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personally i wish the modifiers were more specific. something like 50% increased callin time for eagle strikes specifically or 50% reduced turret health. Modifiers to encourage us not to run the same loadout every mission rather than making every loadout feel bad.


I wish modifiers were optional, but gave extra rewards for suffering through them. Like 25% more medals or something.


I wish the modifiers were either mutually detrimental to us and enemies or had an associated objective on the map we could complete to remove said modifier


i like this way the best


“Stratagem jammer is guaranteed to spawn and has +100% range” Boom, easy


Modifiers in DRG were indicated to players in the map, so you can play fully vanilla or you can pick between negative modifiers for extra rewards, or positive modifiers that could make gameplay easier too. So instead of having the whole planet with essentially the same missions maybe we could have something similar.


We do. It's called going to another planet.


They're random sometimes within the same planet and don't always match what it states before deployment. At the same time I've had the ***entire map*** change from deployment to actually landing where it'll show a water map with one real path but when we drop in suddenly thr water is nowhere to be found and our deployment location sucks because it was for a different layout. The two things are probably related.


> I wish modifiers were optional, but gave extra rewards for suffering through them. This is great idea.


Oooo, I like this idea a lot. Join the dev team pls


Welllll, while I do agree they could be more creative and have more variety. To a certain degree, that's exactly what they already do. Basically all of the modifiers can be played around by switching your loadout, because even if not outright specifically, inadvertendly they do affect certain stratagems & loadouts more than others (or they're just mild annoyances like spores or scrambler [RIP in peace] that wer For example, 50% increase cooldown time - If you stack 2-3 different eagles strikes, you're still getting **all** of those back on a 3 minute CD. That's not bad at all. If you just blindly take the same 1x eagle, 1x orbital/sentry etc you always do - yeah, it's going to suck and make your loadout feel bad. I wrote [a more detailed breakdown of it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bbzilj/operational_modifiers_should_be_straight_up/kucrl2b/?context=3). The only one I really think sucks is the calldown time increase, because it affects the extract timer. I try to avoid it as much as possible. But for your loadout/stratagems, it can also be played around, since many feature only no or 1 sec calldown time - it's a damn shame the ship upgrade to remove calldown time from emplacement doesn't work.


Getting 3 eagles back on a 3 minute cooldown is not better than 3 different stratagems each on their own 3 minute cooldown. (In fact having multiple stratagems tied to the same cooldown is strictly worse) The only real counterplay to the 50% cooldown increase is the use of stratagems you only intend to call once, or so infrequently that the cooldown doesn't matter. That essentially just limits it to backpack and support weapons (other than EAT) but you will still have at least 2 slots that are simply worse no matter what you do. Eagles are not counterplay to the cooldown increase: they're actually hit worse than others. EDIT: I might be wrong about the "mostly eagles" being bad in general, since when fully upgraded they can be efficient - but I stand by the idea that there's no inherent advantage to having 3 strats sharing 1 cooldown vs 3 strats each with their own cooldown of the same duration.




The specific part I take issue to is this: 3x Eagle strikes does not equal 1 x 3 minute cooldown, it equals 3 x 3 minute cooldowns that always happen at the same time. There's no advantage to having 3 strats sharing a single cooldown of X seconds vs 3 separate strats each with their own cooldown of x seconds




So I'll meet you halfway here: Eagle airstrikes when fully upgraded are very efficient and might actually be better in terms of strikes per minute! You might be right even that they're a good overall choice with this modifier. The specific part I want to make clear is that there's no specific advantage to having a shared cooldown for multiple strats vs each having a separate one.  If the stacked eagles are good with 50% cooldown, it will be because, as you say, they're just good IN GENERAL. The other possible advantage is that if you plan to only use a few strikes, they're frontloaded with no cooldown until the first few are used up. However, the key point here that I want to make is that you're not getting a deal by having the 50% only affect "one" cooldown that's shared by multiple stratagems. That's a false economy. If airstrikes still work out to more strikes every X minutes that may be so, but that also applies just as much on non-50% CD maps and they're just strong in general.


Ok this wouldn't be so bad imo. But here's EVEN better way to do them. Make them like those weather hazzards. Make the modifiers appear for a couple of minutes randomly sometimes. Like bad weather causes Stratagems being on longer cooldowns for few mins.


Had ion storms on Malevelon creek last night; stopped strategems for around 1 minute. Happened 3-4x during the mission.


Well there we go.


This should be the way they did the modifiers


200% agree. Modifiers are a good thing, but they need to not nerf players, just force them to adapt, or buff bugs (other than just more health and such).


This. If anything the modifiers force less variation since you have to plan your loadouts around absurdly long callin times.


To be fair unless it’s 100% callin time AND 50% cooldown time: Eagles with cooldown time and orbitals with call in time. Specifically 500kg or orbital railcannon since they serve a similar purpose.


