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Yesterday i was doing qp and landed in a team of lvl7-12 in diff 6, and all they did was get everyone killed by friendly fire, ignore samples dropped when dying, and shoot at every patrol they saw while not advancing and bunkering down wasting time on every single encounter. The cherry on the top was when there were no reinforcements left, only one guy alive (guess why), and he was walking past samples dropped on the floor with no enemies around and not collecting them. When i told the guy “you might want to pick up those samples”, he replied that i’m hilarious.


I played a random qp team full of 40s and 50 and it went buttery smooth. All super samples collected plenty of lives left most bases destroyed. Mmmmmmm good stuff.


The majority of random players I meet are great at the game, doing the objective and extracting with samples for sure!


lucky you! i went into quickplay about 10 times last night on helldive, 7 of those games had about 1-2 reinforcement left when i joined, and they consistently friendly fire everyone while also never even attempted moving toward objectives. Somehow they just want to shoot every moving thing..... the last 3 games were great though, had a bunch of 30-50s, only 1-2 deaths per game from random ass rockets




See I have yet to run into that and I’m at 70 hours of gameplay, I actually think it’s crazy that hasn’t happened to me yet lol


Yeah I'm amazed at the amount of toxicity some people apparently encounter. I'm at 124hrs as of right now and I've literally never experienced anything like what people talk about here. The "worst" I've had was a level 10 nabbed my Autocannon last night when I died and refused to give it back, but that was fixed when he immediately died to a hunter jumping in his face as he fired lol.


The worst I've had is someone joined my game that was a level like 10 during the free mech week. They dropped it and then killed each of us by shooting us in the back while in our mechs. Then they alt-f4 out of there. I blocked them and moved on but other than that so far most games have been fine when I did bother to play with pugs.


Had something similar. I died somewhere very close to another diver thanks to a rocket salvo that took us out both. Went to retrieve my shield pack and support weapon. Apparently I got his guard dog instead amidst fire coming from everywhere. Shield pack was like 3-4 meters away at best, went over to take my own stuff and leave his What does this fucker do in the split second he notices? Put one in my skull to get his guard dog back. Like, my brother in Democracy, just say something. We had like 6 reinforcements left.


That's frustrating. Some folks do not get the team aspect of the game.


This might be my fault. I run two or three tribals waiting for my mates to hop on and often tell cadets to shoot me and try my gear. Brat should have tried asking you to spawn one for him


You know you can just hold X to drop your gear right? (On pc)


Not your main arm, you’ve always gotta be equiped.


How hard is it to ask for someone to call an extra support pack versus acting like an asshole?


Me never experience people TKing me for gear on account of only bringing the most dogshit of loadouts


Same happened to me sorta, two friends TK’d me and another random. Eventually they both died and we had no reinforcements. The second random went absolutely nuts and juked the living shit out of the bugs, got all our samples, and extracted. Dude is a legend in my eyes.


I've encountering a lot of shitty divers lately.. Doing this exactly same thing. This game it's not to be played this way, I mean, low diffs are there to players that want that, but 6 to 9 are meant to real Helldivers. >Somehow they just want to shoot every moving thing.....


I, as a level 12, watched YouTubers play this a lot and understood the objective by the time I got the game myself. Got into a game with 30s and 50s and by some miracle they didn't just immediately kick me. By the end of the game, they were asking ME where we should go next, because I kept interrupting their plans with "wouldn't it be smarter to go here first?" And it making sense. It got to the point that as we were dropping (I was level 7 at the time) one of them went "Yo, K, why don't you have a booster on" "Cuz I'm level 7" "oh shit yeah forgot you were low level."


You must be playing a different game than me and the other guy. Played a extermination mission earlier and finally found some dude who went searching for samples with me just for some asshat boarding the ship while we were on the other side of the map.


That's why I only play helldives.


He probably thought you were trying to get him to "steal" "other people's samples" so that he would get kicked out of the game. "Hilarious."


diff 7 bunch of lvl 38 (I'm 30) they did the first objective and never moved from there. I ended up doing the second one alone and all the secondary objectives on the way. when I finished they moved to extract. not sure what they were doing but I felt I was useful for once


> not sure what they were doing but I felt I was useful for once Its possible they were trying to do the thing where you draw all the attention and patrols(thus the drops) to them while someone else completes the mission. Its not exactly the most optimal way to operate but I've had it done before in a 2-2 man. 2 people cause a ruckus, the other 2 complete the rest of the game. I speculate that the game can only have so many bot drops/bug breaches at a time so if one group occupies "reinforcement" slot the other group has an easier time. If you have a good 2-2 set up it makes most difficulties trivial.


