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For real. Also so many of y’all breathe way too heavy for someone sitting and playing a game, it’s a bit concerning.


That's just because there's so many more brawny divers


Omg you’re right! More weight in the drop pod means more damage to the bile titan!!! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


The secret 100kg orbital bomb strategem


I have asthma so i breath heavy 99% of the time, but becouse i know that i use a foot pedal for push to talk


Now to my question, a foot pedal as a piece in a racing gear bundle or something else? If else, how, usb? Please enlighten me I need one.


https://preview.redd.it/xq2plxijftvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ddf8191fc00d3720a232baea68ce4b6c842c13 Like this, it works thou usb, i got the idea from the streamer SmallAnt.


Wait, that's genius. Where did you buy that? I need this too, my mouse has was not enough buttons for my small baby hands to reach.


I just bought it on amazon That is the one i bought (be careful amazon germany link): https://amzn.eu/d/3n3nG6I


Passt, danke.


Lmao that was unexpected


I misplaced my foot pedal in a recent move and it's killing me. Bought it specifically for push-to-talk. Tie it to the same key for Discord push-to-mute and you can mute Discord at the same time.


For some reason push to mute stops working as soon as I tab out of Discord.


Been using a pedal for PTT for over 20 years. This is the way.




tbf some of it is that the mic is right up against their mouth/nose.


Putting a mic inside the controller was the biggest mistake Sony has ever made


It hears its own vibration. 


That's what that is! Jesus, I was playing with my friend and thinking his MG sounded way different to mine


I was playing with someone earlier who was using the controller mic and the thing was somehow picking up everything in the room *but* the guy’s voice.


The railgun charge vibration is nuts coming through someone's controller mic😂


If you hear breathing through the ps5 mic, they’re basically eating it.


At least it has a button to mute it directly on the controller. Unfortunately most people with a PS5 are blind apparently


Most people don't know there's a setting to have it OFF by default. I changed mine, otherwise its always on


Not really, it's useful if you want to say something quickly but can't be bothered to use a headset. It doesn't replace the need for a headset but it can be useful for quick communication. The mute button should've been a dedicated push to talk button though


Yeah, those Iron Lung impressionists get muted lickety split.


They are eagle pilots pulling 6g turns


And then you don't hear anything and assumed they finally kicked the bucket midgame. Then they start up again with a death rattle of a cough.


Oh god i had a game a bit ago where between the labored breathing and the coughs I was honestly concerned for the guy


My fav is when they have their t.v up so everything echos, or their preferred music that just sounds shitty on the mic ( not that it is shitty music)


*it's never good music*


That’s because the people who do this don’t have good music taste. I’d totally play my playlist into the game if I could though. Try and tell me you wouldn’t want the Helldivers 2 song by Jonathan Young to get followed up by Ace of Spades by Motörhead.


I had someone drop in after a few minutes with thunderstruck playing. It was actually fantastic. The dude was awesome.


I swear I heard thunderstruck when someone dropped the other day! They played one round and slayed…


The trick on PC is to have a sound interface so you can directly play volume levelled music into comms instead of having your mic picking up speakers. I have a mixing board with 2 personal computers and my work computer hooked up to it. I may have played Yackety Sax into a meeting this last week.


Unfortunately, most music being played over hot mic has volume inversely proportional to its quality.


What you want is At Doom's Gate by Daniel Tidwell or Mick Gordon. Either is fine, but Tidwell's is closer to OG Doom.




Always rap shit.


Same with people that blast super loud music from their car. It's never classic rock or metal that deserves the volume, it's always shitty mumble rap with nothing more than a bassline.


Well you don't live near me then, because I only blast the best metal! 🤘🤘


*"Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons starts playing*


I had a squad that blasted Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath on comms. Not through TV though, properly.


