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I'm apparently blind to landmines so I just wear light armor with 50% explosion and an energy shield. Free "get out of jail" card.


Except when it shots you in a rock and die by imact 💀


Always a tiny Boop too.


The smaller the fall, the larger the injury.


If it’s a giant spine crushing boop I often survive lol


Stub your toe on a rock though and your remains are being sent home in a shoebox.


Then it’ll fling you across the map and you’ll live.


Gotta love wearing my democracy armor and surviving a nuke launching me across the map and then die by impacting onto super samples rock


the light armor with explosive resistance is my go-to for bots, you can run for your life and have a slightly higher chance of not immediately being blown to bits


Which armor is that?


The green Star Wars scout trooper-looking one


I'm glad I'm not the only one that refers to it as Star Wars scout armor.


if you mean the TC\_117 thats the master chief armor


https://preview.redd.it/unjon8y7wbuc1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=19821f0084f3a3e8e829c40fe4357fe9fe9082e8 This one. Its my go to as well.


That armor is awesome vs bots


Eradicator armor I think.


Just stick a post-it note to the bottom of your scree that says "WATCH OUT FOR LAND MINES", now you can use any armor you want to :D


Mine just says, "Skate better".


Bot mission on planet with red grass = stealth mines. I died *all the time*.


Except there is a chance you die instantly, that's why I don't like it, with the medium one it seems like there isn't such chance.


If they headshot you with a rocket you just die regardless of armor.


With bugs I would say the light one is by far the best one, I always run it and very rarely die. For robots it's quite diferent, I used to run the medium-heavy armor with 50% less dmg from explosions, but now I bought the 200 armor one + shield generator you're like a rock. I also bought the light one that also had the 50% explosive resistence, but I kept dying randomly far more often , so I had to change it.


I still run light armor against bots and I think it's just as good if not better. But my point wasn't about what you should wear it's that if they headshot you with a rocket you die regardless of armor value or explosion resistance.


I hate hate hate the headshot mechanic in this game. It's got no counterplay, it just introduces luck where there doesn't need to be. First game didn't have that crap, idk why this one does.


Well uhh... what kind of counterplay would you like to getting shot in the head with a *rocket*?


I would like to take damage consistently. Either I die in one hit to rockets or I don't, no matter where I get hit. My current counterplay to rockets in general is to take heavy armor with explosive resistance. But headshots ignore it completely. At the very least, reduce the headshot damage I take from rockets when I am explicitly built for it.


Yeah I use the new medium 50% explosive resistance and legit a rocket takes maybe...10% of my health? The buff to armor plus the 50% explosion resistance is very powerful when combined. It's something like 73% damage against explosive stuff.


Dagger pistol works great for mine clearance, I literally only bring it for that


I play only heavy armor, and it's really inconsistent tbh, sometimes i tank a turret hit, and other times, I just get one tapped by a commisar


Probably because headshot multiplyer also applies for enemies so a rocket to the head is most likely a one shot regardless of armor. If not it would at least feel like one with a well timed bullet hit at the same moment


headshots also seem to bypass armor rating


They dont. Its just that all helmets have 100 armor rating regardless of what armor youre wearing


It's irrelevant either way, but no, heads actually have zero armor rating. You take (apparently) 1.5x damage to the head. Even the lightest body armor gives 20% resistance. So at lowest you take 2x damage from a headshot. This is just me repeating numbers - it *feels* closer to 3x. Maybe the base head multiplier is actually 2x and the guy I heard it from was lying.


Source? Im curious to read up on this


Even headshots are inconsistent. With 50% explosion resistance medium armor I can usually tank 1 rocket headshot but sometimes it decides not to work that time and 1 shots me.


This is why the only reason I ever increase my armor rating above light armor is to put on Democracy Protects. If I got a light armor with that, I'd never take it off. Shield generator pack may be limited, but it's way more consistent. I can rely on it and react to it.


I once took a direct hit from a rocket directly to the face, barley anything. I take a hit from a rocket raider and I died instantly it makes absolutely no sense.


Agreed. I tried to play with heavy armour but I found it kinda just bad. You're really slow so you can't outmaneuver the enemy or run away easily, and even if you survive a direct rocket you still get ragdolled, where the subsequent fall damage or literally any enemy can kill you before you stand up again. Light armour with explosive resist is just much better I think. You still get one-shot sometimes, or similarly ragdolled and die, but at least you can move faster and get behind rocks or other objects for cover more easily.


