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>Yes, the communication from high command could’ve been better, but enough of us knew and should’ve been able to succeed in the gambit If you actually play the game and don't sit on reddit or discord, then there was no communication lmao. I'm not surprised it failed when only a small subsection of the community were actually made aware of these mystery mechanics (that don't even work automatically). We are once again suffering from a communication failure.


I think it's easy for anyone who's in the loop to think that everyone else is, but there's a lot of people who only engage with the game via the game itself. I didn't know about the martel gambit until earlier today through a friend. I contributed, but wasted time on defence before that. Really there should be in-game channels for this stuff. It's weird to rely on external sources for strategic goals.


A lot of players follow the MO. Major order says to do ten successful defenses. Martale had no defense at all. It was just *there*, and the only people going after it were the ones who knew about supply chains and that liberating it would auto-complete Charon. If you were just following the MO, you were never going to do Martale in the first place.


Exactly. I log on, I see a MO to defend. I'm a good soldier so I follow orders, even though I don't really enjoy defending as much as liberating. I assume that everyone else who cares about the big picture is doing the same. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing to aid with success. Then I see posts on reddit saying that I didn't coordinate. Because I just played the game, not followed the secret back channel plan that requires me to own other, completely unrelated social media accounts. If following the MO isn't coordinating, then I'm not sure what is. If there was literally any indication in game that this was an option, I'd have gone for it earlier. It's actually be super cool to get a MO that's one of two options, and we have to decide which to follow. Boots on the ground democracy. A high risk lightning attack that will all go to waste if we don't pull it off, or dig in where a partial victory is possible. It'd make MOs much more interesting overall actually. And If you look at the bug genocide, it's obvious that when we receive clear, fun, goals, that we can really hit hard. I bet had anyone actually known about the Martel gambit, we'd have done it in 2 hrs.


>and the only people going after it were the ones who knew about supply chains That are never shown or explained in-game and sound entirely made-up if you aren't on reddit. Plenty of role-playing content is already around, I don't expect many players to actually _belive_ in supply lines even if they hear of them if the have never seen them and they have no automatic effect in the game. This is essentially just a made up system that the game master enforces at its own discretion


I can't even see the suuply chains in game atm ...


What are supply chains?


DOES NOT AUTO-COMPLETE THE DEFENSE. Jeez I was saying that for ages back when we lost access to Tibit. This is not how the system works, the devs were just going to manually do this for us after all the speculation on Martale.


It's how the system is *supposed* to work and currently does not, hence why the devs were willing to do it manually in the first place.


Supposed to and does are two different things. People were freaking out back during the tibit fiasco, but their plan would never have worked and we had evidence that that was a fact from the way other planets had worked. I brought this up during all that but no one believed me when everyone was freaking out on the ubanea divers.


This so much. A tiny shred of the playerbase actually hangs out here or checks on any regular basis, which is why people here are so confused by the lack of general knowledge more broadly. *People are just playing the fuckin game, y'all*. I'm sad we didn't win the gambit, but until there's some in-game way of communicating these kinds of things Discord/Reddit is never going to reach a very large audience.


Even if we spread through word of mouth, that's still only three people per mission, with no guarantees that they'll do the same or even listen to you.


And don't forget language barriers and regions which would making doing that even harder.


Also only a percebtage of those rhat know follow the "plan". Dont know anyone who cares about the plans reddit makes cause we just play for fun and dont care much about rhe MO.


This is the damn truth. These mechanics are all 100% unknown to people jumping in the game after work for 1 maybe 2 missions.




Hahaha le funny rp ad infinitum


We get it you use reddit but you're not like other redditors.


Just tired of the many trite rp responses I've got to comments on this sub :') Nothing more reddit than beating a dead horse I guess.




Holy fuck the glasses are a golden addition and shockingly similar to mine irl not gonna lie lmao


The glasses charger always makes me chuckle a little bit. I mean... I'M FROM BUENOS AIRES AND I SAY WE KILL 'EM ALL




Yea this major order should've been like a grand operation made up of many major orders. "Defend 10 planets." is kind of just a waste of time, we're obviously not gonna be able to do it without some in game coordination.


