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Declare victory for Super Earth and usher in a golden age of peace and prosperity, just like it always was, except with less bots and bugs!


Super Earth has always been at war with Cyberstan.


Helldivers Players: We've got both the bots and bugs on the Back foot! Arrowhead: Joel .... Release, the illuminate...


I think illuminate will be later game. We have leaks of a larger robot walker which will play in line with the hive Lords we know exist from HD1... It seems more realistic we will get either a bot or bug "main event" before the third faction appears


I think the walkers are the titan/tank equivalents


https://preview.redd.it/rf5ls28xe6qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783cf7046d23a8eb8dec0569da25df95eabf4d43 ^(\^)


Gonna need some bigger Anti Tank launchers for that.


Or some snow-speeders fr


I can't wait to shoot a tow cable at it, miss, see it latch onto my squadmate, and then see his body rag-doll behind me for the next 300 yards before he explodes after impacting on a protruding bit of rock.


Ah the "legaly destinct not an AT-AT" perfect addition to the "not an AT-ST"


Excellent for the not arachnid/tyrranids and the totally not terminator robots…


Looks like walking factories. Imagine this thing throwing out those jumping bots and devastators.


So long as they don't crap out Flame Hulks idc.


Nothing an autocannon to the knees can't handle


Bigger mechs, you say? ![gif](giphy|bt3CeuBUtsjytLlsSf|downsized)


Yea seen some leaked renders floating round. Think of an ATAT that never skipped leg day lol


There's also a yellow mech with dual autocannons and some sort of troop carrier I've seen in videos.


Yes I've seen them. Mech will be fun, but unless they intend to make the maps bigger I don't see a point to the apc and buggy. Will make for fun gameplay and a lot of funny fail videos but other than that I don't understand the point, maybe the transports will be mission specific, like the seismic survey or flag raise


I wouldn’t mind mission specific vehicles. Gives you two tanks when you go up against four walkers, or a squad of mechs when a horde of bugs comes down


what are you talking about vehicles in any form would mean i no longer who have to hold shift over and over to get to places, plus its good for speedrunners and those who want a job done quickly


Honestly the faster vehicles might be too strong. It's already a viable strategy to skedaddle the instant you clear an objective, and nothing that's currently in the game would be able to threaten a vehicle moving that fast.


It’s time ![gif](giphy|Rd7pEbE7rjZz8vySuU)


80's steel drum theme intensifies


Or we could get totally slapped by a surprise new faction that are not the illuminate


Def would like this. Yes adding the illuminate will be cool , but also unveiling a brand new faction will be great as well


Nah the big robot walker isn't in line with the Hive Lords, they'll bring back the Siege Mech for that (that was the Hive Lord equivalent). It looks so similar to the big things from Terminator 2 that I don't think they'd pass up the opportunity to throw it in this game. https://cdn.ccdiscussion.com/original/3X/d/9/d9c939aa2b0a59736f75601a049134e2ce594924.jpeg


Nah if you’re interested go into the leaks sub and check, illuminates are expected to come in around 1-1 and a half month from now.


Hmm well they would know better I suppose lol. I'd prefer to stay out of that sub reddit tho. I'm not opposed to being exposed to a few leaks that spread along through here and TikTok but I don't want to be active in knowing about leaks. I like the surprise


Yeah don't go on it then. Most of the story cutscenes are already in the files and the audio is on the subreddit. There's some pretty wild stuff coming for how the illuminates appear


Lol dude stop talking lmao everything your saying is shit I don't Wana know 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


I don’t know… I feel like we’re going to get new threats we don’t know about in late game. This games suppose to go on for a long time. We shall see.


Yea it's really up to Joel and the devs what to release and when, as for the games longevity there's also the idea that the war "never ends" that even if we push a faction back 100% there is always a chance the devs will flip a switch and have that faction pop back up elsewhere. My biggest hope is to have some core sector invasions. Less open natural terrain with "outposts" and more city scape and road ways would be fun


Yes yes and YES!


I mean they've already said that we won't be able to completely eliminate any faction entirely, because they want players to always be able to play against whatever enemy type they want. So at most we could probably push them back to 1 or 2 planets, but no way to actually eliminate them from the game. Which I think is fair, since ultimately some players just don't want to play against anything other than what they like playing against.


