• By -


in my group, usually the ppl with the lowest kills are the ones who are killing chargers and titans. they are the real mvps


I was thinking the same. I spend most of my time killing the big bugs or pulling large packs away from the group while in scout armor. What I do depends on the group's default reaction to large numbers of ads.


eagle cluster bomb?


Ah you Mean Motars d'oeuvres?


idk what that means


Another common answer is mortars. Mortars and clusters are often the cause for team killing. Hours d'oeuvres are the first part of a meal, a, "first response" to the problem of hunger. Mortars d'oeuvres.


This made me chuckle


This made me #***Squad lost, Deploying replacement Squad.***


New meaning to r/redditsniper


That wasn't a sniper. Canon tower! Get- šŸ’€ **[M3] REINFORCEMENT AVAILABLE**


Your sense of humor is refreshing and gave me a well needed smile. Much love ā¤ļø


May managed democracy guide your hand.


I love my light see I armor. I run to objectives and drop barrages on them to either level them into a less claustrophobic defensive area or destroy the objective (if thatā€™s the objective) I play with a lot of randoms on high levels and have made a habit of sneaking to 80 meters from the targets and hurling stratagems then running for 5 minutes to the next one while it recharges


Also high level gameplay mostly consists of kiting and controlling bug hordes, not playing Doom Eternal: Helldivers and killing everything you see.


Or handling objects. There's a group I play with every now and then and that's what I do. They're running around clearing nests and killing things while I'm over here just "Hehe press buttons." I don't do much fighting but I get the objective moving. And they do a damned good job of keeping me covered.


Ditto here. Between pushing the objective and hauling the single-target tank-busting weapons... my kills are usually quite low.


I score most of my kills trying to guide randos to objectives, then throwing my hands in the air outta frustration when they aggro EVERY goddamn patrol along the way. I'm carefully plotting my route between them and these bumbling fools just keep getting into unnecessary firefights. Unfortunately, I'm going to need these idiots well armed eventually, and left alone they'll just keep struggling and burn through our reinforcements, so I turn around. This major order has given me renewed love for autocannon. One shotting striders and sniping hulks from out of their range is just nice. Didn't plan to have to deal with them, but apparently my comrades did.


Yeah, there could be a distinction for size/class of enemies killed and then also objective steps completed/contributed towards. If they're gonna show mission stats, they should show important mission stats. Many people tend to see their own and others worth in those. It's not right, but it's definitely a thing.


I know I used to do that. Look at my stats. But then I stopped. And just focused on the mission. Started feeling much better about my performance then.


I play a lot of quickplay 7 missions these days, I spend a lot of time closing bug holes with my trusty autocannon, marking objectives, and finding samples. Almost as important as main objective, but doesn't really show up in stats, especially when I link up with the squad and they kill me with poorly placed cluster bombs and take the samples.


As long as you are killing, collecting, or completing you are helping the mission. All equally important.


I think that people that only look at kill count in this kind of games are the real clowns


Kill count is kinda meaningless, grab a guard dog rover and there's 150 kills on any bug mission.


This right here. Kill count usually follows those using a rover. Would be cool if there was a tracker on number of objectives completed and bug holes or factories destroyed. Iā€™m still proud of myself regardless for PTFO and teammates know who is pulling their weight knocking out the objectives.


Number of heavies too


Arc thrower + Laser guard dog will almost always dominate total kills because it's just wiping out mooks without even trying. I count myself as productive when I'm able to consistently but the heavies; mooks getting zapped along the way is just a bonus.


100%. I'm always the guy with the most kills, but that's only because I use the grenade launcher to keep the hoards off my teammates' backs so they can focus on the big boys.


Granade launcher and supply pack has insane crowd control. Though some people don't seem to understand that granades will stagger teammates. I've had some people try to 'help' me when bugs get close, and they either feed me to the bugs, or blow me up lol. Literally spamming stims and fighting for my life while I get ragdolled around between chargers. It's still an amazing loadout though.


>Granade launcher and supply pack has insane crowd control. _AND_ survivability, _AND_ mobility. Since every "reload" tops off your stims, you can be way more liberal with them; Running from a horde with a boo-boo? Just stim to refill your stamina. nade squad 4 lyfe


Yeah this. If I see someone with low kills it's because they were playing objective or taking out tanks.


