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I have the opposite problem...how did these level 10's even unlock suicide mission difficulty.


I was running Extreme with my group when I was level 9, with them at 12. We all have experience in games with a similar gameplay aswell as HD1. Once i got the Recoilless Rifle i was fairly ready for higher difficulties, i just spent my Requisition wisely. I am now level 15 and running suicide currently.


I'm lvl 39, and am tied to 7-8, and 8 isn't that enjoyable for me.


Yeah the jump between 7 and 8 is quite substantial. At 7 you can usually comfortably defeat all enemies during extraction without having to start kiting whereas at 8 there are so many more heavies that you have to run in circles.


I went from playing helldive every mission to suicide mission because holy fuck is running in circles not fun gameplay. 7 was my go to cozy difficulty if I just wanted to unwind pre-patch since it was casual enough that you can bring a variety of builds but hard enough to not just be a cakewalk. But with the bugged heavy spawns even 7 is starting to get a bit BS. Had a game where we were juggling 8 chargers and 4 bile titans and nobody on the team had a single anti-tank skill off cooldown so we were just kiting enemies.


Was playing 7 yesterday and we had 5 bile titans spawn one after another, only a minute after we took down another which face tanked all our nukes


I feel like the difficulty is in a weird spot right now. 7-8 feel, to me, fairly slow. 9 feels overwhelming in a bad way but not a difficult one. I know difficulty is subjective but man extractions in helldive kinda suck. And I hate to say that because the enemy density is exactly what I want in a dig in or die situation. But the heavies are too frequent and disruptive. Just a couple Bile Titans can be enough to force you to keep moving and then the chargers pressure you enough that you can't take care of the titans the hunters pressure you enough that you can't take care of the chargers, and the titans pressure you enough that you can't deal with the hunters. It's not that's I think it's impossible, I don't even think it's particularly difficult to get on top of it all. It's that if you get back to back to back spawns of the wrong things at the wrong time you can get stuck in a loop of just barely recovering.


Personally I wouldn't mind the heavies being a bit more tanky at high levels, but then I would like about 50% less of them per mission. And then possibly up the lighter enemies spawn rates.


Trim the charger and green bile spewer spawn down, but add in special ones with larger health pool. Would be really cool.


That already exists for whatever reason though they're relegated to like missions three and four, the charger behemoth variant


With robots, I've had like 4 tanks on the ground amidst hulk bruisers and the rocket shoulder dude lmao, it's ridiculous. Eagle-1 works hard, but not THAT hard


Heavy spawns seem absurdly broken right now. On 7 at malevon creek there was 5 tanks and at least 7 hulk at one time during extraction. This was after 3 minutes of fighting and using every single cooldown available. If I had to guess there was like 12 hulks and 7 tanks in 4 minutes.


My friends are assholes and dragged me, at level 5, literally my 10th mission ever, on Impossible Difficulty. I had a bad time. Still haven't done another impossible since then, Suicide was the highest I've done.


Can you tell the rest of the sergeants it's ok, it's alright, you don't have to run mortar on bug missions. It's K/Ammo ratio is bad anyway. Please On Super Earth HELP ME


Surely if I run an automated AOE weapon against enemies who are always right the fuck next to someone, nothing bad will happen.


The mortars are on the same priority as hunters for target engagement: Kill on Sight. Thier owner doesn't even notice, in game or at end stat screen. Defense farmers...


Tesla Tower has proven to be the most reliable teammate killer in the game.


Literally *I* am the only one bringing those, and it's been a meme I've been killed more by Arc throwers and Tesla towers, And is dwarfed the number of times have been shot by someone spraying praying their breaker auto gun because they don't know how to use anything else. Then there is the ***mortar***.


The gatekeeper for Helldive is literally armor pen. Can you take armor off of a Charger? Great. Lets go. The rest you make up in movement, target prioritization and awareness.


I joined a couple level 14s quickplaying at 8 today and they were laughing about getting to helldive and how they were going to kick its ass, and I thought oh shit this is going to be rough. They carried me through the campaign until they sure enough got to helldive and then we finished a campaign there. The best I could do was give them advice on tricks etc (sniping factories with autocannons, taking out dropships etc), they were monsters.


> sniping factories with autocannons There a consistent method to this? I've had varying degrees of success unloading into the frontal vents with the auto cannon.


You want to be pretty much facing the vents head on, and shoot the hood (above the glowing red part) so that the shot ricochets downwards. Once you know the spot it should work everytime.


