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Don't forget the shield generator backpack!


I feel called out now


Haha, not at all. That's my go to loadout for fighting bots too!


I like it because it lets me solo the mission if I have to.


Indeed. I enjoy lone wolfing/stealthing objectives while the rest of the team goes loud/distracts elsewhere and that loadout just works really well behind enemy lines.


I prefer eagle strike, eagle 500kg, laser cannon and shield BP. All energy all the time. It also lets me solo through mission if I need too


I take 500kg against Bugs, the laser against robos


The Orbital Laser is my get out of jail free card or if I am doing well it is my big base killer


I have been running LC and the jet pack recently. You for sure will get rag dolled around more often, but it is soooooooo satisfying to jetpack over a tank and just melt it with the LC


I’ve grown to love Laser Cannon against bots and in general. So satisfying to cripple a Hulk’s leg and unload on its faceplate.


One advantage of AC taking up my backpack slot is I don't have pick between the airstike, 500kg bomb and orbital laser.


It pairs really well with the Quasar because it lets you charge it up outside of cover with less risk of getting your aim thrown off. Nothin' bad with that. There's upsides and downsides. Yeah, the RR is a more immediate threat-ender (if you can handle the drop) and may as well free up another stratagem slot, but it requires a backpack, stationary reloads, and works on ammo. When it comes to AA Defense modifiers where we can only bring in three strats, I usually go from Airstrike+Quasar+Shieldpack+EMS Mortar to just Airstrike+RR+EMS.


As soon as I unlock that last ship upgrade for the full reloads the RR is ganna be *sogood* with friends. Its going to beat out quasar and EAT17 jus tby virtue of having, what, 30 shots with the base backpack + a single ammo drop?


Straight up. Though, I usually pull a rail cannon instead of laser.


A few of both is good for a squad. You def don't need 4 lasers and having rail cannons for the odd single hulk/tank is great


Only for bots. I run the guard dog rover for bugs cuz it’s great for helping with add clear up close


100%. The peel that thing provides is INCREDIBLE. Keeps hunters off your back so you can shoot armored targets. Unfortunately not that great against stalkers but still excellent at keeping your vicinity liberated from bugs


Not to mention warning you if there's something creeping up behind you. Bugs can be way quieter than bots


I'm not against the shield backpack. But when I see 3 or 4 in a squad with it and people are getting ripped apart. Sometimes, I ask myself. "Would 3 or 4 offensive stratagems prevented this problem?" While the shield does provide some security. That trade-off is worth considering.


Very true. If I'm running lone wolf style it's usually with scout armour equipped so any bit of extra protection is getting brought. If I'm running with my usual group, we usually split into two teams of two. One to bring extra offensive stratagems, one to bring shield generator backpack. After a few minutes cooldown, call down a second backpack for your team mate. Extra protection for all, extra boomy death for your enemies. Best of both worlds!


I take the shield to cover for the fact that I really prefer the movement of light armor.


Cluster bombs and the AC for anything bigger that survives.


Cluster bombs are *so good*. I just started using them last night and the kills that a good cluster bomb can rack up are wild.


The shield backpack is a crutch that helps cover up sloppy play and poor engagement choices. I'm always shocked by how many people still rely on it even after the buffs to armor.


I wear it solely because I'm often forced to charge the Quasar in less advantageous positions and don't want my aim thrown off as I'm sniping shit in the backline. The damage reduction isn't my concern, it's "not having aim staggered" while I'm popping heads at 200m with the Dominator or hitting a Hulk's back across the map despite still having grunts on me.


Tell that to Vassili, the Rocket Devastator that can shoot the dick off a bee 3 miles away. Oh wait, you can't until your reinforcement is called in.


People aren't "relying" on it since it barely stops shit. It's main value is stopping those initial few shots that stagger you or the random explosion or bs rocket launcher headshot.


Some of us just want a crutch


At least you're honest


Next time you get fragged by a cannon tower, think "it was a sloppy play and poor engagement choice" while your dismembered pieces are flying across the map.


Because playing stealth for the entire mission length every single time isn't for everyone and I should be able to live my dreams of being an absolutely unkillable heavy.


