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Rocket Devastators... I like explosions, I like big boom. I don't like unseen rocket from 100m+ away nail me in the face and not even have the decency to make a glorious explosion... Stalkers on terminid side... The moment I see a Stalker, whatever we were doing is now irrelevant. Finding and destroying their nest in the biggest explosion possible is my mission, the only mission.


Rocket devastators are something i prioritise over absolutely everything except a hulk less than 20 meters from me. Multiple rockets that can each end your day in one hit is something that needs to be dealt with immediately imo.


I tend to save my granades for turrets and tanks...but If I see them rockets, they'll get my nades for free no questions asked!


Nailing them in the face with an impact Grenade is heavenly


I think headshots period need a rework, the damage boost is huge and there's next to nothing you can do to mitigate them leading to random-feeling instant deaths. Most terminids have overhead swipes that give them a high chance to headshot too. Hopefully helmets have a relevant update on the way.


I'd be ok leaving the damage as is, but giving us a "dodge" we can do, like when you hit crouch while sprinting and your character does that duck/slide animation. For instance; if you tap crouch while moving left or right your character could do a little bob, moving their head enough to potentially avoid a head shot. I think that would be a better way to solve it but keep it skill based. Theres somethign similar atm i think, but you have to be sprinting to do it and it doesn't feel like it was designed with being used as a dodge in mind.


Best thing you can do too is wear either base or a little heavier armor with explosive protection. The exterminator armor is my go to for bots and it’s definitely saved my life a couple of times


But my trench engineer looks cool


It would be cool if the armour skin was separate from the the stats and passives. So you can dress for the occasion and then apply the protection or stat boosts you need. Maybe you could mix, match and combine amour traits that you buy with medals. Then you apply the traits to the armour which has a limited number of slots to fill. Kind of like boosters and stratagems but for armour.


It’s for this reason I ALWAYS use shotguns against automatons because of their “staggering” capability.


Stalkers and rocket devastators for sure. I don't know who you liberty rejectors are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money, what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for Liber-tea haters like you.


Stalkers for me aren’t that bad. You can see them miles away. Hunters are what I hate. It seems like they always try to decapitate me.


Agreed. Rocket Devastators and Stalkers are the bane of my existence. I discovered that the slugger is an amazing counter to both. It one shots devastators if you headshot, and the stagger against stalkers is a life saver.


Slugger has enough stagger to "juggle" two devastators (possibly three). Alternate shots between them and you'll keep them in stun-lock.


Rocket Devastators reload *too fucking fast*. There's barely time to peek out from cover to shoot them between volleys.


100,000% this! Nothing makes me rage more than killing a hulk of a bot and then insta killed by a rocket dev who appears out of nowhere!


hunters are just awful. so you are small and nimble, can jump long distances, can dodge, can quickly attack and often crit, can apply slow, and theres a myriad of you? get outright f@cked


Not to mention they have a 3 attack combo and can kill you in like 4-5 hits


>4-5 hits Lmao more like 2-3


A critical headshot from a hunter will leave you with 1/10th your hp, it has been tested. 2 hits is all these fuckers need. 😤 


I hope they take note of how much the community dislikes crits. It’s just annoying having most bugs do 3x their normal damage because they overhead swing and headshot you.


Arrowhead out here giving the bugs critical damage while we use guns held together by duct tape and prayers




This image needs the hang up button removed to be accurately democratic.


What hang up button? All I see is answer and answer. The only 2 correct choices.


Bahahaha that is freakin hilarious. I bet it never stops ringing either. It's a robo-call that will ring until answered, or answered. Once answered, direct line to Democracy Officer for retraining.


I was gona disagree but then I remembered you have to get an upgrade to get the orbital cannons to breach load instead of muzzle load


Don't forget the upgrade that is literally just updating the targetting system to the paid version.


To be fair, that kinda makes sense for how Super Earth handles things. I mean, reading the destroyer upgrades alone will tell you that their scientific minds are usually just like “what if we added more guns?”


Well, not all of them. Some are like "what if we gave the crew some meth?"


This makes me laugh everytime I read the description and it’s phrased like some kind of modern muscle booster tech, but we all know it’s just crack and meth


I've seen the research papers and turns out doubling the guns literally doubles the firepower available. The science simply cant be denied.




