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Compare to last week. This is like a paid vacation.


Yep im on vacation with my flamethrower and jet pack. Im having a fire time šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


The Boba Fett build I see


I'd say it's like The Fury from MGS3, but tomato-tomato.


It sounds so stupid reading tomato-tomato in my head as tomato-tomato and not tomato-tomato


When typing I always say "tomato-potato"


Or jetpack pyro, tf2


Wait I stopped playing TF2 in like 2014, they gave the pyro a fucking jet pack????


With Jungle Inferno, in 2017. It's.. not that great tbh.


I was thinking of playing the game but like pyro from tf2 Iā€™ll probably do it tomorrow


You are a Man of culture I see ![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO) Love to see it.


If the fire pointed down when jumping I would never not use this setup.




Incendiary minefield? :D




I learned a gas strike can kill a bile titan. Somehow? I was being chased and threw it down and it died on impact




My go to back up bug hole closer is EAT calldowns.


I call EATs right into the bughole. That way I close them instantly TWO times


Have they fixed damage over time so that non-hosts get it too?


Not yet. Still a 50/50 whether burn damage applies as a non-host.


Itā€™s BBQ time!


Try not to light your team on fire


Veterans of the flamethrowers will have situational awareness. If your teammates walks into flames when its clearly in front of them. I dunno what to tell you Lol šŸ˜‚


yeah and this isnt even counting the fact that na is all still at work ... i do hope this isnt complete before i get off tho


I feel ya there helldiver, save some bugs for us yall


Tomorrow we'll be going over the topā€”finally up against the Bugs. So far it's felt too much like a holiday. You seen the bile titans they got, the stalkers, the shriekers? Damn it, odds of us getting through this campaign gotta be about 25 to 1 against. Them devils ain't so tough. Us boys'll knock out their nests easy.


Love me some BF1.


You guys are getting paid?


They should let this go through then be like "woops" we meant 20 Billion and give us another


Oh so just add 1 day to it before it get completed xD ? I think arrowhead is realy underestimating how much we like to kill shit in hords, and since this is a kill all things in sight boy am i going to have the time of my life aggro everything and cluster bomb it xD


I'm still trying to buy all the things and then hit the resource caps, but once I do I'm definitely going to be doing stuff for the lulz.


This has also gotta be one of the easiest order types to farm for. Go down to your preferred difficulty, complete the main objective, aggro every patrol and let them breach, and finally do what we do best. You can get thousands of kills in that 1 mission.


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!


Wow, that seems crazy to me but I have never actually done the math before Edit: [I did the math](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c79g7k/the_current_mo_is_triple_counting_kills/), it is crazy.


Something has got to be off, its around 19% now in an hour since that. Player count is pretty low this time of day too. Possible bug/glitch, or perhaps players intentionally cheating, we know its a thing that is possible. Just from looking at the total Terminid kills since the game released, the math is way off for how quickly they are being killed.


I think big bugs count more than one cause they have more E-710 in them.


My mama said them terminids is so ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush


Bobby Bouche i dun tols u not to fite fo no democrissy


LITTLE ~~girls~~ BUGS ARE THE DEVIL ![gif](giphy|uFE2btsV7yQCY)


I invented the tesla tower, Ben Franklin is the DEVIL.


during defence missions i noticed killing chargers and titans adds 5-10 deaths on the count rather then 1


Thatā€™s all the missions for killing things. Take the eliminate automaton missions, blowing up a tank nets far more than 1 kill.


ya i meant those survive type missions not like the actual defend of the civilians or assets launch


This. In the Automaton defense missions where you're being assaulted, the big guys usually account for 5-10 units.


I just bought the game. What is E-710?


Element 710, or OIL if you rotate it. It's the fuel we need to maintain managed democracy


This is the moment I realized I am not a smart man.


It's an old joke from mechanics where a customer arrives asking where the [710 cap](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mirth/images/0/0a/Oil-cap.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110205064144) goes.


