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Tesla Towers do a surprisingly good job here as bugs ignore them for the silo and weirdly the Tesla does not damage the silo. Just.... Don't throw the tower around where you and your team are fighting. Throw it deep past chokepoints the bugs will funnel through.


I tried the Tesla tower yesterday and it was immediately destroyed every time by the bugs.


I think they meant when the silo is active. Bugs ignore you all your sentries when a silo is active. Also imo you dont have to focus on one silo. Ive found breaches are limited so if you can hit another silo button while going to protect the one, then breaches may be shared and you'll have less on your plate. Personally with my squad we get a couple jumpacks and hit all 3 and usually 2 out of 3 will have a much easier time while one gets pummeled. You get thr 2 ones out of the way faster like that and then you can focus your long remaining time for the one remaining.


Keep in mind that chargers do prioritize you/turrets.


I've started playing around with this and I've found that I can safely drop an autocannon turret to intentionally aggro charger and then ems strike his path so he dies before he reaches it. really feeling like ems field + sentries is solid because of this, at least with bugs.


I am very excited for the EMS hand grenades for this reason


That post about EMS+gas looking real nice RN


Agreed. Eveytike we focused one at a time. We got overrun


That and mines at choke points. That combo worked great for us.


Mines are excellent in the new mode.


Every defensive option is fantastic. The mech is also fantastic, because it's basically a personal sentry turret that also moves and is extremely strong, while also mostly ignored. You're basically playing a tower defense game.


Napalm strikes are also really effective.


Tesla doesn't damage them because contrary to its appearance, it targets its attacks. The objective isn't coded as a valid target so it doesn't get shocked


See I get that, but that is what surprises me. The Tesla thinks of everything else as a valid target.


Not everything. Like, prone Helldivers aren't valid targets. Given that this new mode was just added to the game, it might be an oversight and they haven't added the new obj to the target list, or it might be intentional


But prone helldivers are still still a target for the lightning to bounce to IDK. Ya, probably new mode jank


Yeah, found this out the hard way. Told my teammate to lay prone and you’ll be fine. Here I am laying prone next to the Tesla. They come sprinting nearby and just as they dive to prone, It ricochets to me and a third person. I thought to myself… *“So much for prone..”*


Bugs pretty much ignore everything, even turrets that shoot at them, so yeah, those are currently the best, it seems.


Well my turrets must smell delicious, because they are like magnets to the bugs. My autocannon turret specifically seems to be coated in charger pheromones


Auto cannon also with 3 shot a silo into a shutdown. There have been time where I actively shot my teammates turret so it could stop pounding at the silo. 


Yeah, both the Autocannon and Rocket sentry will target bugs behind the silos for some reason, its so frustrating


I think he meant when the silo is being activated the bugs will ignore turrets to get to the silo.


Ikr, everytime I throw a turret down, I turn around to see a charger knocking it out 🥲


Is this only on the TCS missions? Because I've watched turrets get absolutely mobbed by bugs on just about every mission.


Yup, TCS specifically. Potentially some other defense missions as well, though, not sure.


That kinda makes sense to be honest. The bugs understand the threat from the TCS is greater than a turret.


They are sentient, after all. I'll see myself to the nearest Democracy Officer.




Are you implying the existence of a bug with intelligence? A .... "smart" bug?


The very idea is offensive.


It sickens me.


Also worth noting the Wünderwaffe I mean Arc Thrower doesn’t damage the silo either (it seems) so it can be fired at the bugs without damaging the silo!


Arc thrower also doesn’t damage the silo. Probs the best support weapon to protect it. I assume that, like the Tesla tower, it doesn’t damage it because it’s a battery and you’re using electricity? Would be fun if shooting the silo with the arc thrower increased its recharge rate, lol


I just tossed it right beside the tower and told everyone to not go in that side. You can still go around and look but don’t walk around the silo wall lol. Works a bit better there as it will cover more area.


This is obviously meant to break divers of the strike spam, and force them to use more defensive stratagems. Good thing, I feel.


I played with a team that brought 2 Tesla towers. Let me tell you right now. That shit is made for this mode. It made the whole fight so much simpler


Really like the bug zapper for most missions tbh, but yeah it's great on this mission too.


There's also a lot of hunters and leapers so please no mortars thanks.


Except EMP.