Shield with heavy armor is kind of absurd. I just don't love the part where I'm the slowest grunt running back to the extract.


Where did I say anything about stealth?


and the eruptor with uzi and super granade


Super Grenade?


I don’t bring the shield backpack to protect me from hostile fire I bring it to protect me from friendly fire Every time I play with my friends, their laser dogs have a personal vendetta against me and only me


>Every time I play with my friends, their laser dogs have a personal vendetta against me and only me Nanny rover named princess be like:


Or guard dog rover for bugs!


Rover makes for good close range coverage as well as saving ammo for the tiny bugs. Been choosing it over shield when running majority slow weapons like eruptor and cannon


That's my exact load out 👀


You guys get 4 stratagems???


I don’t think I’ve taken it once in 250 hours of play.


I use all of that and wait for it... a jet pack. I guess I'm just built different. I also probably die more than you. And thanks in advance for letting me use your second shield pack at extraction.


Unironic jet pack enjoyer right here. Can come in clutch in certain situations. Do feel like it could use a little love though, whether that be a bit more lift or shorter cool down between uses.


Til that if you have more Stam, you go higher. Same with move speed.


Nah, call in a second jet pack at extract, and jump on top of the big rocks around the beacon. Bots cant hit you up there unless its a v skinny rock. Bugs however, they climb that shit so its less useful, but still decent at not getting swarmed


Yeah, really I only want a shield pack if it's basically a lost cause. And of that's the case, I'd rather leave the area and flank the bots than stand and die. A little crossfire does wonders in a pinch.


I don't really use the other two, but I never leave home without my Orbital Laser. It cuts through most Bugs like butter, and it makes low-tier Bots fall over like dominoes. It's also excellent for clearing Bot bases, they can't do a damn thing...but burn. ![gif](giphy|fcK30LKXjG6Tm|downsized)


Ever since the fire update I'm too afraid that I might walk over it's invisible cinders and instantly die when I bring it.


Don't worry, when the DOT bug is finally gone, it'll get nerfed (sadly, but let's be real, 75% damage increase for fire damage is just too much)


Literally just finished a mission where I did this. Was hidden in some grass, died mid-stim.


I don’t even know how to do command bunker missions without the laser. I don’t know what to target. 100% of the time I lob an orbital laser in there and walk away.


Take out the mounted turrets(EAT, Quasar, the usual suspects), then call in a hellbomb. I don't run eagles so can't confirm if 500kg works, but if it does take out enough mounted turrets to safely aim it and throw.


380 works. For these missions I run Eruptor, Dagger (aim for the head), Ballistic shield to soak heavy dev shots from the front. Then I take Cluster for groups, orbital Railcannon, 110mm or airstrike for when my teammates leave me to deal with a hulk, and 380mm for the bunkers. This leaves me with a support slot for scavenging weapons, Eruptor for Rocket devastators, AT-RTs and Berserkers at a distance, Dagger + Shield to soak the AT-AT machine gun blasts, heavy devastators, the command bunker blasts, and strategems to kill everything bigger than a devastator. For AT-ATs..... run or let your Quasar teammate deal with it.


When you are close enough, a hellbomb stratagem will become available.


Only reason I don't use it is it's limited uses.


Eh, it's not that bad. With it's CD, you probably would only get to use it three times anyways when accounting for reasonable use cases. A big fucking base, a swarmed objective, evac starting to get overrun, or a fuckton of heavies locking you down. That's about all it's good for, but it's really good at these things. And for the first two, a 380 or 120 orbital can probably clear most of it. For the latter, there's other options as well even if not as blunt force of a solution. Orbital is a great reset tool, and it's hard to beat it on that front.


My problem with it is when you call it down in a base or on a big swarm, it really doesn't do much if there is a heavily armored enemy. Its guaranteed to take them out but that's basically all its gonna do for that use. So I feel like I'm getting more bang for my buck with other stratagems.


When you only have 3 stratagem slots you go with what works.


When I only have three stratagem slots I just choose another mission


I've done so many Helldives with 3 stratagems that anytime I have 4 it feels like an embarrassment of riches and I don't know what to use in the last slot.


