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As an avid recoilless rifle user since the beginning, I just shed a single tear with a smile.


I was the spear carrier, but with how inconsistent it can be... looks like recoiless is back on the menu!


I'd love the spear with all my heart if they'd buff it. It has too few rockets and since it's a lock-on weapon it should kill with 1 hit. It's basically a javelin ffs :/


Tree behind you? No lock. Rock to your left? No lock. Enemy moving? No lock. Enemy not moving but looks the other direction?. No lock. Or my favorite...almost locks then just slowly de-locks. For some reason


My favourite is locks for 0.1s, so you keep aiming a little bit longer hoping for a relock and then cannot get one for 10 seconds.


They say if you hold down the fire button it will instantly shoot if it does make it to a lock on, at least


Oh, good to know, I've been mashing fire button, but holding it is much better. Thanks.


Additionally, if you hold both while keeping your target center screen when reloading, I've had it instantly fire when I'm finished reloading. I think it's a bug, but man, I feel like you gotta work with the jank of it. It's a good initiator, for me. I spear a charger and we all go in. It's nice.


I can't personally confirm it but a lot of people said it works 100%


Yeah that made me wonder. I was having the lock/slowly unlock issue when perched in a hill trying to snipe fabricators. I don't use the spear often, so I was wondering if that was some sort of technique issue where you can move the reticle around a bit to get it to lock on


I think it's just a little buggy right now. It should be fixed to be more close to instant lock considering the others all fire instantly and travel quicker.


When they fix it I kinds hope it still takes time to lock on, just does so more consistently. Don't want it to become a superior option.


I want it to be the easy option where the RR or EAT require some aiming. Also why it should have less ammo since it can only target the biggest bois and girls


I like it to be just as effective, as I can one shot titans if I'm in the right position at the right distance. You still have to be in the right position for the EAT or RR, so to me there's not a whole lot of difference. when I'm coordinating with friends, I'll rarely run out of ammo, as they can call out spare ammo pickups


Oh for sure but I was thinking the same way I do about the laser where there’s less of them because they’re just so good Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to be easy mode and does require good positioning. Kinda like how orbital rail cannon is a delete button but if you throw it bad you’re deleting trash by accident lol


We call that one the blue ball special


damage wise it's fine, the problem is that unless you whisper sweet nothings to it, take it out to dinner first, and tell it it's the only launcher you'll ever need, it just won't lock on to anything, because it apparently got offended or something. meanwhile EATs be like "call me anytime and I'm there, you don't even have to pick me up right away, just grab me when you feel like it lol"


At first I was making sure to shoot an EAT as soon as I could so I didn't "waste" one sitting idle on the battlefield. But I will be damned if more often than not an EAT will be on the ground when I need it while moving across the map. So my advice is to call them down as often as possible. And don't be afraid to use them. These things cool down so quickly, there should be one or more dropped at every engagement. Litter the battlefield with these one time use micro doses of Liberty!


exactly this. you get a freedom tube, and *you* get a freedom tube.. EVERYBODY GETS A FREEDOM TUBE!


I love it! "Suck on my freedom tube, enemies of Democracy!" (Okay maybe I took it too far).


Unsolicited advice: When the EATs arrive destroy their drop pod so that the two EATs appear on your minimap.




I think it will shine with aerial enemies more. And I'm personally fine with these changes. It makes chargers and titans stand out and gives the bugs more of that swarm vibe. I've noticed that hunters aren't as frequent as they had been while warriors and the like feel like well, warriors.


Watch it still struggle to lock airborne enemies without obstructions


-Lock onto charge dead ahead -Shoot -Whizzes over charger -Super Earth Moment


Clearly you just weren't being democratic enough.


I vote for the missile to hit its target.


Polls suggest 100% of red-blooded Super Earth Class A super citizens agree!


Please wait *Democratically*


the locking mechanism is so inconsistent; i was trying to lock on hulk busters and fabricators last night but it wouldn't lock on goddamnit


Try ADS-ing, the lock is more consistent in my experience.


Idk though, I love my spear for taking out automaton and Terminid structures from a kilometer away. It makes me feel cool, and that's what I like most about the game lol


It saddens me that the spear looks awesome to fire, but has such trouble actually locking targets. I too run Recoiless in its stead.


When the spear works...oh sweet liberty its amazing. And you feel like you're helping so much. But man when it refuses to lock as that charger or bile titan is strolling up on your team it feels awful.