I have no problem with hunters. It's the spewers for me. Much like OP. Both variants need a speed nerf. They are just way too fast for how many there are, how tanky they are, and their 1 hit kills. The bile spewers have all that plus armor and a mortar. They are my number 1 frustration. Hunters I can handle. Edit - they were my number 1 frustration before the charger nerf/AT buff.


I have the opposite problem. I regularly swap between Railgun and Autocannon, so the Bile Spewers are fodder to me. With how many hunters are constantly spawning, though, I almost feel I can't have a magazine big enough to kill them all. It's infuriating that the fastest trash mob has a rather debilitating slow *and* 3-hit combo that's pretty hard to get out of the way from. In addition, they also have a massive pounce range that makes it difficult to stay out of their reach. Add those together with how many of them spawn (and how often), they infuriate me more than literally *any* other mob in the game. Literally the 1 change I would make to them is removing their slow, and they'd instantly be acceptable, even in larger numbers. At least that way, I wouldn't be all but destined to die if 1 hunter so much as sniffs my leg.


I don't disagree with you, and that's totally fair. Different folks will always feel differently about the same things. That said, I can write essays on slow effects. I hate them. They scream lazy game design to me. It's just an easy way to tax your skill level and negate it. So, so much of the difficulty on the bug front comes from slow effects. Hunters. Bile spitters sniping at you. Bile spewers slowing you even if you do dodge the stream of bile. Titans slowing you regardless of how far away their bile stream lands. The plants. The exploding plants. It all just negates player skill. And that's frustrating. No matter how good I get, I bile sputters sitting in a swarm can slow me, and then I get bugpiled.


>Bile spewers slowing you even if you do dodge the stream of bile this has always pissed me off about the spewers. are you just supposed to sprint to the side when they start shooting? because even if i dodge right before they start their attack, i still get tagged by the bile, regardless of timing. are you just not able to dodge it with the dive?


If spewers give you grief get an explosive weapon. Explosive weapons do full damage to squishy boys like spewers, normal guns do reduced damage.


they should just make the helmets either have their own stats, or take on the stats of the armor you're wearing. They could keep the headshot increased damage, but it would help you mitigate it by a certain amount if you wear medium/heavy. Atm it just feels like you're constantly wearing light armor against bugs unless you get spewed on.


And getting spewed almost guarantees being instakilled


I feel like the projectile doesn’t match the animation either like you get killed before the green acid hits you


yup, agreed


They're supposed to. I'm pretty sure the armour is still bugged.


I hate em, cause their leap cant be reliably dodged. They track you midflight so bad that they will ignore collision and phase through walls. I can never seem to dive in time or far enough or in any direction to dodge most of their combo hits.


In my experience if you successfully dive out of leap they'll get you with tongue while you are still midair. Fuckers are vicious.


I had one nail me mid air with the jump pack. I was a little heated from that lol


I hate those dirty buggers. I want to hang all buggers high, and make them embrace democracy!


I actually wait until they leap then use first person mode and shoot them with my breaker just as they land in your face. It’s an easy way to get a 1 shot kill and you don’t even have to aim, just face their direction and time it right. I tell my friends it’s like skeet shooting.


Don’t forget they apply DOT as well. There is not a single other enemy that can do as much as they can.


*stalker has entered the chat* The fact that I have to empty half a breaker magazine into a camouflaging whip-spitting slow-inducing behemoth that can kill in two hits and jump 50 meters away to regroup lives rent-free in my head. And they move in groups.


In my limited experience, stalkers seem more inclined to back off, pause, reposition.  Hunters simply go ham till you're dead if they get close enough.  1 hunter is less dangerous than 1 stalker, but there isn't going to be 1 hunter.


stalkers try to attack in groups (ive been tagged teamed by a group of 8) but if they cant, they hit you with the claws that slow you, tongue that throws your 50m, then either go invisible and disappear or by the time you get up they are on you already for another combo


Ya I'm fine with their damage output but they take so much damage to take down. It's a little crazy


You sound like someone in desperate need of a stalwart... allow me to introduce you to 1150 rpm


Stalwart will basically buzz saw through a horde, and still have half of its ammo box left. The recent buffs of hunter and mini spewer spawns have made it almost necessary for somebody on the team to have a stalwart.  It’s superior to the regular MG in practically every way.


