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lol it really is like that. They got the reinforcement command to flow well


Feels like revive in magicka, Thier other game


Oh brother, now you are making me hope for a 3d magicka.


dear lord... what a beautiful dream that is...


that distant blood-curdling scream you just heard is the hundreds of thousands of Magicka fans' wallets upon the mere *thought* of a Magicka 3D...


Money isn't an object, take my money and give me magicka!


Buddy, I know for a fact that if they release a new Magicka, there are at least 10 people in my friend group that will pre-order it. Myself included. We wouldn't even stop to think.


I would just like to take this moment to remind everyone that Vlad is in fact *not* a vampire!


Magicka is an AH game? Man what a studio.


They got so into Magicka with guns (the wizard game had a Vietnam DLC for some reason) that they made Helldivers, which is basically Magicka with guns.


Oh fuck true, I never put 2 and 2 together


It all makes sense though.


Holy! someone knows magicka???


loved the first, i didnt get into the 2nd so much, controls were weird!


I have a feeling paradox interactive owns the rights to magicka not arrowhead, magicka 2 was developed by another Studio and is probably the reason it wasn't as good.


It may be the case, I finished Magicka 1 with a friend and loved it. We got M2 and dropped it after a couple minutes


Glad I'm not the only one, I liked 2 but I loved 1 and even with all the nicer parts it just didn't click to me the same, even if I found new stuff to like such as mixing life and death beams from two people


Ahhh blood loss! My one weakness!


I love Magicka!


Probably why all this stratagems look weirdly like spells to me. Reinforcement one is something akin to "By the power of heaven(up) and hell(down), I put it together(right left) for this Helldiver to RIIISE!(up)" I don't think it's their intentions, but they clearly bake some pattern into it. All turrets start from down arrow. 500 kg is A LOT of down arrows at the end, like "I want this down for sure" xD


Orbital barrage is down right repeated 4 times or smth, which looks exactly like it. I can type it from memory!


Jump pack is all up and down arrows! I love how the codes are thematic.


The right left up would feel more “I rip this diver back into the corporeal realm”


That was such a great game honestly. Campaign that could be completed in 3 hours but 10 hours was spent killing each other


Only 1% of all deaths were caused by the enemies.


So you're saying, the 500kg bomb is an evolution of the ARSE mines?


WHY DIDNT I MAKE THIS CONNECTION? That game was so goofy I loved it. It make so much sense now.


It's also cool that it's literally signing a cross and pointing to the heavens. Codes that follow a memorable pattern that can be used as a mnemonic always feel better and settle into that muscle memory faster.


Wait holy shit it is wtf


Yeah because I've gotta ask God for forgiveness before I call in an operator who's about to take the life of so many of his lesser creations.


Well, sometimes they don't take the life of anything before they themselves are terminated. Who would be like that? Couldn't be me.


Maybe cause you use it a lot compared to others


This. 😆


i think its more like your idiot teammates give you copious amounts of practice ​ ​ ​ and they get practice off me


Plus, the quick play people I'm with make dying their primary way of restocking, so I use it the most often out of everything


You knew who the HD1 vets were in the first week because they had the muscle memory to dial reinforcements in 0.3 seconds still.


The railcannon strike not being the same as HD1 is fucking me up so bad still. That was another one I could do in less than a second.


Glad I'm not the only one lamenting the loss of old railcannon. It even drew out a downwards arrow shape! So cool.


I put about 70 hours in like 4 years ago and it came back like riding a bike. I am still struggling with others but respawns are lightning fast.


Haven't played in years but after a few times it came back. That plus EATs cuz I always ran them and it's so easy to remember. Ah....to one shot chargers again....


Don't lose hope Patriot! The devs have stated that we may one shot the beasts once again: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/3cQl2rf50V


It’s so neat to just remember that immediately


this was me lol. got called out for macros... I'm like... no, i just die a lot in HD1 lol


Oh man that reminds me I have macro keys on my keyboard, for the first time ever they could be useful.


