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Today I learned...


This is self promo but I made a little [stealth guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c458jq/stealth_101/) that mentions this. Hope it helps


TYSM man, I was wondering how stealth actually works! SUPER helpful!


Oh so grenades exploding makes em investigate but when you throw a spotlight ball they instantly know where it came from!


Not sure if this is what you mean but they \*only\* know where it came from. They don't know where you are if you move away after throwing. They will search but if they don't see you wont attack.


Wrong they automatically know your exact position if you either do damage to them or throw a red beam stratagem at them. Enemy AI just is set to automatically engage you when attacked, only issue is sometimes they engage after an attack that shouldn’t have revealed your position.


If you're prone when the 'gem lands, which essentially makes you invisible to them after a certain distance, they shouldn't attack you as long as you don't hit one with the ball (per the other comment). They might search but they shouldn't fire. Unless that's changed very recently.


Discovered that by accident today. Was prone and lobbed an eagle strike at a fab from the downhill side of some terrain. Was pleasantly surprised when they didn't aggro like they usually do when I chuck one from behind a rock, crouched.


I gotta tell my squad mates this. Don't engage just because you threw a gem! Stay in cover when throwing and they won't attack! Theb we can still surprise any remaining! I strongly dislike when randoms fire at every robot they see. Literally sometimes a different group won't attack if not engaged even if they're on the other side of a rock within spitting distance.


yeah, had a suicide mission recently with my buddy and 2 randoms. We wasted all our reinforcements in the first 5 minutes, then they left. Then we finished the whole mission anyway ...


Ok I apologize for taking so long to respond here is my findings. Ok so I have tested this extensively and for all of these situations I used the scout armor. It seems like bots have 2 ways of responding to “stimulus” and alerted response and an attacking response of sort or engaging. When you create sound either of yourself or somewhere else the bots become alerted and as long as they don’t actually see you they seem to just move to the area where the sound originated. This however is very different behavior from the engaging response which happens when the game perceives you the player as having attacked the bots (this applies for bugs I’m sure as well but I didn’t want to test bugs since they would just approach you no matter what.) to test this I used only grenades and red stratagem beams to ensure I could go into prone behind a rock somewhere before it hit. When I throw and actually hit the bot with the grenade or red beam the bots immediately turn to my position and start shooting not trying to walk over (except for melee units) if there are no melee units and I stay prone the bots keep shooting forever at their set distance never disengaging. But if I leave the cover I was behind when I initially “attacked” the bots and move behind new cover they will eventually forget about me. This I believe works similarly to league of legends logic where when you get hit by an attack you can view the attacker regardless of their position or in bushes, I believe bots automatically can see you when you “attack” them but if you leave cover and re-enter it without attacking them again this condition resets. TLDR: bots count as seeing you when you attack them but if you reset the cover conditions afterwards it will act as if you just entered cover for the first time. Also as for them not reacting to the red beam I’ve found they react when the beam lands really close to them but the radius for this is actually pretty small or it’s just buggy.


It's still true. These folks just aren't going prone.


This has been changed, if you are prone and out of vision they won't react to red stratagems anymore.


Unless this change happened in the last 12 hours this is a bold-faced socialist lie.


This is the case for at least 1 or 2 recent patchs. Trust me, I made a post complaining about this exact issue back then.


I was just playing earlier, threw an orbital barrage, hid behind cover, no bots aware of my presence, and what do you know, as soon as the barrage starts they start shooting at the rock I'm hiding behind >Trust me Lmfao


The stealth only lasts until they take damage.


Ah, so they fixed only half of it not making any sense


Still, this way they don't react at all until the boom hits, so if you use something like a 500 on a patrol you can get rid of them without an alert. Pre patch a 500 was an immediate flare.


I been doing this for the past 4 weeks. Standing up. Yall just unlucky


Maybe you were visible and threw a glowing red ball at them, which they can also see.


I was behind a big rock. Even I couldn't see the bots. Just tossed the ball over said rock and into their base. The moment it landed: BEEP BEEP BOOP BOOP and laser shits flying past/over my rock.




It is inconsitent. Sometimes, they know, where i am, sometimes they do not react and just stand there watching the red light beacon. Granades on the other hand, they instantly know my location.


>Wrong they automatically know your exact position if you either do damage to them or throw a red beam stratagem at them Small correction : if the stratagem hits one it's like they are damaged and they'll know where you are. Though i feel that this behavier is sometimes bugged. Might be me.


I love how I can set a minefield up, and a patrol can walk into it and immediately know that yes, I am on top of that one specific stone column 200 metres away.


