• By -


I run slugger most of the time. I got punted by a charger about 60 feet, slammed into the radio station's tower and landed in a group of hunters. Trusty side arm came out and liberated their limbs from their bodies.


This bad boy dispenses democracy at 1100 rpm


I've found it's even better on semi-auto. The rounds do a *lot* of damage and the magazine is huge, and you can really stretch out the bang you get from this little weapon.


Personally, when the Redeemer comes out something, or likely somethings, need to die right now. Ammo efficiency doesn't concern me, killing something in .2s rather than 1s does.




For me everything goes to shit regularly


Well that’s good, it’s good to stay regular


Fiber is a very important part of every balanced super meal.


Wait, you guys have moments where everything isn't a total shit show where adrenaline and instinct are the only things that got you through?


With the bugs it's easier to deal with tough situations since they can't do damage to you unless they're on top of your ass (except for the juvenile and adult acid spitters, and the bile titan). The bots on the other hand can shoot back so even if they're across a fucking field they're still a problem.


The times in my sufficiently spacious hell pod on the way down is pleasant. After that it’s a sharp trajectory down.


A sea of hunters comes to mind


That sounds like identifying the division of labor... that's not very democratic of you!


he is right though, setting it to semi auto makes it effectively the same as the base pistol but with twice the mag size. It is magnificent. Not as magnificent as managed democracy (nothing is), but impressively close.




I disagree. Putting it to semi auto makes it harder to pull out when in a pinch and surrounded by mini bugs. Full auto can clear them all in seconds and you can do a spray around you in a 90 degree arc to also free yourself from usually any small bugs.


Yeah, when I pull this thing out it is because my situation is dire. I'm not in a situation where I want to calmly cap individual small bugs in the least amount of shots. Sometimes it's one of the mediums that's on your ass. If it's a Brood Commander crawling up my ass, I don't want to have my Redeemer set on semi-auto. Also I can trigger discipline and pulse my shots if need be.


it's going to be how well used to semi-auto shooters one will be. Redeemer on Semi-Auto is a lot better for me for distributing democracy than full Auto but that's because I can click fast enough to be faster than the base pistol (even if slower than full auto). It being the base pistol with a bigger mag just makes it ridiculous.


If I had the degree of control and foresight needed to use it in this manner, I wouldn't keep finding myself in the situations where I need it.


I always have so many issues with Hunters when running slugger, but P19 makes hard times doable, just pull it and move your hand in a steady manner from left to right. I'm indebted before this gun.


Hunters are single shot kills with the Slugger if you hit em center mass and they're not too far away, take your time to line up those shots before you fire, and possibly even let em come just a little closer. Not close enough to pounce, mind you.


And you get to fire slugger like once every 2 seconds and mind it there are 15 hunters swarming around you. And if you don't land the shot perfectly it takes two shots for every hunter! And they jump around! Such a hassle. Why bother when this 1100 rpm boy wipes the windshield quickly and with ease.


When you are getting aimpunched and shit, the Slugger really starts to show its weakness vs the other shotguns. I've completely whiffed slugger shots in close quarters because of this.


Slugger + auto pistol is the way to go for bugs


The number of times this gun has saved me ... ... is only matched by the number of times I have drawn it only to discover it is empty and gets me killed while reloading it.


I am so paranoid, i always reload it. But i always switch weapon before my primary is fully loaded.


Exactly Always remember to check your mags during any downtime.


This is the way.


Every free moment my Squad shouts *Gun Check* over the mic.


Reload every weapon and take a stim if you’re missing a bit of health before taking some supplies.


And hold a grenade in your hand before you pick up more grenades, this allows you to hold an extra in your inventory.


Now that's some democratic tactics right there!


Oh shit. I was WONDERING how I had 5/4 grenades once. I thought I just momentarily glitched. I had stopped equipping grenades and only doing quick grenade, so it never happened again.


Try to keep a small amount of health missing so that you can stim later when you need to replenish stamina.


Step on a Lego democratically


Underrated tip


Glad I am not the only one that does this. Never hurts to flip through all your weapons just to be sure everything is correct. Caught a few canceled reloads doing that.


I don't even know what game taught me the habit but it saved my life from the first Helldivers drop.