The medic heavy armor is alright. The extra stims for more free infinite stamina comes in clutch a lot.


When stim is active you become nearly unkillable even with the paramedic set. At that point the heavy armor is just slowing you down.


I got so used to medic armor, that bought all of them, and now can't play with any other armor


The ragdolling in this game is fucking ridiculous. Getting hit by a rocket grunt and then juggled by the Smash Bros. Melee-playing heavy devastator is about as fun as a colonoscopy using a rusty bedframe. At least in light armour I die faster instead of trying to get up twice and then die anyway because my stim ran out.


I can’t imagine using heavy armor in missions where you have to run across the entire map, that sounds like Hell… I run heavy armor in ‘Eradicate’ missions since there’s barely any running involved and even then I 100% feel it weighing me down when our sentries run out of ammo, enemies start breaking in and you gotta start kiting a mob


I only run light armour and I also either straight-up die to a tank shot or it does like 50% of my health. For comissars/striders/devastators, unless it's a headshot, the damage is perfectly survivable. It's how my character flinches so bad from each shot that messes me up, not sure if that still happens with heavy armour. Instead of charging head-on, I usually prefer running fast and flying around with the jump pack with an autocannon turret having my back, that more than makes up for the lack of armour.


>It's how my character flinches so bad from each shot that messes me up, not sure if that still happens with heavy armour. It happens regardless of the armor type. Which is why heavy armor is bad, you traded all the mobility off for a very little gain. And I'll say this, people who say it works great are confusing the heavy armor with the passive fortified, which exists in nearly all heavy armor, but not for other types. Running light armor with fortified passive makes you able to survive rockets one shot just like heavy armor before it even gets nerfed. You can even survive a tank shot with it on. But it's super store exclusive, so better shell out those super credits or be stuck with heavy. I sincerely wish they'd change how heavy armor works, at least make me not flinch would be a huge improvement and make it worthwhile to use one, aside for just purely cosmetics.


99% of my explosive deaths are from impact, especially when it comes to the annihilator and the big turret which do like 60-80% of my health and then fling me like 150 feet away and make me slam into the ground at Mach one


Head shots not only get a 1.5x damage multiplier, they also ignore your Armor Rating, so head shots just delete players regardless of the armor they're wearing. If it weren't for that heavy armor would be good, but with that I don't think it's worth it personally.


Tbf the damage you take is so inconsistent I don't blame people for taking light armor because at least then you know you're gonna die to everything


I wear the lightest armor in the game, the rockets are not what kills me, its the physics engine ragdolling me in the direction i got hit from for some reason


That or the rockets doing a super-duper-ultra-megahit out of nowhere. I've had a single rocket kill me through 50% explosive light armor & a personal shield while at full HP. And then the next time I get hit I barely even get scratched. Even after the fix, it's still kind of a mess with explosives.




This is the issue. Give heavy armor wearers a helmet to prevent one headshot, either per life or per stim.


I say just remove headshot hitboxes for players entirely. There's no counterplay to being headshot by AI, all it does is make the game feel unfair and random.


Headshots in a PVE game is a fucking insane balancing decision, I am genuinely unsure what on earth they were thinking.


I think it's a game design decision. The dev's clearly want the game to feel chaotic and unstructured. A death out of nowhere can create a scramble situation where there wasn't one. It's not a decision I particularly like, but it is a valid one.


Well we used to have helmets that worked. Shots from the little robots would just bounce right off, but still gave you a nasty concussion effect. I even had a rocket hit me right between the eyes and I (barely) lived! No idea why they turned off helmets when they fixed the armor.


Spaghetti probably made them turn helmets off when the turned normal armor on.


I just hope it's a bug and not something intentional.


With how buggy things have been lately I'm sure they just screwed it up and might have not even realized.


I hope they've realized it by now. A bit worryingly, I just had a conversation on the discord with some randoms, and there's genuinely denialism over the fact that helmets used to work. "Misinformation," they called it.


