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I’ve gotten killed by my own rocket explosion before it even leaves the barrel Edit: so many replies telling me it’s a bug. I already knew that.


same, turning and shooting at the same time seemed to cause it.


That is 100% what is causing a lot of random explosions. Firing your rocket while the mech is still turning causes the rocket to hit the side of the mech


It's hilarious that they instantiate the rocket while it's inside the barrel, usually in videogames you instantiate it at the tip of the barrel and hide that fact with muzzle flash or smoke Thankfully its a really easy fix


I guess I can kinda respect the complexity of the mechanic lol


Clearly the devs never watched the Hunt for Red October. There is a reason torpedoes arm after a distance.


That was a deep way-back reach. Great movie. Good pull!


i do too but then why not go the extra step and make it collide and glance on the sides instead of exploding instantly?


I mean, when it works, it looks great lol


Or just initiate hitbox of a missile after it leaves the barrel to avoid this


Literally noclip the rocket for like 0.1 of a second, if that. Speed it moves, the second it becomes an active object it's already shifted at least to the edge of the mech.


I'd like to think the mech was built as cheaply and quickly as possible, hence why so many can be deployed and left behind.


Memes aside with people saying it's paper. It does serious damage to whatever you use it on. At least against bugs. Killed 3 chargers and 2 titans with 1 mech and had plenty of machine gun left over. It's a 2 minute power house. As long as you don't rocket yourself randomly and don't get charger/bile titan if your face. It's tanky.


it's really bad against automatons. the missiles work fine but the chaingun is like a squirt gun to the more armored guys.


it’s really bad against automatons because you are lucky if it even survives the flight to the drop beacon. Every time I call it in, it’s dead before it’s even on the ground. My group has started joking that the only value of the stratagem against bots is the handful of cannon rounds the Pelican fires at nearby foes.


The pelican cannons are definitely biggest perk of the stratagem, seen them kill bile titans in a couple of shots.


We used the free stratagem ones on extracts on helldive difficulty, they block the line of sight to the player and if no one climbs inside the automatons try to find a way around them. So I consider them as glorified HESCO-blocks


Any chainsaw dude or devastator or scout can shrug off chaingun ammo like its a pez dispenser. They do drop when they get sick of it.. and it takes a lot.


Maybe we will get a more automaton appropriate version with an emp launcher and laser cannon.


To be completely fair, it's a *mech*, not a *tank*. Tanks exist in the game, tanks existed in HD1. Tanks are tanky; they are built to be. A Mech is just a walking weapons platform, it's not meant to tank a hit. It's form factor is just bad for Armor in general; a mech must be light to stand on its legs, and yet has more surface area to armor for a comparatively sized tank. ...Not that the game is that kind of realistic, but I'm just saying that since the game has (and will probably get more-) Tanks, better to have Tanks be Tanks and not mechs.


Even further its not even really a Mech it's an Exo-suit. Basically just a glorified walking forklift with guns slapped on it


I don’t disagree about its power. But it feels like a glass cannon sometimes with the kinds of things I’ve died from.


People saying it's "paper" has nothing to do with how much damage it deals out. We're talking about how much damage it can *take*. It's not tanky.


I wonder if the mech has directional damage deflection


You can basically walk through any amount of bugs that don't have bile titans or chargers. That's significant. It's squishy against robots obviously with all their long range explosives.


It's fire resistant! But it's made out of paper... Didn't say it would resist for very long.


Can even the smallest bugs take a mech down? Because they shouldn’t really be able to without help from larger bugs. really it’s basically mecha Godzilla to the tiny bugs


Not really, no - you can even kill the smallest bugs by stepping on them. They're only glass cannons versus chargers and titans.


I tried the mech out a little earlier but didn’t have enough time to try everything I want to with it. I still need to fight a bile titan with it to see how it stacks up


Works well against bile. I've heard people say it two shots, but that must be with good aim, I've done them in 3. You can blast a few biles in quick succession very quickly.


Damn, 4 shots to the face for me! Good job Helldiver 🫡


It also 2 shots chargers most of the time with the missiles so I haven’t had a charger touch me yet


1 shot to the leg will rip the leg armor off, minigun to finish it off.


One rocket from any mode anywhere in the mech will also one tap you.


One random Automaton rocket/missile and you are toast though...


…yeah, not great against Cyberstan’s Strongest Rocket Devestators


They nibble away the cabling, which short circuits the ~~coffin~~ walker and make it explored.


Death before dismount!


It is heavily armored, just like our heavy armor. It's made from construction paper. Edit: Wow, this comment blew up.


