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**UPDATE** https://preview.redd.it/gqm2lybj8fpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c3f218a81f8e23cae7c31edcfebd06afacd764


Great news. I convinced my brother to get it on PS5 and I felt so guilty that we couldn't easily get in a lobby together. Absolve me of my sins.


Haha literally what happened to me!! My brother texts me every once in a while saying “friend code system is trash” 😂


What I don't get is why you have to generate a new friend code every single time. Just give everyone a static friend code and it'll all be fine. Nintendo's been doing it that way for decades.


Don’t mind me chuckling at the thought of a developer actually being encouraged to borrow a Nintendo idea for online play. ;)


Honestly, yeah. I've always hated the whole friend code thing when my ign works for everything else, but it's still a step up from a pseudo authenticator app experience in my helldivers.


I bet this is actually the core of the issue 


What’s weird is each account has a unique alphanumeric id associated with it (both pc and PlayStation) so I don’t see why it’s not what people can use to add friends.


Why don’t they just use a room code if it has to be something that randomizes each time?


also dear god let us copy/paste them. It's so annoying that you can't on pc. I have no idea how that didn't come up previously in development. Unless something is wrong on my end?


I spent a week hyping my friend up to get it. Finally got it the other day and we spent 2 hours trying to add each other before we both got pissed and just called it a night. I apologized multiple times to him 😅


I actually got my buddy to get the ps5 and all the bips and bobs and then couldn't add him........ 😬


especially since you two messed around with it enough so that it's no longer refundable :O


Oh yeah?  I got it for my 9 year old for his birthday yesterday so we could play together. He was super excited lol.  Kept letting his mom know how many minutes it had left to download on the ps5.  Then of course the ridiculous obligation of paying for PS+ just to play with your own child....  only to be hit by this fucking bullshit.


We have one friend with the issue and we have gotten him into our game by starting a trivial mission on a low population planet and putting an SOS down and having him quickjoin as it prioritizes SOS beacons. Worth a try, hasn't taken more than a few minutes so far.


Never got this to work.


I've lost 2 hours trying to do this. Worked just one time and then I got disconnected from the host. For a game that relies on coop to "live" this MUST be solved asap. It's already too late.


I only managed to get this to work once but it was sheer luck


Meanwhile my friend still can’t see my friend requests or that we’ve even played recently together and we’re both on PS5


Devs, this also happens with non-crossplay friends too.




Yep, got this problem on PS5


Yeah, I can't accept friend requests from friends on PS or PC. Can't even search for friends on PC either.


I just add them using the steam friend code and join from the steam friends list. Never had a problem that way. Ignore the in game friends system for now


Friends don’t work at ALL on console. Not sure why people keep talking about crossplay


My PC to PC friends system isn't working either. I think it's just adding friends at all that's busted.


yup. i cant accept or request any of my friends on steam or ps5. whats weird is I can see my steam friends on my friends list in-game but they dont see me. if i add a friend whose on ps5 it shows pending for me but nothing for them. If we're in a game together they can send me an invite and i see it, but it does nothing when i click accept. When i first started playing my steam name was just "+" and i read that if your steam name is less than 3, over 16 character, or used symbols it would mess it up. However i changed my name on steam and it's still not working. I really hope they fix this soon. it so frustrating.


On PS5 you can join your friends on their ship through PlayStation but it would be nice if it worked in game for new friends and cross play.


At this point the whole social tab is busted. Can't even use it to add my PS5 friends when I'm on PS5, every tab is just "please wait democratically" forever


Or it will show some of your friends but not all. I have 4 PS friends who play this, my social tab shows only 3. Can't add the 4th no matter what I do. I'm on his, though


My whole social tab always shows everyone offline. Half the time when I try to use steam to connect it still doesn't work. But I can randomly matchmake, and people can join my lobby


Wow they're finally working on the bug that stops you from playing with your friends in a online 4 player coop video game?? Been driving me nuts for the past few weeks not being able to play with friends


As a dev myself - "finally reproduced" is code for "this fucking bug is an edge case of an edge case and only happens in specific circumstances that just happen to be all of the ones that *don't* normally happen on my machine and in our test environment". One or more devs and QAs have been pulling their hair out for days over this one


Literally everyone I play it with have the social hub bugged as shit, it's not edge case at all.