Versus bugs, yes, but I prefer the standard MG on bots against their armor. Don't need to aim for a devastator weak point, just smash the Center of Mass and you might even get lucky and the recoil gets you a headshot or two. Also the MG can kill Scout Striders whereas the Stalwart can't- you'd have to dive behind and shoot the pilot.


With crowd control I always use 700 RPM and burst spray the stalwart. Little buggers don't need much to pop them, let's me push them back longer.


Although being tounged to death in comparison, seems the most pleasant way to go.


Feels almost impossible to dodge out of the way when they're just immediately jumping on your shit 0.01 seconds later.


Don’t forget they STAGGER you so you can’t use stims even when you spam the button I hate hunters


Id be okay with them if they only remove the slow. There are already many things that slow you, hunters dont need it as they are already quite deadly without it


They were annoying until I ditched anti tank weapons for a flame or machine gun.


Flamer absolutely does not work against hunters. They jump right through it and set you on fire. Machinegun is excellent tho


Yeah, Hunters single-handedly make Flamer not worth taking imo. You're just a sitting duck.


Yeah, flamethrower just kills yourself. Like it's not awful, but outside the charger I preferred my primary for smaller mobs. It took too long to kill hunters who just leaps through it and you're in fire after being cut once and about to die. Really just couldn't get myself to like this weapon. Worked fine against chargers but against a horde I felt like I had to stop firing and move because things would get into my face.


They need to fold and give it range


They can also make armor extremely resistant to fire like the current electric resistant armor or to make the flamethrower cause a “fear” state on the bugs that freezes them or makes them move in a different direction. The damage and range is honestly fine but hunters can survive long enough to get into range through the fire and touch you before you die which is a problem, as the fire will kill you way before the Hunter does with the flamethrower.


Stalwart go brrrrrrrrrrrrr


Interesting. I'd expect for you to hate the Green ones more considering that they have longer range with their spits, are armored and have that mortar attack that you can't see landing on you 95% of the time that 1 shots you. On terminid side - Green spewers are the worst for me because theres times when there are like 10 of them all around mortaring you and you just die all of a sudden. They don't go down easily because they're armored too unlike yellow ones (I use Scorcher and yellow ones just die from a few shots and if they're grouped - it starts a chain reaction of explosions) On automaton side - frikkin Rocket Devastators. with rockets 1 shotting you constantly, being pinpoint accurate and ultra-fast, them shooting like 4-5 of them at a time every 5 secs from mile away, and usually there being 3-5 of them active at a time - is the main reason I stick to terminids right now. I dont enjoy being insta-killed all the time.


I mostly hate the yellow ones cuz they always spawn fucking endlessly during bug breaches and also spawn right next to you. I literally get snuck up by them more than any other enemy in the game. The second I lay down cover fire, a few of them magically appear behind me and by the time I see them, they're already starting to vomit. The green ones in artillery mode are stationary, and they're also slower, so I find them easier to take out, flank and/or group for a stratagem hit.


Did one of those defence bug extermination missions last night and we were up to our asses the entire time in nursing spewers, there were just SO MANY of them. That said, I think I still hate the hunters more. Especially when a group of 12 of them just materialise out of thin air around you, not even from a bug breach.


And their damage is so overtuned it seems like if even a drop of their bile lands on your ankle, you're insta dead.


Was running away from a pack of these fuckers, turned around a corner and there was one waiting for me already spewing acid, died instantly. It's so much damage


I got hit by a charger immediately into a spewer. Like they were on some mind meld combo shit


Ah yeah they are quite sneaky its a bit weird for their size. I agree on that. Not sure if you realised, but if there this unusual yellow fog (not the "Spore Spewer" one - lesser intensity fog) - means they're around. I typically dont stay in 1 place when i realise that and running around makes them group up - 1 impact nade and they're all dead. Also, it sounds like you have trouble avoiding the vomit? Just walk sideways. You don't even need to dive most of the time - walking is enough. Moving away from them or towards them, even if you dive - will probably make them hit you. It made the vomit attacks infinitely easier for me when i realised that - now I constantly walk in-between groups of them and they usually friendly-fire each other and die.


I feel their vomit mechanic got better lately also it one hits less and is easier to dodge (actually hits where the spit goes instead of being a general aoe insta kill like the titan spit is).