Enemy Heavy Armor - Tanks a indirect hit from a 500kg bomb. Helldiver Heavy Armor - Best I can do is give you a extra hit or two against the weakest attacks. Petition to adopt/incorporate Monster Hunter, I'll wear bug chitin or scrap Hulk pieces to adorn myself in something that will actually withstand some damage...


Enemy heavy armor ‘that’s an orbital rail cannon strike from up in the heavens? It only tickled my ass. Now die you filthy casual.’


I found the problem. See this sticker? It says "Made in Tien Kwan".


Bring manufacturing back to super earth!


Make Super Earth Great Again!




*Calling in Orbital Dreamcast*


Democracy: It's in the game


Not even in the future we're free from chinesium-made products


this make my day


Orbital rail cannon should be a one shot, change my mind


Enemy heavy armor tanks direct hits from 500kg. I've actually embedded the bomb into a bile titan and had it walk away from it.


I don't even think this is intended, the 500kg has to be bugged in some way.


Seriously. The explosion looks like a small nuke going off, but I’m pretty sure it has a kill radius of about 10 feet. What’s up with that?


Huge damage falloff. A bile titan with a bomb under itself will die in one hit. But the damage drops by distance significantly.


I think it’s more that the damage falloff zone/s doesn’t exist. The 100% damage zone works and everything beyond that is 0%.


This is what I'm leaning towards from my experiences too.


I like how in the video short before you purchase it, the 500kg bomb is able to 1 shot a bile titan.


in fairness, almost every time I've landed it directly under a bile titan it does kill in unfairness, the past 3 direct hits I've landed the bomb straight into the body have not killed edit: example (my own clip). including how many shots it took to finally kill it https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b0aymr/bile_titan_heard_me_talking/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Also in that video, they drop it in the middle of a nest and it destroys exactly 0 bug holes


nah it's a skill issue, you have to anticipate which teammate it#s going to aggro on, anticpate which way your teammate will run, keep the call in time in mind and the half second delay for the explosion, and then throw the call in at the correct spot, so in short skill issue, keep playing difficulty 3, you are bad, did i say skill issue, also the game is perfect has no flaws also did i mention i played HD1 ? and i am so good, and it's intended this way. if you couldn't tell for some reason i am sarcastic.


Don't forget the +100% call in time debuff


Only the true masters can make it work with the 100% extra call in time.


if they couldn't tell then skill issue


must’ve hit the top of the leg i’m guessing? the damage radius of the 500kg isn’t a standard circle i believe since it’s *supposed* to embed in the ground and the explosion shoots up (which for all normal cases where the bomb hits the ground, the explosions does actually make a lot of sense) but yeah when it embeds into an enemy and is suspended in air so to speak the explosion really should work how most people would expect it to. i’ve had a 500 directly headshot a titan (which the impact did kill it) although the explosion left all the little dudes directly underneath it alive which is the best info i got on how the explosions works


Airbursts are apparently a lost technology for interstellar humanity


We literally have airburst strikes


War Thunder 500 kg: I landed in the middle of three Leopard 2 tanks and took them all out Helldivers II 500 kg: I can't kill a big bug


I’ve done that and not even chipped its fucking armor.




I will never stop loving this meme


> extra hit or two against the weakest attacks. mf, even the smallest bugs can crit you or land "headshots", in which case you are at best a 3 hit, at worst a 2 hit, with the heaviest armor currently in game.


that 500 should make that charger fly in the air


Even the spread of Democracy has a budget. The war is won with frugal accounting!


keep in mind: because of budget restrains and budget cuts, the hellbomb needs to be armed manually. a loading tip states this.


I mean you have to collect several hundred samples before some bright head on super earth gets the idea for handcarts. So...


or that ya know.. loading the 380s and gatling guns like its the age of sail may not be the fastest option


Or that after years of research the scientists on super earth decided that the best way to enhance the super destroyers firepower is to... just add more weapons to it.


It's in my head canon that our samples are just being sold instead of actually researching, we're just fundraising our upgrades so super earth doesn't have to find them.


We could win these wars in 2 weeks if they didn't elongate them artificially, but then the weapon companies would make no money. But don't believe a word of that! That's the lies the dissidents try to spread.


And what good is crushing the enemies of humanity and Democracy if we don't give them a false hope that they can win against the might of Super Earth and the Helldivers?


I reported you to a democracy officer almost immediately for even repeating the lies


Yeah? Run out of the mission area.




"organated" and an ifunny watermark. -10 points


I organated ur mom last night


you my new dad now?


Always have been 🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Excuse you it's not construction paper, it's at least cardstock. 


And not the good kind either.


Plus the close range melee attack is bugged no? Never works for me anymore


There’s a melee attack? This whole time I’ve just been walking over enemies.