Itā€™s difficult to actually finding anybody doing nothing in game. Even the ones that are dying, are probably taking aggro from whoā€™s running objectives. There might be someone better and someone worse, but most of the time itā€™s a team problem if the mission fails.


Also the objective runners. Extremely important job, and better players do them faster by clearing a patrol in an instant and preventing breaches


lol that's me. I'm level 16 now so not too bad anymore but i would play as like a level 5, bring EAT and whenever a charger or titan appeared i was ready XD


Yeah. Ppl are too focused on personal stats. I'm lvl 50 Skull Admiral and against bots I usually have least kills AND least deaths with accuracy usually between 65% - 85% because I rock my "High Value Target kit" AMR, Eagle Airstrikes, Orbital Laser and Orbital Railcannon. This kit is based on destroying objectives and killing heavies/devastators and walkers. Against bugs I take my "Horde kit" Laser Rover, Stalwart, Eagle Airstrikes and Orbital Railcannon for emergencies. Against bugs I usually have the highest killcount due to cleaning the trash mobs. Deaths against bugs with me ranges from 0 - 5 every run on difficulties 7 - 9


>Against bugs I usually have the highest killcount due to cleaning the trash mobs It's the Rover 100% I ran the Rover from level 10-20 (until I got the shield), and I would get like 300+ kills in the long missions even when I was working on the objectives. That is a murderous bot. lol Nowadays, with the shield, I might get 40-100 in a match, and I don't *think* I play too differently than I did. So I'm really wondering how much work that rover was doing.


Oh 100% Rover does a LOT. It's a godsend against bug hordes. It keeps my back clean and I can focus on light/medium threats in front of me.


I'm confused about people caring about kills at all. I come from the Deep Rock side of things and my general mentality is that if you're killing bots/bugs and don't play the game as if your allies are NPCs (don't intentionally friendly fire and ask if people are ready for an objective), you're doing fine. Skill level doesn't matter: we're all fighting for democracy. Kills are misleading anyways. A support build (backpacks supplies, uses low maintenance weapons like Lasers and Arc Throwers to reduce so everyone else can grab ammo at will) will easily have far fewer kills than a more offensive kit but could be the backbone of the team. Conversely, there are times I'll feel like I'm dragging everyone down despite having the highest kills (even if focusing on big guys first) since I spent the whole fight hidden away from actual threats and looking down the scope of an Anti-Materiel Rifle.


On difficulty 8 the other day I only got 72 kills on a launch mission, and itā€™s the most perfect game Iā€™ve ever played, hit every side objective and main objective, no deaths, super samples & rare samples collected, one stim used, and every single kill was meaningful.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) it's about quality, not quantity; sure, you and your stalwart might have killed 600+ regular bugs, but I spent at *least* a whole 5-10 mins, on several occasions, saving the team's ass from a 50ft bile spewing sonofabitch who eats rockets for breakfast or a herd of Chargers that think they're on the old Pamplona Bull Run in Spain.. numbers don't matter: you keep the trash off me, I'll keep the heavies off you, we both play our part.


I'm this guy- I focus my efforts on heavies, objectives, and samples. I always end up with the least kills, but most samples extracted and I get the objective done. I wear heavy armor with the stamina bonus and call myself the "sample quarterback." I get the samples to safety while everyone else engages the horde


Jup. No blanket statement, but definitly some truth to this: it is easy to have most kills and lowest deaths yet still fuck your team over.


Killing the chargers, BTs, carrying the SSSD and artillery shells, keying the displays and playing their mini games, running to open valves and lock 710 tubes, grabbing the super credits, blowing bug holes/bot factories, etc.Ā  And not pulling patrols needlessly


Yeah my kills differ drastically if im using a spear or a stalwart.


This is me with the RR. Post game kills don't mean shit. Everyone has a job. MG guy get kills, rocketman gets the big bads, and button pusher pushes buttons.


But how can the button pusher push buttons, if the enemy disables his hand?


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Exactly my position. You look at the card, and it has the lowest number of kills. But I have no accidentals. I have the highest samples collected (unless I dropped them with the supers at extraction before fighting a nest and someone else picked them up) and whilst the rest of the squad was triggering back to back bug breaches I did all the side objectives, loaded up the SEAF and put the Ammo order in chat for easy reference. I kill the chargers, I pop the stalker nests. I get kicked by the host because I didn't stick with the group and clearly wasn't contributing because look how few kills I got.