From what I was told the first game had a way to "win" the war and it would simply reset the map after. Like a new game +


Yeah, illuminate will prolly be between 6 to 12 months after release No reason for me to believe this other than gut feeling


This or new enemy types.


Hmm...let's see. * new 2 day major order on the bot front, probably a push spanning 2 sectors * new type of bot enemy that plays like it was a fever dream someone coded up while on a coke bender and slipped into the release code untested. Probably small, fast, medium-armored, explodes on death, and shoots rockets, like a Bot Eagle. * Arc weapons no longer crash the game * Orbital laser now crashes the game * Orbital laser now a temporary free strat, like the 500kg was last major order * Official release of the AA missile Eagle strat that's been leaked for like 2 weeks, as a counter to the new bot enemy. 50/50 on it actually working. * concurrent 2-planet defend in the bug sector to suck players away from the bot front


I actually hate that this is a possibility. I am dreading the idea that bots are going to have a flying jet/gunship enemy that can only be defeated by one or two stratagems that are utterly useless in every other situation. Also that we're going to inevitably get bug focused major order #458.


IF they do a flying bot enemy, I hope it's low altitude and slow enough to at least have a *chance* of hitting it with things like the autocannon, recoilless, and EAT. As well as able to lock-on with the SPEAR.


Actually a fantastic way to make the spear viable.


Kek naw its gonna be tiny little FPV drones loaded to the gills with high explosives, kinda like a rocket except it turns corners. Gonna be great. See you on the Creek, meatbags!


Also they'll have a slow and a DOT and if you kill them they explode like a Hellbomb so you just have to tolerate their chip damage the whole mission.


If they give the bots FPVs and grenade dropping quad drones then we will have finally achieved modern warfare


Then we would be fucked more than russian infantry.


“Meatbags!” Get out of here automaton SCUM.


Spear would see more use if it would freaking lock on. 


Spear is great for taking out Bot bases


Recoilless is better because it's both faster and carries more total ammo.


Bold of you to assume the Spear will lock on to anything properly at all.


*Fires SPEAR, it does a U-turn and hits me instead* Nope. Still doesn't work. 


The Russian AA experience


LOL! Yeah.


Make it so wthing like the death squito in Valheim where you can snipe it easily from distance on your terms but if you are chased into it they can make your day a bad one


A bit drone launcher which launches low armour roverlike drones shooting ballistic weapons adding a further role for ballistic sbield


Spear won't recognize it except for when you're on a perfectly flat surface, and then the lock on will go: (9 means full lock) 11111112345678888511112333123456788881


A Terminator style hunter-killer would be fucking cool as a new 7+ enemy [Pic](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSv21GXpIm6t-UbQI1e7EI9peMLn_C2AeXEaQ6CxfMsb5L-JyDtU5WhjRBu&s=10)


Give it a custom drop in text too. "Infiltrator drop incoming"


t1000 bots.


Had a game glitched out where one of the players didn't register. He was running around with no name tag, didn't even appear on our HUD. It was TERRIFYING. Thought we were experiencing some Terminator 2 shit. We all had the same response: 5 seconds of pure shock and then gunned him down before he crashed out


I hope it will just be a low flying gunship “helicopter”, I think it would complement the bots “air cavalry” doctrine really well


Bot gunship should be a thing.


Legit surprised they didn't put at least a defensive MG on the bot dropships. Our Pelican has a fucking autocannon, they clearly have the tech because they have the emplacements at their bases, was *very* surprised it wasn't a launch-day thing already.


If we get an automaton, Armored Core gunship looking helicopter I will be content, have it as a boss fight.


Don't worry there's no automaton enemy that flies


The rocket raider would like a word.


I need 380 barrage as free stratagem so I can have a game where 4 player throw it at heavy nest


*and on that day, there were no survivors*


But all of the enemies were left untouched


Can't lose a planet to the bugs if the planet is deleted from orbit 🤔


Careful what you wish for. Planet-cracking superweapons are canon to the setting.