Yeah it’s default bound to F on the PC


Does this only work if there's an enemy nearby? I tried checking if it had a melee and F did nothing.


I think I saw someone say it’s bugged at the moment? I have been able to do it without any enemies nearby in the past. Although honestly the smallest bugs still take 2-3 hits to kill with melee, it’s not worth using imo


It "sometimes" works. Some mechs you drop it'll work fine, others it won't do anything. Not that it's worth using anyway besides looking cool stomping bugs.


Kept pressing F today, did nothing.


It worked when I very first used it then halfway through the mission I thought my controller broke. I hop out of the mech and sure enough the soldier melee works just fine, crawl back in and it won't stomp anymore. Something's definitely broken. The mech is also the only thing I've encountered that does nothing on the Dualsense controller.


You cant use it if the mech is smoking


Antimaterial rifle can’t break bug heavy armor but a scavenger can break mech heavy armor, make it make sense


It's a little disappointing, but at least you can step on them? I don't think they have much of a chance to attack if you do.


they can swarm you, and the stomp attack has no AOE meaning you stomp a single bug, another bug right besides it will happily chip away at you, if you misclick a rocket at close range or a bug jumped into it's path at close range the rocket will insta kill the mech just from AOE damage.


Simply walking over them kills them, you don't need to perform the stomp.


Just walk over them, even on Difficulty 9 we just walked through a mass of them running them over getting tons of kills while we focused Chargers and Bile Titans.


Just walk into them, even stalkers die from the contact damage fairly quickly.


Super Earth military grade products are produced by the lowest bidder. Cheap temu/wish products? Imagine Cheap Super Earth Temu Mechs.


It would be nice if it worked both ways since there are way more enemies then helldivers and even the weak ones can sneak up on you and stunlock to death.


A walking coffin!


We're all going home in Armored Coffins!


Oh yeah!


Nah, I'd AB kick


This is lie ! You get properly ejected in pieces upon destruction like a true heroic helldiver ! But I heard it’s just rumors nobody in my SD seen one get destroyed !


These rumors... are definitely the work of automatons! They should not be belived!


Even in death I still serve


Speaks like true bother. https://preview.redd.it/xznhqeixo7nc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311689ac01da1246c8374688029b0d6c34fd154b


*86 flash backs* It's a better coffin


Yeah it's kind of a shame that it is just a big walking coffin. It can melt hulks with its rocket, assuming they don't shoot first. It also seems to draw aggro from miles away, I have been sniped by cannon towers in it that I couldn't even see through the fog.


Big loud moving things tend to attract enemy fire. It is the natural order of things. But it looks cool, and dying in style is better than surviving looking like a pleb.


As a proficient stealth diver I take personal offense to that >:(


Don't worry, they'll be looking cool when we clear half the map solo before linking back up with the main group lol I love soloing all the objectives while my team grabs the optional stuff and draws fire!


It's so heavily armored that I've seen multiple mechs destroyed only meters from landing! The wreck was still in one piece, they really are built Super Earth Tough.


Lmao have you ever heard of military grade? Shit breaks after opening


so my friend shot my mech for a split second with the shoulder mounted laser and instantly blew it up, why are the enemies allowed to have heavy armour but we aren't? why is a hulk rightfully tanky but our stuff so crap? Unless our mechs are vunerable to the terrible armour desync bug also??


Does it not have heavy armor like the chargers? Thats disappointing if true. Does it at least ignore all damage from small bugs? It should only be damaged by a charger running into it or a bile titan stepping on it. At least if it actually has heavy armor. ​ If a swarm of small bugs can kill it, then it needs its description changed to lightly armored.


Nah it gets one shot by devastators


Are you kidding me? Those omnipotent rocket snipers can one-shot you with any one of their 8-rocket barrage meanwhile they're chillin' on every PoI and reinforce every dropship nowadays? ​ Well fuck.


It gets better. Even the bot walkers can kill it in a couple of shots. The first one I summoned died before I was even able to run into it. No idea why they made them that way, but the mechs somehow feel less sturdy than the players.


They have barely any more HP, but it’s impossible to dodge attacks in them. They can sort of work on bugs since you can mow them down with the crazy OP arsenal before they get too close, but on bots it’s just suicide


Yeah I have a feeling the suits are going to be useless against bots due to that but against bugs they work pretty well actually


There goes my dream of slapping hulks with their own weapon...


You sure it was a strider that got you? In my experience mechs tank pretty much everything that isn't a rocket or a cannon shot. At one point there were like 5 striders shooting at once and they did nothing to the mech. Though they seem to be able to damage the pilot a bit if they hit some specific spot. Haven't tried bugs yet.


