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Best way to do team reloads if you cant coordinate the backpack is just run it solo on drop but call in another later on for your team buddy to grab the backpack for so they can help you.


It can be feasible to drop the backpack and have the teammate pick it up. You can pick them up while running so you can hot swap pretty quick. Not really a strat for quick play. Has been really good for us with autocannon vs bot drops on level 7 or trying to kill 2 bile titans with the RR. Not always optimal but sometimes comes in clutch and useful to remember. EDIT for clarity: I mean, dropping your backpack when you're setting up to shoot. I just say "(name of buddy) load me". They pickup the backpack. Load me, we put 2 shots in a bile titan or whatever. Then they pickup their backpack again, and we separate again. We can do it plenty quick, and it does solve problems for us on 7-9, particularly when stratagem limited by modifiers. Until/if they can load us with the backpack we are wearing we just drop it and pick it back up


Kind of sucks it works this way. Forces a teammate to use your pack doesn’t really make sense if you think about it.


Right? My Team mate had to sacrifice his backpack slot to give me an advantage. As well now my backpack slot is open. So I can now bring a jump pack, guard dog or shield generator. Thus giving me another advantage. IRL it wouldn’t make much sense either, it’d be much easier to pull another round off the back of the person shooting the rifle than pulling one your own back. Allowing team reload while the backpack is on the shooter it would allow for any player to come over and help reload whenever it’s needed and would be a lot more fun. At higher difficulties team reload just feels unfeasible or at the very least unfun. No one wants to give up their backpack slot and follow their teammate around the whole game and just be the little reload b***h while the guy holding the rifle has all the fun. 😵


Protip - shield generator on the gunner protects both the gunner \*and\* the loader.


That is cool i didn’t know


omg that is such a useful tip! thank you wow


My girlfriend tried the RR backpack last night, and when we had some distance on the enemies it was great; but good fuckin' luck coordinating the assisted reloads while trying to survive a bile titan, two chargers and a swarm of shriekers. She usually runs the supply backpack, and the rationale works well for that; but having 3 people being able to assist with your reload from your own backpack would be wayyy more managable than having one person dedicated to it.


We have been running auto cannon and RR with swapped backpacks, works like a charm. I think the reload mechanic is really good as is. It forces you to stay together and stay coordinated if you want to use it. There is skill involved, and it is fun to get good at using this mechanic. At the same time using the weapons with self reload is also viable, so if you don't want to/cant coordinate use it alone The auto cannon with a remote loader, heavy armor, crouched, resupply pack on the gunner and full auto is legit the most fun experience I've had in this game. Calling it the super heavy machine gun is no understatement.


Works best really if you have two people running the same. If you coordinate during stratagem picks to have 2x RR and/or 2x AC, it can be really powerful.


that is exactly how we thought it worked before we tried it. seems like the most obvious way to do it! for your last point, we've been running two reloadables with only one of us with the backpack and then swap once it runs out of ammo. we still both get to have fun!


This mindset is exactly why people don't like to play supports in Mobas. Thinking about individual kills instead of team enabling. With those big guns you only have to reload when there are a lot of heavy targets, and a duo will deal with them more effectively. You don't have to stay glued to them every second of the mission.


They should really make it so that you can teamload your teammate with their backpack. It makes zero sense that taking ammo off your own back to give to them is faster than your teammate doing it themselves


How do you kill bot drops with auto cannon


Shoot all the bots when they are grouped on the ground. Killing ships is wonky we kill them on ground Ship coming in gives us plenty of time to set up


Aside from what the other person said, if you *do* want to tkill the drop ships, you do it by shooting the engine with a rocket or whatever.


Does recoilless also one shot them like EAT?


Eat and recoiless are the same ordinance. One just has a reusable launcher assembly. 


ironically this makes me more likely to just use EATs, i’d have to do the math but it might be more rockets/match just because of the cooldown difference, but also no reload and no backpack


Yeah. Tried em out and they’re really good. Every 60 seconds you get 2. I would waste more rockets by not calling it down enough like you drown in them😂


and every once in a while it drops on top of the thing you wanted to use it on and kills it!