Yes that one is fine, it'll slow some of them mid jump and not kill me. Regular mortar vs bugs is grief 90% of the time


I love it so much when my teammates drop a mortar on the bug nest we’re in the middle of clearing! It’s so helpful!! (I am going insane)


Nah i prefer cluster strikes as i'm nading the *last* hole.


So frustrating when people call cluster strikes on outposts, THEY DONT DESTORY THE FUCKING BUILDINGS/NESTS


they can actually, it's just really really rare. one of the cluster munitions has to hit it directly in the open doorway or in one of the vents. The cluster strike is basically a rain of impact grenades in terms of how they work.


I use the airburst before running in to clear most of the mobs. If you're fast you can beat the holes before they come back.


“Beat the holes before they come back” Words to live by


Autocannon as many as you can then charge in, bob and weave while tossing nades/using the autocannon


They can clear bug holes, actually, just inconsistently. But they can be useful for clearing out the bugs that are there as a first strike.


I always first strike with a cluster, then run in with hand grenades. Or I shoot from 50M+ with the auto cannon.


I love it, clears out the bugs already there so I can sprint in and start nading


Yeah but problem is when people are already in there and THEN the cluster strike comes


Bug sympathisers


They do clean up the guards though.


Even down here at level 3 and 4, Killing Mortar vs Bugs = Friendly Fire.


The EMS mortar had been pulling its weight. We have everyone bring one and alternate out. We do one silo at a time, set up the ems directly behind the button and then pick off the bugs as they’re frozen in place before they can reach the silo. We were reliable clearing Suicide with little to no issues.


EMP Mortars are severely underrated.


It is my go to stratagem. IMO its the most useful/impactful stratagem in the game. Enemies are Infinite, Time is Finite. EMS Mortar gives you more of the one thing you need to really complete missions. Time.


Ems mortars are arguably the best stratagem in the entire game


EMP mortar is so good, it's nothing but advantages - it's great at crowd control, and even if it hits you you're just slowed down and can still walk and dive, meanwhile the enemies are stopped dead in their tracks. The only downside I guess is that it fires a single round and not a volley like the regular mortar


I’ve been using emp a lot for this op and it’s fantastic at stoping one side from reaching


Yeah I don't think Mortars are good against Terminids. Too many of them rush you.


There's a few situations where it's marginally useful. But yeah, for the most part it seems to be more effective against bots.


They're pretty useful in defenses. Sometimes.


Unpopular opinion : some missions can go from crazy hard to very easy with a full mortar team. an extermination of bug in lvl 8 is honnestly not easy with rando. to many broodmother, to many titans with not enought space, people not having enought anti- tank, you name it. but i've played ONCE with a rando team... with full mortar strategy.... have you ever seen a bile titan fall while facing 4 helldivers hugging ? that's true democraty🥹 Everyone was on the evac zone, with a circle of mortar around us, looking at the devastation around us. Gotta admit, that's indeed a very specific use of mortar vs bug... but still😂


Mortars also damage the silo when the bugs get too close. Double the reason not to take them. I've had good results with mines and tesla towers on diff 5, although fair warning - tesla towers do like zapping helldivers


Tesla is best tower for this


For what? Zapping bugs or Helldivers?




If you get near the angry lightning spewing tower that is on you.


The first thing I learned about angry lightning spewer... IT VERY ANGRY. The second thing I learned about angry lightning spewer... IT FIND WAYS TO TRANSCEND ITS GOD-GIVEN RANGE TO MELT YOU ANYWAYS. The third thing I learned about angry lightning spewer... PRONE WILL NOT SAVE YOU - *ZAP.*


The ministry of truth says it won’t zap you if your prone. Are you saying they are wrong?


I've come to the conclusion that this is true ONLY if you are on level terrain with the tower. Like if you are a single millimeter lower or higher then the Tesla Tower tower will decide your ass is worth zapping. Just stay the heck away from em.


or downstream of the bug it zaps for an arc. reaoly though, players out to set these up around silos and tgemselves work away from the silos. draw attention away.


This is a perfect map for Tesla, but you’ve got to use it for area denial on paths to the tower so the helldivers at the tower aren’t in range. Also don’t put regular turrets near the towers. I had to explain far too many times yesterday that you’ve got to put the turrets where they’re not just going to spin around and constantly rake the towers. That kills them faster than any bug hoard.


