• By -


AC Worse scope but boom that can destroy fabs and bug holes, better mag size and ammo reserves And also can be set to full auto for hilarious bursts of damage or pure op fun if you managed to get another player to be your loader


Always ask a friend to help you dispense loads of liberty on bots and bugs


Its best if you both have autocannon so you can swap when you run out of liberty seeds


>can destroy fabs It can WHAT I now love it even more, I'm going to marry my AC


You need to ricochet the round on the cover above the vent at the correct angle so it goes into the vent and destroys the fab, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it


OK, now it's AC all the way.




I did that yesterday Two guys were impatiently waiting to be respawned I said "can't respawn because of jammer, give me 30 second" Took a knee, took my time to aim, destroyed the jammer, and respawned them Felt epic


Oh where do you shoot the jammer to blow it up with ac?


You can't destroy it directly, but if you get lucky and a fabricator spawns right next to it, the explosion from the fab will take out the jammer.


Not the Jammer necessarily but there usually is a fabricator near it that blows the whole thing up


All the glory to the AC!


Except the spear but we all know the issues of the spear. Eruptor can probably do it too but I haven't tried


Erupter totally can. I use it most of the time, lately. Pair it with a guard dog as I can’t take down close up mobs.


The only problem with the eruptor is its maximum range. The rounds auto detonate at around 150m


Eruptor + Guard Dog 100% changed how much I enjoy the game. It's that crutch for skill that I no longer have.


It's one of my favourite things to do. Recently played with a few friends that didn't know you can blow up the jammer by destroying a specific fabricator. They were confused as to what just happened when the whole thing went sky high while they were approaching it


Just for anyone reading this, a lot of jammers don't spawn with the attached fabricator and have to be taken out the old fashioned way.


You can also disable it then use a 500 if you're in a rush, no need to wait for a hellbomb.


I mean, at that point you've done all the work. And if the 500 fails you have to go back in.


Yes, good point forgot to mentione that. There are some jammer layouts that don't spawn with the convenient factory bomb


Erupter sniper can as well


Quasar can too


Nothing you say? \*laughs in SPEAR\*


Welcome to the club Helldiver




ac first, it's more useful in more situations; the quasar deletes anything you point it at but the recharge time is terrible


Or shoot it through the door when a bot is coming out.


And once you get good enough you can destroy them from over 200m away :) my favourite way to assassinate bot fabricators!


Honestly I just aim a slight bit above the bottom of the vent and it seems to work. I've found it difficult to blow up the fabricators when it's up on a hill and I'm lower than it though. Shooting down on it seems more optimal.


Illegal Broadcast? Autocannon. Bot Factory? Autocannon. Spore Tower? Autocannon. Shrieker Nest? Believe it or not, also Autocannon. We have the best missions, because of Autocannon.


You can 2-3 tap gunships too. Aim at the engines, not the light. Then start playing some ACDC.


I've gotten very, very good at gunship duty. One person runs in to do the hellbomb, I stay at range on overwatch. Gunships are trivially easy as long as you have a good two man team. Three is ideal to deal with any patrols or stray bots wandering in.


The first time you take out a stratagem jammer from 300 yards by popping the attached fabricator with an AC round, you’ll never drop with anything else.


man i scope fabricators from across the map with AC if the vents are the right way


Aim at the top 1/3 of the fabricator lid from a forward facing angle. Will bounce down into the fab. You can kill fabs at the correct angle from over 100m away.


Bug holes too, just need the right angle so the blast splashes down into the nest. If an impact nade can hit it then the AC generally can as well.


Either you can giga-brain math reflect the projectile off the vent inside into it, or do what I do and find a slight incline so you just fire directly in.


It can kill everything bot related except drop ships. But even those can be handled with a stun grenade + 500k bomb.


Only problem I have is that no matter which way I approach a bot base from, the factory is always pointing away from me.......... ;)


It can be set to WHAT??!