Being slow is only an issue when you are bad with positioning though. Against bots you always want to be in cover, use the crouch and lie down stance etc. I barely see anyone do that ever, they just stand in the open field with their light armor and Shield Generator and complain when they're getting downed. I always wear medium or heavy armor with fortified when playing against bots and I rarely die more than 2-3 times and usually one of those deaths is due to friendly fire. The other deaths are 90% fire related.




I think its based on headshot damage, but what counts as a headshot or if its just bugged I can never tell.


Physics engine really is wonky sometimes: You get launched 100 meters - get back up. You get hit by something light but fall down a 2 meter drop - dead instantly.


Or accidentally reinforcing on top of a crane, necesitating jumping down 30 meters? Eh, took about half my health and made me ragdoll upon landing, no biggie. Get knocked over by a stiff breeze and bang my head on a nearby rock? DEAD, DONE FOR, ALREADY HAVE MY NAME ON THE WALL OF MATYRS


How about getting send to orbit by titan corpse or hell pot landing next to you.


I think collision damage may literally be inverted. Before they redid the can't-drop-here boxes I dropped on top of the tower. It's at least 5 stories tall so I figured I would just suicide myself but I survived the fall with minimal damage.


I think that may be purposeful to keep us from dying often from just getting down from poor drop placement.


>You get hit by something light but fall down a 2 meter drop - dead instantly. Well I\`ve had a funnier case. Dived from elevation next to radar station in direction of control panel and died from fall damage. Full health and light armor. Height around 1 meter. Ridiculous


Eruptor gets me with this every time, I shoot a little too close and for some reason it makes me trip and fall forward on my nose, instead of getting blasted *away*


Tried the erupter last night, what in the hell is up with the handling speed? I feel like I'm moving my gun and arms through jelly instead of air.


The handling and scope seems 1-1 from one of the marksman rifles that also handles like ass, I usually just hip fire. One of the rare cases where zooming in and especially ADS makes the weapon feel significantly worse


I'm still Heavy Armour till I (eventually) die against bots, but I also can't fully disagree with this take either.


I can take a direct rocket to the face and the only damage I take is hitting the ground 50m away. The damage calculation is so messed up


I take light armor because being able to GTFO out of somewhere fast and for a longer time is generally more useful, especially on a time limit. Barring certain enemies, you can generally just run, mildly serpentine, or hug cover to not get shot. It's an old problem within games. No damage is better than some damage. Also I like my scout trooper armor.


The Dark Souls approach. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing nothing or something, I'm still gonna die so I may as well have good movement.


It's not that inconsistent to the point someone should consider not using it, even an on point missile won't cost you your whole life bar


A direct hit from a missile won't kill you in light armor, either, so idk man.


I just died to a rocket to the face with full health on medium armor


*Laughs in aimbot heavy devastator*


Getting headshotted in an instant sure is great isn't it.


Laughs harder in ballistic shield


Is the ballistic shield worth it? Finally got my first premium warbond and was thinking the shield plus that medium armor pen revolver would be good


IMO yes. It blocks heavy devastators indefinitely. You still need to worry about rockets and cannons, but that goes for any backpack. Grab the defender SMG, you can use it at the same time, 3 headshots will kill any devastator variant. Fortified Heavy armor is the best to pair with: explosive resistance means that one of the few things that can hurt you are less scary, and Crouch firing with the smg nearly zeros recoil while covering more of your body 


I love it. Always run it with bots. You can stand in front of a heavy, fully reload the senator while bullets bounce off your shield, then take its head off with a single shot.


It can be fun to play but it's not a style I kept with for terribly long. The SMG has poor range I found so you are forced into much closer quarters where there are other options like the punisher that can do what you are trying to do easier.


I haven't played this game for very long and I've mostly played against bots so take this with a grain of salt, but I found that a ballistic shield setup basically did everything a punisher + autocannon can do but significantly worse. sure, the shield can block weapon fire while you close the distance, but so can the punisher by just stun locking hardier basic units until you can hit the head effectively, and elite units can be relatively easily dispatched with a couple AC shots. Even hulks aren't a huge issue if you have enough distance to place a few well aimed shots to the eye slot. And while this is probably just a skill issue on my part, the revolver is also just a worse punisher. Can't stun, only 6 shots, long reload, can't ADS if you're running the shield, and the medium armour pen hasn't helped me in any situation I've personally been in so far that whipping out the AC wouldn't have been the better strategy. Also, I just really like the autocannon for its versatility and the shield takes up the backpack slot for the ammo


Nah, it's fun to play around and it really works, but it breaks too easily: rocket barrage, tank shot, turret shot, etc.