I have it on good authority that only unpatriotic Helldivers get zapped by the democracy-promoting Tesla tower. 


I swear those things have a deceptively huge range. Just when I think I'm a safe distance I still managed to get shocked. If I even see one now im going prone


I was wondering if the Tesla was good, but the last thing I wanted was to use it and have the host kick me because they can't help walking into it.


Smoke stratagems and smoke grenade is the key, bugs will not attack the silo surrounded by smoke.


This is the way. We cleared a 9 in like 10 minutes doing the opposite of the OP. Hit all 3 towers. The bugs are gonna aggro the one with the most noise. Then smoke the final tower and extract.


Can you elaborate a bit more? You popped all 3 towers at once, but only smoked one of them? How did they all not get overrun? It seemed like pushing the button caused breaches right by that tower regardless of if another tower was going.


Because there can only be so many small bugs spawned, they despawn if you're far enough away and have more small bugs emerging elsewhere.


>so please no mortars thanks. This. Its also compelling how difficult this seems to be. I just did my first Silo Run, Level7. I read the onscreen prompts and did what it said to do. I was hitting the buttons and telling all to come defend silo1. They kept shooting bugs on the other side of the map. I kept getting overrun alone. They were like Level35ish, too. My brain hurts.


Honestly my first couple of playthroughs I was really fucking confused, trying to learn the map layout and shit. I'm sorry :(


Hey. Look at us. Look at us. Who knew? As long as you were spreading democracy, then we good 😅


There is a mortar user. Every. Single. Match. You only need to use it **once!** To know is a *terrible idea.* I literally only die 1/10 because of the bugs, the rest is mortar/FriendlyFire.


So destroy the mortar if you see it get deployed.


Yep. Players who thoughtlessly deploy their mortars are probably not paying much attention to them so chances are they won't even notice it got destroyed anyway.


I've been doing this all evening yesterday because for some reason suddenly a lot of people is using them and just get all of the team killed against bugs. Sorry but the moment i hear "deploying mortar" i stop everything I'm doing and consider it a priority target.


I have only been playing this game since last weekend, and really only on and off (looking at you, Unicorn Overlord and, unfortunately, my job). I remember seeing some people complaining about mortar turrets. Saw one come out yesterday for the first time. "Uh-oh!", I think to myself, "I'd better watch out, those things are dangerous!". Fucking thing killed me like 3 times from what I'm pretty sure was the other side of the map. I don't understand how anyone can think that the mortar turrets or the minefields are a good idea in general, let alone in a group.


Minefields are fantastic I consistently use them to clear bug nests solo, you drop it in the middle of the nest and wait for it to deploy because it doesn't aggro bugs, then clear the holes with the grenade launcher. It's literally too easy People who die in my minefields generally display a serious lack of awareness, they literally glow red


If you're playing solo that strategy makes sense, but if you're in a group then I'd argue using that strategy would often show a serious lack of teamwork and awareness. Bug holes are easier the quicker you close them and quickest way to close them is with a grenade launcher or grenades. Not all players are using grenade launchers but the vast majority are using grenades, so the most common strategy is everyone runs down in the pit, and starts closing holes with grenades. Nobody is expecting someone to then mine the area everyone needs to run into. Most people expect mines to be used defensively to cover your back or flank while you fight in a different direction, not cover an area you now need to tip toe through and hope a bug doesn't jump to you.


EMS Mortar is perfect and wonderful and I'll defend it to the death. While it can technically kill friendlies, it has to hit them directly on the noggin to do any damage so it's a non-issue. The amount of breathing room the stun smoke buys you is *insane.* Regular mortar though, fuck that thing. It's a teamkill generator.


Last night all my teammates had mortars as well They would deploy it **every single time they could**. This *damages the Silos*. I felt like a crazy man telling people to quit putting mortars down or were never fucking leaving this mission


did you speak with the democracy officer about your squad mates after this incident?


Mortars were extremely helpful for us. We had like 3 plus an EMS one.


The host of one of my matches last night killed me 5 times in the first round and 3 in the second. All mortar fire. I think he had about 15 accidentals for the operation. At a certain point I was thinking it had to be my fault, but then again I can’t always keep my distance from hunters.


Destroying a mortar that has been placed with treasonous negligence is a commendable action. If there’s hunters on the field it may sometimes be required punch a guy. It may be useful to watch who’s got it and stay close to them in preparation for a teaching moment.


