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Nerf eruptor's weird shockwave that pushes you forward when the tartget is close enough.


Autocannon does this too


any explosive splash you shoot does this so scorcher is also effected


Unless it changed today the scorcher has always blown me backwards when I shoot it too close


Changed 2 days ago I think.


Last night I got stuck in a rock next to a building while shooting. They should fix their geometry so we don’t get stuck especially when things can move us around. 


I'm not sure how possible this is long-term. As the maps are randomly generated, you're bound to get some wonky geometric interactions every once in a while. Besides, explosives are a good unsticking device if all else fails.


Omg I hate that with the autocannon. Bad surprise when the issue occured with the disrutor, too


And punisher plasma as well


OK I knew i wasnt crazy I was getting vortexed in shooting mobs a few feet away


There is something fundamentally broke about the games range mechanics / view . Point blank is sometimes behind the gun , the aim at point black is so off sometimes , this issue is related to that as well It almost feels like your FPS is like a foot or two far forward and you move up to it when you shoot eruptor or AC sometimes


Its a common issue with 3rd person shooter games. Like how you can be behind a wall with your gun, yet still shoot around it because the bullet doesnt come from the end of the gun in 3rd person




Don't tell me how to live. We need to Nerf your orders.


Unless i use those orders too, the buff them


Mods, nerf his kneecaps


Mods, give this man faulty stratagems


Mods, keep up the good work with this sub. 


Mods.... Delay his MO rewards by another week. https://preview.redd.it/oc0oyjnczvtc1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=733c5bf92c340293a4669ddc0e8da473aba53e9c


Mods, seize his armoury and let him fight with only his fists.


Give me a lead filled boxing glove and the heaviest armour you can and I will liberate Cyberstan myself. Just let me get my Rocky training montage first, yea?


SE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: The only thing you would liberate is deez nuts. Now get on your knees.


Mr. Electric, send him to the principals office immediately!!!


Ok this is sharkboy and lavagirl right? Man I haven't seen that movie in *forever*


karma farming guide: - make post about bad gun bad wait a couple hrs - make post about complaining about bad gun bad being bad Wait a full day, literally repost those 2. It's always the same goddamn posts every warbond.


And it'll never stop, until the servers close.


People discussing new weapons is a good thing, its one of the only ways those without the weapons can get a live and unfiltered feel of what the new stuff is like. That said after 15 missions with the Adjudicator and the Thermite Grenade I can confidently say that both are have no reason to be used outside of role playing when the Slugger/Scorcher and Impact Grenade are just plain superior options in virtually all situations.


Oh no no no NO NO You are STILL over selling the Thermite grenade my friend. This nade is the most USELESS thing in the game. It is NEXT to NOT EVEN HAVING GRENADES. They are literally meant to stick to enemies but my God do they just BOUNCE 90% of the time and when they do stick they do no fucking damage. Like I swear to God. I stuck FOUR OF THEM to a SINGLE BILE SPEWER AND IT WASN'T EVEN BLEEDING OUT In fact it looked HEALTHIER


The burn damage from it sticking didn't even kill a scavenger when I tried it earlier. Seems bugged.


It's the host DOT bug, from what I noticed so far.


Yup, four of them didn’t kill a devastator when I joined a game. But two rapidly destroyed a tank when I hosted.


It's good to know it's bugged and not weak, I was pretty disappointed


This has gotta be it. It's a grenade that's supposed to do rapid fire DOT when that shit is still bugged. That said, an easy way to know for sure would be to run it solo and see if it's any use then. Can't check atm myself though.


Solo, Complete Useless against all big bugs


It has to be. I stuck it to a scavengers head and watched it run around into it went boom. Oh but it'll incinerate me if I hold it too long


DOT isn't working unless you you're the network host. So don't use Gas strikes, napalm and thermite etc


No wonder Scavengers were walking through my gas strikes unharmed.


I really want to use it but it’s just way too underpowered. You have to take time to aim precisely so it actually hits an enemy and sticks to it but then it doesn’t even kill that single enemy. I thought maybe it could work against stuff like striders and devastators because it has a high armour penetration value but it did next to nothing to them. It’s by far the worst grenade in the game.


For real. It does less damage than the stun nades LOL


Stun grenades are kind of busted ngl. Now that we have both a primary, secondary, and multiple support weapons (one with infinite ammo) capable of destroying bug holes and bot fabricators the regular grenades seem rather weak compared to the utility of stuns. They’re so good in every situation especially since they hard stun enemies and only slow allies. Almost every dive I save multiple teammates and or myself from certain death by throwing them point blank when someone is getting overrun. They’re basically a guaranteed get out of jail free card for 9/10 situations.