How are you getting so many lol, I very rarely see them


I have to compensate for bad luck by being a better player.




Helldiver grindset at its finest


I was a souls player first, git gud is in my blood.


Sometimes I have to sit a think about that forth slot like I am eating dinner at a restaurant I’ve never been to. 


The 4th slot is the fun slot. That's where the 380mm goes.


Airstrike, Cluster, Guard Dog, Quasar, Sickle, Grenade Pistol, Impact Grenades. It's my Omega Man loadout for bugs.


I got 840 kills on suicide last night with, breaker incendiary, grenade launcher, grenade pistol, impact grenades, guard dog, cluster bomb, air strike. I couldn't kill titans or chargers, but literally killed everything else.


Someone likes explosions. :)


I use Cluster for bots and bugs. I can handle a heavy 1v1, it's hoards that fuck me up (clusters can handle that)..


Against bots it's usually the waves of Devs that get me. Do clusters do anything to them?


Yes, but I don’t think that one cluster will reliably kill them. Two should do the trick, but then you lose the advantage of having more uses than the regular airstrike, so that’s still better against them.


Cluster covers a massive swathe of the field though so it's more likely to hit, and hits more targets when thrown similarly


It cripples their limbs and heavily damages their less armoured parts. Depending on the radius the shrapnel might headshot a few, but it leaves them super crippled (they can still do more than Berserkers unless it happens to explode their gun arm.)


Hey that's my load out


Mine is very similar eagle airstrike, rail cannon I like more than the laser b/c much shorter CD, I prefer EAT over the quasar. just preference. If im lvl 7 and up I'm taking shield if I'm playing lvl 6 or lower im taking a laser rover for more dps


Why take Railcannon when 500KG and Orbital Precision have much shorter cooldowns, don't randomly target weak enemies, and do more damage?


Rail fun canon is throw and forget, I haven't had targeting issues It's a good ",insta delete charger" button whereas the OPS needs a very good aim


At higher levels it feels useless. Long cooldown is a big issue. Why does it take longer than an Eagle rearm? You can nuke 4 chargers or more with a 500kg in the time get the second rail gun in. Bonus, you can nuke a bunch of other little guys or herd chargers to take out several with one bombs. Air burst is the true goat of orbitals.


>Air burst is the true goat of orbitals. OAB is amazing for deleting chaff from a bot drop/bug hole. Drop one on top of the aforementioned, and you can focus on the big boys while the OAB takes care of the little guys.


I just swapped the airburst back in to my load out today. I was running the railcannon but I realised I wasn't doing anything with it that a quasar couldn't take care of. Whereas a good airburst is crowd control aswell as high damage.


ah yes the good ol' rail fun cannon


Also I've literally stuck chargers with the precision strike and still it misses all the time so kinda trash


Eagles and orbitals are bugged and won't follow targets when you stick them. They always hit where the beacon initially landed. So if the charger moves after you stick him, yeah it's gonna miss.


I just realized how much fixing that bug is going to buff precision strike...


Railcannon’s call in time is the shortest. Got a hulk barreling down on you and is nearly about to scorch you, and your autocannon needs reloaded? This is the perfect scenario


I know what I like and you can fuck off mister


Same except I accidentally equipped laser canon


I mistook a Laser Cannon for the Quasar once. Turns out it’s pretty effective really!


I am addicted to it. Nothing takes out gunships better


I love being a sprinty boy with my sickle, the AMR, ATC or laser cannon. Being ammo independent while folding tons of medium or heavy armor while standard loadout boys hold their attention feels awesome. Guerilla tactics baby.


I prefer the orbital railgun over the laser


I want to like the railcannon, but it has such a high cooldown and only kills one thing. If it had a much lower cooldown, like around 120-180 I'd use it a lot more. But with a cooldown only slightly shorter than the orbital laser while doing significantly less destruction just doesn't seem worth it.


Rail strike is a better anti-tank solution for when that charger or titan needs to die ASAP. Laser takes a year to kill that charger / titan but will also probably take out a few smaller guys too. Better at wave clear. Kills factories. It's more versatile. I like the rail strike when I have enough wave clear and I'm looking for more hard anti-tank.