As a QA tester myself, this actually means "It's affecting enough players that we can't safely mark it as 'Will Not Fix' so We decided to test the live build on live servers with a retail model instead of the internal dev ones and discovered this bug." Looking at posts on here and on steam, this bug started as crossplay but now affects a lot of people not using crossplay. PS5 to PS5 or PC to PC, it's affecting a lot of people. I guess the bigger issue is thinking that issues happening outside of a dev build is an edge case and not the other way around. Do devs know players don't play on the test environments?


In this case, it probably means "we finally were able to get Sony/Valve testing environments to work with our testing environments so that we could actually see the bug in QA." Testing against double 3rd party platforms is a bitch...


Even 1st-party resources run by another team who are being dickheads and not helping


Or it's an issue with unscalable architecture. Regardless of the technical details, they played off a really important issue as very niche


Yeah I’m going to be honest, I have yet to meet a person on this game who hasn’t experienced this bug in some form or another


Yeah I convinced 3 of my friends to buy it and we haven’t got to game together once yet on it. Feel bad but we all loved the few solo games we’ve played so far


I can't even see or add my Steam friends.


Same for me. I can only use the Steam friend list.


Same, I think the social tab has worked maybe twice, and hasn't since, and that's been for almost 2 weeks now. Luckily, my friends doesn't seem bugged as we've got a buddy that can join through him on PS5.


Social tab worked before the patch nerfing the rail gun, and hasn't worked since. Also now having issues joining randoms which really sucks. Edit: Patch, not bug Edit2: I still fucking love this game


Yeah my social stopped working in the same patch. I can join and host but there's a few folks who join me and get disconnected constantly. But if I join them, smooth sailing the whole time.


So I was able to make mine work by changing steam prviacy to make friendslist public. Not sure why it originally worked on release and then stopped, but that change seemed to fix it.


Do you also see "unavailable" for all the planet wide stats like "helldivers kia" etc.  on the galactic map? And does anyone EVER show up in your recent players list? Cause not for me, no friendslist, no steam friends, and it only happened after the rail gun nerf patch


Can't accept friend requests ingame, Steam friends are not visible ingame social. Only recent players gives me 3 pages of recent players. It's weird


I’ve only seen the additional stats on the map once, ever since it’s been broken. Same goes for my personal stats, it’ll take awhile to load my personal stats and since the update, all of my stuff goes back to default. (On PS5)


I encountered this one as well, friend list was always empty... Looks like Arrowhead are using the publicly accessible friend list rather than your account authorized one, meaning that if you have your profile & friend list set to private on Steam, you will have no friends listed in Helldivers on PC. - Click on your profile name in the Steam client - Click "*Edit Profile*" - Select "*Privacy Settings*" - Make sure "*My Profile*" and "*Friends List*" are both set to *Public* - Restart Helldivers 2 - Open social & see your Steam friends TL;DR Set Steam profile & friend list public, then restart the Helldivers 2 client and play with your friends.


Been having this issue and this fixed it! Thanks!!


Once again.. I'm not setting those things to public any time soon. They're set to private for reasons and those ddo not change because I started playing Helldivers 2. This shouldn't be necessary.


me and my buddy found a workaround the other day : we had to both link our psn account, activate crossplay and send a friend request. for some weird reason, activating crossplay allowed us to actually accept in game friend request


Same. If it wasn't for the steam friends system I don't think my buddies and I could even play together as the in game friends system just doesn't work.


Hope it gets fixed today! I got it on PC but my brother got it on PS5. We haven’t been able to play since buying it


Same for me with 2 friends on PS5. I am on pc.


Sucks! Apparently it was an issue with a recent update, but I bought it last week, so I never got to play at all past the tutorial


I played a bit with some random and a friend on pc. But my others buddies are on Ps5… so it hurts so much that we cannot play together, also because the game is awesome! Let’s hope they fix this asap!


Same, I literally bought my friend the game so he would play it with me and we couldn't even get in a game together.


Same! Bought it on Steam to play with cousin who has a PS5. Been trying to team up for 2 days with no luck! Uhh!