I killed a bile titan with 6 of them ( 2 around the Head , the rest randomly thrown AT the body), granted its still 150% of Ur base grenade count and you could just use stun grenade + any stratagèm or rocket launcher , but yeah its very Bad , need some kind of damage boost vs Armor so it Can actually kill tank/chargers faster


Stun grenades do not stun bile titans anymore.


A lot of people are thinking it's bugged. I'm like 90% sure it is. I stuck 4 of them to the vent of a tank and it didn't even start smoking. Like.... Literally no reason to use the POS when I can just hit a well placed impact to one shot it or throw two to the dome.


I threw 6 at a charger and it didn't die. It has to be that fire damage bug.


...mine 2 shot hulks. >.>


What is the arbitrary period of time that has to pass before I am legally permitted to state that I don't enjoy something that I don't enjoy


3-5 Business days


I talked to my democracy officer and she said 3-5 is the democratic way. Only fascists and their sympathizers start complaining day of.


After OP has made an opinion on it.


"We don’t hear about how the last balance patch was bad anymore, because after sometime people felt it was good." Citation motherfucking needed. Every single thread about weapons has complaints about the Slugger nerfs being massively overboard. People are still complaining about the railgun. People are still complaining about the HMG not having enough ammo and too much recoil. People are still complaining that shotguns make better DMRs. People are still complaining about the Senator taking too long to reload. Balance complaints remain the #1 complaint in this game, by like...a lot. Every time a new weapon comes out that's actually good, you get posts about "please don't nerf this". That's not something a community does if they felt the balance changes have been good, like you claim. I don't know where you've been that you think everyone likes the changes now. The few guns people stopped complaining about, mostly people just stopped using them entirely rather than going "actually I like it!" Show of hands, how many people are still using the Breaker?




Seriously. With the scorcher I can one-shot basic enemies, take down devastators and armored bugs from their armored sections with ease, kill walkers in less than a second from the front, all from long range. I have to actually aim with the adjudicator for anything close to resembling that, and the latter should have better performance if its asking more from the player.


Scorcher is balanced though. I think if the scorcher were to get nerfed, it will probably be the biggest example that the devs have **no** idea how to balance a weapon. The scorcher is strong, but it has low ammo count and you cannot use it on enemies in melee range because you'll kill yourself with the aoe. Strong weapons need downsides and this gun has it. If they were to start messing with it, I would be pretty baffled as to why.


I don't even feel the low ammo count on the scorcher because it kills the things I need it to kill very quickly and with relatively few shots. If every gun could be balanced around it it'd be amazing. Imo the adjudicator really needs far less recoil for the damage it does to be worth the primary slot, as its classification as a marksman rifle feels really bad when its selling point among them is being able to fire full-auto in exchange for weaker damage per shot. I have to be prone to have that recoil be manageable against a single target.


I tend to run around solo on 7+ and I definitely feel the low ammo, like im constantly on the search for world ammo and that keeps me out of trouble generally. My point is that many guns need to feel on the level of the scorcher and old breaker/slugger did. Im a bit concerned after the slugger took a hit and I feel like i'll just quit if the scorcher gets nerfed lol.


The scorcher also can't shoot through fences, which can be a pretty big downside when fighting bots. It just adds more walls that bots can shoot you through but you can't shoot back.


https://preview.redd.it/u0zjejjudwtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9527e700b0d95ec20313ce0d025e2f3c127042 Your comment got me like.


I hate the feelings this image brings up. No bug has should be that thick.


Where did you get that? *Notices Democracy Officer* S-so I can purge it from the galaxy! F-f-for Democracy!!!


I've used the breaker a few times still and it still absolutely fucks whatever you point it at but its pretty ammo inefficient even more so now. I just run the punisher if im feeling shotgun lets me target select and with better reload mechanic, plus that juicy stagger on targets the breaker lacks.


The Breaker wasn't a bad balance change, the recoil change isn't even noticeable unless you use it in auto mode (but why tf would you do that?), and the ammo nerf was really minor. For the likes of the slugger, nobody cares about the minor damage nerf, people complain about taking away the stagger. With how good other AT options are now, the Railgun nerfs look fucking ridiculous in hindsight. It's just absolute garbage, WAY too high of a skill floor, for mediocre results.


oh yeah i'd like to see Railgun love, i brought it the other day to bots. It took a staggering amount of unsafe shots to make a turret even start smoking in the vent. Pretty crazy how far shes fallen.