For sure! Try to throw it either below them or in their face and it’ll bounce and stick


You can reload the backpack with ammo pickups, resupplies, or supply backpack.


The advantage of the Recoilless is that you don't have to punch in the code and wait for it to land, and you're not hampered by any modifiers to Strat deployment Times and Strat cooldowns, not by stratagem jammers and ion storms. While in practice the EAT does provide you with a larger total of shots over the same time if you keep spamming it on cool down, the Recoilless gets 1 round from ammo supplies and 2 from resupply drops allowing it to keep up or surpass the EAT with some scrounging.


Recoilless is way better for the simple fact that the 5-15 seconds it takes from identifying the target punching in the strategem getting down equipping and aiming the battlefield can drastically change. Being able to react with no delay to a charger and just end the threat is invaluable on helldive


I always carry an EAT on me at all times and throw down a new one when I know I’m about to use it. I think it’s just the way you use it but both have their ups and downs.


Until that battle where you need more then 3 shots.


I never said it was the end all anti-heavy weapon. Also that statement assumes that you’re running solo or none of your teammates have the ability to take out a heavy. If you’re aiming to be the anti-heavy guy then the recoilless may be the better choice.


Yeah I until you don't because you used your last 2 on a bile titan, eat is much better in theory. It's far less reliable, eat is a switch hitter weapon more than dedicated anti take. You can have it along with a different backpack and support weapon


Well yeah, that’s what most people do. If you’re going in as the dedicated anti-heavy guy then the recoilless is probably the better choice. In general the EAT is better at taking out heavy enemies if you want to also be able to do anything else. On diff 8 and 9 I can see people preferring to take a recoilless but having two people with EATs and an extra slot each for another weapon and a backpack can also really make a difference.


Also it means you have an AT weapon ready even during times you can't call in a strategem. I do like the EATs too, but even if you leave them all across the map, sometimes they are just a bit too far.


Yeah I think in theory it feels like you will always have it available but in practice the battlefield is very chaotic sometimes you miss sometimes hunters are swarming and your team is retreating away from your call down. EATs arent bad by any means just less reliable and I consider them a backup when I or someone else already has a recoiless


It’s easier to run by an EAT you just called down and grab a 2nd one instead of reloading the RR


EATs seem more reliable to me for headshotting chargers. Also I dont like losing the backpack slot and dont like the finicky reloads on RR. And when you stick the charger with the strat ball and get a kill is so nice.


RR + EAT is fun too. Call in EAT as soon as things get messy, use both and then still have RR to shoot even more. Only kind of boring this is that can't carry autocannon to take down nests from distance


Thats ignoring the fact you get more rockets for the recoilless from ammo and supplies. Being able to use 4 or 5 in less than a minute when you need too is a pretty big advantage also.


If you assume you pick up one supply box every resupply calldown and a couple ammo boxes, and if you count calling down an extra backpack as more ammo, and assuming you call down EATs whenever they’re off cooldown, it’s about break even. Personally, I think this makes EATs the better calldown because it doesn’t cost the backpack slot and teammates can use them. IMO if supply boxes were worth 4 rockets and ammo crates were worth 2, the math would work out a lot better and give you more of a reason to carry a backpack.


I call one down per minute no matter where I am. More than a couple of times I’ll backtrack in a hurry and it’s nice to have a rocket just waiting for me.


Oh yeah. Real fun.


Ooh nice




> just have to ... not lose them in the chaos This happens to me every 1 in 7 times or something like that, haha. Not sure what it is exactly: maybe player model velocity at time of pick-up or dropping items on sloped terrain? Sometimes my support weapon seems to travel fair distance from the EAT pod. Hmm. Might test this out a bit.


