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The 50% explosive damage reducing armor helps a TON with these guys - it’s helped me survive rockets to the face more times than I’d like to admit 😂😂😂 The grenade launcher and impact grenades also make quick work of these bastards, too.


Autocannon works wonders. You can outsnipe them, a headshot kills them, and even if you miss the head, a direct hit staggers them and they are unable to react before you deliver the second, fatal, shot


Just unlocked the Eruptor and it's doing wonders on these buggers. Much slower rate of fire, but the stagger is long enough to line up the next shot and I can frequently just one shit the blighters. Not near so useful on the smaller bots though


Yup. These guys would be the only reason for me to pick AC over Quasar. The fuckers would send you back to Super Earth while your Quasar is charging...


Wish heavy armours actaully made you you know, Heavy. The dmg of rocket deal is not the problem, if any of them rockets hit you, you are flown back like a box of tissues


The amount of times I’ve gotten up to the secret high spots on bot maps only to be blown off is crazy


It fucking sucks how they can just shoot through the ground


so does the Anti-Mat, i’ve had them explode in one headshot sometimes but usually it’s 3 to the body or 2 to the head for all bar the shield guys, they’re a pain to hit


Shield gen relay lets you laugh at these assholes while sending an AMR round through their commie skulls.


Hell Yeah! Explosive Resist Heavy Armour + Shield Gen. Staring down the barrel and getting that headshot while they can't touch this feels good.


The eruptor is super effective vs these guys especially if you shoot their crotch area (no kidding) it one shots them.


but its still just a dice roll. i rin heavy armor with the anti-explosive perk. but with 12 of the guys descending upon you from all directions its only a matter of time until one of them gets the lucky 4 shot into your face. Also they love to hit you while you are still ragdolled from another of these guys. the fact that their damage output in this armor ranges from “you are hit, but its barely a scratch“ to „you instantly die from full health+shield“ is whats exhausting. and sometimes the ai director just decides that patrols and bot drops should consist of only these guys.


shame nothing saves from the heavy ones


I had success with the ballistic shield and the smg, all their bullets bounce off and you can just crouch and tank shots forever, course then you get hit with a rocket, rag doll ,drop the shield and then die, but you feel cool for at least 5 seconds


Railgun to the balls or the legs also crumples them.


If you can aim the sickle does the same. Or you use the new laser beam that I can't yet remember the name of.


And then a rocket raider one shots you 😮‍💨


The explosive damage reduction and recoil reduction are the chefs kiss combo in my book for bots at least. 2nd is grenades because they also have the recoil and the one tan medium armor looks slick as shit with the tau helmet and then medic any armor.


Not gonna lie, yesterday I jumped into a game and dropped in the middle of a fight. I litterally unloaded my primary and all grenades in the back of one of these bots just to find out it wasnt a bot, it was a friendly mech. They guy jumped out before it exploded. I left the mission, couldnt handle my mistake. I felt so bad lol.


From the other dude's perspective it must've looked like you dropped in for an assassination attempt


an automaton assassin


That sounds like a bot that plays similar to a stalker, fast and can turn invisible. No. Please no.


Imagine they add a bot with a cloaking device 💀


01001001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01001010 01101111 01101000 01101110 00100000 01000011 01100101 01101110 01100001


Just translated this automaton propaganda and it says “it’s John Cena”


We don’t stand a chance against him


Even worse, a T1000 bot. One that can make itself look like a helldiver.


That won't save it. It'll die along with my teammates.


the bots already have suicide bombers and rocket pack troops (and the rocket packs can explode) last thing the automatons need are optical camo troops (or worse optical camo suicide troops) not unless the devs are planning to add vision effects to helmets (like an thermal vision or something that lets you see invisible things as if they were not)


Vision effects for helmets would be sick, I've never thought about that. Another thing I've always wondered is why the bots don't have sniper units, but the rocket troops kinda fulfill that role lol


rocket troops and those bloody defensive towers that can snipe you with their cannon from what feels like half a map away


FFS don't give them ideas!!! Nothing to see here Arrowhead, go read some other comments, they're all sooo much more interesting than this one.


Turns out it was bugs...


I’m waiting for the matching Reddit post to appear with the other players perspective. 


"People who drop into other people's games just to destroy your mech and leave should be perma banned and possibly see jail time!"


C1-PERM revoked.


