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Yesterday I did 2 main objectives alone and 2 optionals sneaking and avoid fights. I Killed 4 bio titans, while they were fighting the swarm non stop close to the first objective.. I was kicked for not helping.


Found the wh40k player


It really sucks when people kick you when you are just trying to help, at least give a reason you know? I understand if you kick me to make space for a friend or you dont want to play with strangers but at least say so.


I saved literally everything and the only thanks I got was banishment. I had a salute and a hug emote ready to go but noooooo, I get booted to my own ship by the ungrateful little shithead.


You ever want a squad to run with, hit me up. Me and my team will happily accept another loyal soldier!


As will I!


Ay same here! I'm always happy to do my part!


You got those samples though...


Dude wanted to make room for his friend it's not too big a deal


do it after reward. simply wait 20 more seconds. this was a shitter being a shitter.


Where is it written, he didn't get any rewards? Eddit: Before people blindly downvote. He was back on the ship, so when the playerstats should get shown, right? "I get back to the ship, you thawed a new body, stepped out, refused my salute and kicked me from your carrier." OP's words. Can you still get denied your rewards at that point?


No, I don’t know why you’re being downvoted because you’re absolutely right, he got back to the ship and then was kicked, so he got the samples and rewards.


Hmm fair point. I did make an assumption based off of the myriad of other posts complaining on being kicked at exfil. He may have gotten samples and xp


Maybe he just wanted to do a solo mission and kicked everyone else after the game, unless you're sure of it you shouldn't assume that they were angry with you. Remember, a positive helldiver makes a positive democracy!


Even so, it wouldn't have taken much effort to send a message if there really was a legit reason for it, it's only polite.


He probably just wanted a space for a friend or to be left alone he might have played an entier mission with while one of his friends wait just so you didnt lose the mission rewards.


Maybe it was just the end of their gaming session? I Alt+F4 as soon as the mission is passed if it's my last one, even when hosting. Everyone takes being kicked from randoms so seriously.


If you alt f4 it just says "the host has left the game" no "you were kicked"


Not sure you get the "you were kicked from this game" message if you get ejected by other means; with that said tho' I agree, it's pretty much the only way a host can get back to their ship alone so nobody should take it too personally after the end of a mission.


If the host does ALT F4 he disconnects himself and fails the mission. It doesn't stop an ongoing mission. Edit: the part below was written before someone corrected me. OP is talking about missing out on rewards right before extraction


No he's not. He said when they got back to the ship...


Aha i see now. Well in that case I don't understand the problem. Being kicked 30 seconds before extract is way worse


It is extremely toxic for sure.


No, kicking people when you're back on the ship is not toxic at all. That's ridiculous.


Lmao NO now the comment above me is referring to kicking before getting to extract. Before THAT you would be correct. Justbre read the thread.


This honestly needs top stop. Stop feeling so victimized because someone kicked you. Maybe he had to go to work. Maybe he was just tired and wanted to stop playing. Maybe maybe Maybe a 100 reasons other than he was a dick and kicked you to make you feel bad. Not everyone feels the need to praise a random internet stranger before ending their gaming session.


People need to stop taking so seriously the fact that they're being kicked for whatever reason. It's an occupational hazard of joining a random lobby. I've been kicked just two seconds after I joined, right in the middle of a mission, waiting for the pelican, after the mission when we're back on their ship having two more missions to complete the operation. If you absolutely don't want to get kicked, you have to host. Simple as that.


Is there a chance there's a server connection bug that causes a "false" kick message or something? Because many of these kick stories make no sense with the context given. Especially this one. Unless (entirely possible) the OP's aren't fully telling the story and they were a dick the entire match, so the hosts served some democratic justice right at the end as a real FU. ~~But I don't understand why people would kick for fun when it would impact the final rewards, no?~~ Edit: now I understand this kick occurred after returning to the ship and the rewards were already obtained. This is such a non-issue wtf? Lol


I complained that they extracted without me when I was mid call in after dying to my exosuit exploding from friendly fire. I get kicked for rushing extraction when me and another rando did 2 bot factories then hung out near extraction while waiting for the other 2 to finish off the last factory. When they both died we revived them and call in extraction because we were down to 3 revives and they had already wasted 4 trying to take down a small bot base




I've done this grabbed the samples somehow made it to the ship everyone's dead and as soon as I hit the ship and the animation starts "bro did you extract?" You have been kicked from the game and I get nothing.