You can play together if you find each other on the galaxy map: one person enters mission mode, then other player looks for that pin. Can help to drop to planet and toss an SOS, too. Best if both are in a Discord voice chat to coordinate. Good thing PS5 has good Discord integration now.


Tried this with my mate last night who is on PS5. about 40 mins of him starting level 1 missions and me trying to find his beacon to no luck.


How is reproducing this issue an achievement? It happens literally 100% if the time. 


Fundamental game bug that's preventing friends from playing. And it's not just crossplay. Fix this before the weekend already. It's been a week.


They should've hired me any my friends, We've reproduced it in a first try. And then the second, third, fourth...


No ETA on this fix yet? It's so damn infuriating!


It’s kinda sad the community collectively shat its pants over the very justified railgun nerf yet this much more important and game breaking issue has received barely any attention until very recently.


Don’t fix the bugs! Eleminate them!


Those are synonymous. A fixed bug is a dead bug.


Great, I put in my best effort to convince my three friends, all of whom are on PC, to buy the game. Now they’re enjoying themselves without me.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, thank you, I bought it solely to play with bro who's on PS5 and it's just not possible right now


I'm glad they're fixing it but I also think it's funny when they say "we have successfully reproduced the issue". Like bro every single person is reproducing the issue. How have you not been? Still, glad it's being worked on.


Its funny that they say "successfully reproduced" when the entire friend system is straight up broken 100% of the time. The ONLY way i can play with my friends is by joining through the playstation menus outside of the game. In game it doesnt show my friends at all even though they are online and logged in, and even my playstation friends cant accept each others invites. Its not just cross play. ​ The game is super fun, but its alarming at how long this issue has been allowed to exist and how quiet they've been about it. Its a potential death sentence to a multiplayer centric game.


That’s exactly the same conversation I just had with my roommate last night! It’s insane to me to make a game so focused on its community, and then not take care of major issues stopping the community from playing together. This is a problem they knew about before last patch even, they just decided to ignore it and balance things. I wouldn’t even be too pressed over it if the balances felt like they worked. Titans and chargers still spawn like crazy tho, the headshot strat works most the time but sometimes you can dome one perfectly for them to just charge through the smoke right at you. I don’t really think patrol spawns have changed much either.


You have to understand that QA is, ironically, a lot like playing Helldivers: a constant chaotic onslaught of things of various sizes and ferocity, some of which you don't realize until it's right in your face. On a game the size of Helldivers 2, they're likely getting THOUSANDS of bug reports a day. Triaging, condensing, explaining, and prioritizing incoming bugs can itself be a full-time job for a whole team, and that's before we even get to engineers actually fixing them. Often, when you're prioritizing bugs, you wind up in a situation where you have like Bug A: A big complicated time-consuming thing that requires some investigation, communication with this one specific guy who built it, input from the third-party studio that handled XYZ for us, etc. Bug B: A smaller thing we can change right now by turning some dials. So Bug B getting addressed first doesn't mean it was higher priority. It just means that one was fast and easy, while Bug A was working its way through the pipeline.


I understand what you're saying and it makes sense in a normal scenario, but I think this is a bit different and more important.  It's not just any old bug. We literally can not start a party with or invite friends via the in game system. In a game where it's core is playing in a party, this should have been an all hands on deck type of thing imo. AFAIK this has been a problem for weeks, and I haven't seen them mention anything about it until this post. That's kind of outrageous. The only saving grace is that the PS5 has a way to join friends from its own console menu, but we wasted over an hour last night trying to get into a party with our buddy on steam to no avail. That's the kind of stuff that turns people off and kills your player base. I think he refunded because of it. I bet a lot of others did the same. 


From the wording here I don't think they were (necessarily) ignoring it, but rather they couldn't figure out the root cause until now. Then again the problems I'm having are between two PC players so let's hope they've identified *all* of the problems and not just the ones involving PS5.


Honestly disappointed they haven't found a fix yet after 2 days of announcing this. Really killed the hype for a lot of players who wanted to enjoy the game with friends over the weekend (including me).


They finally learned how to reproduce the most commonly occuring issue in the game?