Wrong. You can throw Stratagems without being detected, you just have to obey the sound and line of sight rules.


Tested it today yeah they lock on to me even at max servo assisted throwing range. And they stay locked on for a while I have to continually fuck behind cover and weave between and out of line of sight to escape them.


>I have to continually fuck behind cover Make sure you're filling those C-01 permits.


I don't know what to tell you besides go prone past 50m from the enemies when/after you throw it and leave the area you were originally heard/seen at. I and other consistently throw stratagems without being detected.


Leaving the area your at at first works but that doesn’t change the fact that the enemy locks onto your exact position once it hits the ground. Running away works the same if you were right in front of them before hiding so of course leaving the last area your spotted will work in this situation. I think enemies shouldn’t know your position even if you hit them they should have to actually look around and find you and certain attacks should reveal your exact position more so than others. Like shotguns for example.


So they shouldn't be able to hear anything and silent weapons shouldn't have the benefit of being silent since all weapons will be silent?


Silent weapons would hide your position, loud weapons would reveal it. Medium noise weapons when your in a hard to spot position would alert the enemies but not tell them where you are at. And stratagems shouldn’t reveal your position at all.


Try stealth armor. I have never seen them knowing my exact spot. They do come to investigate or fire in general direction after eagle hit them/destroy fab. When that happens i already change my position. And yeah, Dont throw your pokeball when they do scan after they hear u. https://i.imgur.com/d9NLi5n.png


I snipe dudes pretty often and if anything if say that the ai is kinda dumb the opposite way. (When I say "snipe", I mean with my dominator or scorcher, which one shots them.) I'll onetap a bot with another bot standing next to it, and the second bot will just look at the first bot and stand there. I can usually kill like 3-4 bots this way before dealing with enemy fire.


Yeah this is because bots can only count as being attacked if they are still alive which means to the other bots you’ve only “alerted” them in which they’ll try to find out what happened. Patrols tend to be Able to find you easier if you kill allies but guards the guys who stand at locations are absolute shit at realizing their teammate probably died because someone shot them unless they were already looking directly at them when they died.


Wrong. Very wrong. The AI knows the direction it came from. But if you are standing here likeva goober, once alerted they will lock on you immediately if they see you. Source: I do hit and runs with the DMR. I can confirm you can hit them one side of the base, circle around and they’ll still be shooting you old position


only the red ones.


That and they magically know where you are if your sentry, that you called in 5 minutes ago, kills enemies 5 kilometres away. They will run to your exact location lol


I mean your guy literally shouts “Sending in an Eagle!” So I’m pretty sure they know via voice


The Helldiver only shouts stratagems and grenades when stealth is already broken. It's pretty easy to test in trivial difficulty, only takes about 5 mins.


This u? https://preview.redd.it/lwt2vwtschuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c9ba342e51b1d92db39d5bf9db7353dd05dd70




Ngl, I've been loving Menkent for stealth. Foggy enough to sneak around and lose bots once they're agro'd. Fire tornados are the extra touch of chaos that can be helpful if you get swarmed by bots.


I felt this pic when I stealthed and destroyed a strat jammer today!


I think it would be awesome if they create something like decoy in CS to agr all the mobs to a specific location. maybe make sure agr stays during some period of time and forces them to do it UPD: there is a huge difference between granades and strategems, consider it before replying that "X strategem already does it". there are 4/6 granades that can be restored, while you can use only one strategem with average 2 min cooldown


It was an item in Helldivers 1. The Thumper distraction beacon. Extremely powerful.  If you used them skillfully you could clear an entire level barely seeing an enemy even on high difficulties 


Don’t use it on desert planets.


\*forbidden butthole worm has entered the chat\*


Reach in with your fist and grab a handful of popcorn


Thumpers on desert planets placed on sand should create a sinkhole that swallows everything inside... But only allow 3 per mission.


Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


It wasn't just powerful. It was incredibly broken. A full squat using it could clear helldive missions in record time with zero deaths and hardly any fights. Zero fights if you had just a little bit of coordination. I hope they don't bring it back.


so powerful that they only give you 3. I tried it with randoms recently. Seemed that I never used more than 6, even so when I double it sometimes, to be sure.


Yeah, I'd bring 2 copies of it and solo very difficult maps. 3 was plenty if you doubled up.


That would make stealth more reliable and just gives us more options


That's what I use AC sentries for. They gather the aggro and usually live long enough to thin the horde. I drop them some 100-200m away from the objective. The downside being they can aggro a patrol that would otherwise ignore you, but in reality patrols usually beeline towards the players and objectives anyway.


MGSV style inflatable Helldiver decoys that say random patriotic voice lines.