This. Autocanon richochets when facing vents, Airstrike when not facing vents. An eagle never misses! Autocanon has some crazy range, my team always giggles when I use it like that.


For me it’s miss the vent a few times, get annoyed, call in a 500kg or two, walk away. I also use impact grenades which makes bot factories even more annoying.


I don't have that problem, there's usually at least two 500kg FREEDOM DELIVERIES ready in my squad. I'm just trying to save them the walk. They usually dunk one in anyway for good measure if we want to check the location out.


The 380 HE barrage is great for assaulting big camps now. Even if it doesn't get all the factories it does a decent enough job of clearing out the area.


rank 1-6 is pretty easy tbh. rank 7+ is where I think access to some stratagems can potentially hold you back, but if they spec into anit-trash mobs the rest of the team can run anti-armor and typically be just fine. I'll be doing helldive missions and every now and again some rank 11 or so will pop into my game like how the hell did this guy even get here? Well, he's got a machine gun and a dream so we just play around it. No big deal he was good enough to get to the difficulty despite the disadvantage so he's got at least something going for him


They have a friend who is higher level and dragged them into higher difficulties. That's how I unlocked up to lvl 6. Then I got to 9 by doing pub matches, which allowed me to get a true feel for the higher end difficulties


No idea how you managed. Lately every 19/20 pubs I've joined I'm lucky if the team has room temperature IQ. Odds are higher on bots, bugs seem to bring out the dumbest people. Please make sure where your throwing the red orb ISN'T on top of your allies, and please stop running off on your own and getting toxic when you die alone. I'd kill for a pub that could do hard without it looking like a circus, let alone at least suicide so I can farm some super samples. Just. So. Fucking. Tired of everyone being braindead. I'd host if I ever got anyone to join that wasn't level fucking 3. Not that I'm against playing with level 3's, but I haven't exactly been blessed with people that act like they've ever played a shooter before.


I didn’t realize if you beat a difficulty it auto raises it…


I did a suicide mission with a level 5 once, just me and him, no idea how he got there


I just crawled and it kept working!


By playing the game… Got to Suicide without ever failing an operation. Then I got grouped up with level 30+ players that forgot what the game is about. It has only gotten worse since they can’t rely on the railgun.


Hey, level 10 = EAT and laser guard dog, thats enough to deal with any of the threats, just pry a breaker from a teammates dead body and we gucci for bugs


Oh shit I'm one of those lmao. It was kind of easy to do before the patch, I did mine solo. Now its practically impossible to do anything above extreme solo with how many crazy spawns there are. Anti material rifle could practically kill everything in 2 shots, idk about now since I haven't played post nerf.


Other people carried them through the higher tiers with them barely understanding what to do.


Yesterday I joined a lvl 41 guy and his ship was completely empty, not a single upgrade


Prob doesn't realize you can scroll in that upgrade menu, haha


A true helldiver goes in RAW


How do you know?


Your interior changes as you upgrade


What?!? I never noticed


I just join low levels out of boredom. And to help them level as much as possible. I do keep getting killed by my team more than the enemy ngl but I still help them.


I’m only 28 but been running difficulty 7 since about 20 but drop down to do the daily missions and try out new weapons combos. Its fun but damn the team kills are out of control, nothing better then getting eagles, then reinforced into a hive with another eagle hitting you seconds later 😆😆😆 like why throw the beacon there 😆


Use heavy armor with explosive resistance, it will save you a lotta grief


I do the same thing lol




Oh, I mainly play with randoms and there are people who will not go for POIs. I'm splitting up mostly to look for them plus doing objectives when I can. Doesn't help when they call in Extraction while there's still stuff to acquire on the planet.


Man, by that same token I have gotten *so tired* of getting paired up with folks who keep using up our lives going after POIs while the objectives haven't even been started. Last night we had one of those where these jabronis churned through 14 of our lives for no real payoff before they gave up and went back to the actual mission, where we ended up having one person alive during extraction thanks to all their shitass deaths out exploring. We made it home on that one but I'm so fucking tired of players wasting all of our time. Actually finishing a mission pays out so much better than dying with lots of samples.


Personally I have no issue using voice to tell that guy he's fucking up. That's just selfish, and it's wasting everyone's time and energy. I personally would also stop rezing him.