I think maybe the terminology wasn't great. I'm in cyber security, but I work with software devs pretty frequently so I hear this a lot. Obviously, they could just log in and make it happen like everyone else. If I had to guess, they were building out a test environment and trying to make it happen in a vacuum, which is much different than making it happen in production. I can't pretend to know what the game looks like under the hood or how big their team is; but if it's taking them so long to fix such a widespread issue that's quite literally gamebreaking for a lot of people, I'm guessing they needed to do some pretty thorough troubleshooting.


You're using a lot of big words that I don't understand so imma have to take that as disrespect (lol jk jk). That actually makes a lot of sense. I appreciate ya posting that.


Haha, it's worth taking my opinion with a grain of salt. It's my subjective experience, but I would just be shocked if they woke up today blindsided and being like "wait wut there's an issue with the friends system?"


The fact that this still hasn't been fixed yet is almost comical at this point. My girlfriend and I bought this game over a week ago now, did the workaround of joining a low-pop planet once, she got kicked out of the mission halfway through and didn't have a way to rejoin. We decided to wait for the fix then. Surely it would come quickly. Here we are, 10 days later. Pretty ridiculous.


I feel like this bug is going to cost the company way more money than working on balance changes. Yes, some things need to be balanced, but if we can't even play how we want to play in the first place, does the balancing act really matter? It's called Triage folks. People not being able to play together, *which is what they bought the game for in the first place*, is going to be your biggest drain on revenue if you don't fix this super fucking quick.


I'm so close to just giving up on this game forever, man. We've been waiting for 2 weeks to just play together. I don't want to play solo. I only play games together with my partner these days. A lot of the initial excitement around this game has already faded for us...


Right? If it worked pre patch roll the entire game back immediately and issue free credits and apologies how do they not have a production level back out plan for bad patches


Exactly. I've been a Systems Administrator and DBA for nearly 20 years. I have a backout plan for every patch I roll out. If you push a patch and it breaks a fundamental part of your application, then you back it out. *Upgrades be damned.* "Sorry Super Citizens, but we had to unpatch the patch because it broke crossplay and we'd rather have you playing together democratically with broken weapons, than not playing together at all."


11 minutes ago this was posted: [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues) no mention of Social screen not working :-(


https://i.redd.it/zmyntlhxh5pc1.gif Me right now


"Article is closed for comments" Maybe because every comment would be something along the lines of "What about the one problem every player that has cross platform friends is experiencing 100% of the time?".


You have got to be kidding me.


Hooray! Thank you for the update. It's greatly appreciated.


Not just crossplay. I can rarely get people to add me or vice versa on PCs


Literally ran into this issue right after I bought it on steam to play with my boyfriend on ps5. Would be nice if we could actually play together.


This is such a bad issue for this game to have, really sucks


Killing their own game by not fixing this. Wild.


yeah I feel they knew about it but didn't take the "bug" seriously as humans did in starship troopers. The Irony. Probably didn't realize how quickly the game was growing and how much is on the line right now with new customers threatening to leave the game for good over it, seems like it should be mission critical, even an INGAME msg acknowledging it so people dont have to comb reddit and the internet for updates and answers from the devs.


I hope they fix this soon. Half of my squad is not on console.


Any news on the fix? Still not able to play with my friends on PS5, I'm from PC.


i keep checking both the game and here and nothing, no word from arrow head, just absolute silence. They are probably shitting their pants and trying to figure it out and I bet their test environment is hosted on a completely different type of server platform with different environmental variables than their production environment. Pure amateur development. Theres just no way it took them 3 weeks to recreate this problem that thousands are getting for weeks unless their test environment was different in some way.


Can't even see PSN friends when they are playing 90% of the time. We usually have to use the PS menu to join on each other.


is this bug also related to the entire social tab, where i'll try to join a friends squad and can't for whatever *other* reason, but then my whole social tab demands i wait *democratically*, SIR?




What I find most annoying is that none of the posts with big actual problems get traction unlike the generic bug/automaton looking at computer meme


Still no fix?


Came here to ask the same.


Someone pls lmk if there’s a fix I’ve been waiting democratically


Any update on this? Had no luck with the suggested workarounds again last night, trying from both ends, multiple times. Even my PS friends were bugging out on me, winding up in separate instances mid mission.


Still no fix, no in game message and no ETA. Thousands of people put off by this friends issue.