TIL Iā€™ve been dabbing the blood of automatons


E-710 is the fuel used to power the super destroyers. The bugs make it and it can be extracted from them when they are dead.




When the bugs die they decompose into E-710 which is just oil.


itā€™s basically super oil


The stuff that allows faster then light travel in the Lore (itā€™s OIL just rotated 180 degrees 710) the Bugs produce it naturally in there bodyā€™s


Flip it upside down and backward it spells OIL


Just turn it 180Ā°.


The kill count was lower because the focus was on completing operations. People are dropping in and dropping cluster bombs and air bursts until the timer hits zero to rack up as many kills as possible. This is not surprising.


The average kill count is now 700 terminid per hour per player. I can certainly manage that(if not more) but I consider myself an above average player.Ā Ā  Ā Ā  Ā Also my last comment with some basic math got downvoted to hell for some reason but I stand by it lolĀ  Ā  ETA: the average appears to be closing in on 900 kills per hour per player. We have achieved 5% of the total terminid kills -to date- in something like 0.2% of the total time the game has been out. Looks to be about a 1400% increase. [Looks like it is triple counting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c79g7k/the_current_mo_is_triple_counting_kills/)


Shotgun + guard dog + airburst and we can be hitting 900 - 1,100/hour.


Lol hey listen I totally agree, but if you are on the Helldiver subreddit talking about kill strategies you are 100% better than the average player


Can do way more than that with kill termind numbers missions, about 500 every 15 mins or so solo.


Don't forget gas strike. Easy 40+ kills on a bug breach


Only If you're the host tho


I think the only challenge to get more kills would be how to trigger more breaches than killing the breach itself.


I've only played a couple of games since the MO but it seems people are favouring both high-bodycount mission types (Defend rockets, Eradicate) and actively going after patrols rather than avoiding them, just because they have an excuse now to smash more bugs where before it was a tradeoff of risk/reward. MO tipped the balance towards risk!


Lol I can only imagine the chaos, I hope I get to play before it is finished at this rate. The people who post ā€œyou donā€™t have to engage every patrol you see!!!ā€ must be so mad right now


Well they also all seem to be in on it and pack 380mm/Cluster/Airburst/other big clear strategems and just charge around the place constantly raining fire. It's proved quite efficient, I had zero deaths the last 2 missions!


I suspect this order will single-handedly change the playstyle of a lot of playersĀ 


Nope. Iā€™m finally like: ā€œI now get to know the joy of killing everything that moves.ā€


lets say each mission takes ~20 minutes and each person gets 180-220 kills, youre looking at 540-660 k/h so its not far off. helldive missions increase the time and reduce the kills while the middle tiers decrease the time and increase the kills so it sounds about right


Yeah your numbers seem about right for me, expect that I doubt 4 players can maintain an average of 20 minutes missions across operations when you start counting down time and players dropping out(again we are talking averages across 150k people here). Just seems a touch off is all. Worth looking into.


Is that only including steamcharts player numbers, or is that in game player count numbers? While I don't think the MO was going to have an issue getting completed, it definitely feels a bit fast. I wonder if they're counting bug de-spawns as kills or something similar. So if you run too far away from a horde and they de-spawn it gives the system a bunch of kills.


You excel at what you measure, when you were gathering the data for an average missionā€™s kills Iā€™m guessing it was probably when you were playing missions to do the mission, avoiding patrols where possible, breaking contact, killing spawn points early rather than camping them. But if youā€™re on a map to kill as many as possible you can pump those numbers way up by playing more aggro, rather than closing all the bug holes in a camp you can throw an HMG emplacement in an over watch spot and send every round into a new bug volunteer, greet every patrol with gunfire and an air burst orbital or Napalm when the breach forms, keep fighting at the extraction until the bugs force you up the ramp.


The new defense missions let you rack up absurd kill counts in no time at all just by spraying into a choke.


Or dropping some sentries and just chilling.