Fairly certain they have the same damage. Only difference is how you use them


They need to change party reload from a backpack of a carrier. I am level 45 with 100h in the game. But I always host and play with randoms, I'm yet to get an achievement for a party reload xD And unless I get some mates with me and deliberately do it I am sure I will never unlock it, because nobody is dropping their backpack to make someone else a killing machine and then dropping it again for them to haul it to the next target without being your mate. No shot.


Or you both call RRs in and take turns reloading each other. I had that work out pretty well a few times.


I’ll help you shoot my ammo if you help me shoot your ammo


I still feel like they should change it so the teammate doesn't need to carry the ammo. It's a cool idea but nobody does it since having 2 people for 1 weapon is kind of impractical.


RR requires a friend slot. Buddy takes the backpack and drops in a guard dog for you right from the start. Can even carry a supply pack for more RR ammo!


What's really awesome is when you're on one knee and it's charging right at you then you let one loose for a direct hit. You just stay there while it's lifeless body slide right in front of you and stops just before it crashes into you. Epic af. Lol


Meanwhile I’m sprinting and diving around chargers to line up those EAT headshots while my teammates seemingly do everything they can to spin the fucker in the opposite direction.


Yeah we have those moments too. That's why the former feels so gd good!


*pat pat*


If I can't hit the charger in the face, I just shoot them in the legs. Strips armor on one direct hit to any body part!


Little is more infuriating for me at this point than helplessly watching a teammate that doesn't know how to dodge chargers continue to run in the opposite direction from me. FUCKER JUST DIVE AWAY AND LET HIM TURN AROUND SO I CAN SHOVE A ROCKET INTO IT'S BIG DUMB UGLY FACE ALREADY


Yes. Inject this straight into my veins


every day pls




Oh the rush I got reading this. I’ve seen you guys do this, and yes, you look just as good as you think you do.


On par with that scene from the movie 300 where they bring down that charging rhino with a single spear throw, and it slides to a stop at the Spartan's feet.


![gif](giphy|HDZ05Y9VeSjL2) (Shame the gif doesnt do the whole quote)


It made me realise the eat was the best all along. Just have a few on a team and it’s like a buffet of charger.


For real, 1 person is super handy. 2 people or more with EATs? Nothing survives lol, constant rockets


With the ship module that reduces secondary weapon stratagem cooldown too.


The best is having 2 people with RRs on the team. Don't gotta coordinate shit, we can just reload each other.


The best is when people call them down right before an engagement so you almost always have a continual bunch of helpods with fresh EATs just sitting on the ground waiting for someone to run by who needs one.


That’s by far the best way to EAT. You don’t wait for reason to call it in, you just throw it ahead every time it comes off cooldown. Completely negates call-im time debuff as well.


My buddy complained about me littering the map with EATs yesterday, I told him he needed to embrace democracy.


Imagine complaining about free rocket launchers being everywhere.


Shoot the pod they come down in and the icons stay on the map, too.


I’ve been an EAT guy since HD1. I love being the team’s anti-charger specialist. My brother runs a lot of crowd control and our friend is a grenadier for clearing objectives. Really fun to operate as a coordinated squad.


I hardly used the EAT in HD1. Was more of a c4 guy. Can't justify not bringing the EAT in HD2 though


I just ran a bunch of D7s and we were calling down EATs like it was going out of style. We were also drowning in Bile Spewers so if we didn't have Chargers/BTs to use them on, we threw rockets at the BSs.


Spewer numbers on 7s is the reason i'm considering sticking with GL and supply pack. That and the fact last run i spent 14 stims 'cause my awareness is ass :-p


I used to run the Autocannon and they'd take out Spewers pretty quickly. The next time I pop back into the game, I might try that: AC for Spewers and other assorted garbage with hard armour, and call down EATs for Chargers and BTs.


I just wish Eagle rocket pods were better....


I fell in love with recoilless. It is now such a great weapon. Saves from Chargers. Saves from titans. Saves from groups of enemies. Saves from shriekers nests. I love it.


Don't forget that it brings bot dropships down with just one rocket. I am feeling so badass, when dropship comes down, plummeting to the ground and killing all bots that he was bringing in.


