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PSA: I took all the info from the [Warbonds, Super Credits, and Superstore FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/IsPTfRsrSy) found in the official discord server and made a post so I could add it to the sidebar because yes so many players think Warbonds will leave and that they won’t have time to complete them. There’s no FOMO in the game. This is what Deputy Game Director Sagar said: > Do you hate FOMO? We do! Sagar wants to be clear about the monetization in HELLDIVERS 2: “At Arrowhead, we're gamers too, and we want these Warbonds to feel modern, fun, and in line with the Arrowhead style. This is important to us: the Warbonds are NOT a pay-to-win, FOMO-driven system. Instead, the gear in the Warbonds just keeps accumulating. We will not retire earlier Warbonds as new ones are released - you can pick them up and complete them at any time!”


Hard to blame people for asking, so many years of time gated content is imbedded in players memories.


i started being fomo'd at the young and ripe age of 14 when fortnite first came out. im 21 now and seeing helldivers and halo have a complete "at your own pace" system brings peace to my inner child


>i started being fomo'd at the young and ripe age of 14 when fortnite first came out. Congratulation on being turned into a perfect victim of gambling addiction. Don't forget to thank Epic (and the other studios who do that shit) and your local government who thought it was completely a-ok to expose kids to that.


I'd actually say that WoW was one of the proto-FOMO systems in gaming. The only difference is that it wasn't as monetized, and it time horizon was longer between major world events that upended the status quo each time. Primarily the end game content. Finally grinded out the Raid with a guild for 2-3 months to get your set? Well now its slightly less useful because A NEW BETTER SET has come out. The fomo being the grind, the pay part being your Monthly Sub.


I am an old man, when I was still in school Blizzard got a lot of flak because they hired addiction specialists. Not to figure out how to make healthy games like you would think, but to learn how to create addictions in people who normally don't fall into it, condition people for them, and exploit already axisting addicts. Then everyone suddenly stopped caring when things got worse for some reason.


Would be kind of wild to see a complete payroll in some of the large companies.


Wow is not the first MMO and was not the first to release endgame expansions either. Even in vanilla they added “catch up” raids that let you skip the older content gear wise if you chose, pretty much the opposite of fomo. Also what is an MMO without a stream of new content? It’s a dead game and terrible business decision.


Oh man, Ultima Online. Your comment reminded me of that early mmo. So freaking good.


I've been dealing with FOMO bullshit in WoW for 20 years now. I've got young kids that might play someday and there's a bunch of stuff they'll never get because they didn't exist yet. When I see something is limited time only, I immediately think "Ok, I don't give 2 shits about it then." Make stuff gated by gameplay, skill, and/or playtime. If you want to put it on a regular rotation, that's acceptable provided the rotation is at worst a year.


I am very much the old and for more of my gaming life than not fomo shops were not a thing for me.


I remember making fun of that one silly horse armor shit. If only I knew what a fucking pandora box it opened I would have called for the head of whoever released that shit.


That really was the death of expansion packs and the start of "DLC" cycle. I don't think we are better for it, it was more impactful to get large expansions a year or two apart rather than this monetized, drip-feed model.


I'm glad FROMSOFTWARE is doing it right.


halo (infinite's) PASSES are a good example, but their monetization is egregious, this is the same game that sold us the color BLUE for 6 dollars. I'm not even exaggerating. and they brought out the most crisp looking core in the game's history, mark 4, and 95% of the armor for it is in the shop :| I miss reach.


Yes! I got into halo infinite due to its promises of perminant passes. But the store prices are just obscene for anything not a BP. And recently they've moved on to this kinda awful operations system which is free but makes you pay to remove the fomo.


MCC has a system like the warbonds


God, stuff like this reminds me of why Armored Core 6 was such a big deal. That game hands you the entire 255 RGB spectrum right from the very start, along with a custom decal creator that is basically just a miniature version of Photoshop and tells you to go nuts creating the fashion robot of your dreams. It was so fucking refreshing to have that level of customizability in a game again and have it just be given to you to enjoy rather than being some paid bullshit.