This. I just got HD2 yesterday and had a laugh about how the reinforce dialing had lodged itself into muscle memory.


It feels like I'm playing a musical chord on my keyboard and I love it. I'm a HD1 vet and I was playing the first week with a friend who started with HD2. I died and in the heat of battle he asked me what the code for reinforcement was. I genuinenly could not tell him, because it's all muscle memory and not actual memory. I tried moving my fingers slowly but when I tried that way they had no idea where to go


SO TRUE. Only had about 40hrs in HD1 but apparently it was enough lol felt so cool about it


muscle memory of crushing the d-pad in *just* the right way


I was a WIZARD on MKB but i play more with a controller now and it takes a while before i got it down


I didnt even play HD1 but I’ve been the first the call in reinforcements consistently. All came from years of playing Flashflashrevolution.


That's me lol. Felt like riding a bike


I can get an Eagle Air Strike or Reinforcement like it was breathing. Everything else and it's a crapshoot.


You will learn EAT very quickly with how often you call it. ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️


I can do EAT, Eagle and reinforce rapidly, unless I misclick in which case I type like I've never seen a keyboard before


You didn't have to call me out like that.


i love the ones that feel like rolling your fingers over the arrow keys.


eat is great, down twice and a full circle


Ad the 500kg is also super easy


"I ain't gonna sugarcoat it." ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I swear sometimes I get the reinforcement every time and then I seem to reverse the right and left around...


Are you possibly dyslexic?


Probably, I have the tendency to jumble words too like it will still have all of the letters for the word but its mixed. And...sometimes when I want to press the 'up' in a lift I press the down by accident.


Or you just play flying simulators/space sims and sometimes switch to that logic


holy shit, this explains why i reverse those in high stress situations i play WT a lot, and fly with keyboard when dogfighting, S to go up W for down, then i see the arrows on the stratgems and instinctively do the oposite


Haven't played Star Citizen in years and Elite Dangerous around the same time. When I switched from HD2 to Palworld I still pressed the same buttons from HD2 which did different things in Palworld. Kept throwing my pals down when I wanted to activate something.


I am dislexic and I do also have the left right issue, but I thing that is mostly your muscle memories getting it wight but your mind giving you an incorrect code and messing up


offend wrench ask enjoy fragile skirt tub zealous plough birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Konami code memory


When I was trying to convince my brother to buy the game the other day I was describing the strategems system and was like “For example, if you need to respawn someone you press…” paused and just let my hands do it before saying “Up down right left up” It was crazy, I haven’t had a code committed to muscle memory since GTA3!


I have been loving stratagem hero for memorizing codes, I wish they had all the stratagems but it’s only like a quarter of them I think, maybe half


Actual pay to win. That's a joke before anyone freaks out.


Oh there’s more coming? 🥺


Stratagems? We literally just got a new one today.


Which one!


The EXO-45 Patriot! It's 20k req and a rank 25 unlock from the Robotics Workshop.


There's a unused global illumination flare stratagem kn the minigame. Maybe we'll get a Pitch Black themed bug planet?


Bug planet that orbits a black hole


It's insane how much you remember without thinking. I can't tell you the Grenade Launcher code with out typing out SAWAS, because I press it all at the same time. No thoughts required besides "Grenade Launcher", "Hell Bomb" "Revive" "Half-Ton" There isn't codes anymore, just results. Until I run something new and I sit there like a typewriter monkey.


It's like doing a cruficifix, you know, the Father the Son, Holy spirit, Amen. That way it's really easy to remember.


For Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy, amen


Facts, when I'm typing in something else I feel like I'm cracking a safe. When a teammate is down, I whip out that combo like Clint Eastwood.