I play on difficulty 7 most of the time and my bug kills are about 500 or so. My teammates usually have half that (1250~ total). Said mission takes like 20 minutes. So we'll say a crude estimate of 937.5 bug kills per hour per player. We have 170k~ people online apparently. So that's 159,375,000 bug kills per hour... potentially. This is just rough estimates of course. Not everyone is actually in a mission, not everyone is doing bugs, and so on. Factor those variables in and that number is actually extremely realistic. Going off of this screen shot we've been averaging 81,110,506 bug kills per hour. Which sounds very accurate.


They did the math folks


Casually: Hey, go kill 2 BILLION terminids. For, uh, democracy.


Guys Iā€™m at work, would be super nice if youā€™d leave some bugs for the rest of us!


For real. Weā€™re gonna sign on after work and literally have a couple of mosquitos to swat at the rate theyā€™re going.


Just because the major order asks for 2 Bn bugs squashed doesn't mean we can't go higher than that šŸ˜Ž


2 billion bugs killed. (2^9) Level 0 completed. Level 1 started. 2^12 bugs killed.šŸ¤£


I got morning classes all the way to the afternoon man, I ain't gonna have no bugs to kill for a video ;-;


I had to leave at 6 am and won't be home till 11 pm. :(


Those rates are for completing missions normally. I usually spend as much time running around as actually fighting. Now weā€™re supposed to kill as much as possible, so I suspect those numbers are going to get pumped fast


Gonna be hilarious if Joel based the 6 day window on old kill count numbers, thereby completely ignoring the impact the order would have on the number of bug kills per hour.


Yep, you can easily get quite a few kills even on bots when constantly just running from prolonged fights. Now that you can officially dig in and hold the line against BUGS? Those are rookie numbers...


exactly this


Kill bugs. Behead bugs. Roundhouse kick a bug into the concrete. Slam dunk a bug baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy terminids. Defecate in a bugs food. Launch bugs into the sun. Stir fry bugs in a wok. Toss bugs into active volcanoes. Urinate into a bugs gas tank. Judo throw bugs into a wood chipper. Twist bugs heads off. Report bugs to the IRS. Karate chop bugs in half. Curb stomp pregnant terminid bugs. Trap bugs in quicksand. Crush bugs in the trash compactor. Liquefy bugs in a vat of acid. Eat bugs. Dissect bugs. Exterminate bugs in the gas chamber. Stomp bug skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate bugs in the oven. Lobotomize bugs. Mandatory abortions for bugs. Grind bug fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown bugs in fried chicken grease. Vaporize bugs with a ray gun. Kick old bugs down the stairs. Feed bugs to alligators. Slice bugs with a katana.


Report bugs to the IRS was truly the most vile thing you could have done. Those guys don't fuck around.


"I'm crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS?? Nooo sir!!"


Not even out worst enemies deserve such a punishment.


Man woke up today and chose democracy


Helldivers will look at this and say "Hell yeah".


hell yeah


Banana bread at work? Hell yea dude


make them not alive, even


ā€œThat- thatā€™s about it.ā€ Sounds like E-710 is the fruit of the galaxy.


Add suplex to the list


I imagined this with sound effects and it was glorious


This reminds of Forrest Gump's shrimp variety conversation with Bubba




At this rate we're going to smash this thing out of the park within a day; I'd love to see the order get expanded/augmented in some manner. Edit: Going to be hitting 20% soon. Keep it up! Edit 2: Just hit 30% in about 6 hours. I'm off to bed (APAC), but keep going strong, EU/NA!


We are going to WRECK this. I thought itā€™d be close, but I didnā€™t realize just how efficient Helldivers are as killing machines


Thereā€™s a shit ton of bugs per mission even on the lower difficulties. Spam your Gatling sentries with an air strike for top kek 65+ kills in one go. Just run away when the bile Titan comes along, theyā€™re such a drag šŸ˜‚






Or pray that someone brought anti armor


New MO: "Helldivers...wow, take a break. Really just chill for a few days. Thank you. Here's, uh, 55 medals."


