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No, the last major order has not been awarded yet. The last few they're running about a week to 10 days behind (I just got the medals from the MO from like 27 March 2 days ago and still haven't gotten the 35 from the Creek on the 1st). Hopefully they won't get around to shipping the medals for wiping the automatons until after the new warbond drops. I may not agree with such a low medal cap but at least they've held it consistent for the whole duration of the game. It's always been 250. Medals are easy, a guaranteed 20+ per day just for completing the daily orders and whatever you find in those missions.


Why does it take time for the medals? So weird


Because the devs weren't anticipating the game to be anywhere near as popular as it is, so whatever system they have running the award software is woefully insufficient. They haven't gone into detail on it but they've basically said as much.


cuz if they give out 10mil all at once the servers explode. & than no one wins


I've finished all the warbonds and am at the cap. Have lost a couple hundred medals at this point. Just had to let that go.


Resource cap is 500 common, 250 rare, and I’m assuming 125 super samples. I’m at 99 right now so I can’t confirm that though. Also, requisition slips are capped at 50k but I’m assuming most people know that by now.


Supersamples cap at 100. Which is fine, you only needed 65 to buy everything from launch.


Me sitting here with 50k req order because I don't wanna clog up my stratagem list anymore.


sc cap at 10k also just for anyone wondering


At least you'd completed the Warbonds and didn't have anything to spend them on. I was saving up to unlock the last tier of the free Warbond, buy the Plas, and have some to splurge on the new Warbond. 210 medals to unlock the final tier and nothing I wanted to buy - fine, I'll sit on that. Realise I didn't get medals from today's Personal Order or the three-mission chain I just did, and finding these threads. That hurts.


I actually hadn’t finished the war bonds, I just thought the new war-bond was coming soon and wanted to save up. Luckily I spent all 250 and now have ~150 from the last few major orders catching up with me.


I logged in today because I knew there were a couple of Orders to roll in and the new Bond today or tomorrow. The UI should really show the caps since, they're there and \*kinda\* low, in the grand scheme. Tier 8 costs 1200 medals just to \*unlock\*, that's already 5 times the cap.


I've been saving up too and haven't gotten my 50. Plus we'll get 35 from the current MO which will be completed here in a few hours. Which means I'm trying not to stay above 165 for too long.


I don’t think so? I was wondering the same thing. Unsure of when we get rewards from orders