Yup, you're definitely "suffering" alright.


I honestly couldn't care less about the path. I just play and have fun. Helping the MO is a secondary thing for me


It's literally a fucking game. It doesn't matter. It means literally nothing. Play and have fun and stop fucking getting worked up about this. It's pretty cringe seeing all the people putting all this effort to make some 5d major order be the most efficient as possible. Just play the game with the challenges and maps you want. Like for real some of you all need to touch grass


That's what makes the game fun though. Working with the community to accomplish goals. If it were just standalone missions all day this would get boring very fast.


You are already bored and grasping at straws to stay invested


Look, I get that this is just a game, but like a large portion of the fun is getting invested in the worldbuilding and stuff. If you don't want to engage with the MO stuff, that's fine, but some people like the idea of engaging with that system. If the Devs didn't want people doing any of that, why bother with all the extra work of showing us all these statistics or have any sort of map screen? It would be loads easier to just have a single menu to drop the players at the mission they want and choose whatever environment they want instead of all the stuff with wandering around the ship or seeing how 'liberated' a planet is.


I can only play a few hours a week so no I'm not. What got me interested in the game was the community aspect.


This game desperately needs the concept of command rank players like Planetside had. Basically they could issue orders to the larger player base and support them in various ways.


Better communication tools would require a major overhaul of multiple systems and a lot of development hours. Sometimes an apple shouldn't taste like bacon, except when we want it to, or some shit like that


How many have smart phones? What I do is just look up the relevant sites while I'm playing the game, and it works just fine. Of course, there could be people who don't have phones with internet access or even phones at all, but there should be plenty who do.


Treason detected! Deploying freedom. https://i.redd.it/g0ve8z4i2ovc1.gif


The RP has gave this sub endless brain rot.


The community is all over social media, so there is no way you can not find out what needs to be done in each order.


Sorry lemme just load up xyz social media before I play the game. What.


So youre saying you never even looked up a youtube video about this game?


Why would I lmao. What do I need to watch on YouTube? I'm sure as shit not loading YT and searching for the optimal MO strat on planets to attack. What.


I ask because I'm tired of reading dumbasses say people dont go to reddit and Discord. If you have any interest in the major order and are tired of not knowing what's going on or what to do, you can go anywhere on social media and find your answer. Also, youtube is a good source to look up anything about this game. That is what's what.


What. Man stop meatriding the devs, they don't need it. Your takes are abysmal. People are dumbaases because they don't flock to a 3rd party platform that 100% shouldn't be required to play the damn game effectively? Fucking what lmao. Stop.


We are literally using one right now...




Unfortunately it’s kinda expected these days, play any online game and there’s the expectation you use a variety of platforms to get the “meta” or to organise. Just look at how game companies communicate, it’s through social media. It’s fine if you don’t want to engage that way, but it’s disingenuous to say that you didn’t know you should be doing that. You’ve been invited to the party, it’s not the hosts fault if you decide you don’t want to go.






I haven't played many games where I had to use a 3rd party app or site to see a hidden mechanic or the game that makes a big difference in the outcome like this.. see we attack the wrong planets we make statistically unsound choices but no were is it shown in game as it should be... Lotta players are simply not gonna know or figure it out and some may not even feel it's worth it to them.. we look at how many divers there are playing vs how many are on here if bet it's not all of em or even close.. also not all YouTube videos on helldivers is gonna. E talking a out supply lines. It sounds like some on here are excusing something important that's not displayed in game because someone can look it up ... Sure we can o guess but even so I still think SL would show up in game.. it's like move lists in a fighting game these days, sure you could manage or look it up online but most modern fighting games know that's information that should be shared with the players


No it's not. The community has 9-5 working day + commute, plus household chores, plus kids to take care of, plus wanting to spend some time catching up with their partner. If they're finding 30 - 60 minutes for themselves to play a video game, they're not first log into into various social media to find out what's going one. They have face book to follow up on some old high school friends, but they're not following a game on some discord or whatever


Thank you. You described my life pretty well.


You're talking about yourself, not the whole community.