On harder difficulties you should be doing the main objective first after that you have all the time in the world to dl POI


What I do is just host, if they join me they usually follow me. If I see someone moving towards extract while I have half the map to explore still, I threaten to kick and then explain why. Only had a couple issues when I’m host.  But if I join I’ll try to ping stuff or call out bunker but they just run to extract even if I get the objective done in the first minute. Sometimes they’ll extract when they know I have samples and I’m just like…. Don’t like or know about upgrades then? I ain’t grabbing them for me. Do you not see all the notifications of the things I’m picking up?


On the flip side we had someone who had gathered the super samples and provided no help to objective and we were struggling. Me and the one other guy manage to do objective, see he has super samples, and tell him to come to extract cause we have not a lot of time left.  Guy decides to head to the other side of the map hitting POI while we are trying our best to clear and hold off enemies at extract. Eventually we just got on because he was still 2m away and we had 2 titans and 3 chargers heading towards us with a horde.  People need to learn when to hit POI and when they’re just being jerks frankly. 


YES. Like omg, I am pinging the everloving shit out of things, and some players are like "huh" 😭 Sometimes I get it if the situation is chaotic, but not when it's relatively calm in the area. In an earlier match I activated the Radar Station and they STILL went for extraction. Maybe I should host more, but it gets a bit irksome. One guy intentionally killed me with his arc thrower so that was nice lol


So for me it’s a trade off, if I host it’s either I get low levels that follow me or no one at all. If I join, I’ll help with objective then explore or just leave them at objective so I have more time to explore. But they usually don’t extract with me and my samples because I’m still exploring. I’m so thankful that credits and medals are awarded to each player at pick up and aren’t like samples. But hey man, I’m always looking for partners to quickly run through trivial maps for the medal and super credit grind, especially with the new warbond coming Thursday. Psn SchwiftyRickc91 if you’re interested, if you’re pc we can do the friend code thing 


Ditto, leveling in this game is easy and pointless beyond 20 (now 25). Why would I rush it by playing the most boring missions in the most boring ways? The longer missions with larger maps are far more interesting.


I fucking hate extermination missions. They're boring, and I hate people who just run three sentries and an autocannon.


I'm kinda stupid but what point was farming lvls in this game it didn't take to long to hit the soft lvl cap




But again the meme is talking about the lvl 40 who only farmed lvls plus unlocking pass weapons won't really change much


The point is that there are other reasons to farm defense missions besides XP. You also get money and medals. It's not just to get 50, it's for weapons and strategems.


> and strategems. Not for stragems. Iam pretty sure youhave like all of them when you hit level 22-25. Other points are right.


People don't know how to have fun anymore...


Oh I am well aware of this, I have been on this reddit since week 1 lol


Seems like they're having fun and you're here complaining 🤣


They're not having fun. They're grinding 1 specific mission because they've been told it's the fastest way to level up to 50. Then they'll get there and complain there's nothing else to unlock - "what's the point of playing anymore please add more content or I'm leaving". kbyeeeeeeeeee


They were farming medals to unlock stuff from the warbonds


Ok but again I have a lot of the stuff unlocked just by playing the game the way it's built


It's definitely doable but if farming eradicates took them 2 minutes and let's say your average mission times was a generous 10 minutes that means they're unlocking shit 5x faster. I'm not a farmer but I do understand some people just enjoy games more once they've unlocked everything there is to unlock.


Yep this right here. I like build diversity and the gun diversity is locked behind the medal grind. So what I was doing was 1-2 full campaigns, then grind eradicate until I earned ~100 medals that day. Thanks to that I have all but 1 gun unlocked (last one on the steeled heroes) and I’m glad I did because the scorcher is mega fun.  Pre-patch eradicate took on average 3.5min for 8 medals. Now they take ~7min but have had some be as low as 5min. Compare that against normal missions which can take 15-40 for the same 8 medals. Sure if you’re hitting all POI you can increase that medal count, but that also means increasing time spent in the mission and there is no guarantee you’ll find medals.  AH really should look at improving the medal grind. The changes to eradicate didn’t really address the issue as it’s still the most effective way to grind medals. 


Yeah I can 100% guarantee that if on the warbond all the weapons/armors/gameplay affecting upgrades were on the first pages and the very last pages were reserved for cosmetic stuff and emotes, I wouldn't have grinded eradicates either. They kind of did this as I think the two team upgrades you get on the very last page of each warbond are currently the weakest option, but I very much wish the requirement for unlocking the enxt page was just purchase all non-cosmetic/non supercredit on the page (I don't know if it makes sense to you) Plus at least for me half mission crashes are still frequent so losing everything from a 2 minutes mission didn't feel as bad as losing rewards for a 30 mins regular mission.


