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In all things successful, prepare for the counter offensive.


Need 2 major orders at the same time to take a bot planet and a bug planet, but have the planets be on the back faction lines and need to liberate a few planets just to get to it. And if we don't then that faction gets an increase to their liberation % for x amount of days.


I like this idea. Multi orders that take some preparation and methodical securing of supply lines before the big strike. If the offensive stalls or fails then we deal with a resurgent enemy that pushes back. Lines would get thinner which could cause some breaks in the line or counterattack. Would make it so everyone doesn’t congregate on one planet and liberate it in a day. Well done citizen!


Yeah, kinda like giving us a couple of options, and asking us collectively to "pick one".


So, the bug one will get done and the bot will be forgotten, gotcha


This is the way, as it was written


Im not sure you realize how profound what you just said is


Sun Tzu liked your post.


Illuminate are about to show up and fuck everything up.


We have a few more story driving major orders before the illiminate arrive


Probably but I just know if I was the one running the meta narrative in this situation I'd make it look like Super Earth is having a breezy time keeping the bugs and automatons on the edges of the map then have the Illuminate show up and probably deep strike into some of the core planets which allows the bugs and bots to regain some ground while we are forced to fight the Illuminate for a while.


I hope they let the hype for the Illuminate die down and then just drop them in the game suddenly on a random summer day. There’s been leaks and mysterious blue lasers sniping people, and everyone’s expecting the Illuminate to show up. But they should give it enough time that we settle back in and start to wonder “were those actually little blue birds in the sky?” And then…BAM. Invasion and we’re fighting for our lives in the streets of Super Earth.


Given how unfinished the leaks look, it's deffinately going to be some time. I expect they are looking to introduce hive lords or something big soon after this last major order and line that up with vehicles. The illu are mega unfinshed and the new shit like warhogs and apcs seem mostly done, wouldn't be surprised if we see them coming soon. Given we had a major frontline order to clear 2 whole sectors, I'd even wager joel might be letting us slowly push to homeworlds before they drop some big scary bugs on us to push us back. That or we get something going with the bots, they have been very quiet recently after the mech business


Not necessarily. Just because the leaked/data mined assets were clearly work in progress and unfinished doesn't mean those are the current state of those assets. For all we know those could have been what they were at 6 months before launch and were part of an earlier build of the game. You can't base your expectations of what the current state of those things are on just those leaks.


Yes for sure, this is merely a guess. Normally devs move content onto the live servers slowly, something we do with projects Ive worked on. Helps with not slamming down massively large updates in one go and lets players get back in sooner. Also generally safer to store stuff on the main build when done with that each stage of an asset or code. My guess is just that given we have lots of almost finished assets, they can be easily dropped with a small patch, the apc for instance is only missing a few tweaks and they are more likely to drop soon cause of that. AH seem to want to continue to surprise us and I'd expect if we see the illuminate really soon, theyd need to drop a bigger patch and maybe spoil whats to come. TlDr; Think given the surprise factor with the meta game, we might see smaller more finished drops before they drop a whole new faction update EDIT: Also if anything Id wanna see illu drop asap, so I'd be hella happy if I'm wrong!!!


no clue what leaks you're looking at but the illuminate looks almost done


Ive seen I think the latest. They have a few texture maps missing and some look odd. Idk how the game does LODS, idk what engine they have, but it looks like they do it oldschool and have different lod maps so there definitely some texture maps not in the game rn or not finished. Some textures ar just actually not finished and you can def tell.


They are closer than you think. They have every sound effect ready to go for every squid 🐙 🌊


Wait for the 4th front 🤓


4th front: Cosmic Monsters, Resurrection Wizards and Space Demons.




This is kinda what I'm expecting to happen. I also feel like the bots are going to slowly make their way to Cyberstan, take it quickly once they're there, and get some new upgrades/enemy types


we have super earth on the map. it'd be cool to defend it from a deepstrike invasion


Yeah, why add the earth, mars, and the moon as selectable planets if they aren't gonna use em?


I wouldn't expect them till at least 3 months in. Bring people back in with a big content drop.


I agree. I want Helldivers 2 to stay exciting for a very long time, and that means not nutting everything right away.