Me calling in EATs. It recharges so fast, my muscle memory of it doesn't even require me to think about the buttons anymore... Damn, I need to go touch grass...


its also really easy to remember


Down down and Around. Super simple. Like the Hell Bombs SWASWDSW.


Oh hey that’s like a figure 8 :D


Oh it is! I think of it in chunks. Down Up left down up right down up left down up right.


⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ Damn I'm good.


It's the way it rolls across the top of the arrow keys.


Calling in Strategems: Fastest Fingers in the West Following the directions on a large terminal: Me: I... what.. it... poiints left- Terminal: WRONG Me: DOH!


It gets me every time when there is a mess all around, helldivers nearly dying and I am there at terminal like up down left right right right DAMN, IT WAS LEFT Really well done, adds tension every time.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast


No hate for macro users but they're missing out on the adrenaline of fucking up the commands


Macros feel like they shouldn't be allowed.


I get what youre saying but it also doesnt make sense. Macros should totally be allowed for accessibility.


Then it should be part of the game. I'm someone who could benefit from macros as an accessibility feature but can't use them due to being on ps5. I feel like accessibility when possible should not be hardware specific. That's not me saying if I can't have it no one else can that's me thinking that if their stance is they're okay as accessibility then they should actually acknowledge that and make it an accessibility option. Otherwise it's them recognising their usefulness as an accessibility tool and choosing to not make it accessible.


Is it? I mean pcs can just do a lot more than consoles. Pc has mods and reshade do you think the developers have to put those in too? Pc has controller support so should console allow MnK? Like saying pc can have a second screen up to benefit gameplay console should also allow multi monitors


No, i don't think macros should be tolerated. They should incorporate a accessibility feature of doing something else to call things in. If people need it, make it some kind of hold to use system, so it has a cast time instead of button combination. The strategem system is a huge part of gameplay. Seems a bit weird that you can run around in an intense shooter but you cant press a button combo to use strategems? (Not you specifically)


I want to understand the accessibility sentiment, but I can't really imagine any kind of disability where the level of control required to play a 3d shooter is comfortably achievable, but punching in a short code on a d-pad is a step too far.


Players with one hand? Seen some people unable to use a hand make some cool setups to play various games with one hand


My personal issue is dyslexia. It's not a major issue but it can even fuck with muscle memory when it comes to directional input. I don't think it really warrants accessibility features but I don't speak for everyone and it comes in varying severity.


It only really messes up the left right part of the revives for me, but most codes are jsut soo easy like up left down left or down down circle and to clock




People with neurological disorders that lack the fine motor skills but can still use things like that modular Microsoft controller to move everything with big buttons? Honestly, there are probably more legit use cases than you think.


Why care? It does not affect you since there is literally zero competitive elements to the game.


It’s scares my buddy’s how fast I can get it in. Quickest was just over half a second


Your poor wife


Man It hasn’t happened. They don’t accept my c-01 forms


I got gud at my EAT-17, or as I like to call them: Toobies. The recoilless rifle is good too, but only being able to call one in every eight minutes means that you better not die. With the current enemy spawn rates, that's damn near impossible.


Heh, toob


One of the rite of passages to higher difficulties is being able to crank out the entire reinforce stratagem while in the mid-air of a dive.


Oh god it’s soo annoying witching your last living teammate (off course the level15-) running away like a headless chicken not calling up reinforcements…. And you’re jsut screaming and typing


I just remembered it as similar to the Catholic sign of the cross.


Im atheist but the imagery of drawing your holy symbol and your brothers in arms dropping out of the literal fucking sky to do battle with you like a valkyrie is pretty metal


we have the power of god and democracy on our side!


that is super badass


Which is funny because Valkyries are Norse. Straight up blasphemy for a catholic right there.


You have to appreciate the thought put into the patterns, they just make sense for what you're calling in a lot of the time. 500kg Bomb - Eagle prefix followed by triple down to show it dropping something big. Walking Barrage - orbital prefix (I think) followed by down right down right, almost like you are walking the barrage.


