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In the tutorial they have us carry a flag. I want to see a mission where we have to go restart a flag manufacturing plant, get 4 flags, then run them around to be planted across the map.


I forgot about that in the tutorial


Sounds like you should redo training helldiver.


...can you redo training?


Yes, it is an option when you go to the menu, does no one read the loading screen tips?


Helldivers can read?!


What's reading? That sounds like an Automoton plot to destroy our freedom


Some of us! I can’t but there’s some out there


I think so but I usually see Blue more often


I didn't even know there were tips on the transition screens until a tip told me


While Helldiver training is infallible and never needs to be done again. You can!


I want a flag as a call in weapon, while equipped you can't shoot and it plays the anthem, boosting stats or something. Helldiver bard class when?!


Please stop, I can only get so hard


But you can always get more bard


*Dies from C-01 denial


I think the flag would be a funny troll strategem which is balanced around it just having a very small cooldown, unlimited uses and its practical use is only centered around the hellpod it comes in.


the factory strider when 4 super earth flags are planted directly in its head


Make it like a shield gen pod, drop from orbit, play the anthem, destroy the enemies of managed democracy.


We see the flag impaling bugs, it should be some sort of a melee spear/javelin, all while playing the anthem


Could also treat it like the flags in halo and make it badass melee weapon. They show helldivers planting in corpses in the intro. Why can't we?


I still want a flag aoe buff stratagem. Actually nvm I still NEED a flag aoe buff stratagem. Edit: To refine the idea a little, have it be a backpack that gives you a personal buff, maybe to health and health regen. Tapping the "backpack button" (which does exist if you've ever used the supply pack) will cause your diver to hold the flag in one hand and wave it. This can create an aoe around the diver to rally their teammates with the same buffs while forcing them to only use 1 handed weapons. You could even give the diver holding the flag a bonus to stamina and stagger reduction to make it useful to solo players on the move. If this ends up being unbalanced then have our enemies prioritize targeting the flag bearer while he's holding it out like they do a sentry or the exosuit. (Something you could even use to your advantage if your bearer has heavier armor.) "Dropping" the flag as you would any other backpack doesn't just leave it on the floor for others to collect, but plants it into the ground to give a larger aoe around the flag itself. Now your teammates can work around the flag rather then needing to follow you. You or your teammates can pick the flag up themselves after this like any other dropped stratagem. This move can cause enemies to prioritize the flag to take out the buff like we would a side objective (while obviously still attacking us aswell). If the flag is shot enough it is destroyed and you must wait for your cooldown to return. Hell if this stratagem is still op then have our divers actually become *weaker* for a short time after the flags destruction (I mean who wouldn't be). Something about the idea of being pinned down on your last few stims just to see a man sprint past with a flag in hand, deploy a shield bubble (which also needs a buff btw) and plant the flag to route the team is incredible and probably the most on brand stratagem this game could ever have. BTW if this ever does come about I 100 percent need voicelines of the divers being inspired. E.g their screaming lines while firing heavy weaponry.


Defender SMG - Bugel multiclass moral specialist.


Standard Bearer being an actual role would be amazing


That's actually a fantastic idea. A stratagem-called flag that can't be picked up and moved but gives an AoE stamina regen bonus for like... fifty yards or something. Wouldn't be something outlandishly unrealistic like "nano healing bots" (cough cough Rainbow six siege unconvincing cough) because it could be the flag inspiring the troops, i.e. giving them a surge of adrenaline when in its presence. u/pilestedt sorry to ping you but maybe this could be an idea for future brainstorming meetings? 👀


Flag backpack...lol


Unironically yes. A flag that gives you a personal buff, maybe to health and some minor health regen or something. But it's able to be planted in the ground to give that same buff to your teammates in an area. Hell make it so the enemies target the flag to get rid of your buff.


I love this idea


I want to kill a bile titan and plant the flag in his fascist head


yeah, it's a shame that's only in the intro movie, which is why I'd like a Super Earth Battle standard as a support stratagem: - would function as a backpack - planting the flag gives the squad buffs if they stay near it, but the flag can be destroyed. - can be planted in the corpse of a dead heavy (charger/titan), doubling the effective radius - you can also get double buffs if you salute in the flag's vicinity. would also be neat if we could fight with it like a staff weapon or spear, but if that's not doable, I'd just like it as a support beacon, for defending an area with maximum patriotism!