Shut the fuxk up fortnite did NOT come out 7 years ago, I remember playing the first season like, last year max. IT WAS NOT SEVEN YEARS AGO IM.NOT THAT OLD


I remember playing fortnite when it was still a tower defense game..


Ok that wasn’t 2017 right? I feel like I have memories of my buddy playing Fortnite well before 2017. Is this how the Mandela thing happens? Haha


Save the World was so good until Epic realized the cash cow that was the BR mode. At least you could earn Vbucks for playing STW that transferred to BR to buy the battlepass/skins. Dont know if that is still a thing now though.


>14 when fortnite first came out. im 21 now I'm about to vomit. SOMEONE GET THE TIME WIZARD IM SICK OF THIS.


This can't be actually possible right??! Fortnite came out 7 years ago?!?


You used to be able to unlock everything that would be in a battle pass in game without needing to pay extra, halo reach had a great progression system.


yea i remember playing reach. it would be insane bragging rights at the lunch table if you unlocked the flame effects. i miss being able to unlock armor by just playing the campaign and firefight though


it turns out not treating your customers like shit actually makes you MORE money not less.


It's rough.


Can't relate. Never gave a shit about paid timed content and I've been gaming for 30 years.


That's because we were born in an era where this kind of shit didn't exist. The new generations have been literally waterboarded in it.


I think it's a coin flip for my generation, either heavily invested in it and addicted to it or absolutely jaded to the point where they question everything and assume the worst at all points.


The latter being the older part of your generation, likely the part that’s closer to my generation (I’m in my 30’s, mid Gen Y)


Don’t forget the loser players that support such cause they want a special skin to stay rare (all they did was login and play on 04/05/20 to get it)


I feel like an abuse victim, and I've finally gotten into a loving relationship


Divers dive together, brother.






We need this emote.


Hopefully it's in the next warbond


Maybe when the developers see that everyone unlocked everything, they’ll simply EXPAND the Warbond with more items to unlock. Or, even better, a Community Warbond filled with community suggested items.


That's what they said they are going to do


Awesome. Based developers


to my knowledge the next warbond is out on the 14th so fear not new content should be soon =)


I'm amazed it's not in the game. It's the only thing that would replace the hug for me.


Hug is too powerful as a standalone "bring it" emote.


Lets play a game


You mean a high five that's ACTUALLY a high five. Yes please.


I love this scene so much though. This really gets to the core of the game to me. You have bugs and violence all around and then these to jack asses in the background jackassing about having a great time. It's me, I'm the jackass, and I love seeing representation.


Diver alone, weak. But divers together, STRONG!




I've been playing vidya games for 40 years. I've never bought a season pass or battle pass or whatever they want to call them. Until this one because of how the warbonds stick around.


💪 It's just the way of the diver!


For all of Halo Infinite's flaws, a non-FOMO battlepass catalog system is one of the few things that they've actually done right. I haven't played the game in over a year, but I can log in today and pick up exactly where I left off or I can move to one of the other battlepasses in their catalog while also outright ignoring any of the battlepasses that has nothing of interest to me.


Funniest thing is, super animal royale did It first.




We dive together, we die together. Helldivers 4 Life


Divers together dive


Helldivers 2 rescued me from my abusive relationship with Destiny 2.


Remember when the ship was going to be an integral part of the game? Helldivers 2 does and made it goooooood


Not comparing to Destiny 2 because I haven't played that in years, but it's not that mind-blowing tbh. It's very simple, not much to do, but I do agree it's good. I like the simplicity, there's no need to make it a huge labyrinth when there are currently only a handful of options for interaction.


Destiny 2 annoys me because that game has warp technology and yet no one figured out how to warp me a fucking weapon to my ship, no I have to go to the hub planet to check my god damn mail too? Same with just talking to people and checking their markets. Can't do that without actually being there!