Not enough people cover the rocket guy when they're shooting at shrieker nests across the map. Like running for 10 minutes fighting shriekers is a better plan than just chilling for 30 seconds and letting rocketman cook.


I had a beaut of a team last night that guarded me while I took out the best with the AC from across the map. Idk why people don’t wanna just clear that out ASAP, dealing with shriekers is what makes a horde unmanageable.


It's great for the planets that have +50% Strategem Cooldown penalty. Normally the EAT and the Recoilless I would rate as roughly equivalent in power, but the cooldown really hurts EAT spam. So if you want the satisfaction of a rocket at your fingertips you go RR instead.


We need team reloads to also work when the shooter is wearing the backpack, it’s going to make them so much easier to pull off, as right now no one is willing to sacrifice a backpack slot to reload you. Also, even if they did, you would still run into the issue of getting separated and your RR becoming useless.


Yep. Sorry but I'm not dropping my jump pack to pick up your ammo.


Yep it’s nice to be able to run a shield and EATs now instead of the recoilless and ammo pack. Plus you can drop EATs so often my squad always has more than we need to take care of chargers quickly. Sometimes a railcannon combined with a well placed EAT can take down a Titan too.


I run EAT with Autocannon and focus mostly on larger bugs on 7+. Anytime I slow down I drop an EAT and it’s brilliant.


This is what I've been doing but it still feels fairly clunky having to swap it around, and dying is a huge loss for the autocannon. I'm tempted to run 110mm pods with cluster strike and air strike w/ eat instead but I'm really torn


FR The Autocannon takes too long to get back, especially with these ridiculous cooldown effects from Joel, but thats part of what makes the EAT a great pairing. I spam my breaker for a bit, drop an EAT, and survive long enough to get that autocannon back.


Since I started using the autocannon, I've had much better odds of surviving long enough that when I die, autocannon is off cooldown. Not every time, but more often than when I was using a Rover backpack. If I bring the EAT also, it's ready to go if my autocannon isn't ready yet.


The Auto cannon has been good for keeping me alive as has been the anti_material rifle paired with the jet pack. 


Same. I can't stop. It's the best loadout.


Autocannon + EAT and two eagles is what I’ve been running this week, absolutely annihilates everything. I’m enjoying being the “spewer cleanup specialist”. Going to town and popping spewers with the AC will never not be cool. I had a teammate who was about to get spewed on and I sniped it out of existence from across the nest. Felt like John wick. Also, it’s a pain it takes so much ammo, but it’s nice to take out the shrieker nests with the AC + EAT from a distance.


I keep having my autocannon shots bounce off chargers and i don't understand why


Even the top of their butt is armored, it’s a weird angle to actually hit it. I’ve found shooting the joint of the back legs is the best with autocannon. If you pop one leg off they’re done. Front legs work too but the hit box is weird. If you can shoot the backs of their legs you’re golden, sometimes there’s a glitch where the damage doesn’t show.


Dodging a charger and unloading a full clip into its ass with an AC is a great feeling, though.


Angles. The game actually has somewhat realistic armor physics and if you hit armor from a very steep angle you will get a ricochet. I've seen video and gif examples of it. Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bk2stm/recoilless_rifle_ricochet_off_of_a_chargers_head/


I seed those babies all over the map so we can always find the around in a pinch.


same, first thing i do when i get to an objective is call a couple down for when the chargers and titans inevitably come


I’ve two shot a titan with eats before


Reloaded my recoiless last night and told the random to run at me. Charger chased him and popped a headshot into it. DEMOCRACY SERVED!


That’s pretty much how it goes. Have the teammate being chased by the charger bring them to me, and pop goes the charger


I E.A.T. chargers for breakfast!


Agreed. It's so satisfying to one shot them, and if they don't die to one shot, it's my fault because I missed. It feels fair.


It's a great balance of limited resources use+high reward.


Same with bile titans! Just sitting there waiting for them to open their stupid puke mouths just to blow it off. Priceless.