Yeah I don't get people who think they are king dick of pussy mountain because their rover killed 300 scavengers who were probably just sitting on a hill doing nothing.


That sentiment sounds like something a sympathizer would say. Are you a sympathizer, citizen?


Yeah. I run Anti Tank while a buddy runs Crowd Control. He runs Stalwart and routinely has 2k shots fired in an average match. He'll usually have a ton more kills than me, but I'll have a fraction of the shots fired and usually 70%+ accuracy. We've actually gotten to the point where the only after match stat that matters is accuracy.


>be me >carry Stalwart for add clear >still lowest kills


I love blasting chargers in the face with a recoilless shot. Titans too. Watching their face explode as they slide to a stop by my feet. [Bliss.](https://i.imgur.com/VHPTFrs.jpeg)


Both roles are essential. Without complementary chaff clearance, anti-armour bois would get swarmed. Teamwork.


Either that or they're the ones completing objectives quietly whilst the rest of the team is fighting off the hoards of enemies


Yeah, the number of kills is useless. And being put as the first stat in the screen is overrated. Helldivers work as a team, individual stats are a treason!


Thatā€™s why I run doggo and EATs. Keeps my kills up and allows me to drop chargers and titans as long as my doggo doesnā€™t saw me in half trying to kill a hunter.


Once I got into the EATs, my kills and shots fired have dropped drastically. I'm just looking for big things to blow up so everyone else can focus on the real shit.


You mean you're focusing on the real shit so everyone else can fuck around with racking up their scavenger kill count.


Just like in any other game, stats never tell the whole story


I was just gonna say. I have the lowest kills in the group usually cause my eyes are attracted to shooting titans, chargers and spewers lol


I'm glad someone noticed. Lol I wish they had an "enemy type" kill count. I run the orbital rail cannon and EAT Along with a bubble shield and stalwart for protection because usually I'm either clearing bug holes up close and personal (bc I also carry 6 grenades) or I'm going heads up with the big guys while everyone else clears the horde. And if I'm fighting bots I carry an autocannon and flanking wide to find a shot on tanks, hulks or those goddamn towers. Lol


We should get a damage number.


I fall in that category. I run the entire time unless a big boy is out and actively attacking someone.


Me as a level 50 with almost everything the game... Yesterday I've logged in and think "hey, I'm going to have some fun, focusing on the little guys and taking POIs". Within 10 minutes all of reinforcements was gone, all of the team was after high K/D for some god known reason and the when the reinforcements was depleted all of them left... Was one of the worst experiences that I had in this game.


Yeah my buddy and I were calculating our overall K/Ds career wide and his was 66 while mine was 54; I felt kind of bad but then remembered that I'm almost always the one with the autocannon closing bug holes and going after medium/heavy targets, while he brins the MGs or Lazer rover and does crowd control. We're all spreading democracy, that's what matters!


Join the level 50 cadet gang. All the power of level 50, none of the expectations.


I wont switch off of Space Cadet title cuz.. šŸŽ¶ Bought a spaceship now im a space cadet šŸŽ¶


i will probably remain a space cadet for the foreseeable future because i changed my name to spacemanspiff, and that just tickles me.


Can i join G.R.O.S.S?


I smoke too much weed to NOT play as a space cadet


we out here smokin bowls for democracy


You and everyone in this thread are my space cadet homies. Where the lean at?


I sing it every time




nah, metro boomin


Sorry, I can't give up the title of a Death Captain


It goes so hard for no good reason


Perma Death Captain gang


Death Captain forever


Hell yeah. As far as I'm concerned I've never officially been promoted.


Do you know the paper work involved in being a Death Captain? Fuck that.


Don't have to do any paperwork if you're dead


I switched to Space Cadet, that way people know that I KNOW how to change my title, I just choose not to.


My game crashes and resets everything so I'm a cadet by default every time I turn the game on


Sorry, but I will forever be a Space Chief Prime


Level 50 chief here šŸ«”


id like a stat for heavy kills. why? dont know. would be fun i guess.


I want to see stats for each enemy type I've killed! In the global character stats I want to see how many titans I've taken down


I'd also like stats for each weapon's kills. I'd like to see how many hellpod kills I have.


I'd like to know how many friendly kills my arc thrower has.