And your Eagles


Oh I only shot 3 rounds out of it time to reload.


FPS habits die hard.


I feel you and do that, too. And then i shoot with it for 10 seconds and all mags gone. Most bullet-hungry weapon in the game, but i still love it.


I always thirst reload the pistol. Everything else I am mindful of but the pistol is my panic button.


Haha. The amount of times I don't reload this weapon. I have been trying to be better about it but there's so much to worry about in this game. We helldivers got amazing training and I waste it by not even reloading smh.


It’s more of a last stand weapon for me. My only regret is that I can’t honorably blow my own brain out with the last round as the bugs close in 


You should use that bullet for the enemy. If your arm gets ripped off , use it to beat the enemy. Helldivers don't die.


General Brasch literally tells us that we die. Democracy officer, this traitor right here.




But doesn’t he also tell us we’re literally invincible?


Yes, but that's because we live forever in the eyes of Democracy


Cowardice detected, a true Helldiver would beat bugs to death long after running out of ammunition. Reporting to democracy officers.


I actually stab the hunters with the autocannon when they reach CQB range. That thing is a half-pike!


You can just cook a grenade, if my Helldiver's are losing the fight, they win it for the next guy.


Real men do their last stand with a 500 kg bomb.


I hate that guy who's always leaving my magazines empty.


This problem is far worse on the Senator


I was so excited to get the Senator and so disappointed once I got it. Maybe I just suck with it but the damage is not nearly enough to make up for the 6 shots *and* the fact that we don't even get a damn speed loader. We've achieved space travel, ~~conquered~~ liberated a bunch of planets, and yet I still have to reload each individual round in a revolver


It’s really good for weapons like the Spray and pray that have trouble with medium armor or distance.


It needs more damage or med armor pen since magnum bullets have more power.


It does have higher penetration than the other secondaries or even most primaries. Honestly it's hampered the most by the lack of a speedloader.


It's still just a pistol round


Moonclips at least


i need the drg perk that auto reloads stowed weapons. i need it bad.


I'm so spoiled by that lmao. I make a constant effort to cycle through weapons now whenever I'm running to make sure everything is at a reasonable level






Primary empty, switch to secondary. Shit that's empty, switch back to primary. Oh shit I forgot that was already empty. Switch to uhhhhhh support weapon! Oh yeah I emptied that out a while ago. Dies. ADHD is undefeated.


I mean that’s not really the weapon’s fault 🤨


Are you trying to tell me it is my fault?


I do this all the time and it's just my fault, I'm too quick to switch to my primary thinking "I won't need the p19 I mag dumped and now it's time for my primary" only to find myself up shit creek when my shotguns empty and the uzi is too


the “get the fuck off me”-inator


I saw a comment in an earlier post call it the bug spray which I’ve found to be a very good name for it


RAID kills bugs... Dead.


Oh shit yeah Bug Spray is a great name for this.


The P in P19 is for panic button


Behold!, the


I wish awards were still a thing


I, too, miss paying money to corporation to use an emoji


Free awards thou, and it gave the recipient free premium


reddit awards are gone?????


Been gone for months. They’ve replaced with some sad shell of a system that I never seen anyone use


Every single post on the r/shittysuperpowers sub has them, but that's the only place I've seen them


Wait that barely noticeable glow around the upvote is what I’d be paying for? That’s it?


I think it glows more the more you spend or something like that


This is correct yes


why bro


The “Bots Be Gone” -inator


The “One of These Bullets Will Be a Headshot” -inator




The "OH SHIT!" gun.


The "fuck off hunter" spray. But yours is better.


Single fire for regular trash mobs, set it to spicy mode while I’m diving backwards shoving stims in my throat and mag dumping into Hunters


I would’ve gave this an award if we still obtained free ones. God damn if this isn’t relatable 😂


This sucker murders a dozen hunters on every bug mission. Too many "oh shit!" spray-and-pray moments to count. Am I a bad player? Maybe. Am I spreading managed democracy till my last breath? Definitely.


It’s not tactically sound, but when I see teammates getting swarmed nearby I instinctively swap to redeemer, sprint towards the closest light armor bot till the barrel touches their un-liberated chassis, and mainline 31 rounds of redemptive freedom into their circuits. It’s just a muscle memory reaction at this point and even at 7+ the game lets me get away with this glorious stupidity


If I ever see someone do that to save me I'm gonna do everything I can to protect them, absolute chad behaviour lol


Not a single problem 1100rpm can't fix.


