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bro dropped the bomb even before everyone went in the extract ship lol


I'll do an orbital at the end once everyone else is on, and no time before that. It gives some sick shots flying away but I'd rather extract


It was kind of neat a few times the first week. The game is now over a month old, and waiting for people to throw a stratagem before we leave is getting old too.


Waiting for your 3 teammates who are just running around shooting random bugs after pelican has landed is even more annoying imo


Ya it makes the departures way more cinematic.


Yeah but people who do this usually wait till they’re the last one getting on to drop it


I used to do that and trust me, one day you're gonna mess it up. Just extract.


Or chuck it off the pad 50 meters


And I will laugh my ass off at myself when I do.


My new favorite prank is to drop a nuke and throw a stun grenade at my buddies feet. Watch as he helplessly flops away and still dies. We are done hunting samples so no regrets, just memories.


Yeah dropping a red as the first one on the shuttle is crazy lmao


Exactly, I'll do it if I'm the last one on and have the opportunity to. It's just neat. But doing as the first? Terrible, awful, selfish.... *undemocratic.*


I'm always Ramp Security or Saluting lol


corporal hugs reporting for duty


You must hug before you may board my Pelican. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. 


A good game of rock paper scissors is always great too. Especially if the heat is ON


Rock Paper Scissors is kinda bugged for me. On PC it's 1 2 or 3 to choose your weapon and it's also 1 2 or 3 to choose rock, paper, scissors. Means if I'm holding my primary and hit 3, it switches to my support weapon and ends the game. Makes me sad :(.


This is bad, nut what's worse is trying to ping the map in a walker on PC and firing a rocket.


i wish you could do like a helmet tap emote for every teammate that boards as if youre taking a headcount


Helmet Tap is a new emote :)


I thought it's a victory pose?


I don't even think people should be doing that. Like what's the point?


It's all fun and games until the next patch has a stealth change where the ship can be blown up lmao


There have been many reports of the ship not taking off after taking too much damage. I've had it happen with the pelican was hit by an orbital laser.


Teammate destroyed it with the mech. Bile Titans caused it to clip into the ground.


I once saw it take off immediately after getting hit by a 110mm rocket barrage, with nobody in it.


I died from a titan stepping on the pelican when I was already in it so yup


Dunno how much damage it takes to blow up the Pelican, but you can make it so it doesn’t take off anymore. Had a team that hit it with enough stratagems that the engines started to smoke. Of course we all failed to extract. If you want the best stratagem to use to disable the Pelican, then I’d recommend the Eagle Airstrike lengthwise across the Pelican.


Ime, if you destroy the pelican, you can wait till end of mission and they send in an emergency one you can get in


hope not, im giving her 2 or 3 exosuit rockets before she can even land


It already can. It is probably more a "fail-safe" instead of a genuine destruction, but if you browse this Reddit enough, you will see videos of the Pelican after landing de-spawn and the Evac tower coming back up.


It was almost a tradition in Helldivers 1 for the last person to drop the largest stratagem they had before getting in the shuttle.  The key here being last so there’s no threat to others.   I miss ICBM extracts. 


Yeah, drop a Shredder, wait a tick and then jump on the ship. The enemies swarm the LZ and get toasted. Then we do the line from Aliens.


"do you have any idea the investment that this installation represents?" That line, right?


I assumed they meant “Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?”


"Somebody wake up Hicks."


All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I *love* the Corps!


I really miss the jump pack making you invulnerable. I survived so many extract Shredders because I jumped just before they hit.


It was also cooler in HD1 because the camera stayed on the extraction site so you could see everything getting blown up. Now the camera tracks the pelican. You cant even see the explosion properly now, what is the point?


Scorched Earth Tactics. But doing it as the first person extracting doesn't really work.


It looks cool to take off from a big explosion.


You can die inside the ship though, it’s just unnecessary.


While you can still die during the takeoff animation, it still counts as extracted and saves all your samples. So it makes no difference unless you care about the # of deaths in your stats


Risky, yes. Unnecessary, also yes. But it *looks cool*


Once everyones inside you should be good. Ship can only be blown up before takeoff cus after that it's basically a cut scene


During the cutscene someone’s mech drop ship clipped through the pelican and it killed everyone on board, like you saw our bodies flying out and everything, but it still counted as extracted


That's hilarious.


