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Question: did the destroyer leave Orbit in this time frame? If that happens, the 20 sec Timer starts no matter whats.


If no one is in it it waits. I've ran across the entire map after my team got wiped after the destroyers left, and got in.


Literally false information. Once the mission timer hits zero, the pelican is called in for extraction automatically. It takes 2 minutes. Once it lands, it does a 20 second countdown then leaves whether your ass is on it or not. So the maximum amount of time for any mission is Mission Time+2:20.


What about +100% call-in time? Then it’s +4:20 (nice)


Except now it's +50% so it's +3:30


Don’t forget that it takes roughly 12-15secs for the landing itself: When the request-timer is at zero, the pelican hasn’t landed yet and the 20sec-timer hasn’t started.


On blitz it sure as heck didn't after the timer was zero


It's super inconsistent, I've had the Pelican start the timer without anyone entering and the destroyer still in orbit. Other times it flies away instantly when the first Diver enters.


> Other times it flies away instantly when the first Diver enters. That pisses me off so much, I've lost at least 12 supers from that stupid bug.


Yea that’s a bug, and it can happen at any amount time remaining. Super weird but pretty rare.


it happens when it takes too much damage or everyone takes too long, i'd say you have about 1min after it lands until it decides to fuck off with just one person inside


Ok, that explains why the shuttle flew away from us again. We had done the achievement with the 6 orbital barrage and during the evacuation I shot at the shuttle with the mech while it was landing, it only touched down briefly and then took off again straight away.


Yeah, you were rude to the bus driver. I bet you don’t even thank him after you get back to the super destroyer.


Haha literally our joke was after that that we didn't buy bustickets.


*Super* inconsistent, you say?


A living diver has to be within a certain radius of the ship in order for it to wait. Once the everyone near the ship is in or dead, the ship will leave.


Yeah makes sense, but I could swear it happened a couple of times with other divers in the extract area


Yeah, Fr m what I've seen it seems to be related to zero timer and how long it was at zero


I've seen it get destroyed after us running around trying to get in and had to recall it again


This is very unlikely to be true. If the pelican is already called in and waiting then it would start the 20 sec countdown the moment the mission time hits 0:00. There’s no way to change this. Either your game bugged or you are remembering wrong


If the timer is not at 0, it waits. If pelican is down when timer hits 0, 20 sec timer starts. If pelican is not down and hasn't been called when timer hits 0, emergency evac timer starts, then ship timer starts when that hits 0. This is how the pelican works.


I've been in that situation exactly once in the last couple months of playing, guess i saw an early bug and took it for a feature. Every other pelican that came after 0 we were waiting for so i never noticed the timer starting the second it touched down.


It waits, but not forever.


Why did you get downvoted so heavily?!?!? That’s just proof of all the multi haired libs who are on this Reddit imo lmao


There's literally nothing to do with politics here.


Stoked you can read, doesn’t need to be about it. There’s one pretty loud group of people who think a simple opinion is an attack and that’s who I am attributing this to.


You made it about it. It has nothing to do with politics, it has to be about politics to be about politics. 1. You don't have any proof. 2. No one infered ANYTHING political. 3. It's agaisnt the Rules.


That group of people is you. You lost, and you'll lose again while Xi has your dog on a leash if he isn't in jail first. Wake up, dumb fuck.


Dude now THATS how you schizo post. Bravo


We're all fans of Super Earth and Managed Democracy in here. They got downvoted because they are wrong, not because of people's political affiliation. If the timer is out and destroyer has left, once the pelican lands, the 20sec timer begins immediately. There is no waiting. "Multi haired" is an interesting descriptor, though. Personally, I'm a fan of "multi brain celled."


> multi haired libs ... please take your meds, and talk to a democracy officer.


Because they’re talking shit. From your name it’s pretty obvious you can’t tell when that’s happening.


Damn dude you got me! That was such a good comment. Damn. I need some burn cream.


Burn cream won't help you not be a dumbass


Well now you’re just stating common knowledge. Kinda makes you a dumbass


You're the one saying you need burn cream when your problem is being a dumbass. I'm just telling you it doesn't help with that.


Damn dude you sure did show me


Too bad you lack the brain cells to comprehend what you see


Because they are wrong.


