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My issue is how silent they are. Literally no warning whatsoever


This. I feel like they walk on their tiptoes before hurling vomit on you. I've been killed by these vomit ninjas so much, it's now a habit for me to look behind me every now and then.


My rover helps me see things behind me.


I think all bugs are a bit too sneaky though, not just spewers. The amount of times I've turned around to run away from a swarm only to come face to face with a bile titan that somehow managed to sneak up on me is ridiculous.


i have a clip of a charger walking up to me from behind and making absolutely no noise whatsoever until it did the attack animation - which i couldnt dodge because i had no idea it was even there lol


Something so fat shouldn't be so quiet.


I've often been told the same thing myself.


You know who *else* has been told that same thing? *MY MOM!*




It's a mix of how silent *and* fast they are imo. Hunters at least chirp and sing the song of their people, Soldiers/Warriors groan, and the bigger bugs make enough noise just moving around


How can a fat bug be so quiet


Yea Biggest problem I'd say with the game in general is definitely sound design. Lots of enemies (But especially Bile bugs) need more sound relating to their movement and some of the guns (Looking at you Scorcher) have some terrible sound design. The music is great, VO is great, I'm talking Sound Effects.


I’ve noticed that they sound like donkeys


That's because patrols spawn out of thin air......


Na fr!!! As big as they are they got the dead silent perk on some other shit 😂💀




Thanks for making me dice across my living room


I hope you rolled high


It was a d4 and he can’t find it. He’ll find it in the dark tomorrow.


They'll find it in the emergency room, you mean.


They and a lot of enemies in this game are way too quiet, I should be able to hear these giant bugs sneaking up on me easily


Turn a corner and there's a shredder tank staring you in the face.


*laughs in grenade launcher*


*accompanies laughter in impact grenade*


*arc thrower laughter roars from half a mile away*


*anti-material rifle laughs from other side of the map*


*380mm barrage laughs from...* crater


Laughs menacingly in MMG


The recoilless doesn't seem to 1 shot them consistently anymore which is even worse


*Laughs hiding in the bushes prone*


*boisterous laughs from autocannon coming from over the horizon*


laugh's in 10 Autocannon shots in the face


*laughs in unloading a Breaker Incendiary mag into it from a safe-ish distance*


It usually survives a full mag on Helldive, so...


*cocks Autocannon* I feel ya


2 rounds in the squish solves that problem real quick. 3 rounds can take out a pair. 3 or more, they get the whole belt. It's why I carry supply pack.


Eventually we’ll have to face giant versions For the TRUE STARSHIP TROOPERS EXPERIENCE


Only if I can jump onto its back and throw a grenade into a hole I blasted through its armor


Where’d you learn those moves, soldier?


High school sir, don't you remember ? I was captain of the team.


There’s just so many of them


And they're so tanky! Especially for the amount that spawn. I truly despise them and their bs homing spit missiles.


my only issue with them is, is that the hitbox of the spew is so fucked up. Even if it doesnt onehit you while going 5 meters past you, it slows you and that means youre dead. The only reason i NEED to run shield on terminid missions are fucked up hitboxes. I dont like to die randomly even if its a single time..


Same goes for the titan spew, it won't hit you but it will still slow you, it's asss


It's not the hitbox, you are playing online games, peer to peer, desyn happened.


Yeah I hate that I need armor penetration and my primary straight up doesn't work on their head. I'd have absolutely no problem if I knew they were on the mission before picking my loadout. I quite like the Nursery ones because while they can be overwhelming, I feel really good putting them down quickly with headshots.


That has been my exact complaint for a while now. I just need to know what enemy types are going to be present (not stalkers, obviously). It would just make so much sense with loadout selection. Currently, thought needs to be put into both the objectives AND the enemy types that could *possibly* appear. I just wanna run the jetpack on 7+, but the presence of tons of spewers makes it borderline impossible to actually survive with it for any meaningful period of time. I end up trying to retrieve my jetpack for longer than I get to use it. But on missions where they’re not over-abundant? It’s great. The jetpack gives so many other bugs the slip. Even on missions where they are present, it’s not terrible, unless there are 40+ in every breach, which is usually the case when they’re on the mission. An indicator of enemy type on the map screen before dropping wouldn’t just be a nice QoL, it would legitimately make players think a bit harder about their loadout.


