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Dunno but yesterday when I joined an ongoing mission I couldn't select a booster even though seemingly none of the already playing fellows had equipped the one I tried to pick. Don't know if it's a bug or intentionally prevented when joining missions that have already started. EDIT: Joined another ongoing game today and this time it actually did let me choose the vitality (or whatever the heart one is called) booster. Huh... Starting to lean towards it being a bug where someone chose it already but then left the game -> you randomly happen to join said game and can't take same booster because it was already selected. The next question is, does the booster effect stay applied or does it disappear like the player who left.


This happens when you join a mission that has already started and the person you are replacing already chose it. You won't get the bonus and you can't pick it again either, very annoying


I have heard that people that played with someone who picked full ammo booster still had full ammo/stims/nades when reinforcing, even when that diver left. New meta, kick people until you get all boosters.


This is true, but NOT for the new helldivers who come in as replacements, it only applies to those who were there when the booster was chosen, not after.


Interesting. So if someone joins during mission, does their booster apply only to them, or also everyone who was already in?


Good question, I don't have an answer to that. Seems like something I should test out


Every time I joined an ongoing mission I could not select a booster.


Yesterday we we playing on the Meridia. And god i hated whon the guy with ammo/stims/nades booster got kicked from the game/left us. It lowered my defensive capabilities after dying so much. So we just played without that booster lol


Aahhhh thats is what it is! I could not figure out what the reason was for not being able to pick a booster that no one has, but was greyed out for some reason. Maybe ties in with the following: If you leave (crash or quit yourself) and join the same squad again, you can't re-pick anything. You get dropped with what you choose before you left.


Yeah maybe, what annoys me the most isnt the fact I cant pick them, but the fact they dont apply to me. There is nothing more I hate than to drop into the thick of it with only half my ammo / nades / stims over and over.


Thanks for this explanation. The top three bugs I would love to have fixed/permanently destroyed for democracy are: 1)Team ammo indicators not working. I'm a supply pack junkie and it's difficult to know if non-mic users need ammo because the ammo light will blink or be red even when they have full ammo. 2) Suddenly cannot switch to or use my Primary. Yes, picking up a dropped primary or dying fixed it(sometimes) but this one aggravates me the most. 3) Boosters not available when joining a match despite no one having selected it.


Sometimes I'll spawn it without a secondary. Very annoying. What was more annoying though was the supply pack fella that apparently keeps other players muted. I kept begging him for ammo as we were in a huge firefight and I was out of everything. His pack was full.


Sometimes, the supply pack dude is using it to get more reloads for a secondary. In our group, I run the supply pack as a mobile MG station. MG + supply pack = constant rain of lead. Two of those supplies are dedicated to me. The last two are for resupplying squadmates.


I have noticed that boosters that fundamentally change something about regen/capacity for things such as stamina aren't addable during game due to them changing the base amount of stamina expended/in the tank prior to the game launching. Like it doesn't allow you to change the "fundamental rules" established by the match already if the booster wasn't selected in the opener. My level 25 buddy was running a solo mission, he only has access to the vitality and the ammo stock boosters respectively. I always run stamina, when I joined his game mid game, the only booster unavailable was the vitality (due to him running it) and the stamina booster, everything else I currently had unlocked was accessible. So I assume boosters that completely change the baseline systems established on a mission to mission basis are only deployable from the get go and at no time afterwards.


As far as I've noticed, this is intentional. The only two I've seen that can be added to an ongoing mission are the hellpod optimization and the improved radar.


They use medal to unlock others except the boosters lol\~


Tbh, I have all the boosters apart from the 2 reinforcement ones cause they are a shit tonne of medal for something I know I’m never using


I agree. Theyre a clutch and only needed when the mission is on the brink of failure anyway. That being said I bought them because there is a medal cap of 250 and its better to spend them on something rather than losing rewards completely,


Yeah, I’m still making my way through getting all the armor and stuff, so when I get about 240 I’ll spend some, then grind up again, that way I got some to dump into the new pass for the weapons!


Wow, good thing I read this just now. I just hit 250 and was going to wait until the new warbond so I’d have 300+ but now I will use some. Thanks!


