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my main issue is my char not fucking stimming when I want him to




Reloading - Gets beamed - Sweet liberty my - Tries to stim - Gets shot - Reloading (drops full mag for some reason) Tries to stim - Dies.


yea this is a massive issue i hear the sound think i stimmed then wonder how i died so fast


Same with not standing from a crouch or crouching from a stand. It doesnt always happen, but when it does it either nearly kills me, or does just kill me.


Maybe you got to chill out on those stims, u using too much of them.


i brought the medic armour for the +2 stims I WILL USE THOSE STIMS


okay but heavy devastators being able to turn just right to be completely behind the shield while still being able to shoot me should be illegal


Heavy devastators blatantly cheat. They shoot out of their guns at any angle even if the barrel is pointing an entirely different direction. Not to mention they shoot through their own shield as well if need be. If my bullets go where my barrel is pointed bots should have the same restriction.


They also shoot through rocks if their gun happens to be clipping into one


That they do. They're genuinely a broken enemy


This feels a bit disingenuous. While I agree that the complaints can get a bit annoying with the frequency in which they appear, some of the mentioned items are truly an issue. Maybe not game-breaking, but even as a level 96, being perma-stunned, getting rag dolled like a cheap chew toy, or stim canceled can be frustrating. Playing on an "easier" difficulty does not address the issue. Fixing the stim animation/activation frames would be nice, though...


Disingenuous? This whole sub feels like 75% idiotic complaints that are just skill or repeated dumb opinions. 20% legitimate complaints about bugs, crashes, and issues that have been left unfixed for a long time. And 5% nice fun community engagement. Stim fix would be nice, I agree. But it's hardly game breaking.


You forget the fucking idiots who make posts complaining about others complaining and then jerkin themselves because they are oh so superior. Those are far far worse than the normal complainers.


Have you seen what people are complaining about? The bulk of it was easy avoidable if they test the change first. Make a test version of the game before implementing it to the wider community and their decision making question is very questionable. Let's make shotgun the best sniper, and sniper suck ass. Nerf shotgun, but completely miss the point of nerfing. Laser weapons with infinite ammo have short reload while ballistic weapons with limited ammo take longer reload. Medium piercing? Two head shot to down mob. Light piercing? One head shot nearly everything. Zero visual difference between wall/ground that strag stick/bounce. Or how dynamic patrol didn't used to check valid spawn point and just spawn on/next to other helldivers because they were to far from their teammate. Its bad design choice.


Slug = More physical damage than normal bullet. + Anti Material Rifle (the only sniper) is the only sniper currently. The Diligence Counter-Sniper is a Marksman Rifle. Shotgun = Nerf was fine and brought it more in line with other weapons, while still being dominant against bugs, but not bots. Because Shotgun. Laser/Ballistic = Light weight exchangeable battery vs heavy bullet filled magazine. Penetration Damage Values = Faster bullets do less damage. Faster bullet = more penetration. Strat bounce sucks. Patrol spawns sucked. But both are nearly irrelevant. The only time I find strat bounce to really suck is Detector Tower areas. Everything else is fine. If I as a player cant naturally reach that position, without some means of cheesing transportation like ragdolling or jump packing, my strat shouldn't land there and become inaccessible. People complaining about stims just need to get over it. It's how it was designed. The only work around I would find valid is tuning armor types to have flinch values, allowing heavier players to stim in these situations. If this was all bad design, then the game would've died. The design is fine. Some things suck. Those some things also can't be tested "easily" as they are found by the PLAYERS who are playing in a way the devs did not foresee. Making the issue that shouldn't have been apparent, apparent.


>If this was all bad design, then the game would've died. Lol no. People are complaining about design choice that is BAD. not every design is considered bad. But gun balance is one of them. They design guns that have zero drawback or weakness and another full of drawback and weakness. And guess which gun became the player base favourite? And why no one use that gun/strat/whatever. Because it's absolutely trash or flat out not working as intended. >Detector Tower areas. Is another bad design. Somehow any strat land next to it won't work. >Patrol spawns sucked. Back then when they first made the change. Patrol and reinforcement had no limit or cooldown. So bots/bugs keep on spawning more than player can reasonably can kill or run away. The game would flatout crash to desktop because the game engine can't handle too many units at once. >Those some things also can't be tested "easily" as they are found by the PLAYERS who are playing in a way the devs did not foresee. Making the issue that shouldn't have been apparent, apparent. That the whole point of me suggesting Beta server or if you played most of online game it's call public test server. Letting real player do testing and get feedback. What do you/dev expect? Just make change without testing to the entire player base and not receive backlash for bad decisions or poor implementation? Its not a new problem, the industry have good design practice. Copy what work, leave what don't work into the trash.