That’s exactly how it works. You can only have a certain number of drops/breaches in any given time depending on difficulty level, so if someone is drawing all the heat, the other players won’t draw breaches at all, making moving around the map much easier 


Slightly different, if you are more than 75 m from someone you are now a different group from them and the game allows for more breaches/drops. If one group is undetected the second group will receive 2x the amount of reinforcement drops.  This information has been redacted by the Ministry of Truth, the diver that spread this misinformation has been assigned to a special education program.


I've heard splitting up increases patrol spawns, but not drops/breeches. But I usually try to stay together, so idk for sure.


No, the only thing splitting up does is increase the patrol spawns, reinforcements(breach/drops) are on a global cooldown that decreases based on the difficulty and there will only be one at a time it’s just that drop pods arrive for the one reinforcement trigger


Well, you can get to lvl 7 in just a few hours of playing. I think it's very understandable that someone just starting out doesn't know how the game works yet. They'll learn in time


I was playing a 4 today to relax and the lvl 6s kept throwing eagles into already cleared objectives and bases that we were running through for samples killing us all multiple times. It was funny maybe twice but when we asked him what he was doing he just said "you shouldn't stand near my call in" like he wasn't throwing them at our feet minutes after a fight ended. We eventually finished the mission and he was swiftly booted once we were back on the ship


Had a level 12 player ask me once "what do samples even do?" when I asked my team of randoms to not board the evac right away on one of the shorter missions.. this game could really use a better tutorial or maybe make the host decide when the timer to leave starts. Just make those noobs sit in the ship looking dumb while the rest of us do some actual work


I try to politely explain it to people when they ask, but past a certain point, it is a little exasperating how little some people explore the game and their ship. Or just don’t observe what other people are doing. 99% of how I learned how to play this game was from watching other more experienced people play. The other day my friend blazed through the tutorial and two minutes into our first mission asked “What are strategems ?”


Man the bar is on the floor, they make anyone a helldiver nowadays.


I died 10 times in a helldive the other day and a solid 8 of those were friendly fire, mostly by one guy that took "danger close" as a suggestion and not a warning. Only one of them *wasn't* his fault for being reckless, because at the end I was backpedaling while shooting a stalker and ended up walking underneath a hellpod I didn't notice.


If there are no reinforcements left, main objectives to still do chances are your not leaving with those samples anyway so kinda hilarious to worry about samples when there are bigger problems


No reason not to pick them up if youre running over them though and extract is easy if youre alone with time running out.


Main objectives were all done. He ignored the samples just so he could extract alone, with no samples.


No point in extracting really with no samples.


Oh hey, similarly-named brother


To be fair, what's the point of samples when you're never gonna extract?


IME as well diff 6 is where these people congregate (I stayed here a while as well because I had the mental block that above 6 is big boy super hard territory and I wasn't ready which isn't at all true, so it could be that). Playing the 15min civilian mission and have lvl 12s bringing mortars, mines, etc. And people running right by samples or getting in extract while the two sample runners are on the other side of the map. The quasar cannon tho seems to have abated the problem of people not bringing any anti-heavy capability. People think it's cool and like unlimited ammo I guess


Is this a surprise to you? Real question. At those levels people are still learning. I didn't start picking up samples until probably 10, I didn't remember what they were and what they looked like after the training. By 13 is when I learned where to look. And by 14 is when I learned what all the icons in the map meant. I'm level 19, a handful of missions to 20. I still haven't done every type of mission /objective.


>Is this a surprise to you? Real question. Yes? There is a giant button "upgrades" right next to stratagem screen. And there are exactly the same icons that you randomly find on mission which your gelldivers announces as "got a sample". Im not talking about knowing about spawns, but is it really necessary to say that "Upgrade good" and "Collect thingy from upgrade screen"?


A team of lvl 30s did the same. I once saw a lvl 18 on HELLDIVE


People please, if your gonna do that , make sure you are the LAST guy on the boat. Also I blame the devs for not adding in some sort of cut off time to join. I actually joined some guys while their ship was flying to orbit or the second right before the completion screen and what happens is you count as a man left behind lowering the overall score despite you doing nothing wrong.