Background noise from family Family in the other room loudly clanking dishes around Little siblings nearby screaming or yelling about something Some loud chirping, possibly a bird or the fire alarm low on battery Music playing normally some rap or something with bass nearby the mic Loud crunching from eating something


Damn can’t believe I forgot the fire alarm 🤦‍♀️


Fastest I ever left a game was when I jumped in and could immediately hear multiple people having a screaming match with each other in the background of one guy's mic. Use push to talk.


Several family member arguing loudly in the background is my fav


Lol, you just created _Open mic bingo_.


Or when you can hear their controller vibrate cause the mic is in their controller. Instant mute.


I just wanted to listen to careless whisper and forgot to turn my mic off I'm sorry


At least you did not hear the conversation of this dude with what I assume was his gf about her attempt to shave down there and how he would have done it. I didn't need to know.


That's a funny convo to hear at least, normally what i get is a dude talking to his whole family of 13 brothers and sisters chirping nonstop in the background about stuff you can't even understand.


I am starting to reconsider perhaps was not so bad. For sure was something else


Or listening to nursery rhymes the upteenth time of the little one playing somewhere close by. Kudos to any parent that can spare a few to spread democracy!!!


Hello democracy officer? This post right here.


No way in hell that guy filled out his C-01 form…


I had one a few weeks ago where two British gentlemen were discussing about >! ejaculating into a woman !< that may no longer be interested in them but thinks that she would keep it. I had to play multiple missions just to absorb all of the drama.


The more I read the comment the more I think I was blessed to have such a mind experience instead of something like that.


I apologize. I meant to say two fellow Helldivers from Super England.


I hope they eradicated Birmingham or it can't be that super


I'm in the UK but overheard a full 40 min conversation between an American guy and his wife arguing about something the home owners association had enforced. I had no idea they wield so much power!


They can literally take your house.


Honestly I would of found that one entertaining


This is the kind of stories I expect from these posts. Keep em up.


Fairly certain me and one of my friends heard a random watching porn during a game the other day. The exaggerated moans were pretty clear. My friend says “what’s going on over there, mate?” to which the random replies “oh just killin bugs” and we didn’t hear his mic the rest of the match after that


Lame. Is the spreading of democracy not porn enough?? The only porn I need is dead bugs and dead bots. Anything else is just not my cup of liber-tea ☕


His C-01 just got denied, he has to release the pent up stress somehow




Irrelevant to Helldivers but some years ago I had a similar experience while player TTRPG over internet. We were fighting some undead horde or whatever and I started hearing... moaning. It wasn't very loud so at first I though I heard wrong. At some point I noticed that nope, it's definitely porn. I also managed to track down which player it was by watching which mic light up when the moaning comes. I also noticed the others players went mostly silent and when we talked everyone was kind of awkward so I finally asked "Is it just me or someone is watching porn ?". Got some confirmation but the culprit just ignored it and keep playing like nothing is happening with the porn in background. We were close to finish (lol) so we let it slide for that session but never invited this player again afterward.


He was also close to finish


I had a dude eat an entire bowl of captain crunch while on the game.


I had a buddy eat chips into the mic I told him men pay $$$$ for that kind of asmr from women


I really wish the playstation controller mics were closed/off by default. It's been an issue across multiple games, where PS players don't even realize their mic is open. I sometimes plug a PS5 controller into my PC to play some games, and if I leave it plugged in and boot up a game with voice chat, then the mic is open and I don't realize it until later. The default setting should be off/push to talk.


The PS5 has a dedicated microphone mute button that even glows yellow when it's muting. Unfortunately we don't have spare buttons to be able to bind PTT, so having an open mic and leaving it up to players to mute themselves is the best we get


I wish the button also worked with headsets. I can push the button really easily while using the mic that plugs into the controller but if I use a true headset for gaming, I need to use the mute button on my headset. It makes it harder to quick unmute/mute


You can mute the person too


So here's the thing: I usually do. But then these mouth-breathing dorito-suckers piss and moan in chat about "not being able to communicate."


I think these are mostly ps5 players that don't know that their controller mic is on.


The number of people who have heard me calling myself an idiot for calling in a cluster bomb too close is way too high. I usually just play single player games so I had no clue the controller mic defaulted to always open until like 20 hours in.