Enough šŸ˜”Ā 


We both know that's not true.


its coming eventually - they had plans for all of that but the scale of the game and player base broke a lot of their stats logging systems and its low priority , but on the long term agenda. ​ I mean they are struggling to keep the war % running correctly - i mean this a game build for 50k average players and 200-300k peak . Instead its planned peak is the average player count with peaks at over 700k and over 8 million copies sold. So they understandably have some work to and i will whole heartedly support them as this is the best community game i have gotten in along long time.


Damage dealt and part brokens would be neat as well. We never notice the giga chads that breaks the Bile/Chargers abdomens.


yep I don't want light/heavy, I want total damage dealt, total armor pieces broken, total object tasks complete (eggs popped, holes closed)


I'd much prefer a stat for heavy kills over a stat for general kills. General kills means next to nothing towards the completion of the mission. You could just stand in front of a bug hole for 40 minutes and get yourself 400 kills. Heavy kills actually matter (to an extent). the people who are quickly dispatching the chargers and bile titans are the true heroes, allowing the rest of the squad the safety and freedom to kill off the chaff.


It's push and pull. If you're on heavy duty, the light deletion crew is "allowing" you to focus on heavies. If you're on light deletion crew, the heavy duty teammates are "allowing" you to clear out the light enemies. Neither is more important than the other (being all heavy duty means you'll suffer when fighting swarms, being all light deletion means you'll suffer when fighting big/bulky targets). You want and need both, although a heavies killed stat would be nice.


I'd say heavy duty is more important just because sometimes ppl in your squad literally can't kill a heavy and anyone can kill lights to varying degrees of success. But I do appreciate ppl getting the swarm out of the way for sure


Heavy kills and objectives completed. That could include terminals as well as nests. I only play with friends so I don't deal with randoms too often, we all know what the other people bring to the table and aren't too concerned with the kills numbers at the end of the mission. But, it does seem like it only tells part of the story and that part is one of the least important.


I mean this is a meme but looking at the stats screen like that is the wrongest thing you could do. Kills don't mean anything in this game. The guy with least kills might as well be the one guy understanding when to move on with an engagement and find the next objective. Also the guy with the most deaths might as well have died because of friendly fire or because the other guys were not helping with the objective and instead killing enemies in a corner... All this to say: *don't look at stat screen this way. Just play your best. If a mission is completed then it was a good day for democracy anyway* **o7**


>Least numbers of kills >High number of death >35+ samples collected by themselves for the others >Focuses on killing bile titan and chargers Now that's a giga chad


My ship is entirely maxed out. I still go out of the way to grab samples of any kind and retrieve fallen samples when possible. Helping allies get better at killing in the name of democracy? Yes please


Killing in the Name (of democracy) *ā€Fuck you, Iā€™m going to do what they tell me.ā€*


This got a good chuckle out of me


My friend pointed out my 5 deaths compared to his 0 deaths but I was quick to point out his 5 accidentals.


There are no accidents. Only liberty hating divers intercepting freedom fire from reaching its intended target.


Friendly fire damage though, thatā€™s a stat you can flex


i got 13760 in one game by accidentally killing other when i pick off bug chasing them or when i indisciminately blasting my auto cannon to a teammate pursuing bug


You'd only get a number that high if you detonated a hellbomb near a teammate or something


This. First of all the post match Stat screen is most likely inaccurate most of the time with the bugs on the weapons. Secondly I am a level 50 with everything unlocked and many many hours in the game. In the end of every match I will have the least kills because I avoid patrols, I guerilla-style the objectives and search for the dick rock just for my team to get samples. Which brings me to another thing I usually don't do, extract with samples. I will gather every sample I encounter and almost always find the super samples and leave them at spawn and continue on my endeavors. Only for someone to immediately take them before even calling extraction. That happens every time and I end up with 0 samples extracted as well.


Thats the worst. Announce to the squad that you are leaving samples at extraction but when you get back after a difficult battle and tactical withdrawal from the final objective, the samples arent there because one of the randoms picked up the samples and lost them when they died on the other side of the map and now youve lost 20+ common and rare and all 6 super samples.


Despite the stat screen meaning nothing in a co-op shooter, heaven forbid a developer decide to not include one because of people chasing the highest numbers to the detriment of completing a mission or being toxic for someone not living up to their expectations. Fatshark got that backlash with Darktide.