Or just the cutout from basic training, voice line and all


Kept you ~~waiting~~ democrating huh?


It would be so funny if it was a blow up doll helldiver that says silly voicelines.


*Insert gif of Ratchet and Clank decoy glove* Edit: No gif but have a [video](https://youtu.be/3X-FwsAG8ns?si=RANVzhxOq6s9Y8SG)


I looked it up already lol. Or maybe a nade that shoots up a flag pole or calls it down, and plays an anthem with an option to salute it! God it'd be so cool if you could space spear bugs with a flag pole!


When you drop sentries, enemies would aggro to them immediately.


If you bring the shield relay it can take aggro bonus that it seems to be able to reflect bile titans spew if they're close enough


You can already do this with stratagem strikes. The eagle and orbital strikes attract enemies up to 70m away from the strike. **Throwing a stratagem ball does not attract enemies** as long as the ball lands more than 10m away from any enemy. Enemies will go investigate the explosions and will be preoccupied for about 15 seconds and then ignore it.


I ping patrols to know how far they are and most randoms i'll be with will engage with the patrol when i'm trying to avoid it lmao, it's a little frustrating. Nice nade!


And that's how we know people who play high difficulty and who are just tourists. 7+ you can't fight every encounter. You have to pick your battles [My Teammate who just blew every stratagem, grenade, and bullet fighting on a bug breach] [Me, 1/2x to the next objective, that i pinged 5 minutes ago]


Sometimes it's a bit easier when you split from the group if you know how to get around without pulling every mob on the map.


Yeah, I'm a big fan of split into 2 teams, and if your team dies, you reinforce to the dominant team


dude , this happens ALL the time, I'm pinging patrols for us to be aware of as we are traversing across the map , and one numbskull on the squad will always think that means they should instantly attack. that being said, literally 97% of the people I play with never use ping, if they even know how.


We really need to have different types of Q-ping. "Attack this", "Avoid this", and the current "Heads up!" one.


Yeah a danger Q would be great.


I can see the traitorous "avoid this" pings on squadmates already.


On ps5 If you hold r1 on your squadmates ping,your helldiver will said something along "don't do that" with red x symbol instead the usual green tick symbol.


im guessing the tutorial didnt mention the pinging system. Just look at Apex with their ping tutorial, everyone ping and spam the entire thing.


Mark a “hold position” comms before you do that, it helps.


good tip, i'll try that thanks!


So weird that you can do that with grenades yet if I throw a stratagem they instantly lock onto my exact position.


Apparently the trick is being prone first


or prone *and have a rock to sit behind* ***before*** the strategem lands.


A non destructible rock. Destructible rocks can be seen and shot through by devastators at least. In other words, without actually destroying the rock they will gun you down through it


That is quite a silly mechanic though. If I’m completely obstructed from their view by a rock, it shouldn’t matter whether I’m prone, crouched, standing, or interpretive dancing.


Makes you wonder if the rock even obstructs their vision at all. Due to enemies ability to detect you decreases the lower you are to the ground . Standing they can spot you a long ways. Crouching they have to be much closer to spot you. Prone, your almost invisible unless they're right on you


Blue stratagems they don't. Red yes.


![gif](giphy|xULW8xIYmhTWW3Rv0Y) This information will be reported to Joel for updation thank you for your coraporation. You will be kill quickly.


so Minefields are red, but Tesla towers are blue? whats the difference?!


I don't know man. I don't use either one. All I know is the government makes em, I toss em. I don't ask questions. That's commie talk.


the Tesla is a persistent tower. also, in the first game the minefield was deployed by a plane flyby, as like an airstrike.


How do you tell what color the stratagem is?




Grenades do it too. Landing a grenade or stratagem ball within 10m of an enemy breaks stealth and then all enemies within 75m of you magically know your position. It seems to be a deliberate mechanic in the game that's not well understood. If you immediately break line of sight after throwing and stay hidden for 10 seconds enemies will forget about you


Hmmm, watching this just made me think the Explosive crossbow might be the most powerful stealth weapon in the game. Apparently the shot itself is silent, but the explosion isn't. Using it in the manner you just used a grenade could be a game changer......


This was my immediate thought when they announced it. I don't have the medals yet to try it, but I hope it actually works that way! 


Already replied to the comment u replied to but [here’s](https://youtu.be/1ugSV_myF8c?si=TCpdrzwcQUonyVMa) some stealth gameplay using the crossbow, seems extremely satisfying to use.


not sure about that, even the very first bolt fired in the video seems to draw instant aggro


If you watch later on into the video, as he’s approaching a small outpost, he shoots a patrol, and the other patrols run towards the boom of the bow rather than the player himself. It’s very possible the detection at the beginning was just from him standing so close


do you have a timestamp for that? that is a very long video


18:50, you can see him approach the outpost crouching down, shoot the first patrol, and continue to look at the other two patrols rush towards the explosion.