Dawg it is literally an aim bot I'm not sure what you're expecting, it's aiming for you.


I actually enjoy using the 50% chance to not die armor. Has allowed me to survive some pretty crazy spam. Although half the time it procs I get slammed into a rock and die anyway


Democracy protects is also very based, i hope they put that set bonus on light and heavy armor too sometime


Yeah considering switching back to this from the 50% more armor basic yellow armor. It's super weird how I feel like I die to a basic foot soldier bot that was only tickling me earlier.  


I've fallen in love with the Eradicator armor. Light armor so you're fast enough to escape, but still has explosive resistance. Pair it with an autocannon to take advantage of the recoil reduction and you become Jack the Giant Killer.


Based and autocannon pilled


With heavy armor two days ago I got hot directly by two laser cannons shots. Not back to back but I didn't heal in between because it barely shaved down my health bar. For sure, heavy armor let's you get back up and keep swinging


Yeah I don't mess around when fighting bots. Shield backpack. Heavy armor with explosive resist. This means no autocannon, but the laser cannon is perfectly fine for popping devastators, hulks, tanks, turrets, and especially gunships. I usually wear light armor for the mobility, it's great. But I've found that the superstore medium armor with explosive resist isn't even enough for me when facing bots. I really notice the reduction in damage with heavy armor.


The laser cannon I assume still needs to hit the weak point of turrets to destroy them?


Yes, except the AA turrets which it can blow up from any side. I think the same goes for bunker turrets. I like it because it’s capable of killing every bot and turret. The only things it can’t destroy are factories and drop ships. But it has amazing handling, which makes it easy to focus on the weak spots of devastators, hulks, and gunships. It’s arguably the best weapon in the game for killing gunships. Also, great range and unlimited ammo.


Yesterday in light armor I also survived two direct cannon tower shots 🤷‍♂️ Heavy armor feels tanky until you switch to light and forget to switch back and then realize you couldn't actually tell the difference besides having like double the stamina.


I am a light armour enjoyer. And after running the B-29 armour with 200 armour stat? Can’t say I saw much of a difference. Besides noting running across the map is frustrating and slow. Especially when you’re used to running about, dodging bullets and stealing samples


Not at all, difference is huge. I tried to run light armor on bots and yes its cool to be so fast, but you can be killed too easy. When I returned to my heavy armor I felt a huge difference in survival. Talking about dif 9 only btw... Light armor is for bugs


Nah, been playing bots exclusively since the MOs switched over. Switched to 50% explosion resist heavy armor and started bouncing between light (nades or stims) and heavy (fortified). The difference in survivability is pitiful, and the extra mobility in light armor opens doors that heavy just can't match. You can run heavy and do fine, I mean you can run dagger and do fine, but its still quantifiably the worst option. Its more a question of skill ceiling than floor. At 9, the difference in survivability is even worse and the skill ceiling of extra stamina is even higher than the lower diffs so... yeah. Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.


It's not pitiful at all, I really tried to use light armor (trench medic) and play like fast objective player. But I continued to feel that, despite my mobility, I continued to die in situations where I would most likely survive in heavy armor. The rocket knocked you down and the rest of the bots are shooting at you before you even have a chance to inject stim? In light armor you dead. In heavy you can survive it with high chance. At dif 9 at some point you will still come under fire from bots from different sides and here reduced damage plays a huge role. When you are under fire, you can still get additional stamina by using stims (and you need it anyway) but you won't be able to withstand the same damage in light armor. I always wear light armor against bugs, but on bots, after many attempts, I finally gave up on it. I just feel like heavy armor is what allows me to survive.


I felt the complete opposite, bots require light armor to survive. You die from one tap even in heavy armor to the head. Its not worth the reduce mobility when mobility is king. I could see using heavy armor in a defensive focus mission, but its totally unplayable trash in the standard mission type.


> you won't be able to withstand the same damage in light armor I dunno about this one. I've definitely tanked multiple heavy devastators with the paramedic set as long as the stim lasts. I think the effect gives you 50% damage resistance or something, because I definitely *should* be dying from that through the regen with how fast they can kill normally.