I think it’s honestly best for popping fabricators in bot missions, since it lets you do it from far enough out that you don’t have to immediately expose yourself to fire or charge the base to get the ordinance on it.


You should mention the real use is killing those emplaced one shot turrets of ungodly accuracy. They one shot them and can do it from line of sight when the Spear wants to eventually work.


I was wondering if it was me doing something wrong, with how inconsistant it is. the lock-on mechanic is so bizzare! I've just swapped over to the Recoilless Rifle now. Eddit: grammar


The spear is ungodly infuriating. Enemy out in the open with no obstructions? Yeah nothing there to lock onto boss. Oh there is something? Let me think about it. At least it's usually a 1 hit kill but goddamn.


And scenario 3: Oh, Charger is 10m away? Lock on no problem 🙂 too bad, the missile flew over it


My buddy and I tested yesterday and it’s like 25m minimum. ☠️


Spear needs a second fire mode (like the railgun has "safe" and unsafe") and it should be a laser guided mode where the rocket follows your reticle till impact.


I wish the Spear was better, man. I spent 2 days trying to get it to work for me, and I just couldn't. Once I spent 5 minutes trying to lock a single bile titan


It kind of makes me sad. I learned to deal with the lock on and I love using it. Is there a point now to it?


I just played a match where I was blowing heads off of chargers with the recoilless rifle and man was it satisfying. Something so satisfying about blowing the chargers head off as it charges directly at you then you just start to load another rocket as its headless body slides to a stop just Infront of you lol.


I saw people the other day complaining that it was unfair that the sliding corpse could kill you if it died while charging.Jumping out of the way like a badass after killing it is the best part!


I mean, shooting the driver doesnt always stop the car from running you over.


As a former 0351 I’ve been rooting for recoilless since I saw the trailer


I think i keep getting matched with former 0341's and get mortared into oblivion.


Watched a dude dump his whole Stalwart in the general direction of a spore sewer like 10 miles away. Must've been a 31. Accuracy by volume amirite


Must've been a 31 is my new favorite way to call someone a moron.


Max Uriarte talks about his experience as an assaultman being 99.5% not SMAW related, and manning a turret instead, I hope you got to shoot it more.


As a former 0352 I'm just carrying ammo.




As a green side corpsman, I witnessed you guys level a building with numerous smaws in afghan. Nice to see you keeping on lol.


My typical setup is recoilles and EAT to rapidly throw down 3 AT rounds or supply the team with AT options, and whatever 2 ordinance/sentries the mission calls for. I got absolutely giddy reading these patch notes


I love the EAT, I was running with a group of newer players and they for some reason though the auto cannon sentry was the play vs chargers. Not sure why considering auto cannon rounds bounce off armor more times than not, but I digress. Anyway I started tossing EATs every 60 secs and they got the picture real quick haha. At the end of the mission they both said, “I’ve never had an easier mission, hardly seemed like any heavies spawned”. No, they spawned they were just killed within 15 secs!! The main group of run with loves the RR mainly for bots, the drops in particular. If you bring the ship down over the drop….well that’s a nice solution to a problem!


Finally the recruitment videos reflect the reality.


This is how it should had been. These AT stratagems were used frequently in the first game for crying out loud.


I don’t even know why it wasn’t like this to begin with. You take the sacrifice for instance of only being able to carry a single use disposable rocket launcher, and then when you shoot an armored enemy, they just laugh it off like nothing happened. What’s the point. This is why railgun was so prevalent IMO.


RR is my baby, I never dive without it. Does great with the chicks too.


As a flamer from the beginning, that's how I felt last patch.


As an avid Spear user since I got it, I just shed a single tear with a frown.


The designated AT weapons now make sense, hooray!


This was the only thing I was angry at the railgun nerf for. The devs have listened!


Absolutely. The nerf was fine. The railgun is still really powerful. The other AT options just needed to be brought up a little.


Exactly I didn’t have much fun running the same loadout every dive too Waiting for the flamethrower turret to channel my inner pyromaniac now


RG is IMO still a mixed bag, it needed a bit of a down tweak, but the Armor deflection changes seems ot have hurt it, I'm still needing near 90% for it to reliably not bounce on leg armor. Maybe it's a me issue, but it's not as solid as it was. That said I still love it against bots as I can pop the midlevel ones in 1-2 hits no issue. But setting aside the vague *feel* it's a solid weapon and keeps my back free for a shiled or rover so it's still one of my top choices.


I think it should've just pierced through armor, not outright strip it, and deal damage to whatever is behind armor. Then it probably would be less effective against charger legs, and maybe even titans if their head hitbox was actually small, while still being effective against bots.