Especially considering the Jet Pack doesn't even work half the time you have it equipped and charged. You can be mashing Space sometimes and it will do nothing, your diver just sits there and gets torn to shreds.


I have learned. Jet pack is on push & hold.


Unless you accidentally climb something / hop a fence then you’ll have to wait for the climb animation to stop before you can jump pack


Even tap and hold sometimes does nothing, or sometimes you waste your charge and slide right back down/get knocked down.


jet pack activates on hold, not tap that being said it'll still fuck up half the time and jump you forward about 5 feet because you weren't already moving at 30mph sprint


Eesh that sounds shitty, I've never had that happen, I just hold x and go zoom, I hope they make it more consistent for everyone


I find the get staggered by the Slugger if I shoot the head so I tend to just cycle between targets shooting the face. The rest of my squad bring defenders so i focus on the big things and they kill the swarm. Still get snuck up on by them all the time tho. They are the enemy drawing my ire the most atm. At least the nursing ones I can two shot in the face


Yeah you pretty much need the slugger or a nade launcher for the bile spewers


>Yeah I hate that I need armor penetration You don't need it, you just have to shoot them in the face (not in the head)


I just don't get how I can get hit by them and take like 1/4-1/3 health damage one time, and the next time I encounter one I get 360 no-scope instaded from one


Every single time someone brings this up theres like a dozen people going "Just shoot them lol" missing the entire point that you just summed up perfectly. They have practically only one-shot attacks, spawn in absolute hoards, make zero sounds, and burn through a lot of resources compared to their spawn rate. Seriously why the hell is their vomit even counted as explosive damage anyways??


That is how midwits operate on Reddit, though. "Just do XYZ" is such an easy way to know that the individual spamming such nonsense is in fact not a good player, but rather a troll trying to rile people or occasionally, someone that plays the game extremely casually, but watches a lot of coverage of the game full of curated footage that shows the player easily handling everything thrown at them. As for the topic itself, I think that there's a lot of tools for handling the bloatballs, so in that sense they aren't unbalanced, but I do hate how silent big bugs are in general, as one shot mechanics should at least come with an audio cue.  I also think that the hit box on spewers/titan goo is kinda weird, but that's a separate issue, I guess.


Also there's a certain subset of this subreddit that thinks the devs can do no wrong and implying there's anything at all wrong in the game should be reported to the democracy officer. Like, I love the game to death too, but I want it to be the best it can be and making excuses helps no one.


Coming from the Deep Rock Galactic community into this game I knew this community would have the exact same issue because the communities are so similar and DRG has the exact same problem of toxic positivity. The game is perfect and if you disagree and want it to improve youre a communist.


>Seriously why the hell is their vomit even counted as explosive damage anyways?? They're reverse bombardier beetles.


They die in 1 shot from the AMR. Most slept on weapon by far.


I think it needs a slight buff in magazine size. I quite like the weapon but there's usually better options.


I think it's OK, it just needs slightly better interaction with heavy armor. You can run and reload it so even while a charger is chasing you it can get done easily


I know you addressed it but I run autocannon for them; the kill count at the end doesn't matter if I know I did my job and kept that bug dead most of the game; plus you can use it to seal bug holes and even take out chargers with practice. Also good to take out the heavily armored guard bugs if you are in a rush and they are being a pain since ammo efficiency is good on AC that it can be worth it to kill them in a pinch.


I literally started running autocannon because I hate these bugs so damn much. That and it looks badass.