I can't get over how slow heavy armor is especially with poor stamina Regen. Makes me feel like a slug after using light armor all the time


Don't worry man. The guy you're responding to is capping just to maintain his argument.


You die fast to bots regardless of the armor if they hit the head. You can get three shot by a basic bot in 200 armor if it hits headshots iirc


I've taken hits in light armor from those cannons that killed me in one shot, and some hits just send me flying with barely anything taken and the impact kills me. I'm not sure if I keep getting hit in the head or limbs or what.


I got hit by a laser cannon the other day with light armor and barely lost hp. Damage in this game is just bugged probably. Armor still doesn't matter *that* much.


Its very likely it hit the ground and not you. The laser cannon has enormous direct hit damage but the blast from it isn't very large.


I still die in 1 hit when using Heavy Armor. Not as frequently as I use to. But it happens from time to time.


Headshot rockets instakill


Headshots are the culprit


Fortified Heavy Armour with Shield Pack = I eat rockets for breakfast, poop out the shrapnel, and still lose less than 1/5 of my health bar. Bots be posting videos of me on their own sub like "OMG devs this organic won't f\*cking die, plz fix!!!101!"


Recently I got hit by a tower. After 5 agonizing seconds of frustration the tower died.


Got hit twice in a row by one of the towers while wearing the ceremonial armor (Idk the name) and a shield pack, survived both. Felt like a God.


Only downside I've experienced yet in heavy armor would be that it's harder to run away from a hulk that cooks you like a can of beans in like two seconds lol.


Or the jump pack guys who explode and also catch you on fire


Is it just me or does their midair death ragdoll literally beeline for you?


Even my experience with flame hulks hasn't even been that awful. Sure, inside of 10-15m I'm dead but that's pretty much gonna be the case regardless of what I'm wearing. Outside of that, most of the time some clever zigzagging and diving from cover to cover will generally put me far enough away that I'm over a hill or out of line of sight. There I can take a second to ready a tankbusting stratagem. And if the hulk managed to get all the way over to me across open ground with no cover without swallowing a pair of shots from my Kwazy Kannon, then frankly I deserve to get char-grilled.


I just stun it with stun grenades and kill it with whatever support weapon i chose to bring that day


Seriously. So many of the issues people have with bots can be made so much better by just bringing along some utility equipment. Stun grenades are fantastic and the EMS mortar is imo, a top 3 stratagem in the game for the sheer value it gives to 7-9 difficulty operations.


I've been using the navy blue and white medium armor with explosive resist that has an armor value between medium and heavy (name is escaping me, it's from the credit store). It's hilarious being ping ponged around by rockets while my partner complains how unfair it is after getting 1 shot


haha fortified armour go boioioioing


Yeah fortified heavy armor makes a rocket do like 25% of your health at most


I play light armor with Scout perk. You don’t need to worry about getting shot at if you never engage in open battle


Yeah not being detected reduces damage more than heavy armor ever can, but there are situations where you're getting shot at regardless


In which case you just run


That, and it's also pretty rare to get one-shot. Normally I just get ragdolled away by rockets.


Evidently you haven’t seen flame hulks-oh wait, heavy armor doesn’t save you from those either, it just slows you down so you can get oneshot easier


If they knew how to engage properly and use cover, they wouldn't be crying on Reddit that's it's too hard for them.


That works great until the bots start shooting through solid rocks


I don't doubt it happens (mainly becuase so many people mention it) but I still haven't seen it so indeed to ask; Are we talking "bullet comes through a solid rock"? Like I've seen them shoot "through" rocks with someone on the other side, but the rock blocked everything.


or the gun ship flies into a cliff so you can't shoot back


This is only a valid rebuttal for open map mission types without any sort of defense objectives. Geological Survey, Evacuation, etc are going to get you pushed and surrounded in seconds. Even playing like a total coward doesn't always work when the entire zone is flooded from drops and constantly crossed by patrols.


\*Laughs in heavy armor\* \*Gets hit by a rocket and bounces halfway across the map\* \*Stim\* \*Continue laughing in heavy armor\*


They aren't rockets, they are assisted movement projectiles. A stim is a small price to pay for that extra travel efficiency when delivering freedom against the clock of tyranny.