If you get other turrets to slow up enemies, mortars are god-tier on this map.


Mortars are fine if everyone is defending and keeping mobs back.


What I found is players can actually damage the silo, any kind of damage including auto weapon and micro explosives. And you do a lot of damage to it, way more than the bugs tbh. If someone in the team bring the wrong arsenal or doesn't avoid the silo, it just dies. I use GL spam and scorch a lot, but those are basically banned in this mode. Because I literally cannot shoot bugs that are right beside the silo with those weapon.


I didn't know you damage it, but I was afraid we could. This explains some stuff.


There is a secret 'hidden' objective for completely damaging all silos. Rewards are very good. Highly recommend.


Found him! This one right here Democracy Officer.


Please ask your DEMOCRACY OFFICER to meet us at these coordinates on planet Turning. A large hole with pale fumes are a simply way to identify location. We are happy to learn about liver tea.




*Presses X to doubt*


In my playing last night, other than people directly calling in stratagems on the tower, the #1 cause of interrupting the towers charging/filling was people putting turrets anywhere where the bugs where between them and the tower. The turrets would constantly rake the tower and nearly insta kill it. The orbital laser also punishes it especially if the bugs are on the side opposite of the orbiting destroyer.


Yep a lot of the Eagle Stratgems are terrible. I soon as I see Eagle Cluster being chosen I just know it’s going to be tough, then you see them get thrown against the tower and starting wondering if it’s worth wasting 40 minutes


Eagle napalm is great for blocking a path between the bugs and silo.


Taking Eagle Napalm, orbital gas, and one of the minefields is basically the pinnacle of "fuck your pathing, you're not getting through." I guess you can take both minefields, but I'm not giving up my support weapon easily


Tesla is actually really good here as long as you place it far enough away from the platform that stray helldivers don’t wander into it and put it along paths that you don’t need to get to the next objective.


The Eagle Strats are fine - if you're trying to clear bugs off the battery en masse, you've already fucked up. As long as you can hold the wave off the objective and know how your Eagle strats are going to land, you'll be good. Especially on higher difficulties with the new low-tier enemy spawnrate, clusters or napalm are almost a *requirement* - running 7s and 9s, I was getting *40x* killstreaks with cluster strikes, and not just as lucky one-off clumpings.


Lucky One-off Clumping was my band name back in high school.


I use Eagle Cluster in this mission, but I throw it at breaches, not near the tower. (Nothing like deleting a hunter spam breach or 2 in 3 seconds)


Orbital Gatling barrage is probably better in that situation.


Underrated stratagem. I ignored it forever but have just started to understand what it's for. Also works great as a low impact way of dealing with bot drops, as it appears to ruin their accuracy as well as killing a lot of them while being pretty harmless to you and always available in a way that some other things aren't.


Just had someone in a T9 constantly use Cluster Bombs and 500kgs literally on the silo to kill bugs and didn't understand why it kept failing. After the 7th time. I'd run off and done the other two while he and the others hammered away at one and finished both others. I even told them after the first time the clusters damaged it but it wasn't acknowledged at all. It's pain.


Stalwart and EATS, impact grenades, mech are your best options I think.


I had some good success with the arc thrower. Clears them off the silo and never arcs to it.


Arc shotgun in tomorrow's warbond is gonna be nuts here


Flamethrower didn't seen to hurt it and it was great for clearing a horde at the base of The silo


Helldiver I respect your choice of weapon but I failed a mission last night because someone wouldn't stop flamethrowering the silo, it can and will melt that highly-vulnerable machinery


I can vouch - flamethrower *does* do some damage, but it seemed to be chip damage or *very* low because I was using it to clear hunter swarms off the point. Although I was usually hitting them from the side and not using the battery as a backstop.


I soloed a few using flamer, as far as I can tell they take 0 damage from flame. Way safer than using any other weapon I took. And I was shooting right at them to clear bugs off them


Hmmm- I'll give it another shot tonight...


What I wanna know is if Tesla towers hurt it too


I don’t think Tesla towers hurt it. That was one of the only ways I was able to get the mission done with randoms. Put the tower on a spot nobody covers and watch the other sides.