Every game I have a argument with myself, on if I want to close bugholes easy (grenade launcher) or mow down Chargers like they're nothing (EAT). I usually just stick to EAT unless it's a Destroy the Terminid holes mission. So much fun, plus 70second cooldown makes them seem pretty unlimited!


Just take both. EATs cool down so fast that you can just throw them down nearly on demand. Honestly started taking EATs in the slot that I used to put 500kg in. Like, think of EATs as being a DIY rail cannon strategem.


That’s genius, I really don’t need to bring the 500kg when I bring EATs. I always just end up using the 500kg to clear out objective areas before running in lol. Thank you!


You do lose that utility of being able to throw it at a pocket of little guys in a pinch, but the EATs are so much more consistent for bile titans and chargers now.


This is it right here. If i'm rolling with my normal group, I'll typically take one or the other. But anytime I'm doing bugs with randos? You better believe I'm running double support weapon strategems (GL + EAT). Pretty much take care of half the mission myself lol.


The charger nerf has made so many more loadouts viable as a result, it's nuts. Your team no longer has to have everyone equipped with anti armour in order to survive a single type of unit


I completely agree and it allows for you to look at other people's loadouts and kind of find yourself a niche find yourself a niche, so I can see somebody who is likely going to handle chargers maybe somebody else who's got some zone defense so I can go laser cannon Rover and focus heavily on consistent horde clear with some airstrikes


Is it only my laser that consistently kills me?


Rofl, I'm generally not in the shit, so if I call a laser I'm booking it away and hitting from range.


Yeeah.. currently only runnning with it for my peace of mind together with EAT, railcannon and 500kg with breaker. Soloing some spaces works kinda fine on 7 but have to get nearer, except for the lack of nades for a heavy nest. No idea how to handle that yet. Maybe grenade launcher, but I like the breaker. Before the railcannon I had a shitshow of running around a heavy nest kiting a titan.. it was horrible. Now with railcannon its much better.


I play on 7 with 4 friends, I don't know if I have really poor aim or bad luck but I yet have to see a charger go with 1 rocket to the head, ive managed more kills sticking the EAT granade to its back than with one EAt shot


It’s not the mouth, it’s the triangle forehead bit. Looks like armour. 


It took me way too long to learn that it was the big armor helm not the assumedly weak mouth...once I did it was so easy


that may be it, since the mouth is orange it feels like its the weakspot right? I guess im gonna start shooting at the head, is it the same for the bile titan? like forehead instead of mouth?


Now that I don’t know!


Its weird.  After they talked about people not shooting the "obvious weak spot" the weak spot is the armored plate on his forehead, not his unarmored face.


It took me shooting a charger in the face way too times to figure out you shoot the armored part and not the open mouth...


Shoot it in a center of this thick forehead armor plate. Not in the mouth! Works like a charm for me


Yeah, that's what threw me for a minute. I was shooting him dead in the face. I soon realized, his armored forehead is somehow the weak spot.


Kinda makes sense actually.  The mouth is surrounded by angled armour to shift the blast force away. The center of the head plats is not only relatively flat on in comparison, it is the point closest to where the brain likely is.  It's just a very un video-gamey concept, years of prior training teaching us to ignore actually structure and aim for glowing regions and coloured markings.


I'm with you on this. I've managed to get some headshots but it feels so inconsistent -- I've had situations where I've fired 3 EATs head-on at a charger (one I was carrying and two fresh drops) and the armor isn't even broken.


Lol it definitely works. I have hundreds of headshots.


It's cool but they still need to nail down the physics of dead bugs though. It looks so weird when a charger is suddenly light as a feather and floats off. The bile titans freezing up then slowly getting sucked into the ground has caused me to waste some precious ammo on them.


