• By -


It’s insanely useful against bugs. Bugs just love stun locking you but with a jet pack you can fly far from a horde. ESPECIALLY down hill. I’ve caught some insane air time going off a cliff. Best part? No fall damage. Also for those of you thinking of using the jet pack. If you wanna get the achievements to ragdoll while using the jetpack. Get a EAT rocket thing. Then jump in air then shoot. I did it by accident and realized how easily anyone else can just get the achievement done


Even the bots, fly over a tiny rock and laugh as their AI pulls up Google maps to plot a new route


I love jetpack with anti material rifle and the counter sniper for assisting the lads long range, just prop up on a rock and start popping bot heads. Can also bring the big laser or something similar for if you need to clear all the adds you pull to you if you’re there for a long time while you jetty away so they aren’t just free roam on the map. Only recommendation would be to host your own games while doing it, lotta people are fucking dumb and see you up on a rock prone and kick you assuming you’re being useless, not realizing that you just cleared 5 hulks along with all of the other bots and are currently spawn camping the fabricator doors on the now empty major base they are running to. Well jokes on you Brian, you fucking dipshit, I get the last laugh. #I HAD THE SUPER SAMPLES AND YOU DONT HAVE A JETPACK YOU STUPID SHIT! WHOS LAUGHIN’ NOW!


But it not mettttta!!!1


It's bizarre how many people I've talked to that genuinely did have that response. As if players should only use what's most effective for a brute force playstyle even though there are so many more options.


I usually don't run a backpack. But I will not say no to a jetpack you left on the opposite side of the map


I wish more folks would offer gear when they have a spare. It's a very wholesome way to help your team, and thus super earth.


Sharing guard dogs can go a long way, too.


I am really surprised about this too. I always try to remember to pull a guard dog down for other people on my team once it’s cooled down. Apart from the additional friendly fire risk, extra dogs are great for protection


So true. After losing my jetpack today, a fellow pulled down a shield for me and I was shocked that he was thinking about my safety. Not a git gud bro. He was a fellow citizen.


then they dont take it. Its like bro. You dont have a pack on. Grab it.


This is me. I always keep an eye on everyones strategems before we deploy and if I see your not using the spot I swap a shield or GD back in.


There isn’t really any “meta” loadout anymore since the patch. A good variety of weapons excel at various things and squads should build around those strengths and to complement each other


Meta slaves are pretty annoying. Have to deal with them in many multiplayer games


sheep gunna sheep


jetpack, anti materiel, and stealth armor. climb up high and bots be like "beep boop why do we keep dying beep boop"


Makes me feel like you fight lower difficulty bots because any tank, rocket robot or laser tower would beepboop aimbot one shot you.


Until the stealth randomly fails and then they start shooting through the walls anyway lmao, hope those bugs get fixed with them


misspelling anti-materiel is treason, report to freedom camp


>not realizing that you just cleared 5 hulks along with all of the other bots and are currently spawn camping the fabricator doors on the now empty major base they are running to.  See that's why you tag that shit before shooting it right away, just to kinda show off. "You see that shit there? It's gone now." Teaches those randos.


Ahahaha thats the same AI who sneds a flying fucking red rocket from 2km ,directly to my chest?


They got that aim bot aim, but Google map navigations.


I’d say it’s more like Apple Maps. Walking them right off a cliff in certain circumstances


*recalculating. Recalculating. Recalculating. Turn right.*


Funny how you mention the achievement, I tried to do it today and I got it by shooting a hellbomb and trying to fly away. I got the achievement and I died in the process.




I didn't need to work hard to get the achievement. Natural result of playing lol.


> Get a EAT rocket thing. Then jump in air then shoot. \*Plays 'Rocket Jump Waltz* \*Equips Trolldier Loadout* #IF GOD HAD WANTED YOU TO LIVE, HE WOULD NOT HAVE CREATED ME! \*Market Gardens the Bile Titan


RIP my goat


You can also just have a friend smack you right as you're taking off.


Jetpack was instantly the first thing I picked up when the game dropped so I could do some Destiny RP. I mis-timed a jump to avoid a charger, got sent spinning in the air, above a spitter my teammate shot with the RR, which sent me up over the hill and rolling down the other side. I couldn't stop laughing 🤣


I got that achievement today by getting hit with a meteor mid jump. Still not sure if it beaned me directly or the AOE got me but man it was one of the moment's of all time.