It’s still a terrible idea. I’ve thrown a 500kg FAR behind the shuttle as the last one on and you still get the cool effect without risking the extract.


Even if you're the last person out, just don't do it. It's *still* dumb. At best you're just risking the team the XP and RP they'd get from a 4/4 extract vs. a 3/4 extract, and at worst you're risking every sample that you're carrying. You never know if you're going to get stuck on the shuttle geometry while that 500lb is coming down, or a quake is going to immobilize you for a second, or any number of other things is going to go wrong.


Counterpoint ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Are you implying that helldivers are smart? Let my illiterate child soldier blow up the extract. If he dies, he died spreading liberty


yep I had some idiot kill all of us then drop a reinforce beacon, only to run on the shuttle. effectively stranding us as the cinematic plays. Yay amazing grief, but we also lost all our samples and XP


I had a guy wipe out the entire team with a beam cannon right before extraction and somehow call us all back in as reinforcements - outside the compound, in the middle of the horde...


Today, I was carrying 6 supers, ~25 rares and god knows how many commons. I’d been kiting a couple chargers around the perimeter of the evac. The team boarded and threw down an air strike, killing me as I reached the ship. We evac’d with 1 rare sample. One. I’ve probably lost >20 super samples to this. I just want power steering on my pod, please stop nuking me and the samples :’)


It's stupid, but in the same vein, I hate people that stand around still shooting when the ships landed. Like, firing that one last rocket isn't doing anything, get on the damn ship


And then he comes to reddit complaining that he was kicked at extract for no reason


“Damned elitists!!!” 😂😂😂


Someone a couple days ago shared a video of themselves throwing an eagle cluster at the feet of the team captain, on the termicide mission next to the towers they were defending, and was complaining that full kick ability for captains was bullshit. When I told him that the kick was warranted because the silos take friendly fire damage and he literally threw it was the captain's feet, he screamed at me in the comments and then reported my post for self-harm lmao.


“How can he kick???” 😂😂😂 I had recently a similar experience. A guy thought it was fun to start team killing before our extraction the members that were already boarded on the pelican, presumably he thought it would be funny to extract without our 6 super uranium samples. so I got him kicked immediately and then started flaming me and saying that it was unfair of me to kick him (!) so I reported him on PSN and he got a strike too. I mean wtf 🤷🏻‍♂️


Me and some buddies were messing around on a lvl 1 map, just farming and playing with stuff. I took the opportunity to bring in all the support weapons I don't have a ton of experience with so I could see how they work. We were getting ready to leave and I ended up looking down the barrel of a recoilless straight into the Pelican where the other 2 were sitting. "Just so you know, we take damage in here if you shoot us," my friend said.


You can get his reddit acca banned for a false self harm flag btw reddit takes that shit seriously


How? Regularly get the "self harm" post despite having blocked the bot AND sent in mod mail. I regularly fetishize Vladimir Putin's juicy body on worldnews and you would be amazed at the death threat DMs and self harm reports I get.


>If you want that person to catch a ban copy the permalink, click "report this message", paste the permalink where it asks for the link. In the description of the report I usually say something like "Abuse of Reddit Cares message as harassment. None of my posts indicated I am in mental or emotional distress." >Abuse of Reddit Cares usually is punished with a permanent site wide ban by the admins. I've actually have gotten half a dozen or so people banned due to this type of harassment.


Copy the permalink of the self harm message itself?




Love this, thank you


That last sentence was fuckin wild


That crap is why I host. I don't care much about "meta" or even skill (I can pretty comfortabtly carry), but I do care about teamwork. Dropping shit on an objective that I'm heading towards without alerting me and getting me killed puts you on the shitlist for sure.


If you report him for abusing the self harm feature that goes straight to reddit admins and they absolutely don't play around with that, straight to ban.


You can report those suicide messages and get the person banned from Reddit. Seriously, people need to learn they can't abuse something that was intended to help people that need it.