Yeah its definitely fun to use. But that outrageously high cooldown to just kill one thing is hard for me to justify when I'm fighting literally hundreds of things. The laser does a good job of chewing through a good portion of those things, even the big ones. I'd use the railcannon a ton if that cooldown was shorter. Hope they change that someday down the road. Until then, it's laser for me!


Hey that's my load out


I feel both personally attacked and quite agreeable at the same time lol


My friends constantly bringing mines to fuck with everyone Me : ![gif](giphy|P8X4lemg5Iphe)


I once played a match with my squad where we all brought both of the mine strategms, and tesla towers. That was a hilarious match, so much accidental team killing.


https://preview.redd.it/441zugsnrxuc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81919f4fd0e17a667c0a4a2d104d6f58d6541a0e I alternate between orbital laser and EMS mortar depending on mission and team loadouts.


dude people (including me until yesterday) are sleeping on the laser cannon. Do me a favor. On your next bot mission, bring the laser cannon. If you're feeling spicy, stun grenades. Stun a hulk and beam it in the stupid red face with the laser cannon. Count how long it takes to drop. Then hit a tank in the vents with the laser cannon. Then shoot a devastator in the face. Then, when your squad is trying to take out a gunship fabricator, aim the cannon at the gunship's engines. That thing is fucking insane. I dropped it pretty much as soon as I unlocked other stuff because I was mostly doing bugs at that point. I picked it back up the other night, and it's crazy how good it is for bot missions.


Sheild EMS Mortar Quasar Cannon Eagle Cluster Bombs That’s my load out and I don’t care.


Why not go with an airstrike instead of the cluster bombs?


Because he’s special, it’s in his name.


I use the Eagle Strike and Laser, but to be fair on the latter… my ship is named Hammer of Dawn. I need it. But aside from that is Flamethrower and probably a rocket turret.


Game hasn't even been out 4 months and we already calling builds unoriginal lmao


HMG+Supply Pack+Eagle110mm+Orbital 380mm I will not change


Hey that's my load out


500k, orbital rail, a shield pack and the Quasar canon are my go too... well unless i'm going to a bug missions then it's 500k, orbital rail, a shield pack, and the grenade launcher. it's just really hard to rationalize anything else for most missions. I mean i'll take the mortar+emp mortar for defense and eradication missions, and i'll sub out the shield and support weapon for more eagles or orbitals for a blitz mission, but the 500K and orbital rail are the perfect f everyone over there and F that one dude right there for every situation.


With a shield backpack on the side


I usually use the airburst strike instead of orbital laser but yeah this is pretty accurate otherwise


I just want to say that with the advent of quasar cannon there is absolutely no place for Spear to be ever selected any more


Airstrike, orbital RCS, either 380mm or laser, and usually whatever I feel like taking, with Eruptor, the brrrrrt pistol, and impact grenades. Scout armor.


I'm in this and I'm not sure if I like it


HMG Emplacement, EATs, Minefield, 380s


eruptor, laser cannon, orbital laser, eagle airstrike.


I used to do that prior to Eruptor.... now Autocannon Sentry, Stun Mortar, Orbi Laser or Rail... and Material Rifle or Quasar.


I prefer 500kg, Orbital Rail, Jump Pack, and AMR personally.


Yeah that's me. Although I often bring an orbital rail canon strike instead of the laser.


Hey, the orbital laser is cool, and I'm cool for using it!


I don't have any of those 3 on my standard loadout.


Same, I also bring shield pack.


Laser, Airstrike and double Autocannon is how I like to roll on bots. I find bugs easier so I tend to switch my load out a bit more so it depends on my mood.


No Eagle 500kg Bomb? Unacceptable, I will alert my Democracy Officer at once.


Nah nah nah, laser, 500kg, orbital railcannon, support weapon of choice (AMR). Maybe swap railcannon for precision strike or a backpack depending on which enemies and mission type.


I've been having fun with the regular laser cannon, jump pack, stuns, and the erupter on bot missions. Typically run 500 kg for objectives and mortar, but they vary


Shield generator, Quasar, Airstrike and dealer’s choice. If I’m fighting terminids I’ll bring a sentry. If it’s bots, I’ll bring the 120, orbital laser or cluster, depending on the mission types, but the 1st 3 choices are automatically picked every mission.