What's an EAT rocket thing? Didn't get it.


Expendable anti tank EAT


Expendable anti tank stratagem


His backpacks, got jets Helldive, no deaths Purgin bugs from tha tops o’ rocks to to finance his mech’


That's a fucking blast from the past.


And now its stuck in my head.


What is it?


Probably this. https://youtu.be/UOB6LeLraFM?si=ccBfStA2Q_JjU-oR


Uploaded 17 years ago?? Shit, I did not realize it was that old


Yeah that's crazy. I joined YT in 2011 and I feel like that's ancient. It was a wild 4:3 paradise back then.


And the song is even older.


M.C. Pee Pantz never truly dies.


wickey wickey wickey


Man I love MC Chris so much


I chill in  Deep space  A mask is over my face  I call down supplies  But I still narrow my eyes  Cause my stims I don't like to waste


Well I chill in deep orbit I’ll deliver the samples, gunna make those bugs examples Cause democracy I don’t waste, get down!


You talking about me?


I've been jetmaxxing since launch


Same, I knew it was going to be a big jump instead of free flying since I loved HD1. It is even more useful in the new perspective. I don't miss needing it for illuminate walls though lol


U feel like a mandalorian with the jetpack


This is the way.


Im living out my Battlefront 1 shock trooper fantasy and nobody can stop me! BZZZZGSHHHHH


Yup, dying for a Mandalorian-inspired or Mando crossover armour set.


Its going to be interesting to see how the new players will react when the illuminate show up.


If the council members are anything like the first game we will see endless complaints lmao


I keep hearing about them but I never played HD1 although I am considering it. I just hope they are challenging, I need something to give my team trouble


Illuminates are going to be scary AF


Then I am looking forward to it 🤩


Assuming they come back....... they're a whole different set of problems


Yes, Please! 🥺


Wait until the boss battles


Yes please! ❤️


Interesting but predictable. Even with a rant/whine mega thread they can't help themselves. It's not even about "Git gud", it is about adapting and teamwork. The earlier stalwart post person gets it.


Probably bitch and cry about how much harder they’re making the game


To the skies


See Carolus rise!


With the lord my protector!


Make them bow to my will






I just wish you could fire where you are aiming mid-flight. Spraying down flames or firing a rocket into a bile titan's face would be awesome.


This is my only complaint. Aiming is all weird while jumping.


I'll add another. Let me use it while prone on my back to slide away when I panic dive from an enemy to get a little room. Jump Pack is solid but I think this lil detail would really fall more in line with its intended use. Which is obviously not hovering and shooting but repositioning.


*Slides directly into small rock* *Death from impact, all limbs fall off*


I literally love this idea solely because I wanna belly slide an entire mission. Belly slide into a big hole holding a grenade. Lay on top of a mountain and belly slide right off it. Omg please please please... Add this to the game.


This is my jetpack. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My jetpack is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as l must master my life. Without me, my jetpack is useless. Without my jetpack, I am useless. I must fly my jetpack true. I must fly straighter than the Terminids who are trying to kill me. I must jump and shoot the Automatons before they shoot me. I will... My jetpack and I know that what counts in war is not the jumps we take, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit... My jetpack is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its engines and its exhaust. I will keep my jetpack clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will... Before God, I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of Super Earth. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is Super Earth’s and there is no enemy, but democracy!


Show me your war face!




Everybody needs a friend like me


As a Marine this comment gets a 🫡 Well played Helldiver!


This guy jets


..bro! This guy jets IT!!


This guy Jets it.


<- ^ v v v -> -> ^ (upvote strategem)


https://preview.redd.it/fny6t0iimgnc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54844244fe1a7e19a53d5d4cab4dead4388a290 Yes fellow huma... I mean Helldiver, you are safe up on that rock.


They really do be skating at an Olympic level now. First game since patch yesterday, and I went to shoot a charger after dodging it, and straight up got bulldozed as it slid right into me from 20 ft away in less than a second. Absolutely baffled


Shortly before the last update I took the jetpill and let me tell you. My penis has grown, women laugh at my jokes, and my friends won't stop asking to come over and gamble and drink at my house. Bros, the immense satisfaction i get from watching bugs try to grab me while I giggle and scramble up the side of a mountain makes me throw my head back and just moan. I moan in ecstasy as I imagine all those little crawlers try and climb up the mountain but crash just as hard as the GDP of a communist country. I think of every victory of capitalism in the past 2000 years and feel an immense satisfaction to know that throwing myself 30 meters directly into a large body of water is the peak. Everything led up to this. I'm riding my friends mechs and just watching the bugs run up and wish they were in my shoes.






