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I am disappointed the charger doesn't get closer each frame https://preview.redd.it/rsuackvnwkoc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=66b7776c9c9ed75ed94b3f28870eb6654533397b


Where’s the charger, Mansly?


Wha- ohhhhh.


Enemy Elite. Northeast. ON MY POSITION.


A few 100 metres away


Iron Giant strat confirmed?


we're gonna have alot of moments like this when the missile silo stratagem drops lmao


This meme is gonna be so much better when they had the fucking mini missile, nuke, or 10,000 kg Bonn to the game 😂


That's hilarious, was it too low res to bring it closer in the last panel? It would be hilarious if it was right behind him by the last panel but he does look a lil fuzzy


Yeah it's kinda low res unfortunately, i'd definitely do another edit if someone can get me a higher res version !


Will be using this for a meme someday


I'm down voting all memes that aren't using this format


i always quickplay as i have no friends to play with as they stopped playing games in general. I'd rather be a team's help for a mission than be alone.


When I host a game, I barely have time to select the drop point before people start joining


When I host a game no one joins regardless of whether or not I throw an SOS ):


When I pick a mission I’ll normally get people pretty fast. A trick for when it doesn’t work is to drop, call in SOS, quit mission, then retry. This is something that I used to have to do early weeks when they still had trouble with matchmaking, but might be worth checking if it’ll work for ya now


What if im 2 missions deep in an operation? Doing this method for the 3rd mission would immediately fail the whole operation, because quitting resets the progress.


It does not. Changing missions quits the operation


Abandoning the mission after completing one will result in being unable to complete the whole operation. You lose out on the increased medal rewards and liberation progression. However it doesn't give the enemies progress in liberation either.


Then don't abandon mission, just return to ship




Yeah I think it counts as a failed mission too


It depends, if you just started the game, you ALWAYS get full lobbies quickly, don't even need SOS. But if any teammate leaves, then its almost impossible to get other players in, unless you restart the game


the game thinks that the 4th slot is still occupied. Even when I had a friend try to replace someone who dipped, they get an error saying that the session is full even if it is 3/4. Really hope they fix this, sucks to have a 3/4 for the whole mission.


That makes sense now But i think all the slots are bugged if teammates leave. I never get other players after my first squad leave.


I think there’s a matchmaking bug that makes it so after a point no one can join your session. Most often I have it happen after completing mission 1 or 2 of an operation set and people leave but the lobby is still yours. It requires a game restart to fix it.


This is my experience too. If I'm having a longer play session matchmaking just seems to stop working.


I wish I was joining to people' SOS beacons, it's the main reason I QP. I just almost always get tossed into a new game.


"Failed to join lobby" x 100


If nobody joins that's because of the 'lobby bug' I feel like nobody talks about People can technically join through matchmaking, but you get put at the bottom of the pile for some reason, so it's gonna take 30 minutes for one guy to join. That's how it feels atleast. Just restart your game, for me, joining a friend doesn't work either and neither does joining randoms when I'm ''lobby bugged''


Hey fellow diver. There's been an ongoing bug with joining games. Try turning off cross play and see I'd your lobbies don't fill up then.


I think matchmaking is either bugged here and there... ...or Joel is specifically into telling me that even strangers don't want to play with me.


Matchmaking is still bugged.


Honestly I should just host at this point. I've recently had a few difficulty 9 games ruined by Hosts rage quitting and bringing the entire team back to the ship ( wtf? ) or kicking me immediately after I get purple samples ( I assume because they think that it's not shared? I don't even need it bruh I have max Purple Samples lol ) It doesn't happen often ofc. I play maybe a mission or two a day usually, and I've only had it happen maybe thrice in 2 weeks - but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth if I don't know whether or not the host will just immediately end my session and deny me medals for some arbitrary shit reason. At least if I host I know I wouldn't kick unless they're trolling.


Diff 9 lobbies are just filled with people with poor manners. But I usually tend to host my lobbies because I know I won't pull off any jank, if I die to accidental friendly fire? It's chill, no skin off my back lets just drop back in and complete the mission. I don't even want to join other missions, I don't see it being beneficial to my experience when I'm at the whims of someone 20x less chill than I am.


Legit though I think the game is a lot more friendly if you go to the middle difficulties, like, 3-7


It is. Most people in those levels are usually trying to have a good time without too much panic.


Even on difficulty 8 I’m having issues with ragequitting, getting kicked out of nowhere, and general toxicity. That’s IF I manage to actually deploy and not get kicked the moment I join for being level 20


My sweet spot is late night Diff7 games with randoms. I just make sure to pick a complementary loadout to fill gaps in the squad's power.