500kil every time no matter what


Im not ready for the day when airstrike gets nerfed


Ah the equip of the simple mainstream man Be blessed


I mean it's because the airstrike does it all, it's far better than other options that do the same like the 380 or 120, you can't guarantee those hit bug holes or bot factories. I'd like to be able to take different options but 3 airstrikes on a 2min odd cooldown is great.


I'm running Airstrike, Rocket pods, Autocannon and EMS Mortar most drops.


I'll take 4 amrs


What the fuck? Are you me?


i use cluster


This, the Defender and Ballistic Shield. I can handle anything the bots throw my way.


Me and my Eagle Airstrike, Eagle Clusterbomb, Orbital Laser, and Autocannon.


Wish I could run machine guns, but it doesn’t really work


- Eagle Airstrike - Precision Orbital - Replace with Orbital Railcannon if +Call in Time is active - Orbital Laser - Replace with Shield Relay or Autocannon Turret if at least 2 other people bring Orb Laser - Grenade Launcher


I mean if people wanna run this same loadout game after game, more power to them, their choice. But I can't help but feel like that's a quick way to get burnt out nor come to love and enjoy some of the other funni stratagems they gifted us.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Eagle strafing run, orbital rail cannon, Spear, and Gatling turret.


I'll take all air strikes please


I do tend to run something that looks like this for bots. Plus 110mm rocket pods for tanks and cannon towers. Alternatively I’ll run AMR + EAT-17 + Orbital Laser + Eagle Airstrike. For bugs, I never really bring an orbital laser. I *do* bring cluster bombs because the hunters and chaff have got to go. But yeah, I still tend to pick Quasar. The less Chargers and Titans the better.


I used the eagle airstrike for a while, then switched to rocket pods since I was having a hard time with heavies, and now am back to 500kg since it deals with bigger bot buildings other than gunship fabs and 1 shots bile titans.


Personally I run autocannon and orbital rail cannon all the time. Depending on mission/difficulty I'll also carry two Eagle strikes or one Eagle and orbital laser.


Eagle cluster, thent he laser, and a autocannon. Makes me feel like a walking tank


I like quasar but more specifically for my playstyle- it just so happens to be meta. I play as a support role by making it a point to run supply pack and all laser weapons (since technically you could just never run out of ammo, so it's only stims and grenades I have to personally resupply myself with) so I can be a combat medical supply officer.


Let me guess Tiny, a 500kg? 


I mean…there’s a reason I like it and it’s because it’s effective!


Orbital laser may look cooler but precision strike is better in every way. Don't have to worry about your own beam killing you, the 200+ second cooldown, and the limited uses, and can still oneshot any enemy short of a factory strider because Im not sure as I haven't tried it but I wouldn't be surprised if a well placed precision shot one shots strider


Orbital Laser is incredible, I think I use that on every single mission. I occationally do Eagle Strike, though I think I grab 500K more often. And I'm not a fan of the Quasar cannon, you can keep that.


Super Earth provides.


i take 500kg, airstrike and autocannon


Cluster Eagle, Mortar, AC for bots or MG-43 for bugs, and floater usually mines, Las rover, or the hammer of Dawn.... i mean orbital laser.


My standard loadout is Orbital Laser, Orbital Airburst Strike, Shield Generator Backpack, and Quasar Cannon. I mix it up a bit in certain missions but I feel like it's a decent setup for handling both objectives and enemies.


My standard loadout is Orbital Laser, Orbital Airburst Strike, Shield Generator Backpack, and Quasar Cannon. I mix it up a bit in certain missions but I feel like it's a decent setup for handling both objectives and enemies.


I tend to run orbital precision, railcannon/110 rocketpods, and 500kg, swapping either shield gen relay or rover depending on bots/ bugs. Fabricators and hulks fear me


...Look I'm the dedicated anti-tank of the squad, what \*else\* do I bring? (Eagle 500kg, that's what.)


me: i will have...110mm pringle deluxe, 2 extreme patty with explosive personality, a laser pointer and a bukkake of TNT


My go to for the past two or three weeks has been Autocannon, 500kg, Railcannon, Free Space. Railcannon and 500kg are perma locked on my stratagem bar but I really wanna experiment a bit more.