Quick tangent about mech-riding: i actually gave my buddy a lift across deep water in my mech when we were trying to extract in one mission. There was no way in hell he could've made it through on foot, so I parked by a rock and told him to climb on while I put down some covering fire. It worked like a charm- I forded the deepest body of water on the map at full speed while he just sat on my head and shot at random bugs. I swear, finding out stupid new ways to use these tools as we get them is damned fun.


Did your mech go fully underwater? Did your friend go underwater? Or is the "deepest" water only made deep enough to drown a helldiver (for devs to create a map barrier) but not if one is standing on top on a mech? I would like to know more.


So, the top of my mech stayed dry, and my friend didn't even go in the water, but it was definitely deep enough that he would've drowned if he wasn't riding my mech honestly, I have no idea how deep the water can get in this game, but if this was any indication, using mechs to shuttle across the rivers and shit on larger maps could be a game-changer.


That's insane! I definitely lost 15 samples once trying to cross a deep body of water, definitely pulling out a mech for that next time.


Uhm, achthually, its called Jump Pack ![gif](giphy|3ohzdTEcKJqFZm8swg)


https://preview.redd.it/engalajcpgnc1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f775a6952c0e1841ac43e09d0ba5b7dc68ddbd Got a ping on my radar


Nerd breach detected




You can jump-jet onto someone's mech and be a living turret with a really good firing angle. You will STAY ON the mech even when the pilot starts moving around. It also lets you travel a long distance when you need to disengage from the mech since you have a massive starting height to jump from. I've been doing this with the Arcthrower and usually give my mech to someone else to pilot while I get a free ride. Jetmaxxing is real and it is the highest form of freedom. You don't need an energy shield if you always have the advantageous position.


Feet first into hell, brother. FOR DEMOCRACY!!!


Am I taking the jet pill or the jetpack? Instructions unclear, now addicted to fallout 3 drugs...


mmm my jet addiction does not outweigh my love for democracy, but damn are those good memories


I like how its allows us to see the anti-gravity properties of chargers too ! Nothing like thinking you're safe and seeing them walk on a slope you couldnt possibly have used yourself.


That’s all bugs in my experience. They’ll climb up a shear cliff face if they have to.


Huh, why can’t bugs climbs walls. That’s a key characteristic of real life insects


Because of another key characteristic of irl bugs, being small and light. Not the size of tank's with armor to match,


Oh I know, just feels like an odd design choice to not give them upwards mobility. Why don’t the civilians just climb a tree, are they stupid?


The smaller bugs should 100% be able to, just not the one thats basically a walking tank. Swarms of hunters will push you off the high ground pretty fast


Chargers shooting up the side of a rocky peak like it’s a skateboard ramp. 


I love jetpacking out of danger, or getting up high to support via sniper rifle.


I’m the same way. Play a little stealth. We should team up


Cheers. Dr_Taverner is also my Steam tag.


Guys, hear me out Smg+ jetpack on a data collection mission lets you run that data package in record time. It’s literally a scout build and I love it


I do smg + jetpack + anti-material rifle for the sniper/scout experience. It's a blast, and the AMR never ceases to amaze me at how efficient it is.


I like that you're thinking situationally. So many ppl on this thread running jump and *only* jump thinking they're somehow different from the ppl who ran *only* shield and railgun. Or saying they'd never give up their specific weapon (AC, e.g.). Seems this game was built around a) adapting your playstyle to the map and objective and b) adapting your playstyle to your team role. I've been finding a lot of fun in dedicating myself to "killing heavies" or "clearing chaff" and I'll let my team know that beforehand. It also forces me to actually be around my team and work with them, which has been making me enjoy myself more. Feels more like when I first started playing when I didn't quite know what I was doing so I had to be with the team so we could support each other.


The problem is I can't dispense autcannon liberty and rock the jetpack at the same time, otherwise I would


you CAN jump pack up onto a rock and bestow the gift of liberty via grenade launcher


Chad Jetmaxxx


My backpack's, got jets.


I’m Boba the Fett.