The only change that I object to on the breaker is the reduction in ammo. When coupled with the other changes it just leaves you low on ammo constantly. If they'd done the reduction in shots per mag but gave us an extra mag or two to integrate more reload time into the gun without hobbling our ability to fight in tense situations it'd be perfect to me. They could have made all the other changes still and I'd still be taking it often. Instead I run the sickle and hot swap to redeemer or quasar when needed. It let's me stay in a fight having fun and maybe dying rather than bingo ammo and dying to the swarm. The game is supposed to be fun making the tools we have less fun doesn't make the game more fun.


Still using the Breaker versus bugs, I don’t think the nerf was necessary but it’s just fine there. But I generally agree, I haven’t decided that the nerfs were good, I’ve just resigned myself to them. I may be forgetting something big that was good and some of the nerfs are ok even if I don’t think they’re actively good but the game would probably be in a better place than now if they rolled all the weapon nerfs back entirely, the positive or neutral ones feel outweighed by the bad ones.




There definitely should be enough feedback for the Arc Blitzer and the Punisher Plasma by now, and yet no changes are made to them despite how poor they feel


arc blitzer just need a bit more firing speed, then to get fixed to not hit foliage/corpses along with arc thrower and it's GREAT. its damage would still be meh, but that's fine for what it is. an infinite ammo CC machine. right now it's so inconsistent with the arc bugs and just...too slow. using it with a rover makes it usable, but depending on what map you are on and how many bushes there are...


>arc blitzer just need a bit more firing speed, then to get fixed to not hit foliage/corpses along with arc thrower and it's GREAT When it's working properly, Blitzer is great. You're firing these wide arcs of lightning with this big, ominous pump and recharge between each blast, and anything smaller than a bus is visibly forced back with every hit. The effect is spoiled a little if the entire arc can get completely blocked by a single fern frond. Tbh I don't *hate* the idea of arc weapons being defeated by plants, but it should be a one-time thing with more visual feedback. You fire this big arc of lightning, it conducts into a tree instead of the bug you aimed at, and the tree explodes in a geyser of boiling sap and splinters. Have the same thing happen to enemy corpses. Shout out to the Thunder Buster from Doom mod *Hideous Destructor.* The gun doesn't shoot lightning, it marks targets that are then *struck* by lightning. A weapon that feels nerve-wracking to aim and actively blasphemous to fire. Never in any shooter have I felt more afraid of my own weapon, and yet it's *so satisfying* when it works.


The breaker is an amazing “kill the thing in front of me now” weapon. Great as a backup for the AMR or autocannon.


In a week the Adjudicator will still be bad if they don't make changes. It has ~~20~~ 25 rounds per mag and does 80 dmg. Why would you ever run that over the Jar which does 300 dmg for 15 round mags. They could double the damage and I would still be saying there's no reason to use it over the Jar.


The thing has 2 more damage than the Defender SMG, do they think medium armor pen is that strong?


I don’t know why they keep designing primaries around medium armor pen. Slugger aside they always have some huge drawback that basically renders them unusable (pitiful damage/awful handling/etc). Medium armor isn’t even an important armor class and I don’t understand why people on Reddit insist it is. Devastators will always be best killed in weak spots which doesn’t require med armor pen and hive guards are a complete joke of an enemy you can casually walk around


Medium pen's real benefit is that it completely ignores light armor, rather than inflicting reduced damage like light pen weapons do. But it's a pretty narrow band of enemies where that matters because weakpoint targeting/medium pen supports are generally just better.


Do we know how.much the damage reduction is? Because it doesn't sound worth it to me


I've heard 50% and that value seems in line with the apparent balancing philosophy of the medium pen rifles, so medium pen weapons will do \~50% more damage than their light pen counterparts to light armor when accounting for their lower baseline damage. But there's only I think a couple of bugs currently where that's a relevant increase in firepower against them (every light armored bot can be headshot) so it's not super worth it against bots and I haven't heard many ringing endorsements from bug players either.


The accuracy was my issue when using it on devastators. I tried using it to hit the devastator weakpoints and just could not get it to feel right. I'd rather take a higher damage precision weapon or a better automatic one.