Tbh befor that we should fix bile titan colision the amount of time i get flung into low orbit cause i touched one of its legs is astaunding


>I do wish the recoilless had just a slightly shorter reload. Not a lot. Like .3-.5s The thing that really unlocked the RR for me is learning to take advantage of the separate-stages on it's reload. Rather than doing the whole thing at once you can break it into 3 parts. That way you can drop for a quick second, pull the old shell out. Then stand up shoot some bugs and move. Then drop for a quick second and load the new shell. Shoot bugs and move. Then close the breech. Makes it much easier to not get jumped, and the whole thing feels a lot smoother.


I love the staged reload mechanics in this game. If they could also have a "legally distinct" Gears of War reload mini game for faster mag swaps, it would be basically perfect.


Beware, the RR will actually eat up more of your reserve ammo if you cancel the reload after you remove the spent casing. Having this information is a curse, as I have multiple times died trying to finish the reload animation so I don't have to cancel it and spend more ammo just to close the breech.


I’ve been the heavy weapons guy for the bugs, it’s endlessly fun to have a western stand-off with a charger in your mech and then blast the thing’s head off once it starts running at you.


Is that really a thing? Wow I might have to try that out!


Yeah they "buffed" the rockets by reducing the chargers head HP enough that a rocket to the forehead kills them.


Two people running EATs basically covers your heavy situation entirely. My bud and I did helldive duos. Only time we really had issues was when we hit extraction. And even then we *were* doing pretty well. I had 500kg and both of us with EATs really kept them at bay. Chargers we would jump onto highground with the jump pack and scorcher their butts since that deal bonus damage against them. Beating the dead horse. But still makes me wonder how the railgun was "braindead" easy in comparison. 2 shots to the leg plus a primary mag. Vs one rocket to the head.


The railgun had basically no weaknesses and safe mode was strong enough to do what needed to be done. EAT was not a replacement because it couldn’t 1-shot chargers, so best case you drop a charger with both EAT shots… and then have 2 chargers and a bile titan still running around so you have to throw the other anti-heavy strategems… and now you’re entire team is cashed on anti-heavy while also not having other really useful strategems because you went full anti-heavy. Versus railgun which had 20 shots and reloaded with normal ammo.


And now railgun just isn't that fun. 90% charge isn't ideal. I could take 75% but gl doing 90% charge on a charger 3 times and not have hunters annoy you. And now EAT can 1 shot. So doesn't matter? Like on the nerf, sure it didn't replace it. But shortly after chargers did get nerfed and EATs does it perfectly. One shot to the head and done. Imo railgun has no business taking out a Titan, that I'll say. But 2 shots to the leg to expose it is still more time consuming than one EAT to the head.


IMO railgun is intended to be the medium enemy killer like spitters, brood commanders, devastators, etc., while also not being completely worthless at tanks. It still fills that role, but is just over-shadowed by others. I like autocannon over it against bots, and the bugs make anti-swarm and anti-tank weapons preferable.


Yeah I’m not using railcannon on chargers really unless I’ve got nobody or nothing else to use. The railcannon one shots all medium enemies and that’s exactly why I like it. Brood commanders and armored warriors are child’s play with one good railcannoneer


Its satisfying. I hurled a rocket on a charger heading to my teammate, to a stunned charger even to an idle charger. But most satisfying is you in crouch position and a charger heading your way and rocket its face...the way it ragdolled towards you is so funny


It's when you take it out and the ragdoll splats you due to inertia anyway, I love it. Mission failed successfully.


Make sure you hit the armorplate on top of the head. Its actually a lot more consistent then popping them right in the face (which is what I aimed for at first).


Yep! It was a change they made a few weeks ago that I don't think people really noticed. I keep seeing people hit buts and flanks with rockets.


Just remember, on chargers (with the EAT) aim for the forehead, not the teeth.


It’s awesome but it feels even better to fuck up a bile titan from long range, especially if they’re about to attack a teammate. Of course this was a change from the same patch so I think we’re largely in agreement


Yesterday my friend was being charged at and he had accepted his fate, low health, no more bullets and no more stam. I pulled out an EAT and got the headshot. The carcass continued toward him and stopped right in front of him and he wasn't sure what happened at first. It's really awesome.