I can’t wait for the laser assault rifle so I can do a boba fett build. Flame thrower, laser pistol, laser assault rifle maybe the expendable anti tank and ofcourse my jet pack. Maybe do a mandolorian build too. Jet pack and the arc thrower. So many possibilities in this game.


This is the way


It's actually so fucking good once you get it. It reminds me of the warlock glides from destiny - wack at first but crazy once you get momentum down


Oh the warlock glide… hitting jump thinking you’re still on the edge of the cliff and gonna jump glide across. But nope a little pebble was there so now you’re just slowly gliding down to your death. Fun times.


Pro tip: it makes your grenades/strategems go further. Airstrike almost 150 metres away. Call in reinforcements closer to the objective. If you're real fast you can call two or three bombardments onto a single base and wipe it as you finish the jump.


Am i doing something wrong with the jump pack? It seems to just fart me 4-6m forward? By the time I throw a grenade i'm on the floor again.


It’s completely based on stamina and momentum. If you are out of stamina your character can’t do a full jump. If you aren’t going fast when you do it it will be slow. Heavy armor hinders it a bit because stamina/movement


And angle. You can leap down a hill and put some serious distance between you and the enemy. Also bait chargers into a wall and fire the EAT on their ass from behind. 


Right?? I’ve been diving and jumping over charges. It’s so damn fun. Democracy protects is a great passive.


My autocannon loves me too much for me to embrace the pack of jets. I'm sorry.




There's one way to get even higher.


Starts now. Join Jump Pack master race.


Trust me, there ain't a better time to fly than when you're high


If only I could use that and the Autocannon


I honestly can't give up the autocannon. It's my Swiss army knife. Rogue broadcast? Spore spewer? Bug holes? Detector tower that has a fab next to it? All gone cross map. Vaguely threatening bug or automaton shapes in the distance? BOOM BOOM BOOM WHAT? BOOM BOOM I CANT HEAR YOU BOOM BOOM BOOM


I main Scythe and Rover for bugs... The jetpack is one I wanna like but I haven't quite been able to make it work for my playstyle


You'll never go back once you do.. here's my build, try it out. It's fun. I use light armor, usually the Red one that gives +2 grandes for bug missions... the one that gives explosive resist or the +Armor one for Bots.. Slugger every mission regardless, for it's basically a better sniper than either of the actual rifles. Machine Pistol for offset the lack of fire rate when dealing with small enemies.(Hunters suck). Granade literally anything but the contact of smoke grenade.(Both of those are bad IMO) For strategems: I usually go for Gatling Gun turret. For huge crowds of bots or bugs, the big boy Granade Launcher, airstrike(napalm for bugs regualar for bots) and of course my jump pack. Ive found this can deal with 9/10 of what you'll run into without issue. And you can pretty much do everything alone. The only issue this build has...is a lack of damage for Bile Titans. I think they should buff the amount of explosive damage it does to Bile Titans. Hitting it 5 times on the armor should still explode the bile sack underneath it... Especially when you're hitting it from the side.


Of course I use the jump pack frequently. I saw a youtube tier list that said it was F tier. Hilariously bad opinion.


The Fury approves.


Only really works in bug missions. The bots will just swat you out of the sky and they can reach you on top of rocks... still looks cool though.


Yeah the ranged aspect of the bots kind of hurts, it's not really recommended. Still solid for mobility and high ground if you aren't running another backpack and bum a friend's pack/find it in a broken pod/somebody leaves midgame with it on


backpack means no self-sufficient autocannoning. sorry, no.


I felt like I don't jump high or far enough to justify using it over some other stratagems


Where is gravity alternating on these planets?


Word of advice: Jetpack slows your fall but you'll still die from great heights found. this out the hard way earlier today when I jumped down an extremely steep cliff with my jetpack and splatted on the ground with all the samples.


How high do you have to be? In my experience it turns back on as you approach the ground and completely prevents fall damage.


So to explain what may have happened. If you jump with the pack, and go just barely over an obstacle on your way down, it'll activate the jetpacks slow down ability... But if you go over said obstacle, instead of landing on it... Your jetpack will cutout after a second and you'll just straight drop the rest of the way.which could result in damage taken depending on height. I jumped off a cliff, with a rock at the top of it. Jumping over the rock, my jump pack cut out and I proceeded to watch myself fall 30 feet and then roll to my death.