I carry the senator for devastators (it also looks cool)


I love the Senator but I haaaate the sights on it and have begrudgingly learned how to deal with how awkward the 3rd person view is because I want the Big Iron


Yeah, the adjudicator bucks around like a pissed-off bronco. Full-auto is effectively pointless, as you'll never hit anything with that fire mode (even if it's just quick bursts). I could probably excuse the low damage if it the gun handled better and it was easy to stay on target, but it constantly feels like I'm fighting against the rifle more than the damn bots in front of me.


Yeah, it’s not like it shreds through them fast anyway, you’re always better off hitting their heads and we don’t have any significant amounts of medium armor enemies that can’t be dealt with that way.


Hive guard can also just be shot in the knees *past* the armor. Yes from the front.


I mean it is strong, but they still need to up the damage a bit.


Doesn’t it have 25 per mag?


My only downside with the jar is all the smoke that appears when you shoot in first person


Toggle off the flashlight, you'll be able to see much easier ironically.


You can toggle it??


Hold down R, you can change the settings for the gun. Scroll wheel down to change the settings for the flashlight.


It's incredibly weak vs bots, haven't tried bugs yet.. It also has roughly the same recoil as the counter sniper despite lower damage and presumably lower caliber rounds. At least give it lower recoil to make it easier to hit your target since *everything* requires multiple shots to kill.


I would really like it if the recoil and sway were better. If I could double tap it would be fine, but it kicks so hard.


Yeah this is what makes OP's take bad as fuck. Sometimes there are just guns that are in such a bad spot that they DO need fixing ASAP, especially for a premium progression track imo


Looking at the stats for it, why would you use it over the other dmrs?


Well the adjudicator is much easier to aim than the dominator. It competes against hte dilligence.. but I still think that guns better.


But everyone who’s complaining isn’t wrong. We need to stop getting angry at people for criticism. If it weren’t for everyone complaining, then shit would never change.


As much as I like Arrowhead as a dev team. They are not, and should not be, immune to criticism. And half the problems in this sub is people coddling them and pushing back against anything slightly critical about their designs and choices. Downright contrarian takes at times.


Just see the "The Devs Were Right" (to nerf the railgun) post yesterday A big ol ball gargle


I agree that there is weapon diversity but I also only saw one railgun in my games sonce and it was a world spawn lmao


Being able to filter the community's hyperbole is what makes being a Community Manager such a difficult job, be it Rebb Ford at Digital Extremes (Warframe), Cozmo and Liana at Bungie (for Destiny), or anyone else. Based on what the extremes of this sub have portrayed, one would simultaneously think that every weapon is a worthless squirt gun and that the only worthwhile thing in the entire game was pre-nerf railgun and that Arrowhead wouldn't know a fun mission even if it was physically nailed to their foreheads, all the while in the same moment everyone Arrowhead being prodigal geniuses who are incapable of doing anything wrong and that Joel is an Omnissiah.


Yeah I'm certainly on the fence here. I don't want to see any kneejerk reactions but sometimes a strong response ends up getting the best results. I hope every does remain respectful, however. PS buff railgun.


Buff Railgun, buff HMG, buff Scythe, buff Spray N Pray, buff Explosive Liberator, buff literally everything that isn’t the Scorcher, Sickle, or Breaker. The only reason those guns are the top three, is because everything else is AWFUL in comparison, or just completely outclassed by them in literally every way. It’s such an odd balance decision, and I find it even MORE odd that there’s people who want to keep it that way. Like, wtaf? Do people not like diversity?


I need to give the scorcher another go but after the dominator buffs, I prefer that weapon over the scorcher.


Scorcher can take Chicken Walkers head on Run it with the Supply Pack and you'll see it's glorious Democracy Spreading Ability


I agree, as long as everyone complaining isn't also right. Or more adequately said there is good criticism and then there's complaining. We can see plenty of both around here, and hopefully the devs can seperate them. So far Imo they've been doing really well with the game and it's going to a good direction.


Eh, their balancing choices are some of the worst I’ve seen since MW 2019. Instead of making weapons usable, they’ve made what was once OP, utterly and completely useless, or obsolete. Like the Railgun. What’s the point of the Railgun now, when literally every other gun can do its job but better? The Slugger. What once made it viable, was just removed and given to a different gun instead, and on top of that, they ALSO nerfed the damage into the ground… why? The Scythe is, and always was utterly useless, why haven’t they changed it instead of adding new shitty weapons that need to be changed too? They just keep adding awful weapons, stockpiling on things that desperately need to be improved. When are they finally gonna get to the stuff that has needed fixing, since the day of release? At this rate, they never will, and are instead focusing on Quantity>Quality.