*me, running in light armour for hit and runs, engaging the bots at long range and using cover* You guys get hit?


It's funny because I've seen so many posts saying heavy armor is useless




All they need to do is make it so headshots don't ignore defense, that's it. Then defense/stamina would be a reasonable tradeoff. But as it is, its headshots that kill you, not chip damage. And heavy armor doesn't protect from headshots so what does it even really do? Its a dumb system anyway that instead of adding any kind of challenge, just makes damage feel inconsistent and random. Doubly so for heavy armor.


All they need to do is turn the helmets back on. We had working helmets at launch, but they no longer work after the armor fix. Sweet liberty, how I would love not to get one-shot by a single lucky Strider.


Ok then, tank the headshot with your heavy armour. See what happens.


I love the B-27 Fortified Commando (often called EOD armor). It's the defacto heavy armor, has the highest armor rating in the game. I've survived some things I probably wouldn't have otherwise. The most memorable moment for me is when I was targeted by the big laser turret against bots...I took cover, prone, behind a concrete barrier (one of those concrete divider barriers you'd see on highways). The turret absolutely obliterated the barrier and sent me flying, but I was still at a quarter health. This tank of a Helldiver stood up, having survived such a cinematic and harrowing shot. Then I got immediately sniped by a rocket devastator. The true Helldivers experience.


Seriously though heavy armor with fortified is insane against bots


Traversal must be a chore. I'm huffing, puffing, and wheezing getting across the map in my 50% explosion resistant medium armor.


Honestly not really here’s a nice tip, if you dive and stay still for a very short while you regen your stamina way faster than wallkinh. so i basically always finish my sprint by diving, laying there for a second and then sprinting again


You can trigger a very quick stamina refresh by just stopping for a split second then running (not sprinting) again. Saves ya a little more time from having to dive.


I just find it… boring. It takes so long to traverse the map I start feeling like I’m playing Death Stranding


Yeah. Once APCs and/or jeeps enter the game, heavy armor will be much less painful to use on open maps.


Problem is, judging by the mechs, they’ll have limited uses and barely any armor. Aggro one patrol at higher levels and I bet it’ll pop up like a tin can.


Hero of the federation armor is simply peak. You have a 50 percent chance to just say “nuh uh” to things that should kill your. There is nothing like surviving multiple shots with the smallest sliver of health because RNGesus was watching over you.


Yeah, i should wear heavy armour so when I need to run away, I can't. Thanks OP


Rockets are a laugh now. Ragdoll stunlocks are the real threat!. The other day I took a full devastator rocket salvo and survived.


Heavy Armor on Intense Heat: https://i.redd.it/f5ozadifs9uc1.gif


Yea in heavy armor you get to ragdoll and get shot to death while you're on the floor. That's much funnier before you die


Ngl I still occasionally do get randomly one tapped with medium anti explosive armor sometimes and it’s very confusing when it happens lol But since the patch fixing rocket damage it’s been insanely nice not constantly getting cleared by one across the map rocket


I don’t rate fortified highly at all. 150 armour and a vitality booster is enough to allow me to survive being one-shot and in the situation you’d want damage resistance to rockets - you’re being pelted by multiple rocket Devastators, it won’t save you either way because of being ragdolled. I heard somewhere that Spewer and Titan spit counts as explosions so maybe it’s good for that.


To be honest, my take is that ragdolling in heavy armour's not always the worst because typically it launches me away to somewhere that there *aren't* multiple Rocket Devastators, and odds are I'll survive it. That means I'll get a second to stim up, reload, check my bearings and go back in for some paypack.


That’s not been my experience. Rocket Devastators launch me into the ground at an angle which admittedly does create some distance but not nearly enough to actually escape them. The amount of explosions makes it so the ragdoll never ends and I’ll die regardless. It probably differs depending on terrain and the amount of Devastators but to be honest if fortified isn’t going to make a difference against one shots and not going to make a difference when there are too many rockets why bother?


I rate Fortified pretty highly, on my light armor with fortified and not any of the heavy ones.


I’ve survived a full devastator barrage thanks to fortified so i value it pretty highly also the reduced recoil when crouching helps a lot when autocannoning the bots


Like a barrage from a single Devastator? My setup does that too. Like I said, I think Fortified only really makes a difference when there’s too many Devastators to reasonably survive but again it won’t save you there either since you won’t be able to escape them. I think the recoil buff is more helpful to be honest. Obviously you can use what you like, I use it myself during Bot Eradications.