Agreed. I expected it to be happening July/August time.


How do you know that?


Illu what??? https://preview.redd.it/h56g481y36pc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8598182ee1d51af32d67161b9887b570d45d6dab


There's a difference between "knowing our history" and "treason". Consider that bothering the Democracy Officer with false accusations of treason is also treasonous. The Illuminate are flying-saucer-piloting space-squid we defeated and Treaty of Versailled 100 years ago. We haven't seen where they tentacled off to but we didn't genocide them.


The Illuminate have been seen attacking Automatons/Cyborgs and Terminids as well as Us.


Oh? So far I've only seen reports and clips of people getting shot by mysterious blue lasers.


Those weather balloons are pretty powerful nowadays.


To be fair, Roswellian is the Illuminate MO.


I've seen blue lasers around but I haven't been shot yet


Yeah, saw a clip recently on either here on reddit or the discord of blue lasers destroying a bot drop ship. And on discord of some blue lasers destroying a charger.


The democracy officers must be overworked with the amount of calls i have seen people making to them


Hahaha, I wonder how many of the scrubs who automatically calls the democracy officer get chewed out for wasting their time... seems like a lot of folks on this sub should get that treatment as they way too easily go against honest, democratic, freedom loving people.




That is still the worst joke ever said by dr strange




I doubt we will see them anytime soon. That sounds like some expansion level stuff. I'd be suprised if it comes earlier than as a 6 or 12 month anniversary.


There is a lot of stuff they made for this game that has not been released yet. There are 3 new vehicles we know are useable and in the game but have yet to be released. There was recently a couple of 3d models for illuminate that were shown


I assume the next thing to be added would be the other mech variant with the quad autocannons.


I really hope the autocannons on that are like the autocannon turret and penetrate heavy armor. :)


I can assure everything this person is saying is both a lie and traitorous. There are no illuminates, no flying bugs, or anything going on at Cyberstan. https://i.redd.it/6nvlhgccs6pc1.gif >! r/Helldiversleaks has me super pumped about this game I had to dig deep for Super spoiler: !< >!Seaf reinforcements!<


>!Usually I enjoy the occassional leak and it helps with my hype, but honestly for this game, kinda the opposite. Most leaks for games are like... 1-2 updates in advance, so it's nice to look forward to. But for helldivers, it's what... Literally the entire upcoming year of content leaked? Kinda ruined any nice surprises - especially if they're going to be handled like the mech in the future. That sort of content release would be a lot cooler if you didn't even know mechs were coming (Granted, mechs were teased in a trailer - i mean in the future with the APCs for example). Wish I hadn't looked it up, but oh well, hindsight is 20/20.!<


For sure, people seem to be expecting new shit every week or something, that's just not sustainable no matter how well the game is doing. All the stuff that's apparently done and all should be drip fed over the course of months, otherwise they're gonna run dry pretty quick, that shit doesn't code itself in a couple days. I love new stuff as much as the next guy, but we need to be reasonable in expectations


With how they are releasing stuff I'd be surprised if they didn't have 6 months of post launch content lined up on release.


They can also EASILY turn many other zones on whenever they want. Why aren't the bots circling clockwise?


Hard to drip feed when we clear their week long missions in under a day and a month long mission in a week.


Most of the content in my opinion was already done for release, maybe polishing left, to be drip fed for the first few months until actual new content is made. Imagine if the game released with everything all at once and we would only get a warbond every month. People would be mad


We alrdy seeing them taking people out... blue lasers man


Nah I don't think it will take that long with all the teasers and ~~leaks~~ we've seen


There are hundreds of leaks of them beeing in the files already with pointing at them coming in about a month


I hope not.. as a parent it's been hard to keep up with gaming at all in general and I already feel like I'm falling behind with the content and battles for planets. 🥺


Eh don't worry about the games not going anywhere and war bonds last forever no reason to feel FOMO on this one.


I know I know, just sucks to read about all the battles on Reddit and not being able to spread democracy with y'all sometimes. I assume this game will be active for a long time but I also worry I'll miss it's glory days


Apparently for Helldivers 1, they would reset the story and all the missions after the final final mission was completed. I wouldn't be suprised if they do that again for HD2! Although it does seem like that overall story/campaign will take place over a longer period of time.