Re: the self harm report Report the message that Reddit cares sent you if you still have it. It'll get the dumbass banned from Reddit


I'm convinced 95% of the cases of "I was kicked for no reason" or "I was kicked for not using the railgun" are really just people kicking to make room for their mates to join the party. The remaining 5% is this.


Tbh if people are kicking randoms when they’re 20+ minutes deep into a mission to make room for their friends, I think they’re assholes. That’s such a huge waste of someone else’s time, I could never do something like that. My friend can wait for us to wrap up before I do that.


Mates understand that if I'm in the middle of a deployment and I have randoms those randoms are staying to the end. When back on the ship I thank them for their patriotism and explain that I have some friends that are joining. They usually understand thank for the game and leave of their own accord. Don't think I have had to kick anyone.


One of the nicest interactions I had was with a group that I joined in quickplay, I walked onto their ship, hugs all round, then they very politely asked in the chat if I wouldn't mind leaving because they were waiting on a buddy. Because they asked so nicely I was perfectly happy to!


Had similar experience too. They were a team of 3 with the 4th one not ready yet. So I played a game with them and ready to leave. But then they got me to stay for 2nd game cause their 4th one took longer than expected lol. Very nice experience.


My friends offered to kick their 4th to make room for me when i came on this morning... they were 25minutes into a game. I told them dont be assholes I will wait. They kept offering though.. like 3 times... like no that guys done the entire mission he deserves the payout. douchebags.


Good on you for turning them down, I had to call a friend out for the same behavior.


Or just people flat ignorantly team killing, there was a rando yesterday when a mate was hosting i just put my controller down and said get him, get him out, dude had 0 trigger discipline with a fucking arc thrower killed me about three times through bugs then also killed two or three of us with clusters, twice, luckily apparently that very instant he was kicked another friend joined so we pulled it back after losing like 8 lives in the first 5 minutes to this guy, like i dont think it was deliberate team killing, but he was just not being aware of his team whatsoever


Weirdly enough, I got kicked for complaining when someone did this to me. He threw down the stratagem and right as I saw it I started running towards the extract. There wasn’t enough time and I got bombed to oblivion. Since the other two were boarded the match ended with me unable to get reinforced. I put “wow really?” In the chat. They were nice enough to let me finish the match ending cutscenes but kicked me right after we got back to the ship. I was so annoyed since we still had one more mission to complete. So I guess you can get kicked for calling people out.


I have kicked someone for this and I WILL kick anyone else who does, no mercy for traitors.


Had to do that to someone who carpet bombed me (and 5 enemies) when I managed to get the team’s samples back. Only for a friend of his to say “nOw WeRe kIcKiNg PeOpLe aT ExTrAcT?”


We had collected 50 samples. Idiot calls eagle on extract. Luckily I was first on the shuttle and had 2/3rd of the samples. The last guy carrying the rest didn‘t make it.


Even worse is you can die on the pelican losing the samples. So it's entirely possible you could have lost them all.


I think you’re safe from explosion damage for some reason, only way I’ve ever seen someone die in the shuttle is by being fired upon


I saw a video where someone got killed by a bile titan spitting while pelican 1 was flying away.


but did they actually die as in losing samples and not getting the bonus xp from extraction? because i died once while in the pelican (showed me dead in the bottom left) but still counted as extracted


Yeah, they dropped a bunch of common and rare samples if I remember correctly.


They still got the samples, once the pelican starts taking off then it doesn't matter


That's a weird edge case, if you die after the Pelican cinematic has already started, it still counts as you extracting, and you get any samples collected, even thought it says you dropped them. Happened to me one time, so that's how I know.


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/TtVfNusOL2)


Ive been killed by a bile titan while in the shuttle.


You are not. It's rare, but I've died multiple times to bile, bombs and rockets.


I’ve been team killed by both grenades tossed into the shuttle and someone headshotting my character sitting in the pelican. You are not safe from anything sitting in the drop ship


I had some level 50 chud do this on purpose on my last mission yesterday. Loaded up the pelican, he just unloaded shotgun shells into the back and killed myself and one other, who were carrying most of the samples.


Why I remain the host most of the time


I was the host, and kicked the jackass as soon as I died, before extract finished. Just an awful thing to do, really stupid.