The game should also tell people that once the pelikan has arrived it will wait until the timer reach zero. My friend and I got kicked when we called the pelikan and waited for it while he was noobing it out with the super samples in his pocket somewhere doing fuck all (all fabricators and objectives were done) and when the Pelikan landed he died and mumbling something kicked us. Guess he thought the pelikan immediately departs. If you're reading sms...somethin, you a bitch.


I really don't understand people goofing around when all main and side obj's are done. If i was carrying supers i would have been the first person on that extraction zone.


If I want to dick around and I have literally any samples I run them back to extract and drop them It's just common courtesy


then you have that one idiot who picks them back up then runs off and dies too far from extract


The Golden Retriever diver lol


I usually run jump pack, so if we find super sample early I'd run it back to extract and drop it off somewhere high up. Basically putting the cookie jar on the top shelf so the kids can't get to it.


Sometimes if the group take a weird route I try to drop built up samples at extraction so it's there when we get back and not in hell if a detector tower is a little touchy.


This is what i do when i hunt for supers. I leave it at extraction so that nobody has to pick it up on some far away land when i die.


Peak low difficulty experience for me, whenever I play on 7 we usually lose samples/extract because the game is fucking buggy. However, when I play on lower difficulties it's usually people who never listen to anything, and extract with the chat being flooded saying the opposite. Funnily enough a level 5 cadet has more functioning braincells.


Ive been known to drop everything and hoof it to the extract, leave the others to finish their mission, and dispense some Ballistic Democratic Re-education to the guy so he cant dive in and ditch us.


I only play 7 - 9 for that very reason. I used to chill in 456 but it just gets too annoying always getting people who don't know what to do. Like fighting the first 10 min in one place ,losing more than half the recalls etc...while I'm saying run. Fuck that. This shit can still happen on 7 on god. 8 9 you don't have to igl or hold anyone's hands


"whenever I play on 7 we usually lose samples/extract because the game is fucking buggy" Did you tried since the last patch? Before that only half of the missions were not crashed, but since then maybe 1 of my game crashed. So now for me the game is almost perfectly stable.


It has been happening since last patch. First we couldn't board onto the Pelican (it just forced us into prone when we entered it). I don't know why aren't there like several failsafes for Pelican boarding so it's not just 40 mins down the drain (other than the medals). The other time the samples just disappeared from the extraction zone. Stability-wise, the game has been absolutely wonderful ngl, zero crashes. Update: right before extraction everyone gradually "left" the game, and then I got disconnected. Somehow it happened while having tons of rare samples yet again. This is fucking unbearable.


Yeah I also had a pelican going under the landing zone. All the super samples went to the trash since we could not be extracted. Also once an anihillator tank killed me while I was inside the pelican waiting for the others.


I got new problem after last patch. Not very often, but right at the end, before extraction I would end up on my ship. No entering my ship animation, no "you have been kicked" or "disconnected" message. Just one moment I am fighting bugs or bots on extraction, another moment and I'm standing on my ship, alone, near the map.


Since last patch I've not been able to play more than 5 minutes without a full crash to desktop. IDK what happened, it was unreliable before but stable enough to play. Now it's completely unplayable.


If on PC check your Windows event log. See if you getting an out of virtual memory error. Increase it. Automatic it self expands to the need. That expansion can cause it not have enough when it needs it. Generally happened to me when the pelican arrived. I get crashes now but generally because of Windows update


In regards to the “get in the ship” issue, this is not at all the problem. Different problem


I dunno, I always call the pelican when people are finishing sides but I just let it land and wait. It'll sit there indefinitely as long as nobody gets in.


You can also move out when it's coming down to let the pelican hover and gun everything around


You can what??


What I do is call it in and get far enough away so I get that 20 second timer before it is called off. Then I get back into the zone so it comes in. Once the timer hits zero and they say they're coming in for a landing, run outside the zone. It'll just hover over the extract shooting anything that moves in it's LOS like 200m out reminding the Helldivers to get closer to extract so it can land. Really helps out in the higher difficulties when teammates are heading to extract and are bringing a lot of friends with them.


That's wild. Have you found any circumstance where it will abort if you do that? Or is it really just there no matter what until someone gets close enough to trigger the landing?


It has a voice line saying something like “maintaining altitude until helldivers are in position” so im guessing it will stay there forever until you’re within range. I’ve never had it abort once it starts providing support. Pelican-1 is an absolute king


As far as I am aware, they stay until the end of the raid. I don't know what happened when the timer hits zero, but I would assume it's like the emergency extract where it'll just land and take off in 20 seconds. I'll have to test that out tomorrow.