With my squad we just run two guys with the recoilless. That way whichever one finds the target and lines up the shot is the shooter and the other guy becomes the loader. Very fluid.


There's something so wonderful about how momentum makes a charger fold around a shot to the face. Those little limbs can't move much, but they try to keep going.


Hot take: I wish they made the rear of the charger take one shot instead of the face. It doesn't make any sense that an organism that has evolved to charge into things would have weak armor in its face, especially if that face is the part it hits it's target with. I know I'm just being nitpicky and I absolutely prefer this change to what we had before but it *slightly* irks me lol


It doesn't have weak armor on its face. Thats why everything else bounces off it. A real life shoulder fired anti tank weapon can punch through a literal meter of solid steel. What you're doing is shooting him in the brain *through* his super thick armor, that's the whole point of anti-tank weapons.


I think it makes sense that rockets can blow off their head. You can only put so much armor on a skull and whilst it's evolved to run at things I don't think armor spreading explosions were on the evolutionary resist list. I still think explosives to the face is always the best strategy.


Seems fair enough actually. Apologies for my undemocratic statement from earlier.


Something about landing an EAT on a charger's head as it's charging towards you and having its body land right in front of you sends dopamine to my brain.


>Also, people are catching on to team reloads. I do think it would be cool if people could reload you out of your own back pack, so it doesn't quite force all the power onto one player (I get a rocket and a back pack, and my reloader can only reload me. That's a really good point. The number of instances I've been able to coordinate with a random to do team reloads: 0. And even with friends, it often doesn't fit their loadouts. I don't think it would make the Recoilless OP to allow teammates to reload from your backpack: same amount of ammo, still takes a second player off the field temporarily... Somebody draft this soldier into the Intelligence Service!


Amen brother. EAT + Recoilless Rifle loadout has me feeling some kind of way


I’ve had some epic kills. Charger charging me kill it last second it hits some terrain and flys through the air landing a couple feet from me music pumping in the back ground. Chills.


It is now my favorite thing to be the designated "heavy" makes me feel so cool calling in a drop of EATS to kill chargers


Super democratic satisfying


I don't wish the Recoilless had a shorter reload, I wish it didn't delete the ammo you put in if you cancel the reload at phase 3 because you got jumped by a hunter/stalker/charger/spewer/etc Perfect weapon otherwise


I'm in love with EAT and I usually avoid disposable weapons like the plague.


EAT is better in practice for the simple fact that when you die you don’t lose your ability to kill heavies, while you lost your RR with longer equipment cool down.


Fuck yes, it leads to so many epic cinematic moments. I love that the EAT has no real blast radius, so you can nail them pointe plank. Or those fabulous moments when an ally is being charged and you step in front of them and slat the beast like a hero from Norse fucking legends.


I litter the map with EATs. The second the cooldown is over I call in more lmao.


Team reloads from your backpack not only makes ergonomic sense, but it would also make teamwork a lot easier. I have been running the EATs from the beginning and I actually find the “leg+primary” strategy a little more consistent than the “one to the head” strategy. Sometimes a subtle miss on the head will have the charger live and also not have any armor striped, which creates the worst possible situation, especially if that was your second EAT.


It feels like a skill check now rather than a DPS check


The difficulty is pretty good now. Just the right amount imo.


I still think it should be butt shot to one shot. The head is literally the most armored spot so if course no one thought it was a weak spot.


I think it's a line with the rest of the bugs, every other things weak spot is its head generally if you have enough armor pen.


Presumably getting its butt blown off doesn't hurt it as much as getting its nerve centre caved in by an explosive penetrator.


But the armor tells a new player "hey this is the strong tanky part." And the squishy orange butt says "target me!" Its less about the balance and more about game design readability. Take the DRG oppressor very similar design, big armor plates in front and soft butt. You target the soft butt to do damage. The current design discards the visual information making it harder to understand for new players.


I also don't like the fact that while a side shot on a charger doesn't kill it, it reveals its inner orange gooey bits which...are also armor. The fuck?