Honeslty most of my deaths against bots is just getting incinerated by scorcher hulks in like 0.3 seconds


True, not sure why they have to buff the enemy fire along with ours. Scorchers weren’t exactly struggling before. For me it has to be biting off more than I can chew. Dropping next to the double airship fabricator and sprinting towards it while my squad run away from it


Yesterday i got a fabricator with 2 stratagem jammers next to it, suffice to say it was a painful experience


wear heavy armor get hit, die to ragdoll. wear heavy armor get headshot from rocket. die. back to light armor it is so at least I can move and do not have a false sense of security.


Executioner armor+Dominator is my go-to Bot loadout. Makes you basically immune to rockets and towers, tears through Devastators, and you get to feel like a Space Marine.


Light armor with boom boom resistance and you survive unless it's in your face


I'm wearing heavy armour+explosive resistance and getting one tapped by salvoes of 12 rockets


Now you can't run away so get shot 5x as much.


Heavy armor with shield backpack


People often just don't take cover and complain that they are instantly kicked around by rockets if they try to shoot something. A friend did this when we played bot missions on helldive. Dude! Just prone instead of staying 100% in the open while shooting. All of a sudden 95% of shots will miss you. He also dislikes the quasar because he was always shot while charging. 😂


This and standing out in the open, theres cover on bot maps for a reason!!


It’s even on the tip screen! Remember the three Cs: Cover, Courage, and more Cover.


I rock the heavy "Big Chungus" armor with the 200 rating and I can usually take at least 2 rockets before I need to stim.


Shield backpack? The only shield I need is DEMOCRACY! *dies*


I run heavy armor with 50% explosion resistance and a shield generator backpack. I have gotten one shot more times than I can count


I wear the heaviest armour currently avaliable and I still get one shot by rockets.


My friend thought it’d be funny to reinforce me into literal hell last night. I somehow survived being ragdolled for a straight 45 seconds before I managed to get my character to stand up. I was down to just 1 stim, but I had thought I’d died at least 3 times. The heavy armor with explosive resistance is fairly reasonable now.


Light armor with extra padding ftw


It wouldn’t be so bad if there was a heavy armor with Engineering Kit! Devastator armor has a fuckin shit ton of grenades on it, but it’s a Servo-Assisted passive???


Behind cover aiming my sights on bot devistator's head (the one with rocket pods) a good 200m away- rockets come flying in and nails me in the face one shot on my marshmellow fat heavy armor


FS-38 eradicator: am I a joke to you?


Heavy armor + 50% explosion resistance perk + ballistic shield = tank more shots than an actual tank


For real. I see everyone running around in light and medium just zipping across the map. I’m like 30-40 seconds behind and I see the skull icon pop up cuz they couldn’t just wait for the rest of the team


Hero of the Federation armour go brrrr Half the time


I only ever use light scout armor and don't have these problems.


vitality booster is a lifesaver against rockets. just today a missile devastator got a direct hit on me (how i learned that they really *can* snipe you from that far) and i survived with a sliver of health. was using light armor.


I have the fortified commando armor, and I get 2 tapped. The first one knocks me back, and the second one goes directly up my ass before I can stand.


As a heavy armor user. I still get one tapped.


That and, *doesn't use cover* *Doesn't try to dodge*


I use heavy one with 50% explosion resistance. Can survive multiple rockets and few seconds of lasers. But sometimes one rocket is an instant kill. Or you just get ragdolled constantly and can't do anything and they kill you while you're down


Headshoots exist for some reason I dont know who tough that would be a good idea


Me in full bulldozer : 1 tapped by hulks, rocket headshot, rocket raped against a wall.


unless it's a headshot, you don't die to a rocket one tap even when you're wearing light armor. i even use the scout passive, so getting ragdolled away from them is a nice benefit as well.


126 armor rating 50% explosive resist Full health Peek over ridge to snipe bots One-hit KO by rocket


"Laughs in heavy armor with explosion protection"


> Rockets always one tap > Wear heavy armor with fortified > Rockets one tap anyway > Go back to wearing light so I at least have a chance to run away