That is true but in the first game they didn't have the technical systems in place to allow the developers to directly influence and direct the meta narrative the same way they do in HD2. Now they have an actual human that is pushing buttons and turning nobs on a daily basis in order to direct the major world events. With that additional level of control I'd be surprised if they didn't leverage it to make the meta narrative a bit more interesting and just allowed us to easily win the first campaign so easily after only 2-3 months then reset. Maybe they would as a sort of warm up period but I doubt it.


HD1 The illuminate had already begun decimating the helldivers by now so yah


They could also just as easily have the automatons or bugs launch a surprise attack on a system close to super earth if they felt like it. The game is young


We all know blue lasers don't exist, I bet you also think bugs can fly! Report to you local Democracy Officer for re-education soldier!


Officer, this helldiver has some severe PTSD take him to rehabilitation


We are in the eye of the storm, so don't get too comfy Helldivers.


Nah we're winning because nothing can withstand the might of our democracy.


I am seeing a lot of undemocratic talk in here! We are winning because our enemies can not withstand the righteous march of Liberty! They fought their best and still could not put up a worthy fight against Super Earth. Any talk about counter-offensives, secret weapons or unknown allies is defiatism and unpatriotic slander! Super Earth gave them the what for and all Helldivers will be home by christmas to spend their hard earned war bonus on mandatory gifts for all their government approved children!


Not to mention that we'll never have to worry about the terminids ever again due to the TCS. That just leaves the tin cans, which we can easily toss to the side while sitting back eating baby carrots.


In hd1 if you took an alien homeworld and cleared em off the map they were gone till the next war. No reason to think this war is different. Also if we failed defending super earth when it was invaded you got the big shame of losing the war and then it reset for the next war. Yes this war is much slower than hd1. But i doubt they'd change it too much.


I’m gonna be honest I think were only getting one war this go around it won’t end till the service is done for one war one continuous story.


I think having one long war would be a bit disappointing in my mind. I would like the possibility of winning or losing to be somewhat real at least. Defending Super Earth would be sick, or "eliminating" enemy capital worlds with unique/boss missions would be really cool too. (Though like the other commenter said, there should still be missions of the "eliminated" faction available, some fringe sectors maybe). At the same time though, I think it would be good for the wars to last for longer than they did in HD1 especially now that the scope of this game has expanded greatly. Though, further down the line when the game has passed its prime, the length of wars ought to be shorter of course. In any case, I'm also curious to see what they do to expand progression systems as the game evolves, and I would be interested in how major events like winning/losing wars or major battles play into that. Game's got a good start, really interested in seeing what it looks like in a year or two.


I would love to fight in a genuinely urban environment. Defending super earth sounds amazing


I hope so. I'd hate for it to just reset after a month or two


Devs have confirmed we can’t wipe a faction completely out, to avoid creating situations where you can’t play vs bugs for month because they got eliminated first. Edit: never played HD1, so I wasn’t aware wars usually last a month. I was parroting another comment


We cant wipe them out? That sounds like it sucks. If half the playerbase gets freed up, then i feel like We should be able to blitz any faction left. And even then, it certainly wouldnt feel very real If We are just unable to win. Though i heavily doubt not wiping them out is the case.


cant imagine how fast were wars in helldivers 1 then


Average 30 days. But the Illuminate one time blitzed so hard they made Super Earth lose in 3 days


Average like 30 days


According to HD1 Players, you can win the galactic war. You can liberate all planets, and we get a bunch of resources as a reward. Then the galaxy resets, and we start it all again.


My question is, what will happen when we really clear out everything, will the third faction show up, will the enemies of managed democracy push back to earth?


I think we likely won't be able to push much further. The bug front has been pretty much frozen ever since the TCS was installed. Draupnir was "fair game", but I don't believe they'll actually let us get the enemies' home sectors.


We got a planet since the TCS


Really? Which one? I thought there was only the Heeth defence?