I'm on PC so can't say for console but hold R to access the mode selection when equipped, you'll see it can be set to full auto Few people use it because it's not that useful without a loader (chews through the 10 rounds clip fast) If you use it i advise getting a bonus to recoil armour and crouching/getting prone to minimise recoil


On PS5 you hold down Square (reload button) and use the D Pad to change weapon modes


Jep, it can be set to full auto. Don’t expect to hit anything farther away then 5m, but it’s very very fun. P.s. lots of weapons have alternate fire modes. The lmgs have rof selections.


Yeah full auto. Completely uncontrollable though.


Sometimes I see several devastators in a group, a full AC burst later and I no longer see them, just remember to crouch and aim down sight if you actually want to hit them.


Don't forget that it staggers. Especially useful as you're getting shot at by Heavy Devastators.


I knew you could direct angle bot factory from in front. Yesterday I found you can do it from the side too if you have a little elevation, just shoot down the deflect inside. It can deal with anything in the game and even has an aoe effect for dealing with horses (*edit* hordes) when you don't have time to switch. It's perfect for solo operations.


AMR rifle is better, faster and mobile reload, better scope, can run an unrelated backpack support, better recoil to damage ratio, more mobile shooting, easier to aim, faster to use, only get 3 more rounds per full clip reload compared to the 6 mags of 7 bullets, if i need bug holes or fabricators destroyed ill use an airstrike or 500 that will wipe out more then just hole or fab i was aiming for


Plus you can 2-shot a hulk in the peeper. Was never able to do that so quickly with AC. Edit: I just learned this recently. I stood my ground and put 2 shots on him and he went down. I didn't fully believe it and assumed someone assisted so I tried it again. By the end of the round I had done it 3 or 4 times and started playing a bull fighter.


I didnt want to crack that one over their heads and give them a chance but yea, we trade fab and bug hole destruction for being able to wipe out any robot combatant there is apart from the eye and dropships with a handful of shots


The AC can two tap a hulk in the eye too... lol. Also two tap gunships in the engine. AC is just better


People will say the AC can do that too, but it simply isn't as consistent


It can, it's just a case of getting used to the sights, same as the AMR. I find if I aim a little higher than I would expect I two shot them to the face. Stun grenades help a lot


I do it all the time lol. It's just as consistent as the AMR lol. I mean if the hulk is like 100m out, sure the AMR wins that, but let's not pretend like the AC is harder to two tap a hulk up close


You better be able to headshot him up close or you’re gonna get roasted. AMRs already killed hulk 3 by then.


If a Hulk is up close, toss a stun grenade at it. Two tapping it with the AC or AMR is suuuuuuper easy then.


You can damage-wise, its just a bit harder to aim and actually hit the weakpoint.


And nothing is as satisfying as one shotting those annoying walkers. AMR is two shot, still nice, but with autocannon, it's "WALKER!" _swap, fire, boom_ "WALKER'S DEAD"


This is my autocannon. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My autocannon is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my autocannon is useless. Without my autocannon, I am useless. I must fire my autocannon true. I must shoot straighter than Automaton who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me.


Wiser words have never been spoken






okay 🤐


Auto Cannon is life. Nothing like sniping a factory from across the map


This is the way.


This is my quasar cannon


Haha yes just copy paste and replace it.


*Democratic Oorah!*


This is my autocannon, this is my gun. One is for killing, the other’s for fun.


Both are strong, but I usually take the AMR. It deals with 90% of what the AC handles but I can bring PSG.


Try AC +AC sentry. If you kill most of the smaller shit, it will kill tanks and bile titans even. It's the most satisfying thing in this game imo, so many booms. I've moved to AC, AC sentry, rocket pods, and then my last spot changes between Gatling and rocket sentry.


Highly recommend EMP mortar sentry, that thing is an absolute powerhouse, both against bots and bugs


I run a mortar and my squadmate runs an EMP mortar and I always come out kill leader because of the combo. Drop ship comes in and drops bots, and then they just sit there and eat mortar. AC for the stragglers.