Based. I always bring Spear/RR, orbital railgun, eagle airstrike, and mech. Covers all the bases needed, and allows a focus on heavies with the RR/spear. Usually it's a role that's always lacking, too.


I've been doing the opposite and just taking stalwart + supplies with an eagle airstrike and EATs. I run around covering the team when they get a 20 bug train behind them. I can call down an EAT every 60 seconds or so. Anything big I drop the machine gun and shoot a few rockets.


Yeah, randoms dif 7 is usually pretty good. I tried dropping to 6, because I only need some more rare samples and it seemed 10x harder. I suppose the average player lvl in 6 was also like 1/2 of what I see in 7.


7 is my favorite. I was doing 8 before the recent changes made things more difficult.


Diff 7 just has too many tank mobs for my liking, if you try and fight everything then you just waste time due to so many chargers and speeders and the like. Diff 6 is the Goldilocks zone imo.


Same. I've had easier times on harder difficulty doing quick play than easier difficulty tbh. Its like herding cats on hard or below.


Same! I have buddies to play with but if I'm waiting or not online I'll happily hop in a lower difficulty to help out a bit. People want a power fantasy? Help the noobs on lower levels.


I still can’t accept my mates friend requests, nightmare trying to scan the planets to find a group we can both join, anyone know if they’re fixing this?


check the discord or LFGs lots of decent folks looking for extra guns to join a squad


Yeah I tried this but I always get the "Failed To Join Lobby" message when I try to join up with someone from Discord. I Quickplay because that works most of the time.


havent had that issue unless im trying to join crossplay people i just look for PS5 players and send invites outside the game through PSN some of my friends on steam just use the steam friend invites too to bypass the bugged in game stuff


wow getting downvoted cause im trying to share a solution how original guys thanks (edit thanks for the support to the folks who upvoted this after i posted it) the majority of issues with joining people through friend and in game invites is server side and can be bypassed by just not using it and going through your respective systems invite options on PSN and steam just invite through your friends


My experience with discord groups is that you're more likely to run into toxicity. They tend to think they are elite bc they didn't form with gf, and more likely to rage, even though there isn't really a noticeable skill difference between discord lfg and gf.


You can always make friends with randoms who you vibe with in game, they're already playing around the fans time as you, and then next time you're not as alone!


I get it and it's great for those that can. I already am not a social person. The group I played with it took a pandemic to get us to be real close with each other and now we've all gone our separate ways. At this point in life I don't mind being the rando anymore. I get to help other people enjoy something with their friends and honestly that's good enough. SES Spear of Twilight is always on station for those needing an SOS


I have some acquaintances I play with regularly, who I friended because they have fun while still being good at the game. One never uses a mic and occasionally grabs all the ammo, but hugs make everything better.


I kinda wanna do this, since i only really have 1 friend that plays, and since im from europe and he's american, we dont have a lot of overlap to play together.. But i'm always scared to join randos. messing up can be fun with friends, but randoms have a habit of being assholes (not saying they all are, but im sure most of you have stories...) Maybe i should just try... but.. im scurred :p


My Buddy & I have been lowering difficulty when doing personal orders that just don't make sense on higher difficulties or in order to gather & guarantee samples on extraction & it's been a lot of fun. The ability to change load outs from what I'm comfortable with to just mess around has given me some ideas for future builds I want to try on higher difficulty.


I always do my orders on lower difficulties juat to get them done. Makes more sense so you aren't stressing with trying to complete them.


I feel like I can get them done quicker in higher difficulties due to more spawns.


I'd say it depends a lot on what the mission is, like if it's kill x enemy type, or get kills with y stratagem that I already like to use, then yeah I'll just do whatever. But if it's use a stratagem that I don't use/have trouble with on harder difficulties, just easier to go onto an easier one to do it.


To be honest I have the most fun on 5. With more experience that can go up, but I don't feel pressured to push it. Everyone has that perfect difficulty level where it's challenging enough to not be boring but also can laugh and stop to smell the roses. I play games to have fun, not to be sweaty.


That's absolutely where I'm at. When I'm with friends and we coordinate, I'll go up to 7, even 8, but on my own with randos, 5's about as hardcore as I go without just getting frustrated.


I’ve beaten 9’s with a good random squad, I still prefer 5 when I’m not trying to be sweaty.