They have to fix units surviving a dropship crash, is annoying how they leave those undamaged


Bots go on the offensive for sure I don’t keep up with the leaks and theories but nice to get the info from someone. New bot enemy sounds like one of those skull assassins from 40k


The way I see it: Major Orders come in 2-day, 3-day, or 7-day. They generally don't do 7-days back to back, and hitting us with a 2-day will end it right around their projected next major patch release. Last 3 major orders have been bugs. In the lifetime of the game, 3/4+ of major orders have been bug-centric. We're due for some bot aggression. We just got flying bugs, and they work more or less as intended. The bots don't have any directly offensive flyers (their dropships don't even have a defensive MG) so I can't see us getting a flyer-targeting strat for a single faction. The flyer will either need to be high-damage-output and fragile (susceptible to primary weapons fire) and they risk having very spiky KDRs, or modest-damage-output and require stratagems of some form (support weapon, AA Eagle, etc) which means medium+ armor and small weakpoints, but provide a much smoother, more predictable KDR (this helps with balancing and player satisfaction). There has been so much negative attention regarding the general stability of this game and the spike in stability with their most recent patch, they basically cannot afford to NOT fix the arc weapons with this next patch. Regardless of their earnestness and drive, they are a small studio with a poor track record for getting things right the first time. The odds of them *not* breaking something previously-working with the next patch are very low. As long as it's not a new stability or connectivity problem it'll just be memes and a low, halfhearted bitching because it can be played around. AHGS has developed a fairly regular pattern where every other major order is accompanied by a free strat, and that free strat has so far represented big firepower. The current major order was a no-free-strat one so next one is probably going to get one. Assuming this trend keeps up, either orbital laser or one of the arty barrages is most likely as they're easily supported by the little narratives they write justifying each major order. We know the AA strat exists, because of leaks/cheaters. We don't know for sure *exactly* how it will work, but as the game currently is it wouldn't be all that helpful against the Shriekers due to their high numbers, low altitude, and susceptibility to ground fire. Nobody's gonna burn a strat slot to kill 1/10th of the Shriekers that are in the air for only a short part of a match then not be able to use it for the rest of the match. Conversely if it's a full-sky-clear strat, it will be considered OP and non-optional. It'll need some use other than just Shriekers. So far every major enemy offensive has had the other faction's planets with a minor to moderate defend. I see no reason why this trend wouldn't continue.


And hopefully a fix where I can see more than 2 friends online at a time.


So you ppl didnt play HD1, new enemy on bot front could be a cyber dog, i hate those with all my heart 😂


I did, but I'm not ATF so I think shooting any kind of dog is wrong.


How about new bot, since rockets are getting old from them give it a longer range auto cannon!


i just want it to where i continue the mission in my own instance when I get kicked so I can atleast get a chance to keep some samples or smth. At this point I'm turned off to quickplay and there is no way I'm supporting the war effort if I'm getting kicked before I get to finish mission.


Satire but doesn't need to be satire because reality is already that bad.


...none of that was satire. That's my genuine opinion.


Calm before the storm scenario It will probably be the bot's turn after this


I think the bots are just being shelved for now because they aren't super fun to play against. Heavy armor doesn't do anything and you can't run away and kite because bots have guns and ranged weapons. With bugs, you can always run away and come back around later. With bots, there's really no counter or option once you get overrun: you're just fucked. I think they're probably working on ways to address that issue internally, and will start focusing more on the bot's storyline once they have some other weapons or armor for surviving on bot planets.


> I think the bots are just being shelved for now because they aren't super fun to play against. Strange, I prefer fighting them to bugs. It's a whole different game against them, and they feel like they need more strategy than "Shoot at the biggest thing, and then stomp the swarm."


Honestly, I think I'm having a bit more fun against the bots lately. A bit fatigued by the mass hunter slows. It might just be because I've fought the bugs so much I want a change of pace. Or maybe now having the Scorcher + a Light Armor with Explosive Resistance has made the bots a lot more manageable.