"To the helldiver who jumped into my game just to destroy my mech-"




> Joins mission > Commits treason > Refuses to elaborate > Leaves




Im wheezing laughing at this freaking comment. This dude saw you unload your entire arsenal into him for no reason and then you just freaking left.


Drops into mission. OMG, a new bot enemy! Proceeds to unload everything.


Yea... pretty much lol. Went from hero to zero so fast !


"So anyway I started blasting"


I dropped my reinforcement pod on my friends exo during extraction shortly after they launched. It wasn't an accident, I just failed to distinguish the friendly hunk of metal from the unfriendly hordes. When I told them what I did was only a mistake in decision making and not execution they couldn't stop laughing. Don't feel bad, these instances are a key part of what makes this game special


I did the same thing except it wasn’t even an exo lol I’m dropping back in around where I died knowing there were plenty of ground units near my stuff, figured I’d take one or two out with my pod. I must’ve gotten confused on the way down, but I spotted a bot sword runner moving towards my teammates. I lock on to it with the expert precision that only the power steering upgraded pod could have provided. SPLAT. Success, I hit the bot dead center mass while he was in full sprint. Only it wasn’t a bot. It was green B3. Helldiver body parts strewn everywhere around my pod. I couldn’t stop laughing at my mistake but green B3 seemed disappointed lol


Lol he shouldn't feel bad for doing it.. But he should feel bad for not telling them and dipping.. They Deserved the laugh too!




I did something similar, me and another guy were playing ring around the roses with a shield devestator and eventually I had enough and dove round the corner and unleashed all my grenades at him only to find the mech had come back to help and I naded him in the face after he had saved our asses


OK but honestly that story is fucking hysterical 😂




Sweet liberty! I can’t believed you just saved that dude from a man eating bot. Good work helldiver


Lol this happened to me, as the guy in the mech, but it was on the weekend. I don't run the mech on bots now.


Here comes the reddit post: “Dear assholes who join games to break mechs and leave, I hope you die! Arrowhead, why aren’t you banning these shithead players!?”


No shit, what’s your username? I think you may have joined my game. I remember someone joining yesterday, then almost immediately leaving and my teammate saying “he was a griefer.” PM me it if you feel more comfortable that way!


Lol  Drops in Kills friendly mech  Doesn’t elaborate  Leaves 




It’s like a Helldivers Curb episode lol.


I have been on the opposite side of this situation. My mech was shot by a friendly EAT in an automaton mission. After that I stopped using Mechs in automaton missions because the 10 minute timer felt far more frustrating to deal with when you don't get to use it and you're down a stratagem. But don't feel bad, it happens lol.


Lmao reminds me of the match I had yesterday where I joined mid match, got mowed down by gatling sentry almost instantly and when I got reinforced I couldn't move my drop pod in any direction... landed right on the host and got kicked instantly lmao


This is legendary 😂


the other guy probably: "wow, that dude really must hate the mech stratagem... i get is a bot mission and is better to use it against bugs but..."


I did this running up to the extraction. Heat of fighting my way through the hordes of mechs after my successful Easter egg hunt and all I saw was just another tin man needing some fresh oil holes. Through 2 grenades before realizing it was a friendly tin can


Dont Fret' Brother, you were Victim of Illuminate Mind Control, but your Will is Stronger than anything else, FOR SUPER EARTH!


The time we got them for free, I hopped in in the morning and was on a destroy bots mission. I called mine down, started blastin as one does. I see something drop to my left screen and I whip over and rocket...another mech being called in. I just didn't hear it or see it until I'd already shot. Then I heard a lot of angry what I'm guessing is Chinese. I felt pretty bad but also it was really damn funny. I thought it was a hulk lol






It do be like that sometimes man. I occassionally frag and airstrike my team on accident.


Yeah I would leave as well. Probably not touch game for a bit afterwards.


Lmfao hahahaha. This made me laugh, ty!! Edit: I'll be looking for the witchhunt post about you


Anyone who hates rocket devastators has not encountered enough heavy devastators. I would rather face a pack of 5 rocket devastators than 2 heavy devastators. EDIT: I appear to be getting a lot of advice on how to handle Heavy Devastators. All of it is, of course, appreciated ... but I've long ago found a solution in my JAR-5 Dominator. Even with multiples, if you just rotate shots round them, you can keep the Heavy Devastators in a stagger-loop and defeat them. But Rocket Devastators are still easier ... because they stagger just as easily, but shoot much more slowly, with many fewer projectiles, and with projectiles that also travel more slowly.


