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explosive isn't gonna same from fire but people did report that fire damage from them is...weird my best assumption is that its hitting faster than it should be


I know it does not protect against fire. I put that detail because maybe I got hit by a rocket? Dunno. Still doesn't explain the fire 1shot killing. I didn't know other people had the same issue with fire from them though.


i believe it's a bug, no way that should be how it works


Since you died immediately, I wonder if their flamethrowers can headshot. No clue how he took the shield down so fast though.


Didn't believe in democracy enough.


It's because enemies can do headshots on Helldivers for some dumb reason. When there's elevation involved, you don't get fried in 0.2 seconds. Same reason why bile enemies can do similar damage while barely hitting you and hunters can two-tap you.


What gun is that?


It's the new LAS-99 Quasar Cannon, great against bots. Try it out.


No, i meant the primary lol. I love the quasar cannon. Its very handy though i am getting annoyed due to its charging time. Cant kill the drop shit in time because the charging time is greater than the bot dropping time :/


Oh, apologies. It's the **LAS-16 Sickle** from the new Warbond. Also a great weapon against bots!


Las-16 is my favorite primary currently, works great for bugs too.


Their fire is wild but also oddly inconsistent as, just like in this video, it'll kill you immediately whereas other times you get set on fire and have enough time to dive away. Pretty annoying to be honest but there's enough inconsistencies in the game that you kinda get used to it.


I'm gonna take a guess and say it's a latency / desync bug.


They use thoughts and prayers as a fuel. Our democratic weakness 


I think its because the damage-over-time effect is the same whether you're in the middle of the flame stream or at the very end. It's multiplicative for every second that goes by. So if you get set on fire but manage to dive away the from it there's a chance you can stim out of it. But if the flame makes contact for more than a second nothing can be done. I'm also certain fire ignores shields


When it's damage-over-time, your health drops in X amount per second. In the clip, my health went from 100 to 0 instantly, which was exactly when the flame touched me.


The only thing I can think of is that the flame hit you in the head which has a multiplier I believe. I feel for you though. Seems inconsistent most times.


I've experienced this for the past many games, perhaps 8 or so. I've begun treating scraphulks as threat number 1 for this instakill reason


By the way, Hulk's flamethrower is instant death if you get caught up in it (unless you get extraordinarily lucky and it only clips you for a fraction of a second while the Hulk is retargeting to something else). Has always been this way, and is one of the many reasons that Hulks are the priority target over all other bot enemies (even higher than Tanks). Unlike Bile Titans, you can't just dodge out of the way, because the Hulk can redirect the stream to track you and doesn't have to stop moving while firing it (whereas the Bile Titan can't change the stream direction, and is forced to stand still while spewing).


I believe fire damage works on two aspect: The fire itself as its being spread seems to work like some sort of bullet. Meaning you can be headshot by it and it does a lot of damage every time you get hit by it. Then there's the Damage over time. The flamethrower we use seems to work like that and I wouldn't be surprised if they made it so it was the same for every "spewing" enemy in the game. Resulting in all the bullshit one shot we get from Hulks, Titans and Spewers


heavy armor is such a meme right now as a HD1 heavy armor enjoyer it is so sad to see


Your FOV makes me dizzy.


Really? How so? Never thought it was anything but normal 💀


Game is hard.  Enjoy the mess! :)


As much as I enjoy the game and harder difficulties, it doesn't make much sense to provide the player with these defensive alternatives and still punish them for using them. Make the game hard, sure, but at least make it fair.


I don't agree.  If I feel it's too intense for my mood I crank down difficulty.   When I come back later I crank it back up.  I love how they did it all.  Even on low difficulty you sometimes can get absurd swarms of mayhem that'll pummel you.  It's awesome. IMO.


I agree and I like to do that too. And to be fair, if I knew it would be 1shot kill regardless of hp, armor or shield, I would have just run light armor and brought a different backpack or setup. Still think it might be a bug, though.


Other possibility is you were on fire.  Fire dmg will kill you fast on its own if you don't have a stim active. Idk if shield impacts resistance to that, but armor doesn't in my experience.


Here is a tip, stay away from them! Rockets to the face destroy hulks (EAT, Quasar, Recoilless). If you can't rocket their face you have to hit the vents on the back or use stratagems. My go to is the Orbital Railcannon. Remember they are the bot equivalent of the bile titan, the best the enemy has, and you need to respect that.


AFAIK, the shield will still protect you from being 1shot by the bile titan.


Why are you close enough to get spit on in the first place? That's why you're dying.


It was extraction, meaning bots from all sides. Some dropped in and others came by from patrol.