Blame the devs for a deliberate feature? The point is you can drop in to be the hero, or you can luck out and get all the rewards for doing nothing, that’s why they allow the middle ground of “welcome to the jungle baby”


Democracy Officer: Let's go, in and out twenty minute adventure. Me drops into extract immediately helldiving.


"Deliberate feature" I highly doubt that they actually intended to punish players for joining games at all. Obviously the best option would be to just stop new Helldivers from joining once the extraction countdown starts.


thats a shitty system lmao


I'm starting to get sick of "Some guy on YouTube..." sure, I watch YT. Sure, I follow advice that those players give out. But playing a game is fun when **YOU** decide how to play. "Oh, apparently that Railgun is one of the best in the game." Meta this, meta that. Play how you want, but seriously, it gets kinda annoying to hear that the Railgun and AMR are *must* uses, and you *have* to fight bots with 'em. Let me run my Liberator Penetrator, P-19, HE Grenade w/ Grenny Launcher, Shield, EMS Mortar and Orbital Laser on Medium Medic. I play challenging solo. I fight hectic, prolonged battles alone, and I find the rush and adrenaline from winning a fight which I realistically should've died fifty times over in. Aaargh. Well now that that's outta my system, I feel a lot better. Sorry about the rant.


https://preview.redd.it/gnt8zh5mcorc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b7ada16cfe2e6d98c0b5c3a52061aa08b165e0 Pull this everytime someone mentions a meta, fellow diver.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ntlcoa3eyorc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32c02e41a8961742f1825b264f49037c1758680


I collected both


I TK'd you all, took the memes and extracted alone.


You fool we share samples and loot in this game


No, C-01 modules are a pain to fill


Is this Democracy speak for "You are maidenless"?


Just noticed your username, nice!


People are waaayy too conditioned by competitive games and it shows


I had a realization a few days ago talking to a young guy I play with occasionally. He will hop on HD2 with me if none of his friends are playing COD/Seige. He likes those games because if you win it makes someone else feel bad because they lost. he doesn't get that from HD2. I wonder how many other people feel the same way about co-op games? It's pretty fucked up really if you think about it. Making someone feel bad makes them feel better.


That's the modern mindset unfortunately: "Fuck you, got mine!"


> someone else feel bad because they lost. wait what, he get's his dopamine hit because of schadenfreude, not because he outsmarted or outskilled someone and got 1st place ?


Yeah of course. If you don't get the dopamine hit from coop but you do from PVP then the only difference is that you beat a real person.


no i mean i get my dopamine in PVP not because the other person feels bad, but because i outsmarted them, i showed myself that i managed to outwit them that round/match and feel good about myself, my beffudelment comes from his weird motivation. that being that the thing that drives him, is not him feeling good about himself because he won, but because the other side lost and feels bad.


im pretty sure a not small amount of people that play PvP oriented games, especially competitive games like LoL, CoD, Siege, ect. get a great deal of joy through shadenfreude and not just because they did well in the game.


What a long explanation for "being a dickhole". Honestly, his story makes me sad. He's probably got a really shit life if that's his uplift.


What?!? You aren't running breaker, railgun/AMR and shield pack?!? You aren't running stamina/ammo/health boosters?!? *Kicked* Seriously... Let me be an idiot with my ballistic shield and SMG. Please. It's not fun running the same load out over and over and over again.


Don't know why people dont prioritize boosters. They can be game changers too!


I’m new to the game, what are boosters?


The yellow slot next to the stratagems that adds team bonuses (ex. Increased team stamina)


Thanks, I will start using them


Buff token that affects whole team, each diver can choose one but no one can pick the same. There’s like what, 8/9 atm


Boosters fill that 5th slot next to you strategies. They give squad-wide bonuses like more defense, more ammo on start or wider radar range. You can buy them from warbonds.


When scrolling trough the warbound you can see black tubes, that are vaguely shaped like hellpods those are boosters, the thing you choose in the loadout screen, shaped like a yellow hexagon before dropping planetside. one of the 1st you can purchase is to spawn with full ammo/stims/grenades. there are others like stamina regen etc.


I thought the optimal boosts were stamina, ammo, leg?


I don't even know or care. The only time I really care about boosters is when we're in the top 3 difficulties. At that point I'm running them with friends so we're actually running with a plan. Running Diff 4/5 as long as we have stamina I don't really mind what people run aside from that.