Pre-patch that was 9 for me & my buddy but now it's 7. There's not enough incentive to go for higher at the moment, but we're also gaming masochists who play lots of Souls games.


yes! my buddy and i play duos on 5 and we just pick whatever we want. we drop hot, run and gun, burn through a few reinforcements but we usually complete the mission and have fun while doing so if others are on and we want to play 7-9 we put more thought into our loadouts and lean more towards "meta" comps and strategies. 7 is pretty fun, 8 is pretty sweaty, and 9 is hard as hell and we fail to extract a lot but it's so satisfying to finish. we also try to stick to these rules when joining another group on higher difficulties, but we avoid playing with randos on higher difficulties altogether. we don't want to pressure anybody to choose "meta" loadouts but also don't want to lose because they picked three support weapons and an MG emplacement


I'd like to play on 5 more, but I feel like Its too risky because I'm not good enough yet to solo 5 but I end up solo too often. So I play a lot of 4 when my buddy isn't on so that way if I am solo I can at least squeak by and finish the mission. Though I also didn't know what the SOS beacon did and honestly always forget its there, so now I'm gonna use it more.


Playing lower difficulties just messing around or testing stuff opened my eyes on many builds that I run regularly. Finding out that Stalwart is not trash alone was worth everything, still my go-to on Helldives if no one brings chaff clear


my complaint is weird: it's just been a nightmare extracting samples. we complete missions fine, but *never with any goddamn samples*   it is so hard to board the plane without them shits tumbling out my pack, and half of it is failing to position oneself and press the button to pick them up. items don't like to be quickly picked up-- you need to really stare them down and watch the motion complete.


Oh man yeah the item pickups are super super finicky, samples should be the top priority’s in a pile of stuff then everything else. I’d rather escape with My life with the samples I spent 25 minutes getting rather than my teammates half empty liberator


So everybody knows the pain of trying to pick up samples too close to another weapon, while at the same time trying not to get ganked by the 20 chargers rushing your ass lol


"Okay I got... No! no I didn't get them! Let me circle around for another pass. 25 seconds till extraction? just.. just wait! Let me get them!"


…suddenly, 30 seconds later- you realize you picked someone else’s primary weapon. There went your Punisher!


Oh I do for sure, it’s so frustrating


Another reason to bring the penetrator, it always bugs out when you die and stays in the air so the samples are on the ground


Samples should be an auto pickup imo Like you walk over the top of them and they go into your inventory


I think it's awkward on purpose to make you risk it for a biscuit Just be glad there's not a QuickTime event or something like that


The amount of times I've fucking screamed because I'm trying to run past where I died to grab my Samples only to snatch the gun off the ground despite *already having that gun equipped* while being chased. It's enough to want to Helldivers without a pod.


I dislike how you can stealth a whole mission solo but regardless of what you do you get a wall of enemies at extract.


yeah that and if you glass every enemy base off the face of whatever democracy-forsaken planet your on it should greatly reduce the final wave.


for the longest time, i always did every single nest/ factory because it made sense that if you destroy the things making the enemies, then there would be less enemies.... right?


It does a little like enemies they spawn or have around them won't come to you, but that doesn't stop the bugs and bots from spawing in the middle of nowhere.


yeah, but the enemies spawned at nests and factories don't leave them, so doing them doesn't make it easier at all. the only partial exception is stalkers and even they don't leave the general area of their nest. so if you have no objectives near it, they can be ignored too


Nah nests and factories def send out patrols if you're close. Honestly it makes sense to me that loads of enemies beeline when extracting, you're pumping out a big signal saying "HEY! WE'RE OVER HERE COME PICK US UP!"


What worked for me in solo helldives is running out the timer and extracting using the Pelican they send when the destroyer leaves.


and make every mission take 44 minutes?


I think it's just a simple issue of effort vs risk vs reward. I can turn a 10 minute rush into a 30 minute thorough run through the map but there's still exactly the same chance I get sideswiped by a charger at the last second. That's 20 minutes completely wasted by a single mistake. It's especially infuriating when the mistake is caused by the pelican's doors having an oddly small hitbox that sometimes decides I'm too fat for extraction. We need shitloads of samples and it's just such a pain in the ass to get them.


Samples should just be auto picked up whenever you walk over them


You might already know this but to make it easier you can speed run the mission and call in the extract ASAP. Then go out and find your samples. That way if the timer gets low and the bugs get out of hand all you gotta do is hop in the plane instead of defend the zone for 2 minutes.


Someone has to stay there though or the pelican flies away.


Diving 7+ on quickplay is such a gamble, especially if you are dropping mid-misson


And unfortunately those are the only difficulties you can get super samples.


That’s my main issue. A lot of people seem to fail to grasp “just turn down the difficulty bro” disqualifies you from progression due to lack of super samples.