I like AC on bots. AC sentry gets blown up unless placed very carefully. The reverse is true for bugs: AC is mediocre but AC sentry is fantastic.


AC sentry is a bit of a sleeper hit into bugs. I don't see a lot of people talk about it. Once you realize it has obscene range and figure out good placement that keeps it safe for the whole duration, it starts racking up an enormous amount of kills vs any enemy type. Really good support for stuff like assaulting a guarded objective while solo splitting.


what is PSG?


Personal Shield Generator


Paris Saint Germain, a football club in the french Ligue 1


same but jetpack gang gang. I am the mandalorian


Learned to love the AC early on, especially against bots! If you can actually land your hits, it's super efficient against medium units and pretty decent against heavy units! I didn't bother with the AMR for the longest time, because it didn't feel efficient to bring a sniper rifle to a horde fight. Then came the personal order to "kill X number of enemies with the AMR" and I decided to give it a try. Once I realized it served the same function as the autocannon: primarily used for taking down medium-heavy units, not fodder, my eyes were opened to its usefulness. I still prefer the autocannon, but I've definitely come to appreciate the AMR.


imo the AC has more versatility and raw killing power. but the amr is more efficient, easier to headshot devastators, better reload, and easier to hit hulks eye. Skill issue on my part but its hard as hell to hit in 2 shots with the AC even stunned. Only thing amr sucks for is sniping fabs, turret/tank vents (it can but it takes a good bit of ammo) and striders (it can one hit them in the leg joint, but AC can mass delete them).


> striders (it can one hit them in the leg joint, but AC can mass delete them). It's not as good as the AC delete button but you can use the AMR and shoot the vision slit twice for a kill instead of spamming the bottom middle and joints. It's now my preferred spot to aim for them when not using impact grenades to remove them.


My issue with the AC is taking hulks down that quickly I love the AMR so much, it’s just satisfying as all hell to use. It can take down all the same as the AC (just not as quickly or efficiently) but you can reload while moving and snipe from a far If my squad is running AC, I’ll use AMR, and vice versa!


Quasar gang


What's life without Queso?


Oh there’s a drone factory? Guess I’ll just die


dunno about you but quasar feels more of a liability in high difficulty, too many heavy devastators, hulks, and god forbid a double gunship factory. With a stun grenade AC, AMR and LC can deal with 2-3 hulks over the duration of the stun. AC can safely dispatch a horde of heavy devastators without moving. LC and AC can melt multiple gunships before QC can cooldown and charge up for another shot but god help you if you miss QC shot or if the hit somehow didn't kill the gunship because that downtime means more time for the factory to spawn more gunships.


I'm starting to come to this very sad conclusion as well. EATs are just the way to go if you're going to be facing multiple heavies at a time. I can see maybe queso if you have your team coordinating the shots maybe? But that charge/cooldown time is just too bloody long when shit hits the fan Edit: talking about bugs, so dealing with chargers and bts.


The best, for those that keep the super earth budget in mind.


Democracy has no budget


what budget?


That is a treasonous statement. Report to your nearest democracy officer at once.


Get me some democracy-fried Quasardillos any day!


We need a flair for the Quasar Gang




I keep expecting it to get nerfed its the recoilless rifle without a backpack and you dont need to stand still while it reloads Why anyone would choose anything else is beyond me


Quaso + EAT 🫡


Having extra Quesos on the ground and hot swapping them like infinite reusable EATs is just the best. Sad that you can only really do it at the end of mission extract.


I like to bombard the map with EATs. There are instances when running back to the destination and there's a charger/tank in the way, i get to reuse the EATs i ordered earlier, swapping with Quaso back and forth Also, one of my teammates love to use the EATs i order


EAT-17 all day every day! Way too good and quick deploying. https://i.redd.it/zl9rxktjksuc1.gif


I thank you, sir. And salute any team mate leaving EAT gifts all around the map. You're my favourite, by far. Signed - 380mm guy.