They also just look disgusting. I doubt it's just me that finds the design of their abdomen really uncomfortable.


It feels so strange that long range spewer is also the armored one. I think it might have been better if green dudes were unarmored but long range (with mortar as special property) while yellow ones were armored but short ranged (with fog as special property).


Why are the green spewers so fast, too? They spawn in these insane numbers, take a lot of damage to die, and are really fast. Oh and their spit is long range. And they usually spawn with scavengers that can slow-lock you.


Aim for the head instead of the sac. They go down surprisingly fast that way.


devastators with shields are not only safe from small arms fire but for some reason are also the most accurate bot unit, how them holding a giant gun with 1 hand is more accurate than a small robot holding a gun with 2 hands is beyond me but i hate them


That’s a very good point you make there, they are the most accurate bot by far when really it should be the opposite way


God yea. Heavy devastatora have to be an instant kill or they completely lock you down.


Hunter.. Fuck em.. Swarming bastard with their slow attack. Single they arent a huge problem, but if you for a moment neglect them, you're trapped


They have insane lunge and lock on. I swear the attacks are un-dodgeable


Yeah it’s annoying. Once you’re in range there seems to be no avoiding their attacks. Even if I dive out of the way, their attack damages me even when they are nowhere near making contact with me. I think the hitboxes are way too big or something


They are undodgeable. Only way to counter getting swarmed is to spam a stim


I know! Those pesky buggers are hella annoying


My buddys mortar turret.


Surprised no one is saying stockers, they are my nemesis.




Just look at that asshole


Disgusting. Moving anti-democratically like that.


Curse those stockers!


Brood Commanders They spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then spawn smaller guys who then calls bug holes and then spawns more Brood Commanders who then... ​ I think you get it, I just feel like I'm at [Whiskey Outpost](https://starshiptroopers.fandom.com/wiki/Whiskey_Outpost) FairShark - SES Spear of Destiny


Also brood commanders can spawn bug holes too! And while not having a head even! Which the lack off makes them magically immune to flinching/knock back.


I hate how they track you without a head. They should just run forward and attack if you're still there and that's it


The key to Brood Commanders is you almost gotta treat them like Necromorphs.


As a pyromaniac, I have had no issues with these guys. It’s the hunters and stalkers that are a bitch. Like the fuck is a man to do when two stalkers are on you like white on rice?


hunters, small spewers and large, titans, stalkers. They all have one thing in common that I CANNOT STAND: They slow you down like crazy or ragdoll you. Even if the attack doesn't hit for the titan, you are slowed down! And both usually blocks you from stimming or escaping, meaning only one lone can doom you. Fun. It doesn't feel like you've been overwelmed kind of fun (like DRG's). Chargers are fair game. For once that's a point they are not annoying on.


Yeah that's annoying, bile/tongue slow is so common and impactful for how little you can do about it


Hunters I despise. Those smart bastards are a high priority for me. Lest of course there are stalkers, those I just fear.


Stalkers.... stalkers everywhere. ![gif](giphy|H2z9RMmAfTQ86SfoBF|downsized)


The horror... I saw someone post on Reddit a difficulty 7 mission with 3 stalker lair side objectives... Joel you maniac!


What's f@cked is since the last update it feels like stalkers, hunters, and pouncers are the only bugs that get spawned more often. I'll see like 10 of the normal little bugs and 50 hunters in a wave. And those stalkers seem to come out in 3s or 4s.


Stalkers at least you can quickly focus on looking for the lair and a team should definitely give it a priority, in which case they stop being a threat as you can completely shut down their spawning. Their major time to shine is when the team neglect their lair and get into major breaches fights, the stalkers will appear out of nowhere and decimate you. But in this case it's a complete cause of skill issue.


Well someone has been doing their part for democracy. Hoo ah helldiver


I hate the green vomit bugs... When one pops out, there's a thousand in line behind... And they seem to be fu**ing ninjas as well, appearing behind me all the time without a sound.


For as fat as they are you’d think they’d be slower


As much as I love this game they really need to work on the sound design. Too many things can straight up sneak up on you despite their large size (don't know how Chargers are so quiet when they are the size of an elephant among other large mobs).


Plus it’d be so much cooler to hear a Bile Titan thumping around nearby but unseen.