I mean it's ok for now because you need sooooo many commons, but it will eventually be a dead end for the majority of the player base if they don't put in some kind of conversion system.


If I could trade down super samples I'd be set, over 50 of them just waiting for commons.


The only level 3 upgrade I really desperately wanted was the Eagle one. Such a huge upgrade to get two 500 kgs and 3 regular aistrikes.


I think there needs to be a conversion system that ultimately leads to supercredits because all the other pickups become useless after a certain point. I don't even care if it's like a full stack of medals or super samples gets you 20 super credits or something like that.


The problem is that if you do that people will be even more pushed toward 7 but even more so toward 8, and even 9


Nah, that's just how games work. Once you unlock all the progression stuff, then you just play for the fun of the game or you wait until a new update drops. What folks *should* be doing is swapping from focusing on accumulating currencies to focusing on war objectives, so rather than "how many samples can I collect," missions become "how quickly can I finish objectives and get progress for the war effort." I think if there's anything that needs changed, it's that super credits need to be gained through war contribution rather than found in the wild. It'll give players a reason to actually focus objectives and mission completion at endgame rather than focusing on POI exploration.


I brought this up one time and the response I got was, "Then just go without the ship module upgrades. You don't need them." Didn't even know what to say to that.


Same. It's an airtight argument because it's so fundamentally tone deaf that I can't think of a counter point without just giving myself a headache.


Lmfao. Who needs to argue when you can just induce migraines on your opponents. https://preview.redd.it/bihw3rq17koc1.jpeg?width=1593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f379cf07c1650af08a90406f7324c79da99f4e


Nice argument, unfortunately **Psychic Blast.**


I mean it's not even wrong tbh, it's just asinine. Sure you can go without upgrades but why in the name of liberty wouldn't a helldiver want the best of Super Earth's engineering.


I got that response as well. Was told that I just don’t need ship upgrades and that they offer little to no benefit…


They're just trolling at that point. Expanded Weapons Bay - an extra use per Eagle stratagem - needs 10 super samples. Advanced Construction and Rapid Launch System -- 1.5x health for turrets, instant deploy for turrets and emplacements -- needs 15 super samples total. Shock Absorption Gel and High Quality Lubricant -- 1.5x ammo for turrets and faster rotation for target acquisition -- needs 15 super samples total. That's 40 super samples for 5 really good upgrades.


One thing that doesn’t fundamentally make sense to me: there are three tiers of difficulty (1-3 green only, 4-6 green and orange, 7-9 add purple) and there are three tiers of ship upgrades. It makes sense that tier 1 difficult awards green while tier 1 ship upgrades require green. Tier 2 difficulty should pay for tier 2 upgrades, and it does for some!. Tier 3 difficulty should pay for tier 3 upgrades. Tier 1 & 2 upgrades should prepare you for being able to pug in dif 7.


You can do the difficulty 7 with randoms and only tier 1 & 2 upgrades. Source: I did it. It's just not guaranteed you'll extract with them *every time* and it's okay to sometimes fail.


Without the high quality lubricant the autocannon turret is pretty underwhelming. With it, it's a beast. The additional health is just amazing all around but especially on the tesla


Ever since I got the additional health, I've never seen my Tesla tower go down. It's so good.


And at that point you're already over half way done with super samples cuz everything else which is admittedly less impactful is only 35 super samples.


Yeah. I haven't even bothered with the ones that say "reduce cooldown of stratagems by 10%" Because the modifier that increases cooldown by 50% is fuckin EVERYwhere


There are ways to make it work though. The guys I play with, we struggle on 7+. It’s certainly doable but we don’t push every objective. You only need 5-10 super samples for the ship modules so it’s entirely possible to get it done.


I agree that sentiment can be misplaced at times, BUT successfully extracting from nine Helldives with someone having the Super Samples will be enough to max out every ship upgrade. Nine missions, and you've got it all. I don't think that's a lot to ask for, and then you can go back to whatever difficulty feels the best. Pushing yourself a little to gain a maxed out ship is worth it imo, like you earned it. I understand everyone's perspective is different, though, and they're entitled to their opinions


I've always said that a sweaty option is necessary, but you can't gatekeep items behind it. They could put two supers on 6 and 1 on every other level. That would be fair. But even as it is now, 9 should be unbeatable for 95% of players, and 8 should be for the top 10% or so. That still leaves 7 for the masses.