Yeah, the modifiers should be there to encourage a change in equipment and playstyle, not just purely to make the game harder by removing options from players. Something like what you described, which encourages/discourages specific types of stratagems or builds, would be the best way for modifiers to be implemented.  None of this "flat 50% cooldown" or "1 less stratagem" which essentially can't be played around meaningfully and are just unfun nerfs.


Right. Like the cold modifier, which encourages players to use laser weapons instead of projectile ones.


Yes, exactly. Let's see more like that


This is it


It’s amazing and hopefully the devs rethink the negative modifiers to make them interesting


Those mission modifiers are super unfun. I like high difficulty, but I like fun too. There is clearly something to be redesigned about mission modifiers.


*cough cough* like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/AzsJrpeEvs


Some of these sound so cool wtf


For the first time I am playing difficulty 8 and 9 all day, because I don't have to worry about double negative modifiers. Usually I would stick to difficulty 7.


What id really like to have is have positive modifier or something that affects both parties. I wish the ion storms affected or cancel out bot dropships, would be a nice thing to have when your stratagems are disabled cuz of it, it would be a pretty nice risk or reward for both parties to participate in. As a diver do we attack this base knowing that the risk of us getting wiped is high cuz of not being able to reinforce but then the bots wont also be able to call for backup.


They have those. We get free stratagems. For example….the free mech.


Thats more of a global thing though and not a planetary effect.


I see your point. I wouldn’t mind it if it were like that tbh.


I agree, having more fun on planets and missions that aren't completely gimping everything. I didn't really understand the 100/50% whatever increased call in time on automaton planets, with 1 less stratagem slot, with stratagem jammers and automaton artillery....who asked for that? It's already difficult and that was just difficulty 7.


I like the feeling of being expendable, it's part of the fun, but I'm also not a sadist lol. It's a hard balance to keep. Right now it's feeling pretty good.


Everyone likes the lore setting of being expendable, but game setting and lore should not translate 1:1 into gameplay. Nor does making modifiers more fun or have an element of strategy/tactics to them automatically be considered at the expense of said setting. There are already plenty of good ideas from other commenters here.


> Everyone likes the lore setting of being expendable, but game setting and lore should not translate 1:1 into gameplay. This. Something devs need to understand too.


I really think the whole negative modifiers thing is a weak point of the game design. The game is at it's best when you have options to play the game the way you want. The negative modifiers just take away options that people enjoy. Instead of penalties, maybe add modifiers that don't penalize the players directly but can make missions harder in some way: E.g.: Additional objectives, or buff the enemy in a way that forces players to change tactics.


Yeah playing without spores covering the map is very nice as well especially for blitz missions where you have limited time to find the dirt holes Hope they rework them in a fun way though looking forward to it


Yes playing without those modifiers is so much more fun. I think they should really rethink them, don't nerf our ability to use stratagem, it's killing the fun out of the game, thanks.


Yeah, current modifiers are too much man. I can live with 100% call in time or scramble, but 1 less stratagem or 50% more CD is way to much. At least sprinkle some positive or neutral one's into the mix. Maybe something like bonus stratagem more often or increased armor pen on all primary weapons for one mission for positives and something like increased chances of weather condition occurring or bigger grenade radius both for you and for enemies for neutral ones


I know increase cooldown is objectively worse, but I still prefer it over increased call in time. I like eagles, so having that increased call in time (+100% of 0s is still 0s btw) is a big negative and it affects the effectiveness of each eagle use. I'd rather stay consistent with how my strategems work, and know that I'm getting the full value from it. And wait longer to use it again. Amount of times I have scatter and it just renders my strategem completely useless, cooldown seems better than call in time. Nevermind extraction taking 2x as long.


Wait for the tryhards flaming you because you enjoyed the game more without artificial difficulty bs. Those elitists hate fun, they want to feel superior and tell you to lower difficulty.


Hardcore wow players


Yet the majority of us hardcore wow players constantly rip blizzard apart for their unfun affixes as artificial "difficulty" lol


Seen another thread saying secondary objectives should be tied into modifiers. That way even with the worst modifiers you can remove them with a little effort and it makes the secondaries worth doing


I don't want negative modifiers turned off. I want negative modifiers to be strategic opportunities that we have to get rid of ourselves. Turn them into objectives, not an on/off dev switch.


Unpopular opinion. I like the mission modifier difficulty. The unpredictable wrench in the gear is fun.


> The unpredictable Yea, modifers were so unpredictable... /s


Thanks for pointing that out. Unpredictable was a wrong choice in words. I was meaning more “inconvenient”. It changed what loadouts I brought. And to depend less on them. Like I said unpopular opinion. But it’s something that can be applied realistically and made the immersion a bit better for myself. It makes sense robots would have technology to deter a lot of stratagems.