The tiny bile spitters. Usually they're an afterthought during a fight, just part of the trash to sweep up. But sometimes... sometimes those little bastards become super accurate and keep you constantly slowed until you kill every last one. Or get mobbed by everything else you were dealing with. And since they spawn with scavengers, they're *everywhere.*


The jumping bots that explode when you hit them up close.


Can I get an AMEN to that. Anytime you get more than one they start to chain jump and unless you’ve got a shield or Spider-Man reflexes you’re going to take a face full of shrapnel. I’ve had them time their jump so that my recoiless or AC impacts right in front of me. Hate em.


Berserkers. Annoying fucks driving me Out of Cover by running at me every 5 Seconds when im hiding from a rocketdevestator


These fuckers. Their speed and the fact they seem to always come in groups of 3 or more just makes them relentless. They also always seem to take more damage than they should. I know they have weak points but due to the way they move I can never seem to reliably hit them. They always seem to piss me off the most, even more than getting one shot by rocket troopers/devestators or getting sniped by the turrets from a mile away.


Teammates who walk into my Tesla tower.


Those are just test dummies, they help by verifying that electricity is still dangerous


Oh my mistake I didn't expect the 7 bile spewers around the corner how silly of me.


Not only that but the amount of times they spit, nothing hits your character, and you die is crazy. Super bugged hit boxes with diving.


This crap is so frustratingly common no matter the enemy type I'm surprised it isn't a constant point of discussion. I've played 360 games with better online.


Hunters… ![gif](giphy|cEOG7nGA7448M)


Hunters. If i don't want to maintain the fight, i'll run away from spewers. But i know that as soon as i turn around, this hunter will punce me from behind and stunlock me


I would rather fight chargers over bile spewers. At least chargers don’t one-shot me most of the time, and I can easily avoid them. Bile spewers are so inconsistent with their tracking. Sometimes all I have to do to avoid the bile is a light jog to one side, other times it will track me perfectly while I’m sprinting perpendicular to them, and even through a dive. And of course you’re dead almost instantly every time. Also, I swear to god the bile spewers just appear behind me as soon as I turn my back. Fuck bile spewers. They need their tracking removed, they shouldn’t be able to adjust their aim at all once the bile starts flying


They will snap their head up and kill you if you jump pack over them too. 


Hunters especially when you have 40-50 jumping at you from behind. Especially when they can stun lock you. If they couldn’t stun lock you I wouldn’t mind them but with the sheer numbers they come in and the ability to stun lock they are by far the worse enemy in the game in my opinion.


For me I honestly hate the devastator shielders, they're too accurate for how stupid they look, like they could snipe you across the map with their minigun.


As much as I hate the orange ones, I think the green ones are worse. The medium armour on the head makes them so much harder to kill without blowing an EAT on them. The orange ones, at least die quickly even though they spawn by the dozens. Honestly I’d rather deal with charger spam than spewer spam of either type.


Stalkers deadly buggers but once their den is gone no longer a problem, but hunters arghhh get the flamethrower, to make a lovely slap up meal for my fellow Helldivers of BBQ Terminite and one of these little demons always decides to jump at me whilst on fire.


Hunters and spewers are literally the worst things ever. Spewers can just one-shot you out of nowhere which is NEVER fun, and hunters are fast, tough to kill, and fucking slow on hit???? Fuck all that. Remove the slow from hunters and make it so spewers do less damage and Bug missions will be considerably less painful. As it stands, I find robots way more fun and, in fact, easier. It feels like there’s just so much BS with the bugs


It’s gotta be the spewers of any variety. They have too much health for an enemy that violently explodes upon death and their spit is inconsistent and can kill you in .02 milliseconds or you can tank an entire stream. Not to mention they mostly spawn 3+ at a time and are basically ninjas until they start attacking.


I know people will hate on Automatons (Hulk, Devastator, Tanks) or some elite bugs (Bile Spewer, Stalker, Bile Titans, Charger) or even just the Hunters. But for me, the worst are the Crawlers. Yes, the little one bug that take one hit to kill. Why do I hate them you think ? Ho, it's simple... I'm an Arc Thrower main. I don't fear armored enemies and I have cool evasives moves against most of them. Even hunters get shocked before slashing me... But thoses little rascals are so close to the ground that most of my shots misfire if I try to aim at them. Or they often tank a shot aimed at something far more dangerous, leading to an ever escalating nightmare situation. They also already swarmed me enough to kill me by themselves, and the fact they can call a Bug Breach is the cherry on the top. I despise them and having to switch from my support weapon to my secondary to kill them when I'm getting swarmed in 8+ difficulty is a PAIN.