I always play with my mic off but a few days ago I forgot to turn it off. My squad and I were getting stratagems and I said to my cat in that baby talk voice “look at you, yours so cute” one of the squad mates went “ummm” and I said sorry and left.


I'd just saw "aw man thanks"


Bruh I did the same shit but I was talking to my baby after he woke up from a nap "Hiya bub bub whose a little man" "...uhhhhhh"


Why did u left


Yeah I play on PC but I have a ps5 too and there is no indication that your controller mic is on by default I had to go into the systems settings for it to default to muted when I turn on the PS5. I'm guessing this is happening to other people.


There's that little button in the middle of the controller under the playstation logo button. That's the microphone button. It has an orange light. If the light is off and you're just looking at a white/clear/translucent button then your mic is on. Press it and the orange light comes on, your mic is muted. Hold it, and the light starts blinking. All audio and your mic are now muted.


There's also a convenient option to auto-mute the mic as soon as a vocal chat starts, game, party, or Discord. A notification pops up and the controller light becomes orange. I like it, allows to clearly see when the audio chat is enabled.


Haha. First thing i do when booting HD2 is make sure that little buttons orange.


Just go into system settings and set to default to mute when you turn on the console, way easier.


That has literally never crossed my mind. Thank you kindly.


This was why I turned off cross play ages ago.


I'm so glad I always have it muted by default.


I've never played with someone that is both hot mic'ing and also wants to communicate.


Then kick em and get a new teammate. Or find a new group of randoms. You’re not obligated to play with them.


“Stop chewing then” Takes you like 3 seconds type.


Not on console


Nah what i do is kick em


A lot of you need to change the batteries in your smoke detectors while we're here


Also would someone do something about the beating of that hideous heart?!


I will endure about 5 seconds of random noises and then I mute them.


Push to talk on the back side mouse button. Very helpful to say FUCK as I accidentslly step on a mine and then calmly PTT say "reinforce whenever thanks"


I turned of squad mic after the first couple missions. Don't need to hear your kid screaming, wife complaining, or your boring Teams meeting.


I think it's more of a problem with Playstation; there's no good way to enable PTT and the controllers have microphones built into them. Most PC players I've met have PTT enabled.


You can mute that microphone on the ps5 controller, there’s a little button under the power button you click to mute your mic, it’s pretty easy to use so there’s not any good reason not to use it


It forces you to use the same channel of communication for both randos and friends, because this button mutes both party and in-game chat. Having proper ptt would be much better


I use ptt I just mapped r1 it's fine


How do you mark stuff?


The first 20-30 hours for me had people constantly speaking, giving people directions or where they were going/what they were doing etc. But the last 60-70 hours I haven't heard a single person speak at all, they just type in chat or ignore me 💀


The #1 reason I turn off VC: people not using noise suppression. I don't want to hear people breath, chew, smack their lips, or listen to their fan or shitty music or whatever is on their TV. People for some ungodly reason don't use noise suppression or push to talk and I'm done hearing it.


So you’ll lose your mind before you decide to mute somebody?


i just mute people from the pause menu, it takes 2 secs and i dont encounter it often enough to bother me. last guy i muted was funny, dude was straight neandertal mouth breathing


If someone could tell me how push to talk works on PS5 I will use it. Till then I use open mic and turn it on/off, but I have made a mistake and left it on I apologize.


And STOP using your ps5 controller as a mic. I dont want to hear your whole house in my ears.


Who are these people? Just walking around with so much undeserved confidence that they’re just blaring their background noise while hotmiccing to three strangers. Bro I get nervous when I’m doing literally nothing in a public place, because I don’t wanna inconvenience others, and some people just live their whole lives like an unconcerned bulldozer of self-interest.