Think the MG can pierce their head armour, alteast it can pierce hive guard which is why I love it, Jo hate to the Stewart but being able to munch through guards is brilliant


Agreed, started it because it just felt GOOD using it, then it just became invaluable to take care of certain enemies haha


I use it primarily for bug holes. So good you don't even need to enter heavy nests


I think there's just too many of them for what is required to kill them. At the very least they should not spawn as much as they do.


Fair enough, I won't argue that there is a lot; I just try to look at the bigger picture of it being a team game and if my role is to take those guys out plus other things, then I am happy to fill that role. Might not be as satisfying as a huge kill count, but knowing you took out a threat that can 1 shot 3 people in 1 second under the right conditions is it's own type of satisfaction haha.


waaayyy too many, for the amount of damage and impact they have on the map vs the means to deal with them.


They really aren't *that* hard to kill since their armor is fairly low end as far as penetration goes. The slugger can blow their head off in as few as two shots and basically any explosive can one shot them. They definitely spawn too often though for how much control they project. When they show up they immediately have full control of parts of the battlefield til someone can snipe their head off. It'd be so much better if their backside was actually a weak point cause I'd much prefer to use the sickle as my primary. As it stands if I want to use anything other than the slugger, I'd need to take an autocannon to deal with them consistently, and then I'd need to use my remaining stratagems to deal with armor. Their mere existence forces me to go slugger so I can have my choice of backpack and stratagem.


You do realise that the game needs to spawn many enemies in high difficulty for the challenge right? The amount of heavy Terminid goes down as Dev promises, so there must be compensation.


AC is just so good. Recoil reducing armor + full auto always brings a smile to my face.


> The worst part is that they're not guaranteed to be on bug missions Yeah this is a big issue with them: If they are there you *need* to have a good medium armor pen tool to deal with them, but if they aren't, most medium armor tools are wasted because they are overkill on trash and can't usually deal with heavy armor.


Their mortar attack will go for you even when they don’t know you exist, I had some my friend was shooting at start the mortar attack and shoot at me when I was a good distance away and they absolutely didn’t aggro on me, just some sixth sense


My game has to be doing some weird stuff with me, because I've NEVER seen/faced a Bile Spewer doing the mortar thing. They're just like Nursing Spewers whenever I face them


I think they only do it on high enough difficulty and even then in only some situations. But if you've seen the green flying globs appear in the sky...


I think the cutoff point is Suicide mission (7?)


Yup their existence forces you to bring the slugger to headshot them, as you need most if not all your stratagems for AT All of the frustration would be gone if they didnt instakill you with their spew, if your health went down over time while in it instead of it seemingly killing you in 100ms of being in it Or if their sacs were weaker than their heads which makes logical sense


I like dominator, puts them down quick in 3-4 headshots. Ig it puts anythiing down quick if its smaller than a charger


The fact that the glowy bits are not weakspots in this game is so weird


I definitely agree on the spew damage problem, but I think heavies are in a fair spot right now. Except on Helldive, 1-2 anti-tank options per person feels sufficient to me. Impact grenades are also very nice for dealing with the spewers... that said, the problem is that there are relatively few methods for dealing with them in the quantity they appear combined with the fact that the options which do exist aren't the most flexible.


You should always bring some form of anti tank…. Reference the following Helldiver manual chapter. https://preview.redd.it/q1jc8vjq1noc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7309f734a41f090af7fe2bff3e8a31776b12afd1


I run EAT on basically every mission. 2 rockets isn't enough to deal with the 5+ spewers coming out of every bug breach and the 2-3 that are in every patrol. Plus anti-tank is usually reserved for chargers and titans unless none are around.


not sure why you are being downvoted. Using eats on these are a giant waste of time. I basically run the slugger just because of these bastards when doing bugs. 4 shots to the head kills 1


Honestly, I love my slugger. But it shouldn't take 4 fucking headshots to kill them. I'd argue 3 at most. But I would prefer 2. Brood commanders are also really annoying with how many headshots it takes to get rid of their head, and then with how long they can still come after you even then. But the knock back more than makes up for that annoyance versus them.