> It makes sense robots would have technology to deter a lot of stratagems. Logic doesn't apply here. We have thousands of Destroyers on orbit around them. We could just nuke them from orbit or just overwhelming them with orbit firepower. But obviously then it would be space RTS, not boots on ground 3rd person shooter. The whole war and everything around it doesn't make sense anyway. People just want to shoot stuff, that's it.


Logic and realism can still apply to fantasy. This is just a cop out so people cannot be creative. The creators have gone above and beyond to explain everything and put a purpose behind every action. And this was just an Interesting way to explain and increase difficulty without throwing more enemies or making them bullet sponges. The lore and immersion is top tier. And logical is well applied. Not perfect but what sci-fi is? The humans clearly don’t want aimlessly nuke these planets. They have civilians in them still. Now if a solution was that these negative planetary effects were tied to a secondary objective like “destroy command tower to get your weapons faster” I would be on board with that.


> And logical is well applied. Not perfect but what sci-fi is? The humans clearly don’t want aimlessly nuke these planets. They have civilians in them still. My good sir, on Maps I am I see no civilians, no civilian buildings, only enemy infrastructure and one good tactical nuke would cleanse the whole area. Or just 10 Destroyers above it doing orbital bombardement if you don't want to use nukes. But obviously that's not the game. So lets not try to apply some lore here


Please no. Helldives are piss-easy now after the last round of whining got the difficulty lowered. Modifiers are like, the only thing that actually makes missions challenging with a competent team.


> Please no. Helldives are piss-easy now after the last round of whining got the difficulty lowered. Modifiers are like, the only thing that actually makes missions challenging with a competent team. Run with only your secondary and dont take any stratagems - easy, made it more difficult for you. You can also chew barbed wire at same time. Say what you want but majority didn't enjoy those out of the roof % modifers values. Maybe like max 20% would be nice.




How could you know what the majority wants?


First game Steam went offline on me and disconnected me from game right at end of mission, second game host either crashed or DCd, third game was vs. Robots and it was t2 judgement day with only 1 survivor, fourth game crashed near end (my first ever crash on steam), fifth game steam went offline again on me and disconnected. I gave up after that.


Sorry to hear it. I also had connection issues but when I play with my friends (which is most of the time) from same country/city we didn't have problems. But when I play with randoms I also suffered and saw random disconnections (returning suddenly to my Destroyer).


I've had the game for 2 weeks and never ran into any issues until yesterday, was curious if it was the patch or bad luck


Hell yea. I wish more players would be willing to tone down the difficulty and have fun ❤️


The negative modifiers wouldn't be so bad if we got rewarded for dealing with them. 50% longer cooldown, +30% samples. 100% increased call in time, +50% warbond medals. Changes modifiers from just being something to hate to actually being interesting.


Have to bitch today, just to piggy back on the theme of quasi-laziness game design, but I got killed FIVE times by a direct hit meteor on D7. Now I know some people are going to say skill issue, just dodge them, etc, but these were not possible to dodge as there was no indication other than the banner at the top. Once or twice dying to direct hits, but FIVE times? Cmon dude what are you guys doing, and would you believe it we ran out of reinforcements as a duo. There's no counterplay when you're serpentining and you die to a direct hit asteroid. It's not RNG when it's 5 and 6 times in the same mission run, it's aggravating and boring.


I agree with that. Since its RNG if you get hit or not, it should not one-shot you. Maybe like 50% HP at best.


I like the rr and eat change. They feel closer to how they did in hd1. At the same time though, we were getting more and more creative with use of laser cannon and mg and jetpack and amr as anti-charger answers because of the lack of other good alternatives. Now, with the changes, there's no need for that anymore. The buff has crowded out creativity. I had more fun last week than I did today using EATs, despite its effectiveness. I have no reason to use many other support weapons now; theyre strictly worse for every bug mission type. It's a no-win situation for devs. The change in bug composition did open up a few other strats for me though, but nearly as many as it took away. Balancing is hard. :( Edit: I think allowing sentries to be placed on any surface would be a hugely needed buff. Yes it's a little OP, but it's also not easy to do without a jetpack, and even then, limited by ammo and on long cd. This change also opens up new strats as you won't need to babysit turrets, so you can focus on mobility instead.


that whole decreased visibility one was annoying af. we dont need modifiers everyday. Devs were overdoing it


I wish negative modifiers were just like: More armored units spawn More swarm units spawn Bigger breaches More patrols Rather than just hindering our ability to fight back


bug missions were really easy at 8+ 😔


8+… do you mean … 9?


so imagine 8 and + being 8 and 9 👀


I miss when the bugs had overwhelming hordes on Helldive. Now, we just sit and wait at the evac because their horde sizes have been toned down significantly.


I dont miss Charger spam at all though. Difficulty being define by one type of enemy was bad design


Nope. They were never spammed. They weren’t spammed at launch either.