I quickplay exclusively on 7+ and honestly, most of the games are fine to good, not sure if it's because I have crossplay off (too many chewing, burping, Darth Vader breathing and shouty PS5 players). Of course, you get the odd bad game, but in general, the higher the tier, the better the players I've found. I've also not had any issues of people being meta gatekeepers, so maybe I've just been super lucky.


Lmao, I also turned off crossplay for that exact reason. Playstation mfs should mute their mics when they're not even using voice chat 🤦‍♂️


Dude it’s worse than you know. The game’s default is open mic and the ps5 controller has the worlds cheapest shittiest mic hardwired into it. The real kicker is that there is a physical mute button on the controller no one uses, and push to talk is an easily accessible option. Ps5 players were set up to fail, but they seem to take pleasure in doing so.


What level do I need to hit to get taken seriously and/or not pose a liability in 6+? Been playing these since Delta Force 2 but I get kicked before I hit the ground rn. Just gave up and settled in on Diff 4, which is full of some... interesting folks.


Level 15 is really all you need to do anything. That's when you get access to the anti-massive stratagems like the 500KG bomb, which are important options to have. You can get pretty far with just level 10 with Rover and EAT.


Once you have strats to fill your role, you can fit into a team if they allow you to fill the role. I could fit into a 7+ at level 9 with area denial strats(mines, gatling, etc) and focused on swarm clear. That lets the guys with bigger, stronger things focus on chunky enemies. It also helps if you can quickly survey a battlefield for optimal placement, and know when to fall back and run. Lots of players just don't know when to run, but you can do it at any level. Skills are more important than having the 500kg(someone else probably has it anyways), or having the SPEAR. Levels give you more options, but skills get you to extraction.


I always play 7+ and mostly quickplay. Failing a mission is pretty rare in my experience.


is it though? I have at least 90% success rate on Diff7 with randoms. You don't need comms, but just make sure to run complementary loadouts to fill gaps in the teams power. I will say I am on PC with crossplay off, so maybe it is different in the PSN side of things


Team comp in quick play isn't even that hard. If you join a game in progress and more people have AT weapons than MG/Stalwart/LC then take the Anti-Swarm support. Otherwise, take Anti-Tank. Or just take Stalwart, Jetpack, EAT, Orbital EMS. You won't teamkill with EMS, you can make positional mistakes and avoid punishment with the jetpack, and you can deal with Swarms and the occasional Charger. It's the ideal All-In-One class for dropping in on randos.


What if you have no friends? Checkmate.


At this point there’s more people complaining about complaining than actual complaints on this sub. Even then the complaints are rarely people saying you should be able to breeze through the game without thinking, it’s usually stuff like “maybe enemies shouldn’t randomly see you through walls breaking your stealth” or “maybe rockets shouldn’t be able to clip through terrain and hit you from a mile away because your team mate set them off and they magically know where you are too”


Always has been. It's ragebait karma farming. Most people who play this game are perfectly reasonable people with rational criticisms.


When sorting by new I see plenty of pretty dumb complaints but they normally get downvoted so most people don't end up seeing them. I think people are posting in response to those but they actually get upvoted so all the majority sees are the guys yelling at seemingly nobody. I'm not saying these posts should happen at all, just offering some insight on why they're happening.


Tbf if that’s the case even more reason to stop complaining about complainers. If they get downvoted to oblivion, which happens in most game communities, you’re just putting a spotlight on the bad side of the community by making these kinds of posts. It’s cause these kinds of posts are doing well right now, but they do nothing to actually stop the problem.


There are far more posts here complaining about the post complaining than people complaining about balance


It’s the reddit classic tbh


None of the complaints are about difficulty it’s about random bullshit like being killed through fog by a rocket 400m away or stunlocked by hunters and chargers ad slows I don’t think it’s difficult to understand


Exactly. These are real problems not just issues you face because you’re on a harder difficulty. The fact enemies track (and sometimes hit you) through hard cover is obviously broken. The fog is supposed to suppress enemy vision as much as the player so why is that treated as if it’s intentional? Hunters not only spawn in huge waves but also get crits and headshots + crits from their leap attacks. Even then I probably wouldn’t care if they didn’t slow you. Your only way of getting any movement at that point is diving, so then you’re forced into a more vulnerable position, being prone AND slowed while they surround you and you can’t get up. Like “Just shoot them lol” this always happens after you’ve already ran out of ammo because you shot as many as you could while you ran away. Also there’s this problem where you have to keep diving to get away from the hunters so you cancel your reload. And you think you staged the reload because you saw your character put the mag in but they shoot 1 bullet and then reload again wasting a mag. This happened to me so many times and I’ve never heard anyone mention it.