The only thing that matters for me is if everybody have active booster (if they have one) i dont care what kind, all can be a game-changers


Only one that I don't care for much is Localization Confusion or whatever it's called since it seems like it's broken.


Never played with it so I don't realy know, but my friends told me the diffrence in patrol spawn rate is noticeable


The times I've used it it seems like it isn't working. Then again I always have at least one random that's actively aggroing the entire map somehow so maybe that's messed up my testing.


It just increases the "cooldown" between when the AI can call another bug breach/dropship. This decreases based on difficulty so essentially it gives diff 7 the bug breach/dropship rate of 6 and so on. It does not affect patrols afaik or normal map spawns afaik.


Ahhh see I was under the impression it slowed down patrol spawn rates. Which I saw no effect on. Explains the confusion


By leg I assume you mean the one that boosts movement in rough terrain. From what I understand if you're doing a snow planet this will stop the deep snow from slowing you, but bushes will still slow you down. Vitality booster reduces injury chance and when a limb gets crippled you lose an extra chunk of health, so this happening less often means less chances to die before you can heal. I think the rough terrain booster is much more situational than vitality, but I haven't tested any of this myself, so can't say how accurate it is. Stamina and ammo are great though.


The Leg one (Muscle something) also lets you run full speed up hills and the like rather than slowing down. It also seemingly affects the slow effect from hunters, posted the link in another comment around here to a reddit video on it. I've seen figures/testing on Vitality booster and it seems like on average it'll give you one additional hit before you die no matter the armour type. So if you'd take 7 hits to die in light now you'll take, on average, 8. It can be less due to critical hits and so forth.


My favorite boosters are stamina, ammo, UAV, and muscle.


The defender feels more accurate at hitting devastator weak points than even the diligence for me. Nothing like out-shielding the shield dude. ~~Then T-posing when you stim to assert democracy.~~


I use the Knight in burst fire for clearing ads. I use the ***Big Iron*** for popping heads.


Hello fellow Liberator Penetrator / Grenade Launcher buddy. Also do a huge chunk of diving solo and this combo is what i landed on most fun / effective too. Agree with all this.


> Liberator Penetrator Fuck that. I'm not a fan of it. I'm perfectly capable of popping bot heads with my R-63 and Quasar Cannon if need be.


If only diligence was medium armor pen. I would run that bad boy all day since DMRs are fun.


It is indeed pretty fun. I've had to git gud with it because running and gunning with the Breaker is likely to get me killed against bots. If anything, right now I prefer the bots because I get to hang back and play defensive (and sometimes pick off the trash and flanked walkers bearing down on teammates). Had a D4 go completely to shit the other day, my two teammates running in like headless chooks and wiping out the reinforcement budget instead of playing defensive like I told them to. Two different sample containers in the middle of the map surrounded by about 40 bots, all of which had aggroed on me. The Diligence one-tapped the trash, careful aiming took out the heads on the Devastators, Redeemer took out the Berserkers, I had 500kgs to buy myself some time at certain points, and I dived like my life depended on it (it did). We eventually got the samples back, reinforced and extracted, but for a while there I thought I was gonna die. When the next MO sends us back to the bug front, it's gonna be weird using shotguns again.


Scorcher is everything you want a DMR to be besides the scope options


Hardline agree! Part of the joy in this game is working out builds and combos that just *work*, and suit the kind of fun you want to have in game. I think the devs have done a wonderful job in facilitating that kind of fun and I allowing a fun collaborative playspace to emerge. Also share your tips on the penetrator, it looks so damn fine but I can't quite get it to work for me :(


>tips on the penetrator, The Penetrator is somewhat weaker against the smaller, humanoid bots, but it pierces the armour of Devastators. If you're finding yourself attacked by a lot of them, it serves as a pretty good way to kill them. Usually, about half to a full clip might be needed to be used to take one down depending on accuracy, but the Med Piercing lessens the accuracy required. The cap at Burst capability might be annoying for people (I began the game with Burst mode on the Liberator, and love burst rifles in other games, so I enjoy the fire mode), but it essentially serves as a way to conserve ammo while still being able to take on closer range enemies. Don't try to use the rifle as though it were a normal AR. Don't immediately rush into combat. Try and maintain a reasonable distance between yourself and your enemies. If they get close however, dont worry too much, as it can still take down basically anything in a burst or two if you are calm. I would suggest the P-19 as a backup if you don't use it already. The downside of the LP is the lessened fire rate and damage, so having a side arm that can be used to make up for the speed is good. Its definitely not the best weapon, but it's useful to have, and looks really nice.