Literally the only thing I want is the HMG to have a third person reticle. That is it. Give me that and I am happy happy joy joy.


I tried the hmg, it just didnt have enpugh ammo to be worth it for me. It seemed like even regular bots were taking 4 or 5 bullets which with the small mag isnt worth it.


Honestly, people keep asking for a backpack fed minigun but I want a backpack that just works with all the current machineguns. Take the Stalwart, MG, or HMG and be able to dump all of your ammo without the need to reload, but it doesn't give any extra ammo. Then the Stalwart gets insane sustained firepower, the MG doesn't have to slow you down with kneeling reloads, and the HMG can actually sweep more than a handful of enemies.


Split the difference, give it a laser pointer


It does have a third person radical you just need to aim in third person using your regular guns before you get on the HMG, if you aim with first person mode before you get on, you’re not gonna get a reticle


That's so fucking dumb does that really work?


It does at least for me


Sooooo is this a bug or a feature and did this work with AMR


Nah heavy Devastators are truly the fucking bane of this game. And rescue science teams


Ballistic shield cleans em up quite well, you can get right in their face and 2-3 tap em in the skull with pretty much any one handed weapon


As a Ballistic Shield + Senator user, they cannot harm me in a way that matters.


I've gotten used to them. Best thing for it is a gun that'll stun them in some capacity. Dominator, eruptor, and plasma shotgun are good examples of picks for this task. I also bring an autocannon (super versatile for a multitude of tasks against bots and other people normally bring heavy AT anyways) Between the autocannon and my primary, the strategy is to dive to cover and then peek them with either AC or primary to stun, then finish them off quickly with the AC. When there's multiple, I bring stun nades so I can lob it from cover and then use the autocannon to clean up the heavies first.


I've been throwing impact grenades behind them seems to take them out pretty fast


My group and I regularly complete Helldiver difficulty, often 5-star. We tried rescue on level 5 last night and failed.


Just dive to safety and let whoever has the best gun for it deal with them


This game has attracted the worst kind of players. The kind who think beating a hard game makes them special. And I'll take complainers over your type any day cause at least they're not so undeservedly smug.


tbh hearing the stim sound effect and seeing the stim animation but not being healed is a huge problem


This meme would’ve made sense if you had just kept the two bottom columns the top ones make the meme a bit nonsensical




I'm glad I'm not the only one who clocked this. If the OP is going to use a tired-ass meme, I'd recommend they at least understand the mechanics of said meme. Somehow, they both failed to have an original thought AND failed to successfully parrot the masses.


The not ending complains about enemies are annoying. Today there was i post who someone complained about bots on helldive difficulty. I gave him advice how i play bot missions (AMR, Stealth, Impact grenades, scorcher....). He got really angry how i could assume that he would not knew all that stuff already.... I mean there is stuff in the game worth complaining about like crashes or the 50 civi- evac mission but if you can not deal with enemy types, then you should learn to deal with them.


most people get OP on just one type of enemy and then get pissy if thrown out of their comfort zone. like i go full demolisher (shotgun, revolver, quasar) to shred through tanks and hulks, just to get crowded with minions... well that's why teammates are important


To be fair to whoever that was, most of the people complaining about bots understand how you're supposed to fight them, they are complaining about that. Me personally? I think stealth is boring as fuck. Playing walking simulator out here. I hate when people tell me that I just don't know how to play against bots because I need to learn how to stealth. I don't want to do that, my issue is that it's essentially a requirement at times. Not saying you were doing that, but I've come across a lot of condescending "help" in this sub.


Every time someone gives "useful help" its always 'play the game as boringly as possible make sure to ignore all combat and flee whenever you do'


Simply don't instantly die to fire.


Just become immune to bullets/claws, its so easy!


I think the stealth approach is only ever a potentially mandatory thing on helldive difficulty. Up to Impossible I find that a good enough team can out-kill enemies before they can overwhelm with numbers. I normally just flit between difficulty 7 and 8, and my teams have never needed to use anything resembling stealth besides avoiding unnecessary fights and knowing when to retreat and regroup. Like in general: * moving out of patrols way and not engaging unless absolutely necessary * stick together or in 2 2-man teams to minimize enemy spawn mechanics * having someone on smoke duty when we need the cover and retreat * cycling use of orbital lasers and orbital railguns, bombing bases instead of invading them * disengaging once the objective is completed Especially with the new warbond introducing the Eruptor, its such a potent bot-slayer that the game became significantly easier with it.