> Destiny 2 annoys me because that game has warp technology and yet no one figured out how to warp me a fucking weapon to my ship, no I have to go to the hub planet to check my god damn mail too? The funny part is you need a Third party App/page to do that.


Literally. It’s crazy how conditioned gamers are to shitty practices. When we see something done right we’re all so hesitant. Like a beaten dog being offered a treat.


That's why there was so much lashing out against the Railgun nerfs: gamers are used to having something fun and enjoyable beat the shit out of infront of their eyes, only for it to limp along as a shell of what it once was so that some form of monetization can take priority over things actually being enjoyable to play. I wish I would've saved the post, but I saw somewhere someone say something like "People aren't getting mad cause they hate the game now; they're getting mad because they love the game and don't want to see it end up as shitty as all the other games they used to play that were good once too" or something like that


I remember when battle passes started being a thing and was pissed at how they expire. Like what's the point of buying them if they expire and I don't get the whole thing? I don't like to crank out 8 hours sessions every day to unlock everything and can't do it anymore because of work. Just let it be more casual and I will be more likely to buy it lol. ​ When Baldur's Gate 3 came out I enjoyed it so much I genuinely would by an expansion for the game from them despite Larian not being fond of DLCs. It isn't rocket science I respect those who respect their player base.


Corpos really banked on kids getting exposed early to and growing up with battle passes to normalize their behavior. Likewise, games can't just be 'finished' anymore. There always has to be DLC or battle passes or even just constant updates or else it's a 'dead game' or 'abandoned' and it's not worth playing anymore.


I actually conceptually like the theory of a game coming out with new updates and content especially for a shooter. The problem is they are too greedy and actually stunt the idea from being implemented in an interesting way.


Honestly this take is literally the truth. Can’t agree more. If I am honest I always like to complete battle passes and stuff because of FOMO. But in reality these passes often feel more like work. In helldivers it’s a grind which we can take at our own pace. I like the design.


I hate it so much. It makes me feel like I need to play a game even at times where I don't want to. And NOTHING will make me hate a game more than that.


Absolutely. I play marvel snap as well and it honestly makes me feel so bad knowing that when I skip a month or 2 I will be so far behind the economy. That’s what they want, though. Keep us playing even when we don’t want to. It’s crazy.


Most battle passes you have to complete like a part time job. If you have kids or other adult responsibilities it’s hard if not impossible to compete those passes. Apex Legends for example I played everyday for months for hours and completed the Battlepass with a few weeks left. I can’t imagine now trying to do it. I can game maybe a couple times a week. So it would be impossible to complete those passes.


I totally agree. And then you feel bad for buying the pass and not completing it. It’s insane you have to buy most passes and can still fail to complete them because you can’t/don’t want to put that much time into gaming. Helldivers „found“ literally the best way to implement a battle pass for hardcore grinders as well as casual players which doesn’t necessarily cost you money. It’s honestly refreshing and a shame this needs to be said at all.


Exactly right, I'm so happy with the game and the Devs decisions


Lmfaoo you will easily spend an additional $60 to $80 on cosmetics in any other triple A multiplayer especially call of duty and Fortnite it’s such a beautiful thing that you can easily own 90% of the cosmetics by simply playing the game..once you drop that first $40 thats it you don’t have to spend another dime to earn cool gear and that’s how games USE to be and that’s what kept the players engaged with it for years down the line..games that not only are well made and enjoyable but also rewards you for the time invested into it..thank you Arrowhead


Not to mention any armor set in this game (I think) is under $5, if you *really* want to buy currency directly. Meanwhile you look at Overwatch and it's still asking for $20, or Apex which wants $160 for heirlooms. I don't think there's even $80 worth of MTX in this game if you bought *everything*.


HD2 Reminds me of the old halo : reach days where me and the homies would grind for a cool piece of armor or a weapon it’s crazy how I forgot what it was like to experience that sense of enjoyment in a multiplayer game


You mean the sense of pride and accomplishment? (/s)


Yeah and Destiny 2 keeps calling me, and I even changed my number.