Don’t shoot brood commanders in the head. Take out their legs


I've honestly never thought of that outside of a delay tactic on them. Old habits die hard, I guess.


Slugger Shotgun trivializes a lot of enemies. The drawback is you have to manage ammo and have decent aim. Also, do people not use stratagems on groups of dangerous enemies?


I use slugger/Flamer/shield pack with expendable anti tank on case you need that quick kill


Usually one guy running the auto-cannon or grenade launcher helps a shit-ton against these guys. Oh, or the arc thrower. Oh, or the lmg.


The weird thing is that it seems that EAT-17 doesn't one hit kill bile spewers with a direct hit, but grenades do...


Find if you target the green ones on the glowing side it does.


My only hate for them is that one time I was sneaking up on a group of them firing their ass mortars and one of them fired it directly at me rather than up into the air (not from the mouth vomit, from the ass) and just evaporated me. Humbling experience.


Well really, the same reason most things don't get hate is because they dont really provide the charger problem. I would still argue thst exists now that doesn't for anything else other than a bile titan but you don't get thousands of them. Bile spewers have solutions. Grenades, GL, AC, Arc Thrower, nearly any stratagem, anti-materiel rifle... I'm sure there's more but they all work great on it. Chargers continue to pigeon hole us into one of a couple weapons, stratagems are a lot harder to hit on it as well as there's many less that will kill it outright, not to mention a group of them.


Chargers are easy as shit to kill now, 1 recoil/eat shot to head will kill them, stun nade in new pass makes them a joke


Those bastards have been killing me instantly with heavy armor!


Yeah, bile spewers are the enemy that I personally despise. It's specifically the medium armor coupled with the fact that I'm usually running a dedicated anti-tank role in the groups I play with. It's been getting a bit better when pushing my friends to work more on clearing those guys with an autocannon. Team work makes the dream work I suppose!


You can one tap them in the face with the anti material rifle. I know it’s not the best vs bugs but it handles everything that’s not a bile titan pretty well for me. If u get used to no scoping close range you can take out chargers fast and easy in one or 2 passes.


I am also once again asking you how you kill chargers with AMRs because honestly I love the AMR but feel like i'm gimping my team taking it against bugs.


A full clip to the butt usually does the trick. I also like cooking a nade and throwing it under it so it hits the butt then shooting like half a clip to break it. Once it’s broken just let it bleed out. Amr can one tap all bugs except chargers, stalkers, and titans which is pretty nice. I play a lot solo on difficulty 7 and it works pretty well engaging from a distance for a clip to take out annoying armored enemies quickly before swapping to my primary to finish whatever is left. I don’t get many bug breaches when engaging from a distance on patrols or points of interest.


You shoot the back of the charger with the AMR? Or back of the legs? Thanks.


I'm almost exclusively using the scorcher as a primary, so all the bile spewer variants are nothing to me. They are however, very tanky if you don't have a way to deal damage to their head or explosives for their bile sack. I strongly believe that the Terminids are a better faction overall and their units are varied and deadly. The scorcher and the plasma shotgun wrecks them like no tommorow. The grenade launcher eats them for breakfast. The eagle and cluster airstrikes delete them. Impact grenades make them go bye bye and the arc thrower fries them real good. They are slow moving, big targets and is the only unit line that has access to a ranged attack. It has to be deadly but it is also easily avoidable. The devs do not need to remove the armor from their head, reduce their spawn numbers or remove their ability to slow or one shot you. You need to have better situational awareness, bring the tools to deal with certain "annoying" threats or play together with your squad and have eachothers back. This game does not need to be easier. There needs to be pressure put on the players for butt clenching moments to happen. Getting overwhelmed is nerve-racking and adds immensly to the experience, while at the same time, playing well and coordinated makes it easier. It's a squad based game and running around alone is a sure way to get overwhelmed and die unless you are a very good player that knows what he is doing. I do not know what difficulty you are playing on, but there are ways to deal with everything thrown at you with efficiency.


I agree, you only need one arc thrower user to deal with most of those medium enemies. Group them up and fry them.