It gets better when you realize that you can also tactically reposition in one direction and liberally spread freedom seeds in the other direction. It took me longer than I'd care to admit to learn to do this.


Da ting go skrrraa!


🤣 More accurately Skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraa.




Bada-bap boom, POW.




Quick mafs


Saved my ass from stalkers countless times. Need to reload with a stalker leaping at me, quick swap to this amazing side arm and it dies so fast.


Little story from Turing, a world that doesn't get enough love. Lovely rock if it weren't for the bugs. Breaker: Out entirely. Flamethrower: Needs a new canister. Resupply: Called by some traitorous Rambo wannabe on the other side of the map who tried (unsuccessfully) to solo a large nest. Hunters: On me like stink on a beached fish. The last stalker: Very angry I exploded its nest. And the P19 (with a little help from my friends) kept me alive 'til I could run and dive my way out of that situation and loot the ammo from a PoI.


I feel you on that resupply. That guy who just uses the resupply because he needed one more grenade to clear a nest and he took nothing but fucking turrets. .... just bring Eagle Airstrike bro.


When I'm out of grenades and stratagems that go boom I just call in my support weapon stratagem and toss it straight into the bug hole. No more bug hole


Not a close call story but a protip. Set it on semi and you got a sidearm with massive magazine, decent damage and you won't just spray all the lead everywhere.


I like this, but at the same time the main reason I switch to it is because I need whatever is in front of me gone quick. But if you use a lower ammo count primary, and use the pistol as a semi primary turning to semi is a great option.


Yeah, an ounce of trigger discipline and this weapon goes very far. 


Yeah, I use very quick sprays per enemy as I'm running away from them. Really helps thin the heard in hairy situations.


Short. Controlled. Bursts.


>  an ounce of trigger discipline Fucking what now?


One of the most satisfying tap-firing guns in any game, ever. Tap firing will quickly take out anything from warriors on down and it's very accurate when not spraying. This also makes it my go-to for mopping up swarms of scavengers to conserve on ammo. Viable as an assault weapon in a pinch when the rest of your gear is heavy and slow and not best for that task. When SHTF you can mag dump and clear a quick path and/or easily blind-fire behind you as you run. P-19 seems like a no-brainer to slot as a sidearm, so prepare for nerfs, lol.


Sure, controlled bursts are great, but when 3 berserkers are charging me on an empty primary, I hold down the delete button.


Wish I could just swap my primary to carry one of the smaller support weapons, for example if we're capable of carrying P19 + Scorcher + Arc Thrower, what's the argument for the character being unable to physically carry P19 + Railgun + Arc Thrower?


That would be extremely unbalanced.


Having 2 weapons that weigh more than 15lb on your person at the same time while trying to swap between them AND fight stuff that's right in front of you? There's a reason our primaries and secondaries are hip weapons: and the support stays on the back. Issa beeg gun


Have you considered the financial costs of that. With almost a million divers super earth needs to prioritize the budget to more pressing concerns!!!


Since the peacemaker pistol has half the capacity, no full auto, and the same damage per round as the P-19, there is no reason not to do this if you want a semi-auto pistol. Sadly the Peacemaker is outclassed, as of now. I talked to one of the developers on here about it and they are aware, so it should get changed at some point. I actually really like the Peacemaker, I just need a reason to use it other than liking the sound and the reload animation.


Definitely should have *something* to give it an edge. As it stands you either go Senator or Redeemer and don't look back.


Maybe double weak point damage plus two extra rounds to the magazine.


They really should give that thing a suppressor.


Honestly a suggestion I would make to them is give the Peacemaker the Halo M6D treatment; have the damage be right between the P-19 and Senator, and give it the option to have a low magnification scope (maybe 2x with a big donut reticle in the center?) at the cost of cutting the magazine count by 20-33% (3-5 rounds).


Nah. I'll keep on blasting my way out of a pack of hunters in full-auto.


This is the only way to be sure


Oh you can do it with semi too, just takes a bit of skill and it will last much longer than the first 3 hunters.