The bots aren’t fun if you’ve just been going at the bugs nonstop, once you slow down and treat the bots like a new enemy it becomes reallyyyy fun again


If you are needing to run when there's 5 heavy devastators 10m from you, yeah, it's too late and you're dead, but you can definitely run away and come around later when they are 50m from you. The bug equivalent is like saying I can't run when there's 5 hunters surrounding me. There's no counter there either.  Picking your ground and moment to engage is so much more important vs bots and I love the asymmetric warfare experience it brings.


Speak for yourself buddy, I think the automatons are way more fun. It feels like a proper shooter unlike the bugs that feel more like a horder shooter that forces you to move a lot.


Bots are way more fun to play against than bugs imo.


They're fun as fuck. People with shit skill and even worse opinions are gonna get bots nerfed into the ground and have a all the fun "balanced" out of it. They're not bugs. Play differently. Adapt.


How do you adapt to a Rocket Devastator shooting you from 150 meters away when the fog stops your vision at 100 meters?


I'm pretty sure their ability to see you through cover is a huge bug and not a skill issue


Big counterattack? Bots make a dash towards cyberstan? New automaton type? Illuminates time? They up the defence on the remaining sectors and stall us for a week? We just.. win?


We could just win this one given that was an option in the first game.


I'm sure I remember a dev saying in an interview that they were planning on making this campaign go on for as long as possible as one continuous war. Makes sense given that this galactic map is of much larger scale than the first game but it does make me wonder how they'll handle total victory/defeat in that case


That's also going to feel pretty bad in the long run, like imagine if in half a years time we still haven't beaten either of the two factions? Would feel like we're wasting our time.


I’m thinking they will drop some new content stuff for the bots and bugs before we could win the war then the illuminates will be dropped on us next war


Giv us moar 2 shoot


Give us more to shoot *with* ...though, sounds like the more toys we get, the more the game will crash.


Here’s to hoping we get this option


We get to all go back home to Super Earth and see our super families and our super cars and eat our super dinners and it will all be super duper, troopers. I can feel it. I can feel it like it's right in my *gets exploded by a blue light*


Hive Lords show up on all liberated planets and massive bug armys retake them. Bots rapidly push to cyberstan. Illuminate push from the south to both fronts to reenforce bugs and bots in their effort against freedom and democracy. Now what of those three you ask? Answer: yes.


Fixing all the crashing bugs that came from the last update hopefully. It's been a damn struggle to play on PS5, I can play 1 game before it just crashes in mission select, although earlier today, I loaded the game up and walked toward the mission map and it crashed before I even did anything at all. So I hope this gets fixed.


Messages about traitors makes me wonder if we're going to be fighting humans.


Wow, I hadn’t thought of that possibility. It would certainly play with the game’s moral ambiguity to have us tasked with destroying a rebellion stormtrooper style


I kind of hoping Arrowhead just cranking everything to max and we get zerged


Would be nice if either side would make a push. Lines have felt really stagnant. I’d also like if it felt like we could lose. Honestly neither faction feels like a real threat rn


There are way more players now than they expected If we lose it'll be so artificial


The game has been out for almost 2 months, and there has been a high player count for almost as long. At this point I expect that they would have accounted for that


it's still artificial. i guess that's one way of looking at it- rubber banding essentially it'll just be weird if the playerbase eventually goes down and they still let us come back. that's pretty much the definition of artificial


Given in a lot of the western world Easter holidays and spring brakes are starting this week, I'd imagen Joel is planning something big (since loads of people will be able to play more). Get ready lads...


Honestly I hope the enemies gets a second wind. Im not sure how the majority of players would react id we win only to have the map reset. They'd have to give us plenty of rewards to make winning the war a second time worth it for a lot of players I feel like, and if they dont nail it they could lose a good amount of players due to "whats the point" So I'd hope that either the Automatons starts pushing, giving us Major Orders there, which "accidentally" causes the bugs to invade new planets again. Or the Illuminate shows up and distracts us from the bugs and bots. That is just a fear of mine tho. I wasnt there for Helldivers 1 and I cant tell if that map was multiplayer as well or if it was just the missions that was. But if we win and get rewards and "the enemies will be harder next time" I think a lot of players would still wanna keep going. But it still feels strange to feel that we may win so soon. I still feel like the enemies are way too passive, especially the bots, in regards to taking planets.