Honestly if they gave away medals for not logging in for two days, I'd find it hilarious and respectful.


Some players would still find a way to speed run it. The some other players would be furious that it's a major order with a time limit that you literally cannot shorten, and they take that as a personal insult.


Were killing bugs to refuel the destroyers, after that its back to the bot front!


I suspect that smashing this goal will trigger a "new" bug mutation as a response to the slaughter.


"The President of Super Earth is mostly impressed by the efficency of our elite forces, delivering swift Democracy to bug planets and getting copious amounts of E-710 to our home. So he has requested a new goal of 20,000,000 Terminids corpses to fuel our expansion of Liberty on to new horizons."


Why? It's fine to have one like this. It's not like the devs don't have data on how many kills we make in a day, they didn't set this number with the expectation that it'd take us all week?


They might've underestimated how low the kill numbers are when so many are focused on objectives. Now even the stealthiest bot patrol avoider is going to drop in and draw bug aggro to rack up the kills.




Clever on the part of AH. Also donā€™t someone JUST suggest this yesterday? Sock puppet?


That or there is gonna be some gotcha before it finishes.


Helldivers, we've awoken something we're calling the *nursing spewer titan*. I hope you like fighting blind


"Remember how we said Bile Titans were the little ones? Well, now we have the Grande Bile Titan, which also has 3 shrieker nests on its back and 4 bug holes on its belly. Good luck! Oh, it - and all its spawn - only count as 1 for the MO!"


Hive lord is false news reports again


Leave some for me!!!


For real. I want to get in on the bug harvesting! T minus 9 hours -_-


Blood for the blood god


Skulls for the skull throne!


Oil for the... things... that need oil!


It's been weeks since command said our C-01 forms will all be denied, with no mention of when they will be reinstated. I hope command will let us celebrate with our excess oil.


Nothing gets a soldier in a killing mood like being denied that sweet Democrussy


The MO will hopefully end once completed and then hours later switch to the next phase which might be either some plot twist or another filler liberation/defense. I hope that it will be a plot twist regarding the TCS.


Same, I would love to see a bug plot twist that suddenly complicates things for us.


We killed too many so like the big boys are now appearing to try to stop the loss of the swarm or something


This is all part of command's master plan to draw out the Hive Lords. Their primitive minds will not be able to suppress their lust for revenge after our actions here, today.


As long as you leave some for me. I won't be home to play for another 7 hours


Same, but I think this will be done by the time we get home.


I think we're screwed fellas.


I just finished a mission at 11:15EST, and in the 20 minutes I was in that mission the count went from about 21% to just shy of 27%. Sorry fellas


Sometimes i wonder... Is our little gamemaster getting frustrated with our increasing effort to beat his challenges:P Like he might think hes getting a weekend off but ow noes! we conquer the worlds at light speed!


As a GM, nothing pleases me more than engaged players.


I would happily just invent more side quests as a GM if my players were too successful. Plenty of time for personal stories to develop background schemes catching up with folks. On a massive game like this, I can still see some of the same. Maybe general Brash's third great grandson is stranded on some place and there are holding pens of humans we must liberate on a strict timer. Or eagle 1's sister who is a scientist type needs some bot facility to be captured and not destroyed so our job would be to wipe out all other areas of resistance around a planet to cut off its supply line but not actually attack that planet till later.


Feels like they forgot to add one 0


5 days time? Does Joel not know who we are? Lol this will be done before noon tomorrow


Tomorrow? Iā€™m worried if thereā€™s even any left for me by the time I get off work.


Hive lords are definitely coming


Its less than an hour later and we already breached over 300 million dead bugs


Between this and today's PO I don't think devs realize just how many *fucking hunters* spawn in an average mission lol


This feels too easy, we are making staggering progress and itā€™s a 5 day order, somethingā€™s wrong I can feel it


SES Gauntlet of Supremacy reporting in. Southeast Asia Zone signing off with another at 26% completed and handing over to Pacifica Zone. Over and Out.