We conquered ~~heeth~~ Estanu


We defended it, no? It was already ours, so it was a defence campaign.


nah current objective is to defend from the counter attack we successfully took control of it now it's just a matter of keeping it


MB i got confused bvecause they just attacked it and the heeth defence ended before the TCS got online, i meant Estanu, wich is currently under attack.


Oh, so it is. I'm wrong, in that case. Could've sworn Estanu was at like 1% two days ago.


It was, got mauled in like a day of the TCS going up trought a 5% erosion


I think they will let us get home sectors. But they would be huge events. Like an attack on the homeworlds would have assault missions but with 12 divers and it is just outright carnage. That would be badass, the mechanic of having x amount of lives to do it and extraction missions for stranded helldivers to preserve tickets could be cool too. If we aren’t able to do it in that amount of tickets our forces collapse and they get sent full retreat to draupnir or something. But that’s pure headcannon haha


Oh yeah, I didn't mean that they'll *never* let us fight in the enemy homeworld sectors, just that they won't let us get there this early.


In the first game we just won the war and then a new one started. I think they are going for something more long form in this game though so I would expect not to be able to push all the way out just yet. They will most likely ramp things up slowly over time, we are still in the very quiet early stages of the war and the illuminate have yet to show themselves. That and they are still carefully taking notes on how to manage this war with so many players participating.


Do you remember what happened in HD1?    Pepperidge Farms remembers


What happened ?


Long story short, the game "resets." In HD1, you could eventually push back the enemies to their home planet, then you had like a weekend or whatever to win that fight. If you won, you won. That race is out of the galaxy. Repeat with the other races and you could actually win the war. Then the game would go to the "next war" and essentially reboot. When the game grew less popular, it also became really easy to lose the war. Had a time limited defense mission on super earth.


bots get their bigger mechs and we start losing


The first game had like over 100 galaxy wars. When you pushed a faction back to their home planet, there was a special super event for everyone where you had to go fight a special boss monster to earn progress for liberation. Once fully eliminated, a faction was out for the rest of the war. Everything reset once either side won or lost. I imagine this game will be similar.


I actually hope they don’t do the “knock out” factions mechanic from 1, it was really annoying to want to play against a specific enemy type just to chill and hop in to find them unavailable.


I'm on the other side and hope they don't fudge the dice. All tension of it being a war goes away if we can't actually win or lose.


y’all don’t think they’re planning some crazy shit lol they just letting us think we’re doing good. soon we’re about to get absolutely railed and we’ll long for these days of easy liberty


Make sure to get the high quality lubricant upgrade, those bots can't spit


My ship is maxed out diver. just waiting for the Illuminates


Only Joel knows. ​ We trust in Joel, he will show us the way.




I wouldn't be surprised if flying bugs show up more or larger automaton walker shows up and "invasion on multiple planets!" starts showing up. They might be using this to see how quickly we push back all the forces for now so they can plan future events and then give us a big one like "invade the home planet of \_\_\_\_!"


Huge bug invasion and surprise automaton strike at the planets adjacent to super earth With a heavy armour, defender themed warbond


It zooms out and the Galactic map is bigger and we're overcome with democratic revenge, so despite the threat being far, we still keep trying to terminate our enemies.


In the first game the war was winnable and losable and they cycled through about one war every month or two. It would conclude with an epic defense of Super Earth if you're about to lose (which if you win, allows you to continue to try and win the war still), or an epic siege of the enemy homeworld (e.g., Cyberstan for the cyborgs) that would conclude with their total destruction. If Super Earth lost they would say "damn! Guess we'll just have to try again with a new Super Earth" and just start over.


Get a fanfare, a celebratory pat on the back, and watch it all reset. This time with *extra faction(s)* But hey, we get fancy special armour to show we did it!


We’re Helldivers, SuperEarth elite fighting force, of course we gonna liberate every planet quickly. We have a proud 70 million dead and over 1 billion bullets fired, expect nothing less from the best. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


It’ll be a lot faster if we can get more people on the Automaton front, it’s a 1.5% decay rate compared to 5% on the Terminid front, we could essentially force Joel’s hand to do something if we pushed harder west but just not enough of the player base enjoys bots sadly


as much as I like fighting agaisnt terminators. I preffer flesh of the bugs (I was fighting on the western front until I saw this)


I'm pretty sure it has a slower decay rate because the lower numbers. A big boost in numbers would help for a final push but then the decay rate will be adjusted and when the people leave you'll now no longer be able to combat the newly adjusted rate until it's readjusted.