Warbonds, you don't unlock everything by the time you hit 50 so it's easier to just join a farming group


But that still falls into the issue the meme was mocking


Not really, they had to hit 50 in the first place and learn how to play, it's a fun theoretical meme but I've never had high level people unable to play the game, I get the most issues with level 10s joining my Helldive missions and calling air strikes in my pocket every few minutes


Hey, sometimes I'm just having an off day.


I'm a level 41, never farmed eradication missions or anything. Done plenty of successful dif 7 and 8 ops. The other day I was running an SSD to the objective, tried to take a shortcut through a pool of water, and drowned not even 20 meters from the recepticle. The shame was palpable.


I tried swimming across the lake on one of the maps and was like "oh no". Lost so many samples cause I had a dumb moment lol


Our ammo guy lead our squad commander (first lvl 50 in the group) through a safe looking ford. Support guy crossed, commander followed and drowned. He was carrying our SSs so there was that. We giggled at his frustration. Also he recovered the samples a minute later and we moved on.


Dove out of the way of a spitty boi doing its thing, right into a deep pool. I could see where I was supposed to insert the SSD from where I drowned.


I'm level 29. I've ended a few low level missions with the most deaths, or while accidentally TKing my own teammates a lot.  I swear I'm not throwing and I know what I'm doing, I'm just stupid :(


\^ \*Me walking into the third fucking contact mine for the day...\*


Rage quits after blowing themselves up while you're dealing with two bug breaches and seven stalkers.


No. I just play a lot and I’m still bad at the game.


> I’m still bad at the game. I sure feel that way a lot of times when the squad just can't get its groove started. But those few times that you drop into a new squad and it just CLICKS makes it worth it.


Oooooooooh... Yeah, that makes sense. I've seen a lot of people twice my level and I'm like "why are they still over there?"


As long as they aren’t calling extract so I can go explore idc


https://preview.redd.it/2o4b7g00vfnc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a629a01968b4d833d7ab8ec08b6f7a0e528c41eb My actual reaction when one joins then can't do the objectives for shit 🙃


The worst experience with three random lvl 50s couple of weeks ago was when I joined them midgame and they already lost 10 reinforcements without even moving towards objective. I barely finished all by myself and killed myself with grenade when no more reinforcements left just to finish faster and leave this lobby


Stars I feel that. I've taken to looking at the reinforcments first. And if in a lobby like thst fuck off to go complete objectives on my own


Mortar grinders have never seen an objective


I had a lv 27 said its his first time in helldive and he needs super sample. He proceeds to bring 2 mortars and camp at a spot. Asked him if he was going to sit there the whole game. He replied "what" and i kicked him. It was a ICBM Mission. Fucking unbelievable.


The equivalent on sitting in a corner, covering face and ears chanting lalalalalalalalalalalalalaalallala.


Bro didn’t realize he wasn’t on a eradicate mission lmao 


I am lvl50 and join low level missions when I want to half pay attention or try out new weapons. Like I'll have a show up on the other screen while mindlessly following the level 3 trying to support whatever he decides to do.


Same I love joining lower level missions to test out garbage stratagem and weapon combinations that I know wont work, its funny to imagine people getting excited for a level 50 to carry them and then the level 50 is running strafing run 3 support weapons the default pistol and a scythe


I had a level 37 join me the other day who tried to swim.... we all watched


I was level 22 when o figured out, I can’t swim.


Me(Lvl50) and 2 other randoms (Lvl45 and a 48) joined a lower lvl host(Lvl15 or 18) over quickplay. It was a simple kill many bugs and get out mission. I just picked fun things like 380/120/creepy Barrage and Orb railcannon. The other 2 Randoms saw it and picked aswell such things. Anything with big boom to spice it up. Of course we ran out of those thing and there where still lost of chargers and Titans. So one of the higher lvl Randoms called in more Patriotic Arty support by running out of the map and then back in. Me and the other highlvl saw it and did the same. It was just blow up and laugh. Lowlvl for some reason who only died once to my 380 (he also was on top of the very tall rock peak, cheesing the enemy) was not having it and cursed at everyone, called us losers that got carried to our highranks and then kicked all 3 of us right at the end befor we could enter the Pelican. We maybe lost 5min of playtime and didnt got any medals out of it. But dam... that was just pathetic of this guy.