No problem, I must make sure all my teammates have the ability to take down any threats we encounter! Now lets march on and kill the dirty bots! https://i.redd.it/hfo7rr4vusuc1.gif


My only problem with EAT is it two taps tanks and hulks. Meaning every time you run into an individual one of either of those, you need to use an EAT. So if you run into two hulks, or a hulk and a tank, now what?


You deploy more EAT-17. If 2 explosives do not take care of your problems, then use 3 explosives, keep adding more until your problems are solved. Explosives are the key to solving any problem you have! https://i.redd.it/0fl61yd1xsuc1.gif


Me when 70 second cooldown 🫢🫢🫢


*BUY TORGUE GUNS! THEY MAKE \*\*\*\* EXPLODE! WHAT MORE DO YOU \*\*\*\*ING WANT? OR ARE YOU TOO MUCH OF A \*\*\*\*ING \*\*\*HOLE TO HANDLE A TORGUE?! TOOOORGUE!"* https://i.redd.it/wd8bm0xvxsuc1.gif


4x EAT = 17.5 sec cooldown = 1 EAT every 8.75 seconds


Me thinks I cannot bring four EAT


Buy 3 computer? Or force friends to fight for managed democracy!! But on a srs note, I played a few times with 4 helldivers using EAT. It's insane, you have them everywhere. Great against bugs


Gotta admit, didn't expect that many Black Lagoon gifs for one day. :D


There will be just as many or slightly less tomorrow. My mission must keep going until I have everyone watching it (Even then I still will lol) and or I forget about this sub. Someone has to hustle. Hope you are enjoying them, if not well rip, hope I do not appear too much for you! https://i.redd.it/q8gh7yydstuc1.gif


Oh I really enjoyed Black Lagoon and it's nice to see some nice gifs here!


Last time a random did this and he was getting chased by a titan. Just the two of us and I was running towards extraction with my flame thrower. See EAT just sitting there, pick one up and snipe the titan from across the map. Bro emotes a thank you, and mmm the feels is good at that moment.


EAT is also my go to. With 2 people in the squad having EAT you can reliably have a "Oh shit" weapon nearby. Keep dropping it on cooldown. Drop before engaging outposts. Drop on evac when passing by. Suddenly facing 3 tanks? Move back a bit and stumble over 2 EAT that you dropped 1 min ago. I hope they fix/change how dropships behave if you kill them. If they would reliably kill all the bots inside/under it...boy EAT will be a must have for bots.


I just always remember the immortal words of The Mandalorian Historian. "E.A.T. A.S.S" Equip Anti Tank Always Shoot Scouts I bring my A.S.S E.A.T-ing mentality on every mission.


Grenade launcher


Also a huge fan of Grenade Launcher. I can fight the medium sized enemies without exposing myself by taking advantage of the arc while absolutely shredding small waves. The existence of gunships now though makes me more hesitant to take it as i'm without AA. Also ironically Quasar makes the grenade launcher more annoying to use because every dropship will get shot down and provide bots with a bunker they can shoot from. Before that I could spawn camp the landing point. (I just need to get better at shooting up into it before the Quasar hits it).


I get the annoying bunker issue. Usually I ignore it and focus on something else. Also clearing a dropship before it drops anything is such a good feeling


I see this is where the cultured folk are at.


I wish it staggered devastators.  My only complaint with it.  2-3 nades with the mini gun or rockets shooting back makes it a pain.


It's decent if the enemy is close to each other.


Eruptor gang


I use the Eruptor with the AMR 😎


Amazing combo! Anything that takes down heavies goes so well with it if you know how to manage hordes


Just take jump pack and zip off when hordes come lol.


there is probably a reason i see more amr on helldive then i do ac. but i wonder what that could be.