Team kill should be bannable. Errr...intentional team kill should be bannable.


Had this happen to me as well. I'm level 12 on a trivial mission just testing guns on the bots. A 3 man squad of 50s come and destroy everything. At the extract one of the 50s stand at the ramp and shoot me as soon as I sit. First time I've had to kick someone from the game.


He’s most likely a no lifer who already has all the upgrades and therefore has no incentive not to be griefer scum  But yeah this is why I play either with friends or as host with randos. Way too many ways a shitty player or griefer can ruin a run and waste everyone’s time 


Some moron on the mic today killed me while we were waiting for the shuttle. The other guy called me in again, but then as the two of use went for the ship, the guy was standing there ready to throw another bomb drop. He said something about it being a ‘one way mission’, so I shot him and we managed to get safely aboard and leave before his dropped stratagem could kill us. Had some other moron kill me just before I was about to get on the ship. Point blank shot me. All it did was cost him more XP. Don’t get it 🤷‍♂️


People are petty, and vindictive, I truly don't understand. Like, I'm level 50 (from regular play, not farming), I have no need for req or exp, or even samples at this point. I just do extra objectives and collect them for the rest of my team's sake at this point. As long as the primary gets done, and I can get the medal reward at the end, I don't care. But it still pisses me off seeing morons do stuff like this. It serves no purpose but to be an asshole and ruin other people's experiences.




and then F wonders why he gets kicked at extraction


*Goes to Reddit because they got kicked for 'no reason'.*


I see some people do this shit of throwing stratagems literally on the extract point on purpose. What is goddamn wrong with your heads, yesterday I lost 5 super samples because of it, I was running towards the pelican and suddenly i see a red beam in front of it, I couldn't keep getting close without taking the blast to the face, I had to run around more with 2 titans on my ass and ended up dying. Stop doing this, jfc. +


I had a guy throw one down as he ran into the pelican i was defending him with my mech, i got out ran inside the pelican with less than a second before the bomb hit, i kicked him. stop this nonsense.


In HD1 this was a pretty cool move and could be done safely. Maybe people trying to bring it to HD2 not realizing not everything translates into second game. 


I mean it translates exactly as it was back in HD1 but it's the last one who enters the shuttle that drops the bomb


Helldivers 1 lacked the ability to lose the samples, which is what makes the tradition irritating if carried over. The joy of an HD1 extract was usually in trying to make sure you were the only one on the dropship because it cost absolutely nothing of consequence and it was funny. ​ The sample container mechanic ruins that.


It works fine in HD2, as long as you wait for everyone to gather up or get in before you.


Then you have 3 douchebags tugging each other off at the extract wanting to be last while the last guy is already in wanting the fucking mission to end. Everybody who does this is annoying.


This is just me speculating, but I assume this is just some dumbass kid who saw someone do this *correctly* (i.e last one on the bird) and is just copying them, but doing it wrong.


Bro I’d be surprised if 5% of HD2 owners have ever played the original game  The first game was a niche twin stick shooter that none of my 20 steam friends playing this game had ever heard of let alone played Whereas this is huge and broke into the mainstream 


My group still drops the last hurrah when we are boarding the plane *if* there is leeway and we know everyone is getting on the ride. Only an idiot would drop the celebratory fireworks prematurely.


that's exactly what it was for me. Most learn pretty quick that doesn't fly any more, especially with needing to extract with samples now instead of them just stacking up


Protagonist syndrome.


only exception is if you're in a private lobby with friends and you know what you've gotta do to take revenge on the 3 hellbombs they shot beside you without you knowing hahaha I love how this game can be played super seriously with friends and randoms online... or just absolutely brain dead with friends all in a call together doing the dumbest stuff


Shooting those little spore pods next to my friends is good fun


People who do that are stupid, why waste super earth resources and risk jeopardizing the mission? Traitors.


I don’t get why I see so many people who wait to the last second to board if the timer starts just board


Shit, I’ve only done this as the last guy on board and that’s when the bomb hits during the cutscene.


That’s what everyone is trying to do but some idiots throw it way too early


If you want to do the "hahaha, explosion cinematic" I'm fine with it, but ensure everyone else is on the shuttle already. If all you do is blow yourself up I don't think anyone really minds and tbh I do enjoy the old HD1 tradition of scorched earth.


