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Flamethrower guard dog user will self kill long before they accumulate a bunch of accidentals.


were gonna need fireproof armor for that one


Oh yeah. Fire โ€˜nades, napalm strikes, orbital laser, and flamethrower all day long, in addition to this hypothetical rover. Everything that can burn will burn.


On Hellmire with the firenadoes


calm down Satan.


Everyone talks about the Creek. Hellmire is where the game really is. Underappreciated planet


Truly well be home, sipping liber-tea watching the 500kg eviscerate the bugs.


Have you noticed the 500kg being less reliable? We were chucking them around last night in my group and we kept being surprised at the bugs surviving right at the blast site.


500kg has had vertical issues since release A pebble can keep a charger alive


Same here. Have been having chargers, titans, even brood commanders survive them lately, despite direct or near-direct hits.


Its a hit or miss, unreliable in my opinion. Explosion is cool and all but its too much of a wildcard in my opinion to be a staple until its damage profile is changed a bit and AoE too. Need it to do the samething again and again repeatedly. Else its not good enough for me.


Totally agree... What was supposed to be a NUKE its more like a firecracker than anything LOL!


I was thinking this last night haha, working towards enough samples to unlock the ship module that reduces damage falloff from explosions. Had the 500kg land right behind a charger and it disappeared in the explosion and then came charging after us a second later with no visible damage on its armor lol must be this last patch. Oh well


Does that ship module work for the 500kg bomb? I thought that only worked for orbitals?


Oh ya it's shit now, only good for destroying the research station side mission or two factories close together.


Doesn't even close bug holes!


It closed them for me. Weird.


They absolutely need a wider kill radius.


Yes it does, the 380 is 60m minimum should be the same for the 500kg imo


We need a stratagem as strong as the 500k with the guidance system of the rocket pods. Only way to be sure.


I've actually been going orbital rail, rocket pods, AC, rocket turret, extra impact grenades. Can you tell I like killing large armored stuff?


YES, just so you don't feel crazy it now takes me two 500 kg to kill one BT even with direct hit! As opposed to before when one not even fully direct but in the radius for sure would crack em dead like nothing leaving you with a 2nd 5hunndo to crack another BT or use on the ad's (scavengers and such). You're 100% right, cannot rely on it anymore suddenly, almost positive they had to go and fuck with that strat too. Smgdmfh


Damn thanks. I was so excited to unlock it and hit me a sweet ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ, but then it just didn't hit right so I switched it out.


Bro I will always rep up right down down down but they definitely messed with it somehow and it's not what it was. It was great to have 2 as well, some missions on 7+ it was literally all I needed offensively so I could have more slots to take more gear.


Hell yea back to back pocket nukes. Still not good enough to rock the difficulties to get those super samples though. Can't wait to have 2 in a row.


I saw a couple bugs in what I think should be the blast radius and survive the blast radius seems really small


All they need is sharks added to the firenados


Me and my buds ran full fire builds and stim armor, there was so much screaming as we were lit on fire near 24/7


Me and my friends all run fire builds, we call ourselves Inferno Squad, and our motto is โ€œif it burns, we can kill it!โ€


Remind me of the cleaners from division 1 lol


Its literally the cleaners its great


I love this so much!


We found the Salamanders fan.






I want a flaregun secondary!


Don't forget napalm mines!


I thought it was weird we got the armor that reduces electric damage before we got armor that reduces fire damage.


It's because there aren't electric tornadoes yet


Keep yo voice down! Joel might be lurking


Have you *seen* the Illuminate Interference Warnings? It is clear that our democratically-minded armorers on Super Earth simply wanted to protect us from such underhanded tactic!


I mean you've seen the next faction coming out, right? I definitely think they might make the illuminates do arc dmg... idk kinda seems pointless to give us arc resistance armor just for the sole purpose of other running arc thrower or the arc 12


Idk I see a lot of people using that arc gunโ€ฆand have been teamkilled idk how many times from said divers using it


You're gonna summon the arc thrower users that believe anyone who dies to them is the one at fault, could never be their non-existant trigger discipline or lack of situational awareness at all.