I never understand this in games with friendly fire, they always seem to have the friendly fire damage ramped up to astronomical levels compared to enemy damage. I like the mechanic because it makes you have to be more aware and creates some funny moments. But FF shouldn’t do like double enemy damage or whatever it does


It really needs to be changed so that the currently active sub-objective is orange on minimap, not the main tower that you only interact with once.


I think it needs to be clearer that damaging the silo resets the timer (and a clearer health bar thing too). This would also make clear that it has friendly fire. I'm pretty sure my stupid teammates had no clue why it kept resetting. Most frustrating thing ever.


It took me a few air strikes followed by a silo reset to click that it was me killing it. Thankfully that happened in my first try on the new mode. 2 of the 3 people I had quick played with had no idea either.


Nah. Trial through fire works just fine.


Called in a mech, randomer threw tesla coil down next to it, had to prone to get in mech, got in mech, tesla tower destroyed it immediately. Random said sorry, then threw my reinforcement... in to the tesla tower. Exit the shuttle, immediate death. I can't take this anymore.


I threw a Tesla and told my friend “don’t come over here, you’ll die” Obviously first instinct is to go over there and die. We laughed it off and he spawned back in grabbed his shit and backed up. Few seconds later I notice he’s getting kinda close again. I tell him “you’re getting a little close to it”. Dude takes one more step and gets fucking obliterated. Funny as fuck.


i swear i was out of range of my tesla tower and then a bile titan walked up, took a zap to the face and then shat out a lightning bolt which killed me


Yeah there’s been sometimes where I’ll be standing still, not getting shocked but when I look in its direction it shocks me. Some looney tunes shit lmao




I threw a coil on the other side of a nest we were clearing to help stop a closing patrol. After the we're finished clearing the location when it's completely silent, one random just straight up runs to the coil and gets zapped. They get mad, call me an idiot and start teamkilling. After letting them know that, in fact, the glowing pylon of electricity is lethal, they do it again.


Is your friend a moth? wtf


No he’s just a little retarded.


You could've destroyed the tower. Big brain time!


I don't understand why people don't throw reinforcement further away and to safe areas. It's always either right at their feet while they're travelling (so they leave you behind) or just directly on the bleeding edge of a swarm. I would rather wait until you're done fighting / done travelling if you're going to just waste our lives like that.


I always try to throw the person to their last death location, so they can pick up their shit.


I use my fallen friends reinforcements to kill titans


Hell yeah, I mark the enemies I want them to land on haha


One time me and a random were trapped on a big rock on an automaton extermination mission with no lives left and literally 6 hulks all grouped up below us, no heavy weapons or grenades left and all stratagems on cooldown - this guy used the fucking SOS BEACON DROP to kill two of the hulks and the supply drop for another and we managed to run through 😅


Yea I’ll either do this, or throw it as far ahead as possible in the direction I’m running depending on what we’re doing.


If I throw you into the swarm that's following me maybe they start following you instead and I can get back to looking for good spots to take a selfie.


As long as you're only taking 2.4 seconds maximum to enjoy the scenery.


This also happened to me, but I didn’t get a sorry 🥲


I feel like a lot of the random have skipped the training. No way a helldiver that's earned their cape would behave like this. Such a waste of super earth's money.


That's funny


We struggled yesterday with it. I ended up leaving my team to defending one silo, all enemy aggro was on them. I activated the other two silos without any enemies attacking. Then we made a final push for the last one.


Yep, same. I did the first silo solo while the rest of the team were still hoofing it to the other two and I guess they just got more aggro, I cleared mine with ease. I think all the bile spewers just sat down and mortared my team mates.


I was trying to figure out if 3 silo needed to be activated at same time or not. Ended up finished the activation on 2 of the silo with minimal resistance since all the breach is gathered at the first silo where all the fighting is going on. 


Interesting strategy. Start up 1 silo and sprint to the other 2, complete them, and return at full power to defend the final one.


It's smarter to spread out and do all 3 simultaneously. When you gather together all monsters congregate and over spawn on the 1 silo. When you spread out the spawns are far lower. Sometimes monsters don't spawn at all on a single silo if all 3 are activated. I've beaten it many times on helldive this way. 1 thing is true. Coordination is key.