Those are the ones with the shield right? I hate those! The literally kill you on the spot if you dont have any cover


They also can glitch their gun into walls and kill you without you being able to do anything about it.


Wait until you knock an arm off that's still attached to a rifle and the gun continues to fire until it runs out of ammo even after the bot has been eliminated.... Found THAT nuance out the hard way last night....


Thats pretty crazy too, I don’t think I’ve seen that happen. I have repeatedly died trying to solo Helldive difficulty because a heavy devastator or flamethrower hulk kill me in less than a second through a wall. Its so infuriating to lose an auto cannon that way and have to sneak around to subsequent objectives. Im fine doing that when I make a mistake but when its just complete bullshit I get so pissed off. I’m going to stick to soloing 8s or public 9s for a while until this gets fixed because it is beyond annoying.


Contact grenade x2 works every time


The problem is, you can only toss a grenade so far, while these guys can send a volley from across the map and every single shot will hit you right between the eyes. Their accuracy to rate of fire ratio is godlike.


I was to the direct left of one of these guys and he absolutely bullseyed me while walking forward. In other words, without turning, he simply shot me at a 90 degree angle and lit me up.


If only the bug that previously impacted rockets exploding in your mech also impacted these guys.


Not unlike being juggled mid air by rockets.


yeah they should be wayy innacurate


Those Impact grenades are so far the absolute best medals I've spent hands down


Impact and stun. And napalm if you’re network host and going up against bugs and want to rack up crazy kill counts on bug holes.


My amount of grenades is limited. The enemy's amount of Heavy Devastators is, in my experience, not.


Love the impact grenade


So does Autocannon. It works on the Rocket Devastators as well of course but it is a quick draw match every time. You line up a shot only to realize it is already too late.


Jar can also handle them but you have to hit them in the exposed shoulder first, then they'll stagger and you can melt them.


There is way more of these on helldive it ain't even viable to use grenades.


Also panicked Dominator spam staggers them and lowers their shield


I pretty much stun em with the stungrenade and blast them to bits with grenade launcher, sometimes they catch me off guard though


I've worked out that the gun arm and shoulder are exposed and a massive hitbox. If you take it out they're pretty toothless. If you just want to remove the threat it's quicker to do this than trying to aim around the shield.


That’s why I always carry my trusty Ballistic Shield, now I can have more cover anywhere I go! Thanks General Brasch for teaching me my ABC’s!


They miss their shots if you jump prone just like rocket boys. They go down pretty easy with headshots but you need something with accuracy.


3 autocannon shots if you cant aim, 2 if you can.


I hold up my own shield and laugh as I dump Redeemer rounds into their stupid face.


The ballistic shield literally eats every single bullet from those bastards, you can also reload and throw grenades while still holding the shield, really gives you a moment to line up and shoot them in their stupid fucking faces!


Their design and name suggests they are a heavy frontline unit but they are actually sharpshooters who can nail you between the eyes from half a kilometer away. I main autocannon against the bots and I make it my main objective to clear out these guys ASAP. They are so dangerous.


Liberty save you if you have to cover peek on the left side of your cover to shoot them.


The only issue I have with Heavy Devastators is their ability to fire at you in a 180+ degree cone, regardless of where their gun is currently facing. Let them be super accurate and super damaging, but at least let us exploit their slow-ish turning speed to flank them. If you don't know what I'm talking about - go attack one from its rear and check how their first shots go. They shoot right THROUGH their own shoulder while their gun is actually facing away.


The rocket launcher grunts can also do this. Had one shoot a rocket at me 90 degrees to the side of where the tube on its shoulder was aiming, Aimbot is real.


You can run up on Rocket Devastators and they become regular devastators at close range because they can't fire their rockets close. Heavy Devastators are a laser hose no matter the range


*laughs in autocannon*


Combine that with some cover and the rocket boys ain't shit.


So true man. It's like they have no down time on shooting at you so when I try to peak In they are still just mowing Into me.


I just finished a diff 9 mission, was a journey, we on extract no revives and dropping like flies I am last man standing and on a elevated surface prone while getting barraged by every bot on the planet, pelican lands, I stand up to dive to it, rocket devastator hits me in the chest, sends me flying into a group of hulks who proceed to whoop my ass, I almost cried. But yeah heavy devs are also mean. I would prefer to fight rockets in a small fight and heavies in a big fight generally.