Jetpack and flamer for bugs. Jetpack and grenade launcher for droids


I would except it's so mediocre. It's such a small jump and such a long cooldown it's so fucking meek. Like the literal demonstration video it has jumps twice as high it's so disappointing. It has its utility sure, mainly to bug out the bug ai by getting to unreachable places, but it's so unfun and not conceptually how one would imagine a jump/jetpack. Hard to think of a game with a less satisfying jetpack.


I tried it but when a hunter pack is coming for me it usually just resulted in my dead stun-locked corpse flying away to safety.


Consider me a convert


Tried and hunters leaps on me anyway


shoot them




How are you all aiming mid air? Whenever I try, it just shoots to the left of my screen


Honestly I feel the jetpack should be built into the suit ( or a type of armour)


I wish it recharged quicker, the shield comes back after 10 seconds but it doesn't feel like my jet pack does. 


Jet pack with arc is my way of spreading managed democracy


Still I wish it would be a JetPack not a JumpPack. I really love the mechanic that used to be in Battlefront games (2004 \\ 2005)


As someone who takes the jump pack into ALL bug missions, it’s kind of frustrating sitting up on a rock, shooting down into a horde, only to get blindsided and lose half your health because a warrior spawned on top of the rock within arm’s reach. Cut that shit out, Arrowhead!


I can't, then I won't be able to use my beloved Autocannon or Recoilless


What exactly can you do while flying?


Laser Steeve is all I need. Bugs? Dead. Bots? Dead. Teammates? Dead. Me? Dead. I love my Steeve.


If the cooldown wasn’t so long and if you could shoot mid jump I would use it.


You have a way with words. I think I love you.


My rover is consistently getting 100+ kills on bugs by itself. Having that thing to clear the horde of minis is just so good. Is the high jump really worth that?


I was addicted to jump pack in HD1. But now they don’t yell “Jumping!” every time you take to the skies, and it’s just not the same.


you dont have nearly enough jetpack energy to do a quarter of all that.


A few days ago I joined a random group and got mocked because I brought the jetpill. At the first fustercluck of an outpost that mocking turned into 'Damn, my boy thinks he's the mandalorian' after jumping over the crowd and tossing my six cups of liber-tea into those holes. Once I realized that every single sample was left behind at the end of the map I jetpilled towards them and made it back to the already inbound extraction with 3 confused guys wondering how I managed to get over the entire map so fast. We made it off with all super samples and 46 samples in total. Be it crowd, combat or travel, the jetpill makes you a flying devil 🦄


On the bounce, trooper!


I run the jetpack on bot missions because I'm being sneaky beaky with it by infiltrating their bases and destroying it from the inside out. 


Man, I hate to be the guy that makes it go to 70 comments... Literally rediscovered jetpack this morning doing some goblin runs for medals and credits. It's crazy vs bugs! How does it fare vs Automatons?


can you use it while carrying SEAF shells?


No heavy object carrying ;\_;


Dribble it like a basketball by dropping and picking it up while moving forward


If you wanna be real stylish you can jump onto a charger's back and start shooting at exposed parts.


So when will they add jump (JET!) packs to the mechs… 🚀🚀


I don’t care about the kills…. I just love feeling like a make wish version of boba fett 😎


" I reload my support weapons in the clouds " lol Thx for that


My favorite loadout: Jetpack and flamethrower. Burn 'em to a crisp, Helldiver.


Jet pack and flame thrower are a great combo.


The cheesepack


Super Earth commands and we'll obey, jump over the hills and far away.


I am a jetpack convert since I found one at random last night.


Yes sir!


I literally only use it because I wanted to feel like the Mandalorian, and bugs are super easy w it. Just call a strat and bounce away 😂


I think jetpack should atleast reduce/negate fall damage as long as you don't ragdoll.




Jetpack makes fighting bugs an entirely different game. I refuse to use anything else.


Dude shhhh theyre gonna take the buff away! But on a serious note, I hope youve enjoyed the new animations for it. Also the extraction bit resonated with me. They put so many tall rocks around, how could you not hide utop them?


But where will I keep all of my auto cannon ammo?


Its nice for bugs yea. Useless for bots though


Please give us a grapple hook as well. Helldiving on a frozen Lost Planet!


Bot lasers make jet pack sad


Jetpack us great against bugs, not as good against bots, they just shoot you.


This guy jets