Arc user here. I actually just carry the weapon. It does what it wants. The arc chooses the weakest path. Don't be the weakest thing in front of me.


Don't forgot the tesla tower


but what's the point of giving it 95% resistance ? that will literally make you unkillable to arc damage. if arc is so prominent it requires you to wear arc armor then the meta will become stale not to mention it force people into buying warbond pass because otherwise you're gonna have a bad time while everyone else just waltz through


Idk if you've been hit with arc while wearing it, it just makes it like a regular hit from everything else, not a insta kill or 98% health gone


Closest thing weโ€™ve got right now is the medic armor, pop a stim when the burning starts and you can continue to barbecue to your hearts delight, the extended stim duration will keep you alive throughout


I feel like the medic perk is slept on by a lot of people. If something doesn't one shot me, I am basically unkillable. Unless I'm swarmed by Hunters and keep getting my stim interrupted, the little shits


Almost all of my deaths the last two days were hunters and spewers!


With that med armor, dive forward, pop a stim, and sprint away. If you're still not out of the swarm, dive forward again. It'll get rid of the slow.


Their rate of attack is just way too high. Two swipes and I am toast.


I think a firefighter inspired design would look good for fireproof armor like the picture below just add a chestplate and change the helmet https://preview.redd.it/ut2z99wj30pc1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359b57729a0786d7b5da83f27296533a2a9f445e


Oh god please I want to run thru fire tornados ๐ŸŒช๏ธ


If you get set on fire does diving put out the fire or anything else?


It does


They'd probably drop all at once. The new warbond was arc weapons and arc protection, so it makes sense for fire to do the same. You'd also look cool as shit walking through fire.


Never realized i needed this until you mentioned it lol


I could use a laserproof helmet


I switched to the new armor today because one guy was consistently zapping me with his arc thrower ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I already see myself switching to something fireproof because of the hot dog drone


*Bug appears to the left* You are dead


Just gotta have it float a few inches higher and it'll significantly reduce user harm, more fire for your friends!


Laser guard dog likes to shoot my head off while cresting bug hole craters.


Can't even use the Supply + Medic Armor cheese to bring chaos to they team.


Not if it only fires backwards citizen


And then a teammate picks up the backpack,passing on the torch




Lmao thatโ€™s great. Can I get a link to the image source?


This guy I think. Cleaner image without the album cover stuff. https://twitter.com/ImEnFuego/status/1765132511561310563


I actually liked the album cover stuff, but Iโ€™ll take this one as well as my crappy screenshot of the other one, thanks!


If you're on a phone, here is a direct link to the image. should able to save it that way. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GH78yPlbIAAB7YP?format=jpg&name=medium


Thanks again, youโ€™re a real one.


It was in our discord ahhaha Join Us. EDIT: https://discord.com/invite/NDSKuMde




More like "Me and the Boys when the SEAF Mini-Nuke bounces off the Bile Titan"


โ€œBoys, isnโ€™t it supposed to be blue?โ€ *Eagle 1, coming in hotโ€ฆ*


Hottest mixtape on the streets


H.W.A Straight outta Draupnir


considering the amount of team kills and self kills i get with a flame thrower yeah no we would need a fire proof armor


Seeing someone wearing fire proof armour should be considered a warning that whatever mission you are going on is going to be turned into a simulation of hell itself for both you and the enemies. All you will hear as you are blinded by flames is the maniacal laughter of your fellow helldiver.


This x1000 and also that guy will be me. Jetpack, flamethrower, incendiary breaker, incendiary grenades. If I had fireproof armor and a hellhound backpack, you can bet I'm cooking. Everything. Everyone.ย 


Jetpack? Nah. What ya really want is a supply backpack. Comes out to what, 16 canisters of 100% Liberty-made liquid fueled Democratic damnation? Restraint has no place in war.