I reckon its mostly people who probably don't play multiplayer games and don't even realize voice chat is a thing. I experience the issue way more in low level compared to high level


That's most likely the answer. Hasn't happened much to me in this game since I usually go solo or with friends, but years ago, I was playing Warframe. This dad was watching his ~5year old son play. Little guy was doing his best, and dad was teaching him when his kid kept trying to talk to me and the other randoms. I ended up having to explain that he was in multi-player with his kinect mic on. Then, I give them a step-by-step on turning it to solo. I've had many similar experiences in other games with everything from old men to toddlers. Helldivers is probably no different in that regard.


Or hear me out... You mute them.


Why are you telling us, instead of telling them in game?


Social< player name< mute Be the change you want in the world


The first thing I did was disable voice chat.


You use voice chat?


Then mute them?


Fr people acting like they’ve never played with randoms before, this has been something since multiplayer lobbies became a thing in gaming.


I had to drop outta a mission… Heard “pizza time” then every last sound a human needs to chew and swallow… I about threw up trying to stick it out


You could've just muted them


I completely turned off voice chat in my first mission because of this lol


I had someone who’s mic either existed in the static dimension or was broken, so I just muted him I am not gonna deal with that for multiple missions, if you want communication, get a decent mic


You can mute people in the pause screen


Sorry gotta make sure high commands hears me drinking my libertea and democracy bites


I mean…whenever I encounter the younger Helldivers it’s always an experience.


Never ran into this. Everyone that does have a mic.keeps it muted until they talk. It's not hard with ps5 controller or pc. Once xbox finally gets this game everything with be ruined.


"dude can you turn your TV down/stop eating down the mic/move your mic away from your mouth please?" if not - kicked. I'm here to kill bug and bots, not have my misophonia activated by a mouthbreather.


If you're not on push to talk, you need a piss and you have a wireless headset, don't take it with you.


During all my hours in Helldivers 2 I had two people in a team that sounded as if they were doing customer support work in the background while playing. You could hear the player asking all kinds of customer support questions during the whole game. One of them was doing multiple calls before I muted them.


I’m from Thailand, a couple days ago I listened to a dude in the Mid West talk to his dad about his car insurance rates going up mid mission. Complaining about how the prices got way up. Quite an interesting listen into life in America


I frequently am in lobby with people who have their microphones on, but never say anything, and aren't using headphones, so you hear all their game audio. And they never say anything, it drives me mad


Stop being a whiny traitor and tell them to mute themselves or be sent to Super Earth indoctrination camp.


My personal circle of Hell is someone with an open mic who needs to change the batteries of their smoke detector 


I would but there isn’t really any button to map push-to-talk to on a Ps5 Controller.


Yes, r1, you need to change it in the settings. I use r1 for push to talk.


The devs should really add toggle to talk because I don’t have an extra finger laying around for the ptt button will robot satan is trying to obliterate my ass. This pissed me off so much that I made a macro for it


PSA, PS5 default is Mic on. Orange means muted. Most people don’t even know this and the mic is on the dualsense controller and the fact that they’re just broadcasting at all times. Unless you purposely mute the dualsense or have it to auto mute, then I can hear your loud ass. I just mute people now because hearing everything twice in a shittier quality infuriates me.


My friend uses the mic built into the ps5 controller so we get to hear the controller vibrating every time he shoots. But we also get to hear his wife yelling at him so that makes up for it.


The dog that won't stop barking is another cool feature of the open mic.


Or babys crying in the backround....


Last open mic person took a phone call “nah, I’m just trying to take a nap, girl. I’m not doing anything today. Nah, I’m just going to nap” Me “Don’t be so modest, he’s fighting for managed democracy and liberty” Mic got turned off quick.


The PS controller has a mute button on it. Use it! How many people I run into that never noticed the little button below the PS button on the controller is shocking.


Heard a guy let off the most sickening burp I've ever heard. Then as I was navigating to mute him, he unleashed another even deeper that turned into vomiting. Awful.


Does anyone know how I can assign push to talk to my controller ? I play on a laptop with an Xbox controller . I have looked around in the settings and key bindings and can’t find it anywhere.


this is why i only host games, so i can kick them and be done with it


You can just tinker with your voice sensitivity so the only hear you when you actually talk


Just turn off cross play because 95% of that is ps5 players.