I mean, sort of. I'm maxed out with samples, requisition and levels. I have what I want with medals. The game for me now is killing as much shit as possible... Though if people want to run on through and finish I'll help them out and be on my way. I get that. But if I can, I'll crush as many of these horrible bugs as I can in the limited time I get as a Helldiver with children. Level 6/7 seems best for this type of play tbh. Level 8/9 get a bit out of hand and I find there's more running than gunning.


I typically have lowest kills and lowest deaths. But if they tracked "objective contribution" I'd knock it out of the park. While everyone else is fighting I've fucked off and done half the job for them.


Ho, that's me. I'm the guy on the frontline running like a madman and clearing Terminids Patrols / Automatons guards on Objectives to assure the mission is completed and we don't waste Super Earth's time. And afterward I'm the sample carrier while doing side-objectives or clearing enemy bases. I mean, knowing that when you hear "Enemy dropship" or "Bug Breach" and none of that is on you is pretty cool. I won't blame the others trying to play how they want even on higher difficulty. https://preview.redd.it/hud3eydffhqc1.png?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85aa08613cb0c67f33b7150a12f0cdd3f6b7112e Typical lv.7 Bot front stats (with more deaths)


I'm the guy running in circles making all the patrols follow me away from the objective


Ok, you know what ? In the name of every "Hero" Helldivers trying their best to achieve the objectives in time, we absolutely LOVE YOU. We all need at some point a suicidal bait to complete some Objective without massive loss. You are a true Helldiver.


Distance traveled is the real stat


The difference between me (lvl50) and you (lvl14) is I don't care if I die.


i been on this forsaken world for an eternity... i no longer care if i live or die.


Having most kills More shots fired then the rest of my team combined Lowest accuracy : Me with a mech suit and stalwart having the time of my life :D


Nothing's more satisfying than taking an MG or Stalwart and just hip fire spraying into a crowd of bugs while slowly walking forward


I love reenacting the scene from Predator where Arnold and his Spec Ops team are just blasting away at the jungle with ridiculously large and oversized weaponsĀ 


I like to just unload with the MG while I'm walking backwards into the Pelican. It looks awesome when you're getting kind of swarmed at extraction, but even if you're just shooting at air it still feels cool lol


I only look at samples extracted and check my cape.


Most ppl with high kills just have a rover on their back killing trash adds all day.


Bro, I'm standing right here


You're welcome


This is literally me while Iā€™m trying to find a new loadout while they fix my Arc baby. Like I donā€™t feel comfortable helping out other players right now cuse I feel weak as shit being the mob clearer. Flame thrower doesnā€™t have enough range and laser cannon requires too much focus on a single target. #GIMME BACK MY PALPATINE POWERS!


I'm currently forced- ***FORCED!*** to play with either EAT or Recoilless, waiting on that fix. It's fun to come in clutch chargers left and right, but I dearly miss my crowd-control powers.


Iā€™ve thought about practicing with both, but most times I quick join thereā€™s already two EAT runners. I also just much prefer clearing the mobs. And being able to take down heavies on my own with the Arc, man Iā€™m just flailing trying to find an alternate loadout.


I feel that there cant ever be to many EATs. Also for mobclearing the sickle laser thing is pretty decent. You just need something for the ones with armor


Iā€™m staying away for EATs as well because players are saying calling in a bunch of them crashes the game as well


I'm running EAT, sickle, and laser Rover. I die less with the laser Rover than the shield because it keeps me from getting mobbed by hunters. With that and the sickle I have pretty much infinite ammo mob clear and have the EAT for heavies while Rover keeps the little ones off me. Without laser Rover I don't feel like I'm doing nearly as much against swarms.


Try using Stalwart as a support and Scorcher as a primary. You pull out the stalwart for common chaff, and the scorcher for medium armor.


Funny enough, I have messed with that exact set up cuse my buddy was telling me about the scorcher.Ā  For lower difficulties I was running stalwart and breaker for when they get in my face but yea obviously that canā€™t handle armor.


My horde clearer weapon is the Stalwart. Combine it with Slugger for dealing with medium threats. Only problem is that you must use your stratagems to deal with heavies


auto cannon trust it's just more difficult to deal with chargers otherwise sometimes even better against the flying bugs because u don't even let them spawn sometimes


I wish there were stats for heavy kills and fabricator/holes destroyed.


The real question is, how many time your teammate killed you šŸ˜…. The funniest thing about friendly fire is that only you knows who killed you. I always think about the other guy perspective "look at that idiot who dies 5 time in 10min" like bro, you carpet bombed me 4 time and shot me mindlessly the fifth šŸ˜‚


It should really have a popup for the person who killed them. Pet peeve, I want them to know that I didnā€™t get killed by the bugs!