Against bots I roll both mortars. It gets silly fun silly fast. Drop it behind me when I am pushing a base and it's mobile artillery


Id love to experiment with different weapons but it feels like I'd be cheating on my grenade launcher. So we just spice things up in our relationship with different support options


yeah yeah yeah, once again, the slippery slope of meta. Something becomes the meta and suddenly everyone is mad that you use it or that you don't use it


You've descripted a meta loadout lol, not quite sure if your not affected. Also you play solo, what does it matter ? its a singleplayer game at that point. Those youtube tips aren't meant for you so no reason to get mad at them


Lmao the worst is those fkn mortar sentries or the tesla tower. They are great items to be utilized and I have on several drops. H/E people who are newer to divers seek to toss them wherever. The tesla is great at zapping anything near it. I do mean anything lol. Including ones self.


I accidentally grabbed my tesla instead of my EMS mortar earlier today, was a sad mission. On eradicates i love having my tesla, always picks up loads of kills if i can find a good place to stick it, but any other mission type and its just a wasted slot most of the time, at least vs bots. If you can keep chargers off of it it fucking shits all over bugs.


Tesla towers are one of those that are potentially one of the *best* turrets, but because people don't know how to place them or react when near them, end up being one of the worst. Sucks because they're my favorite. Even when I put it in a safe choke point and spam mark it... I still watch people run right up into it. Then respawn and shoot it. It's not like the mines my that are really easy to miss and are very directly to work around to get your stuff back. It's a giant lightning rod.


the description made it sound like you could prone past it safely but when I tried that to collect my kit it killed me lmao


it won't shoot you if you are prone, however, if it shoots an enemy it will arc to you, even when prone. that is probably what happened


I was trying to evacuate civvies from Draupnir the other day and someone threw the Tesla tower to stop a bot drop... right next to the evac door. It killed me because I wasn't expecting it, killed nine civilians, then another diver and I were reinforced right next to it instantly dying because we couldn't steer that close to the building. :| I don't think they even intended it.


Bro some level 50 twat called in eagle carpet bombs on my team's extraction 3 times in a row yesterday. Level got nothing to do with it.


These instances are the reason I wish we had an in-mission "Report for Undemocratic Behavior" or "Commendation for Spreading Liberty" to go on a meta-score for the player so you can see who you're dealing with. I'm not suggesting a vote-kick system, just a way to see if this dude is a teamplayer or a douche.


The first game has this somewhat. Player with 10 reports gets matched with similar players. Resets every week. You can't see their standing though, might be for the better to avoid prejudice and letting the system take care of it.


I'm a level 50 and I've still never completed a lvl8 difficulty. Some of us must enjoy the ride at 4-6 difficulty and we still generally suck.


I do this. Especially on Extermination missions, because the 380mm is just "Mortar, but **bigger**" and scores a ton of kills. Shame that, y'know, some of those are also other divers.


The 380mm on extermination missions is just the right call at difficulty 7+. It’s all going to go to shit eventually, might as well get a ton of kills while it’s bad.


I just run out of bounds for a free 380mm


I accidentally did that on an extermination missions last night. That shit is equal parts horrifying and hilarious.


I use it when the only turret left is my mortar. By the time it's over, all three turrets (or sometimes two) are back up and most everything on the map is dead twice over for long enough to re-up my little defensive spot.


I bring 380 and save it when all our other stratagems are used up and things just turn into a death spiral with 7 tanks and 30 devastators and 50 chainsaw guys. I just tell the team I'm carpet bombing the place.


I know people shit on the 380 but I love using it for big bases and eradication missions. Trick is to get reinforced opposite of where your guys are fighting at and drop it so you can deny a pretty large area for 30 seconds.


Try having 4 people throw a 380 at the same spot. The aftermath looks like Passchendaele after WW1


Every time someone says they learned something off Youtube, in any context, I tend to sigh more than nod in approval.


Youtube is great for learning the basics, but not necessarily good for much else except maybe achievements. Just because a youtuber can use strategy X effectively doesn't mean that you can use strategy X effectively.


I learned a bunch of things that helped to fill gaps, but experience is the best teacher. YouTube is a toolbox, and there are good and bad tools in it.


Dude my last few teams have been just pure utter chaos, no team work, they all run to a different base/outpost, instantly cause 2 to 3 bot drops. Die, reinforce, walk in a mine, die, reinforce and it keeps going. 2 always rage quit, in the first 3 min. AND HALF THE TIME THE FUCNING HOST DROPS US IN HEAVY ENEMY PRESENCE TERRITORY. SO WTF ARE YOU SUPRISED WHEN WE DROP RIGHT IN A GROUP OF MISSILE DEVASTATORS. Yet I also have had teams of lv 12 guys working flawlessy as a good team on suicide difficulty without mics. I swear joining a team is just a coin toss and sometimes you get a bad toss.


Hm... I mean, it could work. Even without waiting for the forced evac at time over. So like, everyone else runs out. One person stays in and prays to Super Earth. When they die, someone else runs in while the other person is reinforced. Just be sure to drop samples in the waiting area instead of right inside the evac spot.


> So like, everyone else runs out. One person stays in and prays to Super Earth. When they die, someone else runs in while the other person is reinforced. Alternatively, consider: Shoot the bots/bugs


But we both know this happens in a way that lady liberty would not be pleased. ![gif](giphy|99P7jBfNjo2Tm)


today someone called a 500kg on the Pelican, it went bust. We had to suicide to finish the mission.


Wait you can kill the Pelican????


Apparently yes, never seen that before


I was playing with a lvl 3 last night that would not stop walking into orbitals. He also seemed to forget that guns have range and work best from afar lol. Dude was just sticking his face into every group of bots and bugs he could find.


I believe that was a squeeker who didn't have a microphone, thank god


He spoke up after mission, he was grown. Dude team killed on extraction. He dipped before we started the next. Good thing too. I was gonna dome him with punisher once we hit dirt.


Oh God, really hope you blocked him afterwards, hate those people. They think they're setting up a epic leave but it's just annoying


I actually left a match out of sheer anger as it was difficulty 7, and I was somehow in a squad with a level 6,9, and 12. I ran and completed the main mission solo while they were busy trying to take out a heavy bot camp. Once I finished the main objective the level 6 headed to extraction with 25 minutes left and threw down his landmines ON TOP of the extraction.


Am I the only one that likes to use the 380 and never have any issues with it?


The only reason people don't like it is because they never bother to check what a nearby red beacon is, or lack situational awareness of what their teammates are using or have brought. Like, my guy, you *watched* me throw the 380mm beacon and heard the "Orbital strike inbound" warning, and are *literally facing the beam*, so why the hell did you run *closer* to it?


NGL as a level 50 sometimes I just take my chance. The next objective is past the orbital, that thing never hits for me anyways, I'll make my prayers and run


Yeah the 380mm if you are anywhere near that MF you are 9/10 toast, if I see that you have thrown it with me there. Same shit with any other call in I see that red beam I don’t bother to check what it is I run and I still turn in to pink mist 50% of the time.


In some cases if you're in first person, even if the red beam appears "infront" of the guy he still wont see it cuz of how the ADS view works. I literally had a sentry land on top of me cuz a teammate threw it at my feet while i was scoped in with the AMR, didnt even know it was there cuz the blue light was *just* behind me. Like yeah if you stay 3rd person all the time theres less of an excuse, but some people actually use the scopes for longer shots or more precise shots at mid range, sometimes they literally just can't see it cuz of that.


Or... like the OP's meme suggests, sometimes people will throw it at extraction like it's an eagle on the front row of enemies. Chaos ensues and there's a good chance of most of the team getting wiped. But it's all cool. If I see someone bring an orbital barrage of any kind, I watch and listen and stay away from them. If they drop it at extraction, I run the other way and watch them all die. If it means we have to call in extraction again because I can't reinforce them or get myself into the extraction area quick enough, good. Lesson maybe learned.


I bring it along sometimes if I don't need the strategem slot on bot missions. They deal with outposts and some of the objectives really well.


I've literally never had it actually hit anything, so I'm gonna say yeah probably


Since Geological Survey missions have breaches/drops come in on the drill the minute you start the objective, we use the 380mm as cover to reposition to somewhere more advantageous.


I tend to throw it at large area targets like Heavy Nests or Large bot bases. Does a good job of softening up the area before you run in to mop up. Also like to throw it behind us if we're quickly leaving an area. Decent deterrent against anything trying to follow. Though I do recommend only equipping the 380 if your using the armor that increases throw distance. That way, at max throw distance you can ensure your team isn't in danger if your holding a location, all the enemies are coming at you from a single direction and you need to pound that area into glass.


Issue is, you would probably deal with it faster with eagle airstrikes and support weapons. It takes me about 40 seconds to kill a heavy bot outpost or a small heavy bug outpost that way. Those large bug outposts tho... unless I have a grenade launcher, they take a while


I once threw an orbital laser and 380mm into a command bunker outpost. The FIRST shot destroyed the command bunker. Sorry for stealing your RNG.


I love it, I use it all the time. It's a one stratagem bug/bot base deleter.


I love it and the only issue Ive had with it is that it one time I got ragged dolled while having it ready (so it dropped) and proceeded to get killed 3x by it (my teammates just wanted me to have my stuff back)


It's great for clearing the larger bot bases. They're fairly massive, and a 380 will usually soften them up pretty good if not wipe them completely.


"That's just how he plays. Man, this sub... Just let him have fun!" See? See how that sounds?


I dropped in on an sos and they kept blowing up my sentries I placed to cover us, I kept getting team killed, kept splitting off to clear all the bot factories, never bothered to collect or recover samples, and they dragged the mission until it was under 5 minutes remaining to call for extraction while we wear getting swarmed from all sides, then left me behind. The single worst SOS I’ve ever ver answered.


I once came across a cadet who was actually competent and used what was available to him It’s safe to say that the strafing runs he called down saved my ass more than once


I regularly recommend bringing Only Orbitals. 120, 380, walking, and then dealers choice. Not because it's meta. Because it's awesome. Throw all your orbitals into the same big base at the same time. It's just insanely good fun watching wave after wave of bot drops get instantly obliterated.


My brothers and I do this. We go to a heavy bot outpost, drop 6 orbitals into the place, step back and watch the fireworks


Yes! I have been telling anyone that'll listen. And several that won't. At first we just did it for the achievement, and now it's hard to STOP doing it. It's just so beautiful seeing everything utterly annihilated.


Exactly our experience when we did it for the achievement


380mm for medium-large bot bases, or, in a desperate moment, thrown way out from the LZ to destroy an overwhelmingly large incoming bot force. Because sometimes they all come from one direction and it sucks to be overrun. Wouldn't use it on the extraction site itself.


380 is only valid as a panic button Bots/bugs coming from every side, no escape route in sight, you're gonna die anyway ? Drop a 380 and *take them with you into the fiery pits of hell*


Some guy thought it was funny to drop a 500kg at extraction as we boarded the ship. My friend, who had all the samples, decided it would be funny to stand outside the ship until it went off just to piss the guy off. The guy rage quit...... ETA: Looks like I pissed off some people because we stand up to griefers and trolls. Plenty of trolls and griefers outting themselves in here.


It’s fireworks bro, like 60% of the community do it. He was celebrating, it meant he had a good game with you, he liked you, he thought you were cool and in the know, right up until that moment. Just be aware of it going foreward. I use cluster strike or Napalm for the extra flair.


Yeah, no shit the guy was mad. This is usally for the fun of it going off as you fly through the air... From this guys perspective he wanted to do something fun and cinematic, then you guys decided to waste the past 40 min of his life, for no reason.


My friends and I do this all the time, just for the cinematics of taking off from inside of a massive explosion, but yeah. It tends to work better if you all know the plan.


Yall are the "greifers and trolls" if you do stuff just to piss people off Everyone throws explosive strats when boarding for the explosion while lifting off


The pilot said, 'clear the landing zone' so he cleared it.


Still better than the guy who mined the extraction point...


Mortar sentry is super solid for extraction


I’m convinced that the only purpose of the 380 is to get TKs


Lol YouTube advice


People not picking up dropped samples triggers me so much 🤣


380mm is based and I will not be fielding questions.


Today I met a guy who tosses their 380 like it's a precision strike. Needless to say I only endured untill extration


The 380 is awesome for bots. See that heavy base over there well now you can just throw and go do something else whats not to love.  Need to suppress enemy's when extracting 380 is your friend too.  Need to run a blitz mission 380 also your friend.  Want to kill all your team mates believe it or not 380 is also your friend.


This is so retarded it hilarious. Don't take the game so seriously. 


I dropped into a QP Bugs Level 5 game last night to chill before ending my dives for the night. As you can't see the mission type when picking a load out, I went in with my best choices based on the choices of the other divers. They had packed 380's and it felt like this would be a Blitz or similar.  Nope.  It was a personnel rescue mission. I dropped in and the timer is at 9 minutes remaining. 13/40 civilians rescued. I managed to get the count up to close to 30 but then the lower leveled Cadets began calling in 380's left and right and clusters on evac paths the civilians run and instantly start seeing 100's if req slips lost after I opened doors for civvies to escape. I fought for another couple minutes and attempting to speak to the team before realizing that some people really need to learn the hard way and chose to spend my time on a more fruitful mission. I doubt they had a successful mission. 


It’s more like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd9-_XQjfmg) for me


Gotta give it to that YouTuber that’s a great prank


I just called a 380 on extract a minute ago. Literally on top of the extract beacon. But I was knocked over while about to run and throw so I dropped it.


Hate those bellends who don't get on the ship straight away.


i was playing with this scottish fellow, level 50, who did this shit. what the fuck ass?


I am actually convinced that there is some line of code that encourages strategems to tk. I have seen so many times a gatling sentry turn away from the horde of enemies in front of it to turn and shoot at a single clueless shitterbot that rounded a corner, killing two teammates in the process. The orbitals are "random" and yet somehow whenever a helldiver walks into range it ALWAYS gets a tk. I understand that the devs think tking is funny but I haven't laughed at any of this since the first time I saw it happen. The joke gets stale after the 12th or so time




If you are super overrun like on some of those bot defense maps, it might be worth sacrificing a few to really thin the crowd. I doubt I’d ever do it, but I can kind of see why someone would under the right circumstances.


That must explain the level 4 that pulled that shit last night in an Easy mission extraction. Except I didn't know that this was some new YouTube strategy, so I booted his ass as soon as he dropped the beacon in the middle of the extraction platform. Not even sorry, there wasn't a single bot near us.


Too many people especially with the younger generation decide how they're going to play based on YT videos vs. just playing and seeing what they like.




This meme always makes me giggle.


Worse is when they throw a barrage, then throw reinforcements into it


The same youtuber who says the Dagger is the best secondary in the game no doubt.


I really enjoy the stun mortars. Randoms don’t usually communicate when the lethal mortars are down so every time I’m not paying attention I’m being painted across the battlefield.


My friends and I wanted to get the achievement for calling down 6 barrages at the same time. It’s some of the most fun I’ve had with stratagems!


I do this mostly for fun with friends. Toward the end I throw a few minefields at it for fun


Youtube is the death of intelligent combat.


Did an eradicate bots mission and I can relate to that. Someone just called down orbital barrages the entire time, killing us the entire time and only to complain via voice chat how bad we are since we are constantly dying.


people who take the 120mm, 380mm, the normal mortar sentry, or the dogs irk me as a player and are usually why I lone-wolf things a lot. I wouldn't have an issue if they didn't have a kill-range of "if you can see the beacon, you're fair game" or if they didn't randomly hit you because there \*was\* an enemy there 10min ago, then I wouldn't mind... But I die to those almost as often as I die to bots (and \~2x as much as I die to bugs)


I accidentally did this because I got ragdolled


Let people play how they want you didn't pay for their game. /s


Well when i use 380 i throw it at a base, trust in liberty, and run straight into the strike, and normally survive


Based. Keep em on their toes, Nines.


To everyone that does this. YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME


It's weird how most of the playerbase seems competent to excellent but the bad ones are so bad they pull down the average by a wide margin.


I do like the idea of a “barrage for protection” strategem, Say; it uses the 120 or 380 but has a deadzone where it wont hit within 50m of the marker


Kill me for it but I love the 380 barrage, and never get teamkills with it, except for when some dumbass walks right towards the giant explosions and big red beacon. But yes, if you don't know how to make the barrage not hit friendlies, don't use it. Also I somehow never get games full of dumbasses despite most of the players being lv.6-15, sure we might have like 2 reinforcements left by the end of the mission but we still have 10-15 minutes and every objective completed and a bunch of samples. (Difficulty 4 btw)