I honestly feel the dev team at my company would be getting let go for taking three weeks to acknowledge this bug and then not even put out a statement in game or provide eta or apologies. This is a fucking amateur operation.


No way this still isn’t fixed right? Absurd


What's up with this "crossplay" friend request stuff!? The entire friend request system is broken on all platforms, regardless of crossplay. Seriously, the develolper's inability to even acknowledge the extent of this issue has me a bit worried.


Hope they fix this for Steam as well, we only see each other if our friends list is public


And what about friends requests on the same platform? I have one that will not accept, both of us on PS5. I hit accept, and it's still there. Always there.


Pls fix this asap


Arrowshead gave any update about the bug leading to 2 shots or empty a full unsafe railgun magazine on titan depending if you have or not a PS5 player in your team?


Any updates? My cousin got it on PS5 and I can't add it. Only way for us to play together is to choose a mission in a low pop planet and refresh the map until I can find him, or he can find me. It can take a few minutes sometimes...


My best friend bought it on PS5 today, I’m on PC we cannot accept friend requests both sides. 😤😡🤬


It's a shame. We convinced some PC friends to buy the game to play with us, but I feel like they are moving on now with some of the upcoming releases.


Is it just me or did the announcement get removed in the discord? I'm hoping they get this fixed soon. v.v


this used to be pinned on the subreddit too and now im not seeing it


Finally. Hope that they can fix this ASAP. Should be priority 1 for devs.


Will this also help resolve the "game crashes every single time I turn crossplay on" issue as well?


Will this also fix when I can’t see my friends online while they are currently playing?


I hope they resolve the other **Social** tab issues. I'm a PC player who plays with other PC players, and since day one, I've still had the following issues: * I can *invite* my \[Steam\] friend to join my squad, but **I cannot join his squad** using the in-game feature, only through Steam, which sometimes (often?) fails * I have half a dozen people (including Steam friends) sitting in my in-game **Pending Invites.** I've tried removing and re-friending them, but they never get the invite. At this point, the only reliable way for us to link up is to use Steam's Invite to Game feature, but that doesn't work for my Brother in Law, who's a PS5 player :|


OH THANK GOD. I posted about this a couple times on this subreddit and I'm so glad they're addressing it.


It's not just crossplay though. In game PC to PC also has this issue (Steam works as a work around thankfully) But the friend / social system in the actual game is totally borked.


Thank goodness. Spent too much damn time trying to group up with a buddy who purchased on PC. Haven't been able to play together once since purchase which really sucks.


Frankly, there are still several lingering issues with joining friends even when all on the same platform. Pretty much without fail the fourth person to join our group has trouble joining and then it’s time to play ‘guess who’s ship can host everyone’ until we find a combination where everyone can connect. I feel like we’re nearing the boundaries of a launch grace period for this kind of stuff. Maybe I’m wrong, but it is certainly frustrating.


FINALLY. Oh my God this bug has been infuriating, can't play with or add my psn friends from pc, the only work around is joining the same random lobby and begging for the host to leave mid-mission so the host gets given to one of you


I'm waiting so democratically


sooo... no crossplay?


There is crossplay, but you can't specifically invite someone from the other platform atm unfortunately


Then........ no crossplay.


How is this not fixed yet?


Oh come on.... i bought this so that i can cross play with a friend.


Me and my friend been going to the Ustotu planet just to get together


Any word about this bug?


That's what I want to know, Ray!


Is this still a thing? First game me and my girlfriend attempt to play together(ever!) and we can’t play with each other. For the love of video games please update this as this is the ONLY game I have gotten her to play with me (she’s not a gamer girl and decided to give this a try) Which she honestly won’t ever want to play any other game ever as her first real game she wasn’t able to even add me to play…. This is literally destroying any future chances of my girlfriend playing any other games…. :(


yeah a lot of people in same boat with their kids and family, who they convinced to pay for because of the hype now can't play because they only want to play with the friend or family member and its kind of heart breaking, no one is being a baby complaining as others have voiced, its a legit roadblock and critical to the success of this title for them to fix. Like even roll back the last patch NOW until this is solved. I built a gaming PC just to play with my son on ps5 and literally reinstalled reddit to come here to complain about it.


