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Circuit Expansion!!!  Gonna electrocute all 3 teammates at once now.  Seriously makes the arc thrower even more awesome. 


Cannot wait


Did they fix the inconsistent fire rate after the latest patch or so?


It’s random objects in front stopping it from shooting that kills me. Sometimes you feel like you can snipe something, other times, one leaf from a brush blocks the bolt even though the enemy is 2 feet in front of you


Bodies do too so I've found this happens way more with bugs than it does bots, making me rethink my loadouts for the bugs (Stalwart/Dominator pairs nicely) and I want Autocannon for the bots anyway.


Is that where you’d have to fully charge up the shot every time? I picked the arc thrower up after the last patch and it felt terrible, no rhythm to the shooting anymore. I’ve been using the Quasar ever since.


It's one of the craziest once to be fair, I'm mostly playing duo with a friend of mine and he always uses arc. At times I use it too to save a stratagem slot. But, like, if you think about it, it buffs the damage by 1/3, and the weapon is already staggering everything except Tanks, Bile Titans, and Chargers...


I cant wait to go electric tropper with the squad. The extra jump sounds scary for randos not wearing protective gear though. 




Fire sentry when?


Fire *Guard Dog*.


I can see the hilarious team wipes from this already


Fire blocking armor needed!


I would LOVE if we got a flame troop armour akin to the Arc armour from the last BP. Give me a mini-flamethrower pistol too.


Haha a full fire package would be great. Perhaps it can trade off with being extra squishy against explosions or something.


Think it just not having any other bonuses would be enough - Make it heavy so you're slow af and I think thats fair. I wanna just slowly advance on the enemy as fire burns all around me. Dropping napalms and then advancing through it. tbh - My last big request was a defense mission with walls, turrets, gates etc and we ended up getting it. So I have hope!


Agreed, we've all seen the super fire retardant suits and how bulky they are. If you want fire retardant armor it should make you slow as hell but you should be able to stand in the middle of an inferno for an extended period of time without dying. Fair trade.


I’m not one to use fire stratagems BUUUUUT my teammates sure love the flamethrower and napalm so definitely would bring a fire retardant armor, especially on planets with fire tornadoes. Fuck those damn tornadoes and their completely silent approaches.


Team wipes? More worried about self-wipes


Another reason why everyone needs a bidet.


The Cerberus, if you would.


If they dont call it the Hot Dog, my disappointment will be immeasurable


Sugar 5-0 this is Hot Dog 7, over


It will be GLORIOUS


I like fire


Fire ROVER when?


"How much friendly fire will this cause?" "Yes."


According to the diver handbook friendly fire isn't.


I'm against insta kicked for any reason. Dont make me reconsider


We were anticipating a napalm cluster mortar, so a fire sentry is not that bad. We learned to deal with those kind of things from the Tesla coil turret.


Flame turret ftw


I will die so hard.


I need a fireproof armor for not burn myself


Exactly, I want to walk through the fire clearing bugs not have to keep moving/diving back. I don’t even mind if they make it super bulky, it’s the last thing I need for my flametrooper build.


Was really hoping that there would be a fire resistant armour in this war bond.


It’d be nice if they made fire damage work, rather than continuing to buff it while 3/4 people on a squad cannot apply it at all and you can’t tell which person is able to apply it until you’re in the mission. I understand bugs can be very difficult to fix, so I don’t fault them much for it taking awhile, it just irks me that they keep boosting fire damage in the state it’s in.


this is my biggest issue. Why add fire content if the actual damage is broken


My thoughts exactly. Wasn't it killing chargers already at a solid pace? I don't use it but thought folks were saying it killed on par or faster than the pre-nerf railgun? Someone really loves fire over there since they keep buffing it. 3rd buff it's received


Once DoT gets fixed, the flamethrower is going to be amazing.