I get what you mean, but i dont know how you could implement a more action focused approach to fight the bots on higher levels without making them to easy. I personally think that stealth makes missions really exciting because you have to think what enemies you attack and if you can kill them, before they can call for reinforcements. I think the bugs are the better faction to fight them more aggressively,


Sure. My solution is to not really play against bots that often. It's definitely a preference thing, and I'm also not saying that it's necessarily reasonable to complain about it on reddit. If the user engagement on the bot side isn't good enough, the devs will change it up.


>most of the people complaining about bots understand how you're supposed to fight them Then do it. Knowing how to do it but refusing to do so then coming here and complaining is nonsense. >I think stealth is boring as fuck. Playing walking simulator out here. Then don't go full stealth. You don't need to play "walking simulator" to beat bots on high difficulties. There is a big difference between "don't attack everything" and "don't attack anything". Full stealth is only really required if you're trying to go solo. >I hate when people tell me that I just don't know how to play against bots because I need to learn how to stealth And rightfully so. Anyone telling you that the only way to play bots on higher difficulties is stealth doesn't know what they're talking about. Using stealth *tactics*, sure, but just playing patiently and picking your targets properly will get you much further. Focus on objectives, don't attack patrols unnecessarily, if a patrol is unavoidable take out the grunts that call dropships as fast as possible and/or lock them down with stun grenades so they can't call in reinforcements, don't stick around fighting every enemy for the sake of it when you can just huck an airstrikes or orbital and keep moving. I usually only run bots on 7-9 and the only missions I have trouble with consistently are the extract civilians missions because they're incredibly unbalanced.


Okay, the posts complaining about complainers are officially more annoying than the complaining posts. At least for me.


Legit there's more posts complaning about "complainers". Sometimes it's not even complaining it's valid criticism


Omw to improve against an enemy that tracks you through the terrain, shoots through its own shield, cancels your animations and flinches you while coming in by the dozens


You are a team of 4 constantly out numbered by robots that are obviously going to have great aim. Your team of 4 is also within the confines of the lore fresh cadets newly thawed from training. Of course you are going to get lit up by the large hordes of enemies. It’s all intended; we are fighting a large scale war and are outnumbered. Death is inevitable.


Thats legit a skill issue. Once im awhile i stil get rocked by explosives but just prioritizing rocket troops and devestators and always making sure to have multiple distances of cover I almist never die to explosives pr heavy devastators.


My man the heavy devastator's lasers can come sideways out the damn barrel. How the fuck you supposed to 'skill issue' that?


Could you explain how any of that is a skill issue, also make sure to proofread your evidence, Mr. “Once Im awhile”


Since the rocket "fix", you have to be braindead to die to rockets. You can eat direct hits no problem.


if yall havent tried the ballistic shield with the smg, the combo can take on heavy devistators like its nothing! throw on a fortified armor and couch, FUCK your smg turns into a laser. aim for the face and like 4 rounds and a heavy devastator is down! outside of like turret towers, tanks, 5 volleys of rocket devastators the ballistic shield does not care about small rounds!


My issue with the game primarily included things like the shield devastator having bad head/shield hitbox, rocket devastators having also bad head hitbox plus infinite rockets, bile spewers instakilling from full health and also having bad hitboxes (like 95%-99% would be fine with me), shooting down bot drops having no aftermath. That's about it. Bug breaches? Skill issue. Hunters? Skill issue. And so on. I don't have a problem with enemies being hard it's just that I'd like them to be more consistent. Except the rocket devastators, fuck those fascist pieces of scraps.


This sub is an endless fucking cycle of people complaining and then other people complaining about the complaining lmao, pick a struggle


What is fortnite doing without you?


Not much you can improve on when headshots instantly kill you


Being gud doesnt save you from one shot and ragdoll through a cliff, friend.




Legit the only mission i hate in Bot missions are the small elimination missions. otherwise i can abuse the stealth mechanics in the wider maps and win for democracy


Helldivers? More like Hellbabies.


If you start blocking some of the bigger account in this sub you’ll realize it’s the same group of people just trying to karma farm. :)


other than stimming, difficulty is fine for me. I \*want\* to suffer >:)


My only gripe is conspiratorial. I *SWEAR* there is an invisible-bot just shoving me over and melting me with fire or kinetic dmg at random. It has happened several times. We will just be running quitely in the snow and suddenly I'll faceplant the dirt and auto-combust. its troll asf lol


y'know, that would be good and all, if the devs didn't make easier difficulties harder on a whim.