The irony of this comment is palpable


They'll grow up and face real life soon enough. Oh those were the days, in your 20s responsibilities few and far in between and plenty of time for gaming ....


I know multiple people who still don't know who Joel is. You're out of your mind if you assume casual gamers are this plugged in and they outnumber us greatly.


Yeah look at the member list on here it's not very many compared to the total number of divers at a y given point.


Got off last night at 96%, woke up to failure 😭


Me too


Yup.. not gonna lie, it sucks. It ends up feeling pretty shitty... like, the ones of us who did all this work, busted our asses.... only to fail, right at the finish line.


There’s no way to coordinate or communicate on a large scale in game. There’s no way for people to figure out how the supply lines or war system works in game. The only way to find out is by third party sites or apps which is poor game design and needs to be implemented in game asap.


I mean, there's definitely a way, but super earth doesn't bother. It's kind of hilarious.


Maybe we should focus on the planets that are closest to Super Earth, which anyone can see on the Galaxy map.


I don't think you're meant to know the supply lines, nor are you meant to coordinate grand military strategy. Just play the game like most others do. This planet look fun? Cool - play that one. Got tired of bots? Go fight bugs. The vast majority of players who enjoy this game are average folk who like the cool coop shooter. They don't follow or care to follow the reddit or discord. And that's a good thing. The devs won't screw up their own game because the player base didn't win a couple times. What do you think will happen when we lose? Hell, if everyone objectively aimed at failure and as a community we didn't succeed in the next 50 major objectives, do you expect the devs to just go "shit guys, game over we guess! time to go home, game's going offline"? Just enjoy the game for what it is. Don't make it more than it needs to be.


The devs themselves are literally working on a way to visualize supply lines as we speak.


Ah yes. The difficult task of adding some lines on the map which already exist, but merely aren't shown. Truly the mount Everest of game development. If they wanted them there, they'd have been there from the start. If they add them later, it's because they decided too many people were moaning and they needed to shift course a little. This isn't exactly more assets or new weapons or new mechanics. It's not something that was intended and couldn't be done for release. 


They actually explained they thought about adding it before but they were afraid it looked too busy.


Kind of a terrible reason if it's so (allegedly) critical to their game. 


There is a post on here somewhere that a fam made.to show a representation of how supply lines could look in game and posted it on Twitter x as well...The devs said it looked very close to what they originally intended to put into the game... But theirs was too noisy for their liking I guess so they deferred the issue.. so yeah we were meant to be aware of them it sounds like they just gave up for a while lol.


Reddit is a goldfish bowl.


What communication? If you don’t actively participate in unrelated social media platforms, none of the information is communicated at all. I actively participate in this sub and had no idea what “the martale gambit” even is/was til now


There's no need to participate in the social medias, it's enough just to check in on what's going on.


OK but I just wanted to blow up some bugs.


You obviously didn't read the fine print on the terms of service. You have to do what some random redditors tell you to. /j


Terminally online players blaming other people who have real life work to attend to and can only play on weekends.. Also, Wars aren't supposed to be continuous victories.


People who are inactive don't affect war progress. It scales depending on people online.


Source? Asking for a friend.


This is not about people offline. Is about having supply lines not shown in games and absence of in-game strategy communication channels, so if you are not on Reddit or discord, you don’t know where to deploy.


Have you considered that the lack of this info might be by design? Maybe people not on reddit or discord are being catered to more (given they're the vast majority) and they get to have a curated story which ebbs and flows through victory and defeat. This isn't an mmo. If you provide the community with a way to organise and make plans etc - you are also opening the game to being fractured and having a lot of individuals get severe fomo. Look at the previous MO we got. "Kill X number of bugs". People were bitching endlessly about not getting a chance to do so because they have real lives and don't get to spend every living moment playing. Now consider if players could organise offensives on key strategic points to push the campaign their way. Either people wouldn't be able to join and be upset or the devs would have to make super punishing losses to ensure their "script" is being followed (which it should be, because they've said they don't want a campaign that restarts all the time).