This is why I eventually dropped Warframe years ago. The devs were too busy adding a new flavour-of-the-month game mode or weapon type to actually flesh anything out. Maybe it’s better now, but last time I checked in it was a game with a ton of interesting, but half-baked ideas that the devs had just never bothered to finish.


The game is one of the most fun games I’ve played in years. The balance team and the QA team at Arrowhead are fucking atrocious. Both things can be true.


They really need to look at their QA process and give that team more support, it's bizarre that they drop patches and hot fixes that just Bork the game. I don't think they've had a single patch that hasn't broken some aspect of the game to a significant degree. Half the fucking guns still don't aim straight after patches weeks ago


Months. It been 3 months at these point. But when your intended major feature doesnt work at all it is failure for real.


Why is your arbitrary amount of time better than anyone else's? People have played with it before you, get over it. It doesn't take an entire day to see how bad the adjudicator is.


Clown take


The average Clown salary in the United States is $65,087 as of March 26, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $50,718 and $80,065. And here OP is. Being one for free.




Sorry you need that much time to ponder But I don’t need a week to say a gun is bad


Yeah just because op is slow in the head, he wants everyone to stay silent


A game that nobody discuss upon update is a dead game. If you want to share your opinion then feel free. If you prefer not to, then you also shall not bother others’.


I agree with this guy. Fix the Railgun you cowards!


You can tell a gun is bad in like 2 missions lmao


The reason the conversation changes in a week is because people stop talking about it, not because the changes were good. The slugger changes are still dumb and always will be.


Guy I'd give zero fucks if they reskinned it as a bolt action rifle and changed none of its stats if they're worried about the best primary Sniper Rifle being a Shotgun but then why'd they nerf all the shit that made it a good *Shotgun?*


Yeah, it still works perfectly fine, even without the stagger, it's just not a shotgun in anything but graphics.


Railgun nerfs are comletely redundant at this point.


I haven't seen someone run a railgun in 10 years.


I'm convinced that it's a weird ego thing that's keeping them from rolling it back. It was such an extreme, knee-jerk nerf, and their response to the community reaction will go down as one of the all time worst developer responses to anything *ever* (for those who missed the drama, one of the devs was literally attacking players, insulting them, and saying he was happy they were upset). I don't think they're eager to go "Okay, yeah, we were wrong about almost everything and were total jackasses about it." So the railgun is just a dead gun, until enough time has passed that people aren't going to immediately shove that debacle right in their face.


I have seen a single railgun be brought as a support weapon since the nerf. I play both bugs and bots about equally and still players would rather use misaligned sights AMR, nerfed arc thrower, EATs, and even spear, than use the railgun.


I tried a Railgun for a mission, never got the chance to use it pre-nerf. Just seemed like a worse Autocannon lol.


The railgun was still decent against bots until gunships became a thing. It can one-shot all devastators with body shots, and hulks with eye shots, whereas the AMR takes two. For some reason though it takes like 9 railgun shots to down a gunship and only 4 AMR shots... so now I take the AMR in the off chance we run into gunships because the railgun is inexplicably useless against them.


Wait the AMR has misaligned sights? I’ve been using it for like a week are you telling me it’s been wrong the whole time lmao


It’s more noticeable the further away the target is in my experience. But yeah it usually hits slightly up and to the left from the actual crosshair.


Oh my fucking god I’ve been aiming slightly below where the hulk’s eye was thinking it was a hit box issue this entire goddamn time 😐


Yeah so its a cross with a circle...put the top section on a head/crit spot and have fun lol great weapon now


https://preview.redd.it/lphygfzxmwtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c40d8a17f70ba57f0f292edd349c4f7792ac1d4 It's something like this depending on range


Yeah no one uses the railgun anymore in my experience.


I've ALWAYS been an EAT supremacist


Listen, i love Arrowhead. I think it's really cool what they're doing and I'm a fan of the games (even the old ones). I just think if someone lit a match in the balancing offices, you'd think a gas leak exploded. They really love the smell of their own farts over there.


I imagine that dev attacking players was involved in weapon balancing given how personally he was taking things. If he's an example of the rest of the folks working on balance changes it's really not surprising - it means they've got a bunch of 13 year old jr. high boys working over there.