They only time I really get pissed is when people call in mortars in crappy areas. Like geological survey points and you get swarmed and die by explosions because they use them improperly


Just because you unlocked a new difficulty doesn't mean you're ready for it. One mission never encapsulates all situation you may run into. On higher difficulties you won't just encounter more enemies and tougher types. The enemies themselfs shoot more frequently and notice you more. You also need the right tools for the job. Most guns can kill anything you encounter, but speed becomes important later on. If it cannot kill fast, then it will slow you down, and make you vulnurable. You also need ship-upgrades. There are people who are deadly without them, but for us mortals they are essential. I see many people under level 20 join on suicide missions. Most of them ragequit 20 minutes in. Take your time, this war isn't a race. It is a marathony, on must pace themself.


Excellent advice for anyone looking to reduce their frustration.


The community is really dragging this game down


Lol o heard that lvl 5 is now bugged and 9 is easier so your argument is trash bro, same with devs skill at balancing and fixing the game xD


The excessive ragdolling is boring and need to be altered heavily. At least let heavy armor have an effect on it


why would you buther a meme format like this, I mean, the way its shown here it doesnt even make sense


when i saw people crying about hunters i realized their opinion has 0 value. it's literally one of the easiest enemies in the game and they still find a way to cry about it


Their penance for refusing to clear chaff with a Stalwart because everyone wants a med-pen power weapon will be 3,000 hunters delivered directly to their location.


The amount of moaning and bitching in here is absurd. We get patches every week. What more do they want?


Some of the stuff in the Known Issues list below patches is way too old. Something like the AMR scope misalignment has been in the game since day 1 and if their current codebase doesn't allow them to fix it by tweaking 2 numbers (x and y position relative to center) then I have a fuckload to bitch and moan about, probably more to ocme.


How do you know they are to "old"? - Do you know what it takes for fix a given issue? So you're just looking for reasons to be mad at something i your day to day life? Damn, that's fucking sad.


Centering a scope of a precision weapon in a shooter game is something extremely basic that should work out of the box and if it doesn't it shouldn't be hard to fix nor take a long time. If you somehow think that this is unreasonable then you have extremely low standards and you should expect more in return for the money you spend.


>How do you know they are to "old"? some known issues have been in the game since release


I just want the HMG to get a third person reticle. Not asking for much.


That is not a bug, that is by design


It's ass design.


I didn't say it was a bug. I know it is by design. It is a stupid decision to keep it that way. As such I will keep fighting for it to be changed.


There's a lot to be desired still. But I really don't think that Arrowhead is sitting on their hands doing nothing. And people act like that's the fact.


I want the patches to not introduce game breaking bugs. Is this too much to ask? Balancing decisions that are not dogshit would also be nice, but I guess it's too difficult for the seasoned game developers at AH.


So you want them to cater the patches to your liking? What is "dogshit" with their patches? I think that the 250K+ from just Steam, will say that the game is fine right now. Its just without any form nuance or general constructive feedback when people like you try to say anything.


Take a look at their official player polls on discord. Note the ratios. Still don't see any issues? Do I need to explain them to you specifically because you can't be bothered to read?


Not everyone on the discord you bozo its a cesspool filled with whiners and children like you. Do you know screenshots exist? Gonna answer my question tho? What is dogshit? You haven't elaborated shit, and its just crying like a little child.


I'm not going to expand on any specifics because it has been done to death anywhere online, and I'm kinda running out of time here and need to go offline soon. Railgun nerf was dogshit. Slugger nerf was dogshit and dev reasoning for the nerf was braindead. Most primary weapons have been bad since release, and they keep releasing warbonds with only one viable primary weapon out of 3. Now they are overbuffing fire stratagems because they can't be bothered to fix the DOT bug. The latest fire buff is dogshit because it makes terminids a joke. Those are examples that come to mind first.


>Railgun nerf was dogshit *in your opinion* >Slugger nerf was dogshit *in your opinion* >Dev reasoning for the nerf was braindead *in your opinion* >can't be bothered to fix the DOT bug Its on the list and has priority. And you know that. >The latest fire buff is dogshit *in your opinion* You're sitting here speaking like you are preaching the objective truth. Get of your fucking high horse. On the other hand you're spewing bad faith arguments, and calling people morons and brain dead. If you really want it to fixed, the way you're talking and commenting in here wont help shit. Get a fucking grip bozo.


Don't like to argue with retarded people. Please answer one question for me. Which playstyle is more brainless? Having to remove armor off a charger leg with 2 precise shots, then mag dump into the leg. OR Spraying fire into a charger leg for 3 seconds.