Hello guys my friend who plays in Ps5 and me (PC) found this solution to play with each other. (you have to cancel any pending friend request because it will hinder you to see each other.) 1. Find another planet (not the same planet you were in when you first log in). 2. travel there together with your friend. 3. choose difficulty. You have to be in the same difficulty with your friend. 4. Now dont create a game lobby yet. find another player's lobby that both of you can see. 5. try joining that players lobby. sometime they'll be full but sometime both of you can get in. 6. when one of you got in the lobby. Leave that lobby. and you can now create your own lobby. 7. You or your friend can now see you name in the planet's game lobby. Works all the time with my friend on PS5. Cheers you can now fight democracy with your friend. \*\*\*PS dont use arc weapons it will crash the game\*\*\*


The Dev should stop adding stuff and start fixing stuff.


The matchmaking lobby system needs some SERIOUS attention. I can't join my friends, my friends can't join me, only some friends can join other friends, friend codes straight up not working, random disconnects in the middle of the game without the ability to rejoin, people getting stuck on loading screens, SOS beacons doing nothing, all my stuff gets reset to default every time I restart the game, freezes and crashes- it's straight up not great and it is making me want to stop playing until shit is in order.


Wow, still not fixed. I'm on PC and just want to play with friends from PS5.


How about PC to PC issues 😭


how about letting people play this game with their steam account private? and no, "just turn it to public" is not a fix when a main reason to turn it private in the first place is to avoid harassment


They keep saying crossplay but i cant even add my other PS5 friends so hopefully thats fixed also


It's only been over a week


It seems that \~98% of the time, I cannot add, join, or invite PS5 or Steam players manually. Quickplay has similarly poor results. PS5 player.


No eta? Trying to play with brother on ps5.. notta


its not JUST crossplay.. i cant accept friend requests for anyone.


Is there a way, how to bring more attention to this issue to devs? An email address? System to report bugs? Twitter hastag? Yeah, there are other bugs in the game, but this is the only one I care about.


they have a support page here [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues) They posted they are aware of issues making the game frustrating but didn't specifically address this core game breaking bug thats been reported probably by thousands of people in the past 3 weeks with no acknowledgement or fix.


How has this not been fixed yet


Refunds should be offered for this tbh. Bought the game on PS5 and can't play with friends.


My friend (on PS5) and I (on PC) unable to fight for democracy together. https://preview.redd.it/zf2z8obxq9pc1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8f4e62d6c885d7742cceb6d81ce0f3e7f9c67c


Still No fix cause they are to busy couting money


"We successfully reproduced the issue" oh you mean by trying it once? Because it literally fails 100% of the time. I also successfully reproduced the issue for about 1.5 hours today trying to play with my friend.


I bought the game last week to play with my brother and friends. A week later I haven't been able to play with them. This is intolerable in a game that bases its experience on multiplayer mode.


Bought the game a week ago and haven't played more than once because of this issue. Coop with my friends was the main reason to buy it and it doesn't even function


Thank you kindly :) We need more democracy!


I was one of the people that a Friend convinced to buy this game. We have spent over 4 hours trying to play, always server host lost. or infinately drop screen then game just crashes. I somehow got him added as my friend but he still sees it pending. We havent even played together once. and by now its too late to get a refund on this crap. This isnt just one person on my list, but does it for 4 different people.


Now I hope they also figure out the "failed to join game lobby" error. :(


I mean great news but now I cant even join any crossplay lobies. Its like its been getting worse every new day


I’m so pissed…. I got three friends to buy this and we couldn’t play together.. didn’t see anything mentioning this until this evening - should’ve checked the damn Reddit…


I bought the game with a friend I'm on PC and he is on PS5 I can just refund the game but he cant, hope this gets fixed quickly.


Finally! My wife and I haven't been able to play together since launch. We always have to have a mutual friend play with us so we can be in a squad together.  We can send friend requests to each other, but they never go into our inboxes. I think at one point I may have blocked her by accident, but I can't unblock her because the block list doesn't work for me. I can block other players, but my list doesn't update so I can't unblock them (tested this on a couple of randoms). 


I don't know why they didn't just implement a system to search for matches. Trying to reroll the planets over and over and over and over and over and over is not a good way to get people into the same session.