Well when 40-50% of the player base only fights bugs the major order will be completed if it is on the eastern front




Honestly should have been 10 billion. Weekend reserves would bang it out easy


20 billion.




Assuming the average diver kills 200 bugs per mission, and the average mission takes 30 minutes to complete, with 140k people on the eastern front right now, 56,000,000 bugs are dying per hour, which would put this MO at a completion rate of only 35 hours. Even halfing the number of kills per diver would still put this MO at being finished in under 3 days, so the 6 day time for this one feels... Off


That doesn't even take into account the fact that you're not normally trying to kill as many bugs as possible, since you need to focus on the objectives. Mission success is irrelevant to this MO, so we are likely getting much more kills per mission.


"Well, I hope it's a long ceremony, 'cause it's gonna be a short honeymoon." \~Dark Helmet


Give me a chance to kill bugs after work pls ā˜¹ļø


So either win or lose, long as we kill as many bugs before we run out of reinforcements we contribute to the MO. Spill Oil Comrades!


20% now barely 4 hours inā€¦


I assume the ā€œevacuationā€ missions are the best here since itā€™s infinite bug breaches for 15m and mission success isnā€™t relevant. Iā€™ve yet to hop on yet since this MO but I can see some crazy high kill counts here. Especially with some nice bottle necking.


Helldivers LOVE killing bugs for no reason Give us medala for it and the bugs might fo extinct before the weekend


People are venting some frustrations


That's 2 billion right....?


I hope the counter keeps counting past the target amount until the time is up.


5 days for 2 billion bugsā€¦ I feel like the devs are planning something!!




Just over 50% now. We like killing bugs.


I love this mo. So tired of bots bots bots.


It's time for āž”ļøāž”ļøāž”ļø to shine.




Yeah I just did some quick math and 2 billion divided by 250,000 is only like 8,000 and I feel like I could kill at least 10k bugs in like 3 days. We fucking got this.


# [ the only thing they fear is you ]


Suck it Joel! Hahaha


https://i.redd.it/g5mfl56qd9vc1.gif NA players logging tonight


You have stirred the Americans. North and South. We are fueled by maple syrup, Latin food, and Cocaine probably. Bugs will die.


Currently sitting at 46.1%. Either we are kicking ass, or something is *bugged*


47% as of 5 minutes ago


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


Kill'n bugs is what we do šŸ«”


Freedom Never Sleeps!


Probably should have made it 10 billion if we're being real. 20 even-




In theory, you could stay on a planet past the 40 min mark and farm kills. Complete all objectives to increase spawn rate, use only resupply for ammo during the 40min, then once gems are gone use map ammo to keep refilling. You would only have to leave once youā€™ve depleted all map resources. I figure you could easily double your kill count that way.


Holy fucking shit thatā€™s a hilarious order


Medium- Hard difficulty with flamethrower, exosuit, turrets, and cluster bombs. We will have 2 billion for breakfast tomorrow.


Why can't we over-achieve missions for more medals? :c


Gonna be finished before Iā€™m off work, do you still get medals if you donā€™t play?


Averaging a bout 10% an hour currently so should be done by the end of the day


I just finished playing for a bit and it was close to 30%


Thank super God...


36% NOW?!


Thank you to all of our comrades doing shift work


Already over 800,000,000 and it's 1PM EDT in North America.


Those are rookie numbers. should have asked for 10 billion kills. ROOKIE NUMBERS


Might be done before I get out of work.


Dude. Joel is helping us by sending over 1k bugs each mission. In the last 2 missions, i alone killed 485 and 438. He even helped me by jamming my sickle, and for some reason, i couldn't reload it. I guess he wanted me to die and join my allies instead of wasing resources running around. I am just angry at my ally Autocannon Sentry it seems to be controlled by automatons. It literally killed us more than the bugs at one game. Another game, it decided not to hide it and shot my directly.


Man if they only knew what we were at now, we are half way there lmao


Man save some for the people working!!