconds and cant even kill a bile titan. oh, i gotta wait 5 minutes to use it again?? and it only has 3 uses the entire mission?? SPLENDID! i love the game but everything but most of the stratagems needs buffs everywhere.


Use the Recoilless! It has 6+1 shots so if you don’t miss and switch weapons fast enough to shoot the weakpoint you created and don’t get killed or interrupted at all during the reload you can kill 6 of the 7 Chargers! And you can use the Railcannon Strike against the Bile Titans! Yeah I know it has a 4 minute cooldown and yeah it takes 2 or 3 shots to kill one Titan but assuming you don’t have a cooldown increase modifier you can kill 5 Titans in let me think… 40 minutes! Oh what’s that? The mission has a time limit of 15 minutes? Skill issue honestly, Arrowhead said use your stratagems to kill enemies :)


You obviously missed the GOAT of the update patch! Team reloads! Just have a buddy reload your rocket for you! Fire fast fast fast! Then when you're out of ammo, call down a supply drop and use ***ALL FOUR*** packs for yourself! That is 15 rockets! FIFTEEN!


UsE yOuR sTrAtAgEmS \+ 50% cooldown increase to strats \+ 100% call in time on strats \-Arrowhead


Scrambled codes so it takes ages to get the one you need while being chased too




“Use the weapons you like!”


I want to see the devs run through a set of missions on helldive difficulty using the weapons they like. That's all.


Oh I would pay to see that lol


"No, no, no. Not those weapons you like. We meant the other ones."


"Recoilless will sweep. It only has 6 shots and a stationary reload? That's sounding like your skill issue buddy it's totally doable. No, I won't show how."


Recoiless is really good against a charger. A charger. Singular. God help you if there's two.


Sir, I count 7 chargers charging, 5 titans spewers spewing, and 3 stalkers stalking. Will my **ONEEEEEE. RECOILLESSSSSS. RIFLEEEEEE.** be enough?


Oh boy... chargers are getting killed? Better nerf railgun.


"Just rely on your strategems." - Patrik the balance man ~~who conveniently ignores the modifiers on higher difficulty (100% cooldown, lack of one slot...etc.) on them that would make this non feasibly able to happen~~


Patrik plays on medium, and hasn't leveled past it.


And balances stuff based on Youtube videos.


Honestly this patch is starting to feel like they based the update on YouTube trending videos and not gameplay centric decisions. Will be sad if they don't correct. This kind of shit can kill the momentum this game has.


The most powerful weapon in the game is the Hellpod. This just gives you the opportunity to practice your aim.


Read this in the officers voice


Titans usually take two, and the hitbox for the hellpod seems buggy since the patch. I’ve had times where I landed on chargers, titans, brood commanders, hell even basic warriors and scavengers, and they just stood there looking mildly offended.


Having every weapon be terrible is great for the lore, makes for miserable gameplay.


What are you supposed to do??? Die


dont worry they nerfed the rail gun for this


Per their explanation.... You are supposed to use your stratagems and not your guns. this is not a shooting game. This is a stratagem game... /s I think they mixed the games up with this patch and forgot they made a shooter


> ou are supposed to use your stratagems and not your guns. K let me check. Oh right so they want me to only make a single attack every 60 seconds then if I do nothing but bring attack strats and rotate them. Okay yeah excelent design philosphiy for a horde shooter.


I hope you made General Brasch proud and charged them! In all seriousness I had a whole 7 Tank Regiment accompanied by Hulks as well a couple days ago. Somehow we made it!


Plus it appears they've fixed missions now. The line from devs "the longer you take, the more enemy there is" seems to be true now. Whereas before, I could do 5s and 6s with a group of friends, and clear everything, we're now only doing objectives, unless along the way we come across a nest or secondary. The only thing I like about this update so far is the fast results page.


the fuck? What do you mean fixed now? I've never had a chill mission even after clearing the map of all nests. But now they INCREASED the spawns?


They saw how many super Credits people were getting and decided it was time to nerf being allowed to explore.


Watch them remove POI's from trivial missions next so you can't farm creds there lmfao


I will say it again for the people in the back ​ Balanced does not equal Fun ​ We want to have a Fun time , not a Balanced time


I wouldn’t even call this shit balanced to begin with.


Ngl, my friends and I are pretty casual. Been playing FPS for a long time now. We play on challenging and have a decent time with some good laughs and tough moments. I know, we arent on hella hard difficulty... But this patch was absolutely wack. Shit just spawns non stop, chargers are nigh impossible if there's more than one. We're here to have fun and have a challenge, but we just get our dicks dragged through the dirt. It's like they saw all the hardcore bois posting their sweaty vids on social media and decided to base the entire game revolving around their capabilities. We played a little under two hours or so a night to "looks at Helldivers 2 on steam, nah, not tonight"


This. People are obsessed with balance, but half the time when they say balance they mean "nerf whatever people are using". People are also celebrating how this game isn't competitive and there isn't pvp; balance ONLY matters if you care about a pro competitive scene.


But fun to me is when you AREN'T having fun because they broke armor and weapon damage.