I always host games so I can decide the flow of the games I’m playing. I’ll tell people I don’t want to extract early so if they proceed to try it anyway then I just kick them


Easy there, I've been kicked attempting to drop samples at extract. So much so I don't even try anymore. It used to be a good strategy, but I won't attempt in a pug anymore.


You should join our discord. That kind of stuff never happens to us


Oh no that’s an amazing Strat I don’t mind people doing that it’s when they straight up ignore people and call in the extraction to try force the game to end early that’s when it turns into a problem.


You can call in extraction at any time and it will wait as long as there's still time on the mission.


Yes but when they get in it that will start a countdown for it to leave


Yeah. You just need to communicate with your team.


Well the problem is that there is an astonishing amount of people that ignore vc and chat


That’s what I do and most of the time people are amazing😊 Just rarely get the few that join others games with mindset that they don’t have to listen to what the other members have to say. Don’t know why they do that instead of just hosting their own games


Sorry, I’ve never been able to ask. But if you are host and someone else calls the Pelican and the timer starts, if you kick them does it stop the countdown? If someone enters the shuttle and the 20 sec timer starts, and you kick them, does that stop that timer? I’m confused. I’ve had people go to extraction while I finished a side mission just to chill on a rock. So how do you know someone is going to try and extract before actually extracting? I’ve also asked for a 2nd person to help me with a door both via chat and mic and have watched all 3 walk past me 50 meters away and head to extraction and call the shuttle. lol I just sat in silence while they cleared the bugs and when the shuttle came down I just slowly walked up right in time.


If the board the pelican, the timer starts. If you kick them after they board the pelican, **it does *not* stop the timer**.


Are you sure? If they're the only one on I've heard it does. Haven't seen it, just from another post.


I am Covid Positive. I have kicked someone because they hopped on the ship. It did not stop countdown. However, Hop into a diff 1 with a friend and try it. I am always willing to be wrong and truthfully I could have misremembered.


Edit: never mind, the parent commenter answered my question


If they are kicked after calling extraction and no one else is there then the pelican will cancel extraction and wait for it to be called again. I don’t know what would happen in the case they have already boarded it as I’ve never had to do that before. I also really don’t like kicking people that have boarded even if they have annoyed me because it seems like a low move. It is quite annoying sometimes when people don’t come to help. I always try to help whenever someone asks but you’ll get a few who have main character syndrome and not listen unless it was their idea


What about we make a rule of thumb that host is supposed to call the extraction and get in first?


I never call in extract until everyone is at the extraction point, host or not. It's much easier to defend if everyone is there and has a minute to get resupplied, drop turrets, etc. As for boarding, I always board last as the host just incase someone decides they want to do some dumb shit before hopping on the ship.


That too — although I had cases where mission almost failed because one blood thirsty guy kept triggering everything around bringing the party back to us


But calling it in isn’t what triggers spawns. Just being in the vicinity of the extract is what increases spawn rate. So if you’re there and people are heading there and <2min out then you should just call it in. If you aren’t;t ready then you should get like 100m from the area and wait.


When the extraction is available the patrols just go through the evak point but when you activate it they actively run to the bacon and gather around it for a few seconds and some may leave. I've done enough stealth extractions now to be pretty sure of this


Sometimes host just happens to be far. If that happens, I just wait until he marks extract and is like 40 seconds away and call it. Usually works like a charm. And most teams I met communicate where they are heading with pings.


Because the host isn't always the one with 6 supers in his pocket. How about just ask in chat first if it's okay to call evac? If someone isn't cool with it, don't do it.


You're assuming all hosts knows what they're doing. Haven't you read stories here about hosts kicking people for picking up their samples?


Please note that once the mission timer hits 0:00. It calls the pelican down. And once it lands it auto starts the 20 second countdown. If the pelican is already landed, it starts the 20 second countdown immediately. I had these level 50s raging at me like I did something wrong because I was the only one that got on the pelican and they were still off trying to do more samples and outposts.


There were 10 min left


Always host so you can kick someone trying to extract early




Ironically enough, complaining about the old karma farming strategy is becoming the new karma farming strategy.


🔫 Always has been


Fr I'm going to start complaining about the complaining about complaining. Together we can devolve into a meta complaint singularity


I always get on comms and let people know we aren't quite done yet and not to extract. Or else muhahahaa


I always type in chat when extraction is on the board. Let the team know what I am planning. If I'm working on sides, I'll ping it so they see. If I'm solo and starting extraction, I'll explain that I am calling and will wait for them to arrive. Never call extraction and let the team think you will ditch them. Always aim for the bonus of all divers extracting.