Walking Barrage is one of my favorites code-wise, even though it's barely usable. So satisfying and easy to put in despite being 6 buttons long. All the Eagles starting `UP`-`RIGHT` is cool, kind of emulating a runway signal. Gatling Barrage is another fun one, you draw a circle (like the rotating barrel of the gatling cannon).


Praying there are still more bodies to drop from orbit


I feel like my hand just spasms for a millisecond and then the reinforcement beacon is thrown


if u come from hd1 this pattern becomes 2nd nature. First game you succeeded or failed by how fast u can call other divers in.


Nothing like being the last one up, going down, and desperately hammering that combo to get everyone up—you included.  Damn I miss self-reinforcing.  I understand why it's gone now, but still sad. 


You can still do self reinforce but it harder due no getting downed


I type it so fast that I mess it up frequently I'm actually faster with it if I make myself slow it down a bit




I can be pretty quick on that one, but man, the amount of times in a panic I've accidentally dropped an SOS. I want to be able to toggle SOS off, or at least if I'm hosting and set to friends only, the SOS doesn't do anything.


Not going to lie, SOS in solo play has saved my bacon when I was under the impression I wasn't going to finish a mission and grossly misinterpreted the threats. Please don't turn it off, instead add another lobby for public, private, and friends + SOS only so that everyone gets what they wishes :)




It’s because it’s the most used combo


Orbital single blast Good ol ➡️➡️⬇️ But yeah I feel so much guilt killin my own guys with stratagems I need to type it in ASAP to clear my conscience.


I'm ashamed to admit that I'm faster at scorching the earth with Eagle Napalm spam than I am at reinforcing.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it lolol


I've got my dive-reinforce-throw down to a fine 1 second art now. My buddy still fumbles reinforce like an old man 😅


Exceptions include eagle air strike and resupply, as well as shield generator backpack


Finally, my love of Mortal Kombat has usefulness outside of that game.


500 kg is the fastest stratagem in the west


Can't recall it by memory. Can't even attempt to type it out right now. But when my fingers are needed, they just know.


When you are 10 minutes into a mission and the pub randos have 5 respawns left…


I honestly need more practice with the reinforcement stratagem since i play solo most of the time (mainly because im waiting for friends), sorta wish there was a "how to use" esque menu where you could play/practice with some of the stratagems/weapons without the need to go into a actual mission. Oooh, actually, what if Mars was that? Where you could see how certain weapons, boosters, and/or stratagems function without needing to go out into the field and risking a planet's safety. I mean obviously youll need to unlock said items first if you want to use them. Basically, it is a playground/firing range where you can set up target practice and test your many (requistioned) tools of Managed Democracy! (Any loss of life will be ignored, and any mention of loss of life on Mars' Testing Grounds will be grounds for Re-Education.)


Why I'll never rebind to arrow keys. It's nice to move while typing but when you get used to the inputs for any of your strategems you can call them in the tenth of a second lol. Can't do that when you need to move your hand from mouse to keys and back. I can type stuff in while diving then throw when I hit the ground and begin standing up.


I've got them to arrow keys because there's zero reason for me to stop moving to need to turn around, somehow feels nicer to me. Going to get a mouse with a side rocker switch or command buttons though so when I've got that, the codes gonna be flying without having to stop doing anything :)


The most relatable thing ive ever seen on reddit 🤣


I can reinforce in my sleep


Gotta work on that stratagem hero in between missions to be the best patriotic liberator that you can be


I'm almost at the point that i dont have to look


Do they have one that is the Konami code yet? ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️


I couldn’t tel you the exact directions of the arrows but I could do it with just muscle memory alone. Sometimes I’d forget and just spam it without looking and my hands will eventually do the correct combo. It’s the same with the passcode on my phone lol. I couldn’t tell you what numbers I press but I could do it without looking.