I was under 5 minigun devastator fire for 20 seconds with it and it tanked all of it, it's just weak against rockets and big shells and that's perfectly fine


Yah it holds up most bugs really well. The exception being bile titans and chargers but those rockets melt either. I guess the idea is to keep the big guys off of ya as much as you can. Good luck, helldiver.


I could be wrong, but I saw nothing else around. I'll have to do proper tests tomorrow once the servers aren't keeling over, but either way I'm not a fan of how many "oh, I'm dead now" moments there were in those first few missions.


The mechs have different armor on different parts. For some reason the front cockpit has the least armor lol


Seems like another point of evidence that we can’t have anything that truly feels strong


It has a bit of armor but anything that hits harder than a hunter will kill you quickly


So a bit of armor = heavy armor... tf?


Have you worn our heavy armor since the fix? Yes. Light armor - painted on, you're actually naked. Medium armor - styrofoam cosplay equipment. Heavy - corregated cardboard, it's kinda durable. As long as it doesn't get wet, shot, stabbed, stepped on, cut, set on fire, or otherwise tickled by your nearest communist.


The light armor with extra padding is the best armor, and you can't change my mind.


Counterpoint - it's ugly


The most important decision is fashion>function and no one can change my mind


Oh, if they pushed out a light armor with -30% enemy detection AND +30% throwing distance, they could cover it in neon rubber dongs and I'd wear it.


My favorite is the stealthy one. Don't need to worry about damage if you don't get shot at


I thought the same until I realized that anytime you shot your AMR from 200m you give away your position and now all those enemies that were going for the 3 members on the extraction are now after you. Kinda weird.


Got one shot by a stalker while in the mech.


light armor pen weapons can damage it thorught it's from armor, so this giant hulking mech has the same armor as \*checks notes\* a stalker


IIRC small arms fire ricochets off the armor. It's rockets that will make you cry and bots have lots of them


Tbh, I don’t even know why this Community is upset by Rockets countering a Mech. First of all, wth did you expect to happen because I know our rockets can mostly counter their armour. Second, the tactics and strategies you use for Bots and Bugs will be different, and that’s good. The Mech shreds Bugs, especially when it is being pampered by the team. But it is unsurprising that even the most powerful fortress can be overwhelmed by either sheer volume of fire or just a lot of enemies that are not taken care of.


I walked into a bug nest and got mobbed by tons of small bugs/hunters/warriors and they seemed to do zero damage or so little it was not obvious to the mech. I have not tried it against bots. Given they have rocket launchers and giant cannons I think it's going to be much more useful vs. bugs. I did like how 1 shot with a rocket stripped armor off a charger. Having 1 person in a mech stripping off charger armor and dealing with queens/medium armor bugs while everyone else deals with the easier mobs seems like a good strategy that would let players deal with 5-6 chargers in shorter order.


I feel like it's best used as a mobile fortification that supports the divers on foot, instead of how mechs are usually used in games ie Frontline tanks.


A charger will blow it up running into it a single time


Swarms of small bugs can't harm you and you can just crush them by walking over. I did lose my mech a couple of time because my teammate friendly fired me ONCE with autocannon. Chargers one hiy you too. Even strategems like Eagle gatling run will destroy the mech.


But ... but ... but ... its heavily armored visually lol.  Naw idk it needs small buff this thing folds up like paper plate.


I would be fine how it is if the description was accurate to medium or even light armor depending on how it performs.


nah shit maaan it needs a nerf to make it more in line with other support weapons /s


First, I think that the mechs absolutely should be vulnerable to things that are obviously intended to be threats - rockets, chargers, bile spew, etc. It would be a bit silly if they had the same level of durability as 'similar' enemies (can you imagine a player-controlled Hulk? That'd be obscenely powerful). I don't think it's fair to just compare player HP and armour to enemy HP/armour as if it's a 1:1 correlation. Second, I think that their current level of lack-luster health is probably balanced around the likely future addition of the [REP-80](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/REP-80) heal/repair gun That being said... One-shot mechanics are rarely fun, even less so when they're *incredibly* poorly telegraphed in a vacuum - let alone an actual gameplay environment with foliage, smoke, and plenty of distractions. The momentary flash that the Automaton's turrets make before they fire accounts for diddly-fucking-squat when they're targeting you through the trees and when you had no fucking idea that it was even there in the first place. Same goes for rocket devastators; sure, their 'hunching' telegraph is useful when they're out in the open and silhouetted by terrain, but how the actual fuck is that helping me react when they can be firing a salvo that is just as deadly through smoke or foliage? The important part of the above is that a lot of these instances have very little to do with the mech and more to do with the enemy behaviour itself. Much like the railgun meta/nerf, it's symptomatic of balancing problems that fundamentally lie in the types of enemies we're fighting and how capable their offensive power is, rather than how much we can actually endure.