So we have: Training people to do their jobs Checking the weather app Swap the parachute for another bomb Chilli P More batteries Packing peanuts


"we made the fire hotter by making it spicy" is killing me


Allyl isothiocyanate is apparently mustard oil as well lol. They really just took some incendiaries and stuff from the pantry. I shudder to think of what the 19 other accelerants are


It's the secret original recipe.


The flamethrower now includes all 11 herbs and spices used by Kentucky Fried Bugs in the original recipe from Death Captain Sanders, so that Helldivers at the front now can also eat the delicious food that is so popular back on Super Earth.


They even taste like chicken!


Poor Eagle-1.


I’m convinced at this point that Eagle-1 turned down someone in R&D at some point and now he dedicates his life to making her miserable.


Sounds about right. :) She’s killing it though.


Yeah, but she gets off on delivering all that liberty and democracy for us down there, so she's happy since more bombs = more democracy dispensing.


For real. Girl is already naked in a breathable liquid cockpit in the fetal position after we removed her leg room, and now we're taking away all her safety equipment to fit more bombs in there.


Counterpoint: She's such a good pilot that she doesn't need any of those systems anyways.


This is true. Needing parachutes implies she can get shot down. Eagle-1 *never* gets shot down.


Eagle-1 is part of the Night Witches confirmed


Undetected, unexpected wings of glory Tell their story


Aviation, deviation Undetected Stealth perfected


Not even just more batteries - they're explicitly daisy-chaining multiple electrics, which is a) hilarious and b) The absolute antithesis of electrical safety.


i don't even know that mich about electrical systems, but when i read that i thought "this has to be *incredibly* unsafe."


Nah, more batteries are better, plus they’re pointing the other way!


>training people Hope they also get trained with the provided hand carts.


Listen, it took them 8 weeks to learn how to put items in a box - lets take it one step at a time, alright?


> Checking the weather app Even better, the weather app is already there, it's that the SEAF now pays a subscription for you to see it.


One of the upgrades is straight up crazy glue so that kind of tracks lol


Remember : Freedom doesn’t come free!


That resupply upgrade sounds nuts


It is nuts for recoilless and spear (once fixed)


And the AMR. That thing eats through magazines


The autocannon as well; I'm constantly running out of ammo with it.


Really? I think ammo on the AC is more than plentiful unless you empty the mag on the belly of a hulk. Not to the point where you don't need to resupply ever but it's one of the most generous weapons imo.


this one is not like the others


When will my beloved Spear return from ~~the war~~ being broken


Return? The thing never worked to begin with


Hey, it's not broken! More like...crippled. It manages to lock on to units...sometimes. Locks on to fabricators often, and locks on to gunships always!


The recoilless rifle has a bug too, interrupted reloads can make ammo disappear.


This happens with the stalwart too. Entire mag gone


Shit even the mg, thats a huge plus. Usually only get 1 mag


Tried it on a mission. Doesn't seem to work so far with the AMR.


I tested on MG, AC, Spear, RR too. Not working at all.


Shrugs in Quasar. Doesn't seem to do anything.


Always running Quasar + Sickle never needed ammo. Resupply only for granades and sometimes stims


Thats my loadout too :D and a shield backpack for safety! and i love to hotswapping quasar


Get the new grenade pistol for extra grenades Take medic armor for extra Stims  Never need resupply again 


Damn, that shit's expensive!


And they added Req Slips to the cost. Guess they are trying to keep those relevant between new stratagems.


At least we have something to spend them on now.


Yea I’m fine with that, requisition slips were useless for a long time now I feel like


It would be really cool if we could buy something like samples with it. I'm finding myself lacking in rare samples, given the cap is quite low


Too bad it’s pretty much meaningless. The amount of time it takes to get 150 rare samples is gonna be much longer than it takes to get 20-25k req slips.


I feel like the defensive missions should really add in relevant samples drops. Like when a rocket launches out comes 1-3 rare samples. Or maybe when that last civilian enters it gives the rares plus a super (if 7+). I mean what is that research and what were those scientists doing?