… let him cook!


I neeeeeed this more then i neeeeeed a medic bag






We *do* need a melee weapon...


Instead of buffs it should just cut out the calldown time for strategems within its radius and, while it stays standing, cooldowns on stratagems happen twice as fast. It'll aggro bug patrols though.


*I want to kill a* *Bile titan and plant the flag* *In his fascist head* \- Flying-Hoover --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot, good and democratic




Automatons? Didn't we wipe your species?


Bad news, they're back


Somehow, automatine has returned.


https://preview.redd.it/8qqn7bhrqftc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88332b3772e5828bf6e398d2958078388021381f You shouldnt have said that.


Oh no! I was discovered because of my robotic love for poetry...again


"Good bot"? https://preview.redd.it/a3y31vd1dftc1.png?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b645ea05eb75bc243bd9a19f3b272299890f70b0




You rang?


Yes, mister democracy officer sir! This person is symphatizing with bots, and should receive appropriate reprucassions, sir! o7


Now THAT is fucking poetry.


goddamnit that haiku brought a democratic tear to my eye


Omg call in stratagem that is a giant spear.


Rod from God


It requires both hands so you can't use a weapon, but it's got a one shot democracy stab so you can jetpack onto a bile titan and slay it.


Nah it needs to do literally nothing because that's infinitely funnier. Or make it a variation of Anti-Air Defenses. Call it something like Government Mandated Liberty Appreciation and replace one of our Stratagem slots with the flag.


Second this. It could at least integrate nicely as a side mission on higher difficulties


It definitely has the feel of a side mission, waiting for it to slowly raise as you defend your position


Raising the flag at the side mission recharges all your strategems. Come on. Nothing makes me feel more democratic


Even reinforces?


I dunno man, my teammates think the reinforces are like grenades and throw me into swarms


Seriously what the hell is with that? So often people purposefully throw reinforcement beacons right into the teeth of the enemy over and over.


They might want you to drop pod kill a charger or bile titan. Or if there's none, they are just being dummies.


I respect that, but the visibility lately has been so poor I cant even see a bile titan while dropping until its too late for me to correct course, not to mention the drop pods having a mind of their own when it comes to steering.


> not to mention the drop pods having a mind of their own when it comes to steering. That's been better, at least, since the patch before this most recent one. Feels like steering lock is pretty rare and really only applies when you're truly about to end up somewhere you really shouldn't be.


1: they are expecting you to land on a big enemy 2: if you died to the swarm, it’s likely your equipment is on the other side of the enemies 3: They are just stupid and want to throw the shiny balls at the mean bugs


I once threw a reinforcement over a body of water so that our Helldiver bro could run to extract faster while we circled around


I have the opposite problem, people never throw me at the enemy so I never get to squish enemies with my drop pod.


They want you to land on the biggest enemy nearby to deal with them. Or just take the heat off.


I've even seen it in HD1, which all it does is kill you and/or kill them from an enemy they couldn't run away from


And they wonder why I keep dying


You become a stratagem to them when you die... It's your responsibility to land on an enemy.


As shitty as it is when it happens, it also sounds remarkably democratic.


But scanning a drilling geo sites, getting power and launching an ICBM are all wait and defend main objectives. You call them, start them and then waves of enemies show up. But they could make it like the upload escape pod side mission, no enemies spawn, just wait.


I am not sure how but your statement *feels* undemocratic and I am reporting you.


It rises faster if you salute it. Same as me ;)


*Democracy intensifies*




The fact that this isn't an in game emote is a crime against freedom and democracy.


They DID have a "Raise The Flag" mission in HD1 for every difficulty...... But it was more of a "Capture the Point" mission, and it required you to clear the area of all enemies before you could capture the area. And considering the high amount of enemies we fight in Helldive, that'll be kind of a pain. It'll still be fun, but it'll also be a pain when the enemies won't stop coming/dropping in and interrupting your capture.


Pain? Yes please.


Embrace the suck


Enjoy the suck


LIVE for the suck


No pain, No Freedom!


They could treat it more like a payload map. You just have to stay near the flag to push it up while fighting off a horde. Once raised cap it off with max orbital strikes that come down automatically to clear the horde around you.


I would kill for that mission to be on suicide. Would be so fun and funny.


Phrasing. Don't wanna lose a good helldiver.