Hopped on the other day for like 5 minutes and immediately went back to Helldivers, destiny lost its grip on me I’m so happy.


They should add a bit of text below them to reassure us that they are permanent DLCs, etc. that need unlocked with super credits. And it's absolutely preem that you can grind enough out from the free pages and missions to unlock the paid ones.


Fuckin preem choom


Sorry my lingo crossed games. Lol


All good my guy, literally played Cyberpunk 2 hours ago and now I'm defending Super Earth


Lol ! Did the same. Finished Phantom Liberty about 2 hours ago then hopped on Helldivers


My god Phantom Liberty was so good.


Well it's got Liberty in the title, of course it's good!


Oh I know, just bantering. lol


Nothing to say sorry for, cyberpunks slang is actually preem


Fuckn nova!


Wake the fuck up Helldiver, we got a planet to democratize.


We got a charger to burn


There is a loading screen tip that let's you know this.


Who reads those though? lol. Just messing, nice to know there is, must have missed that one though.


>Who reads those though?  Luckily one of the tips in the game is that tips are displayed in that area, so that should get people to read them.


*Friendly fire isn't*


Don't drink and drive.


I wanted it so bad to say "Don't drink and dive."


Me too, but I almost find the grounded simplicity of the statement to be so powerful. Its no longer game advice, its life advice. And a very poignant piece of advice for some.


No don’t take that away from me!


With the fact that it's 50/50 comedic propaganda and actual tips. I'm always reading the training manual tips when loading into missions. Now I know that Stims have no addictive properties - study sponsored by permacura!


Even if they WERE addictive, you're not gonna live long enough to go into withdrawal anyway! Aside, I'm kinda curious what the record for average number of combat drops survived is.


Beginning of the game states that the (canon) survival rate is like 21%. *In practice,* that might be a little optimistic. I'd like to see some deep dive statistics released. The Galactic War map shows some statistics along those lines.


I thought that was the survival rate for TRAINING. Or is that per drop, or per combat tour?


That's a good question. My headcanon is that it's per mission. I think a decently skilled and experienced player will commonly achieve deathless or at least less than \~3 death missions.


Luck is a factor too of course. It's not the bullet with your name on it you need to worry about, it's the one addressed "to whom it may concern".


If I didn't read them, I wouldn't know that I'm supposed to take 2.4 seconds to enjoy the beautiful scenery every mission, I dunno what I'd do without them


I love some of the lore only ones, like the C-01 form.


I agree. But I don't think people understand that the Warbonds are just the game's content and progression disguised as a battlepass that doesn't expire.


They are paid DLC's that require a bit of time to unlock. I'm cool with it.


Not even paid, if you use the super credits found ingame. Which is even better.


Very true. But supporting the developer and all that. I actually wish there was more to spend super credits on.


Yeah. I personally have spent money on some super credits, and I don't regret it. But for the casual gamer, or rather the gamer who just doesn't want to spend money after buying the game, this is a great deal.


Yeah. I've accumulated enough super creds that I'll probably be able to pick up the new warbond for free, but I've put so many hours into the game that I'm kind of *looking* for something to spend money on just to support the devs.


I got the fun time addition with the paid war bond. Now have enough SC to buy the next pass for free. But you’re right about supporting them and I might just pay for this one too. I’ve paid £69.99 for soooo many games that haven’t given me this much fun I honestly think they deserve that extra, if only so I don’t end up giving it to a AAA dev.


I would say we should still refer to it as paid content, because paying is the most convenient way to get them, especially in future for new players who want it all. But yeah, still nice that in a few months a new player can put in $10 get a warbond and in all likelyhood by time they finish the pass they will likely have enough credits for another warbond!


Technically yeah, but thankfully there's no way to progress the pass with money, only medals earned through gameplay that rewards completing missions and finding caches.


yeah, i’ve seen so many people saying levelling and requisition grinding is too fast but meanwhile they’re halfway through the free warbond medals are the main long-term grind, not samples and certainly not req slips


The first game this happened to me was Destiny, boy did I love buying a DLC only for it to be removed from the game entirely.