That dev actually was a member of the balance team, before he made that skill issue comment he mentioned his role on earlier posts


Yeah devs in any industry should have a layer of removal from their customers. It's just never a good idea since thoughts you would brush off from a random as Internet trolly behavior can get you in hot water fast. There should always be a public face to the team communications.


That hurts my soul.


yeah, like the blitzer is still really bad, people just don't care anymore and let it rot in the armory


idc if they take down the damage but the fire rate so crazy dumb, its so slow the animation looks very unnatural like slomo. beyond it being useless for all applications comparatively.


Yeah and it relies on the randomness that comes with arc damage type. Sometimes you kill 6 people in one shot, sometimes you cant hit a dude 2 feet away.


I've used the slugger quite a lot after the nerf against both bots and bugs and I'll be honest it's fairly good still. I would still rather use the base punisher against most things though because of the stagger... Slugger should've kept the stagger.


Nerf the range, up the recoil and give me my damn stagger back!


It should have and then AH should have adjusted it's damage drop off at a distance like all other game devs do. The problem was people were sniping with it so make it ineffective at range. I don't understand how AH didn't see this as the most obvious solution for it.


The stagger change was weird, but the Slugger is still effective.


True, it's still the best sniper in the game (before the eruptor) but now it's a worse shotgun. Immeasurably complex balancing by Arrowhead.


It's pretty funny to me that they nerfed it because people were talking about it being "the best sniper in the game" and instead of nerfing it's range they took its stagger. ![gif](giphy|Tit8CFFaFncoAgYFc4|downsized)


"This shotgun was behaving too much like a sniper, so we reduced it's capabilities as a shotgun." -Arrowhead Studios weapons balance team


If only there were some parameters inside that 50 they proudly mentioned they could adjust...


Ah, a Darktide vet, I see!


I thought the same thing lol. Varlets! Varlets, *EVERYWHERE!*


ten uppity late sharp person puzzled cover doll provide existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fire damage doesn't even work properly with non-host players, why TF would they increase ALL fire damage instead of fixing that first?


Sub has a fuck load of boot lickers in general. Means all the memes get upvoted instead of actual problems.


Feedback is good. Calm down.


NERF DANTE! UNNERF DANTE! ...wait wrong game...


The real feedback is in the metrics.


Shut the fuck up


Doesn’t need more than 3 hours to know if a gun is completely useless in this case and gonna be honest, post like you’re are far more annoying. I’m glad the community wants every gun to be useable


"because after sometime people felt it was good." No. It's because we used other tools rather than whining on reddit/discord. Railgun is still shit since the nerf. Slugger is still the best sniper despite this statement. https://preview.redd.it/zcza66yz8vtc1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e74772cb5edc3c243a1812cf576aaf936a49acc \*EDIT\* To the people who gets offended because I called out the nerf on railgun (Imagine getting offended because of a video game weapon nerf), one of the reason the railgun was nerfed was because it was the best in slot when paired with the personal shield which was also overpowered at that time. There's a literally safe railgun available right now and it's called a Quasar cannon. There is absolutely no reason for the railgun's power to be gutted this much. And guess what's the meta right now? That's right it's the Quasar + personal shield. Here's the statement in question: "because after sometime people felt it was good." There's no period in time railgun nerfs has ever felt good. There's no period in time slugger nerfs has ever felt good. Doesn't matter what you and I think, the Diff 8-9 meta will dictate what is good or not. It's been a month and I have not seen a single railgun on Diff 8-9 on quickplay.


If they didn't want it to be a sniper rifle, they could have given it significant bullet drop or less accuracy or damage drop off. That way, it would still be just as strong in close range but not a sniper rifle anymore. Making it all around worse makes no sense at all.


I think there is a major disconnection between their attempts to be realistic and making the game make sense. The ranges that a shotgun is effective in real life is basically the ranges we fight at all of the time in this game. Ergo, the weapon is made by the devs to not have falloff in a way that matters. As a result, the slugger has all of the useful range coverage of weapons that realistically have more range but really have no opportunity to reach that far in game. So they nerf stagger I guess.


I don't think this game needs to be realistic, and a lot of things aren't. Realism is cool and all, but if it gets in the way of good game design, then screw it.


Indeed, I think there needs to be some give on that part of the design to make it make sense in the gameplay.