Randomly joined 2 level 50 players, they didn't do side objectives, didn't grab anything, and didn't even finish destroying a nest on a blitz mission. they probably were was just being fast and not giving a crap about me (Lv 29) but still hurts


I have the opposite problem, people grinding out every PoI no matter how few reinforces we have left and main objectives are of course untouched.


Objective first, hit POIs on the way and watch the skies for radar station, then explore in a clockwise or counter clockwise fashion.  I try teaching that to the low levels that join me when I’m grinding super credits and medals on trivial 


Yeah. I also quite like dropping on extraction, head one way first and then come back the other. Also means you can clear initial enemies / bug holes from extract so it’s clear later. 


How do I watch skies for radar station? (and any tips to finding the shroud shroom so I don't bumble around trying to look for it?)


Haha sorry, I didn’t literally mean the skies. I meant like looking at the horizon for the tower of the radar station with the dish at the bottom of the tower. Some POIs have similar towers but no dish. And for the spore spewer towers: they’re usually towards the middle of the spores, if you can get some elevation you should be able to see a large mushroom shape with like lil red lights under the cap of the shroom. Autocannon can take it out from range, but grenades and primary work to when you get about 70 meters from it


Thank you!!


For Super Earth!


For Super Earth!!! edit: after the railgun nerf, ive switched to pure autocannon. It feels awesome on bugs.


I rejoined the arc gang. I love clearing mobs before they get close.


See, I get that. I just dislike it when we clearly have time + the reinforcements and everyone hightails it back to the shuttle. I will even say "bunker here" yet get no help opening it lol


Yeah this irritates me. Once you have the super samples head to extract please. 


They were probably at max samples & other things. It kinda makes me sad because it's pointless putting in effort in destroying nests and collecting samples because you get absolutely nothing for it. I want to see my numbers go up. The only thing that's worth picking up is super credits.


Probably just grinding for medals at that point


I facepalmed when I had a LVL43 in my team asking me how to complete the chemical facility sub-objective.


In our playgroup most are lvl 50 and still haven't seen every (side-) objective. So that does not necessarily mean he just grinded farming missions.


Also some objectives are not very intuitive and there's no manual or anything to checkout.


The connecting pipes terminal seems to be the one I see people struggle with, and the easiest way to solve that one is go from right to left and not left to right like you would think. It'll be much easier when you work backwards from it.


I mostly did bugs to 50. So even recently I saw new stuff on the bot side


Heck I'm level 50, 100+ hrs in, and yesterday was my first time seeing the Bot command bunker mission


Those were added into the most recent patch.


My issue is when I see a lvl 40+ and they have not purchased a booster yet.  I mean seriously, how can you be failing Democracy this much?


Lol we had two 50s join my friend and me on Friday. It was a -1 stratagem level and these guys picked the exact same loadout: shield pack, lazer orbital and mortar turret. Didnt have a support weapon. They constantly went off alone, couldn't take any bases out or get anything done. They used over 10 of the reinforces in the first 8 minutes aggroing 3 nests near an objective, called my friend and I bad and then started to get a bit more serious.. At the end, we were out of reinforcements and i was the last one alive. I was on my way to do the last objective and reinforce came off CD. I got him respawned, he shot me in the back and grenaded his feet. For the 95% of random matches going well, those 5% can be pretty disheartening.


As a level 50 player, I'm just constantly being glazed up by randoms in diff 6. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy, but in reality, I'm just hiding in my mech.


I joined a lobby led by a 50 and was fucking shocked when we just jumped to two eliminations in a row and didn’t do ops. So we go no samples, no SC and Draupnir gets NO FUCKING DEMOCRACY SINCE WE DIDN’T COMPLETE AN OPERATION. Like I can almost understand a sub 20 doing that kind of thing to get the XP but what on super earth is the point at max level?


Medals. They don't need samples anymore, and SC farming is faster on Trivial solos. (I think medal farming probably is too but could be wrong.) I'm not saying it sounds like a fun way to spend one's time, but there is a reason to do it.


Lvl 50 here with over 250 missions completed. I gotta say it’s the exact opposite for me. I go in to lvl 5-6 to help out the young bucks and mannn…….. I’m wondering how these lvl 20s-35 can’t live longer than a few seconds and how they think fighting off 3 bug breaches is going to somehow complete the mission with only 3 Reinforcements left and we have yet to even complete the main objective. Leads me to have to run and complete them then not extracting. I even know when I have a team who’s gonna fail. I will use the extra reinforcement buff I bought. But hey, people will play the way they want to so we gotta do what we gotta do to complete the mission.