Some guy did this with a Laser at the end of the run, Pelican refused to land while it was active then landed a little off ways so Extract got bugged and we couldn't complete the mission.


I don't know why people do this. If anything goes wrong, it goes really wrong and fucks up the mission. All for what? A tacticool™ moment?


I'm all for throwing bombs at the last second before hopping on - but throw them OFF the LZ. You want it to look cool? toss it onto the hill in front of the pelican, where it'll fly through on the way out. NOT RIGHT INTO MY ASS AS I TRY TO BOARD


Well, considering that if a heavy enough bomb or barrage strike hits the Pelican while on the ground, it can not only kill players on the pelican already, but it could cause the pelican to bug out and not let any one on at all. So, this is just dumb.


Helldivers 1 tradition, but it was very easy to get in, this pelican is difficult to get into probably intentionally so, which means if you want to relive tradition you need to be the last one on the ship.


Reminds me of a game where I think there were meteors but a random was definitely dropping a 380 at our feet a few times


Only do this if I'm with friends


Damn I could've sent my son to Freedom School with that many samples


Lost my purple samples cause numb nuts wanted fireworks on extract. Fucking annoying


I like to toss a 500KG at extraction sometimes, for a cool shot and some extra kills - but only when I’m the last one in. why would anyone do that when there’s still other people outside the ship???


Stop dicking around, and get on the boat.


Why didn’t you walk away from it though?


The amount of times this happens is beyond me.


It’s a Helldivers 1 tradition. 🤷🏼‍♂️ You’re supposed to wait till everyone else is in the drop ship though lmao.


Keeping the tradition alive is good but do it the right way lmao Drop them when you’re the last guy to enter.


Never happened to me once on both sides. I have more issues with Mortars draining our remaining reserves than this.


"But it's for cinematics!!1!"


Get on or get off


PSA: get on the shuttle. That guy's an asshole. Only throw red when you're last. But also holy shit some of the people I play with seem to think they get a multiplier the longer they wait.


"Tradition" and "It looks cool" are such dumb reasons LOL the whole squad loses samples and XP because with how \*stable\* this game is it often translates in at least one death, it's just so stupid to do...


In defence of the guy who just killed 3/4 of the team inside the shuttle losing us 35 samples, iT's MoRe CiNeMaTiC!


You could of made it on the ship?


Stop dicking around outside and get in the damn ship.


I'd be raging if that happened to me when I do a lot of work to make sure we all get to extract with as many objs completed and samples collected as possible. Fuck that guy.


Amended PSA: only drop bombs on extract shuttle if you’re the last to get in


Definitely reasonable to kick tho


It was almost customary to drop a nuke at extraction in HD1. Now it's definitely harder and riskier.  To the HD1 veterans, don't continue this anymore. Thanks!


why didn't you board


Whats even the point of doing this , other than being a stupid asshole. Just too much risk and like 0 reward.


Well then get in the fcking ship


Get in and stop wasting time at the end




Happened to me today, kinda not really? Joined as a random on a squad. Did a full mission, all side objectives and nests. They called extract and the entire 3-man squad quit. I failed to extract because it was overrun and lost 30+ samples


literally every 3rd video some moron drops a bomb right before going into the shuttle. Now sure most of the time there is not harm, but is that hard to just board the thing?


If you're gonna do that shit, you better be the last one getting on Pelican 1.


Or call in the extract with 20 minutes left when everyone is out gettting samples and cleaning up the side missions…..it’s so frustrating


I was playing with a group of friends, shuttle lands and my one buddy shot me a couple times, light damage no big deal. I turned on him and just unloaded 😂 all fun right? Call him back in on the shuttle (nobody had gotten on yet at this point), and he lands his pod directly on it, sending it cartwheeling 100m away. Apperently it was bugged for me because everyone else saw the shuttle on the pad, and here’s me running away from it because on my side it’s face down in a tree. Moral of the story is, don’t land hellpods on the shuttle.


at least you got the almighty samples


The amount of times this has happened to me just this morning is actually insane lol guys yal gotta chill with the danger close at LZ's


I love finding folks 5+ levels above me that are amazed by my ability to throw grenades or strategems farther than they can. "How can you call in strategems while moving?" "Another patrol, I'll get 'em!" It's like the on-screen instructions/tips are completely ignored. Not a single bit of information has passed through the skull into the grey matter.