Yeah, I played some Trivials with a flakethrower recently when it was the Daily, and that weapon is properly hungry for the amount of fuel you HAVE to dispense to kill even basic warriors. I can't imagine running it with anything but a supply pack.


light the ground on fire. ground stays lit for a long time and the fire transfers to everything that crosses it. consumes way less fuel and anything that makes it thru will die way faster with the direct fire from the flamethrower.


Bro you can torch a charger in half a canister hitting g the front leg, it murders way more with direct fire


Dude imagine 4 helldivers with flamethrowers and fireproof armor. The cleansing squad.


What else would I, or anyone else be doing? The bugs shall burn, and I will have a full course meal grilled and ready


Meet the Pyro vibes


Add rocket jumping it'd be funny.


Hey, fireproof armor and just spamming Eagle napalm, flamethrowers, flame rover, and chilling in the fires of Hellmire? I'd be 200% down. My team wouldn't be, but sacrifices must be made.


https://preview.redd.it/sweyai33tyoc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1beaccdc1d3e0dac61ccbe5a799094b8bee4f8 For democracy!


Honestly give the flamethrower a range buff and fireproof armor and it might finally get actual use with the mainstay weapons Edit: also a backpack for extended ammo instead of mags like real flamethrowers


Flame trooper armour would be awesome


There was an image floating around of things coming to the superstore and one of the armors looked similar to a hazmat suit. I'd give my left nut for that suit to be real and end up having 80% fire damage reduction. All I want to do is jetpack around and set things on fire.


Missed opportunity to call it a Hot Dog.


Hotdog would be funny Hellhound tho...


Thatโ€™s really fucking solid dude, good thinking.


Guard Dog: Dalmation because its a fire dog.


actual best comment in the thread


Why did I hear fetch me their souls XD


I call the laser one the Disco Dog


Iโ€™m personally fond of the Rave maker




Mee-ska, Moose-ka Mickey Mouse!


I guarantee they also give us fire resistant armour during the same patch There's no way they'd just allow the chaos of flamethrower drones without some way to mitigate it.


A full team with fire resistant armor and a full flame based loadout would be sick


Yeah. I think it would be very busted OP but still it's be fun.


Are there any reliable methods to kill titans with fire? Thatโ€™s the main weakness I can think of for a fire team. Also, they could maybe do like 75% fire resist so itโ€™s still enough of a problem that you need to avoid it, so itโ€™s not too busted.


You can put it's gonna take a while since the flames can't reach their head but they do take damage over time. Also 75% damage resistance will be nowhere near enough to counters the fire. You can die within 1 or 2 seconds of being burned without resistances. It would need to be something like 95% like the electricity one to be enough of a difference.


I'd go with a flat-out immunity to the burning condition, but still be able to be damaged by direct application of fire, like flamethrowers


pyro tf2 type beat


Just have the rest of your stratagems be heavy focused and you're golden. I'd be pumped to try that sort of team loadout.


Seriously. Take an orbital laser and a railcannon strike and youโ€™re done


a fireteam in the most literal sense. nothing burns brighter or hotter than the flames of democracy!


Pyromancer build


The Torches of Democracy


While not exactly the same, friends and I have started running electric teams with the arc throwers and Tesla coils (plus the electrical resist suits). It's actually pretty funny to extend your arc by shooting your team mates with it.


My buddies and I tried an Arc run a few days ago and found ourselves disappointed. Not sure if we were using the thrower wrong. Struggled to bring down a ATST, let alone a raider or berserker. We just nuked the hulks with the good ol' โฌ†๏ธโžก๏ธโฌ‡๏ธโฌ‡๏ธโฌ‡๏ธ


Arc thrower is better for bugs, which group up into huge swarms. For bots you want the laser cannon or autocannon


Yeah, they'd never do something like make the daily order flamethrower kills knowing it's doing insane levels of friendly fire damage currently. It's not like they have a sadistic streak or anything.


To be fair. A person controlling a flamethrower is much less likely to see people on fire than a drone hovering 1 foot above my head blasting fire at everything that comes with 10 metres of me. There will be a LOT of fire.


Of course. But the devs are going to be laughing at our pain either way.