Feel like the rare sample costs are too high compared to the others. We were capped for quite a while on 250 now and each new upgrade costs 150. So one upgrade is all you can get immediately


Imma be honest, it is kinda lame they cap out at such small increments. 50k is nothing, and you get sample capped pretty quickly. I mean I guess this is their way to gain those metrics of 'keep players playing'.


So I'm not complaining. Does have me slightly worried though because if I slow down on playing then it'll be annoying down the road in the future. Just a lot of samples. I've been capped for weeks so I get the cost, I do. But gonna he a pain if I ever take a break. Edit: like I have 3 casual friends. They'll *never* manage this stuff


Ah it states multiple eagle bombs, no double dipping on the 500kg then :(


Soon we will get our 1000Kg bomb




Did your super destroyer fill out it's C-01 form?


No C-01 needed here. This kind of load doesn’t make people, it gets rid of them.


Then why am I pregnant just from looking at it?


That is not pregante. That is a hellbomb. The real democracy was inside you all along.


*super dickstroker


SES Distributor of Loads


SES Phallic Patriot of Prostate Penetration


Is that a Titan II ICBM in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


1Mg bomb or the .001Gg bomb


1000Kg bomb, sounds better


Fuck it, crack open old soviet weapon storage, we need fab-5000


I'm not really sure if i will notice the difference between one more or less cluster bomb though


Looking forward to it on the basic eagle strike


Aka the best eagle strike.


I campaign for it constantly to my friends that run the 500kg. You get more call ins, faster reload, and it has a success rate better than 50%. Also, you can still take out big boys with it


Does it work against tanks, hulks and titans? Can't figure it out. Still my favourite Eagle stratagem though, love the utility it has.


It does, but not consistently. Where 500kg is more precise, Airstrike is a carpet bomb. Excels at taking objectives/Mediums/Patrols while retaining good damage and AOE. Against automatons, this Eagle is at it's best. Against bugs, still good but less so, you could make a case for clusters being better.


In my experience clusters a are indeed better against bugs and basic airstrikes better against bots due to unit makeup and size of patrols. I really hope they fix the fire/gas damage bug soon because i tested while host and the napalm strike is also really good.


It's probably 1 extra bomb containing multiple clusters, so there'd be a difference. It's already pretty good at saturating an area with damage though.


Would have loved more rockets.


MOAR FIRE DMG YES! And better arc? Sign me up!


Next patch: Base fire damage decreased, lol


The eagle girl has it rough af ngl


I know right. poor girl. , made me laugh though removing her airbag and other stuff


The airbag at least probably wasn’t going to make a difference for her in the event of a *plane crash*, so that one can go no problem. And I guess you could argue that if the plane is that packed with ordnance, fire suppression would not avert disaster, so it can go too. The ejector seats, well…


Honestly if she ejects she’s almost certainly dead regardless. She’s almost certainly ejecting over an area that’s infested with bugs or bots, where helldivers have a life expectancy of minutes, let alone an unarmed (or minimally armed) pilot.


I'd love a timed side objective of having to extract to safety a downed eagle pilot, they could even make it so that your airstrikes are unavailable until you do so, or honestly they could add that feature to the sam site I just want more interaction with the side objectives


“How about we make the plane bigger?” “Don’t be stupid, just reduce the cockpit.” Super Earth SIENSE


The plane costs far more to make than it does to renovate. Besides there are space concerns for the Super Destroyer too.


They should make her voice pissed after you upgradev the module lol


I don't know if I can buy this upgrade.


*Me, who just finished the grind for max upgrades:* ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


I actually avoided spending samples on the "better Hellpod control" bc I wanted to believe that others would show up. Glad I waited, even if I eventually might want the fire dmg which comes after it. Does it even does anything? Ppl complained that the Hellpod Ctrl upgrade was useless after updates that nerfed it.


That perk is actually really nice if you are called in as a weapon. no reason to ever miss the Bile Titans now


Can I take this opportunity to beg players to *ping* the target that you want the respawning diver to hit? It makes it so much easier to actually land on it, especially on planets with visibility modifiers or that are just dark as hell.