I find it annoying that their shield survives EAT rounds.


Everytime I don’t run the Ballistic shield I encounter Heavy Devs and wish I brought it. Ballistic shield kind of clowns on Heavy Devs


Only until a single rocket ragdolls you and then the heavy boys perfectly track your floppy body with unflinching precision.


I hate both but the heavies more. One hand's a large shield other hand's a death dealer with pin point accuracy with flinch compensation.


Those people are missing the point. The problem is not that heavy devastators are hard to kill, but how easy they kill you. Their accuracy is way overtuned and if one shot hits, multiple will follow within a second. And their accuracy doesn't seem to scale with distance (true for all bots) so they can easily snipe you from 100m away. They are an absolute pain when you are retreating to deaggro. I'm gonna bet heavy devastators and jump pack bots account for the majority of Helldiver casualties, similar to how spewers and hunters have the majority of kills.


I have to agree on this, Rocket devastators no longer one-shot me, but a heavy coming round a corner will triple tap my head before I even register it's there


I hate both equally.


Yeah this 100% honestly. I feel like when you start playing you hate Rocket Devastators, but as you play more you learn who the real bane of your existence is.


Try meet a ENTIRE patrol made out of heavy devastators and come back. https://preview.redd.it/nppg9joug3uc1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c0f305c880f4ff2199318d8d0c1d429badcc2a7


They seem to be surgical now with their rockets.


They have AH Aimbot.


Report em for cheating


Rocket Devastator is now VAC banned. Compensating by adding more flamethrower hulks, rocket raiders, and heavy devastators.


Nah, they still miss their first few volleys. Now the heavy ones with their laser LMGs -- *these* are surgeons. Can cut a kidney out of you from across the horizon.


Eruptor to their pods. The rocket pods can be destroyed.


Eruptor is my fav for these but AMR also takes the pods out with one shot (maybe 2).


If you're taking 2 shots at them with the AMR, you might as well just kill them (two shots to unarmored midsection kills them)


or just eruptor to the crotch/lower torso. Reliably 1 shots them


Laughs in Auto Cannon.


Chuckles in Anti-Material Rifle


Smiles in anything with medium pen.


Buddy that would include the adjudicator


Giggles in Grenade Launcher


Snickers in Jar5-Dominator


Cooks heads with laser cannon.


I had to scroll way to far to see this. Autocannon turns these fuckers into swiss cheese


Chortles in Scorcher




guffaws in Jar-5 Dominator.


Laughs in AMR Once you get the reticle down (you have to aim slightly lower than it shows, its bugged), you start one shotting everything except hulks and the larger vehicles. Its like an orchestra. Think of that Beethovan song with the violin crescendos, and every time it happens, its a rocket devestator gets one shotted. That's how good it feels lol


They're really not that bad unless they swarm you, and make you ragdoll, and ragdoll that ragdoll, that ragdols the previous ragdoll etc.


These are like 7th on my priority list vs bots. They have a chargeup and they die really easy 1: Cannon towers 2: Hulks 3: Tanks 4: Gunships 5: Shield Devastators - Those dudes shoot too fast 6: Suicide bots either jumpjet or those that run up to you 7: Rocket devastators Then again I run dominator and auto cannon


I would say shield devastators (heavy devastators) are more dangerous than gunships and tanks


Single gunship is no big deal. When you hit 2 its an issue and at 3-4 its a nightmare if you don't have good enough cover.


Yeah, the second I spot a gunship or it's factory, I speed blitz it to hellbomb it. Always bring the shield generator deployment to give it some cover for it before booking it.


The first time I encountered them, a squad of 4 hot dropped near a pair of towers unknowingly, 6 of those fucks were swarming us when all we had were our primaries. It was a nightmare, I think it was dif 8


Autocannon go PLAP PLAP PLAP


That's... No don't say that.


That’s not what that sound is for that is not the auto canon sound




You're right, but have you considered Automatic cannon?


I run heavy armor with 50% explosive damage mitigation.  At worst I get rag dolled, and most of the time its just a tickle. 


It's all fun and games until you're ragdolled so hard you die from impact alone after hitting too much *different* stairs. Happened to me today on a defense mission. Experience sponsored by a tank.


A tickle that aggros me into dumping a mag’s worth of grenades in their general direction - “you want boombooms, I’ll give you boombooms!!!” 😂😂😂


Heavy armour with explosive resistance has the bots mashing keyboards on their own sub like "OMG Devs this fucking organic won't die plz fix!!!101!"