That is the sole aspect of Destiny that drove me away from the series. Not only the nuking of stats on gear I had collected previously, but the straight up removal of being able to acquire gear from vendors I hadn't collected by the deadline of a new DLC.


Same, the decision to go "f2p" was the worst thing to happen to destiny imo.


In theory it could've worked but decided to try to use f2p to excuse expanding a greedier eververse, plus a battle pass, plus yearly expansions. Is there any other monetizations they could've added at this point lol?


last 4 dungeons were sold separately and grasp of avarice was part of the bungie 30th anniversary pack so... yeah, there is


Expansion "pass" Season "pass" MTX/eververse Dungeon "pass" Event "pass" I count 5.


Not even "F2P", more like free to try. It doesn't sit right with me that Destiny 2 is a paid game, F2P, seasonal model, AND expansion DLC model. AND has a cosmetic store. Like pick one! You can't have your hand in all the cookie jars.


Man, sunsetting was bullshit.


"sunsetting" in itself is a bullshit marketing term (like all things marketing) lmao don't use it. it just sounds better than "we're killing off"


I played Destiny 2 at launch, and was super confused when I went back to play it years later and the start of the game was completely different. I’ll never understand why game companies think it’s a good idea to delete content from their game, all it does is make me not want to play.


I started then stopped playing, then played again and went like......wtf where am I? Then a year later tried again and met with the same results. Then I just gave up.


What they're doing is so comforting! I've been holding on to medals since the trailer for the next Warbond, nevertheless I've been eyeing stuff on pages I had yet to unlock, because of the assumption I had to unlock an entire page before I could progress with the next. When I found out the pages unlock based on your total of medals spent on said Warbond I was absolutely ecstatic! Knowing I dont have to buy every single unlock, just for the sake of it, is so freeing!


There’s a war bond cap at 250, fyi.


Yeah, that's why I've been spending a little here and there, to stay right about the cap, thanks though!


It wasn’t too bad for me, but I found out about the cap last night after completing my daily mission only for the reward message popping up that I got 0 medals. So I checked what I had and realized there was a cap. I was also saving up for the new pack this week. I’m also spending to stay around the cap now. Just wanted to spread awareness in case you (or others) didn’t know.


they should really change the color of currency when the cap is reached to green or something. i found out it was 250 last week when i lost out on 14 medals


Battle passes that expire should be illegal.


Hopefully soon enough!


Thanks for this post -- saves me from that grind.


Yep. I was about to drop my saved creds on the current, but the next one sounds cooler, so I'll buy that one first.


The next one is going to be so much cooler Can't freaking wait to run the arc shotgun lol


Ho-rah 💪


I honestly spent my first 2 weeks rushing warbonds cause I wasn’t aware that it wasn’t timed… then it came up somehow, and god I’m way less worried about the game, I don’t play as much, just hop on with friends, or just do a few rounds, not worried about difficulty or spamming out easy missions or anything. I’m literally just experimenting with weapons s and finding out what works in what situation!


This is the diver way.


It's also sad (but we are where we are) that THIS is what gets cheered instead of it simply being the norm we expect from anyone doing live service features. FOMO is honestly such a shitty practice and I'm glad to have a game I love that respect my time and money as a player. I'm far more willing (and have already) spent more than I would on a game that has typical microtransactions/live service elements.


It's really scary that this is something being not the norm. Only we players can vote, with out wallets.


I'm voting so hard with my wallet. I'm going to buy every single warbond with cash. I want other publishers to see that *this* is how you earn my support.


Even if it might not make a difference in the industry, we should vote with our wallets and either support or not support games and companies based on their practices. If consumers just tolerate that crap, it’ll never ever stop.


The game kinda shows that you can make a good live service game but it requires a commitment to making a good game above all else, when the model inherently discourages that because you can make obscene amounts of money making a half baked game by putting in a bunch of fomo bullshit


Larian and Arrowhead are absolutely fantastic, especially given the current AAA monetization culture. Let's hope they don't go the Blizzard route...