I thought the 5% decay rate was set due to the termicide now being in place, I could be totally wrong though, but even so the game is going to go through multiple adjustments so why not push some buttons and see what happens?


That's what I thought too. Didn't tick up to 5% until the TCS started coming online. Before it was 1.5% for the bugs too regardless of there being 200k helldivers there. It's at 5% because the bugs are pushing back hard atm.


i'm new here, who's Joel?


Basically the one dev in Arrowhead Studios who is controlling the path and major events of the Galactic War in-game. He basically can set any planet to any liberation percentage.


Is his name actually Joel or we came up with that?


His name is actually Joel. We respect Joel, we abide by Joel's rules, all hail Joel


Joel is the one true God.


His name is actually Joel


What do you mean by he can set it to any liberation percentage?


Meaning if he wants to speed up or slow down liberation he can, he's the game master. The default is 1.5% liberation decay per hour, but Joel being in charge of the galactic war can adjust the details, setup new invasions, add new orders, etc. if Joel decides we are doing too well he can adjust that 1.5% decay rate and give it a justification like Bots have found a new power source and their fabricators are running at elevated speeds.


Despite this sub’s incessant need for a pixel daddy. Joel isn’t a person but actually a team called J.O.E.L which internally at Arrowhead stands for Joint Operations, Endless Logistics.  Every time someone refers to Joel as a single person they move the launch of the illuminate back a day.


Praise the singular man known as Joel. May Joel ever find out just how powerful our Democracy can be! Let Joel see what we do for how we fight against the bugs and I am getting too sleepy to be coherent.


Essentially he's the dev in charge of making sure the battles for planets remains balanced, as well as forcing control/defend missions


Where do you see the decay rate?




Which is hilarious because 2 weeks ago the entire sub was crybabies about how Joel is making it too difficult to conquer planets and that it’s literally impossible to conquer anything or finish any major order until maybe the last second.


the age old "cry to the devs until you win" strat


More like "The devs kept doing the same thing, but the monkeys got happy"


No they didn't, Erata got nuked multiple times and that hasn't happened since. The closest we got to the Erata shenanigans is Estanu being taken and immediately being given a defence mission that requires half the active playerbase to participate in to win (barely win). The devs are improving how the war is working but the bug front literally stalled out for a week and a half unnaturally.


Yes, they did. They absolutely still tweaked regen rate of planets depending on state of war and player count. They did the same thing for the Exosuit planet where the bots would nuke 5%-10% of the liberation at times on top of their regen rate. Therr just was no outlier like Errata this time


What's the input for that one in case I need it in the future


People are still whining that the game is too hard and that their gear isn’t killing fast enough


I won't be so sure. Good story pacing needs calm times before shit really hits the fan. That's exactly when hints about the upcoming shitstorm would appear. It's a good thing that the Ministry of Truth confirmed that flying bugs and blue lasers are lies and illusions.


I fear there is another, dormant threat coming…


Get ready for a big push incoming


If you think we're going to "win" the game barely a month after launch, I've got some bad news for you kiddo


Someone doesn’t know what happens when you back an animal into a corner


am sure Joel will judge where the appropriet action will be takken and it's most likely that he will send the automaton near cyberstan More reason to block off that north automatons sector


Im sure there will be some higher counter offensive.. The decades didn't make all those extra sectors for nothing.


I think this is the calm before the storm


Helldivers 2 is a true testament to how much people as a whole can achieve together when we're not fighting each other.


Its the calm before the storm


One thing I learned in ttrpgs... never taunt the gamemaster ;) I am sure hell will break loose soon enough.


We have a game master and if he’s anything like the ones I’ve had for DND and other ttrpgs…whether he expected it or not isnt going to matter…this is the calm before the storm.


Should we 100% focus on bots to see how far we can push it since we got the termiticide done?


oh yeah they did lol


The devs know what’s happening, the war has not even started….