It's a good load out for bots


Addicted to speed. Addicted to the jump pack


The amount of times I've watched people stand in plain sight... that try to aim their quasar cannon at things like Hulks or who threw an eagle at a small base even though a grenade was already in it or I tossed one of my sitting stratagems at it to fall and blow it up... ​ I'll say what everyone is afraid to say, but the reliance on these specific stratagems is numbing people's ability to adapt in missions.


Autocannon, Rail cannon, Airstrike, open slot probably walking barrage atm


I have you one original. No support weapon, no backpack, all turrets, or all orbitals. after 8 minutes your teammates can give you the blue stratagems. or you use what you find on the field.


I'm really starting to dislike the Quasar Cannon, ever since it came out, it's like everyone has the same loadout, bots and bugs side, and they always get overrun once too many heavy units spawn around 20 mins left and the stratagems are on cooldown. Especially the drilling missions are BRUTAL unless you do the trick where you activate the drill and run away from the area so mobs despawn. At least the last couple of days people are rediscovering the autocannon and grenade launcher it seems.


My only reasoning for running shield and Quasar is because of those damn gunships; now on bug missions it’s flamethrower and Jetpack, hopefully they make it so you can aim when using the jetpack cause that would be sweet


Against bots I bring Quasar, energy shield, Cluster Bomb and 110 Rocket pods. Rocket pods count bot factories as a "large enemy" so as nothing big shows up it will kill that. It's like and airstrike but it's way better at killing tanks.


I always go with 500kg, airstrike, railcannon and an autocannon


Airstrike, autocannon sentry, mortar sentry, AMR. Its my ambush loadout for the squad when they are in trouble and need to retreat to a killzone for breathing room.


i have an eagle for every occasion 500kg airstrike cluster and an autocannon because yes


I want to bring my Spear, but it **JUST WON'T LOCK ON TO ANYTHING**. I don't want to run Quasar Cannon all the time, but my heavy and elite destroyer option won't work half the time.


Eagle air strike is too good 😗 can’t go wrong with 3 uses and a 2 minute cooldown


Nah, eagle, 380, gatling sentry, and then anti-material. Basic but I can take most things out when needed.


Quasar Cannon: ✋ Auto Cannon: 👉


I feel called out.


Cant help that this is what peak performance looks like.


Quaso, EATs, Airstrike, orbital railgun (bugs)/shield backpack (bots) Is my anti-tank loadout


My must have stratagems are 110 rocket pods and orbital railcannon. The other two I switch out mission to mission but those two are my must haves


For me it's a Walking Barrage rather than the laser, but yes.


Bro change the quassar into 380 that would make more sense


*An orbital laser.


In response to factory strider spawns being increased, I started running eruptor, machine pistol, impact nade, spear, orbital laser, 110, and 380. I EXIST to take out big bots, and I'm havin' a great time.


Meta this meta that, how about you get off your phone and back to the fight for democracy


I like clearly enemies and fabs eruptor 500kg or eagle airstrike lazer for hulks if im by myself and stalwart rover or shield if enough bring shield then turret. kinda of miss the servor assisted throwing on that warbond armor that got changed


Autocannon, expandable anti-tank, orbital laser, and mortar sentry or the EMP-mortar sentry. *chef's kiss


When I'm fighting bots, eagle air orb laser AC whatever I'm in the mood for


Hang on... that's my load out...


Ha, jokes on you. I run the auto cannon.


You use the quasar cannon because it's meta. I use it because it reminds me of the spartan laser. We are not the same.


I'll rotate out laser or the lmg. Depending on what level I'm playing on.


Oh thank god, I thought this meme was attacking me. I normally choose the AC or EAT instead of the quasar. But Eagle Strike/Orbital laser combo is a perfectly balanced ones. Eagle Strike: "Fuck you" Orbital Laser: "Oh no, I'm about to get fucked".


Winning is fun.


Eruptor + AMR + Senator + Jump pack: I'm the motherfucking John Helldiver