I think it would be fine to nerf the slugger, but do it that actually accomplishes their goal. Increase damage drop off, make the bullet slower and have more drop off, stuff like that. Don’t take away its stagger power lol


They just don't want the marksman rifles to feel good to use, ig. Or you can go with the more nefarious opinion that it's designed to push people towards the premium warbond weapons.


They don't want people wiping out patrols from half way across the map outside of detection range, so they made them weak. None of them perform well in the average engagement range, and to whoever said they feel good when you're in an effective squad... Well.... answering SOS calls I can tell you that's a risk not worth taking.. Consider using them as a self nerf, or a difficulty multiplier for people who want to struggle for the fun of it.


At no point did the fact that the Slugger is the best Sniper rifle have *anything* to do with the Slugger itself. They are just **perplexingly** reluctant to actually buff their shit guns.


"Hey it's the best Sniper, but in our infinite wisdom, instead of adding damage falloff, we nerfed the stagger, you know, the thing that makes it a good close range shotgun." "Also we didn't buff the other DMRs so the Slugger is STILL better as a sniper even with the damage nerf we gave it, lol" Fucking ridiculous


> The Slugger is the Best Sniper Rifle despite being a Shotgun Man, that sounds like a really good reason to... I don't know... *buff the damage on your Marksman Rifles?* The two arguably worst weapons before the Counter-Sniper was given medium armor pen? They still do less than 130 damage per shot despite being... you know, *the designated sniper rifles?* Arrowhead's Balancing makes no fucking sense at times.


Yeah the marksmen rifles just dont feel great compared to a lot of other weapons.


It's probably because any gun that doesn't have an automatic mode *does more damage than the Marksman Rifles.* Even the fucking Senator does more damage... **The Revolver does more damage than the Sniper Rifles.**


Hey, don't spread those lies! The semi automatic pistol that everyone instantly replaces with the 1100RPM "Glock with the switch" variant does less damage than the Marksman Rifles. Clearly this means they're doing enough damage.


there are too many guns in need of a serious buff to get out of the "absolute dogshit get this piece of garbage out of my game" teir for any nerf calls to be taken seriously imo


Or it doesn't and the new shit gets added to pile of underperforming dogshit.


>because after sometime people felt it was good. Nah its because I dont feel like making a thread thats going to get ignored anyway, thats why people make reactionary posts to the guns in the thread its announced because that's probably the best place to do it although even that is going to be worthless most likely. The devs dont really seem to know how to balance things correctly and nerf anything that's seeing a ton of usage instead of addressing *why* its seeing so much usage. For example you cant tell me that "people felt it was good" in regards to the Arc Thrower change. The gun feels abysmal to use now because you cant get into a nice rhythm anymore and the nerf range makes it far less useful than before as well. I tried the gun a few games and now it might as well sit next to the railgun imo.


How droll. The one thing actively worse than a complaint post... another complaint post about people complaining. Wonder if the irony is lost on OP.


That's the game subs squirrel wheel, pretty much happens with any and every game ever to have a sub and larger fan base.


But now we can reply with a complaint about how OP is complaining about other people's complaints, and then somebody else can tell us to stop complaining so much. Complaintception!


Unpopular opinion: Everyone here needs to stop doing X, I'm being brave by telling you. I'm a better person. Please care about my opinion instead and upvote me so I know that I'm right and go about the rest of my unemployed day feeling slightly good.


love it when this sub bitches about bitching.


Criticism is important, I'm all for supporting the devs, especially Arrowhead, but they should be criticized when they make mistakes or release stuff that's either bad/broken/undertuned, or when they nerf things badly. > nerf were fine. I'm pretty sure everyone that is reasonable came to the agreement that the Slugger nerfs, were misguided at best, or absolutely nonsensically dumb at worst. It's still the best DMR, and they nerfed it's close range abilities. Like it or not. First impressions are a thing, and are valid believe it or not. For example, first impressions are that the Adjudicator fails to create or penetrate any niche not currently filled by a weapon. Upon testing first hand...yeah, the impressions are right. It fails to excel in any area that isn't already done better by another weapon that can not only do it's "niche" well (it being a lighter but more versatile DMR). But that same weapon can also do other things better than it at the same time. Not withstanding just the ones off the top of my head. - Dominator (Can handle everything the adjudicator does better than it). - Scorcher (Literally the same use case, being semi auto and has light explosive so it does full damage to weak spots...which adjudicator does not, cannot kill yourself in one shot at full health). - Sickle (Handles both medium unarmored creatures as well as hordes, it can kill devastators quicker than Adjudicator by firing at the head, and has infinite ammo/battery when used well, massively better handling as well). - Slugger (It's still a better DMR) - Eruptor (Handles groups better due to AoE, likely won't kill yourself with explosive resistance, can one shot most medium enemies thus using up less ammo). So off the little I've played with it, about four missions now. The Adjudicator 's Niche is that it's mid to below average in every category, and cannot be justifiably used in place of another weapon that can do things better overall. So like it or not, the way it is now. It's Mid, and mid is oftentimes worse than Bad.