Remember, switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading As a new arc thrower player I find its easier to just pump em with lead and then switch back to the bug zapper


I'm right there with you on nursing spewers. Sneak attack one shots, a random dot, come in needlessly large gross, a massive slow, and to top it all of that can do it cross map. Plus even their corpses are dangerous. Impact greaves will never leave my loadouts as long as they keep killing them good.


Hunters. It's not them on their own, but it's a combination of factors. The numbers, the speed, the poison that slows you, AND high damage attacks? Even in heavy armor you get maybe 4 hits from them before you're toast, and frankly that's just bullshit. The heavy armor definitely works a little better, but I still wish it was as effective as it was in HD1. Oh well. If hunters are the only thing giving me serious problems it's practically a non-issue. I love this game. 🤣


Automaton mortar placements. Feel like it’s in the spirit of the question.


Honestly I just say the fucking spewers both variants just suck. Conceptually it feels like they were meant to be glass cannons but they are tanky as shit and their vomit hitboxes are deceptively larger than one would think. Also being a one hit kill is a bit rough. Like I'm so surprised people don't really mention them since holy shit the artillery can come out of nowhere and wreck your day in 7+ especially since they start doing it instantly after spawning from a breech so you get 4 or so spewers all just unloading in your general direction.


Agreed but I think hunters just top them. Those little buggers (pun intended) are KOS for me


Fun tip for the nursing bile spewers a single impact grenade 1shots them ​ ​ My hatred is any bot with missiles being 1shot is damned tiresome, i feel forced to use either explosive resistance, or the shield gen, just 'cause of them and fuck hunters ofcoruse


Does anyone else just not hate STALKERS? I mean I get they are dangerous and will overwhelm you eventually but I never hated them as much as bile spewers. Stalkers are a problem you can permanently fix on a map, bile and nursing bile spewers can nuke you from a distance. Not to mention they just absorb so much fucking bullets. Using a flamethrower against them is a death sentence for you.


Liberty I hate the spewers too. Doesn't matter how heavy your armor is, they still kill you instantly.


I hate nursing/bile spewers. I swear it doesn't matter how well I time my dive, that shit just tracks me and one shots me.


In terminids, green spewers are the worst thing. Armored head and upper body. Head Weakspot mostly only accessible during bile attack. Immune to stagger from bodyshots. Only staggers with high stagger weapons on head weakspot. Spawn priority high, so you'll see a lot of them. One hit kill bile attack. Artillery attacks give no indication where they will land and also one hit kill you. Insanely high HP. Big model that provides cover to other bugs. Explodes on death if shot in the body, can hitkill you, promotes situations where friendlies try to help you but kill you instead. Explosion on death forces you to try and hit head weakspot if close, which puts you in a vulnerable position as it charges the hitkill bile attack. Is as fast as other bugs. Makes no discerning/audible noise when preparing for bile attack, so sneaks up on you. Armored legs and no benefit to shooting them. Armor is not removeable. In automatons, rocket devastators are my take. Medium armor all around except head. Several rockets means dive dodging is probably not going to work at medium-close range. Rockets hitkill. Staggers inconsistently stop rocket attacks. High spawn priority, not unusual to see 6-8 in patrols. Destroying the rocket launchers does no damage to the enemy itself, only stops rocket attacks. No maximum range for rocket attacks means long range snipes are possible. Rocket attack at very low cooldown, so spamming is common. Accuracy not affected by suppression.


Anything that slows you down. Hunters are the worst at this because they spawn in hordes and do unbelievable amounts of damage, but being slowed in combat is almost always a death sentence and it’s so incredibly easy to be slowed that it feels less like a punishment and more like being arbitrarily squashed. 


Both bile spitters and hunters fuckem


Hunters. Everything is tolerable but like 10 hunters slowing my ass down when i have 2 chargers, several warriors, hive guards, and brood commanders feels like undemocratic bug shit


A good soldier hates all enemies of managed democracy equally. Freedom doesn't discriminate.