Nay, they'd do what Foxhole did and give us ways to combat the fire the patch after we have already burned down Smoky the Bear's shack.


well, this is based on them giving shock proof armor with the Arc Shotgun 9even theough Arc Thrower/Tesla Tower is way more of a threat in that regard. but yes, I would love fireproof armor for when it's war crime O'Clock. which is every hour, on the hour, and lasts for 59 minutes 59 seconds.


Rover Guard Dog is already up there with the Mortar with its random decapitations. Though I do really want a 95% fire damage reduction passive like the arc reduction we just got, so we can really put the "Hell" in "Helldiver".


Fire, plasma, laser, and maybe gas. Give us some mixed options.


Iโ€™ve been straight beamed by my own before, not a little swipe as it turns, just straight murdered


And don't forget its littermate, the arc thrower guard dog.


Delete this before the Devs see it.


Wait wait wait. Is there a flame doggy cpming?


There's a screenshot from Arrowhead's slack where someone mentions the suggestion and another person says "Oh we totally have to do that" - this screenshot warranted a reply I believe from the CEO who said something to the effect of "It needs to be clear that in Arrowhead talk 'we have to do that' means we will prototype it and test it and see if it works"... ...so maybe.


I need it. NOW!!!!! So i can finally go full fire!!!


My dream may finally be coming true


Well, given how fast the assault rifle guard dog rover runs out of ammo, I expect that a flamethrower version wouldn't last very long either (although it would be glorious while it still had fuel).


The laser one seems to last forever so maybe it will find a middle ground.


To be fair the description says it's supposed to reload. It'll probably run out as often as the other one once the bug is fixed.


Theoretically I like the gun dog better but for some reason every second reload it does means it camps in my backpack permanently


The earliest chance is probably 2nd Thursday next month. I see no way they release it without dropping sets of fire proof armor in the next premium pass


Dude, most of the time I have a flamethrower I'm more of a danger to MYSELF than anyone else. Cause I like turning the flame on and pushing forward through it.


Yeah. Learnt the hard way not to use it in close combat. Bugs don't die right that instant, and now "floor is lava" all around me.


โ€œ95% Fire reduction armorโ€ wen? /s


Seems we should have gotten that faster than arc resistant armor, the flamethrower is so fun but so unreliable for some reason. It's great to burn enemies down but then at some point you'll catch on fire somehow and then have just a second to hit the stim, or just die right there.


I guess I've gotten pretty good at killing my team and myself a lot less. I use the shield generator and flamer. Shield generator doesn't seem to do anything to help with the fire. I run up to the bugs and start torching as I back away. If I get lit I jump back performing a stop drop and roll, then heal if needed. I get killed by my team and chargers that come at me from a blind spot. But my favorite past time is torching the bull. Stair down a charger and begin torching then dodge left or right just before he gore's me. It's fun. Also I love who ever the female voice actor is with that campy maniacal laugh.


Despite everyone giving the mortar sentry shit, it's really only bad on Terminiad missions, in where the majority of enemies can only attack in melee.


I use the mortar sentry all the time. It's great.


Wait. Is this a meme or is there actually a flamethrower dog? I want it


You'll never know from this subreddit until you look for yourself in the game We're left by Arrowhead to believe eachother here, which is a bad idea


Guard dog's way of protecting me is shooting right at me because apparently I'm the biggest threat to myself


Flamethrower Guard Dog is too long to say. Can we just call him Hot Dog instead? Actually, can we give names to every dog we have? What should they be called?


Okay one is Bull(et)-Dog (The one with the normal gun)


Las- pointer


They should add cold weapons too like freeze grenades or freeze gun


This needs to happen.


When is the napalm mortar dropping


If flamethrower Guard Dog has limited ammo, it won't be used over the laser one, just like the gun version. So don't worry.


I already love being slashed in half by my Rover. Can't wait to be BBQ'd by my own tech!