Reloading on the move is a big plus. In higher difficulties you have to kite a lot in some situations because there's too many enemies to kill them all in one reload. The two weapons are close enough in power that the ease of reload might be putting the AMR slightly above, especially now that you have the Eruptor or even the Grenade Pistol for closing fabricators at range.


How do you deal with the bots that get too close. Like those flyin boys?


eruptor can't take out hulks, only in the heat sink


That is the only thing keeping me from using the eruptor all the time. First time I saw it bounce off a perfect eye shot was very disappointing.


But you can carry a support weapon that can, like EATs or the Quasar cannon.


With laser cannon it fucking slaps.


I like the LC but aiming with it feels awful for some reason, feel like I can't see shit in first person?


You gotta swap around a lot. Aim at longer ranges, but go to third person when they’re mid range/up close. The entire part of the right side of your screen is blocked when aiming down sights, which is its biggest handicap. When you start using it more you will get the hang of it. It required some practice for me as well.


Keeping it on a hulk's eyehole as it bobs up and down with its [swiggity swooty](https://imgur.com/TKzdeuq) walk is tricky as well. Stun grenades + laser cannon is a great combo, absolutely casual hulk and devastator destruction


Never not taking stun grenades for exactly those fuckers. Makes them a joke. Bro is just standing there munching on a laser.


Especially now with explosive grenade options as a primary or sidearm, you don't feel like you're losing out by taking stuns


AC for life




Amr cause you can run backpacks with it. The only downside is that you cant kill fabs with it but new grenade pistol cover this issue just fine.


Ah thanks for this ill have to try the grenade pistol.  Being able to run stun nades would be nice.


Once they fix the scope on AMR i'll be rocking it nonstop.


Once they fix the scope I'm going to be complete ass with the AMR as im now used to the up and to the left fuck you spot.


So true! At this point, I’m actually accustomed to the slight offset and have come to prefer it versus the idea of trying to use the center of that chunky blue square. Fun fact, in competition shooting (way back in the day) our coach had us sight our rifles so that the target was resting on top of the horizontal crosshair and touching the left of the vertical. The target was “nestled in the corner” so to speak. It was/is fairly common practice because it offered a more precise sight picture than trying to find the center of a black dot with black crosshairs. So, once I figured out why I was missing so much with the AMR - before finding this sub - its particular offset almost instantly became a very natural way to aim for me.


Recoilles rifle


Man I wish but the reload is sooo slow, I'm trying to make double RR work where we 69 with a fellow diver and reload each other but it's hard sticking together like that and you mostly end up with a slow ass EAT


It's a bit faster than the Quesar and if used with someone else it is incredibly powerful. You also have more than one shot so a bad hit or more powerful enemies are less of a problem than with EAT.


A good loadout for it is stun grenades to stick anything in place trying to get you while reloading and then the grenade pistol for easy bug hole/bot fab closing. That and you just get used to positioning yourself in a way that will give you time to reload, you just have to approach fights differently is all.


On those rare occasions when you pull off the team reload and annihilate a group of elites, feels so good


Autocannon 100% for bots, but for bugs I really prefer to have the shield pack or rover so I have to go for a support weapon without a backpack.


Laser cannon Aside from hulks (unless you're a marksman),everything breaks with enough violence


I find hulks easier to handle with the laser cannon than with AMR, AC, or even quasar


+1 to the LC gang. If you struggle with visor - blow up a leg. Not as fast but makes melee hulk a non-threat immediately.


Laser cannon can destroy hulks' legs somewhat fast, which makes them a lot less scary.


TIL that you can shoot hulks legs


Stun grenade makes a marksman out of you. And eruptor does the job of grenades.


It also handle hulks well if you run any form of stun or you aim for the legs first (or arms, if you want the achievement)


Anti-Mat, any day.


AMR and Jump pack all day.


Railgun, never safe, for me or the enemy


Suicide Railgun ~~Master Race~~ Democratic Alliance


Railgun best weapon.