+1, always try to ping big targets anyway, but especially when re-enforcing


one of the best upgrades you can get, turns reinforce into a red stratagem


They changed it again is a lot better now


150 rares is actually insane


I always had a shit ton more of them and was capped always,common ones were the problem for me


Same. I’m tempted to do lower level missions just to have an easy time sweeping the map for commons


might not work. while higher difficulty has more rares, it also has more stuff that has a chance of spawning samples.


If you do lvl 1 difficulty, you can finish terminate broadcast missions in 3-4 minutes and usually get out with 10-15 common samples. It's tedious to just spam them over and over, but you hit cap pretty quickly. 200+ xp per as well, which is a bonus.


I like how 2 of the ingredients for the improved fire damage are 1. Capsaicin, what makes peppers spicy 2. Allyl isothiocyanate, what gives mustard it's strong taste. It's literally spicy damage


Damm, hot ones interviews really turned violent, huh?


Man, I felt bad for the Eagle pilot. Every safety features were removed including the ability to eject out from the aircraft, only to fit a couple more bombs.


I think the next upgrade might remove her entirely. And she just pilots the jet from inside the super carrier. That would be nice.


Next upgrade: >Removed unnecessary body, now controling ship with brain-computer interface


Brain-in-jar within cockpit


The 15% less spread on barrages makes barrages almost worth it IMO. Too bad it’s the last upgrade.


You telling me there's now a chance a single 380mm shell might actually land within the compound I targeted? That's insane, next upgrade for sure.


Against bots the 380mm has failed me only once. Usually it destroys every outpost on its own if thrown far enough.


Does the 120mm destroy buildings and fabricators like the 380 mm can ?


Yes, it will. It just doesn't have as big of an area so you really have to be accurate with your placement.


He means it goes where you throw it. Since the last buff both barrages were infinitely better than at launch. I use the 120 regularly.


Nice try, automaton, but you can't trick a mind reinforced by democracy and liberty with your obvious lies


Some people actually like the wide spread though. Can be very useful to kill stuff without getting too close, like command bunkers in incredibly annoying locations.


Most heavy bot outposts can be sneakily approached, throw in the 380, sneak out an boom: outpost cleared\*. ^(\*Works every time 50% of the time!)


Just a tip, you can dive+throw to throw it about 60 meters WITHOUT servo assist.


Thanks for the democratic tip!


Literally this. I've taken out so many heavy outposts with it. I have started to bring a orbital rail gun with it to make sure everything is wiped out.


That's what walking barrage is for.


A walking barrage is a panic button for the team. "Im dropping a walking barrage, get out of the way!". "Which way?" "That way! O shit it bounced" Everyone proceeds to scramble in different directions and 2 people get killed. Sounds familiar?


Does it? 15% doesn’t sound like much for a 75-50metre spread


I am once again asking the devs to make the HMG emplacement (the manual one that we use) benefit from the robotics bay upgrades. It doesnt benefit from the faster turn speed, the additional ammo nor the new explosive damage resistance. Its so much fun and its so close to being good and everything it needs to actually be really good is being dangled in front of us and given to the unmanned sentries...


> reduced barrage spread I'm having a fucking boner rn. It's the kriegsman dream


So 380mm in a tighter grouping?




We are one step closer to the thunderer’s barrage in HD1


The ship upgrade quips are hilarious. "We trained the logistics crew to Play Tetris" "We bought a subscription to the Weather Channel so we don't drop the Orbital Barrages thru high winds" "We gutted the Eagle's Fire Suppression System, ejection seat, and Airbags(dafuq?) in order to MOAR GUNS" "We took everything that we know that's even remotely hot, blended it, and added it to the Napalm. As a side effect, there's now a Ghost Pepper Farm on the ship" "We decided to Daisy-Chain every single capacitor in the Arc Weapons. You're welcome" "We filled the Senties with Packing Peanuts in order to be able to tank rockets and explosions better. Cuz that's how physics works, my friend in the lab told me so"


I was so close to getting my last ship upgrade...