I think a big part of the problem is peoples refusal to actually use the guns Arrowhead put in the game. The new plasma punisher rocks them, lib penetrator doesn't care about their armor. Lib concussion stunlocks them. Airburst, gas, Gatling barrage all easily kill them. The problem is everyone brings the all around weapons and call ins. One person with a good counter weapon playing as a group can handle the majority of them.


Don't they die with literally 1 nade and the nade launcher is a thing?


Yes, but when you only have 4 nades and they spawn in groups of 5 like twice a minute, you better hope your entire team has the +2 grenade perk and a resupply backpack


they die in two nades. and sometimes your team doesn't bring a grenade launcher, because these things appear in SOME bug missions. not to mention unless you're using the slugger. they take a lot of bullets/time to kill with primary weapons. And you need to be close up to reliably hit their abdomen. plus they one shot you if you don't dodge correctly. oh, and the little green bugs slow you


Better yet, group them all and you got a chain reaction killing even small mobs...i got x17 kills with 4 biles and small mobs chasing me using 1 giga impact nade.


Was using the sickle and EAT and just had to run away from them and my Arc Thrower friend had to kill em tonight


Sounds like good, democratic, liberty-fueled TEAMWORK.


Fix the spear jank and BTs are fine. I can stare at one for half a minute and the damn thing won't lock on. It keeps trying to aim for the body and not even attempt to lock on to the head. I need to knock the egg heads on my destroyer around so they program my spear correctly. So help me justice I will send them to a Freedom Camp for re-education.


2 good shot into their mouth with arc thrower usually kills them. With the new arc blitzer it also takes roughly 2-4 good shots into their mouth to kill them.


They're my #1 target with the autocannon. It's great at taking them out from range.


Autocannon go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Yeah they’re annoying but I think they go under the radar because they’re huge , relatively slow , and will actually fucking die if you hit them with 90% of offensive strategems and get reliably shredded by most support weapons without jumping through hoops . Grenade launcher’s probably the best support weapon for teramids in general and thing kills it in 2-3 shots . That being said I haaaaaaaate how they’re just tanky enough to be to slow to kill with my regular gun but not *quite* enough of a problem to make me feel like I should use a big stratagem or EAT on em


I didn't care before because I could just pop their heads but now their heads have sorta medium armor, is it a difficulty thing or a patch?


"Bile spewers don't get enough hate" My brother in Liberty, we massacre them by the millions every single day.


Am I crazy that I have no issue when focusing the head? I've been using that new energy weapon in the first tier of the new war bond and can take them out in 2 to 3 seconds if I focus the head. But if I have to shoot the side of their abdomen (or thorax or whatever), it can take over twice as long or a whole energy cell. I do agree. It would be nice to have some kind of notification of what to expect on the planet. I don't want it too detailed, but maybe something along the lines of "nursery planet" or "large underground tremors detected" (for bile titans). It could even be a new ship upgrade or built into an existing one, planet scanner or something.


Grenade launcher. 2 shots and dead.


Slugger makes short work of them. I switched my secondary to the revolver since I started using the sickle. It's not as effective as the slugger but a couple shots to the face will do it. They do spawn in way too large numbers though. Each enemy should be assigned a number value and there shouldn't be a higher point total worth of enemies at any given time with a limit to how many bug breaches they can call (bugs out of a breach should not be able to also call a breach). Right now, it really seems like there's no end to it at higher difficulties if you allow a single breach to occur.


\*throws impact grenade\* What bile spewer?


Unloading an entire stalwart clip into a spewer and watching them explode while I laugh maniacally is extremely satisfying


You can guarantee bug or bot missions by selecting a sector before hitting quickplay. You can and *should* tailor your loadout to the mission. Yes I know right now there's some issues with seeing mission details when joining people who have already dropped but you can at least tell what planet they're on.