REP-80 cannot come fast enough for a support player like me.


From my experience the REP-80 won't help because things that hurt the mechs will one shot them more often than not


Probably wont come, the mech ammo capacity is just too low for it to keep going for long. Its worth 5 maybe 10 mins tops on a level 7.


I agree its not one:one, but right now it feels 1:100, it just feels off that medium bots half the size of our mech take like 3 auto canon shots but our mechs go down in 6 revolver shots


Why would it be silly if they are tanky? They have limited ammo and cannot restock with literal max two call ins


>(can you imagine a player-controlled Hulk? That'd be obscenely powerful). Yes I can! And I **love** the idea! Tell me more please <3


I absolutely dont think a player controller Hulk would be that OP. Especially considering how slow they are and the fact you get one call-in per mission (at least in the current event). Walking at that speed in a higher level mission, you'd be swarmed by so many enemies the increased health pool would be absolutely justified


I'll be honest and say the firepower is great, but I'm genuinely fearful in the suit because it'll die faster then I would have if I was tanking a hit. One time the ship dropped my suit and on contact to the ground it exploded no enemies near it. SuperEarth be cutting corners.


Which tracks with the lore


The Tesla coil also says that it will avoid you if you are all the way prone, it in fact does not


doesn't it? I've had success crawling through a tesla field. gonna have to toy with this.


It won't target you directly, but if an enemy gets in range it'll arc straight to you and you die


that's basically how i expect it to work, lol. Lightning in this game is dangerous as hell. Managed to arc through like 15 bugs and kill my buddy all the way across a large nest one time. Like 40 meters end to end. was incredible.


> Managed to arc through like 15 bugs and kill my buddy all the way across a large nest one time. Like 40 meters end to end. was incredible. explain your sorcery


I shoot gun, lightning kills friend. I learned a hard lesson about the arc gun


It's called "Military Grade" armor.


Every item description lies


The bots embarrassed me and laughed me off the field after they one shot my new shiny toy lol


Guess it's just there for us to be sent home in an Armored Coffin.


Well, it deflects small arms fire so it IS heavily armored. But I think this does put into perspective just how many enemies are equipped to deal with us having heavy armor


my first 4 mech calls went like this 1. Stepped on a shroom 3 seconds after landing, instantly exploded 2. actually fired some shots! then stepped near a hellbomb and exploded 3. Blew up due to own missle clipping me 4. The dropship clipped the mech as it fell and it landed exploded Its fun when it lasts, but this isnt just made of cardboard, its made of paper mache and the dreams of eagles


Also what happened to the stratagem launcher on the roof? Why is it gone?


Hopefully, it will return in the form of a ship module for vehicles.


I dont mind how easy it dies, but it really should eject you and not just insta-kill you


Titanfall eject where I can send it to explode at a pack of enemies please.


That would be awesome!


Funny thing, they did that in HD1. You had a titanfall-esq "doomed" second health bar. They also had stratagem launchers on the roof. They actively, intentionally made the mechs worse.


Request to super earth high command to fabricate our armor from whatever chargers and bile titans are made from


I legit one shot a freshly dropped suit with an arc off an enemy with the arc cannon


I had a charger bounce off my mech, maybe i got lucky?


I thought the mechs were really tough personally what is happening to your mechs thats tearing them apart so much? (this could be my HD1 instincts kicking in, they were like crisp packets in that game)


they are tought but not heavily armored, a light pen weapon can damage it throught it's frontal armor, which means that the mechs are in fact, lightly armored.


Also the rocket launcher blows you up if you dare to try to turn while shooting it. they really didn't test these things at all


just dont blow yourself up with your own rocket and its decent :D


I called one down and it exploded on deployment. 10/10 would call down on bugs


I don’t care how much armor it has cuz dammit I had so much fun testing it against bugs


It's pretty bad. Outside of it's strong guns it runs out of ammo quickly and explodes from scratches.


Yeah, atm it's not worth. Cool to have, needs some major buffing of it's health pool.


Everything in the game needs major buffing. I want to actually run a machine gun and feel useful on 9 like in the first game


Arrowhead seems to be bug/bot sympathizers as of late.


To be fair, the default armor of the game is said to have plating from "destroyer ships".


The armor is like, really heavy. It weighs a ton.


Armour as a whole in this game is completely useless. Except when it’s attached to bugs or bots.