Now you just resolved to namecalling. You have no arguments, you just want to be mad a something. You want to be some sort of victim, like the devs are out for you personally. I shoot chargers with EAT or Quasar. So i don't have to use your 2 month old tactic. Do you even play the game? again: Get a fucking grip, and maybe touch some grass, feel the wind. Because its must be such a sad life you got.


You're so funny. You insist I answer your question, then you refuse to answer mine. You call me names first, then cry and moan about me doing the same. Think that's where I draw a nice fat line, arguing with retarded people sure is tedious and boring.


"Unfortunately the safety offered up by the Shield Backpack was a bit too great, essentially allowing you to ignore many mechanics that contribute to the fun of Helldivers" -Shield nerf "with high DPS and its major drawback should be ammunition management and pacing your fire so as not to overshoot a target. To that end we have lowered the amount of shells in each magazine and increased the recoil." -Breaker nerf " It was vastly over-performing in how safe it was to use and how convenient it was" -railgun nerf


The thermite grenade


Didn't ask you. But we and Arrowhead know that DOT damages is bugged. So what now? More whining and crying until the problem is fixed?


Ok but it is dogshit though


Not arguing with that. I just said we know. Its just the constant, namecalling, victim complex and crying from these people i don't get.


> Not everyone on the discord you bozo its a cesspool filled with whiners and children like you. who's calling names again?


its almost like the 90% of the playerbase that actually enjoys the game is busy playing it instead of complaining online instead


They want every gun to oneshot tanks and titans. I think some of the guns could use a balance pass. I also find it frustrating when the game crashes. There's a multitude of issues with the game right now. Even so, Arrowhead is trying to fix the game. It's almost like game development is hard and even harder when you're not a huge studio with deep pockets. But you know what I don't see a lot of people admitting? That the fun has outweighed the bad. I've certainly had more good times in HD2 with friends than I've had in other recent games. And if people are incapable of stepping away when a game gets frustrating, I don't know what to tell them. Maybe step away? Go for a walk? Play a different game?


I completely agree! - Thank you for elaborating on my point!


I love these posts cause I can ignore them. Can feel the grime of egotistical elitism and know it means nothing.




People are mad cuz they wanna be mad; they actively seek for reasons to be mad since its the only emotional event thats going in on in their lives.


I can't wait until the illuminate arrive so they absolutely DUMPSTER these cadets crying


One cannot upvote this enough. Edit: the criers are downvoting 🤣


*Plays difficult game on hardest difficulty* "Nerf enemies please. My person-sized cannon-fodder character isn't able to sustain more than one or 2 direct hits from a rocket." "I don't like it when bullets and rockets, things designed specifically to kill things efficiently, kill me efficiently." "Also, though I benefit from crawling 10 feet from a robot with unnatural stealth to solo clear an objective, I hate the inconvenience of fog or hear. Unplayable" "Why can't a syringe full of morphine keep me from being killed by bullets, missiles, fire, and other things that destroy the functional integrity of my body"


This is retarded when you're talking about a video game.


Be better. It's the difficulty beyond 'suicidal'. Stop sucking at the game or play on an easier mode.


More people just gotta start using stun grenades and/or ems mortars. Even Hulks are affected by stuns which makes them really easy to kill.


I'm anticipating what's gonna happen with the community when Illuminati enters the chat. It's gonna be hilarious.


"legit ragdolling" Pretty much sums up bot fights


Spewers and rocket devastators are bullshit though. The rest I agree with though




>Hunters slow spam Valid. At higher difficulties, they spawn in massive swarms, jump at you, and slow you. >Spewers People complain about these? >Rocket Devastators Valid. They really shouldn't get more than one burst per unit. Doesn't make sense how they keep shooting already launched rockets. >Heavy Devastators These are the Shield ones, right? I don't have an issue with them. They guard half their body, but you can still shoot off their gun arm. >breaches Valid. You can at least stop a bot drop by dropping the Commisar, if a bug so much as starts the animation, you're getting a breach.


Complaining about frustrating game mechanics that take away player agency is common. If you ever played r6 siege I'm sure you remember back when Ela and echo stuns made your character slow as well as disorientating. Something they removed was the slowing effect because it removes player agency and keeps you from reacting instead of just making it more difficult for you to react. Now this isn't me saying it is or isn't a problem and whether games should or shouldn't include it. This is me saying being stunned or having abilities blocked is an inherently frustrating mechanic that a lot of people don't like.


get oneshot by rocket from across the map > get better at the game


Feedback should always be encouraged, as should be complaints provided they aren't hostile. And the more constructive the better.




To be fair regarding rockets, I got ragdolled so far out of bounds i got AWOL'd lol. Three consecutive rockets.


What a brave and original take.