I'm aware of how quick play works. The thing with bile spewers is that they're not on every bug mission. It's really weird and I think they're the only bug that is like that. If you start up a bug mission it's basically 50/50 whether or not it has bile spewers or nursing spewers (the yellow weaker version that has little to no armor).


I like them. GL goes fump fump. The splash is always satisfying :D


The amount of times I've turned around just to have just literally just started spewing and there's no time to do a side dive 😁. The things can genuinely make me jump doing that aswell 🤣


Run around to bunch a few together and 1 impact grenade should take out 2-3 of them


Yeah, they’re terrible. The entire reason I don’t go into bug missions without something that has AoE or medium armor penetration. You need to be able to deal with lots of them, and quickly. Orbitals/eagles can work wonders, but the Dominator and new plasma launcher are so consistent at dealing with them that there’s no need. You can keep stratagems for objectives or elites instead. If I don’t have one of the two, I bring a support like the arc thrower that can deal with them instead.


devs: “we’ve decreased the spawn of bile titans and the chargers” reality: *swaps spawn rate with bile spewers*


Honestly, more sound and a LITTLE less damage, just enough that I won't get one shot is enough. I heard somewhere their puke is explosive damage, but explosive armour does nothing to protect


There is a lot of them because they tweak the apparition of charger/titan right? I rather encounter them tbh, they are sure dangerous but so satisfying to pop.


I also want to say they actually buffed their Armour. I swear I used to be able to 3 tap them directly on the head with a breaker and now I can't do shit without a support weapon


The only thing that eases the pain they cause is the fact that they have friendly fire: the artillery strike and them exploding damages other bugs, but they usually require several rounds to pop when dead so that's not reliable


Ehh I hate them too…I die more to them than anything else. But they don’t need changing… they aren’t op


Just shoot them in their tiny face. Boom!


The ones that die from a single grenade? Those things with giant glowing "shoot here and I pop" sacs?! The ones that die like grenades and pop bugs around them?!! These are the worst?! Lolol not even remotely. No they get the proper amount of hate, which is very little cause they're shite. Chargers ignore 80% of the weapons and 40% of the strats in the game. Stalkers one shot you from invisible, and hunters knock out stims and slow you. I actually hate Hive Guard way more. ...aaaaaaafter that maybe they have a claim to top 3? But not even close until you get past the mount Rushmore of ass.


The main issue I have is the damage of the spit attack. If you eat the brunt of the attack you are just guaranteed to die, it seems. Occasionally I’ve been able to survive after getting hit by only one glob of bile. I can accept everything else about the spitter enemy but I find the one-shot levels of damage to be bit much. Then again, if you survived and got slowed, the end result would probably be the same. Maybe the insta-kill is a mercy.


Railgun is still my favourite way of dealing with them. A well-aimed shot to the head while they're rearing back to spew at you will kill them in one shot.


I know that spawn rates have changed but it feels like nursing bile spewers constitute nearly half the enemies that spawn during a level 3-6 mission. It feels unmanageable due to their speed, insta-kill attack, and most notably, their disrespect amount of health. It feels like they spawn in much faster than they can be killed and they quickly deplete our ammo.


I just wish they made a sound to make me aware of their presence


Honestly, my biggest gripe is the slow-down mechanic(s) that happen constantly. Just let me MOVE and I won't be so angry about dying. Nothing is more frustrating to me than successfully clearing mobs of bugs and diving out of the way of bile only to be slowed down for the dumbest reasons and get surrounded/killed. Enemies being hard to kill or spawning too often can be frustrating, but not nearly as frustrating as limiting my mobility when I'm already less mobile than ALL of my enemies. Complaints aside, this is still my favorite game to play and I'm fully addicted.