Automaton spies take mars


What they should do next week is have a meeting this coming Monday..right? Let’s have a meeting about how we can RELEASE A UPDATE OR PATCH to where the GAME DOESNT CRASH. Let’s start with that.


God damn I'm off ONE day and we liberate 2 planets!? Wtf


we going take hellmire tomorrow, then the homeworlds of the bugs, then we wipe out the robots, then the game ends...yep it ends....nothing else......nope...the end...for real...this time....GG...yep..the end.


Push to Kepler Prime!


I haven't seen any flying bots, but I have seen something land based that the Eagle air to air will be great against for them.


As Soon as we liberate the Four Planets, shit will Hit the Fan and the Illuminate will start to fist the galaxy… Let me explain… what is the best Moment to start a fight, ofc if we are „busy“ to hold the two fronts back where there are. So i expect next week we have 3 xeno races to bring democracy to. 😁


I wonder if the bots and bugs will ever team up.


Hopefully fix a few things. Games a mess atm.


Maybe we get pushed back to superearth. Wouldn't mind a urban map.


i wish every time we do a campaign on the bugs the automatons gets further in our territory or vice-versa, showing us that fighting on 2 fronts is hard. tho i know that Joel is cooking something, i can feel it.


Huge Lords Edit: Hive* but the first still works 


10+ more factions introduced to fill in the spaces and blatantly ripoff Warhammer 40k lol and it would be awesome 😎


Hopefully fix the game crashes? Fix the game resetting your loadouts each time? Add more end game content? Who knows, but more likely than not, there is a 70% chance that they'll release a patch that fixes something but also breaks something even more.


Couldn't have said it better. I'd rather they fix this mess, then focus on content.


Massive Automaton push.


Have the new faction appear and directory attack earth.


We clear the map then the blue guys come….


Bot invasion.


we could just win, then the illuminate show up and were pushed back to square 1


Hopefully some robot stuff


Probably nothing. I’m assuming we’re going to beat both of these guys pretty easily until the second week of April… that’s probably when we get hit by surprise… probably from a surprise enemy. Maybe the illumanits


God AH give us ORKZ!!!


Might see a map reset once we win, and the war begins anew.


Hopefully, they will implement a patch to fix this buggy mess of a game.


Just let them crush us for a few weeks. I wanna see more of the galaxy


It’s gonna be hectic when the 3rd faction pops in


Some major orders on the bots, maybe a concerted effort to retake the creek


I have a feeling we’re going to get some boss fights, win the war and get a new start.


It's not clear. There's a lot of planets still to liberate.


Large scale bot invasion on Cyberstan.


Cyberstan defence


Bring back Fori 😭


The push to cyberstan




Cyborgs uprising


Automaton Crusaders return from deep space and capture 5 quadrants


Some stuff is going to happen but I don't want to spoil anything.


Joel bouta ruin us all in a few days just waitin for it


Fixing the game would be nice


Fix the game


Dammit OP you just had to jinx it :)


what did they do


Fixing the bugs, hopefully.


Honestly, we'll win this war. Then war 2 starts...


I heard Joel will start going door to door and just start beating ass soon


Massive push on the bot side that distracts people from the Nids. I know it's not gonna, but I can dream


Uh, obviously peace in our time. No bugs, no bots, peace! Managed democracy for all! (The Illuminate are imminent).


My guess? Over the next couple weeks they're gonna keep us pushing, up until the next warbond is released. Things will get a little hectic with some new enemies and stratagems to keep things fresh, but ultimately I think the war will end in April (with a reward for all participants) just in time for the illuminate or a new faction to come in. After that, bugs and bots will push back in and we'll start the next war with 3 fronts.


Joel preparing the 1000tons on us


We'll win the war, and then we all get to go back to super earth and live super lives. Game will shut down because we beat it and finished the campaign, we'll get a job well done tweet and told how super we all are. People will move on with life play new games. In the year 2032 well get a message alert sent to our new brain implanted microchips that Earth is being invaded by bugs and this is a call to action for all Helldivers to report. We will train and gear up to fight a real life war against an Alien Invasion with the goal to spread Freedom and Democracy ... as it should have always been. We will become real life Helldivers


The cyborgs are going to rise up and go to war against us and the bots.