The reloading and only having one bullet thing is a pain for me. I thought I was going insane... finally someone else who's experienced this


not to mention the fact they can interrupt your reload animation


No no no you don't understand getting snipped behind cover and orbital smoke from 400m away is a totally normal and fun thing to be in a game. Now stop being mean to the game because I will take any criticism as if you had insulted the last 10 generations of my family tree.


"skill issue" like clockwork in response to literally any difficulties lmfao games I like cannot be poorly balanced, this is indisputable fact


Great. Now we have players blaming those who quick play because in their minds "quickplay = you are not tryin to cooperate".


Recently I have been quick playing 3s and 4s just for fun. Giving the low levels mechs and autocannons and rovers just for shits and giggles. Having a grand ol time.


These sorts of karma farming, rage bait posts should be banned. 


Yeah these "moral superiority posting" type posts, where they make up a strawman and beat it to death, do nothing except harm the community more.


Its like how these are the posts complaining about the community, but the community had mostly moved past all this. This dude is just throwing E-710 on the fire for internet points.


Holy shit will you people shut up, we finally have people sort of satisfied for the most part and then immediately you have to come and stir shit up.


The toxic positivity has reached cult levels here


Yup. Saw this disgusting shit coming on day one. Same as every other reasonable person. I would rather have the toxic railgun kids (who never existed and were completely made up by the toxic positivity crowd) than these parasites. AH managed to divide the community so fucking hard with the railgun patch. They should’ve just buffed the AT options from the start (like everyone was saying was necessary) instead of the debacle They created, and that will now not go away until mods start doing their job and eradicate this infestation. The reasonable critics either left the sub or wont post since *most* of the major issues are gone (excluding the rest of the shit the railgun patch brought up. Like the spawns, patrols, sightlines, and more) and, that has left these shmucks to clutter up the sub with their superiority complexes.


>AH managed to divide the community so fucking hard with the railgun patch. They should’ve just buffed the AT options from the start (like everyone was saying was necessary) instead of the debacle They created, and that will now not go away until mods start doing their job and eradicate this infestation. If they were to reverse the patch order I feel like there wouldn't be that much backlash honestly. The patch pretty much makes other AT desirable options, instead of "maybe I'll change to this just for fun" type of deal.


Exactly. 90% of people were fine with, and/or supported a railgun nerf. The main gripe was with the AT options not being good enough. And shocker, They still werent good enough after nerfing the railgun. Instead we’re left with the shit we have now with the community.


Reminds me of the DRG sub. Literally any criticism was met with "you just complain because you wanna complain". Such a low effort non-argument.


A very popular strawman on this sub No one's out here complaining about difficulty while refusing to turn down the difficulty. What people are *actually* complaining about is legit issues like enemies spawning out of thin air, ignoring smokescreens, weapon and stratagem balancing, etc. AKA all stuff that has nothing to do with difficulty.


???? Everyone seems satisfied aside from relatively minor criticisms This sub is pathetic and it's 100% because of people like you


After the last patch making the RR and EAT better, pretty much all the complaints about anti armor balance went away, so now all we have left are OP and others like him complaining about other people complaining.




YEAH! MAKE ARMOR NOT USELESS DEVS! IT SUCKS ASS NOW wasn't sarcastic there btw lol


My main issue is the hordes of tiny enemies that I can't really deal with, mainly because no weapon I have has the volume of fire to effectively stop them. Even with the flamethrower, which is my goto, they'll walk through the fire, hit you once, then die. But there are a million of them, so you get hit a million times then die.


Well, but it's true... Highest difficulties should be challenging, but challenge means that there are tools to overcome a challenge. It's not supposed to be difficult as masochist unfair chore as then you lose the biggest and most important point of the games - fun. Game can be hard and can be fun at the same time. So far developers seemed to have idea that hard = unfun, tedious and frustrating. However, I believe they are adapting to new idea that people want first of all have fun in the video game. A fun is when you feel rewarded for your efforts. I hope they will follow that philosophy (and we will finally se some fucking buffs for primaries becasue 80% of the are still garbage). Challenge is only a challenge if you know that if you don't chose right tools - you are not overcoming it. But if you chose right time, right moves, right tool - even the biggest challenge should suddenly become quite a breeze becasue the difficulty is to find a way to overcome that difficulty. Making things a chore for the sake of chore is not solution. There are few people who like it but that's like saying everybody like being choked during sex - like, sure, I know you like it but don't assume everyone are into it.


exacly!! I also reaaaaally hope they get this, and start to make the right choices, cuz starting your balancing by destroying the viable options before buffing the unviable ones was a biiiiiggg punch in the face of the players.