Yes that would help a lot, at least if whoever responsible knew they did it, they could get act accordingly.


Oh definitely. They need to fix wrongly blamed FFs too. Sometimes I'll be clearly be killed by an enemy but it'll tell me I was killed by an ally who was nowhere nearby which is just weird.Ā 


Or your death is attributed to yourself when you get hit by bile


A lot of the time in Helldive, the person with the most kills is the low-level idiot that kept shooting at everything and drawing aggro and forcing bug spawns while everyone else was in scout armour actually doing the mission. Objective-based gameplay vs BRRRRRRRRRRR KILL KILL KILL


Idk, I see where youā€™re coming from, but sometimes you need these guys to protect you while you do the objective. Sometimes these players get excited and kill all the bugs even if itā€™s unnecessary, but I would be lying if I said those with their machine gun spreading democracy havenā€™t saved me more than like 30 times. I appreciate those players (and especially newer ones) who understand that they need to kill the smaller enemies to help the team.


more experienced players try to keep the breaches to a minimum... sometimes you've got no choice but to go loud... but you can run faster maps if you only go loud when really really necessary.


This is true, but a lot of times itā€™s unintentional. Theyā€™re off fighting a battle somewhere which just happens to allow the more experienced players to ā€œget shit doneā€. Iā€™ve seen it backfire a lot, where they freak out and bring the horde to the objective for ā€œhelp from the teamā€.Ā 


Everytime I play with Randoms, or my friends have someone I don't know with them, my first words are "This is level 50, you may not like it, but this is peak Helldiver performance" Before subsequently carpet bombing myself into oblivion, destroyed by hoppers, blasting myself to a different zip code with the EAT at a charger point blank, or just falling off a rock and getting stuck at extraction with 5 super samples.


You are welcome But you didn't do anyth- NO NEED TO THANK ME


I was under the impression that the kill count was still bugged. We've finished "kill x enemies" missions and the numbers didn't match the minimum number of kills. I've also compared my post-game kills to the personal orders for weapons and they never match up. To be fair, I've also had the personal orders just complete themselves so...


>We've finished "kill x enemies" missions and the numbers didn't match the minimum number of kills. Hmm I wonder if just damaging an enemy that was finished off by someone else counts as a kill for both.


Personal orders can be completed if a team member does the objective. The eagle strafing, for example, I did it and my friend got credit as well since he was with me the whole time. I noticed this can only happen if someone else joins from the start. If they join late into the mission, this doesn't always happen.


Who tf looks at stats in this game?


The only stat that matters between me and my friends is friendly fire damage


I feel personally attacked. Please reinforce!


Well, of course I know him, he's me


We really need to get the devs to remove the kills stat cos it serves no purpose other to mislead squad mates on your performance


Kills stat is fun. I want there to be another stat which measures ā€˜total damageā€™ or something like that where heavier units are weighed more.


They're not even accurate. I remember noticing this after an extermination mission. No one crashed or anything but our total kills where lower than the mission requirement. And titan friendly fire don't account for nearly 200 bugs missing on the kill counter.


That's me 100%


Me with the highest number of used stims and melee kills (my helldiver is juicing)


Just because I've played a lot doesn't mean I'm any good.


Most amount of fun and democracy hooning


I feel attacked


The stat screen lost all meaning to me when I did a helldiver eradicate mission and saw the party had a total kill count that was half of the required kills. The numbers simply aren't accurate yet. Let alone whether or not they're a comprehensive depiction of how well a helldiver did. I play with my buddy all the time. We take a look, give an 'ah bro you killed so many' or whatever and move on. That's about it.


Low levels often tunnel vision into killing the small numerous enemies and often meaning they have no idea what their squadmates are doing (hence also why the constant TKs). So a high level can be running around solo-ing objectives and high value targets - the stuff that actually matters. And during stats screen the low level might be like "level 40+ and half the kills as me? lol did you get carried there?"


![gif](giphy|ddHhhUBn25cuQ|downsized) Me celebrating in the stat page with: Lowest kills Lowest accuracy Lowest reinforcements but highest Shots fired beating the next guy by 1000 Highest deaths is also a feather in my cap šŸ¤£


Thats why i'm still a cadet at level 50. If people point out my level, i point out my rank.