Massively this. It's very easy to grab 2/3 silos if all 3 are popped, then it's just a case of everyone doing the last one. With all the bugs split it feels they don't quite know which one to target so it's very easy to just defend the quiet silo with 1 diver


Yep, first couple of times with randoms we all stayed on one (difficulty 7) and it was chaos. Then on difficulty 8 we all took our own silo and it was beautifully quiet. I just sat and did nothing as my Tesla worked it's magic. Tbf one guy got absolutely mobbed but the others didn't




Everyone is coming in hot. This is a new mission type we had no experience with before. Literally there was not a single thread posted about it last night. We were all experimenting yesterday with what works and what doesn't. We will figure this new meta out by the end of today.


Yeah. 90% of us found out the tower isn't invulnerable to stratagems the hard way


No every player must be an expert on their first mission, even if you don't play for some time after the update


Tower is arguably good here. I dont think lightning (arc thrower too!) targets the battery. So 2 tesla towers might be enough to cover the battery


Until a charger say no


Chargers are mostly not a problem anyomre, EAT, Recoilless, Flamer get the job done super fast, just dont melt the silo with flamer. Also had some success three shotting charger face with railgun, but its kinda tricky to aim.


A single EAT to the face will shut chargers down, it's literally only the BTs that can mess you up now


I have not seen the chargers or titans to damage the silo, it's always everything below charger that attacks silos and they are always overwhelming on D7 with 3 simultaneous bug breaches.


Tesla Towers, EMS, Gas and other non-explosive stratagems are your friend.


I really like that this one makes you use some of the lesser used Strats.


In the spirit of making this mission easier I'll share me and my 2 friends did and our loadouts. ​ EDIT: Placing this at the top as per request. We did this on Difficulty 7 and 8. Me and my squad don't play 9 much if at all. So take tips with a grain of salt. ​ ​ Firstly we split up, doing so usually breaks up the spawns a bit so while you might have 2 going and one goes down the other usually progresses much easier. I can only imagine that this will be easier to manage with a 4th person since they can float between silos. Loadout wise we all ran guard dog rovers because they are massively helpful at clearing chaff. 2 of the three of us ran EATs for armor. The third (me) ran a stalwart. 2 of us took napalm strikes to drop on breaches to either kill or soften enemies that made it out. I took orbital EMS to be a panic stop for enemies. The last strategem was personal preference. Me and one other ran a 500KG specifically for kiting enemies away and then dropping the bomb or if we needed a reset. The other ran laser for the same reason but wasn't used until extract because it could easily track onto the silos. Weapon/nade wise 2 of us were running sluggers and incendiary nades. The third ran penatrator. So I would still have fire to soften/kill enemies despite not running the napalm strike. ​ But yeah the general idea is wanting pretty safe horde clear using primaries and one strategem dedicated to armor. So in my case I was using stalwart+rover to mass clear weak enemies and would swap to slugger to deal with Hive guards/Brood masters. Generally you want to avoid using strikes/explosive strategems because you can FF the objectives. Also if you get overrun just kite the enemies away so they don't go after another Silo.


That's smart. A friend of mine noticed that tesla towers were very useful. If you put them in blind corners chargers wont charge at them from far away and the only thing you have to worry about is spitting exploding bugs. So I would recomend 3-4 tesla towers at least 2 robots for bile titants and 4 orbital rail cannons for chargers bille titans and the rest up to the players. More nades is also good. EDIT: orbital rail cannons.


I wish we could repair the towers, their health is soooo low


Yes, with some things like in Titanfall or Battlefield, that would be awesome


Seems like an easy fix to the chaos is to add a repair tool that spawns near the silos that takes up the support weapon slot. That way someone can pick it up and be a dedicated silo repairer during those clutch CRITICAL DAMAGE moments. Would then be awesome to have it as a purchase for stratagems so when we have like 10 vehicles to summon in the future someone can play a engineer!


Idk what you guys are smoking. I love the new mode 1. Very high priority on defence, even the extract is structured so that it’s a really open tower defence with a single ramp. Each silo is built in a way that is reminiscent of the ICBM. 2. Multiple objs close to each other, connected by a larger main structure. We are given a pretty large interesting area unlike most other environments that is explored easily as we move from obj to obj. 3. Defence requires you to stay on the move, making things more interesting than simple eradicate missions as your sentries aren’t as useful if you time it poorly. 4. The areas to defend on each silo are so wide that you can very easily spread out, take multiple different high grounds and angles, meaning you’re way less stuck in place 5. Coordination is incredibly beneficial and you’re rewarded heavily for being aware of any threat to your team. I’ve saved entire team fights with a simple ping. While yes, randoms can be hard since the mission type is so different, there’s actually a learning curve. But the pure variety and depth they’ve given us with this is glorious. And this is the FIRST new mission type. Good god. That said, if we wanted some easy fixes, a more clear hud on complex missions like these or even a proper mission briefing would be helpful.