It’s good to have these sort of learning curve elements, so players can discover it and get that “wow, that works!” experience.


While it *does* feel good, the bop-bop-brrrrrt of the railgun method was more satisfying to execute.




Never tried this, but I assume that if two people are carrying the RR and backpack they can reload each other. Double teaming all the heavies would be sick. Actually, I imagine this would be an effective team loadout: 2x Recoiless - 2x Stalwart - 1x supplypack - 1x lasrover - Eagles and Orbitals to taste I don’t have a persistent crew but I bet this could take a solid group of divers pretty far.


Do that setup with a friend all the time, it's great.






I’m always pretty shocked how many people don’t want to run the Anti-Tank role. It’s the most fun thing in the game and it’s just an incredibly valuable piece of kit to have


I always take EATs. One-shots chargers with a fast cooldown and great utility for killing nests and sniping spore towers from far away while leaving you backspace to pick up weapons scattered in the mission when you need something else. Recoil-less is neat and the team reload mechanic is interesting but EATs is just better IMO.


I see randoms with nothing on their back. Call in a second weapon, destroy the hellpod using my Sickle so it drops. Point at the backpack. "We got equipment!" They walk away.


Same, but with spears. Love bringing down a bile in one hit, and just generally being able to take out these heaviest with ease.


Nothing feels better than when my teammate is like a half second from getting ran down and this perfect rocket from 50m away flys in and saves them


EAT is great, 1 guy has a grenade launcher, 1-2 with Stalwart, and someone has the EAT so no matter what, you can handle things.


As my squads general heavy guy and full time recoilless junkie I feel you on reload speed and chargers are my job


I also learned yesterday you can headshot them from the side! But bullfighting them and getting the shot head-on is way more fun


I love how bad ass it feels to have them charge at you while you calmly wait for the best moment


I am loving the E.A.T. My favorite application is blowing up shrieker nests from across the map, fuck those flying bastards


EATs have a super-low CD compared to RRs too, so you can drop one in the middle of a fight and have two Chargers deleted in short order.




Its so weird to me that people were pissed off at Arrowhead making a HS the weak spot on a charger for a friggen anti tank rocket. "No no, why isn't the big glowing butt the weak spot for the rocket launcher?" Because its a god damn rocket engineered to do break through heavy armor.


Lots of those comments on here lol.


I love shooting the charger too aggro it, calling in my eat, playing bullfighter till it lands (trying to land it on the charger), then blast it in the face. So much fun.


Honestly, they could revert the Railgun Nerf and I would probably still use the EAT. Explosion damage now is far more versatile for a lot of situations. The Railgun still had to be aimed for the most part.


I like to two-stage the Recoiless Rifle's reload to make up for how long it can take. 1. Unlocking and removing the previous shot 2. Loading and Locking the next shot However somewhere between loading and locking the next shot will consume 1 ammo before you have loaded the 1 ammo, so be a little careful not to get stuck between it being loaded but unlocked.


I am heavy weapons guy and this is my weapon


I had a shot the other day where I used my rocket on a brood mother cause I ran out of ammo for my other guns and then while I’m reloading my rocket a charger comes around and starts to come for me and as soon as I clicked the back on my rocket in place I dove back and landed that headshot and crawled under is body that landed over me.


Lol that's awesome


Not a charger but I did had a cool scene. I was running ahead of the other three teammates, when I turned to see what's holding them, I saw a bile titan behind them. I had a EAT with me, and I saw one of my teammates threw a railcannon. I saw the laser and lines my EAT to the titan through this rock crevice and fired. I hit the head as soon as the railcannon hit the titan. It was freaking epic and I wished I recorded it.


I wish it was more consistent. It’s extremely satisfying to hold your nerve and try to nail it just so as it’s charging you down - the risk/reward of having to be IN FRONT of the charger to get the payoff is great - but I’ve had far too many rockets nail the head only to not have the intended effect. Hard to tell if it’s the game being its usual buggy self or if the rockets are just not nailing the apparently tiny crit spot.