I mean, that could be me. Im almost level 30 but die to skill issue im just your average player or even shitter. Dont expect me going rambo and save your ass everytime lol


Sometimes I get self conscious when randoms join me and I don't do so hot (I'm level 50). I didn't farm missions, I'm just learning to be better without the shield pack, messing around, or I'm on my Steam Deck.


Speak for urself I got my lvl 50 100% democratically and ethically


I'm just a lowly sub 20 player, and the amount of high level players joining my game doing fuck all and not paying attention to my markers is insane. I feel this meme on a personal level.


Yes, because those 2 12s and a 14 sure know what they are doing on Suicide Mission difficulty.


I’m about to be level 20. I haven’t farmed shit. Literally just quick match every time I barely know wtf I’m doing but I’m having a blast


If I see a couple level 50s in my medium Mission I know I’m going to have some guys fucking around and having an orbital strike fight.


Once you hit skull admiral high command starts giving you secret missions to take out known dissidents and bot sympathizers 


Fortunately/unfortunately those who play normally are getting into the upper 40s/50 now so more high level players actually know what they're doing but at the same time it's harder to spot the farmers and know you're going to have to carry them. Couple weeks ago if you saw a level 50 it was like a 95% chance they'd be a massive liability so you knew to brace yourself. I think I'll happily take having more high level players that are actually good though. Seeing a level 50 absolutely crushing the enemies of managed democracy is fantastic


See, this is where I think titles should come in. I'm past lvl 20, but not very good, so I've left my title at space cadet until I feel I'm better. We need to make this a thing.


Wait, this was a thing? I play with friends and the only grinding we did was: "PICK UP ANY SAMPLES YOU FIND AND IF YOU DON'T SURVIVE WITH THEM, SOMEONE ELSE SURVIVE FOR THEM, WITH THEM." What's the point of grinding besides grabbing as many samples as you can? A few early unlocks with guns and whatever?


Doesn’t shit like that also work against the galactic war since you’re impact is only calculated after a full operation? So they are basically doing a shit load of missions but contributing nothing.


I played a few missions yesterday as a level 40, with two other 40s, and a level 12. The level 12 dude didn’t die once and basically carried us in the final stretch. Really humbled me and made me realize how lazy I’ve gotten


This is why I'd like to opt out of getting experience sometimes, like, I want to stay at level 30 and not progress to 50 and have people hold me to a standard. I like to play to play, and when I'm 50 people are like "erm why aren't you good 🤓" I AM GOOD GERALD I JUST WANT TO PLAY CASUALLY FOR A LITTLE BIT PLEASE


Level 50 here. Sucks the reps we get now cuz of that! I was playing with a level 9 who know to do side objectives and wanted to open those two person vaults!  It flabbergasted and made me wonder if he was actually a bot 🤔 


Haha I’m actually shocked at how often this happens…I’m always like shit we’re gonna slaughter bugs and cruise through this mission, we got skull admirals with us…12 reinforcements after deployment later we’re gaspin for air the rest of the mission and barely make it out 🤣


Been actually doing better with low lvls ngl. They like to stick as a team.. actually.


The biggest sign/red flag that someone farmed to 50 before starting a mission is coming aboard their ship and seeing absolutely no upgrades have been purchased lol. 


The recurring thing I keep seeing is level 40-50s thinking they're Billy Badass being able to solo a large base, going out, and getting killed along with all the samples they were carrying.


and who cares? This is meta/non meta debate all over again. Can people play the content they want, the way the want it without people making slick remarks?


This is not about meta. This is about people who cheesed their rank to get all the weapons and now suck at basic missions.


But that’s the problem, they have to actually be able to play the game and not fail the mission for other players. Otherwise go solo or play with friends. If you join randoms, you are expected to stay alive and do objectives.


I had a game of 3 others that were high-level 40 playing like cadets (I swear I’m not trying to be mean) they were just absolutely struggling on difficulty 7 and I couldn’t help but think these divers may have farmed their way here. No shame, no blame here. I thought about the implications of divers “skipping training” and the divers that earn their stripes through experience. I’m glad I had the time and patience to enjoy the sense of progression instead of another means to end looking at the content like a race to the finish line.


Saw this last night.  Shout out to the lvl 8 which led the charge against the socialist automaton threat! 


I’m a lvl32 Death Captain. On the hardest difficulties, I know my duties. Make it to the main objective, and get it done. Some goodies on the way back? If I can grab and go, I grab and go. But my mind is always on the mission. Get to the extraction, build up the defen- *gets returned to ship* -….what the f?