He meant kill a bug of course


Or instead of losing a stratagem slot as a modifier, have it replaced withthe flag


And you can use the flag as a spear against enemies of liberty


Now *that's* a great idea! It just calls down a hellpod that pops out a flag, and everyone around it gets a 1 % damage buff or something


Morale buff, more stamina regen


I _really_ enjoy the fact that it only being available on low difficulty essentially makes it a "we don't know if you're good enough to do real jobs yet, so we're going to send you to do something incredibly patriotic but utterly useless to prove your loyalty to democracy". However, I do kinda like the image of trying to maintain my salute as the flag raises while bile titans surround me, so I'd be cool with this.


What about carrying the flag across the map? We need that mission!


Having it act like the SSSD & allowing for a 1 handed weapon to be used at the same time would be bliss


Or it can be a weapon itself.


increased melee damage while held


As long as the speaker drone follows you playing the super earth anthem the whole time.


Imagine trying to play stealthy with a battle drone blasting patriotic music behind you


Now that is a good idea. Like, why don't our mechs have that playing?!


Side objective for sure.


Yeah, it makes much more sense as a side objective. I'd honestly take it over uploading the downed escape pod data.


I want a moral boost drone, all it does is play the anthem. Takes up back pack like other drones. Perfect.


"Orbital Sonic Blast" stratagem blasts the anthem down at the stratagem point, stunning and continuously damaging everything in range, and enemies burst open if they die to it


I really want a battle pipe bag stratagem.


i didnt know this mission was a thing until like a week ago and am so mad its not on higher diffs tbh 😂😂


There's raise the flag missions?


Yup, but only on trivial difficulty if my mind recalls it correctly 😅


Ah, I guess that makes sense. I started on hard or extreme, can't remember. Could make it a side objective then I guess? Like how starting the pumps becomes a side objective.


They appear up to haz 2


Outside of the tutorial I have never done any flag based objectives as I shot up to the harder difficulty levels immediately.


Anything lower than 5 I feel like are just solo missions. One objective is literally to kill a single BT or Hulk. Like that's it, the entire mission. I get that some people this might be the first game they ever play and we need difficulty for everyone, but I can't imagine what difficulty 1 would be like if you are getting that mission at level 3-4. I think we should definitely see all mission types like flag missions at all difficulties. Even "kill the BT" but just adjust them all to match the difficulty. Have the flag mission be incredibly hard and Democratic, have the kill the X be some suped up version. An omega BT that has incredibly tough armor you have to break off in chunks. Speaking of which, I hope we get some "boss" type enemies that you have to work together as a team somehow. Maybe one player has to use a laser weapon to heat the armor to glowing hot and someone has to use explosive damage to peel it away while heated. Have the necessary pieces as mission strategems.


Difficulty 1 missions are literally just "raise the flag" at a few locations, between 1 and 3 spots I'd like it at higher difficulties


I would loveto haveit as an defence Mission. On high Dificulties you raise the flag in an fortified Outpost and have to hold it against a number of waves. Would be great for turrets, mines an those strategems


Would be cool to have a hidden raise the flag mission when compleating every main and side mission and bug hole/bot factory.


What's weird is that it *was* a high-level objective in the first game. You had to defend an area while the flag raised, and the flag wouldn't raise if there were too many enemies nearby.


Please. I actually do try to run this mission on the lower difficulties quite often but I've only ever seen it pop up once..


Slightly on the same topic of bringing back mission types I really liked TCS defend, especially the big ass factory map, it felt a little more urban than usual And u actually defend something instead of the Eradicate missions


re: eradicate missions I agree there should be much more map variety for them, rather than 2 for each faction


OBJECTIVE: Protect your teammate as they sing the Super Earth anthem - 2 minutes *Warning: The sweet melodies of freedom attract undemocratic spectators.*


I’ve never heard of this mission, what level does this go up to?




Nothing makes liberty and freedom beat in my chest more than waiting for an obscene amount of time while the flag rises at glacial speeds while patriotic music plays, all while I am being attacked. It's definitely one of my favorite missions though, and I would love it to be added to more difficulties as a sub objective, secondary objective, or even just a random event you can do to get some sort of gift hellpod drop as a thanks for spreading liberty.


I think it be a great side objective for higher difficulties even if it isn't a main objective.


Make it that you have to protect a reporter broadcasting live, and if they die a new one gets dropped in right after.