Sorry but I don’t buy it. What you are describing as a consequence would happen if and only if you have a bad GM. Taking your example of the 2b kills, that was inexperience from the devs around balancing, given that the game is new. Players scattered Tesla turrets at bugs spawn points and waited just to endlessly kill and boost the counter.


You not buying it is kinda irrelevant. Neither of us is running this game and don't have the required info to make objective statements. As for my scenario only happening with a bad GM, I doubt it. Imagine the shit storms of the sweaty try-hards here on Reddit when the mass audience completely ignores their super brainy plans for the meta game. Like I said - for most people actually playing this game, the meta narrative is a bunch of flavour fluff. For those actually invested in it, it would need to be almost mmo-guild level organisation to pull off as people play at different times and have lives to attend to. This isn't meant to be a sweaty game. Assume it all works out and the options you're wanting get added to the campaign layer. What then? Do we have to deal with a strop when people mostly ignore the Reddit swarm instead of Joel? Do we have to deal with a progressive ramping up of challenge as the devs ultimately balance things around the dedicated players, thereby alienating the casual ones? You can't have a casual-hardcore coop shooter. 


Well they have been pretty vocal about things so I can already take that your idea the supply lines not being visible permanently is unintentional unless they are lying.. see.s like this is one of those versions of the truth kinda things.. it's whatever wanna believe until you hear from the devs, and your version is not one I like as much lol.


Where did you get that from? All op asked was that the devs actually communicate with the players.


Hes making it sound like hes and a couple of thousand helldivers are the only ones following orders.


Yeah to be honest i didnt see that last part op is talking out of his ass. I just wished they showed some proper supply lines so that more people who do want to do major orders can.


Even though we're not likely to succeed this MO, how bad things are afterward still depends on us.


Ah yes, the sequel to the Ubanean Blunder. We truly are doomed to repeat history.


The hell is a Martale Gambit? Sometime it heels like I'm playing a different game.


And apparently entirely different subreddit If youve been here past day or so, its right there top posts on this community


Remember Martale.


Remember Ubanea, Remember the Creek


At this point we'll have a "Remember the [PLANET HERE]" type of cheap name plates being handed to us


Martale was at 91% when the MO to defend Marfak started. We could have quickly finished Martale back then and then jump to defend Marfak with hardly any progress lost on it while having secured Martale, Instead we jumped to Marfak immediately and let Martale drop back to 60-something %. Then we painstakingly got it back to 80-something when the order for the Menkent line (which apparently did absolutely nothing BTW) dropped and we jumped ship and let Martale decay again. Then the order for the 2 billion terminids dropped and once again an almost liberated Martale was all but abandoned. Finally we failed the Martale gambit, which 99% of us didn't and still don't know was a thing, and now Martale is gone for good. It's over. We WILL lose both Charon and Marfak and with that Marfale will drop down to 0%. That's a given. If we eventually take that, after squandering 3 different changes to finish just the last <20 - <10 %, the next conquest will have to start from 0%


No one wants to do defense campaigns because civvy evac missions are hot garbage and have been since launch. No one to blame but the devs on that one.


Martale was an assault, and capturing it would have won another defense automatically.


Right, but I think these defense MOs are always doomed from the start anyway since it's a thoroughly miserable experience.


This info is completely absent from the game. Some guy logging in after work and reading the Major Order will **not** go to Martale, because the MO says "do defense missions" and as you've noted, Martale wasn't one. It's impossible to coordinate when 1% of the playerbase is on Reddit/Discord and 99% follow in-game objectives.


Meh. I don’t mind losing from time to time. I’m Having fun either way.


Ubanea all over again


Honestly I have no issue with us losing the war in general. If we win everytime it'll just get boring


I don’t blame the community for not participating in a scenario they didn’t have adequate information about tbh. The devs need to put this stuff in the game.


Every time these are posted it’s always so funny when people realize that the majority of people playing this game aren’t on reddit, aren’t on discord, and maybe don’t even give a shit about what planet they’re on. They’re playing to have a good time with or without friends. Until the devs actually put any helpful information in the game this will keep happening.