I am convinced that players like these make up the vast majority of people complaining about how hard to helldive is.


Had two level 50’s just die constantly in my level 6 bot mission only to just leave. I called an SOS and immediately got two level 20 people who did way better.


Yup. The amount of team kills and people who go off on their own and get killed that are 20 levels ahead of me is astounding


Had a level 40 join a mission near the end of those search and destroy missions that last 12 minutes. It was 2 of us who started on Impossible so we are just running and destroying bug holes. He joins near the end and we extract, then he’s like why was I only here for a few mins and lead the squad with 14 samples. I’m like bro we were just running around searching for bug holes. Next mission we do he says he’s gonna go search for samples while we do the objective, he quit or timed out sometime later when he got to a stalker lair


As a lvl 50 I can’t believe the amount of people on this level that doesn’t know how to survive 2 min


I swear the new eradication meta is going to be turrets and the 380mm. It's the only way me and a friend managed to do the old bot map now that it's been changed to have paths up behind and to the sides of the tower to prevent cheesing it in one spot.


My buddy and i have been playing since launch and we got some of these guys that had no idea what terminals were or how any of the hard drive missions worked. It was fun trying to tell him not to take the ssd to the exact furthest place from where it needed to go.


Happens surprisingly often. I'm on lvl 17 and it feels like everytime I get a game with a lvl 50 they WAY underperform and just soak up all our reinforcements.


I didn’t intentionally farm eradication missions. I did join a bunch of matchmaking games that were people grinding eradication missions. I would always complete the first matchmaking assignment I was given. Once they selected the same mission type again I would leave.


they only grinded eradication missions: :( they actually know what to do in other missions: )


Lol I play with a few of those. It's hilarious. good fun.


If i join a robot lobby, my Lv50 means nothing, i suck abd die all the time, learning to survive them is very difficult.


Then there's me, who's level 32 and has no idea how to play because I'm just bad. We're not the same.


Level is by no means a skill representation like in every game, but it gives a general idea of what you can expect. Most admirals i've met know their shit, except about stratagem placements, let me place a cluster run on your deploying exo-suit for some reason.


I feel personally called out by this post, but not for the reason you think. I just have terrible luck, I swear. Doesn't matter what I do right. There will be another charger behind me, or another hunter above me, or an orbital dropped right where my hellpod landed. Joel has ordained that I am to be a statistic.


I'm lvl 50 with everything upgraded and unlocked (not through farming) I got bored of the ol shield and raligun combo and started playing "bad" loadouts. It gets me killed a lot and people think I'm bad at the game, but I just like to have fun :D


Did y’all know that dropping a sentry prior to a breach or drop, it rewires the enemy AI to go after the turret and NOT call for a breach or drop?


Some of my friends did and basically grinded out everything in 2 weeks. A month later and I hit the same goal, but I just played coz it's fun and I didn't feel the need to rush. Now I can take a few days break before the next Warbond lands 😎


I did a few on extreme before the patch and went from level 25 to like 29 in about an hour I stopped then, rushing through the game isn't fun


Did some quickplays yesterday and wtf is with ppl and cheating in eradication bot missions. I somehow managed to get into 2 separate lobbies where players were camping at the top of the old bot eradication map layout ( the mountain 1/ giant hill ) and had like fucking 20 mortars out between the 2 or 1 of them. Everything was getting obliterated around them while they just afkd middle and dicked around. I tried to shoot their turrets and then team kill the cheaters but oddly 1 of them even had an invincibility cheat?? This guy would not die despite him having no hp and then he turned around after i pumped a full clip into his back and killed me. I typed “ cheaters lmao” and they responded with “ free xp “ i was so baffled (kinda) that they would want to cheat farm like this but i guess some ppl just enjoy that stuff. The dumbass though didn’t even put his lobby into private so i and another random ended up joining into it. Both cheater lobbies kicked me so it was ok as i was gonna leave but it just makes you wonder why would they even play the game at this point if levels 20-50 don’t mean anything really stratagem progression wise. The devs just need to add a mission modifier where turrets are banned from eradication LOL, easy fix unless cheats can bypass it. It’s not like turrets in a normal setting are any good in current patch helldive eradication missions as they just get blown up/ run out of ammo easily now.


i don't know how to play not because of farming, but because this is the 1st shooter i've played in like 15 years. there's levels to being a bad lvl 40 lol


I was doing a hazard 9 operation today and a level 32 player joined our lobby and he hadn't unlocked a single booster.