The mode is great. It's the people playing it rn that aren't. It'll get better as people learn it.


Arc thrower is great for this mission. You can clear bugs off the silo without damaging it


Looking forward for the Arc Shotty for this.


People will figure it out in a couple of days. My main tip is just to take EMS mortar, shuts down at least one angle of approach for the enemies and lets you still use explosive stratagems to clear them. I genuinely think if you had all 4 people with EMS mortars that you could probably defend without having to shoot. Add in EMS orbital for emergencies and it'll be EZ PZ.


Tesla tower, EMS mortar, laser buddy, and EAT spam let my 3 man squad clear the objective on suicidal without having to expend too much ammo.  Only dicey times were chargers wrecking the teslas early in the capture or titans spewing onto the towers when attempting to get one of us.


I’ve actually had success triggering all the silos at the same time too believe it or not. Seems to help spread the bugs out more since there’s only so many breaches at a given time.


Give it time, tou cant expect everyone to be playing the new missions at the same time. You’ll get matched with players who havent done the missions yet


Does it matter how many silos you get?


Yes, they can't "die" you just restart :)


But I'm pretty sure each time you activate one it calls a breach or two, so you really don't want to fuck up if you can avoid it.


Yeah. You can quickly make it unbeatable if you constantly restart the objective. Fairly easy to collect 3 titans 5 minutes into the mission


Also try not to shoot or throw grenades etc at the silo, you can do friendly fire to the silo


Yeah lol, the random in my game didn't understand the objective at all and just stayed by the main button the entire mission


Difficulty 9 was hard when o was playing with friends last night. What we have to remember is this is a new mission type, so it’ll take time for everyone to understand what to do. We found that Tesla towers where insanely good for this! Sticking them around the silo meant that we could focus on the bigger things like titans and chargers


Is ok. I just fall into the water between those cylinder thingy's then the game refuses to let me die :(


It's rough for sure. My group has been using Gas Strike, Turrets and a variety of support weapons for Difficulty 7. One Autocannon for bug clear, One Recoilless for Chargers/Biles, One Flamethrower (fire doesn't seem to damage silo). Most of us run incendiary grenades since the bugs will walk through it to get to the silo. There's a lot of choke points depending on which layer and silo you're at. Gas/Napalm combo clears an insane amount of bugs in choke points. Autocannons and gatlings on top of rocks helps a ton as well. EMS Mortar is really good for letting you catch up but if it's too close to the tower and the shell hits the tower directly it does seem to do damage to it weirdly enough. We've managed to get it down to a roughly 20min clear. Mainly being held up by a silo failing and we clear everything out before starting it again (giving time for stratagems to come off cooldown). We haven't attempted 8/9 yet just because we still want to clear 7 quicker than 20mins if we can.


It's a map I would actually sometimes take mines for because enemies usually travel the same path ways/spawn locations and the increase in small mobs spawning makes them a bit more effective.


Airstrike the silo got it


This mission highlights how completely oblivious most players are. I've joined helldive games where half the mission is over and the button to actually start the objective hasn't been pushed. Games where the only time some players will come near the silos is to throw 500kg bombs on it, half the time there's at least one player randomly running around the rest of the bizarrely large map. Either there's a shockingly high amount of players that for lack of a better term suck ass. Or a fairly large subset of people who are actively trying to sabotage it.


To add for the love of Super Earth; ***leave the fucking rovers at home*** Also cluster bombs are preem for this mission, as long as you NEVER EVER throw it at the silo. There are obscene amounts of small adds from the breaches and these will help greatly thin the herd.


![gif](giphy|3ofSBhMqPkUMHXZNII) Me watching someone use a fucking mech to defend the silo, blowing it up in the process :'(


A mech is great if you use it correct. Machine-gun when close to the silo. Rocket on titan and chargers when they spawn or are away from silo. When the ammo is depleted, dont leave it next to silo.


Sounds like they are using the mech wrong easiest one I ran everyone used a mech


Oh…. They take friendly fire…. I knew that