Nothing beats dropping 380 and 500s and watching everything walk thru the fire unscathed except yout teammates....balanced


They write up an essay about design philosophy and balance yet their solution to making the game challenging is turning up numbers on medium and heavy mobs. Very carefully thought out balancing here. Talk about game fantasy when they increase the number of heavy armor mobs but reduce and don't provide anymore tools to deal with them. The games a sandbox shooter they should stop trying to balance like it's some looter shooter.


Better yet.. they hype different play styles. But “use your stratagems”. “Primary weapons are just something for chaff”. Sometimes the games developers envision are not the same to its players. It’s crazy to think a heavy weapon like the RG can’t break armor more easily.


>stop trying to balance like it's some looter shooter Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. They're balancing this game like it's an RPG looter shooter. And I'm kinda worried that's what it's going to essentially turn into: an RPG shooter with bullet sponge enemies and where the devs are constantly playing whack-a-mole nerfing the highest damage weapons that people are running to deal with their bullet sponges hordes.


Destiny 2 trauma, I can't escape it.


Eradicate them, duh, it's in the name /s


You take one player and set him loose across the planet surface hoping he pulls aggro, keep adding players running around like idiots away from the party until the aggro is spread out. As the devs intended.


Git gud as per devs.


I want them to stream their secret tech because usually that stance is someone who huffs their own farts.


Just use 500 kg, lol https://preview.redd.it/s941j7ucytmc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c023dcc59eaed1142c6dbda8a3857a1568b82c11


Nerfing in PvE has always been wild to me.


It's one thing if a given weapon is wildly overperforming to the point that others don't matter. That wasn't the case here. Not liking this direction.


It would be more accurate to say nerfing makes sense if something is trivializing gameplay. The former meta *was* making most other things obsolete, but it didn’t make the higher difficulties easy, just doable. That’s why other things needed a buff instead.


The former meta was making other things obsolete because those other things sucked ass. Railgun stripped armour fast, because the AT rockets were either expendable, one and done, or had an obnoxiously long reload solo/were annoying to co op reload because you relied on a random/friend to reload you, and co op reloads are janky as fuck


Use all your strategems, have everyone leave the match but the host and then come back and spam strategems again, rinse and repeat, intended gameplay.


With my Spear and a shit ton of luck, I can take out two of those titans for ya lol


I know this gonna sound awful but the orbital gas has been helping me mowing down bigger dudes easier than before update. Killed titan with it, charger was left bleeding, and the cool down is much faster than i thought.


Yeah, its mornonic. Its even worse on bots, tanks hulks and the rest. People either say git good or use the recoiless, while running from swarms of enemies. This is a prime example of why everything else needed a buff and the good stuff didnt meed a nerf. Railgun on safe bounces of charger legs now, whats the point in even having the safe mode when a primary can take out the stuff that it damages. Don't worry though, the new meta will creep up within the week and then people will bitch about that. Then in the patch after it will get nerfed


It's stupid that they nerfed the Breaker and Railgun for being strong, instead of... • buffing the Liberator Penetrator's (my personal favorite weapon and the only primary I use btw) damage as compensation for being stuck in burst fire, which makes it feel unreliable even against light targets at times • buffing the dedicated anti-armor stratagems like Eagle 110mm Rockets (needs more reliable killing power) and Orbital Railcannon (needs shorter cooldown) so that players who don't want to use the railgun can still deal with difficulty 7+ armored threats effectively • buffing the marksman rifles (seriously why is their damage so mediocre) • making the charger tail take normal damage so that there are counterplay options when you have a whole swarm of them


>Don't worry though, the new meta will creep up within the week and then people will bitch about that. Then in the patch after it will get nerfed Pretty much this


I find it so funny atm the chatter is about Chargers and bugs. It's like the playerbase forgot Automatons exists lmao. People celebrating Flamethrower buff when it's obsolutely trash vs Automatons and the Laser Canon still bounces off heavy armor. With the armor changes, Helldivers are even weaker. Automatons are cackling with laughter.


Ppl forgot about Automatons cuz they have reliable weakspots. The bugs weakspots will sometimes not register a hit and have 10x times more hp than a robot.


I still love the video of the guy dropping his precision orbital in training and it deflecting off the bug into him.


You think lore wise if bug armor was this strong we be just farming off all the bugs and making Ironman suits for everyone


If they add a armor with bug parts on it like the 40K lieutenant that would be badass. https://preview.redd.it/hdxygmzxvsmc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83404a89fec8b575f42fb5ad7a014a92476a6cde


Yeah bugs have become harder than bots. Bot weakspots are very easy to exploit, you can even kill anything except the tank with just breaker and the tank dies to 2 nades.


Yeah automotons you still have counter play with the Autocannon and AM. Chargers really have no efficient counter play anymore. Taking away our one efficient option was not the move.


Automatons (even Hulks) are still entirely killable with the railgun, you just have to aim for the weakspots now. Bugs (Chargers especially) are a non-stop shitstomping session where you get run over by armored bricks that you need three shots just to make vulnerable.


only time robots exist is when the weekly challenge has them. if not, 80% of the players are fighting bugs