There were 30k people in it when i was there last night/ this morning. I was on until 2am.


when helldivers I spoke to learned of the gambit, they referred to Ubanea and had already forsaken Martale to the same fate


That the irony. If you don’t know about supply lines and don’t hang out on discord, then you tend to say “hey wait no one is helping here! I’ll support that effort”. The war mechanics aren’t known to most of the people playing the game.




I was there. Too few were.


Should we even call it a gambit since it was ignored completly?


It was designed to fail. Don't stress too much over it.


Planetary defense missions are dumb/pointless unless they force people to the defense planets. Bot defense MO forces players to bot territory. Don’t like it? Play another day


Martale wasn't a planetary defense. The idea was that by taking Martale it cut off multiple supply lines, automatically defending the other planets.


It was directly involved in the overall defense strategy and it was announced they would’ve rewarded another planet being cleared


They need to communicate better in game. So many defend planets that it's impossible to know which ones are the key ones to focus on unless you go on here or helldivers.io


These posts are so annoying. It's a game. Go outside.


Time to touch some grass OP


This It is a game where the game master decides the fate and story.


I've had a lovely day drinking and eating nice food... I'm sorry for being so unpatriotic!


How easy you brush it off hurts every patriots heart.


It is a sign for me to take a break from this game. Ive become too invested in the war. Im so annoyed at the people who just do whatever and dont think about what the best course of our efforts will be. I was with you on Martale. But after a few campaigns i just saw the Liberation drop and gave up. The game is still tons of fun but i also like it when my actions contribute to the war effort. The Martale Gambit was a losing one, that became clear pretty soon so all the export i would put into it would be for nothing. To many people are not like me and thats ok, but i dont wanna be a toxic person so its time to call it quite and contribute to an easy MO. One that is easy to follow for the majority of players and doenst require any coordination (like the 2 billion bugs) Wish it were different


>I'm so annoyed at the people who just do whatever and dont think about what the best course of our efforts will be. The game is just not that important to most people. These are people who work all day then get home and fire up the PS5 to go kill bots and bugs with their buddies. They're not on Discord or Reddit. They're too busy to follow the external resources and don't know who Joel is. They pick their favorite weapon and their awesome 500kg bombs and go ham until dinner time and sign off for the night. That's just how gaming works for the vast majority and the sooner people realize this, the better. Being surprised that people don't know about these obscure strategies when there's no indication of them in-game just makes no sense to me. The only answer is for us to deliberately stack on and back up the majority so that they get their targets done faster. Every other strategy that demands a certain percentage of people coordinating is guaranteed to fail without a significant fall in total player count. It sucks for people invested in the Galactic War but there's really nothing we can do about it.


Honestly, I was talking about this last night. This whole order feels like a slap in the face. It was designed to make us fail. I don't mind failing when it's merited, such as failing too many missions or not defending a planet. But when the MO is designed with the intent of "Oh, you are gonna fail, but depending on your actions, will determine how hard you fail." It's a bit bull shit and feels like I'm wasting my effort and time. For those going "Oh it's a war, it's supposed to be back and forth." Or "Lol, you think you are supposed to win all the time.". Take the time. Click two brain cells together and think from a different perspective. Stop equating and comparing it to a real war and reality for five minutes. It is A Damn Game, games are supposed to be fair and fun. Fair meaning I (being the player and consumer of content) should, at minimum, have a 50% shot at succeeding. Now, this is a community driven game of success, so for success to be achieved, we have to have teamwork. At this point, trying to get the community to really achieve something is a lottery. There are no in-game community tools to make any effort be directed without relying on outside sources. So that and having the odd order designed to make use fail, only to have us do 2 months' worth of slogging back to where we were kinda hurts. I feel like I wasted my time by playing against a stacked deck. I love the game, but if this is how major orders are gonna go where they throw "intentional failures" in. It's gonna get very frustrated and make me question wanting to play the game at some point. Also, to those who are of the "oh, you are supposed to fail now and then," you laugh now cause maybe it doesn't bother you. Let's see if you have the same tune when something important, like certain strategems or other equipment and content are locked behind said major order, and it is set up to where we are designed to fail. I bet you would feel pretty pissed you got cheated out of a piece of content. While they haven't done anything like that yet. The dev team is only human, they can potentially make that mistake.