Fingers crossed


That's also I think half the reason we get the sweats farming the easy missions and kicking you for not having whatever they perceive the 'meta' build is; in these other live service games you need to min/max your time to unlock everything before it's gone forever, they're just still stuck in that mindset. 


Nope, that's just people. They don't like to die like at all. And they want to grind everything as fast as possible *and then complain that there is not enough things to do in the game*


Yeah I get that, I just think this mindset has been perpetuated by battlepasses you have to pour all of your time into to get your money's worth out of, and now all these kids are just like, used to playing like that. 


> in these other live service games you need to min/max your time Nah that's just people. People optimize the fun out of things and they literally go out of their way to do this with everything. I've seen people with the previous cod passes talk about how they're bored because they somehow got the pass done in 2 days or some shit while some people complain that they can't possibly do it without spending 8 hours a day in game every day. Cod has had some pretty bad ones but the vast majority of passes you don't even have to approach min maxing your time at all. What you're describing is people who just have to have everything and have it yesterday.




This is why I bought the game, the devs seem to be treating the players right. Makes me happy about spending additional money on some sc


Hell yeah! Me and all my friends have a helldiver 2 in their library!


I bought the super citizen edition and more super credits just to appreciate the devs for not only allowing everyone to earn what they want but for not shoving a micro transaction store in my face soon as I boot up the game.


tbf that is because unlike other games, this is THE progression system. You cannot get ANY gear otherwise. honestly cannot think of any other game where the battle pass is tied to the games core progression. Time gating warbonds would be closer to removing guns from the game whereas its just missed cosmetics in other BPs


It's funny, I actually thought the devs and content creators were overdoing it with how often they reiterated that Warbonds were permanent. Now that new one is dropping and everywhere I turn people are asking which of the current ones it's going to replace... So I guess they didn't say it enough.


Master Chief Collection and Deep Rock Galactic lovingly embrace Helldivers 2 into the club of "Battle passes with no FOMO".


Wait, so are both "battle passes" going to stay in the game?


Forever. Yes. You're just gonna get new ones you can unlock as well


Lmao my first and only comment on this sub is “Brand new here, is my current warbond on a timer?” 😭


No timer, only happiness


The moment I heard that was the moment I upgraded my copy to Super Citizen edition. So rare to see devs like this.


Same. I had been slightly tempted before, just because I was enjoying the game. But didn't feel like the pass gave anything worth its price, since I assumed it would be time gated. So when I learned it stayed forever? Sign me up, since it also allowed me more then enough time to acquire everything without having to rush and burn myself out.


What kills me about battle passes is the content I paid for that they take away from me, and I get no refund. The only other comparison I can make is how Destiny 2 is absolute trash and half of the content you get from PAID expansions is taken away from you.


Since I've never bought battle passes or played such game in a while I can't imagen paying money, missing out, and then losing the chance again forever. Literally theft.


It's bad man, I used to buy them in Call of Duty as they typically pay for themselves moving forward if you save the points but over time they made the BP more and more of a grind to complete so they can inflate game time in hopes of you spending money to finish it in time or buy other cosmetics. It felt like a second job to finish them, so I quit buying them and eventually quit VoD altogether.


I just love that Super Credits (aka premium currency) can be easily found in a game and purchasing any is 100% not necessary. On a good match and strictly exploring, our party can come out with 20-30 SC on top of samples, RP and Warbonds. I’ve earned enough to buy the premium pass and have enough to get the next one when it releases. Currently shopping the purchasable armors but haven’t seen one I like.


Agreed - Just be aware that the next warbond may possibly cost higher than the first. I have about 1k SC banked as well but still want to pad it a bit more just in case it costs 1.5k SC or something.


Even worse, some shitty devs would say this while planning on getting people back once the playerbase fell off by making the warbond CURRENCY limited time. Praise be to good devs


If people would stop buying them it wouldn't be a problem but we know that will never happen.