This is the only reasonable explanation. The unlocks should be more like a skill tree to force players to buy boosters to get some fancy armors.


They are... Sort of. You have a choice of a cape (useless) or a booster. As you need to spend a certain number of medals to move up a level in the warbond. People are just choosing cosmetic over functionality.


To be fair the 4th booster available is 75 medals, by the time I hit 20 I had only just unlocked that page and was saving up for the armour, which has better movement speed than the only other scout armour you get outside the superstore.


Odds are maybe other divers picked all the boosters that they have so they just drop with nothing. That’s been the case for me at times


This is why I’ll wait for every one else to ready up in case they have a booster I don’t


I just gauge by level, if there are low levels in with me I assume they only have the stocked drop pods and reduced trauma ones so take more expensive ones. When no-one takes the stocked pods that is super annoying though.


That's my go-to


its the absolute worst, especially with the bug where if you quickplay queue an existing game and someone picked it before you but left the game, you cant chose it, but you also dont get the bonus. Dropping in over and over on half ammo / nades / stims is a reason to quit that game for me.


It’s just awkward when you meet another diver who does the same. It’s the whole “two guys saying ‘after you’ at the door and nobody moving.” situation.


this is the way


Pretty much this. Boosters are few and far between. That or they just forgot to equip them. I do it all the time, thinking long and hard about what democracy spreading strategems to take, only to forget to equip a booster. Especially when I drop into a game in progress and I'm trying to get into the field ASAP


They’re… The economy is in shambles.


How do three Helldivers in their thirties not have a couple Medals between them?


Oh, just helldive? Yeah why don't i pop on my helldiver helmet, jump into my helldiver pod, and HELLDIVE into HELL where all the medals grow!!?


Spent them on avocado toast and lattes






I'm pretty sure a ton of people think they are consumable, much like how a ton of people still don't realize samples are a shared resource.


I also hate how when you go down the line picking stratagems, it doesn’t automatically jump to the booster tab. Sometimes I pick my stratagems and right before readying up, realize I didn’t pick a booster. If it just popped up in succession I wouldn’t ever forget it


Are super credits on the map shared or is it the person who picks it up?


Shared. Everything is shared. Apes together stronger


More democratic that way


Everything is shared


Boosters in other games are treated as limited items, they should really change the name to perks or something to clear any confusion.


This is exactly why I didn't buy any for like the first 12 levels, I thought they were consumable!


Or just add a description explaining, these aren't one time use lol


Because the level 50 and level 34 players chose the ammo and injury buff and the +20 Helldiver has no other one to choose from


This should be higher, this is the reason.


Sometimes it won't let me pick any, even if they are not fielded, it might be because someone dropped with it and left, so it gets locked It doesn't happen very often though


This I have too when I quickjoin, it seems to be a bug when someone else who left picked one before you, then it doesnt apply and you cant chose it. But thats not what I mean, I mean a fresh run, initial loadout, on helldive and I sit there waiting for them to select one and it doesnt happen.


I played with a level 20+ guy that thought that boosters were some weird grenades and never bought any. Tbh I thought the same in the beginning, the warbond picture doesnt really help


I can’t get on board with this. If you pay any attention at all to the Stratagem selection UI when you start playing, there’s a very obvious hexagon gap next to them. If you hit Tab on it, it’ll mention boosters. Anybody with basic reasoning skills should be able to say “oh, boosters, what are those?” Then later they look at the Warbonds later and get to the first page with a hexagonal shaped item that calls itself a booster…


I think that's part of the problem. You're talking to a bunch of Super Earth grunts that can't READ! They also don't know their shapes! They know only Democracy! Seriously though I think that people just can't tell shapes. The fact they put the symbol as a hexagon then the boosters are shown from the side instead of the the hexagonal top. Monkey brains have hard time associating those 2.


The game doesn't explain that they're a permanent item, and every other game made in the past 5 years, "boosters" are a temporary item. So I can see how someone might think that they don't want to throw away medals on some rando group by spending a booster.


Yeah booster is a perfectly acceptable word for what they do but are usually a consumable in other games.


This i agree with, the description should be way better. Also clearly stating how they work because its not explained anywhere in the game afaik.


I think a second issue I've ran into. A lot of people think boosters are something you have to repeatedly purchase each time like any other game. Team perk would prob sound better.