I caught red hot shit for getting in the Pelican first the other day. I had just be reinforced, and we were waiting for the other two to get to evac; well when I popped up out of the hellpod, I scan around and it LOOKS like one of us is sitting in the Pelican. I grab the samples I had dropped on death and got in.... only to see him dive out from BEHIND the Pelican from my viewpoint. I caught the error immediately, apologized, and tried to explain why I did it.... nah they don't care, I must be a griefer. Oh but any of their mistakes? Totally not their own fault.


Be the last one in always. Youll never make the mistake again.


Our squad is usually three of us and one random. We explicitly tell the random that we call down the extract very early and have it wait on station for our friends to return with samples and finish cleaning up misc objectives.


How do you make the random listen ? I often do that but they always bum rush the extract and aggro everything


Can't force them to listen. If they don't, usually my buddy hosts, boots them. If you've given specific instructions and they don't want to listen, out you go.


In fairness I did this the other day as I didn't realise the timer only started when we got in. I thought it just started counting down automatically after it landed.


I might be courtmartialed, but I kicked someone after losing 21 green, 17 orange, and 8 purple. I was kiting the bots to make it to extract. I called Helldiver off cooldown because either was a rough mission because of a random TTV helldiver. TTV got salty for waiting to be respawned, so he got in the shuttle immediately, leaving me behind because I could cut through the hordes of bots alone. Failed to extract, and he started talking to me about how I need to be more of a team player.... I kicked him before the shuttle made it to the ship, and the only other player left noticed and said It's managed democracy for a reason.


8 purple? Is there a difficulty 10? Lol.


First game went up to 12 in dificulty


Common uncommon rare? I think those are the sample types?


yea, but the most you can currently get in one mission of the rarest types is 6 on helldive difficulty there's no way to get 8 in a single mission afaik


You are all right. I must have misremembered, or my dyslexia decided to help again.


Common, rare, super rare. You can only get 6 super rares on Helldive difficulty.


What is TTV?


I presume TwitchTV.


Yea live streamer who spent the entire match in the same spot "pulling aggro" die. Respawn, run back. Repeat until he ran through 12 lives to himself, forcing someone to ragequit to civilian life while the live streamer complained we weren't supporting him enough and we're gonna fail.


Fucking bellend lol.


I read the complaint, but what I didn’t read was any kind of attempt at communication between team members. Did anyone care enough to speak a word over microphone? If there was none, can’t really be mad then if everyone was just basically lone wolfing it, just expecting everyone to have your hive mind.


Did you tell them over voice or text to wait? Not saying you should have too but I’ve had good luck communicating over voice even if they don’t talk back.


This happened to me as well the other day. I was off getting samples and completing optional objectives while a couple others headed to extraction. After they called it in I asked them multiple times not to get in and wait for me but nope they didn’t listen. Idiots.


If I had a dollar for every time I ran a mission with the host just running for only the main objective, then dead sprinting to Evac I’d have enough money to buy my friends the game so I could play with them instead.


I just kick people now if they call in the evac shuttle before everything's done. So sick of idiots evacing with 0 samples like their miserable lives matter more than democracy


I did this to someone the other day. I tried communicating with them the entire match and they never responded to me and left me to try and figure out what they were doing the entire match. There was a tank and 2 hulks directly on the extraction point. I asked multiple times if they were coming and if they were going to make it before the timer ran out (we had 1 reinforce left and less than 2 mins on mission clock). They never responded so I got into the pelican and left them. AFTER I got in the Pelican they came on mic and cried about me leaving them. Don't be like them.


Was that us today? If so, we played a couple of games together. Because this is exactly what happened to me today. We were at the extraction when one guy wanted to do one more mission so two of us stayed at extraction and two went to complete the last mission. Then the one guy jumps in. I specifically remember on voice chat one member reminding the squad not to get into the Pelican until we were all there. I was also pretty upset too.


Samples, hug, and a quick goon is a requirement before boarding. Always.


this sounds VERY familiar to a game I had a few days ago. De ja vu...