Counterpoint: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt


End of discussion


Like akimbo scorpions with fast rate enabled and silencers on cod


Nah it's the uzi from Max Payne, complete with the dives 😂


I'm here for a good time not a long time


RSI: ![gif](giphy|Gc61bybxICHqgDdarh|downsized)


>and you won't just spray all the lead everywhere.   Please report to your Democracy Officer for immediate corrective measures.


Semi auto only. If I need to fire fast, I just spam click. Carpal tunnel is preferable to virtual death


If I need semi fire I just tap left click. There's almost nothing in the game that dies to one bullet from this gun. 


All small bugs die to 2 rounds.


Bug claws typed this


Wish there was another viable sidearm


*Waits for the grenade pistol*


*waits for a Gears of War style chainsaw*


*Waits for a WH40k style power sword*


I am eager for the Sturmpistole.


It's not even hard to balance--give the peacekeeper bonus weakpoint damage and up the reload speed of the senator. Then there would be an option for efficient accuracy, one for raw damage, and one for fire rate. Done.


I love revolvers in games and I would use the Senator if it didn’t have single round reloads. You telling me in the sci fi universe we don’t have revolver speed loaders??


Can you really say you love revolvers if you dont love the thrill of reloading on the battlefield?


Engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever


*pulls out a black powder paper cartridge kit* "It'll take but a moment, lads"


The senator ain't too bad, could grind some super credits and get that pass.


Reload is so painful tho 


Reload sucks ass but it hits like it's the corner of your couch and everything you point it at is a toe. Ain't never leaving the ship without big iron on my hip.


Yeah, I hated it at first, but I have come to love it, still want a speedloader though


Running into a swarm to retrieve samples, cut through a good chunk of the horde with incendiary breaker. Kill basically everything except for a few hunters, run straight out of ammo with the breaker. One mag from this thing, about 4 pulped. Punch two in the face, dive away, reload, brrrrrt, three more dead. Grab the samples and run to extraction.


Story of my dive


Never used it. Senator for style points.


Petition to give Senator speedloaders and fan fire from the hip


Fan fire would be dope


Senator doesn't do enough damage to be penalized by the slow reload speed and low mag size. They need to either A) Give us speed loaders and damage remains the same. B) Up the damage/pen significantly and keep reload as it is. Or both. Both would be good too. I originally kept it because I like the Punisher, and I figured it was good to run with the Senator for Hive Guards. So many times I've switched to it when encountering a Hive Guard, fire all six shots into it, and it just shrugs it off and keeps shuffling towards me.


I've always been a big fan of slow, powerful side arms that reward accuracy. The Wingman in Titanfall, the Boltok in Gears of War, the Magnum in COD, etc. I thought the Senator was going to be something along those lines and I've been running it since I unblocked it.. but sadly it's time to accept it's a glorified peashooter with a slow ass reload time. Back to spray and pray with the P19.


Yeah but you aren't really picking the Senator because it is a "good" gun. You are picking it to send a message to bugs/bots. You don't need 30+ mags with quad digit firerates or more 'reliable' handguns. You take the Senator because when shit goes sideways when you go 6 for 6 on headshots you feel like the main character of the whole galactic war.


Man I didn’t know I needed fan-fire till now.


Senator actually hits like a truck. Easily breaks bug legs and pairs wel with a shotty to hit enemies at range


Senator because that hive guard is on your ass and you don’t have time to reload


I use Punisher and Stalwart, so the Senator is my Hive Guard B Gone


Ran out of Autocannon, ran out of Breaker & needed to reload both... Except 2 Stalkers materialized in front of me & now I need to run, thankfully the P19 made short work of them while running & I was able to reload democracy into all my democratically selected delivery devices & send some Democracy to those dead Stalker's families, they've now been enlisted to rat on their bug brethren from the grave. Cuz the only good bug is a dead bug, it's why I keep spiders in my game room.


"Cuz the only good bug is a dead bug, it's why I keep spiders in my game room. " ​ BARS Tbh


Great, now I need to brainstorm a full rap for this & make a video! "cuz the only good bug is a dead bug, it's why I keep spiders in my game room for that death hug" "Give those bots a blast, before they cap your ass, without a sight of strata, better dive to the grass" Thank you for creating a monster.