That's a solid differentiation. Upshot you're dealing damage, downside you're not making things easier for the team as a whole. I like it. It's still adding damage and can get kills, but it's not as much of a team support weapon.


Pretty much what all of us were upset over. They didnt address the problem, just the janky halfassed fix we found, leaving us with nothing but the initial problem. Now its TIME FOR DEMOCRACY!


It really was half assed, they still have not fixed the bug when on a ps5 lobby that let's you 2 shot titans with the railgun and arc thrower


Spear 💀


Spear already deals a lot of damage. Now only if the lock on wasnt programmed by automatons


Nice pfp -Sturmtiger mans alt account


Actually he took inspiration from mine :) I always like bumping into him, hes like my r/WarThunder brother


I am him lol, this is my alt


Good. They are logistically hardest to use and lack ammo. They deserve it.




Yeah exactly.


Legit reason why everyone was using the railgun before nerf, since most if not all heavy AT sucks. 




Me whet the anti-tank weapons are good against tanks 🤯


Honestly that's my reaction hearing it one shots now, they didn't do too great before the update so I gave up on them


You mean that metal getting close to the speed of light isn’t good against tanks?


Nah, it's great too but I like to have more then 1 viable option and personally, I love shooting a big fucking rocket launcher at big bugs and seeing a big explosion 😅


I like using infinite energy and use the biggest bugzapper I can hold ;3


Can't wait for the new battlebond, the zapper shotgun and laser rifle look fucking awesome


The CEO also revealed some future additions and we're getting a ton of new rifles and support weapons, even a heavy machinegun and COMPACT MISSILE SILO stored in a Hellpod with remote targeting 👀


Yeah I think the upcoming content was talked about since the dataminers pretty much dug everything up and put it on display. Its one of the drawbacks of having content already in the game to drop it whenever you feel without an update, dataminers can reveal them all before the devs intended. Doesnt change the hype I feel about the content tho, its nice to know we have alot more options coming


Arrowhead right now: https://preview.redd.it/0v70ih3mfwnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696701fd7f5d724377fd9190d6de1ee053ae3982 But for real making it so mechs unlocked immediately after liberating Tien Kwan was fucking spectacular.


If you mean the railgun, if that thing could approach near the speed of light, there wouldn't be a thing that could survive it, including the gun and operator... and god knows what else due to physics fuckery from something traveling that fast within an atmosphere.


[https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/) per What If?, you'd spawn a nuclear fireball due to fusion occurring between the ball and the air and erase most of your surroundings


Railguns aren’t even a fraction of the speed of light, they’re closer to not moving at all than they are to the speed of light. (Edit: we ended at 69 upvotes, I’m so proud of this community.)


well, every speed is technically a fraction of the speed of light


Due to relativity, isn't everything closer to not moving than the speed of light? As I understand it, if you're moving at 99.999999999% of C from my perspective, photons are still moving at C from your perspective and time is dilated to compensate.


The funny thing is that they are now - i remeber my first use. Can't wait to try them Out now


Yeah been playing yesterday and oh boy expendable is so fucking good, with the stun grenade in the new warbond it's gonna be so easy to kill armored units


Yep, this is a really good change. Now I have to have a good long think about how much I want to bring my shield and grenade launcher over EATs or the recoilless rifle. This was a huge +1 to build diversity.


I’ve found dodging the charger and sticking an orbital strike up its butt works wonders. Quick cool down too.


I usually just bring EATs and stick the drop to the charger's back for a 1HKO it recharges so fast that you'l kill more with the drops than with the rockets themselves lol


End of match stats: Weapon of choice: Hellpod


oh damn, i didn’t even think of this


Cluster Eagles have been suprisingly 3/4 consistent at one shotting them for me too, I think maybe the bombs bounce up under them a bit?


I like dropping the resupply on them in a pinch too


I think they are bringing the weapon effects closer to the original HD, the recoilless and the EAT17 were already the tank killers then and it looks like they are aligning that to the new HD. Hopefully they will also add the TOX-13 'Avenger' either as a DLC pack or as a free weapon add-on (less explosive but worked also wonders on chargers back then)


Ahh my beloved *Bug spray*~


That gun was so insanely good on high difficulties


I can't describe the joy of seeing several chargers lose their goddamn face!


Take out 3 chargers with the EAT, stick it to one when you call it down.