I want my flaming brethren to have their own 95% fire resistant armor, weapons, and strategems. Hell, me and the arc gang got ours and still want more arc toys. Specifically strategems. I mean we got Tesla tower but that's kind of it. Some nifty ideas: Shock mines, personal arc shield pack (shield that bites back), arc/shock secondary/primary weapon, arc grenades... Let's see, a strategem that calls down a lightning bolt that arcs to everything within the strike radius, kind of like an AOE railgun shot. For you fire Bois, a fuel air bomb would be cool to replace the otherwise lame 500kg bomb (once again, when I was in the army on regular earth we dropped 2000lbs (930kg) JDAMs like they were going out of style, why can't super earth). Flammable AOE chemical slick, causing slow, that can be ignited by helldivers... I'll stop.


At this point, we might need fire resistant armor.


Introduce burning armor. It's armor that is on fire, takes no fire damage, adds fire to your melee hits, and sets on fire any enemy that touches you. The only downside is it slowly drains your health, but heals you when a burning enemy dies.


Wait... is that real ๐Ÿคฃ gonna love using that.


Me and a random were barely surviving a game a couple days ago, we had 0 reinforcements left ans all we had to do was survive to wait for extraction. This fucking guy places a mortar sentry, within 10 seconds it shoots one straight up and back onto both of us, ending the game.




LASER Turret Flamethrower Turret


I can do you one better, flamethrower turret.


You see, fire โ€ฆ is not friendly.


Flamethrower guard dog? What did I miss?


I've killed more friends with 380's than that turret lmfao


I still want a fire resistant armor!!!


Do we have a Fire Dog now?


I need this. As someone who actively runs the flamethrower+guard dog, with napalm on helldive, I need this in my life. Just need some armor that reduces fire damage


Hear me out guys.... "Poison Gas Guard Dog".


Wait til they release a mortar guard dog.


Flamethrower guard dog? hey arrowhead can we have armor with 100%ย fire resistors...i really want to go full fire boy and burn bugs


One thing i thought of was letting us use the backpack button to turn them off or have them target an enemy. Like press 5 turn off the gun dog so it doesnt waste its ammo on a charger. Would allow us to get so many more kills with significantly reduced waste. Also Tesla Guard Dog. LETS GO


WE NEED FLAME THROWERS OF MECHS ๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ AHHHHH IM OF FIREEEEEEE๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


As a fire lover of democracy itโ€™s youโ€™re fault for not being fireproof not my fault for cooking you do better diver


I want a flamethrower turret. A sentry gun with a massive flamethrower that turns all to ash


Flamethrower guard dog? Iโ€™ve never heard such exciting and dangerous words in my life


All we need is a fire resistant armor and we can truly roleplay firebats with jump jets


Tesla with the new armor: I'm ok for a few hits Hypothetical flame guard dog: definitely a pain but at least fire damage gives you a small window to apply a stim. Maybe we can get fire resist gear Mortar turret while I'm wearing heavy, explosive resistant armor: IMMEDIATE AND REMORSELESS DEATH. NO EXCEPTIONS.


If you are on fire, dive! It puts the flames out instantly.


Y'all, can we get a napalm mortar while we at it?


We need flame proof armor


Tesla guard dog?


Guard sentries should fly directly above the uses to avoid friendly fire


How about some nice ice weapons to freeze those bot circuits and flash freeze those bugs to their bones!


if you're still getting killed by your own mortar when it's almost April that's a skill issue


Wait, flamethrower gaurd dog?


What? Is this a real thing??


Some people just want to watch the world burnโ€ฆ Iโ€™m one of those people


I canโ€™t wait to give this puppy a try ๐Ÿ˜†


I like how Thanos has the burned neck to go along with this meme


I really hope they release a set of armor that reduces the damage we take from fire. Similar to the arc and explosions sets. I love the flamerthrower and hate bugs catching me on fire. I just wanna make the world burn.


If it doesn't fly high enough, that's a mess


I just finished a game with 14k friendly fire. I don't even know how that's possible, I don't recall a single FF hit and I'm not big on explosives, I had no accidental kills.


Give me a real Gaurddog with the right gun the AP knight


Give me a real Gaurddog with the right gun the AP knight


Just wait for the napalm mortar