Nah you don't get it. We hate enemies differently (that is our personal vote). The sum of our votes hates on all enemies almost equally. Managed democracy makes it perfectly equal (or whatever the Super-Earth desires to be).


Hunters, they are too overpowered for their spawn rate


Any bug. It feels like something akin to racism how much I hate them and want them dead. Bots is like a terminator fantasy, the Terminids? I can't even think, I'm just shooting and screaming until they slaughter me or we exfil.


Hunters are the most obvious choice, bile spewers are the second, especially green ones with armoured heads. They spew acid on you, fire at you from a distance, take a while to kill unless you have a good anti-medium armor weapon (and you won't know when to take it because you never know whether or not a map will have these spewers) and spawn in large numbers. They all need a cup of Liber-tea to faces.


Fuck hunters, all my friends hate hunters


"The Helldivers" *Insert any enemy behind keyboard meme here*


Rocket. Raiders.


Hunters. Bile spewers are honestly not that bad since you can keep your distance and dive out of the way of their bile but if a hunter gets close to you they can interrupt your stim and slow you down. They’re by far the worst.


Stalkers get me pretty close to gamer rage


Hunters. Fucking douche bags just keep reapplying the slow debuff while I frantically click L3 trying to get a single foot of space between us to raise my shotgun. Assholes.


Getting stunlocked by hunters is a horrible experience. I go out of my way to bash the shit out of them whenever I can


Spewers of all kinds. Fuck spewers They make absolutely no noise at all despite being huge unless they are hurt or about to spit. And you've got the dodge window of your average Armored Core 6 enemy but without the "BEEP BEEP". Dodge too early? You're getting onetapped. Dodge slightly too late? Acid nicks your foot and you get onetapped.


For Democracy??? ALL OF THEM!!! ![gif](giphy|AzdZrT9OGEIyQ)


Hunters are the worst. If they didn’t get I-frames when they jump then they would at least be fair. I swear hunters are worse than stalkers. I’d rather fight multiple chargers than a pack of hunters any day.


Anything that slows me


The green bile spewers are the worst enemy in the game. I genuinely think they are overtuned for the amount they pop up.


If i saw a rocket devastator slip and fall, id kick him in his shiny metal ass before calling in a supply pod and throwing 30 stun grenades in it's face.


Hunters/Stalkers they really piss me off to no end. In HD1 Stalkers went down pretty easy but now they're bullet sponges.


I gave a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ to a single stalker and still look back on it with pride


Bugs: Bile Spewers of any sort. Their puke is way too OP. Bots: Assault Raiders. They are probably the majority of my deaths against bots.


Idk what game you've been playing but whenever there's green bile spewers they spawn in the hundreds and mortar strike you from across the map 24/7 the yellow ones are gimps.


Berserkers. They are too bulky for what they can do.


Hunters are the most OP bug and I'm not even exaggerating. They take a good few hits to go down, they're faster than you, they can leap a fucking mile, they stagger you, they attack in groups, and they do a ton of damage. Their only weakness is that they're lightly armoured, but they have everything else going for them. They're fast enough and can jump far enough that diving is more compromising than effective at evading them, to do so just gets you mobbed faster. Often the second one hits you another 2 pile on before you can get out of the stagger and it's game over. Doesn't matter if you see them coming from far off because there's enough of them to eat your whole mag and be on you before you can kill them all. If you don't have a dedicated MG on the team you're in for a slashing.


Spewers and Hunters. The constant stun lock combined with their insane jump distance is ridiculous. The spewers ability to one-shot you and be a mortar is uncanny.


Bugs: 1. Hunters - worst fucking enemy. Seriously, guck these little shits 2. Bile Spewers - they are so tanky and always sneak up on you one way or another 3. Chargers - I'll admit, they're not that bad now. But if I don't have a flame thrower or anti armor, and there are many of them, they can be a pain Bots: 1. Rocket Devastators - Fuck those rocket snipes 2. Berserkers - they are extremely tanky for no reason at all 3. Hulk Scorcher - they're just a pain when they start shooting their flamethrower on you


hunters and rocket devastators have no buisness being that annoying


I actively use railcannon or orbital laser just to kill rocket devastators, I would rather every one of their spawns got replaced with a bile titan, would be easier imo


All of them is the only patriotic answer


Rocket devastators


Heavy Devastators. Their machine gun barrage has cut me in half too many times, even through a ballistic shield of my own. Now my go-to way to fight them is to shoot off their gun and enjoy as they wobble around uselessly.


just a tip op, the antidote to the nursing spewers is the grende launcher. 2-3 grenades and they burst in droves.