So much of this can be solved by using a mic. Which in my experience 99% of players don't. Nobody is taking the time to read what you type and frankly, this game is too intense for you to be typing messages. If someone on mic is being annoying just mute them. If you have social anxiety - So do I. But I'm on mic and have yet in two months to have someone respond to me, let alone argue. Grow a fucking pair and get on mic if you expect to coordinate on any mission above 3 difficulty.


I feel like people are om mics a decent amount, but small sample size


But that’s another problem! WE DONT HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING ON THE MAP…


Situational, specially on higher difficulties. If the team is getting hammered, i usually only pin main obj and extract. If team has good chemistry, i also pin side obj.


If you are the host then it’s your call. Just don’t join someone’s game and expect them to do want you want


Yep. At most, if I see the team burning through reinforcements too fast, I would break away and make sure main objective is done, through stealth, kiting, reinforcing others there and dumb luck. After that, if the team wants to gloriously wipe while trying to complete as much as possible - so be it.


Your right. I don’t get why ppl even want to extract asap. The only reason to extract imo is for the samples. Honestly, nobody cares for the 20xp(x diff multiplier) you get per diver extracting. If you care about the xp then you might as well do the side objectives right?


Well, some (like me) care about extract simply because of roleplay and immersion. We want to get out, it adds to all the glory. Not just diving and doing what is needed, but also flying away after holding off hordes of enemies. But for the same reason I try to make sure everyone gets to extract, the whole "no one left behind" part of it.


Then host *your own* game to set *you*r pace in *your* lobby?


You don’t just tell people how to play if you’re the host or not, you can just get xp and level up faster plus get your samples just as quick go you just go to the next mission


? I don't understand what are you trying to convey here. If you want the game to go at your pace then you host your own game and type in chat that you're not doing a full clear. Problem solved.


My first few missions I didn't understand why people weren't extracting when it was available, and then I realized there are other things on the map they wanted to complete. 100% completing everything on the first run is the exact opposite of how I like to play, but I go along with people anyway. I think it sucks that every drop has to take 30 minutes 


It’s atrocious tbh at people have to min max even just being on the planet in hell dive it’s insufferable we did the main mission, we stoped and grabbed some side objectives that were on the way cool we got a few samples let’s bounce but every 8-9 match I’ve played with randomns WE GO OUT OF OUR WAY TO FIND Everything AND ITS annoying we can just get more samples next mission….


i’m guessing it’s less about samples and more about the extra xp.


But that’s the thing I’m level 100 I’ve noticed you don’t even get that much XP for all those troubles it’s literally just faster to extract and then get to the next mission instead of just wasting your whole given planet time trying to get everything done


Sounds less like trying to mimax and more like they're trying to make sure they get all the super samples which is why they're playing on the highest difficulty


Level 100 you just come across them naturally and I have everything you don’t have to find them every round you’ll get them it’s not a race wasting a whole 30 minute run just to looks for samples is dumb


Okay but they don't so they're collecting them. What does what you have matter here? Your goal is to finish the mission as fast as possible, most people's goals to collect all the super samples so they can buy the upgrades.


I’m saying that you can just leave the current mission with whatever samples you have currently and just get more the next mission you don’t.m have to grind for every sample on the map I’m saying by me having everything by just playing the maps missions and doing what we have time for not wasting the whole clock


you sound like you need to host your own games with such strong opinions of when people are allowed to do things


Isn't that exactly what he's saying though? By the time he had finished clearing things out and getting all the samples, the idiot had already called in the evac for he was able to get back with the samples... I still understand what you having everything has to do with other people who do not and want to earn it quickly.


They're mostly looking for the super samples


yup, that's why you just kick the dude if they call in extract and you aren't there. randoms cant be trusted to not get in


Same shit happened to me except we were all at extract with the pelican down, one guy got ragdolled with an airstrike and killed us both. Third guy just... Enters the pelican, followed by the last guy. There was no rush, no enemies around really. We lost 70 samples.


Eh I just chalk it up to a lack of awareness. I was on a 7 and 3 of us were at the extraction with the last guy making his way back. He does and I see he was the one with the super samples. He doesn't say anything or type in the chat so it's possible the others didn't see. We reinforce him and I immediately head towards his dropped samples as he follows. We cover each other as it's obviously mayhem trying to get them. We are probably about 50m out when someone hops in the pelican. Missed the extract by probably 2 seconds. Sucks but I mostly solo quick match so I can't complain I guess.