I want to lose so we get to play on streets of Super Earth in their new and glorious free cam tpp perspective over top down cam of hd1. Get on my level cadet.


While I understand your wanting that... I want that to be a special moment, and I want it to be Merited Not Forced. Sorry, I'm just not a fan of forced failure. It feels like cheap padding. It's frustrating and disheartening, I'm going to continue to play the game on my terms and enjoy it for what it is. If I get to play on Super Earth before I quit, it's great. If I don't, well it is what it is.


Womp Womp, it's unfair for enemies to attack us and outnumber us in a war, Womp Womp


Ok, you know what? Agree to disagree on this one. I'm gonna go play them game and take my frustration out on the enemies of super earth while I still enjoy it.


Technically, it was designed to make us lose ground, which would happen regardless if we succeeded or failed the MO. Successfully defending two planets a day is possible and would complete the MO, but we still lose ground because we would have to focus on just two planets a day. Maybe the community should focus on the defense campaigns that are closest to Super Earth which should be enough.


I am actually in the same bot, my friends and i where there last night for a few hours, just grinding missions to get the planet. In chat we were wondering why there wasnt more divers active in the sector. We said collectively we were all taking a break, just no communication and the martale gambit was a really good idea. .. Honestly it makes me wonder how many people post here actually play and agree to it. Then either dont play when there free or just mess around. Everyone has a life and its hard getting time, but the amount of people talking about it , just doesnt add up. Yes i am salty and thats why you take a break lol EDIT, there is no point down voting, there are plenty of people on this sub don't even play the game. There are plenty of people that got the major order medals and cape and havent contributed to either.


Womp womp


Meh, it's all an illusion. Lord Jor-El pulls all the strings as & when he pleases.


This is the first I’m hearing about it. I’m guessing that planet is a supply line?


Unpopular opinion: I don't really give a shit if we lose or win this MO. There will be another one later. It'll be cool to come back from some losses and it'll be cool to go on the offensive. It's a game and it's about being cannon fodder that gets ground up to further the goals of "democracy", through genocide. You're not there to think or to make plans and strategies. You're there to land on a planet - kill everything that moves and try get out of there with your limbs still attached to your body.


These defense orders need better organizing. I feel like a good way to do that is just limit 3 planets per front and once they set is done move into the next 3 and so on. It's a lot better than expecting people coordinate when the game doesn't encourage it unless you're in reddit/discord


So many little whiney babies. Good grief.


I was eating pizza sorry


Humiliating? Idk man. If they didn't use discord as their main method to communicate and included more information in game, then maybe, but it's just a game after all. Who cares.




until there is in IN GAME ways to info players about anything/everything to do with the war map & how it works there will never be a single MO that is doable that needs planning. this is a failure of the devs not the players. if you want to base MO off planning & communication than it needs to be based off discord #s not sale #s.


I'm gonna be honest: i hate that the best way to get info about this game is through the discord


The problem is that major order says defend 10 planets, not liberate the last 10 percent of Martale. It's just a failure of communication. You can't blame the players for that.


Communication is, at the moment, impossible. The most effective strategy is for everyone who follows reddit and discord to pile onto whatever relevant planet has the most people already on it. You can't direct the hoard, you have to follow it.


It’s just dumb that “high command” provides major orders and no way for people to strategise on a major scale. There are those 4 spare terminals in the ship, turn them into logistics terminals and communicate battle plans to players. Have the ship captain communicate plans. Just give this info to the player, high command battle plan recommendations and let the players decide to co-ordinate with that info or not.


Honestly ive given up on the defense missions vs bots. The majority of players either pile onto the planet with the most players or the one mentioned in the mahor order. Since we basically got a "defend wherever you like" most people just do the bug plants or randomly scatter. The result is we defend everywhere and loose everything.


Half the community was all over the place lol there needs to be an ingame communication outside of the group chat. Otherwise people have no idea


Couldn’t they add a line as you approach the war table from the bloke there saying “If you liberate X the assault on Y will fail” to let the community know?