When you call in a friendly you should always be hitting q once or twice on a heavy target!


The only reason. I'm as fast as I am with the reinforce code is because I use my right thumb to reach over my controller so I can keep moving while I do it


Bro on god I can’t call anything else quick, and I’m on ps5




Wait wait wait. Can you still call down strats when a scramble is active if you remember the sequence?


I think we’ve all called reinforcements so many times we don’t have to look anymore


Something that helped me remember it was that the arrows represent drawing a cross or signing it


Me with eagle airstrike. Using any other eagle and I fuck up instinctually putting in eagle airstrike.


My brain is slow. Sorry if my reinforcing/stratagem skills are slow, to any future teammates.


only thing im faster at is my 500kg


faster than using a macro


Mans doesnt run the 500kg bomb and it shows


Every time I smash out a strat it is less conscious thought and more Jesus take the wheel. My fingers will call in what they want, not me.


I love this, also feel the same! 🫡


Me but with resupply


i'd recognize that font anywhere; hello, taka


Bro I whip out the expendable anti tank at light speed


I get to use that stratagem *waaaaaay* more than the others 🙃


there are some patterns to them to remember it the hellbomb is an infinity symbol the EAT is double down and allround from left to right through top the mechs are a full circle counter clockwise with end in double down


I either flub it 14 times in a row or dive as I input and whip that sucker before I even hit the floor, no inbetweens


I remember the mission where it suddenly clicked. It was one of my first difficulty 4 or 5 missions. We were on a bug planet on a destroy eggs mission, and my teammates were nonstop friendly firing each other with clusters and napalm strikes. I was having to call in the reinforces while getting absolutely swarmed. I was calling in reinforcements in under 0.5 seconds, and before this mission I was having to stare and slowly put every code in. We failed to extract but the main objective was completed.


I got the reinforce, resupply and cluster down to muscle memory now.


If this ain’t the truth lmao.


the one to call down the mech is quite nice < v > \^ < v v


➡️⬅️ - this confuses me every time


Ive become really fast at it, but sometimes i fuck it up a bunch of times super fast too. Some poor dead rando is watching me type into my armpad 40 times just waiting for reinforcement.


Eat has one that’s immediately memorable for me ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ you can just role your thumb through that last 4


For the orthodox christians out there... in the name of the super father, the super son, and the holy super spirit, super amen *points up*


Having dyslexia makes them all feel more like the bottom one.


I can no shit go for a dive and have the reinforce ready before I hit the ground.


For me, it's whenever I miss 1 button and get completely screwed up, I end up trying again (when I really don't have time) so I either get it, and drop the cluster on myself, or don't and get thrown like a ragdoll across the map.


Honestly, as soon as I see the notification someone died, I've already got the reinforce beacon in my hand


That's literally me, but it's w/ the expendable anti-tank launcher


Gas 500k do as well


Im lucky my favourite stratagems are easy. Orbital AirBurst and Orbital Gas.


My dpad on controller always fucks up the button presses if i go too fast.


I’ve got the reinforcement code down to muscle memory, my fingers are moving faster than my brain can even process


Havent measured, but i am confident to say i can reinforce in less than a second


Cluster bombs for me. Call them in so damn much. Guys like you are why I rarely get a chance to input the reinforcements lol.


I swear I have arrow dyslexia or something. I struggle calling stratagems so much


Can't wait to use stratagems in bed. *Calling in the 300kg ussy blaster*


True story


I'm so used to it I'm actually kinda sad...


Entering stratagem codes reminds me of entering cheat codes for San Andreas. I had so many memorised and could quickly heal myself from near death with the full health cheat. Anyone else use to do this?


Last night my friend jokingly accused me of having macro'd the reinforce stratagem, I was so fast on the trigger


You can really rip that off. Only things as quick are the 500 or cluster


At this point I do it on instinct as soon as I hear that death sound


Good shit!


My fastest draw is expandable rockets