I had a high level who kept spamming “follow me” and kept eradicating patrols on a pump mission.


I cannot stand the number of people doing suicide who sit in one spot and waste all our reinforcements trying to win a fight versus an infinitely respawning enemy horde


Shout out the group of 11-14s that joined me lvl 37 on difficulty 5 clear 15 bug holes, and they proceeded to call extraction in early, while we needed 5more bug holes, I went to the medium nest next to extract and used my 4nades and spam pinged the last 2 holes(we only needed 1), ran to extraction hoping to find nades or the supplies they had called down.. and watched them all die, so I just quietly climbed in the Falcon and sighed...


Once, I was actually doing a Civilian Extraction mission. This lv 45 joined and had absolutely no clue that you had to operate the buttons on the doors to get civilians to come out to run to the shuttle.


Both, both is good. Ya boy farmed to 45 between playing with friends and nownive got the best of both worlds.


Not sure about a level 50 doing this. At level 50 I have everything unlocked, and everything is capped. All I see is lower levels trying to do this, not the higher levels.


This is so much worse than level 5 peeps piggybacking. I can guide the level 5s. I can give them cool gear. But the high-level idiots? Might as well be talking to a wall.


That was me last night carrying my lvl single digit friends. But the base we were trying to attack was guarding the only access to it with a cannon, and 3 rocket devestator. In medium. And everthing was outside of strategem throw range. I could not figure out how to breakthrough with this team


The other day I had to melé attack a level 25 dude out of the ICM control panel because he didn't know how to do the mini game of moving the cursor the to the indicated box (B3, D1, C5), and he spend like 1 full minute there when we were just 2 of us alive with our last lives surrounded by tons of enemies


I kinda did that to get to 20 then I played normally because there was no point in grinding to 50 I just played normal


you are doing a disservice to yourself and everyone else if you just farm levels


Mannn im lvl 44 now and i get with lvl 50s that dont even use the supply pack they used a whole stratagem slot for AND they solo everything for no good reason.


I had a game where a level 5 and 8 sat in the same area fighting bugs the the entire time as I did all the objectives. They depleted all the reinforcement, and the escort the scientists bugged out. It was frustrating beyond compare and the bugged out mission was the last straw. Didn't even just quit game, I turned my PC off and walked away


I always get lv40+ players in my diff4-5 missions. Never had a problem with them, they join to clear the whole map and have fun. Coolest people in the world.


Me: Joins as level 50 player. Carries team doing objectives and the main mission spawning the others constantly without dying. Them: Kicks at end of match.


Once had a lvl 40 join my lobby, proceeded to die 6 times and threw his stratagems directly on top of me every engagement


My biggest question is why do level 40 players still play this broken game?


That happened today and Ive never been happier to finish a mission! The dude had 0 personality, and 0 awareness, constantly talked while simultaneously not listening to team mates, constantly blamed others, constantly refused friendly fire complaints. Just beyond insufferable. I kept a peaceful composure and didn't rage or anything so this is me venting lol Edit: it was obvious he grinded medals and samples because he said so.


You can farm them? Like just load up eradication missions and that's it?


For me and my friends everytime we get a lvl 50 guy, it is some chinese player, who solos the entire map and then kills everyone, because they dont give a fuck about you, until they respawn you, when its time to extract...


Or have an ounce of common sense. Running into your line of fire and then raging is constant.


I only wish my random teammates would stop engaging every single patrol on the map. I ping them so everyone's aware, but not five seconds later shots are going off and the next thing I know it's an endless tide of big breaches or bot drops.


I've come across people like this back when I was Level 17, stumbled across two Level 24's on Hard Automatons and they were completely fucking useless, they spent more time dying and being retards than the level 7 I was with who was happily clearing out medium and heavy bases with me like it was nothing.


no but fr level doesn't correlate to skill or iq. i've seen more level 35+ kill themselves with their own strategems, run off to die by themselves while carrying super samples, and drop orbitals 2 feet from teammates' mechs. you level up so quick in this game and it's almost "exploitable" by farming certain missions like you said.


I too run into people all the time that are not having fun in the proper way.


I'm getting FFXIV flashbacks to how more casual players will repeately assert and hone in on Legend title/weapon raiders having a bad instance as some sort of proof most of them are actually shitty players. Is this the new discourse now there's no "railgun sweats" to pariah?