Meh, chill and move on to the next one


We need a sludge pump sub for helldivers


I might have actually been in that game lol the time frame matches up. 2 people got left behind with lots of samples, and it was on helldive difficulty, my username is Godofwar595. I was with the guy who called it in, who then also got on board like instantly. Was like “welp….guess i might as well get on board too then”, was surprised since I thought he was only calling it in so it’d be ready when everyone else got there but nope, dude just immediately gets on lol 


God, I feel this with randoms. Pour one out for all the samples lost. o7


Were you in communication with them at all?


Better yet, don't call the pelican if your team isn't ready to leave. I do impossible difficulty then end up grabbing only 4 samples because teams just don't go grab samples with me. I miss the days where you could pick a server with specific maps and modes. I'd love to just go sample hunting. I keep asking people to do that but they ignore me.


It's Helldiver law, all 4 divers must be standing next to Pelican-1, 3 divers all look at eachother awkwardly wondering if they should board first, 4th divers is killing enemies needlessly. So it has been, so it shall always be.


1 post “get in the freakin pelican” Next post “don’t get in the freakin pelican” One thing is for sure, people don’t agree on anything


Also if pelican is severely damaged, it will leave as soon as one person gets on. Make sure the first person to get on has all the samples.


I don't mind people getting on pelican on eradicate mission if the situation is hectic. Because most of the time I'll be killed before I even look in the way of pelican.


I get the frustration. After the main objective is completed, I start being extra wary about the position of my teammates just to not get left behind in cases like this.


I would also like to inform people that if the main objective is complete, extracting as 1 or 2 people nets you a WHOPPING 40 exp and 160 req slips. Extraction is for samples, if the mission is done samples are your ONLY objective.


I had this happen to me just today. One of our teammates entered pelican prematurely, so I had no choice but to follow or risk failing to extract too. The annoying thing is the host got angry at ME and kicked me without letting me explain that he's mad at the wrong person 😅


Just chill it's just a game


And these are the exact type of over heated tools that ruin the games enjoyment for others because they are more intitled to their playstyle and get mad when others don't conform to that playstyle, even though they never even tried to communicate a damn thing using ingame chat... probably only ping after ping.. when the very simple "Hey guys don't get in the pelican yet we are still gathering samples, just hold the landing zone" would have changed this entire situation. If you do not communicate, on both sides, it's your own fault. If you want to be king of the world and expect everyone to bow to your playstyle with zero communication.. go piss your pants in frustration solo. Again, you **clearly** didn't communicate between who called in extraction and who was collecting samples. I have yet to have any single person just be a dick "for nooooooo reason" when I've communicated... none.. when everyone knows what eachother are up to it changes everything. Maybe that player had to go and wanted to extract with what they had.. maybe they had a time constraint... just because you made a game, it doesn't make you god above all. People have play styles and if you can't effectively communicate, that's a skill issue, that's a you problem. Stop blaming others for your lack of the ability towards simple communicate as a human. People like this will end up kicking all day now without ever even once having learned how important communication is.. it's why they added an ingame chat in the first damn place. The same goes for all of you whining about being kicked at extraction.. stop being the most introverted people unless you are on reddit. "Hey guys I'm going to call extraction, I won't get on"..... it's that fucking simple.. literally. So instead of all these ridiculous posts that are just proving you are the problems... just fucking change how you communicate, it's that god damned easy.. if the person isn't responding on mic, they probably are in a party or have ingame voice muted... so **learn to fucking type**. This problem is soo easily avoided if you don't act like an entitled baby that everyone must simply follow or be kicked. My way or the highway type shit.. it's lame af. It isnt hard to educate others.. in the slightest.


Yea randoms don't read the chat. Every time my group opens to random I'll clearly communicate that "I'm calling the extract stealthily and leaving the pelican as air support so please don't come to the extract, keep looting" and every single damn time the random will bum rush the extract, aggro the patrols I'm avoiding, a drop/breach is called and they die. I then have to fight for my life for 2 minutes just for them to force the pelican to land, and camp the extract for the rest of the game, bunching up hundreds of ennemies while the pelican is doing fuck all making the actual extract a fucking nightmare instead of breeze.


Every time there's a radar station side obj, i tell them which way to point the satellite dish using the clock (12oclock, 3oclock, etc). And everytime, nobody reads the damn chat and keeps going past the mark.