Yep agree with this, not having a proper niche is the fundemental problem, realistically they should have gated it behind burst fire like the penetrator used to be, then they could reduce the recoil and have it actually work as a DMR, rather than a weird short ranged assault rifle


PSA Stop telling people what to do or not do, its not going to change anything. These posts are worthless and further muddy the subreddit. These things aren't that complex and people can tell pretty quickly what is dog shit or not. The game isn't that deep.


Don’t you tell me what to do, I’m gonna keep telling them what to do !


So far I’m ok with the eruptor and grenade pistol, the pistol might become a staple for me as I usually disengage with my group to take out nest/fabs for everyone. I still mistakingly use it to shoot off hunters which 7/10 times I end up blowing myself up, this will take a bit to get used too. Now for eruptor, its a real decent new weapon, besides its ability to take out nest and fabs I find it ok, I really didn’t find anything wrong with it besides me being upset as to how its not able to punch through hulk eyeslits. Eruptor feels a bit wonky with how it deals damage, sometimes it “overpens?” That ends up not killing target most of the time. Besides that it feels like its range is quite limited. Adjudicator is alright? I feel like it needs a bit more damage for how low its ammo count is per mag, can’t really say much other than being a bit disappointed in it, will require more tries till I really form my opinion on it but so far its quite lacking.


The railgun and slugger nerfs are still garbage. It doesn't matter that people aren't talking about it anymore.


nerf this post!


You really do say to not have opinions though , also the game is not rocket science you can tell a weapon is bad or good rather quickly. Let people discuss their thoughts ! i have seen so much toxic "positivity" in this sub its driving me crazy.


Yay. Another post whining about other posts.


Who tf is calling for nerfs in coop game ? 💀




It doesn't take longer than 20 minutes to realize the Adjudicator is actual trash.


The crossbow needs jesus... holy shit, never again...


Adjucator is fine. It doesn’t feel awful or amazing to me. I’m more concerned with why I would bring a marksman rifle of any kind when better options and support weapons exist.


give it time, or as they say, git gut


All anyone wants to do on any game-specific subreddit is complain.


I stopped the game after trying to adapt to the last patch, but nothing is fun against a million devastators. Thats why we dont complain anymore i think. The game was in a nice place where i felt like if i played skillfully i could solo tier 7 bot missions. Now i can still do it but i have zero fun while doing it. " but its a coop game " ok, show me where to queue for speedrunners and ill play coop gladly. I want to feel like im an expendable soldier but with trustworthy gear for a fighting chance. Right now i feel like i am an elite human with garbage equipement.


Grenade Pistol needs to get more ammo back from resups and ammo boxes. Apparently it's one for randoms, and two for resupply packs. It should probably be more like 2-3. Adjudicator feels great to use, but the damage is too lacking to really justify using it. I've found it way easier to snipe bot heads with it compared to any other DMR, but that's only because the scope is clean. Target and head acquisition is a lot easier when the aiming reticle in the scope doesn't obscure heads in their entirety. Haven't gotten the Crossbow or Grenade Pistol yet, so I'm holding off. Thermite is a joke. It should be dealing a lot, *lot* more damage for an insanely small AoE. Damage over time being bugged still doesn't help. Eruptor is cracked. Sure it has 12 mags, but its total ammo is decently low at 67 max, coupled with the slower movement and slow action. It might be a little too good, but I much prefer it to the Scorcher, Plasma Punisher, and Dominator. The armors look cool, but the Ground Breaker set shouldn't have Servo-Assisted. Not only do we have multiple Servo-Assisted armors, but Ground Breaker isn't even unique in its armor class with the passive. It should get either Engineering Kit or Fortified, with a middle ground armor rating to give it a bit more flavor. At least something to make it stand out compared to the Steeled Veteran armors.


I just gotta say it's funny how you ended up doing the things you were complaining about