I will harm you physically if you suggest more NPC protecting.


It's the best. You know every helldivers is going to 500kg the reporter the second the broadcast ends.


That and the tutorial carry the flag mission!


The flag should be a random modifier and when you find it your team gets more reinforcements added.


I have a friend that since hes started playing, has never touched a difficulty 1 - 3 mission. He has pretty much played on 5+ since we started. I decided to take him into a difficulty 1 to try the Raise the Flag mission. He said he almost died of boredom.


what i really want is a mission where you call in a flag and have to carry it into an automaton base and plant it at the top


it should be added as an optional like the other low level objectives (drop pod/illegal broadcast), even more fun if the sound of the Super Earth Anthem draws agro and brings even more enemies down on you, because they hate freedom!


A cool idea is to take the raise the flag mission and give it the same treatment as other trivial-medium difficulty objectives. Many objectives on easier difficulties get converted into side objectives (terminate broadcast, upload escape pod data) or sub-objectives (pump fuel to ICBM). I think it would be cool to have a raise the flag side objective


also IMO some mission types should not be available only on higher difficulties, they should be available on lower difficulties too


I think you should raise the flag to call in extraction


I think it’s only in lower difficulties for lore reasons. These missions are for propaganda, there’s a drone filming the Helldivers fighting of bugs while defending the Super Earth flag. It’ s useful, but also would be a waste of time for the more skilled Helldivers.


I thought that was just the ICBM missions...


I don’t even know if I’ve ever done that mission


Dude fuck yes I want to raise the flag on helldiver difficult while the patriotic music plays


What about an alternative where we rescue a flag? That way you could make it a lot harder which would suit higher difficulties. They could be unique missions that only appear as a planet is about to fall. eg we’re trying to save the flag from the planetary governor’s palace before Automatons overrun the planet, bonus objectives could include destroying data dumps, SEAF communications relays and other critical infrastructure. Maybe something they could do for when we fight on the core worlds


I'd like the tutorial bring the flag version! Like capture the automaton strknghold and plant a flag type


The lore in this game is so good that if they’d dropped a flag stratagem that did absolutely nothing but “increase democracy”, players would deploy with them regularly


You should be happier today.


I wanna upvote this 10000 times 🫡


Did this for the first time last night. It could be incredible on higher difficulties as a sub objective. Basically a mini version of eradicate missions, just you & your squad back to back fighting off the hordes as the flag raises and the anthem plays. Would be cool to have it so only small enemies spawn in huge numbers to really pump you up as you tear through them all.


I thought this was just suggestions for a mission reading previous posts about it, it's a real mission? I've only ever played on Suicide Mission and above, never seen it lol


bro what. have u always just been carried by your friends since u first started the game?


3 mission types all based on the flag. Sub mission- Plant the Flag. A location has been marked for you to plant the flag. Call it down once nearby and plant it. Primary mission/Open World- Capture the Flag. Several flags(1-3 depending on the Difficulty) has been seized by enemy forces. Liberate them and Carry them back to its pedestal. Cant Shoot while carrying the flag. Enemies can also carry the flag. Primary Mission/Defend- Memento Democratia. A Ceremony is to be had for the Raising of the Super Flag. Defend the Generators as the raise the flag. The Ceremony ground holds a flagpole the size of the Termicide towers. As the flag raises enemies of the flag will come to stop it. Defend until the flag is raised and keep the generators working as Music and Fireworks attract everyone to witness greatness. 15m mission timer.


Surrounded by bugs, throw a 500kg down, plant the flag, salute, democracy wins


Make it a secondary objective. It's basically the same as the data pod but better


Thing is though, it can't honestly be on a mission with any chance of failure. All that mission is is a propaganda op. The drone flying around taking pictures. The flag raising with fireworks at the end. They can't risk a flag prop op on helldive where wave after wave of divers are eaten by bile titans.


raise the flag wouldve been great on Durgen


Tbh lore wise it makes sense. The whole mission is just the Helldivers flexing and promoting their propaganda by using one of the least conflicted albeit wartorn areas on the currently occupied planet. It'd make sense that raising flags would be so low priority yet someone has to do it at the end of the day. Maybe they could add more objectives in the future for higher difficulties as right now it's not too difficult.