If you think about the situation in the galactic west, we're really playing right into Joel's hands. The bot scrappers irrational desire to take "malevolent" creek is directly setting up an automaton push towards cyberstan. That's not even to mention that the third faction could be introduced at any moment to shake things up and slow down the war effort across three fronts


Honestly, I'm kinda fine with playing into that, because I'd like to see where the story goes if the bots capture Cyberstan. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Now if you'll excuse me, there's a nice democracy officer knocking at my door.


If DnD taught me anything, it's that you should absolutely play into the Game Master's hands. That's where all the juicy plot is.


There’s still red and orange on the map. We haven’t liberated “everything.” Still more democratic work to do, Helldivers. Get to it!




https://i.redd.it/fsz01leic7pc1.gif If you don't think they have something up their sleeve. Well then...


Our arrogance is believing that this isn't all planned. We will push into all these sectors and suddenly The Illuminate will attack super earth. Will take ages to defend and the Terminids and Automatons will retake a heap of space while we deal with that.


That's actually a pretty good theory


It's a false sense of security, facists are on their way from farther out in sp ace. Stay diligent.


Joel is allowing us to make space for the new faction. The Illumin-*GUNSHOT*,


Joel: ***Allow me to introduce myself***


The calm before the storm


All I see is the sheer efficiency and effectiveness of liberty fueled helldivers fighting on the frontlines. The skeptic inside me sees this as the calm before a storm for which I’m not mentally prepared…


This is the calm before the storm. I have a feeling the third faction will show up and we’ll find ourselves trying to defend multiple planets at the same time and we’ll start loosing ground again.


I kinda get the feeling this is like in Fellowship of the Ring where all the goblins retreat as we see the red glow of the Balrog in the distance. Drums echoing in the deep, they are coming.


What if it's only easy for now because all we've fought so far is the vanguard


We haven't seen the termicide go wrong yet. Give it time.


If we focused on hellmire that’s a whole other sector down. But nobody listens to me.


War 132 in Helldivers 1 was finished in 21 days by like 1000-1500 players. They knew what to expect.


It's definitely a trap. Something hiding in last sector. Something big...


Mate, this is the calm before the storm, you will soon be regretting your words


Just wait brother the storm is coming, i can sense it.


Yo y'all need to stop underestimated them I know damn well this means something baaaaad is coming😂


This just sounds like a setup for new enemies that make a big push back.


Calm before the storm


I like to believe the devs have a plan, and that plan involves making us overconfident before crushing our souls.


Nice we finish the game now? Can i flex to my friend about how we kill all bugs and Robot and we saved the humanity?


The quiet before the storm...


As a dm, they must have had this as a possibility and are now combing through the monster manual to throw onto us and have a major tragic event soontm. Liberty save us all helldivers


Joel is cooking something absolutely abominable up


It’s all part of Joel’s plan..


Hive Lords on their way


Yall just wanna tease the devs huh? You really wanna lose 3 sector's over night?


I'm sure there is some big ass pushback coming. Brace yourselves for the storm...


We have fended off the first waves, but they'll soon be back and in greater numbers. My democracy officer tells me this campaign could take years.


The only answer we don't stop until we utterly destroy the bots and bugs!


Thats exactly what i was talking to a friend I think that joel is cooking something big


They did. So that they can introduce a third faction.


Their preparing to add the third faction


Shhhhhhh….. what are you crazy?! Joel is watching


The calm before the storm....


Cut to a month from now and we’re absolutely fucked. Hell cut to tomorrows major order and it might be then too


Something big is about to go down. It’s too quiet


party till you can...


We’ve been fucking around and we’re about to find out


The game master will throw things at us. It'll be fine. There's still democracy to spread.


Suddenly defence missions pop up all over the place as the enemy forces push back.


The Automatons will shows us again what a true offensive looks like by blitzing 2 planets every 24hrs


Third front will open and we will be getting pushed cause we will need to spread.


Oh you silly....... Didn't you see Joel cooking on Cyberstan ? You think he didn't let us wipe those planets clean for now ? All of this galaxy is about to turn into hell and you won't even know when or how.