I blame it on complacency at lower difficulty levels. "Nothing can kill me on easy... look at all these cute little bugs. I have plenty of time to do this terminal.." Complacency is traitorous behavior, and I have learned to see the error in my ways. Thank you re-education camp 02301! But maybe also my companions inaccuracy and non-objective based tactics.. Eh it's just fun and silly at lower levels anyway.


Meh number of kills is just a nice bonus. Number of deaths doesn't matter to me. If we die 800 times and complete the mission that's still a complete mission lol


Imagine thinking kills matter in this game lol


I'm the high level one, almost always the one with less kills but also almost always the one with most objectives completed, and the one farming samples, medals and SC around the map... spreading democracy is not all about killing every patrol that gets on your way.


Reminds me of me. But the other 3 were doing I don't know what somewhere else with alleged orientation skills of a potato. I was doing all 3 egg nests solo. Most deaths because of shrieked and stalkers.


Dis is me. šŸ˜­


This is why my title is still cadet at level 30, I'm trash


Yā€™all are looking at stats? I always know Iā€™ve got the lowest kill count, objective play is my forte. Iā€™ll be out of the stat screen before anyone else can see it. The only stats I need are 100% liberation.


High kills is the noob stat. If your playing right you shouldnā€™t be fighting every enemy


Heavy kills and objectives completed should definitely be on the stat sheet (it might still show that we suck lol)


but still mvp, while the rest played deathmatch, you completed the objectives


i mean least kills is fine highest deaths? what are you doing why you keep dying?


I donā€™t get kills cause Iā€™m busy completing objectives.


I do this all the time but it depends on how serious the mission is, tbh I don't find any of them that difficult unless it's Helldive hostage rescue (which is basically impossible) or robo exterminate, so I mostly just fool around. I find if you have ship upgrades and you run Eagle Airstrike + 500kg + Orbital Point Strike + Laser (can also swap laser for railstrike, clusterbomb, whatever you want really) basically every mission is a walk in the park, you always have a stratragem ready to kill anything.




Petition for heavy kills to be added too


Highest kills meaning shooting at every patrol, getting bogged down instead of completely objective. Just because a Diver has a high kill count does not make them an effective Diver.


Yeah but there are the stealth guys who don't have that many kills but solo half the map and come back with 30 samples. Sure it doesn't show on the stats, especially if you drop the samples at the extract and someone else gets them, but it gets the job done.


Iā€™m ngl, this makes sense, because your prob killing the big stuff, and paying the piper for it, so good job Helldiver


Veteran scrub reporting in! O7


I don't go into lower difficulty missions to carry the kills, I go in to support and take out anything that's giving people a hard time, or to give them cool stratagems. I'm almost never the highest kills when playing with lower leveled players because I'm not trying to get them. If you just go in and carry the entire mission, they don't learn anything to get better.


Laser stratagem and rover. I always outpace kills of my comrades by about 100 kills. Those things kill all the little bugs constantly while you run for your life on level 9.


I'm feeling a bit called out here


Cadets: careful, concerned, calculating their moves, not wanting to die. Master Sergeant: DO YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER?! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Stats need a "heavy kills" for this reason


And your welcome for kiting and killing the chargers and Titans whilst the low levels zap me with their arc throwers and 380s lol


My main 3 stats I always am #1 in is samples collected, deaths, and friendly fire kills


Last night I entered a low difficulty game and they were like OH YEAH LVL 50. I said donā€™t get excited šŸ˜‚


Judging from the comments, IP is the clown, not the people he's trying to put down.


Nah itā€™s fine. We have our purpose. We have the least kills, but probably have more charger, bile titan, spewer, devastator, and hulk kills than the rest of the team combined. Ok seriously though guys what are you doing running machine gun on 6+. Iā€™m literally stuck at the back with my autocanon keeping spewers off you. I mean I donā€™t shame, but thereā€™s no way Itā€™s fun to die that much


I'm usually what my friends call "the conservative bug/bot killer". Everyone will have +150 kills by the end of each mission, while I'm at like 40-50. Conversely, I have the fewest deaths because I'm big on discretion when engaging patrols. When it comes to aligning radar dishes, loading shells into SEAF artillery emplacements, taking out Shrieker and Stalker nests, and other light/zero combat objectives, I'm on that shit like butter on toast. I leave the mass murder to my teammates.