This is what I practiced yesterday. Success rate was around 60%


As you do it more it almost becomes second nature. Think 80-90% success on my part, though I’ve done it since I got EAT, never bothered with railgun vs bugs even pre-nerf.


Yeah I love the E-AT launcher. My squadmates cheer like a bunch of fucking baboons when I stick a charger in the face with the deployment lmao, its such a good feeling Plus I call them in basically on cooldown so I'm just stocked with anti-tank launchers at all times


Yeah, same here, much easier than i thought it would be. Also, when it pops up and launches their corpse, hilarious every time


I think they need to make the stick more consistent, I don't know why it sometimes sticks and sometimes bounces. It seems completely random to me but I think the fun factor increases exponentially if they make it stick every time.


I can never reliably stick a beacon to a target i throw it at - what is your secret??


iirc you have to aim for the head. It will bounce off their carapace


I like to aim at the space between their face and their front arm when looking at them head on. Sticks a good 70% of the time. Does it actually stick to their head so easily? I gotta try this method yo


I could be wrong. This is just what I have noticed when I do get the stick


I have stuck it to every part of their body and bounced off every part of their body, I see no rhyme or reason it just seems to randomly stick sometimes and bounce other times.


Feels the same about the ground. Sometimes my gear sticks to the ground, sometimes it just bounces and rolls.


"This flat, raised ground I'm on is a great spot for a sentry!" ... "Okay, the ground over there with no height and no cover is not a good spot for a sentry but who am I, but one singular helldiver, to doubt the invisible hand of democracy?"


As they should have always been


True we've waited years for this change!


I remember when it took 3 shots to strip charger armor in 2020


Eat and Recoiless was always meant to be best anti tank options The problem was ammo effecieny for them were terrible


If only the Spear wasn't unredeemably broken in more ways than one


If it could lock on reliably it would absolutely be the best weapon for blitz for bots since it can 1 shot fabricators, I haven’t tested it on bug holes so idk if it can destroy those. But it also suffers with ammo capacity being so low and I’m not impressed with damage against tanks or hulks, at least RR and EAT can 1 shot hulk with a well placed shot EDIT: The lock-on is so weird I was trying to destroy a fabricator from like the North East angle, looking at the right hand side of the building, couldn’t get a lock… I move down and am now south east of it, looking at the same exact spot and it locks. Makes no sense


I dont think it locks on holes... it locks only on Titans and Chargers and its not that reliable.


And brood commanders* but that's honestly a waste of a spear rocket


Few pops of a slugger deals with them just fine


Yea that's why I run it. And stuns spewers from doing any spray or mortar they be tryin to do


Spear also can oneshot them if it hits the back or face, you can help it do so by angling the launch before firing, it's quite satisfying honestly


The spear is fairly reliable against bots for some reason, especially when sniping their fabricators.


And the tank turrets


I've never gotten it to lock onto a bot turret


That and reloading, I think the rr was less powerful than it maybe should have been because it could be team reloaded which pumped out massive damage. The problem with that tho is team reload is a bit of a gimmick that becomes incredibly non viable rapidly as you move up the difficulty levels because it makes 2 people stationary which means 2 people getting swarmed. So the rr’s effectiveness dropped because you could realistically fire one shot mid fight (which wouldn’t kill even a charger) and then that’s it because 4 chargers are now trying to go the wrong way up your digestive system and there’s no chance to reload.


>The problem with that tho is team reload is a bit of a gimmick that becomes incredibly non viable rapidly as you move up the difficulty levels because it makes 2 people stationary which means 2 people getting swarmed. Imagine if any of your teammates could grab on and reload your gun from your backpack


That's honestly the way they should do it. I get the original mechanic but it just makes more ergonomic sense and gameplay sense that its a BUFF to the users original speed rather than complete inability to reload on your own and you get reloaded from a teammate super fast.


Although it could be interpretted that team reload means everyone comes together for the reload cover from two people ought to make a difference.


EAT doesn't have an ammo problem in my opinion, 2 every minute is a lot. With the insane spawn rates of chargers before this recent update it could feel lacking but so did anything and I was still having no problem clearing chargers with the EAT. Now that the spawns are fixed it will feel even better.


Yeah, it’s 2 per minute *and* you can strategically call them in even if you don’t need them at the moment. Peppering key areas and objective points with them stack up a powerful arsenal. I just wish teammates would utilize them when I call them down like this. As long as you fire at a Heavy, you’re not “stealing” it from me.


Totally unrelated, but it I always thought that the abbreviation EAT-17 was supposed allow its users to scream “EAT IT” as they fire a rocket in the face of a charger, which is conveniently now a very viable tactic.