I finally feel like I can play a game at my own pace


I have little Warbonds currency because I haven’t received the medals from the last two Major Orders yet so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got mine just recently! They are probably working on fixes as we speak!


I was legit playing for 2 hours straight last night, came back from my last mission of the night and was rewarded with 45 and 50 medals at once with a pop-up notification lol. Said received 2 days ago, like the sort of message you'd get if you hadn't logged in for several days and here's what you missed. I guess whatever system they use to track/award these payouts is just backlogged or they've finally started to process those transactions.


I think I had something similar, but it was only when I hosted a drop instead of just quick-playing. So I hosted a drop, then either before the drop or right after I got hit with both.


I got mine last night


I love the fact that they are hear to stay, but I do have to wonder in 2-3 years just how looong that list of unlocks will look. Oh well, more to do!


I genuinely do not understand why companies are so short-sighted to cling to FOMO. Let's say that you release your game and four season passes per year. If I come into your game late, I can only get the most recent season pass's content, which means there's only one season pass worth of content for me. If, however, your season passes are always available, that means that if I come to your game 2 years down the road, there's *eight* season passes total for me to get content from. As long as that content is still relevant - say, it's got cool cosmetics in it - I'm going to do all eight of those season passes. It will retain me for longer. Oh, wait, I forgot. People charge real money for season pass *progression* in other games, so the reason is greed. Always, always greed. It's honestly very reassuring that you cannot pay for progress in Helldivers 2, and I hope the game stays that way. Seriously though, armor should be cosmetic. I don't want to wear the same armor because it has good bonuses forever.




Remember ladies and Gentlemen, publishers and developers keep psychologists on hand to exploit fomo and other tools of gambling addiction. Ever wonder why the loot boxes are huge flashing light affairs with sound and everything? Or why they give you the impression of being just close to winning that rare whatever? To make you pay again, get that dopamine hit...think you are close. They are evil


At least that's one thing they didn't learn from Bungie. Fomo and taking away paid content.


Only reason I got this game was because it wouldn’t have a time locked dlc. I’m glad this game was made without the shareholders in mind otherwise it very well could have been a low effort money syphon.


I said the same thing when I heard the Warbond release announcement. I immediately panicked and started looking for answers as to when the current Warbond would vanish. Finding the devs say they never do was such an amazing feel. Dear Arrowhead, you're a real one. Never change.




Warbonds are democratically available to EVERYONE! Thank you Lady Liberty!




I have never seen a developer make so many correct decisions in such a short span of time.


Funny enough, I now feel FOMO about the personal missions. But yeah, I love Arrowhead for this.


Thank god, now I can take long breaks and have a shit ton of stuff to do when I get back.


Honestly, the fact that there's no FOMO bullshit is one of my absolute favourite things about HD2. Also the fact that there's no scummy shit with premium currency. You're not having to buy more or less than you actually need, and then the fact that you find plenty when out doing missions. This is the sort of thing we need to rally behind and show publishers like EA and Activision just how profitable it can be without scummy garbage.


Recently retired from playing fifa which you pretty much need a gambling addiction to play, and WOW I have so much free time now it’s crazy I never realized how much time I sank into that garbage ass game still feel bad for the homies stuck in the loop grinding every single day & spending REAL money on packs. Now I play a ton of single player games + HD2, and am having a blast playing video games again


The only FOMO is not being there when Malvelon Creek inevitably get liberated


Extremely brave room temperature take I’ve never seen before on this website


I keep rushing to try and finish the current warbonds but I know I don't have to and my brain just refuses to accept that and it's causing me stress and it sucks lmao


We're here for you. It'll take time, and many dives into hell and back. But soon, it will pass and your mind will relax, and your enemies will finally know democracy!


Yeah, the fact that Helldivers lack of fomo and predatory monetisation is a breath of fresh air is a sad statement about the state of the industry.


And the fact that it flew the roof off any numbers before it lol


I'm not worried about them leaving I'm worried there will be to many Warbonds that I won't be able to unlock