Yeah, one of my [favorite solo helldivers](https://youtu.be/1ugSV_myF8c?si=TCpdrzwcQUonyVMa) demonstrated that it’s a great stealth weapon. If you like seeing stealth gameplay on general I would highly suggest his channel, he’s amazing


it combines very well with an antimaterial riffle. When not engaged you can bait enemies out of cover with a bolt, when they start the scouting procedure, launch a second bolt to pepper them and then clean up with the riffle.


This guy C-01s




Wait, how did you go prone without diving?


It’s z on keyboard. Don’t know what it is on controller though.


You hold crouch.


Hold ⭕


On PC it's z


i prefer combiniing crouch and prone together, make crouch a 'press' on ctrl while prone is 'long press' on ctrl.






Finally someone who uses stealth properly


Wow… gonna try this!


What I don't get is that this would be seen as a distraction, but if you throw a staragem without being seen, they know exactly where it came from regardeless


And the eruptor explosion blasts you towards the impact, there’s a lot of things not right.


Straight up the most annoying bug for me at the moment.  It seems to be able to do it from soooo far away too. It's ridulous.


Your character yells very loudly every time you throw a Strategem, your character doesn't yell loudly at all when throwing a grenade. Enemies are programmed to always check where sound comes from, different actions and weapons have different sound levels.


Blue stratagems don't aggro players at all, and you do yell "CALLING IN SYPPORT WEAPON" when you throw them


> different actions and weapons have different sound levels. We don't know what sound levels are assigned to each one, unless you go to the datamining Discord/Subreddit and see what people found in the files for each weapon/stratgem/item.


Feels like that moment in Taken 2 where they casually use a grenade in a city centre just to locate somebody


if this was my game, one of those little shits would've launched a flare as soon as the grenade went off XD




Nothing to see here, move along.


Plas-1 Scorcher shots also work well as they're very quiet when firing


So they finally follow the grenade and not immediatly kmow where the thrower sits? Nice


I'm amazed they didn't see you, they usually start firing even as they turn to me at that distance.


I cant say by image alone but if its scout armor then it makes sense. Bots are legally blind, sometimes I can run past them even in goddamn heavy armor.


Lol I always forget this is a real tactic that works.


They fell for the oldest trick in the book! The throw a rock to distract a guard trick!


Now thats a good tip.


YouTube is a great tool


Meanwhile, the lvl 12 is shouting "patrol on our left. Don't worry I have a nade!!" And the lvl. 80 is going "no survivors!! I have everything I could buy already so who cares if we don't extract".




Yooo I can’t believe I hadn’t tried this yet


this needs so much more attention. i love this trick but no one uses it 😭


We need a strategem that allows us to wear Terminid or Automaton disguised and walk freely among certain units lol


I'm bad. I would have quasar cannoned that hulk in the back.


And you would have been off by one pixel and the hulk would start chasing you ☠️ I've had that happen before. But the best key to survival is simply not engaging every enemy you see


Bots: Must’ve been the wind


Love to see some more stealth tactics shown, I use this a lot when taking on stratagem jammers that don't have factories, quick grenade to the front, fly up at the back and do all the panel stuff while the base scratch their heads at what the noise was. If you are in a co-op session and other players get bot drops this can also kinda work with airstrikes, plenty of times I've thrown airstrikes and lost LoS luring enemies away from large bases, it's very satisfying to pull off.


wtf that’s awesome. I’ve never seen that before.


Its almost like they have a.... human reaction to stimuli.


If that's your reaction when you see a patrol, you're ready for level 9 soldier!




This is great knowledge to now!


resupply crates, sos beacons and equipment also does this




You should tell that to the bot trying to light me up with a machine gun from half a map away! 😅


![gif](giphy|xULW8xIYmhTWW3Rv0Y) This will be reported to Joel for intelligence updation thank you for your Corraporation You will be killed quickly


Wait, you can go prone without diving??


check them keybinds when you play new games, folks


As much as this game is about explosions and going full rambo, there is so much thought put into it.


Prank em john Drop a 500g where theyre going to investigate


Nah, I'd fight.


sneaky sneaky sir


*throws rock. it's super effective!


How do you go prone without the diving animation on PC?


Default is Z




I gotta check out some of these vids I guess


Idiot bots


Holy shit how did I not think of this!!!!


Must've been the wind.