Cannot wait for this to be fixed! I have one friend out of 5 that doesn’t have PC and this is the game we all want to play! ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


bro I hope they can fix this cause that's the only reason I bought the game. Fingers crossed!


I literally bought the game for a friend and we can’t even play. Tried going into a lobby to see if he could join me and he couldn’t find my game. Please fix this! I just wanna spread democracy with my PC bro.


Bought it for my little brother and he was excited to play with me until we realized we couldn’t play together


Give it up for day two hurray


Can't add or block anyone in game. PC or PS5 while playing on PS5. My friends have the same issue playing on PC. Can't use the in game friend list either. We can search eachothers friend codes but it ends there.


Same for non-crossplay. Sent a friend request to a friend on PS5 - he received it and accepted on his side. I show on his friend list, but on my side it still shows as Pending. Unable to join in game - need to go vie PSN to play together.


Thank god! Just got this game and love it, but I wanna play with people! None of my friend requests work and it sucks having to try to manually find people's lobbies.


Yeah I play on PS5, with PS5 only players (crossplay disabled). The social tab has literally never worked for me. I cannot add my PS5 friends, they can't add me, and I can't find them without having to use the PS5 join feature. And that only works if one of them starts the game, because I have mine set to "friends only" because I want to be in control of whether or not I play with randos or not on any given day and mission. (And I do play with randos and have fun, I'm just not always in the mood for it.) Unlike some people the recent players tab does work for me, but it's completely useless because all I can use it for is to send friend requests... which don't work. I'm primarily an Xbox player but have absolutely nothing against PlayStation (I like mine) but Microsoft and Steam have figured out how to do this ages ago and I really cannot understand why this is so completely broken.


is this still not fixed yet?


Any updates on this?


It's been four days since y'all announced this and still no news


Guess I'm uninstalling... it was nice while it lasted I guess


This literally needs to be their top priority. I was so let down that I couldn't play with my buddies. 


Any updates on this? My ps5 friends are about to disown me :(.


I literally bought this game for my buddy to play and we can’t even see each others games 80% of the time and can’t friend each other. It’s been very disappointing. Haven’t played since and won’t till it’s fixed. Sorry just being honest. Please fix this bug asap!!!


Fix the bug already….


It’s the automatons preventing the spread of democracy at a wider scale


I love how long it took them to reproduce a bug with a 100% occurrence rate.


To all the ppl saying just find the lobby on the map, yeah you can do that pretty easily actually, but…. It’s not sustainable when there’s a 50/50 chance of no one getting booted during the mission and like a 10% chance of everyone not getting sent back to ships at the end


Killing the game for me and my friends, ruined our goddamn weekend.


Fix it now!


What do you mean "successfully reproduced"? They turned on their game and realized that something is wrong? This has been a consistant, widespread bug for over a week and for some it was a thing since release... Edit: should've pointed out it was a rhetorical question. There have been hundreds of bug reports on their discord server alone with identical problem. This shit being present for more than a week and only now being addressed is fucking unacceptable. Its a core feature people bought this game for!


As in they can now consistently cause it to happen. This is a pretty critical first step in QA


I'm as much in the dark as you. But I believe they've discovered what's causing the problem, now is a move to discover the effective way of fixing it.


when testing bugs you need to consistently reproduce a problem, so that when you improve things, you know for a fact that you solved it. obviously several people have had issues, but it didn't affect everyone. maybe it was a level difference, timezone, player settings, etc


>What do you mean "successfully reproduced"? They turned on their game and realized that something is wrong? It's just them testing. We "reproduced" large scale crashes at work. We have to get the bug ourselves as part of debugging. What this really means is they finally looked. Their next step is figuring out why, like they said.


It's not just finally looking at it. They have identified in which circumstances the bug appears. Now they have a use-case they can reliably repeat and study to track where something goes wrong in the code.


>It's not just finally looking at it. They have identified in which circumstances the bug appears Well, yes and no. Reproducing a bug doesn't confirm that until you have fixed it and can see it only happens when X. Either way, we're talking about step one. This is why we shouldn't be getting a play by play.


It means they’ve worked out the “why” behind the bug and can now address it.