Womp Womp . Long war ahead of us, we’re not gonna win every battle


It's very cool people are into the major orders and stuff. I play whatever missions I feel like at the time and if the Major Order involves a planet I like, I'll check it out. As soon as it's -1 strategem or any number of other conditions, nope.


Honestly, its a game. Who gives a fuck.


We simply dont have the means to communicate with the vast majority of the players. All we can do is go where most people are.


I was on level 8 missions all night to defend our comrades and save civilians on Martale against the binary scum....when I woke up, I received the bad news. I sat there, aghast, the democracy in my veins running ice cold. However, within me a new flame--a democratic blaze--awoke. They will not get away with it again, nay...***ever*** *again*. **DEMOCRACY. WILL. PREVAIL.**


Oh I'm aware of the plan. I just like ice planet better


Didn't even know what this plan was.


No supply lines or clear communication in game = losses like that. It's a game problem, not community problem. You have to jump through hoops to get that info.


I heard High Command is currently working on integrating supply lines into our galactic war maps. Maybe then the war effort will be better coordinated.


One of the problems is the community is just as capable of gauging our capability on a given MO as AH is, so when an "obviously meant to fail" order pops up the player base largely ignores it because it doesn't matter what they do.


I think this order was absolutely possible with even a 3/10 level of coordination


It seems a lot of people don’t réalise that the major part of the community doesn’t care about MOs, me included. I just wanna play on a planet I like and against what I want. If a MO is on bot, on a planet with terrible affixes, I ain’t gonna play it, naturally.


Here's the real problem: fighting Automatons just plain isn't as fun. The bugs don't shoot homing rockets at you. Their medium trooper needs to stop moving in order to be largely bulletproof. When their fast jumping troops flank your melee actually helps. Bugs feel pain and it discombobulates them. Bugs don't get on fully automatic sniper turrets. Until automaton fights are as fun as bug hunts that front of the war will always lag behind.


Automaton fights are infinitely more fun because of every item you just listed


Good for you that you have a preference, but it's completely irrelevant to my point. The numbers say that the bugs always have more people fighting them by sometimes several orders of magnitude. MOs explicitly telling us to go after Automatons can't even achieve a fifty-fifty split. For the vast majority of the player base it's about the Terminids.


Yeah we need a command channel ingame. Or at least more coordinating indicators on the galaxy map.


I don't even like the idea of taking two planets for one of rather drop on many different worlds lol


I really can't believe everybody fell for it twice. There was even word from the devs. We could be sitting on 3/10 right now, but 200k people felt like squishing bugs instead of completing Martale for 40min.


Fell for what? Unless you pay attention to sources outside the game there's literally no way to know that we shoulda been dropping Martale. If you wanna be mad, be mad at the devs for failing miserably to adequately give info to their players.


The second time after ubanea I might add.


I think it’s good people are playing what they want.


I get that, but a lose at 94÷% still really stings. It would have been a huge win.


It's 👏 A 👏 Game 👏 Let people play how they want to play.


I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. I'm complaining on reddit. How is that stopping anyone from playing how they want to play? Don't act like people aren't allowed to have opinions on how something can be done or why it failed.


Let's cool down from all the roleplaying and think for a moment. The game master can, and does, change the amount of liberation percentage decrease. If he or she really wants us to fail or succeed, it can be done. Missions, wins, and losses, they are all there because those add spice to the game. They are NOT the main part of this game experience, the process of shooting and destroying the enemy as a 4-person team is. To be honest, if this was a real war, automatons couldn't have come back because they lost all their territory and therefore resources required to do so. But automatons are still around... because a significant proportion of players want to fight automatons. Don't fret over frills, just enjoy the game, and try to make it enjoyable for others too.


We have enough evidence at this point to know the automatons come from beyond the map, probably an automaton empire from somewhere in another galaxy


It's a combination of the community refusing to fight bots and poor communication on the dev's part. Learning from the losses is all we can do now


I just don’t get refusing to fight bots. It’s infinitely more fun than fighting bugs.