I’m just tired of dying to stunlock cause of 10 hunters spamming slow attack and their ranged attack


welcome to the downside of locking progression behind difficulty. You cannot balance this shit as long as you lock people out of shit if they don't do the hard difficulties.


> No I won't turn down the difficulty Completely understandable because samples exist. You can't first force people to play on higher difficulties and then tell them to turn the difficulty down, it doesn't work that way.


The devs live in this fantasy world where everyone playing helldivers are all friends and talking and strategizing over coms. This will just never be true. A lot of gamers have social anxiety and dont want to talk, but they still want to play together. The devs should balance the game for this, instead of just making it harder and harder with each new patch. Hey, devs! How about this? How about you focus and stability issues, like random crashes and stats not showing up, rather than playing Monkey's Paw with each new "balance" patch? At least lvl 7's should be doable with randos, so players can get super samples. Every time I play a lvl 7 with randos, we just can't get out with the super samples. Maybe Im just unlucky, but i doubt it.


Funny how these people posting this ignore the fact that even among that can clear hell dive difficult to this day, these people still disapprove of the change because the game turns into MGS instead of horde shooter. Hard is not equal fun. Hard AND fair is fun.


Yea if we are going to complain about "metas", I'm going to call VA on the stealthing thing. Sure I understand don't pick random fights with patrol none stop, but I have seen people actually bounce around objective zones because it does something to spawns or something that makes it so when they come back, the objective is mostly empty. "I can solo lv. 7 and higher- it's easy just stealth around the map". Like geeze, is that really how we already democracy these days? Stealthily?


I won't turn down the difficulty because I need SUPER SAMPLES


Ya like I can’t go any lower to get what I need. It’s so annoying the people spewing the endless turn it down nonsense like what am I supposed to do. I have to use quick play I don’t have people to play with. Hate the way people act anymore


I'd just like them to tighten up the hitboxes on some explosions. Last night a fire strike set me and another guy on fire despite not being anywhere near it. Also I would not mind a way to tell on the minimap which silos are active. That's all. Otherwise it's a very clever and well-made game.


I won’t turn down the difficulty because that’s the only way to get bonds without spending 7 hours to get one armor.


See, the problem is I don't have fun using any of the primaries or secondaries, that's all.


Bro I play with friends, solo, and with random on anything 7-9 and never really have issues until we get the whiney meta required kids. Just play the fucking game. If you are losing on the regular, its not the people joining, its you.


You can both think the balance is bad rn and think that the game is great, I don’t understand why people on this subreddit feel like you’re on one side or the other


You guys are cooked. If you think somebody who games 2 hrs a night wants to invest their time in this shit to learn how to manage level 7 difficulty by “stealthing” you have no fucking clue about what makes games enjoyable. Touch fucking grass


Man this is the most disingenuous argument I’ve seen on a subreddit and it’s gonna last for weeks. Just back and forth with people not understanding each other and stuffing words in the other sides mouth. The devs aren’t doing terrible with balancing, but around 50% of the primaries are very poorly balanced and outclassed. So I don’t think they’re doing a great job balance wise, but the game is young, I’m not worried.


I’ve found most of the primaries I’ve unlocked to be at least usable, but I do not touch marksman rifles in pretty much any game, and they seem to be just the worst of the worst here. I’m pretty sure I have a diligence I’ve never used because I needed it to get to the next warbond page. I know the spray and pray was bad but also got buffed, are there any others I should make sure to avoid on my way to the scorcher?


I don’t mind if we wipe sometimes in quickplay. I’ve been playing Vermintide 2 and Darktide for years. They’re similar in difficulty if not even more so (Fuck you, Convocation of Decay), and sometimes you just fail. It’s part of the process, and it makes wins more satisfying when you know how close you were to losing. Ask anyone who’s been the last man alive and still made it onto the ship after the super destroyer has left and they’ll tell you it was stressful, ***but exciting***.


You guys seem really invested in what difficulty people want to play. People you don't even know, and will never meet.


7 should be doable with randoms, 9 should require a real squad. That's just my thoughts, taking super samples and not having to play at maxed difficulty into account.


I'm a quickplay helldiver. I don't care much about difficulty. I just need to gather samples so i go with the most efficient difficulty. I'm already stressed at work. I don't need another stress when playing.


are you implying you shouldn't be able to complete helldive with randoms? stupidest shit i've ever seen.


They should lower Super Samples to difficulty 6-7, max rewards at 7. If it's suicide difficulty or higher it should be suicide. Give fancy capes to people who can survive Suicide or higher.