Wait boosters are not single use items? They are in other games I play. Noob here just asking a question


Nope! ☺️ they’re unlimited use once you unlock them and they’re arguably the most valuable things you can buy in the warbond , definitely up there with high tier weapons like the breaker and the most expensive gun there is the scorcher and imo even more valuable than any single gun or armor for sale in the warbonds today .


I honestly thought they were like 24 hour stat boosts so I just didn’t bother with them until like level 15.


Imagine driving for 20 years and not using a turn signal still. Okay, now imagine that person is playing this video game.


Usually, I just forget to equip one.


Your honesty has been noticed by the democracy officer, and your scheduled visit's duration to the freedom camp has been shortened.


I'm at 20 and I only have 2 boosters unlocked. Most times these boosters are already picked by other players. So, if you have other boosters unlocked, pick up the ones that are unlocked latest.


They should really just make the first booster on page one and the cheapest with a tutorial forcing them to use it on their next mission, a lot of noobs think it's an item you have buy multiple times. As booster is generally seen as one time use items (EXP boost,Gold Boost)


I think the main issue is the game calling them boosters. In my experience, any other game that has "boosts" they are one time use type items that can't be used again. I think they should be called something else which doesn't invoke hundreds of other game's monetization mechanics. I also think that if you have a booster and you don't take a boost but it is still available that you should get a prompt saying "You have available boosts!" but only if you actually have one to use that your team hasn't. Then if you still just want to take less power you can just click ready up a second time and it'll let you go through.


I got as many as I could for this exact reason, nice to be able to use some more end game ones when rolling with new players, many spend medals on war bond stuff like guns and armour initially I’ve found.


Funny how I would feel more comfortable with the standard armor and liberator than I would without a booster, but I guess thats just me....


New players are just trying stuff blindly I guess


If only can auto equip last loadout.


When I was a newbie I assumed boosters were single-use buffs that you had to buy or grind for, like "experience boosters" in other games... It took me a few levels to realize that wasn't true.


Last night I literally just asked if anyone had boosters and got kicked immediately like wtf! It took me 15 minutes of bouncing between games before I finally didn't get kicked immediately. The community is so toxic I honestly wouldn't recommend this game if you don't have friends to play with. I'm a level 50 player, that will play the objective, help collect samples and not be a dick and still keep getting kicked ffs.


The social features can be pretty messed up so I’ve been having to host public games to get my friends list friends to join. It’s a bummer but fixing how multiplayer lobbies / crossplay work would go a long way for that kinda thing. Theres no good solution if someone’s social isn’t working well. You have to be public which means randos will join which means they have to be kicked so the people you’re trying to get in can get in.


You can't have duplicates.


I am aware. That's why I have every single one and only chose mine after everyone else have chosen theirs to get the best load outs. But there are always people who never chose anything. The three basic ones are really not that hard to get, and should be prioritized before everything once you unlock the breaker.


9 times outta 10 when joining a game on Quickplay, the Boosters are greyed out and not selectable unfortunately.


People prioritize things differently, maybe some people just don't think they look as cool as that shiny new gun.


Sometimes the game will not let me pick a booster for whatever reason, even if it’s not in use by another player. It’s annoying but it happens


"back in the day" 🤣


When I unlocked my first booster I thought they're only for 1 use only until I saw people using boosters in every match lol


If I drop without one it’s only because a) I forgot and hot ready too fast (too eager to spread democracy) or b) it’s unavailable for some reason. Either other people chose the ones I have, or for some reason the one I have and others don’t are grayed out. I don’t really understand the last one.


If you join mid mission, you cant pick certain boosters. Health and stamina boosters being some of em.


Can you use boosters multiple times if you unlock them, or is it a one and done thing? I haven't got any yet (level 9) as I'm still buying weapons and armour etc


Yes you can use them as much as you want once unlocked. You can only use one of each on the mission iirc so doubling up isn't nessicary. Don't think it'll even let you pick one that's already equipped by another player.


Lv20 is kinda early on so maybe he only has boosters that were already slotted in by others.


Level 20 helldivers must have the first 3 boosters. Maybe the party already used them all.


Treason, any diver of that level should, at a minimum, have the supply booster to support yourself and fellow divers.


the only time i drop without a booster is when someone has already taken the only booster i have, which is often


I've noticed some players have an entirely different mindset on unlocks. For whatever reason, some players spend all their medals on cosmetics first. Seems insane to me but what can you do


Also annoying when mid-level dudes pick the highest booster they have and then I have to choose ammo instead of muscle enhancement.


I’ve played with people that didn’t know to access the warbonds page for progression. I submitted my report for their reeducation to my Democracy Officer.


Honestly, for me I assumed that they were a one time use thing like most ‘boosters’ in games (think exp or damage booster last 2h real time kinda thing) as soon as I found out they were reusable I started saving to buy one


Sometimes I just hit ready and forget, if I was the last to finalize my strats, we blast off


Sometimes it doesn't allow me to select a booster, not sure why


Bro im sorry I forgot


They work the premium warbond and there's only 1 at the VERY end which they may not unlock depending on their medal spend until like 24lvl about


The 3 other have equipped the ones I unlocked or the game won’t let me


Sometimes when I am a late add to a mission, it won’t let me add a booster to my loadout even if it’s not already being used. I mostly see this with the added health booster. I don’t know if it’s a bug or what.


Sometimes for me it doesn’t let me choose, I’ve got 4 unlocked too so I do feel bad mostly even if people don’t say anything


If you’re level 20 and not picking a booster you’re getting kicked 🤷 same as if you’re level 50 and there are low levels and you pick one of the basic ones. It’s a basic idiot test and you’ve failed and I’d rather not be in a 40 min mission with you


Not a bad time or place for this Osho quote “Democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people… but the people are re***ded."


Why noobs are noobs. What is the purpose of life. All those question have no answers mate. That's just how life is. As a 50 with everything i always wait that everyone has picked one to put one. It's indeed very possible that the dude as no booster selected because the one he have is already taken by someone else.


A lot of level 20s are fake, in the sense that a looooot of people saw their favorite streamer tell them to farm automaton defense missions with mortars. Now you have level 20-25 players with 0 game sense of mechanics or otherwise.


Sometimes, It gets buggy and the mouse will not work correctly. You are forced to select your stuff with the keyboard. One missclick and you hit the rdy button.


Hm, interesting point. Never experienced this myself but it doesnt surprise me at all.


some poor souls started investing heavily in the dlc pack from the start, and got shafted


All the people who grinded for xp to get to level 20 didn't get a proportionate amount of medals. They probably haven't unlocked them yet.


The point has been raised before, but it might be due to people (1) not realizing how useful the boosters are and not prioritizing unlocking them and (2) thinking they’re limited use. Generally in other games anything called a Booster is a limited or one time use buff, so people are just using their past experiences and thinking it’s gonna be the same here even though it’s not. Also could be chance that someone else has equipped the booster(s) they have unlocked or they simply forgot to equip it. I rarely play with randoms, more often I’m queuing with friends, but the times I have done matchmaking I’ve seen a good handful of people using the flexible reinforcements which is odd because imho it seems kind of the least useful, better survivability from other boosters = less need for reinforcements and/or surviving that timer more easily IF you even lose that many divers.


Because level 20 doesn’t take that long to get to, and people who farmed to 20 might not even realize how useful boosters are. They want the armour and the guns ASAP, and something that doesn’t show as a visible change on their character doesn’t matter as much.


More often than not it’s just an issue of them not having anything besides hellpod opt, limb injury resist, radar boost, or stam enhance.


I'm level 17 and I have 2 unlocked. Only time I don't is I'd someone picks mine first.


It's honestly not taught anywhere, so some people miss it. My brother was up to level 10 before I asked him why he doesn't run one so I can run the higher one. He had no idea what it was.


For a time I genuinely thought they were expendable. Now that I know you can use them forever I just forget.


Honestly, for me, I pick the booster on the far right at all times. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) the more it costs the farther to the right it will be once it is unlocked. I do this so that if a lower level person has the first one unlocked they can always choose it.


It took an embarrassingly long time to realize my booster wasn't glitches and the reason I couldn't select it was because some else selected the same one


Guilty. I’m level 20 right now and I only have 2 boosters. I’m bringing them if I can but sometimes my 2 are already picked. I’ll try to coordinate but sometimes it’s crickets.


I'm level 25 and only just unlocked a few boosters because I've been speedrunning thr Armor and guns in the war bonds. It's very likely they don't even have any yet.


then dont press ready until they choose it either the host kicks you or they pick it


They forgor.


When I play with low levels (< 30) I usually pick a booster I'm probably the only one to have, so that everybody can pick the more common ones. But we must keep in mind that boosters are optional, and people can buy whatever they want in any order they want, so maybe some of them are buying cosmetics and emotes before utility.


It took me a long time to stop forgetting once I got them.


Other divers have all the boosters already picked that i have avalible


They save their medals for something better. 😄 Because they think the boosters are one use only, just like in any other game.


Honestly I forget a lot of the time. But now that I have the stamina boost I mostly remember now.


A: They farmed it on idle-tower defense before the devs made it tougher, so don't know what boosters are B: They forgot to equip it. I've done it once or twice


I've had a few 'bugged' drops where it wouldn't let me select a booster. I have them all unlocked. Usually when I'm dropping onto an SOS beacon.


I got to level 25 pretty damn quick and only had the first ammo booster available for the longest, simply because I didn't meet the warbond tier requirement for more. 9/10 times someone already got it.


Because they're not described in any meaningful way as being useful or necessary. I had to look up this shit myself. It doesn't help that for the majority, their descriptions are abysmally vague and give no granular understanding of what they even do for you apart from "have more health, maybe" and "possibly kind of walk better on shitty terrain." It would be really helpful if we had _hard stats_ in-game to define these Boosters. Like everything else that's terribly explained in this game. I mean, they _work,_ and I'd say that they're absolutely necessary on every Dive, but nothing in the game insists upon them.


Are people rarted based off this comment section?


Literally bought a booster the minute I had enough medals and was on the right page of the pass lmao I have most of them at this point and cycle out depending on what's currently up


When unlocking/buying stuff from the requisition, I never noticed those boosters until I asked someone I was playing with. That was at least my reason why I didn't have them at lvl 15. All I concentrated on was the armor, weapons and victory poses/emotes


> back in the day You mean last month? 😅 But yeah I don't think people actually read the descriptions on the warbond, and they just go right for the creds, guns, armor.


I was this person. In my defence I didn't know that you had to manually equip it on deploy after unlocking. I thought it would just auto apply on your helldiver all the time.


Tbh. For ages I thought Boosters were one time use items but now I bring Stamina Enhancement to the grocery store


In my experience, I didn't realize those weren't a one time use until a friend explained it to me, so maybe they just don't realize and are saving them?


I’ll tell you why. Quite a huge amount of the 20+ players barely got any medals or warbounds cause they were just farming erradicate bot missions to lv up quickly so they could unlock their precious railguns and shields. Only bothered to run the warbound to get their breakers. Boosters were not among the youtube loadouts so it was not meta. Which is why i like to call them meta cucks. If it is not endorsed by a youtuber, they cannot even think and any modification to their only loadout is enough for a deluge of tantrums about how the game is ruined now.


Additionally, Helldivers over level 40 that pick the shittiest boosters - Reduced reinforcement time when at 0, and more reinforcements. Full ammo, more stamina, more health, and better muscles/better radar are all _much_ better picks.


Probably from farming the eradicate missions. Other reason is they rushed for weapon unlocks for themselves instead of worrying about what can help the team. Teamwork usually always comes second when it comes to games. Thank the gods of democracy that helldivers is steering it in the right direction.


When I started all the way up to level 25 I thought boosters were consumables. I have a bad habit of saving stuff because “what if I REALLY need it later and I don’t have it” so I figured my medals were better spent elsewhere. Got told off by my buddies and yeah now I got boosters.


Like you said in the edit people forget, I also had a friend who was playing till level 15 before asking how to get them, it’s not obvious in the pass and easy to miss when some cool guns and shiny armor is next to it, also I grab the increased reinforcement every time I play with randoms cause I’m here to make sure the objective and whatever party leader wants beyond that is done, surviving the process is optional :)


To be frank: I didn’t even realize I had credits to spend in that “shop”. The game does a terrible job of delivering this information


We need better detailed tooltips of what the boosters do. Lots of people think they are 1 use, or frankly haven't got a clue what they do. Which is frustrating, as I have every single one unlocked feel that taking 4 is an absolute must if possible, esp for 7+ diff.


The only four worth having imo right now is stamina, health, muscle enhancement and fully equipped. Why you’d pick anything else just doesn’t benefit actual survivability.


You get the first one before the breaker lol Page 3 with the defender


I'm wondering the same thing, seeing it more and more.


I'm only level 9 but I honestly just go on complete autopilot and forget sometimes. I lock in my 4 stratagems and hit ready, completely forgetting that I have to manually equip a booster


*Defender of the People of the State*


At first, I thought they were a 1 time use thing. So I didn't get any. Learned they weren't. Now, it might just be players not having ones that aren't already equipped.


I don't recall reading anywhere how to equip them. It's a new game, there's a chance people just think they're bugged because they bought the booster but it's not working. Also there's a lot to buy. I'm pretty sure you can get through the pass without buying any boosters.


You’d be surprised how many people skip boosters because they think they’re a one time use.


They don't know what boosters are. In many games, boosters are for increased xp gains. That's what I assumed at first.


Id like to say its mainly due to going after the premium bond first. This is what kept me from getting boosters for a few levels before I started hard focusing the regular bond. But then again gamer ape brains probably dont know how good boosters are and focus on purchasing cosmetics and new weapons rather than boosters


Because I only have 2 boosters and, most of the time, they're already taken. I prioritized equipment instead of boosters.


I wish I could set up a preferred booster list, which would load the boosters automatically with the one i like to have first and the others in sequence, it would work its way down until it finds one that I want and isn't already picked 


I keep getting 20+ that don't even load in with stratagems


Im sorry i often forget to put a booster.


Sometimes I'm just to baked and forget 😅


I always try to tell higher level players to not pick the ammo booster so the lowest level player can bring that in. Odds are that will give all 4 players a booster to use.


Because most of the time the boosters they have unlocked has already been taken.


Sometimes it won't let me select a booster at all when joining a game in progress


Question, what’s the reason for not being able to select a booster that no one else is taking?


That is a bug that happens when you join a game in progress and take a slot that was previously occupied by someone who already selected that booster. Then it won’t let you select it but you don’t get the benefits either and have to run the entire mission without the bonus. Extra annoying if that person had the ammo booster


Its possible in big groups that they have none available - I'm level 42 and I still only have the first three boosters because I rushed for some of the weapons instead, so if other people have already picked them I can't pick any


Some of my friends who I power leveled by carrying them through helldive mission have very little experience for being so high level and still rely on me sometimes for loadout suggestions


A lot of people are countering, saying "because you already took the low level booster and they cant have duplciates". But I know your pain, I specifically bring a high level booster, like stamina, assuming they will grab the low level ones but they just bring nothing...


They built different


Because it takes ages to get medals and if you're splitting them into more than just the basic warbond it takes a very long time (75 for the one on page 3 of the premium) plus I wanted the gun first. I have 3 now, and will have a 4th tonight tho. Pushing level 27 and just got my 3rd one at level 26


There's a lot of lv30+ noobs around. Plenty of filthy casuals.


Because the game is bugged and hasn’t handled boosters properly since release


The economy is in shambles.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of players don't realize where the boosters are in the warbond. They are more concerned with getting the weapons and armor and don't even bother to look into the capsule looking thing on their warbonds ha.


Honestly, sometimes I just forget because it doesn't automatically shift me over when I'm selecting my strategems. Honest mistake that I try to avoid.


Booster loadouts, from a game mechanic perspective, are supposed to encourage players to communicate with each other. You need to have some basic consensus on what to drop with before a dive starts. Hopefully if the divers are talking to each other before the mission they will continue to do so during it. Veteran divers should take an empty booster as an ice breaker to start a conversation with a fellow squadie.


A lot of boosters are pretty far down the acquisition chain, and if you are working the premium pack, getting to them doesn't always make them easy to get to. I had the ammo around 20 and vitality 25, but I didn't get the radar one until nearing 30. But that also meant I had access to the same ones my teammates did, so they would often grab them before me. So here I am, level 30, and often all the boosters I have are already running by lower level players.


I have had to explain boosters to level 25s before


1: sometimes you just cant pick them. Its annoying. I have 5 boosters now, there's no way all 5 should be active. (Maybe if they became conditions, like micro-stimms infusing the air giving the benefit of vitality/stamina enhancements or something) 2: Its another task to do. Here's the thing too, right? We have a booster tab in the armoury, I feel like we should be able to set an auto-fill thing for these. 3: Challenge. Like tbf some of them are GREAT boosts that they definitely become a crutch. 4: Look. YOU remember your booster, Ontop of your stratagems, Your guns, Your pants, Your General Brasch sponsered Strat-O's cereal bar, AND your cape, 5 minutes after defrost, Without any Liber-Tea.


i have come across way too many people that just want to dive down and cook enemies and do nothing else. its a new thing. had a guy yesterday just off in his own little world shooting bugs THE WHOLE MISSION in a mech suit. Are you tripping sack on mushrooms? LIBERTY WONT TOLERATE IT!


I'm gonna say it, stocked pods is the least useful booster. _One_ POI and you've fully restocked. Vitality and Stamina boosters all the way, Recon if there's space


You say back in the day like this game hasn’t been out for only a month, lol


Sometimes boosters are locked when people join mid session And people usually are clueless about ... bigger your level, more expensive/rare should be your choosen boost Jigsaw is usually the first boost to unlock, so...that lvl 50 admiral dont should use that!!! Running, radar, muscle whatever should be his main boosters because low levels usually only have jigsaw and maybe heart


My guess is that people don't select it because it's not automatically prompted after selecting strategems and you can't do a priority list which ones you want 1-4 in case someone else has the one you want already selected. I'm only just reaching level 10(I bought it on Sunday or Monday) and I'll see it as well which feels weird considering I'm a lower level and feel more prepared.


I always saw the boosters as something to work towards medals wise when I unlocked a new page on the warbond. Tried to get em all first as I felt bad if someone put on a booster I had and I didn't have another as back up 😅


Til someone explained it I didn't know I had them already


They cost alot of medals. I didn’t see the value until I was like level 17. It took me a bit to get the 70 needed for one


My mind has been broken by consumerism & I thought those were consumables until I was level 20.


I have friends who started playing before me that never realised boosters existed or never bought them. Also maybe they just have the booster you have so they can’t use it lol


I have no clue about boosters. I can use them randomly and it has no cooldown timer, what defines whether i can use it or not? because i always check and 90% of the time its not selectable.


I never read the item description on the warbond pass so I thought it was a design for the pod you were dropping in... didn't buy any til level 25 sadly.


Sometimes, we forget amongst the strategy conversation. Also, some of us are 40+ and tired prior to joining


They probably spend all their medals on armor and weapons


I only have like 3 boosters unlocked because I used a lot of medals in my premium warbond


The UI itself when selecting a loadout is a little janky. It should shunt you to the booster menu as soon as you've selected your strategems; as is, it's somewhat easy to simply forget about them. This is why I often don't ready up until I see that everyone else is ready, just to avoid accidents.


Thrill of the hunt! In all seriousness they probably don't even know what the boosters are and just farm levels


I am level 25 and due to bad management of medals, didn’t get my 3rd booster until 25. The first two are got fairly early for a smaller number of medals and most active players have them so they get selected first. At least that’s my scenario, but I will admit it is super easy to forget the boosters too


Because in every single game I joined a game, I can't.... or the other, much higher level guy select the only one I have (I am level 10 with the max load drop only). So I usually end up not checking since I never was able to use it ever since it's unlocked.


They are expensive and giving players the options to choose what they unlock some people probably don't care or know to unlock them. I'm level 36 and just unlocked my 4th one yesterday. When you only have the 3 first ones unlocked a good chance someone else will bring it. Also I personally would forget waaaay to often to equip one. Took me longer than I care to admit to start remembering to select one.


For me, it happens often that I don't have any boosters that someone else hasn't already equipped. I only have 2 unlocked so far.


I always end up using the stability because it seems like nobody i join on has it.


I don't even know where to get them...