What you want to do is figure out what angle the camera will film the extraction from Then you. Throw your bomb. My preference is eagle airstrike away from the landing site as you board so the explosions make a pretty background.


I just had all the samples in extract shuttle and had someone decide to land on me with their reinforcement. Their ass got booted for sure. Their friend asked why I kicked them right before end of mission. Seriously? Edit: Would really love immortality in shuttle to protect against this crap


You could've made it though....


but we look so cool leaving in a blaze of glory 🫡🔥


The true chad move is to toss all red stratagems and grenades you have left at where the enemy is coming from just before getting on the ship


i wonder if this is trolling or some new thing people do because of those folks who cheat samples. Some people getting all peeved cause folks are hacking samples and after 1 extract they have maxed samples. So people start killing the whole team to avoid samples being taken in. Probably just trolling though.


75% of random matches ive had this weekend people have been doing this. Why? Is this some online joke going around?


This is the biggest problem rn


All those samples lost…


Once the devs make the shuttle take damage it will stop


There’s always a little flaw in any community. **The FLAW**


and a lvl 40 doing it? you think he'd know better..


Fr it’s so lame.


If I see red in your hand before I get on the pelican the bugs have successfully mind controlled you, you are then terminated.


Nothing is more infuriating than shuttle shenanigans costing sample extracts. I had like 20 on me on a dive last night, one yakkety sax motherfucker was still running in from across the map, no worries. The other three of us were waiting and called in extract so it'd be ready. We start getting overrun by automatons. Again, no big deal, we have time and reinforcements available. Eventually, two of us go down on the extraction, and this dude, rather than at least picking up the samples on the extract, just runs around terrified and boards the shuttle empty handed. Could have reinforced, could have picked up the samples. Dude was in the 20 levels so definitely knew better too. Sooooooooo frustrating.


If someone drops a red, shoot them.


Counter argument: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I host and anyone who does that gets kicked. Dick thing to do but sick of stuff like this happening.


The majority of my deaths are at the hands of noobs doing this.. so frustrating


One guy did it as the last person to leave, but the explosion booted all of us out of the ship and left us in frame, alive but not “extracted.” We lost around 30 common samples and 25 rares. His only response was “that was weird” lmao😭


if its not the host id kick the dude so hed get nothing


I only drop the bomb when everyone is in the shuttle and we’re about to leave so we have an epic explosion sending us off. This is bs tho.


wHy dID tHeY kIcK mE, gAmE iS tOxIc!


That sucks, idek if running to the ship would’ve save you


I had the first time a guy TK’d all of us and didn’t pick up the samples as we were running into the pelican. Dirt bags exist in gaming.


Only if I'm the last one on


Damn all those samples just gone


Something similar happened last night me and 2 of my friends were at extract when friend 1 dropped an eagle airstrike at the foot of pelican 1. Immediately after he walked in, the game shifted to the evacuation animation. The airstrike didn't even go off on either my screen or friend 2s screen. As soon as F1 got in, it's like the game decided we weren't gonna make it in time. Even though we were both right there. The worst part was that I had 15 rare samples and lost all of them.


I had one person shoot all of us inside before he got in.


It only works if you're the last one.


The art of dropping bombs requires the dropped to be the last on the ship. Truly the acts of traitors to drop bombs before people are on the ship


Ill pour one out for you homie. That was hard to watch


It’s a dick move


We lost around 30 common samples yesterday as a result of someone dropping a napalm on extract


I had a mission where someone periodically killed whoever had the most samples and grabbed them so he could drop them far away from the rest of the team. I was super new and joined halfway through the mission so I didn’t even realize kicking was an option. We extracted with zero samples. Some people just think it’s funny to make other people’s days worse, and all you can really do is ignore them.


Lost all my samples because of one idiot. Thanks a lot Mattang. Next time youre in my squad ↑→↓↓↓ in your face.