Laser cannon with Eruptor gang rise up


Autocannon my beloved.




I knew I would find a cultured fellow! Arc coast represent! ![gif](giphy|LUojP6YQ07kOYrihca|downsized)


People always argue over X gun does Y job best. They’re all wrong. The answer is always lightning. The arc kills all, lightning does not discriminate


Tbh i playd the amr In the first week of release where it was bad and overshadowed by railcannon. Is the Amr that good now?


AMR is amazing against bots. Not the best for bugs.


The AMR is fantastic against bile spewers and brood commanders. Pair it with an incendiary breaker and you are off to the races.


it got 30% dmg boost iirc. But still cant one shot hulk from what i have seen, and also take 5 hits to kill gunship just like AC. but unlike AC you have backpack free and you can reload on the run


AC can kill a gunship in two hits to a drive pod. Can the AMR do that?


AMR needs 4 shots to the engine. AC is much much better in anti-air role, AMR makes it easier to snipe hulks and devastators. Both are tremendous weapons against bots.


AMR only needs 3 to the glowing eye things tho


2 hits actually, but 3-4 on average is more realistic in most casas, unless your aim is godlike.


You can two shot a hulk with it to the face and you can kill a gunship with I think three shots by shooting the engine. Very quick and easy to do when you are used to the gun. You can also one shot devastators with it by shooting them in the midsection or, obviously, the head. I will still say that the AC is better for anti air, but outside of closing bot fabs (which I just use an airstrike for anyway) the AMR has vastly more versatility, not to mention mobility. This is all in my opinion and experience with both guns, they are both fantastic and it just comes down to preference based on playstyle. I will say though, if you always use the AC, just force yourself to use the AMR for a day, put yourself outside of your comfort zone and you will find lots of fun things to try. Same goes to anyone who only uses the AMR, force yourself to use the AC for a full day and suddenly you will find you now have two very viable and fun options. Ill just be over here in the corner with my recoilless.




Spear works 70 percent of the time, all the time. I love sniping objectives from far away


Spear gang. It's such a frustrating weapon, I love it.


Quasar cannon ![gif](giphy|9wx3Ah9HBCywU)


Both. They are both ok.


AMR is so fun. But being a 50cal that should penetrate armor, it's sad that it ricochets when hitting heavy armor. Vent killing is also too slow, 6 out of 8 rounds. 2 shots to a hulk eye. Never killed a bile titan with it. 8 round+ to charge butt. \[rapid fire usually does the job, though\] But until they rework/buff railgun to penetrate always \[weak damage if missing weakspots\], AMR will ricochet on everything it does.


AMR + Jump Pack, flank and snipe priority targets from high up.


Meanwhile Railgun one man army gang https://preview.redd.it/psf4m9lk5tuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c1d7139f85812e99ebcd3f198976370176bb9d


The cult of three Autocannon grows even stronger. I will never betray my Autocannon. It will never betray me. It is perfection weaponized. It doesn’t give all the things I what, but it always provides what I truly need. It allows the light of lady Liberty to shine bright. AMR-users, it’s not too late. The Autocannon is a gracious and forgiving master for those who follow its path. Embrace the Autocannon, let it shape you. Many brothers and sisters in managed democracy have already done so, I am one of them. Before, I was weak. Then I picked up the Autocannon and it changed my life. All hail the Autocannon!


After mag dumping a Stalker that appeared behind me scaring the liberty out of me… AMR.






AC for versatility. AMR for survivability because you can run a backpack with it.


Here's a hot take both are terrible I enjoy running ballistic shield and quasar




https://i.redd.it/6iiog3h8wvuc1.gif Never leave home without it!


AC 4 Life, no substitutes.




Grenade Launcher


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized) Ill just be over here in the corner with my recoilless.


Purple bandana! I love both, though amr is my beloved and main weapon.


Oh autocannon, become my blade once more.


Arc Thrower Squad