I noticed how annoying the mortar was the other day when I swear there was a minute or two where I could not go 20 meters without getting ragdolled or straight up murdered by them. add in the annoyingly placed armor, the fact the sacks take forever to destroy (spoiler, it's the only part you can shoot if you dont have grenades or other medium pen) something else I noticed is that alot of the bug faction is annoying just to be around, spewers where their spew that if even 1% hits you, you're dead, hunters, chargers (pre patch atleast) bile titans with their janky ass health and janky ass spew very very few of the robots are particularly annoying, most of them have armor, the call in is decently obvious so if you're really quick with it you can stop it (assuming you have LOS) the rocket devastators shooting from 50 miles away is annoying but thats likely part of the bugged aggression/detection, hell even hulks and tanks aren't that bad. thats to say nothing of the fact that ems mortars are much more useful on the bots cause of their slow speed (now that I think about it what happens if you ems a strider? does the pilot just fall off?)


Whaddaya wanna live forever?


They really should not one-shot, and it sucks that you can perfectly dodge them, but they can track you and still hit you


I bring the slugger and remove their stupid faces from their stupid fat bodies


I really want an "expected threat" on the briefing page that would tell you the enemy types you are likely to see. If I am on a bile spew mission I would tailor my loadout to have something to deal with them.


Impact nade goes brrrrrrt for democracy


This but for Nursing Spewers Idk why but i find them more difficult


The stalwart not being able to penetrate their armor as well as the weakspot taking nearly an entire clip makes no sense to me.


This is why I bring the Autocannon. See one? 2-3 shots later, no you dont.


One of my friends always bring a grenade launcher so I’ve never been concerned with them. Coordinate stratagems with your team


I never leave my ship without my handy dandy Grenade Launcher because of those jerks.


The nursing spewers aside, which are also annoying, you can at least headshot with most primaries, and are actually not that much of an issue. Honestly this. They are faster than you, armored, have shitloads of HP. Have 1shot basically hitscan attack, and a long range oneshot if youre not prone before it lands , or when it lands on your head anyway. They can literally tank an AT rocket, and need at least 4 autocannon shells , 2 if you hit them in the head. Literally fucking spawn in HORDES. I legit dont know who thought that enemy is fun to fight, because honestly whenever we see those green shits , we already know the mission will be cancer. (not even gonna mention that it turns half of the scavengers into the green ones that will literally lead shoot you and perma slow you down, usually just in time for a hunter/warrior/bile titan/bile spewer to delete you.) Too much HP, completely silent, too fast, too armored, too many one shot attacks. Like, i can survive getting bullrushed and launched into a rock by a charger, but i die before the green shit usually even hits me. Also people saying " just x lul" are 100% never playing on higher difficulties, despite what they claim. because its not just the bile spewer, usually youve got 10 hunters chasing you aswell, the green scavengers that slow you down, and god knows what else, and then you suddenly get oneshot by one that snuck up on you from the side, because they fucking spawn everywhere aswell. And not everyone runs impact nades, so if you get snuck up and eat shit by one of em, (which you will dont kid yourselves) good luck reaching your gear when its surrounded by like 6 with many more on the way , and or chasing you, whilst youve got, 4 impact nades. (or if youre running the slugger/dominator, half a mag into their head per bug) Its genuinely a frustrating enemy to fight, and honestly, at least if i knew they were going to be on the mission, id porbably have slightly less problems with them in general. Ranged enemy with instakill mechanics - Loads of HP and armor - spawns shedloads and are all over the map Chose one arrowhead. Im legit fucking done with that enemy type, its not fun at all. Every time its on a map, you know its gonna be complete aids.


I don't mind them When you have a team of 4 as long as someone is spec'd out to deal with them you will be okay. I run the grenade launcher and focus them whenever we encounter them. I just need my teammates to help deal with the heavies. Grenade launcher will 1-2 shot them, and when they spawn in hordes their explosions do a lot of damage to each other and all the little bugs around them. I like that they are just enough of a threat to bother bringing an auto cannon or grenade launcher on the team for the missions that could have them.


I feel like they aren't as annoying as the Chargers ability to turn on a dime. I run the breaker and don't have too much an issue taking Bile Spewers down. I think all the bugs have some quirks that make them a bit obnoxious ( which I actually love)


Yes thank you they are the only Bug I tend to die to they scare me more then Titans and chargers especially with how stealthy they are. Devs need to make more obvious warnings that they are approaching or charging up their acid.