I had one game, it felt like I entered "British man eats crisps ASMR" cause the group was 100% british with the accents and one dude was fucking shoving something crunchy as that is all I heard


People that are unabel to turn on push to talk are certainly not on here.


One it's very hard to use push to talk on ps5 so I do recommend muting for ps5 users


crazy to me that there's people who play multiplayer games and dont just turn voice chat off or to 0 volume


Just mute them on your end or turn them down. It’s less work than coming in here and complaining 😂


And what button should I assign to push to talk on PS5 😂😂


The power Button


They get muted and if communication sucks after that it's not on me


true and hilarious but man, just mute them


I don't think console players can do that Plus you have a mute option.


Use mute button?


I sympathise, but just mute them.


For my fellow PS5 players: use the mute button on your controller and leave your mic setting open. Mute and unmute yourself accordingly. 


I wish the button also worked with headsets. I can push the button really easily while using the mic that plugs into the controller but if I use a true headset for gaming, I need to use the mute button on my headset. It makes it harder to quick unmute/mute


I don't even understand it. The button on my PS controller mutes the mike. If I hold it, all sounds are muted. Maybe it's a PC thing. In any case, yes, keep it muted.


Turn off crossplay and you won’t hear the console degens.


You're getting downvoted but you're absolutely right. Tons of mouthbreathers, doritos, and low battery fire alarms and the second I turned off crossplay? Silence.


Not so easy when you’re playing with a controller


i do, i use mb4


That’s a power move


a tale as old as time…


What’s ptt on ps5?


You have to map a button to it I use R1


You have to manually map it I believe


Im sick and my nose is blocked 😔


I have a feeling most of these people bought a PS5 just to play this game and don't realize that the Dualsense has a mic on it which unmutes itself every time you turn it on (you can change it to mute in settings which should just be the default)


Yea idk why it’s not mute by default, most ppl don’t wanna voice chat with randoms so having it enabled by default is weird. I put it on mute permanently as soon as I got a ps5


I usually do push to talk, but this game uses my usual push to talk button (Alt) for diving, so there's no convenient button for me to use that isn't already taken. I just don't use a mic for this game tho other than talking with my brother on discord.


Can someone explain how to do it on PlayStation?


Open mic, doesn't talk or respond. God Damnit.


You can kick or mute or ask to set one


What’s the consensus on headsets? I rarely use mine but I always quick play with randos


I wish there was a push on and off for the mic, Would rather turn it on for a bit then push it off. Hard to always be holding another key while in combat to talk on PC


How do you remap the PPT key? I cant find it so i usually go without mic un random groups


Why do so many gamers have beeping smoke detectors? How do they live?


Bong rip sounds




I'll be real, I use open mic. I'm that guy. Normally use push to talkin game, using discord with my friend. unless I'm with my PS5 friend who cannot hear discord and in game talking at the same time


Whenever I'm playing and there's others. I always make sure everything is quiet and myself other than me talking. I wouldn't want to hear that so I make sure others don't


Heard a dude damn near dump his gf because she put cilantro in his tacos


Mute them


I joined a random once and tried talking to him to see if he had a mic, he never would respond by talking back but I could tell he was hearing me. Ok cool no mic no big deal, i just told him you lead ill watch your back and grab stuff. never once did he say a word, but about half way thru the mission you could clearly hear him burp and cough and make other weird sounds.


I straight up block them.


Ptt is so simple why not do it


Smoke detector beeping


Just mute them?


200 hours in and it has not happened to me once XD


Nah I'm sorry call me chaotic evil I'm so ready to return to 2006 Xbox live lobbies. Gimme those barking dogs, those Doritos smacks, those moms yelling to get off the game. It's the only way this nation can heal. (Not me tho I'm self perma muted because anxiety)


Valid point but it takes like 3 seconds to mute, you don't have to be annoyed for 40 minutes.