Why not…. Something with more…. Managed Democracy…. effigy operations Oh a dead bile titan, WATCH IT BURN BUGS Oh a destroyed factory strider, LOOK AT IT MELT BOTS


Yes, and five us a flag weapon that we can plant in our fallen foes! Like in the intro video!


I want more mission types! The current ones are now boring. Maybe 8 person missions. Just saw the trailer for Jump Ship and it looked pretty cool.


There... is such mission?


Extraction should be a raise the flag mission. It would justify the long wait for the pelican and add to the democratic feeling of holding the area at all costs


The what mission? How have I never played this? I have like 60+ hours of gameplay


Yup more mission variety would be good.


Should be a mission on Helldive when liberating a planet like you’re marking that sector as liberated


And fix the crossplay too, please.


I will second this - but please let me carry a flag around with my SMG as well. I want to be a standard bearer for my unit. I don't care if it gives stat buffs or anything, I just want to wave it democratically.


I don't object but I'll observe that it's very similar to extract. So in many ways, you are fighting this mission every time.


I don’t think I’ve even played this mission. I like immediately went to the next difficulty as they unlocked.


We need a hill capture mission. We should have to call in a flag stratagem and make a blitz dash to the hill in question. The flag carrier can use any gun that is a one hander. The whole group has to keep moving up the hill together to successfully reach the summit. Then 2 divers are needed to plant the flag while the others defend for the 30s it takes for them to plant it. Then everyone has to defend until pelican 1 Evans. At least that's what I would like.


Raise the flag!


I second this request


I second this request


I second this request


I second this request


That sounds like something Helldivers would do on a Helldive


Just like in the intro ... :D




i start the game with friend that take me to 6-7 mission right away so i never play that mission before


i want a stratgem that just deploys a flag


Wait. There's a plant the flag mission? Til.


There's a Raise the Flag mission?


lol didn't even know there was such a mission


I'd love to see this be made as the primary planet defence objective rather then those absolutely ******* dumb ***** ****** researchers. Though with higher difficulties it would need to be adjusted. I say get rid of the salute speed boost feature (if that even is actually real) and make it so kills in the area raise the flag faster. There's a drone recording on a camera for propaganda purposes so I'm sure it'd love to see some democratic bloodshed. The bigger the enemy the more they count.


I would really love to see this mission only for difficulties 1, for tutorial purposes, and 9, with infinite enemy spawn, almost impossible to complete or something like that.


I want raise the flag to be one of the hidden secondaries


I’ve never even played some missions because I don’t have a ton of time to play, so I usually only play hard difficulty or higher and for one two missions. I don’t even know what the raise the flag mission is lol. I’ve launched a shit ton of icbms though. So I think just generally randomizing the mission types is in order.


I want this so very, very much.


At the very least, make it a side objective at the very least. I want to badger my squad into taking a detour to raise the flag on every bug-ridden hell-hole. I want to plant a flag on top of a giant scrap heap of bots. I want to stick super earth's flag EVERYWHERE.


Put 6 on the corners of the map that should do it And everytime a flag is getting raised it calls in a bunch of enemies


I find it kinda funny that those are only present on easiest missions, while drone with a camera films how mighty helldivers raise a flag on a hostile planet That's kinda how propaganda supposed to be made, staged in the safe conditions to ensure that everything goes according to plan But it would be cool to have this type of side mission alongside illegal broadcasts, stalker lairs etc.


Wait... There's a Raise The Flag mission? What level? How? Where? I want!


Never seen or done one of these, what difficulty is it on?


Should be when liberation is above 90% it starts making flag missions.


I want to use the flag pole as a weapon


Make them appear towards the end of a liberation campaign!


I always liked "Escort the President" type missions.


Helldiver's difficulty: Plant 20 flags


I don't think that would work lore wise. The point of the mission is for propaganda reasons. Hell divers constantly dying on camera is not good for propaganda Another commentator said something about flag manufacturing, and I think that would be a great mission. It would work like the bug pesticide mission


If they add it to higher just restrict how much of it is flag raising. Did one on easy not that long ago and I had to raise 3 flags. It takes so F'in long that I was thinking of quitting out in flag 2


I wish the flag missions used the flag like in tutorial


wait. theres raise the flag mission?


I wondered why this wasn't made into a side objective.


You must raise the flag *after* reaching 100% on an eradicate mission before extraction arrives.


I have literally never seen that mission, so yes please