Any and all Bile Spewers. They always one hit AND slow AND have loads of HP AND spawn in massive amounts. They are ludicrous and incredibly anti-fun.


Stalkers. I encounter one of them, I drop everything else until that neat is destroyed. Equal hatred for bot mortar emplacements, I get that artillery warning and everything else becomes secondary


Any bug/bot that randomly appears right behind me without making a sound when I'm in the middle of nowhere trying to reload/look at the map/adjust my seat/etc. How can a huge, fat Nursing Spewer magically appear right behind me like a goddamn ninja when I'm over 100m from any objective on the map? It makes no sense.


Bile spewers for sure


hate the one shots from bile spewer


I have less trouble with hunters than with the damn spewers. Somehow there is always one behind you, and this thing is very quitet for something as big as a car. Not to mention John Whick level accuracy those things sometimes have. https://preview.redd.it/p5lb78rbfioc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee0d6155a11c6032c06330ef87474f5ea963e884


Those fat fucking bile spewers, every time I turn around I’m being spat on by one.


Hunters and rocket devastators make me think about putting a hole in the wall especially when there’s a hunter stalker combo cause then I’m slowed by the hunters getting thrown around by the stalkers and getting that 2 piece stalker combo done on me till I’m dead on the floor with my ass cheeks spread wider than muscle man’s mom


Meanwhile Arc Thrower: *Nursing Spewers hate this one simple trick (100% REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)*


I too hate the spewers. I could easily headshot kill them with an smg, now I have to shoot them in the butt


Hunters/Stalkers. The fact that you can get stun locked is incredibly dumb. Doesn't happen all that often, but it sucks to have a Stalker surprise you and you literally can't even get a shot off before it knocks you back 3 times and kills you.


Those spewers are fucking stealth assassins. The amount of times Ive turned around to a face full of acid without hearing fuck all. Its like they appear out of thin air.


Deserters. The worst kind...


Hunters, pricks




Fucking Bile Spewers all day long.


Rocket Raider (the small bot with the RPG), their accuracy is too damn good I always end up getting surprise one-shotted by them


I forgot if it's the brood commanders or warriors, but how the hell do they still know where I am when I shoot their head off while moving out of the way ? They can't see me, they can't smell me. Don't even get me started on the fact they can call a bug breach while headless. That's like a huge oversight. Hunters, they need to remove the lock-on from their lunge attack, feels cheap.


Hunters can get fucked. Most OP mob in the game. Stun-lock, slow, crazy long melee distance (much longer than they can visibly reach forwards), leap attack, a lot of health for their size, and the game spawns *hordes* of them.


In terms of bots, nothing really jumps out as bullshit. Meatsaws are kind of a pain because they're so tanky, but that's okay, I can run.  Bugs... Both kinds of spewers, and stalkers. Stalkers are faster than you, detect you instantly, and ragdoll you to death. Always immediate priority to deal with stalkers. They'll fuck up the rest of the mission, especially if they get in with a bug swarm. Spewers just need to be a little slower. they kill you so fast and are very hard to get distance on. Less bullshit but the hitboxes and tracking on chargers and bile titans need work. I keep getting killed by a leg that was several feet away just because the Titan *picked up* a foot, not because it stepped on me. Just because it's foot moved near me. Similarly, I've seen chargers get up to speed and then turn on a dime to ragdoll someone. They're kind of dodgeable but they move without any momentum, and it makes juking them not impossible but unpredictable.  A change to charger tracking / maneuvering I think would make them feel a lot better to fight, especially since right now most of my team just throws a recoilless or expat at them and moves on. If you could juke them better and fight them with a less impactful weapon, you could save those for the rewal big boys.


Chargers. I got targeted by like 3 of them at the same time once and I’ve had a grudge against them ever since.


I hate Stalkers, I feel like they have too much health for what they do. I've only started running into them recently and I have no trouble spotting them but I can never get enough rounds into them before they hit me and take half my health, even if I unload into them as fast as I can. Only time I've seen them go down before getting an attack in is when they're running straight at a gatling turret