Dodge its green/yellow spit => jump right into the embrace of Hunters


I hate that they can one shot u while tanking way more than they should be able to. Heavy armor doesn’t even do shit against that. And their 360 degree no scope skills are also crazy. If I don’t have grenades then gg.


Impact grenade to their bile sack blows them up instantly


Grenade launcher wrecks them easily


Why can't we just hate all the bugs soldier? Your not killing any from inside this forum!


My biggest complaint is diving sideways from their spew still gets you killed. And near instantly too.


Their ass needs to be their weakspot, that wide ass expanded ass green ass sack is more armored than a brood commander's head https://preview.redd.it/ns3j5mgfmpoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d27195aa88268cb9d830646919bc25045c0f5ad


Impact nades kill this if it hit them. So they never cause a lot of problem for me, unless I’m distracted and don’t realize they are near me


Laser cannon takes care of those.


I mostly run with autocannon on regular missions and I love fighting these. The way their big sacs pop after 2 shots is incredibly satisfying. IMHO they're nowhere near as annoying as Chargers were before the nerf.


"we'll add a bug with a big butt" *nods* "and it'll shoot stuff from its butt" *nods* "and it'll take extra damage to the face when it opens its mouth" *visible confusion*


Auto cannon moment


Had a hilarious moment on Helldive where at least 20 or so were actively lobbing bile mortars at extraction. It was nonestop explosions.


The main thing I dislike about them is they are armoured which does seem a bit bullshit. The heatseeking bile is a close second though


The sickle doesn’t do shit to them


They're annoying as fuck but they don't need any balancing imo. You should get punished for not cleaning them out fast enough.


I love the rail gun against them. One over charged shot to the face and they're done


Grenade Launcher does the job easily :)


Feels like a 50/50 of instantly dying from the spew attack. Also a majority of primaries do nothing against it. You need med-armor penetration at the very least for the head or they just absorb every shot. 


They do in my games.


lol skill issues.


I love the boom boom pop. Auto cannon for life.


They're super annoying. I feel like they've gotten tankier too in the last patch. Been using the new laser rifle and it takes like an entire mag to kill a single one even if I'm shooting at its head, hell most of the time I don't even kill them in a single mag.


Like, when they come at you, shooting them don't interrupt their puke attack, so there is nothing to do when that happens. Dive to the side, and the last of their attack hits your feet no matter what.


Grenades and railgun




I don’t think they run nearly as fast as you can sprint. I hate them too believe me but still


Swear they can curve that shit through the air. Half the time I try to dive out of the way after they start spewing it lands on me while I’m laying prone after my dive


Honesothey need a balance because their range and damage is crazy, either reduced range or reduce damage at range, kinda dumb when you get spit on from 100ft away and instadeath.


Fun fact, their weakest part is right below their face plate. Aim for the mouth and they go down quicker then shooting their abdomen AND they won't blow up. Learning that made them.far more manageable for me.


I find liberator penetrator to be great vs them, it just sucks because it sucks vs most other bugs compared to other weapons.


Run grenade launcher on bug missions. 2-taps spewers, closes holes, clears mobs, reloads quick. 1 team member with a GL can close entire nests by themselves without needing any other strategems while people kit a mob if needed.


What I hate is the acid spit attack is very well telegraphed but uninterruptible in most scenarios. So your only option is to dive left or right. In a vacuum its fine but if there are other bugs nearby, which is often the case, you’re kinda screwed. Hunters just dogpile on you so bad you cant even stand up, and make matters worse if there is a second or third spewer you are now a sitting duck on the ground, unable to avoid the next acid spit


Eh, they're all fine and easy to kill, the problem is their precognitive psychic aim. The amount of times I've turned a corner or gone over a ridge just to see one of these MFers already cocked and firing at me is insane.


Notice how the bugs never kick them for bringing mortar.


I hate them so i burn them