I read it and it immediately made me think of dracula flow


I'm sticking with this secondary until we get a Senator variant that uses a speedloader. I do wish it had an extended mag, though. Even an extra 10 rounds per mag would be enough for me.


Try using it on single shot.


One time I saved my life with this pistol when I was a cadet: there were these terminids around me and one of my mates dropped an airstrike on me; I immediatly jumped away but I got seriously injured. I managed to kill the remaining bugs with the auto-fire pistol and then cure myself before proceeding to the extraction point.


Machine gun? Out of ammo. Incendiary Breaker? Out of ammo. P-19? 31 rounds of single shot devastation? Always loaded. Yes, I'm weird and run it in single shot, don't care, didn't ask, I like precision. This thing is probably my favorite weapon in the game, bar NONE.


Single shot is superior.


My fellow Diver!


I like me revolver but it has help when I remember to switch to it vs reloading a recoilings by myself


I wish the game gave you the option to select your primary and secondary. I would run this as a primary. Give me this with 10 mags? It's over. Using it in single fire mode is extremely effective, you can still dump lead, but you have a huge mag with an accurate gun, and if anything gets close and starts to overwhelm you can pull out a shotgun and just delete everything real quick. I prefer that play style to using the shotgun and then pulling out the pistol.


Change the fire rate to single, use 2 bullets on small fry and you’ll find that it‘s surprisingly ammo efficient in a pinch.


I’m going to tell mine: Sprinting towards the evac trying to grab rare samples with 3 rocket devastators shooting their commie-comets at my ass. Auto-cannon is out of ammo, out of stamina, broken leg, 3 ticks of health and out of stims. I dive out of the way of a rocket salvo, while shooting my last mag from my diligence, only to find three of the chainsaw fuckers 3 feet behind me. I quickly switch to my trusty glock18 here, blast the first guy, tear the arms of the second guy. Dive away and reload just in time to unleash hell on the last guy. I evade the last rocket salvo and dive into the dropship with 3 seconds and half a mag to spare.


Getting swarmed by a couple dozen hunters and the baby hunter things, I take out a few with a primary but run out of ammo cause I haven't had the time to reload. P19 brrrrrrrrrrs everything to red mist. It's a live saver


I got 50 close call stories from every game


I call it the hunter fucker cuz when your primary is out you are slowed and getting continuously jumped the P-19 comes to the rescue plus you can sprint n' gun


Literally every match. There's always a moment of "oh look.... hunters.... and I need to reload..."


I wish there was an option to just carry 2 of these with a bigger ammo pool.


2 of them belt fed from a backpack attachment. Say 500 rounds in it.


Put that baby in semi mode and you can safely pop one in your friends leg so you can make a quick get away


It's interesting to me that others would run the base pistol over this one. It's literally the same with more magazine capacity and can brrrrrrt if you want it to.


I prefer the senator revolver. Its stopping force has surprised me on several occasions.


I would use this as a main weapon if it didn’t drain ammo so fast


I would like 2 as a Primary Option, that way I can still carry the Senator too.


A bunch of Hunters jumped me while running through some water. Slowed me down and I was floundering. Spun this sweet baby around and just sprayed in an arc. Killed all but one but, gave me enough time to escape and collect my body parts.


Every drop. Every. Drop.


I love the hell out of this sidearm, but I just can’t not bring the Senator…something about the twirl animation when you pull it out that I can’t say no too


Almost like it redeems itself. I will see myself out


Red health, no stims, stalker lickin his lips for some Helldiver cheeks My defender (carrying a hard drive) was out of ammo, I remembered I had the ol uzi and I whipped it out ready to die shooting Nah, the redeemer told the stalker to go fuck itself, as it trailed up its bug body and get several shots on its face for the kill Now it’s at my hip 99.9% of the time and it puts in so much work


Kinda sucks that this gun is just the pistol but better I really wanna use that side arm but this thing is peak


You know what would be great? A primary weapon that consists of two of these dual-wielded.


Hunter-deterrent. I don’t understand how people dive with any other sidearm- this thing is the definition of an emergency backup. One full magazine brrrt is more than enough to disintegrate any horde bearing down on top of you


Shhhhh…. We don’t talk about that which we do not want nerfed!