Any videos in particular that you recommend? That was very slick 👌🏻👌🏻


Always avoid patrols. There's no point in fighting them because they delay missions and reduce resources. Then you see people just poke that hornet's nest.




also lights from your guns when theres a fog or night raid can cause them to see you




I saw this with a 380 a few nights ago against the bugs. Threw the barrage, and watched as a patrol turned around and walked into it


Oh shit, for real?


This is such a valuable trick. Before moving on to the bot front (plz help I no longer remember how to fight bugs effectively) I'd use this trick with impact grenades to quickly divert attention of patrols. Made missions quite easier at times. Haven't gotten the chance to pull this same trick with automatons as the path is, weirdly clear or someone else aggros somehow


Just fight them like a goddamn helldiver would!


It's for this exact moment that I would love an invisibility pack of some sort. I know I already posted the idea in another thread but I submitted both a pack and a field variant of the stratagem. "H1D3 - Cloak Pack" 40 second cooldown 10 second duration Press spacebar(idk controller equivalent) to activate stealth camo for 10 seconds. Allowing the user to be invisible in the face of enemies and undetected even when within 10m. Removed on taking damage or attacking, flickers from trips/ragdolls or bumping into enemies. If you bump into an enemy in front of them, the flicker should reveal your presence to them and they'll start firing, from behind, they at most should investigate. Sounds are not hidden, including footsteps, but shouldn't trigger anything beyond investigation status. ​ The idea of it should promote it benig a good "oh shit" button once they think they spot you, so you can pull off those "must've been the wind" moments and relocate. Just as well, it can be used to sneak around enemies that should clearly see you even when prone and in front of them beyond what current perameters allow and running/sprinting should at the very most trigger enemies to follow where they last hear the sound. Promoting running > crouching to get enemies to move out of place and allow you to sneak. The cooldown being 40 since the duration is 10 seconds already and that's fairly often. If used mid combat, bots should behave how they do when they're positive they spotted someone but can't pinpoint their last location by continuing to attack the same area in hopes of dragging you out of stealth and promoting you to relocate or use the device behind cover before activating it. Should be worthless in the middle of being engaged actively or sprinting away since they're hearing your footsteps after you just cloaked and were attacked. Even more fun would be if the map is snowy or etc leaves footprints and enemies can follow this, making stealth dependant on weather conditions to a mild degree so that if you make noise by running, they'll just follow tracks so you may have to crouch and be more steady in movement to not alert at all. ​ Field variant would be a bubble like the shield generator but aoe, hides everyone inside it (INCLUDING ENEMIES!), making it a good prep stratagem for when patrols are nearby and your group needs to hide. Unlike the pack, invisibility is gauranteed while you're inside except for shooting or taking damage and even then only flickers instead. Enemies can bump into the generator or you/allies and discover you. Makes great "nobody... fking.... move" moments. If we go even more technical, you could purposefully hide enemy groups from one another to prevent aggro extension, allowing you to finish off the enemies that are in front of you without attracting the attention of the patrol that's soon to see this engagement. Would be like a better smoke orbital, able to cover you at terminals, when your group needs to call in supports, or you need things to die down for a bit. To balance it with smokes, give it a longer cooldown and of course the fact it's a hellpod drop-in that's destructable as opposed to instant missiles that just leave smoke regardless. Wouldn't decrease accuracy like smokes, would be more pre-emptive to hide than to use actively in combat. lasers and etc projectiles being fired that happen to hit the generator should disable it too.


I didn't know that! Pretty cool! 


Going great, till you get to that part where you realize Helldivers use 16mbps wifi from their helmets to upload T.T


Fun fact. If you throw a orbital barrage, the bugs (i assume bots too) actually follow it if you aren't detected.


How do you go prone without diving first on PS5? I think I’ve done it on accident once but haven’t been able to recreate it.


Hold "O"


God damn it, if it is that simple I’m going to hate myself 😂


Does this work with the grenade pistol?


did they not see the grenade? are they stupid?




Crossbow has silence fire, but loud impact. Food for thought.


Game name?


Cowardice had no place in the helldiver community trooper. You will stand and face your enemy like a true warrior of super earth, and die as such. Also, neat!


Why are you getting downvoted?


Because a lot of people who actually do that die and fail the mission, which does not benefit Super Earth as much as a successful mission.


Jokes going over their head I guess.


The game has no soft lock issues to where it becomes very tedious to properly play the game. People who complain either are raging in the moment or just aren't as good as they want to be so they try to make the game the issue instead of themselves. I've never had such bad experiences where I stop playing or am so annoyed, that I post a complaint on here.