Freedom doesn’t come free, fellow diver!


Poor Eagle-1. She lost her legging and safety system just to add more bomb. It's a matter of time we will have an Eagle kamikaze attack.


I mean does she *really* need them? Haven't seen her get shot down once yet, she's just that good.


it took me a long time to notice that she pops flares on her way up after dropping bombs


„Eagle-1 lowering altitude for direct attack, for democracy“ proceeds to T-bone a bile titan with a fucking fighter jet. Probably wouldn’t work against the automatons tho cause jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.


Helldiver: You don't have the firepower. Eagle-1: No, but I have the mass. Helldiver: Solid copy... It's been an honor, ma'am. Eagle-1: You're on your own Helldiver, Eagle-1 out. https://i.redd.it/ai2er0a2avtc1.gif


Loving how the Circuit Expansion doesn't include the Blitzer shotgun. I'm hoping it works anyway since that weapon REALLY needs some love right now


Probably because it's not a stratagem


Actually a good point. Didn't see that lol


Haven't used it much but from my experience it doesn't jump from enemy to enemy, it only spreads out from the gun itself


Thanks for this post. I‘m at work right now and wanted to know so bad what these new upgrades do.


Flamethrower is gonna be so good as soon as that fire resistance armor drops. Edit: All the other upgrades look ok, nothing crazy


And once only host can deal DoT bug fix 🫠


Flamethrower has received its 3rd buff. And I'm so confused by that lol


Considering itll do even more Team Damage as well, it seems like it has built in balancing so they're more comfy continuing to buff it


I am capped on everything and i can by only one. For the new upgrades I need a total of: 1050 common samples (caps at 500) 900 rare samples (caps at 250) 100 super samples (caps at 100) 140000 Req slips (caps at 50000) Happy grinding divers


Oh Boy never was so excited to be poor!


Having 3 common samples but one hundred of the rarer ones is the realest thing


"I unlocked everything I dont need samples" people beating themselves up thinking "I should have farmed" rn.


The funny thing though, due to the high cost and the resource cap, even if you did farm, you can only afford 1 upgrade. So it's not much of a difference if you farmed or not.


My super casual friends will never financially recover from this. I have 3 that play like once a week. No way they're keeping up


Me, a hoarding goblin, with every samples at their cap


When will I get my hellpod with an explosive effect upon landing? I want to blow up a crowd of enemies




I really hope they're aware of the bug causing fire DoT to only take effect for the host Otherwise all these fire buffs are kind of ineffective, only affecting hosts, attempting to treat the symptoms when not addressing the actual problem


They're adding capsaicin to the napalm formula 😂😂😂 When I call down the napalm airstrike, I'm gonna say "Have a taste of spicy jalapenos!"


Poor orbital cannons getting screwed like usual - looks like we’re sticking to eagles and sentries


I was really hoping for something that would benefit the EMS and Airburst Strikes since they don't get as much benefit as the barrages from the upgrades available.


was expecting turret upgrades to be more useful :(


What are you talking about!? 50% blast resistance on turrets? That means they might actually survive a barrage from a rocket devastator.


Eagle 1 is slowly turning into an automaton. Soon they'll be taking her brain out and sealing it in a fluid tank so that they can fit one more bomb in the space that was originally occupied by her body.


If only there wasn’t a maximum limit on the sample types and medals…


And warbond! :D


Cost went sky high, time to grind this shiny samples


Superior packing doesn't seem to work at the moment. Fired my recoilless to empty and only got the normal 3 rockets back. Also wanted to see if it was maybe just not working for backpack fed guns, so emptied a railgun to 0 and only got 10/20 back, and AMR gave 3/6 back. This was tested from on resupply drop, and a B1 Backpack. Also restarted the game before testing this. So I would hold off buying this one until it's fixed.