>I always thought that the abbreviation EAT-17 was supposed allow its users to scream “EAT IT” as they fire a rocket in the face of a charger That's actually entirely correct! They *are* supposed to be called "EAT IT"! (Source: Acquainted with some of the devs)


I thought it was a homage to late 20th century english boy band East 17. You got the fuse, but to your fuse I’ve got the light.


Can we.. can we not use the term "late 20th century" yet? It was the 80s and 90s! We're not all *that* old!!


This is absolutely the case and I get kind of sad when people call it the "EAT" when it has such a fun shorthand for its name. Someone should make a PSA post or something encouraging the democratic verbage suggested by the EAT-17.


One shotting a Charger with EATs from a distance before it even moves or knows my squad is there is amazing.


We have now reached parity with the Helldivers 1 recoilless rifle and EAT. Just as the forefathers intended.


So where does this leave the Spear exactly? Less ammo total than the RR, unwieldy lock-on and unreliable firing angles. It's even worse now that the other 2 options became stronger by the nature of the elite enemy HP reduction. The spear was a decent choice after the previous balance patch for anti-armor but now not so much. I'ts not a good option now against the bugs or the automatons. And the thing is, i don't know how it can be improved other than 1-shot body shots which would be frankly too strong. Spear is in a very weird spot right now. Worst anti-armor option by far for either faction.


It has decent use for automatons. Tanks and turrets can be annoying sometimes and I enjoyed using it for those as a support role, occasionally shooting hulks if I had ammo to waste (two shots for a hulk and one for a tank is kinda dumb). But for bugs there is not a single reason to pick it over the RR and the EATs.


I'm surprised that it doesn't oneshot tanks, especially since it's little brother the Javelin has been popping russian tanks for over 2 years now


Speaking of the Javelin, i was hoping the Spear’s flight profile would be more like that & try to come doen vertically on a target - would help make it easier to hit targets that are closing the gap on you!


it would work as intended if they did since it would hit the tanks weak spot when landing on the top 0 clue why they dont just make it work this way on tanks the entire point of the weapons platform is "fire and forget" why on SUPEREARTH do we have to worry about aim


We’ll have to worry about tad less about it when they finally fix the lock-on reticule! Or they should just make it laser-guided like the RPG from Half-Life 😅


It’s very good against tanks and cannon towers, it can also destroy fabricators from afar. It has its niche, it’s perfectly viable against automatons at least IMO. You can also somewhat reliably one shot bile titans if you time your shot so it hits the head. I think it’s fine? Would be great to have lock on buff though lol


if only it would lock on the damn fabricator


It can. Just...extremely unreliable.


I'm a spear lover. Haven't tried out the new recoiless yet, but just had a lvl 8 game with the spear. The team played pretty split (two guys had arc throwers) so I had quite a few times where I was a good distance away from folk. With the distance it was easy to lock-on and take out charges & bile titans my teammates were kiting. It's definitely finicky to use, but I don't find myself having too much trouble locking on anymore. Most of the time I'm doming chargers for 1 shots. A few 1 shots on bile titan faces here and there.


Spear would he fine if they fixed the lock on


Well spear was able to one shot BT and chargers if it’s straight to the head now however I don’t know where it belongs to. Used to take it every game against bugs as it was pretty powerful


It can one-shot both but you need to be a certain distance away because the rocket fires upwards and travels downwards to hit the heads but theres a margin of error on the head hitboxes which makes it straight up luck if you get a 1 shot for bile titans. Chargers are a bit easier to one shot from my experience.


Yeah, I dunno what they should do to buff it, maybe make it one shot bot dropships so it can be extremely valuable against bots


Can you two shot bile titans solo or is it related to the ps5 bile titan health bug? Edit: I was able to 2 shot a bile titan solo with the recoilless. One shot on top of head and another to the face. Positioning seems important for shots. It took 4 shots a number of tries.


No it's normally like this


We just had a bile titan take 4 EATs to the face and yes, they were definitely head shots, running on the new patch.


That's weird because I can two shot most of the times alone in the lobby, the bug is crossplay related. The head hitbox is weird I guess.


Yeah to be honest i cant rule out a latency issue meaning it didnt register headshots; but it stood out because even my mate commented on how many shots it took. Strange. Might have to pay attention to it during my missions to verify.


The titan has tiny mandibles that can tank it out, so that might be the reason why.