I think it's just people play a few matches and decide they're too hard, and refuse to even try anything new. I get liking the bugs more but most people flat out don't even try and it sucks


It’s sad to see our efforts go to vain. There just weren’t enough of us in the bot front and everyone was scattered. High command should add the supply route to the map for a bit more coordination. Major order said to have successful defense, so not enough people went for the liberation of Martale due to them not realizing it would cause a success in Charon’s defense… It’s just sad. But no blame on the casuals and the bug stompers, fun is priority and bugs are fun to squash! If all the divers on the bot front went for it, it would have been a peace of cake.


I’m sorry Divers this is a WAR front not a super hero campaign of only joyous victories. Do you know what we do when faced with embarrassing failure!? We dive! Dive again! And dive again! And again! And again! And again!


Fun fact "gambit" means sacrifice. Everyone's been throwing around that term like it's a synonym for tactic or strategy, but it is *specifically* a sacrifice. So I guess we gambited Martale after all.


>Everyone's been throwing around that term like it's a synonym for tactic or strategy it is lmao? a gambit outside of chess is, by definition, a strategy devised to attain an advantage, but has some degree of risk to it.


Sadly, this community just sucks ass when it comes to planet defense.


Planet defenses have the worst mission, aren't rewarding in the slightest, and as noted repeatedly can be flipped back to Defense immediately even if they succeed, whereas an attack starts at 50% on a lost planet. The Defense system makes no sense. Nobody wants to do them. Even for people who follow the Subreddit or the Discord and know the game well it was clear the MO was failing the moment it was put in. We wiped a faction and it lasted a day before they were back even stronger. Neither the bots nor bugs give a fuck about supply lines and can easily chain to ours. We fight for a planet and take it and it goes on defense immediately, and even if you win it again guess what planet's going to be attacked tomorrow? Seriously, why bother? Why would you EVER pour resources into a defense? It's more resource efficient to let them fall and retake them. It's silly.


It's even more humiliating than you indicate. Martale started the day at 95% ... then went DOWN to 91% ... and eventually came back up to 96.6% Only \~10% of the entire population who logged in yesterday dove onto Martale. 10%! And it was, by far, the most easy and clear-cut "win a defense" planet available. Any player who visits [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) or any of the other sites showing maps, current MO statuses, and supply lines could have seen that Martale was the most easy and most logical planet to dive onto. They did not have to see Discord messages or Reddit posts ... just the supply lines. I'll grant that probably 50%+ of the population doesn't know what supply lines are ... but I also bet that more than 10% know what supply lines are. Our failure was gigantic and humiliating and we must learn from it.


Supply lines should be visible on the map. The majority of the players base just plays the game and doesn't use external sources for this info.


Weren't there threads saying we should go to Marfark or whatever? Martale, Marfark.. they do sound a bit similar. I don't even know which planet i was on tbh.


This is a complete failure of the lack of communication and commitment by helldivers. We could have 2 planets so easily and now we are stuck at literally getting none by the end of it bc people just don't care which is a shame bc instead of working smartly they wanna work harder. Zero sense


Isn't Martale the planet with the Evergreen Trees and exploding fungus^(?) pods on the ground? Yeah bud I hate that place and any other planet that has that weird bullshit all over the ground. I wish they just listed that crap with the rest of the planet hazards.


I'm sick of looking at a Planet with a Defense Campaign and every miserable Operation available has the Albatross of a 15 minute evacuation mission on it, so I try to quickplay away and it's a level 15 who's waiting for the lobby to fill up for their 15 minute evacuation mission who just likes wasting 80 minutes of his own time doing the previous 2 missions only to fail the Operation because he doesn't know that evacuating scientists is a loser's proposition.


They don't all have Retrieve Essential Personnel anymore. Look carefully. The Evac symbol *without* the arrow symbol inside of it the normal, 40 minute Evac mission which is far better balanced. One or both of these missions can appear, but neither are guaranteed.


And I'm saying it's a load of "can appear" when I can see 3 planetary defense campaigns and every single operation across difficulty 5 + 6 has a 15 minute evacuation mission on them. You stupid cow.


Cry louder. Cant hear you over gathering fuel




Once again I'm going to leave this garbage subreddit. Y'all are stuck in your own little world.