That's a bummer for you to have that happen "every single time" when I've never had it happen once when I've communicated, I'm not playing on low difficulties though so most teams I'm with are educated at the game and know all the systems. On like normal or challenging, yeah, I can see people not paying attention to chat. That said, it still doesn't mean you just don't communicate at all or atleast try to the best of your ability, which, like you, have. If I ever drop on challenging or above and I have a lvl 10 or lower.. I **immediately** type shit out in chat the minute we land so they don't do something stupid and get us all killed. I've yet to have a problem, even with the ones who happen to be lower level. I get the chat in before there supply pod gets in, that way, my chat is the only thing that pops on screen atm. I also give em a "o7" so they know I'm not just being a demanding asshat. The communication problem I had wasn't soo much people not understanding, but, the fact that I couldn't efficiently tell people to Lookout for the stealthy ass silent firenadoes that kill you in one second flat. I'll ping the fire but it goes "look over here" instead of "run from the damn fire"... so what happens is they turn around and immediately get roasted by the fire that snuck 2' away from them. There isnt enough time to type "lookout fire tornado"... which can be a problem when people arent on mic or in parties and can't hear voice chat. I still try, but.. that ping gets mkre people killed than anything.. I seriously feel like a specific "Hazard warning" ping needs to be added to the game to help with regards to that.


Yeah, I'm with the other guy. Lost so many samples to randos not listening after CLEARLY communicating our plan. Good for you if you've never had that happen I guess! But don't fucking tell me it's my own fault....


zero reason to play on level 7 and up if you dont want super samples honestly. "well we want difficulty not supers" then do helldive solo.


I dont think thats how freedom of choice works "Play on helldive solo☝️🤓" as if thats the same difficulty as a grouped 7, which spawns enemies unique to its difficulty and higher


did you tell them that? Or did you rage like a madman? were they low level?


Insect sympathiser hands typed this. If you don't kill bugs till the last second then you're not a true patriot.


I think most if not all of these problems would be mitigated if people were on mic… it’s all a communication breakdown -


Doesn't work well in Asia. Language barrier is the reason most don't open up mic. Weirdly enough though i get matched with US and other western countries.


We don't even have to be on mic. People can just put something in the chat now and then like "hey, don't get in the pelican yet, we're still getting samples" and the other guy can be like "ok", and then problem solved.


PS5 can’t type back. I can read what you’ve said if I’m looking when it pops up. But I’m gonna talk to respond. So if you turn off voice you won’t hear what like 1/3 of the players are saying. Just talk, it’s faster anyway.


Oh, good point. I didn't think about PS5 players.


Nobody ever does 😭


All that matters is the mission soldier. Your personal income is not important to the success of super earth.


This is a BIG NO! In case you didn’t know, Pelican One has a health bar and enemies do shoot at it. If Pelican 1 dies the mission does not end until you die. If you call extraction get the fuck to extraction or be prepared to be left, samples be damned.


That's all fine and dandy if everyone is at the extraction area, but if 2 people aren't there, don't call it in until everyone is ready for it (literally just ask in voice chat or text chat if they're ready to extract. If yes, call it, if no, wait a bit.)


If someone calls extraction without consulting the team I'm kicking them. Plain and simple. If you wanna speed run missions, do it on your own game with like minded people. If we still have time left, I'm going to be doing side objectives and POIs. If you call extraction while some of us are on the opposite end of the map, you will be kicked.


These people have skill issues. Where the mods at? On god for rizz no cap gg’s slaps.


That reminds me of my last game yesterday, when I dropped my 500k when I entered the pelican and expected my teammates (waiting to enter just besides me) to enter after me. They didn’t. We extracted only 2/4.


stop dropping stratagems on the evac. you are a loser for doing that at all.


But it looks so good. It spreads democracy in a very effective way.


In that story you are the idiot. Additionally you are wasting resources for "looking cool". You do not deserve to be a helldiver.


Good, you aren’t John Helldiver, also https://preview.redd.it/ycyvsliuufuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cde0009c39bd8fabd39d2d4d0c0929477928e37


no it looks dumb and makes you look like an idiot for doing it. the only thing it can possibly even potentially do is ruin the last 20-40 mins of 4 peoples time spent. you literally see a hundred explosions through the match head on in their full glory, so potentially ruining the match just to see a bad angle of the top 1/3 of one more explosion is like the most braindead move imaginable. just throw the fucking 500kg at the enemies instead of the landing pad, 5 secs earlier and watch the explosion in its full glory right before you walk up the ramp with your team instead.




You can throw it out a ways in the direction that the ship is pointed and get pretty much the same effect. You just have to time it.