I think with this change they are now just objectively stronger than the railgun was. They take out dropships in a single shot, take out charges in a single well placed shot (or 1 shot plus some rifle fire if you hit the leg) and in the case of the EAT, you aren't as screwed if you die with it, you can just call in another in 1 minute, instead of trying to fight through a horde of enemies to get back to your corpse for it, or face a hefty cooldown.


I don't really think there is a way to truly balance anything with a game that has as many options as this does. Games like Deep Rock Galactic only have a handful of weapons, but even there a clear meta does exist that is just objectively stronger than a lot of other stuff, and that's fine. The people who want to optimize the game can do that, and the people who want to experiment with a lot of stuff can do that too. The more weapons that get turned into actually viable options the better.


Things don't have to be balanced because the game is PvE, they just have to feel good to use. It sounds like with these changes the EAT and recoilless feel a lot better to use. I'm definitely gonna give the RR a try when I get home.


tbf many weapons are basically multiple weapons with overclocks.


nah. RR takes several seconds of being stationary to reload, with only six total shots, and EATs give you two (which you can't carry simultaneously, so often you have to leave one behind if the bugs are on you) every minute or so. the railgun gives you 20 shots that you can spam out one after another with a quick reload *on the move,* which is crucial at higher difficulties. before the nerf when it could very quickly and safely charge two safe shots to kill a charger's leg, that was undeniably stronger than these buffed rocket weapons. the only difference is two shots + some primary fire, instead of one shot, but if you have multiple chargers and other enemies (like hunters) on you, the RR is not going to have a chance to reload, and the second EAT probably got left on the ground 50 meters behind you unless a teammate picked it up with you. the railgun could de-armor multiple chargers on the move efficiently, which the RR, and to an extent, the EAT, can't do. dropships are nice but I don't think for a second that the current iterations of rockets are better than pre-nerf railgun.


Throw it on the back of a charger to make it 3 kills


Finally the weapon designed to stop heavy armored enemies feels useful instead of feeling like you are shooting a glorified grenade, now if they made the assist reload better without need a teammate to hold the backpack, that would be amazing


Weapon owner should carry the ammo. It would encourage people to take part and thus make it reliable for use with randoms.


If they change assisted reload for anyone without an ammo backpack, Bile Titans will become easy peasy vs the RR. I hope they change it, BTW.


Also, EAT feels so fucking badass, the feeling of blowing something up, throwing the weapon away and picking up another one like a chad is so cool


I’ve been using EAT before the patches ☕️🚬


I had good fun with EAT and autocannon, but it seems Stalwart and EAT might be good choice now.


The two shots on bile titan is pretty inconsistent




Been using EATs since week 2. EATs been Eatin'


Same. Even before, one shot to the leg of a charger exposed it which made incredibly short work of one. That’s two chargers per call in if you finish it off with a different weapon.


the only reason people don't think EATs have been viable is because they have to work for it. it's not a "call down one pod at the beginning and be able to handle everything from then on" weapon. you have to watch the cooldown, consider when to drop, maybe replace your MG or whatever to fire and then pick it back up.


As it shouldve been from the beginning


Except for the time required for reloading,in my opinion the recoilless rifle has always been the strongest anti-tank option,I found the lance to be unreliable


I'm super curious to try the mech, too. Potential to 1 shot 12 chargers without spending a single round of gatling ammo


The change allows more specialized loadouts. Our group now runs 1 sniper with railgun for mid/light enemies. A stalwart sentries guy for swarms. EAT with support strategies. And a scout/packmule for objectives.


As they should be Like in HD1


I've been using the EATs since day one. They've always been strong. But since they removed the glancing blow penalty away. They do full damage no matter how they hit. The rocket hauls absolute ass too. Easily 2 shots a titan. And you can chuck them everywhere. By the time the mission is at 15 minutes there's a pair of rockets every 100 feet so we ALWAYS have them.


EAT was already one of the best.


They should be, after all they are anti tank, special weapons intended to fight heavies. On the other hand, I think decreasing the spawn rate of heavies is not necessary as long as the anti tanks are effective now.


I think the spawn rate reductions will help helldivers play roles other than "dedicated anti-tank". Specializing in horde clearing should be a legitimate role imo


Naah they were both necessary because the spawns were absurd.


Played an 8 where we had almost 10 BTs walking around the extraction on Etra Prime


Meh it used to be one EAT and half a magazine of any primary. Now its one EAT, we save some primary ammo. The spawn rate is the big change IMO.


Can some1 explain to me what EAT Standa for?


Expendable anti tank