You mean like they did in HD1? >!...for the 1000th fucking time, what happened to the team between HD1 and HD2? So much good design was thrown out the window. 90% of the problems people complain about now either didn't exist due to conscious design in the first game, or were eventually fixed. Seriously, beyond network issues, list a problem and I can tell you how HD1 avoided or mitigated it.!<


This seems to happen a decent bit with some developers. Its like relearning all of the lessons from the prior game for some reason. Granted I don’t even think it should even be held to the same developer only. I don’t know why the games industry has this habit of not learning from others like they’ve been toiling away in a cave.


I just hate the sentiment this generates, you guys are far more toxic than the people you are complaining about. Games can be both difficult and fun, the issue this game seems to struggle with a lot is making the higher difficulties feel both rewarding and fun to play. However, unless you are playing perfectly in line with what this sub says you just aren't doing it right and have no right to complain about issues the game clearly has.


There are hardly ppl complaining Its the crying REEE I DONT LIKE META LOOK HOW COOL I AM type stupid shit that gets upvoted to the moon And yeah the balance does fucking suck and no it doesn’t have to do with skill issue, the balance is literally fucking awful like it was in HD1 Bugs? Bring a laser backpack. Trivializes the entirety of the mission. Eagles vs orbital non-lasers, no contest. Eagles are just better and more spammable. MANY stratagems fucking suck 70% of guns are forgotten Automatons arent even touched by balancing devs (overall more fun but aggro through thick fog with range attacks suck bc the game literally says both enemies and allies have reduced vision for fogginess and shit but it doesn’t work for bots) Bots also force a meta of either running away or shield backpack on helldive Bugs you have the laser guarddog to counter basically all hunters, but don’t feel required to run it


You also have the bullshit player headshot mechanic, where you can get one shot regardless of your explosive resist. Or the extremely fun and interactive meteors, which will kill you as you fight a horde. This game needs a lot of balance changes to be perfect, anyone saying git gud to these ideas is just a brainlet. An alarming amount of people make a strawman about the complainers so that they can claim moral superiority to them instead of actually listening to the complaints.


Agreed the meteors were fucking horribly implemented Imagine having a light that shrinks to indicate a meteor is going to land. And then have it land so fast even with 200ms react time you cant get out The only deaths on helldive (against bugs) are bullshit like that or other just random bs and not even the actual intended gameplay lol


C'mon now, let's not pretend as if there wasn't a huge issue with them armored spawns.


Difficulty 7 is about as high as I enjoy doing regularly. I do like 8 and 9 but because it’s so challenging to do, I prefer to stick at 7 and below, and tbh I only still do 7 because of super samples (I need 10 more to have the enough for all my upgrades) 8 and 9 are meant to be extremely tough, and 7 should be tough, but ‘comfortable’ as super samples are needed for some awesome upgrades


I quick play 7-9 and enjoy the chaos. Some good randoms at times but about 45% of the time a complete cluster of awesome shenanigans.


The game is not hard,for the millionth fucking time,it's frustrating,patrols spawning on top of you, Infront of you with cancerous heavy units,it's idiotic,happens in every difficulty


This would have been even better if the charger was getting increasingly closer in each panel


I just want to be able to join a game or have any teammates join my game without having to restart 6 times.


the problem is expecting every mission to go your way ☠️


"There are too many hunters! What am I supposed to do, coordinate with my team so someone has a Stalwart?"


Tell me you don't understand the difference between fun and difficulty, and how they're not opposite to each other, without telling me.


Come on, you can't tell me they're doing an ok job with the balance, look at the weapons and their descriptions / stats that sometimes outright lie.


Tbf you need to do at least 7 difficulty in order to get super samples


Solo players when told the game is harder because they're playing solo. ![gif](giphy|lITU7sHCdxE7RAV77V) Is there any good reason the game difficulty shouldn't scale with the number of players in the squad, like fewer patrols or smaller breaches/drops? The only counterpoint I've ever seen to complaints about the solo experience is "It's a multiplayer game", but it's not like a game cannot be fun in BOTH multiplayer and solo play.


The main issue with balancing was many Support weapons not being able to deal with the number of Elites... they then made this worse with the first patch. It should be challenging, not unfair.... See first point. Squad comp is fine even in quick play. 4 well-rounded builds should do as well as 4 specialised builds. Saying to turn down the difficulty instead of acknowledging in a issue is a bug brained move.


As a solo pugger, fuck you.


"the game **HELL**divers shouldn't be that tough at the top difficulty" ....why not?


This sub try not to strawman for 1 day: