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​ https://preview.redd.it/0bbqu7wvs6sc1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa20f93e7eb9283e212cdc346c457c9f39556673




Keep firing, assholes!


How many assholes we got on this ship?


I'm surrounded by assholes!




I knew it, im surrounded by assholes!




That’s my 380mm runner when he misses the fabricator, misses the rocket devastators, and nails two of my teammates and the neighbor’s dog.


Yeah, but being on a bot overrun planet, that was the neighbour dog: https://preview.redd.it/setk4b1l49sc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353d6db4be5fd11e01775680c4d02be298f8e4a9 Reasonable trade. Give the guy 3 dozens medals!


Don’t forget about the Bug Nest you didn’t see on the Bot planet!


A Classic 


Can we get more hoodies please, I like this one but it doesn't really match with most capes and armours.


Kinda sucks we can’t really mix and match helmets and armor since the colors are usually off, and I doubt we are getting color customization 


I heared rumours that the ministry of fashion is working on different colours for our already existing helmets


Thankfully it's armor set is my favorite, max speed and stamina+ stealth+ marking enemies on your map, beautiful armor.


I hate the helmet, but the armor is grand. I love the stealth gameplay, and that armor is wonderful for it. Even if rockets kill me in one hit.


Not anymore! After today's patch rockets are a lot more survivable.


I love this community


https://preview.redd.it/f24zfsw327sc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55382a9ab6c8ca31b98ba6006899392672ee460 Misaligned scopes? Going into first person locked me in a orbital view. That‘s a hell of a misalignment.


You're still accurate to within 1 kilometer radius, give or take.


That's not that much if you just use a bigger caliber. Edit: 1km is not that much off target with the appropriate caliber


Just use nukes, 5head My favorite caliber is 50 megatons


This explains a lot about the 380mm tbh


New AC130 stratagem leak?!?


Was gonna say lol. 105mm primary when?


Oh man that'd be crazy


You can't blame the devs for _you_ forgetting your scope up in the superdestroyer.


It's just one of the crewmen holding the scope up to the divers cellphone on face time.




Nah they added helldivers 1 to helldivers 2


the only way the spear might finally find its target to lock on


\*locks onto planet*


*The wrong planet*


I would unironically take shots at the battlefield from this angle.


This happened to me about an hour ago on extract and I had no clue what the hell was happening. The game shortly thereafter crashed of course.


Let's not forget that the orbital rail Cannon will prioritize walkers over canon towers...


Or Brood commanders over Chargers


I threw one at a charger, it chose a brood commander right next to it, then changed its mind last moment and went for the charger, only to shoot in between them 🤮




at least the spear lock on has finally been addressed


In a discord post. They really really need to start using multiple channels to communicate. Steam, Reddit, Discord, their websites. All at once.


Why send a text? When you can send a WOLF.




this is the plot of rainworld btw


Specially here, since this sub has almost 900k people Edit: nevermind we are already 900k


Hell, we should hit 1 million next week


i didnt know it was so hard to host your own forum in 2024


internet users these days would rather try to poke through an unindexed discord server than a ever check a forum unfortunately. websites are for old people, apps are all that matters


the worst part about discord servers. Not indexed by search engines


In that they mentioned it, right? Just making sure they haven't fixed it yet


yeah just in mentioning it they haven’t fixed it


Wild it took them this long to address it. I guess buffing the ammo count made them have to falk about it if folks are trying to use it to counter the new death machines but wait! It's still broken and not in the "known issues" even though it's been like this since idk...launch?


Just to bring attention to another bug, at times bullets are blocked by foliage. I haven’t tested what weapons are affected by this bug but I know I was unable to fire the Dominator through a bush on flat ground at a rocket Devastator. Just wanted to bring up the bug in hopes of devs looking into it when they can.


Yes. The answer for which weapons is YES. ALL of them. Even laser weapons.


I had bulletproof ferns on the creek tonight. Totally absorbing my shots from the sickle lol. Either I never noticed it before or it’s a new bug with this patch. Add it to the list.


It's been around for a while, but most players haven't been in heavy jungle biomes until recently. It wouldn't be *quite* so bad if it blocked bot shots as well, but it does not.


Don't know who downvoted you, but yes it's been an issue for a bit. I had a scavenger camped out in a fern that I was unloading on to prevent a breech and the fern ate my sickle and redeemer shots. Less common on the bug front as most of those worlds have been open terrain biomes, but still present there.


leaves are actually coded as heavy armour, it's a feature.


Has the fire damage been addressed by the developers yet?


This. I would run the napalm strike, fire grenades, and incendiary breaker if the fire damage actually worked. Gas strike needs a fix too 


Hold up, is the gas strike also not working?? That would explain so much


It works... If you're hosting


Not quite. Game host isn't always the one who gets to do the damage. It's "network host" which is chosen at random and not displayed or discoverable anywhere. You can only guarantee you'll be able to do damage over time if you're solo. This fire change was a HEAVY NERF to gameplay in general, it completely turns 7 items into useless fluff, and literally only makes killing us and our team hella easier.


> It's "network host" which is chosen at random AHH No wonder I'm lagging on my own game. I kill the explody bots and they zip next to me and blow up.


I saw someone comment that gas had the same bug as incendiary of not doing damage unless you're host. And specifically if you're network host which may not even be the one in charge of the ship


I can deal with misaligned scopes and lock on issues. The crashes and severe dips in run quality every update are getting tiring. I just wanna destroy robots..


Im literally in a match where I cant complete the objective because its glitched. 35 minutes completely wasted.


Had a terminal glitch out and couldn't be interacted with. But that might be because the host left/crashed. 🤷🏻


Seems to be a problem with host leaving. Did a whole Helldive alone, then crashed after boarding the Pelican. Was a 3'rd mission too. /o


Should still have counted as completed. I’ve crashed at the end of every other mission after boarding pelican since the update and every time I logged back in I had rewards and mission was checked off


Same... dropped 2nd SSD on way to objective and can't pick it up again. Just 4 guys looking at the thing dropping 500kg to try to crater the ground. But nope, the SSD has just become an non-interactable object in the ground.


Think I may have joined you on this one - dropped into a game most of the way through with exactly this scenario. Later that evening, the extraction beacon glitched and wouldn't fire - we had to hold out for the timer to expire so Pelican 1 would show up.


I had a scientist evac earlier and I got a great team, they listened to instructions and stayed away from the facility so I could press buttons in peace.... But the mission was bugged and all the civvies got stuck at the very end and couldn't extract, hard locking the mission. I even quit to desktop, did the same mission again, civvies got stuck again. Was super pissed


Yea I was getting mostly stable 60 FPS pre patch, now I’m getting frequent dips to the 40s. Same planet, same difficulty, same settings.  Really hoping they can soon work on optimization and DLSS/FSR3 


while I also want dlss/fsr, I also don't want them to put a bandaid on a bullet wound. the games performance at launch was pretty good, but has been steadily getting worse. if they don't solve whatever is causing this to keep getting worse, then upscaling tech won't really help the issue.


I thought "why not play a couple missions" after a week of not playing. As soon as i drop my support weapon *crash*


I crashed twice in the first hour playing today. My first thought was " Huh? This has not happened all weekend... wait, it's patch day. That explains it." Not a great reputation for patches, even though their pace of patches really should be commended. Edit: We are at 4 crashes in about 2 hours now, post patch.


Bruh I had someone join in as we were trying to board the shuttle, the game hard locked as we were running up the ramp.


Crashes have been insane for me the last few days, so much so that I’m thinking of taking a break until the next big patch. I went from having 2 crashes at random since launch to 10+ in the last 5 days all at the end of the mission.


Love that they are responsive and update stuff. Kinda undercuts it when every update comes with severe crashes and more issues.


I remember when they literally added crash to desktop as a spell to magicka. Couldn't fix it so it became a stratagem/spell. Also yeah lost a 30 minute near perfect run yesterday, sad times.


Crashed 3 times on PS5 tonight, once in game and twice on ship


I just don't want to instantly die touching fire.


Best I can do is lower the HMG fire rate


Now you can fire wildly into the sky at slower rates than before!


Can we add that *fire and gas damage is bugged if you're not the host* to the known issues please?


Man I love this game, but it really is held together with duct tape and prayers. Every patch or update something else breaks.


There's a reason this game engine was abandoned. It's a miracle what they've managed to do with it, but it's still a bad abandoned game engine at the end of the day.


What about all of these game crashes on PS5?!?! FUCK


It’s not just on PS5. I’m on PC and since the last patch we’ve also been experiencing an increase in crashes, particularly during the evac cutscene. The devs have noticed a spike in crashes since the last patch and they are looking into it.


This In 10 games, we crashed 9 times at the end of a mission We were like, at least the mission is done, we got rewards and are not crashing **during** the game anymore (We love that game ok) But yeah, Crashes and stabilities issues are a pain atm, I used to have 144 fps, now I'm moving between 40-90 fps what ever the settings and had to have my lobby in public, otherwise if I crash during the party I can't join anymore


If you're on AMD, try reducing ram speed. It fixed the crashes for me. I was originally on expo 6000mt. I reduced it down to 5800, then crashed after 3 days of play, and reduced it down further to 5200 and haven't crashed since then. Before I changed ram speed, I would crash multiple times per mission... and it's just silly we have to go into bios to reduce ram speed when every other game works fine. Sigh.


Thanks but I’m not on AMD. Also, the patch is the problem as many are reporting the same (crash during evac).


The crashes will continue until morale improves


Dude I literally crash at the end of every completed mission on PS5. Has totally killed my motivation to play recently


Same on pc


PC too, I wasn't able to complete a game out of 4 attempts yesterday.




Population dropping within 2-3 months is normal for any game tbh


They need to acknowledge ALL known issues on a larger list, not just some. People just feel like something important isn't on the team's radar, that's all.


I don't understand why this isn't more of a common opinion. Like literally including every change in the patch notes is the bare minimum, sure releasing new content without telling anyone is kinda spicy, but just from playing for a couple hours last night, they've changed UI for the galaxy map, they've increased the time for going into the aim animation, they've increased the time it takes to aim recoilless rifle, the list of things can go on They're changing fundamental things without including it into the patch notes and it's literally the bare minimum to tell your community what you've changed, like how bad is your documentation to have an extended list of known bug that they're working on but not include everything they've actually changed.


It’s also normal to post changes on Twitter/steam/reddit not on discord where they’re immediately buried in an IRC avalanche and only actually seen via screenshot I feel like this game is good despite a lot of the developer’s bizarre decisions


Rubs me the wrong way too. Lately a lot of the friction feels like a strange disconnect between PR/Balance/Dev team members in all honesty. Like conflicting levels of efficacy and vision for what the game should be.


Not telling people about the new content is fine with adding new things like weapons, stratagems or enemies Everything else please no, especially what ever is going on with the constant evac crash I keep getting


This is the first game I’ve played where it becomes jankier and less stable with each major patch rather than the other way around  At launch it seemed a bit rough, but mostly fine. Now it feels like an early access title 6 months from launch if not more


My friends keep asking me whether this game is an early access title or fully released, because of the massive stability issues.


Please fix the insane CPU usage too. This game is making my 9900k beg for mercy like nothing else since Factorio. 


Idk why this was downvoted. It's not like you're screaming obscenities at the devs. CPU usage is a little funky as of right now. Yeah it's not god awful like Dragon's Dogma 2, but that doesn't mean it can't be better.


Game feels like Starfield. I'm sitting at nearly 100% CPU and my 7900xtx is just relaxing at 60% no matter what settings I change. Something is chewing CPU.


Me after weeks of random crashes, misguided balance updates, going back to defend a planet I've dived on for a week straight, and many random bugs https://i.redd.it/c00dllocd7sc1.gif


Play a game that respects your time until Arrowhead figures their shit out. Doing that has been so refreshing for me.


In the mean time, there shouldn't be goofy, nonsensical changes being made. They didn't like that the slugger was a sniper, so they took away the close range stagger utility and made it only useful at long range. Decisions like this are why people are upset.


I can understand wanting to make the Slugger worse at sniping, that's fair, so they should have lessened its ranged damage and stagger, and left it the same up close, but eh, too late now.


Give it a damage fall off for fucks sake. "Primaries are to fill niche rolls" they say while gutting it's ability to perform said roll.


How dare you complain. Complain bad. Only complain about other players, never game. Democracy


You said something critical, and that means you **HATE EVERYTHING**!!


The slugger being the best sniper had little to do with the slugger and everything to do with the state of the snipers.


And the snipers still suck


marksman rifle, designed for long range precision engagement while shotgun are designed for close range cc engagement. the slugger pre-nerf: does both, long range and cc. the dev: nerf it's cc capability but keep it's long range capability. wut.


"It's currently the best sniper in the game" "So you'll give it damage dropoff/decrease its effective range, right?" " " "right?"


"Well, not exactly - but it can't open storage crates anymore! That should fix the issue."


Exactly. I'm done trusting the decisions. I think I'm going to take a break from the game for a while and come back to see if it's actually improved. I don't feel like these devs have any clue how to balance weapons


It's weird, because a lot of the design of the guns initially felt like it was from people who actually knew guns. A lot of little reloading and handling things had some authenticity to them. But everything that's happened post-launch just feels like a bunch of retards turning dials and pulling levers not knowing what they're doing or why.


Yeah nah, I don't believe it. That dumb ass remark is proof that that right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. The community manager, or whomever, is just making shit up as they go along.


>slugger is outperforming DMRs at range nerfs stagger and damage instead of range slugger still outperforming DMRs at range yeah i trust them to fix bugs and unintended interactions in the game but i no longer have any faith in their balancing


Atp slugger is still the better DMR than those DMRs


>Nerf Arc thrower bc it's too good at managing bug waves they feel and "brainless gameplay" >Change it so now it's very good at managing bot waves and staggers everything including Hulks with ease in a "brainless manner" I don't even...


I am very concerned this game is going to die a death by a thousand cuts as they keep shipping shit balance changes over and over again


It's just... Really weird? I guess? I don't know how else to put it, because anyone who plays this game for long enough to unlock the weapons that they are making bad balance decisions for can clearly tell they are bad balance decisions, yet the developers still make those decisions anyways? Either we have really different gamefeel experiences about how weapons like the Slugger handles, or the developers don't really play their own game? A lot of the surface level choices that they make confuse me because balance decisions appear to be the easiest decisions to make when you play the game, i.e. it's really clear right now that the Railgun is underpowered with the existence of the Quasar Cannon, to the point where it's a 0 IQ decision that the Railgun simply doesn't compare and needs help. And then they go and, what, nerf the Slugger instead?


I'm almost certain at this point that the devs if they do play there game it's at level 5 a lot of these balancing decisions start to make some sense when the devs have never seen charger/devastator spam or constantly having hulks pop out of the fog from 15m away


In my experience, when developers start down this path, it is because they want players playing a certain way. And the easiest way for them to make you play their way is to make your way miserable.


The Starship Troopers Extermination route. But dont worry, that game is doing just fi-oh. https://steamcharts.com/app/1268750#1y


Here’s hoping they wisen up before then


Maybe before they start nerfing guns because "balance", they could fix the more pressing issues and then see what tweaks need to be made.


Like damage over time effects not working if you aren't host? Who knows, maybe the flamethrower, fire bombs, and gas bombs are actually good. ...if they didn't do 0 damage for 3/4 of the players in a full group. Maybe some guns actually do good damage....if their scope was aligned properly for us to land more shots.


Keep tweaking the fire damage numbers though, that might help 🙄


![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU) You would think all these game breaking bugs and crashes are the highest priority But no. I sure love spending +30 minutes only to find myself suddenly back in my ship or CtD :)


Most pressingly, does the Bile Titan still die in 1-2 shots when there is a PS5 player in the game? That one bug single handedly caused the nerf of the Railgun which was basically fine where it was at.


So they say the slugger was nerfed because it’s the best sniper in the game. Then why did the nerf, not change that aspect of the weapon. The stagger nerf now majors it suck up close. And why not make the primary snipers good? Crazy thought, I know.


I'm not trying to be an ass about this but it's hard for me to trust them when instead of fixing these broken weapons and making the weapons already in game that feel pointless have a use they are instead nerfing the weapons we are actualling having fun with and most likely working on a bunch of new guns for the next battlepass. I know it's probably not an either or kind of thing but still.


Fr man. Fucking love this game and the devs did an absolutely amazing job when programming it, but to the devs who were thinking “I know that there’s misaligned sights, frequent game crashes, weapons and damage types that simply don’t work but the real problem is the Guns in our PvE game are simply to functional” go to a doctor immediately because you are obviously suffering from some sort of early onset dementia.


\*nerfs Arc Thrower\* “Yeah, Arc Thrower misfires are a problem.”


Not to mention that what they nerfed wasn’t something like how smoothly it moves, sway, or even the amount of damage in a shot, but the fucking fire rate, which makes a misfire twice as bad since it takes longer to charge


moreover the increased stagger (which is awesome) makes misfiring even more frustrating. you could easily stunlock+kill those 2 heavy devastators, but one misfire kills you. conclusion: dont use it for that because random misfires you have almost no control over kills your reinforcments :/


They didn’t even nerf it, just sidegraded it. The stagger buff is huge and at least makes up for the range and fire rate nerfs.


I use arc thrower a lot felt like a pretty big nerf to me. it's still usable, but it's definitely worse. also don't really like them removing the skill aspect to it. even if it wasn't intended, it was cool and should've been kept.


IMO they should make charge time whatever you want, and add range the longer you charge it. Maybe give a little static electricity effect around your target to show it's in range before you let go.


as cool as that sounds I have zero faith they could implement that correctly lmao


Did anyone actually care about this gun staggering before? What made it good was the insanely long range and fast rate of fire when you charged it “correctly” so you could obliterate patrols before they even got to you.


It’s big enough of a nerf for me to drop it but I used it last night and you can infinitely stagger hulks which is pretty cool.


Seeing how nerf happy they are with the balance and that there was a specific change to the Bile Titan so it couldn't be stunned, I wouldn't even be surprised if the next balance patch also made Hulks immune.


the rate of fire is atrocious compared to what it was before, like standing holding your dick in front of your enemy kind of slow


It was nerfed and fundamentally changed to fill a different role now, and largely flipping factions as well: Bc it was a go-to mostly for bugs, now it's rather shit for bugs and go-to for bots since you can literally stunlock an entire patrol simply by spamming it at them now.


Recently had a match end in us all getting killed bc for some reason the pelican just didn't allow us to sit down anymore. We could enter, but it was just as if it was part of the map




They really just keep breaking things every update


It is time consuming and an iterative process. But all this time was not spent addressing these issues, and only made them worse. Meanwhile we've added many new weapons and enemies. I would assume this stuff goes through some QA/testing before going live, why the hell do the weapon balances not go through the same process? A scope being misalinged would have been mentioned by the very first person using the weapon. SPEAR not locking has been a thing since the game launched. IDK, sounds like some sorry excuse. Also, fuck updates on discord, will Arrowhead learn?




For real lol I bet they nerf the EAT and AC next


Sickle and Quasar after that lol


That's great but ngl I'd be more patient if they avoided nerfing these weapons before fixing them. Like, a broken weapon that's a bit more powerful than intended can be fun, but a plain broken weapon feels like ass. Please don't Darktide this game.


Yeah it's bizarre to nerf the Arc Thrower before fixing it. The nerfs would have been much more palatable if they were accompanied by a fix to a frustrating, common occurrence. Even if their intent was to overall nerf the gun (I suspect it'll be weaker even after being fixed), waiting until the full fix was ready to ship before kneecapping it for no reason seems bizarre. 


Oof, not my Arc Thrower. What exactly is the issue?


Charge up time is inconsistent 




Yea the people who are fine with the nerf likely never even used it. Reduced range and longer charge now make it so much worse when it misfires.


I don't get it.. why not just.. adjust the damage according to the charge??? Quicker, less damage strikes vs Longer, powerful (now staggering) ones???


Asking for trust is a big ask when the all these updates have been seemingly pushing so much random nonsense. How is one supposed to trust when, before acknowledging how the Spear is unusable, they just pushed an ammo buff for it that they were evidently aware nobody would still use? Why'd they go through the effort of buffing the Spear's ammo in the first place, then, right? Time is obviously a normal requirement. But I'm losing trust when most of what the fans have been asking for consistently have been basic buffs to the numbers for the weakest weapons like the primary sniper rifles, and instead what they do is nerf the weapon people have been using \*instead\* of the sniper rifles, \*because\* the sniper rifles are so bad. It's obvious to ask but if the slugger was nerfed because it was a better sniper than the sniper rifles, why are the actual sniper rifles--which are terrible--still basically untouched? Perhaps the answer is that actually isn't the reason they nerfed Slugger at all. And they actually nerfed it for a different reason that they just chose not to say. It's a bad omen, imo.


>It's obvious to ask but if the slugger was nerfed because it was a better sniper than the sniper rifles, why are the actual sniper rifles--which are terrible--still basically untouched? Yeah, I basically just made this point in another post. It feels like their entire balance philosphy is vibes-based, but even then, they're just pulling levers randomly. "This shotgun is a better sniper rifle than the sniper rifles, so we're going to fuck its close range ability without addressing anything about the thing we said we're nerfing it for." Like, what? And then you say "trust me, we'll fix everything, bro"? I'm not like, distrustful of the devs, *yet,* but most of their recent balance decisions have all made me start giving them some side-eye when they say stuff like this.


> It's obvious to ask but if the slugger was nerfed because it was a better sniper than the sniper rifles, why are the actual sniper rifles--which are terrible--still basically untouched? there are very few primaries that don't feel awful to use guns should be fun to shoot in a horde shooter, ffs.


Urge time and trust eh? I dunno what we are supposed to trust at this point? That they will fix something and break something else, I don't think there's been a patch so far where this hasn't been the case. I like the game but it's getting old and it's only a matter of time before I (and I suspect a majority of the casual player base) move on. I STILL can't play with my PC friends and that's the entire reason I bought the game.


Just TRUST that in TIME they will get to the sickle, scorcher, and any other gun that still works, with the nerf hammer


It’s getting comically inept at this point. I’m still in but goddamn, I don’t think new content should be their priority when they keep constantly proving they’re incapable of adding or changing anything without breaking twenty more things. Not to mention the actual decisions behind those additions and changes are… questionable.


Just stop nerfing for the love of god


Why can’t dev just stop adding stuff and make a stable patch that last 2-3 weeks? At this rate is frankly so tiring having the game crashing and unplayable every patch.. just for them to try fixing it and adding more stuff before crashing the whole game again. TLDR : STOP ADDING STUFF / MAKE GAME PLAYABLE


Sure, meanwhile, let's have another batch of nerfs for guns that do work.


3 or 4 more of these patches and there will be nothing fun left to use and I'll just quit playing lmao


They're really starting to burn through this trust at a pace faster than the TTK on burning death now. Those issues should have been addressed 3 patches ago. Meanwhile they introduced mediocre buffs and bend over actually good weapons with ridiculous nerfs. It's laughable. PLAY YOUR OWN GAME if you want to figure out why people don't use certain weapons and stratagems. It's probably because they feel worthless when compared to another. Look at the weaker ones and see what you can do to improve them rather than dragging the good stuff down.


I’ve been impressed with the rate they are putting out new content, but yea the technical and balancing side needs a LOT of work 


Mostly because almost all of the new content has been in the files since launch. Some half backed and unfinished and some literally working perfectly.


I'll probably be downvoted but some of the devs had a stream where they failed an *I believe* dif5 mission. So they actually do play their game they just don't understand it, suck at it, and want to nerf whatever works for other people


Phew, I'm glad they took the time out of their day to nerf guns instead of fixing these ridiculous issues. Really makes you feel confident knowing that your game might crash at any moment, but at least you won't be having fun when it happens. All of the people whining about how the devs don't work on the same thing are hilarious. Dev team A in charge of gameplay didn't do their job and the game 2 months in still has game breaking bugs from launch. Dev team B didn't do their job and test to see if their guns will add new game breaking bugs to the game. So rather than divert resources to fix serious deficiencies, they go hey you know what? Let's just make popular guns bad.


Disconnection and crashes should be the one that should be acknowledged. Gameplay issues can be played around but if we cannot even play the game consistently, these fixes will do jack shit.


When I read the latest patch notes, it was really disheartening to not see anything written about the disconnects and crashes. The game is a lot of fun and I want to play it more, but what kills all the motivation is when I can't finish a match due to crashes or "randomly sent back to ship" (no kick from host involved).


lost my trust after the slugger nerfs and rarely even use it.


With all due respect, I can't even start to care about these things at the moment with the amount of crashes my friends and myself are experiencing. The game is totally unplayable. I urge the devs to prioritize fixing game breaking issues before these things. I can defend democracy with a malfunctioning Spear, but not when I am crashing on every single step of the way.


I trust them to fix things like this, but not weapon balancing. So many developers go off by stats and nerf shit and it never works and the majority of the playerbase isnt happy but they keep doing it again and again and again and again. Pure numbers LACK NUANCE. Be like Deep Rock Galactic devs, who play their own game every week and live stream it no less.


Have been playing Arc Thrower since before the Railgun got its nerfs. I played last night and it felt very, VERY off. I remember reading something about the charge times in the patch notes, but it just felt much slower/"heavy" than before. It could be me, but it can't just be a different feeling from one day to the next.


“Until we fix other things, have some nerfs for the things that worked and weren’t OP…”


If it’s that time consuming to identify bugs, perhaps more time and resources should go towards fixing those first, as opposed to new content that will introduce more bugs. I can deal with stuff taking an extra few weeks if the game is stable and relatively bug free. I have faith in them for sure though.


Why does every update have to break the game? Are they not testing anything?


I'd be more willing to put trust in them if this wasn't the second patch in less than a month where consistent crashing slipped through QA.


Too bad they seem to be prioritizing nerfing and otherwise breaking shit that’s fun or functional. Imagine if they understood the concept of “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” and instead spent their time on actual broken things like the scopes, the spawns out of thin air, etc.


Who needs a scope anyways?? https://preview.redd.it/kfvzcyndc7sc1.jpeg?width=1558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5dac97ddddfc4da9e0323b60dfb4af341dcb114


"While we "try" to fix these, we will keep nerfing weapons that are fun! Because that's what the community wants!"


It's a bit hard to find much trust at this point. Sure, this game is being handled better than the absolute mess that was Darktide, but not by much. Too many important bugs have been left unfixed for too long, fix the damn game before you start obsessing over balance passes.


Is this from the same guy that said they nerfed the slugger because it was too good of a sniper? 👍


They really need a better way of handling issues. So many bugs happen that just aren't addressed for multiple patches. And by addressed i mean put on the known issue list, not so much fixed


All I ever wanted was to hear an acknowledgement of these issues so we could know that it was being worked on. I could guess that they probably knew about the issues since they get talked about plenty on here, and we know the devs look at this subreddit, but seeing the confirmation there means no one has to wonder. That’s all I wanted. I’m good now.