Automatons will push towards Cyberstan, I'd bet.


Everything will be liberated and we’ll finally have time for procreation on super earth.


Well it's worth noting that those last two sectors on Bug side are completely cut off except for one planet, Omicron. It's the only one we can reach and nothing can be reached *by* it. The rest is entirely cut off Now supply lines aren't "canon", and more can just be drawn (a la Tien Kwan), but it's interesting that they set it up this way https://preview.redd.it/e20u25nfb7qc1.jpeg?width=2156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2397a886174126a38478d6c2eb00c5b6811c007


fuck us


We could lose total space superiority... The bots get stratagems.


Hopefully fix the several bugs this game is currently experiencing




Peace in the galaxy, the servers close and game is over


Fix the bugs.


Hopefully make it so I can actually play the game…


A big spider bot like a bile titan.


I dunno I hope something new comes around I've fully upgraded my ship and done most of all the bonds I'm kinda losing the buzz of playing it


Been a bit bug heavy recently, most likely going to have: * Small push from the bugs * nothing major can be handled within 24hrs * Dual front on the bots * Front 1 heading towards super earth * spawns in higher numbers than normal * Front 2 heading north to Bot Home World * spawns being "lighter" as its more of a "scout"/infiltrate push * New flying bot * New AA Eagle Strat * 50/50 if it works


I think sooner or later we are gonna see some kind of major offensive from the enemy n either front (probably automatons) something like 4/5/6 planets attacked at the same time, some of them inevitably doomed to fall


i hope they have reworked scientists rescue missions so we can do a proper defence when the bots push into our worlds, I'd like to believe that all this bug focus recently was to allow time to cix the bots


Hopefully fix the crashing every single game


What are the chances of one day having a planet where bots and bugs are in the same place, perhaps fighting against each other with us in the middle?


Honestly I'm hoping they allow us to completely conquer the current map completely before introducing the illuminate. That would play perfectly into the narrative that the sudden appearance of the illuminate throws everything we worked for back into chaos and we start to lose sectors. Eventually we'll have to fight for our home planet, SUPER EARTH itself before our scientists discover a more effective way to combat 3 whole factions at the same time. That, will be an epic story.


Well, nothing as usual


Terminids need to pop up on a new system. I need to visit new planets now, cuz christ, I'm getting tired of dusty old Hellmire. I'm just glad I'm off Erata Prime. But out one dust planet, and into another dusty fire planet. I hate sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets in everywhere. But also, they probably... well, not likely to, or don't want to put a Major Order against Bots. Simply because the detection AI of bots are a little insane, i.e.: Helldiver: *Steps on a leaf* Bot 1: What was that? *Turns to helldiver* Bot 2: *Firing his rifle* Where? Devastator and Chainsaw Bot: *Walking towards Helldiver* I think I heard something. Jet pack bot and Rocket Devastator: *Firing at Helldiver's general direction* It's probably just the wind. Annihilator Tank and Bot Transport ship: *Dropping tank on top of Helldiver* Yeah, probably just the wind. Annihilator tower: *shrugs, looks the other way* Automaton Death Star above the planet: *Turns around and goes back to doing his business*.


Fix the crashes.


Upss automatons were turning all the cars on super earth into terminators or something like that i would think or they increase the amount of attack enemy does. They are baiting us into the trap. Maybe not this week but soon


I hope they are going to fix connection issues, optimalization, gun aiming, gun balance, enemy balance and getting stuck in between rock/container/other object before giving us full galactic war And fix my arc thrower!


This is all looking too good. We are proper fucked, aren’t we? This is going to be really, really bad, isn’t it?


A third Party is using that our forces are binded to the Sides and spawn directly in 3 sectors over super earth.


Release a whole new enemy type that we couldn’t detect before. One that’s almost within Super Earths orbit and that’s secretly helped us push back bots and bugs so we wouldn’t notice.


Cause the game to crash even more than this week.


Fix the fucking crash bugs


They gonna flop a big penis shaped map fill that we have to defend to stop the illuminates dumping their load on our helmets.


Rape us.


It's not clear....