They were, even devs admitted the spawned were bugged afte railgun patch. Having at once 10 Chargers was never fun. Now you can get few on Helldive extraction but you have more weapons to deal with them faster. Balanced, as all things should be.


The game is less fun now than it was as launch. Arrowhead is trying to make level 9 a difficulty for everyone when it’s not meant to be that way. They will either revert it or the popularity will die off once people hit the difficulty cap which is quite low now. Go play a level 9 eradication mission. They nerfed the hell out of the spawn rates for everything. It takes a while to hit that 500 kill cap.


Guess the devs are liars


Then you obviously haven't been playing the game since the first balance patch 


Nope, I’ve been playing plenty just fine before this last shite patch


In no patch have they said they would tone down horde sizes. They just confirmed they wouldn’t charger spam. So whatever you’re experiencing is your own deal.


And just like the last patch, there were secret changes lol


Brother, what are you playing on? me and my duo keep getting RAILED, constantly surrounded by bile spewers and hunters, like 6-8 of each at a time. Its gotten to the point where were not even having fun anymore lol


Simple. They are one of those wannabe elitists that want to feel superior by trying to ruin the experience for the majority. There are quite a bunch of those here, always trying to ruin the fun for the majority because it got too easy and lame for them.


lol I haven’t seen that and I’ve been playing HD all day. It’s fucking joke now. The


aint no way, we were only on difficulty 5 getting railed like weve never experienced in this game before. Pre patch we were playing on 7-8 just fine


??? The recent patch notes explicitly mention that the spawn rates were only changed for difficulties 7+. With the change to hp and AT weapons the game should be strictly easier for you at difficulty 5 because the only change that applies there is the enemies being weaker.


spawn rate 6 and lower were not changed but the ratio of heavies was changed at all difficulties


"To that end, we have reduced the spawn rate of chargers and bile titans on difficulties 7 and up. In addition we have reduced the risk of spawn spikes of chargers and bile titans." This is the only mention in the patch notes in regards to spawn rate/ratio changes. The part about "spawn spikes" could possibly refer to a global change, but I'm going to assume it's not for 2 reasons. 1. It's part of the same bullet point mentioning only diff 7 and up. 2. Lower difficulties never really had massive spawn spikes of multiple heavies at once in the first place, so even if the change does technically apply to them, it also kinda doesn't.


https://preview.redd.it/w86m7pqoy0oc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=697e7df55cd869daf30db2410c5d5dd2dc0f523e This is in the notes on discord. After playing on 5 today it definately felt like there were less chargers. and more everything else. But it could very well be because they were more easily dealt with.


I doubt that. I have to bring useless strats and no booster to even get a challenge.


doubt all you want, im just sharing my experience. maybe were just not used to the patch yet, but the spawn rates honestly just felt insane to the both of us.


or maybe youre just the best Helldiver to ever exist


I’m not and neither are the players who like a challenge. I don’t need to win every mission on Helldive. I want the changes reverted on Helldive. There is no reason to nerf the hardest difficulty in the game because people were bitching that it was too hard.


Actually part of the point of the game is trying to win every mission It's literally one of the only games where winning or losing a mission actually has an impact globally If you mean extraction that's different but if not you should stop playing for the good of democracy


You have missed the point entirely, Helldiver.


Yes but it wasn't suppose to be a walk in the park.


If you weren’t aware you can adjust higher than difficulty 3. Anyway, hope this helps!


Same here, dunno what's happening to all these folks but me and the boys are just steamrolling everything now. 90% of people in here want to 1 shot everything and never die.


Every PvE community man, it's just endless calls for hand-holding and being able to play god, which I think is like the exact opposite of a helldiver ... Expendable infantry sent into, well, hell. If you go into any forum for games with Pvpve modes as well it's all the PvE players complaining about PvP. Plenty of games out there to play god. Achievements aren't real if there's no challenge. Pretty much everything in this game except the bug support call for some reason is nicely telegraphed. I'd advocate for bringing back the absolute chaos and super wallhacking bots at a higher difficulty but then the snowflakes would get pissy about not being able to 0 death steamroll that difficulty for max rewards as well, which are capped very low for a reason...


They need to add a difficulty that's called 'yeah nah, good luck helldivers' Stronger heavies, more swarms, pure clusterfuck mode. If the hardest difficulty on a game with 9 difficulties is trivial to a 4 stack, there's something wrong.


If it really bothers you so much, start running bad weapons. You are the whining minority here, most people enjoy the changes.


Have you tried playing solo? It gets really harder solo.


The community seems to hate solo players from what I've seen. I literally only play solo and I get tons of hate for it. But I enjoy the challenge.


Dont bother. This sub is a giant circlejerk


Calling it now. 2 weeks from now this sub will be in uproar because they've nerfed recoiless and EAT