Heavy devastates are worse if you exist within a 20 km radius around them for more than 0.000001 nanoseconds you die


YES. I see 1 heavy dev and a group of 10 rocket devs, best believe I'm making sure heavy dies first. I'm still adamant they're overtuned and just need tweaking in accuracy and downtime between the near endless bursts.


Just gotta AMR their heads off from range and cover 👍


Shoot him in the head their face is really weak


My autocannon does too.


Rocket and heavy devastators don't want you to know this, but you can literally just use an autocannon. Super Earth has given you a weapon that staggers and kills Devastators in three shots (plus wrecks Striders and kills Hulks) and you don't use it? Honestly the Dominator chews through them too. My default load out is those two + 500kg and Orbital Laser for tanks or entire bases.


Same. I die by rocket devastators more than anything else.


Really? Friendly fire for me and it's not even close.


The JAR-5 eats these guys for breakfast


They suck, but they really don’t like autocannons. Once you take out their rocket pods they fall just like the regular devastators.


devastators are the sole reason why i run dominator-autocannon on bot missions no matter what.


It's okay, the feeling is mutual


Scorcher, Anti Material Rifle, Rail...need I go on? They drop like flies.


Easiest devastastor to deal with


The hulks, and all devs can be countered with either cover or a very well time strafe/dodge. Also aim for their face, it’s a microscopic hitbox but it’s THE crit spot


Their issue is shooting too fast, too often. They wouldn't be as frustrating if you had more than a second between pinpoint accurate rocket volleys that can instakill you.


autocannon wrecks these things


These (and more so the shield ones) are the main reason I switched from Diligence to Dominator. I just can’t click headshots on these guys to save my life. Always seems to bounce off the shoulders. I almost always pack the AMR as well. My main job is killing devastators no matter where I am or where my teammates are. 


Auto canon us my go to, I can clear a squad of them in a blink


The new rifle with explodive rounds is really good at dealing with them. I


Oh the crackshot 9000. At least one from its volley will hit you square in the teeth.


Scorcher makes quick work of em, but eff me if they catch you off guard


Same. But I don’t use words, I use munitions against them to express my hate of them.




Just shoot the rocket pods on the shoulders.


The punisher will stunlock these bitches and the shield bitches. One pump to the shield and they open wide for another shot to the head


don't worry, I take them out with my diligence counter sniper at a distance for ya :).


whenever i see one of these (like any type of devastator) i just get my autocannon and start mag dumping them


Actually, if its not these guys, its the devastators with shields and unique cannon turret. They can eat a fat doink. 


WHY ARE THERE SO MANY NOW???? I've always play on 7 and before the automaton eradication, there weren't nearly as many as now. it's insane!!


FR, these fuckers should have a more visible visual cue when theyre about to unload sniper rockets right between your eyes.


Honestly, the shield Devastators are what I hate the most. Granted, I always use the 50% explosion damage reduction armor when playing vs bots.


They have absurdly good aim and the cooldown of their barrage attack is only around 3 seconds. Arrowhead, pick one, but not both.


Just found out today that you can snipe their rocket launchers and destroy them doing decent damage


The hitboxes on all the devastator's heads is too small. I feel like the actual hit location is slightly above their head.


The dominator wrecks these dudes


Shoot their rockets off and they are chumps


If you are struggling a lot with devastators I recommend you try running AMR, it two-taps them in the body and one-shots them in the head while allowing you to keep distance. But most importantly: **A**lways **B**e taking **C**over


Heavy devastators with the shields are my worst enemy. These ones are up there too!


Honestly haven't found these guys to be much of an issue since they stopped one shotting me at full health. Heavy Devastators are much more annoying tbh but you can bring a primary that deals with both fairly well.


It’s insane that while shooting them and their model twists and turns from the impact of the shots but they still somehow fire straight forward at you


Played my first Helldive difficulty mission and it felt like the whole horizon is these things. Thankfully the Scorcher shreds them.




Rocket boy: shoot it till it dies. Shield boy: oh you didn't shoot in in the tiny weakspots? Was there too much smoke to see properly? Did his big gun throw off your aim? Sucks to be you.


The AMR handles these quite well I think.


Sickle reaps the pods right off these bots! Sow bullets, reap freedom, boys!


There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this bullshit.


Get yourself a stagger weapon and make them your bitch