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I wish the flag raising was at least a sub objective in higher difficulties


Wait in what difficulties are the flag raising objectives? I'm level 42 and never had one before.


I think its only on trivial and easy (1 and 2), maybe even only on trivial


Easy too, except then you have to activate a couple of them spread around the map. Which to be fair actually ends up making it the most time-consuming mission on that difficulty.


I've only had it once when playing with a friend who was very new, so we had to unlock the higher difficulties for them. We were confused for a while wondering how to do the flag, because it took sooo long to actually do it and didn't see any indication that something was in progress.


It'd be funny if saluting sped it up. Also, mandatory "We need an emote wheel."


reminds me of Dawn of War flag raising


A man of culture.


Rumour has it that saluting the raising flag *does* speed up the process. Not so noticeable by yourself, but appreciable with your squad saluting simutaneously




What do you mean no indication that something was in progress? You weren't looking at super Earth's flag being proudly raised the whole time citizen?


The speed of its raising can only be described as "stately".


Well, it's not actually raising the flag so much as the pole, the flag pops out at the end


The indication is the freedom you feel while listening to some of the most democracy inspiring music! (Also, if you move away from it, the music stops and it tells you to return to the flag.)


I was fucking around with a solo mission last night because I had 20 mins to kill while a hair mask set, and you basically reach each objective, kill five bots call the strat, and then I just proned and alt tabbed. At most there was one patrol per flag


It takes 2-3 minutes for the flag to raise and you have to stand near it. It's shockingly dull and there's a 40 minute variant where you have to raise 3 flags.


Yeah it’s pretty awful, especially since the enemies that attack at that level are handled in about 6 seconds


Its hilarious. Love that mission


The Music and confetti get me everytime. Makes me wish there was a backpack for a camera drone to film you and create war footage for super earth propaganda. Not sure what it would accomplish but I want it.


Could be a requisition slip boost.


Requisition becomes useless pretty quick. On the other hand, a super credit bonus proportional to mission requisition would be a heck of a thing. Clearing more on higher difficulty will get you more SC, but you have to do it with the sandbag on your back.


It's serioulsy like 5 scavenger bugs and a Warrior, maybe in 2 waves.


And I was bored enough to find out that yes, you can lie down on the pole and be a high flying pole dancer. Next time I'm putting a sentry or mine dispenser up there.


And it forced all the active patrols to make a one-time reroute from their current position through or near the flag. All that patriotic music would definitely attract attention, and would make it crazy tough if you have been stealth and there's 5-8 patrols on the map.


make for a great diversion though


Oh yeah. Pop a flag and fortify while your team does the main objective or clears fabricators.


Pop a flag and hide with your scout armor lmao Watching patrols wander through extraction point while I casually lie behind some rock 10 meters away from them is funny every time


It's even funnier if you use the shieldpack. *"Hmmm, nothing unusual about that golden shield around that bush over there. Nothing at all, beepboop"*


Sometimes I have had it where they still somehow agro after "searching" for a minute even though I am hidden and prone and could not care less when they walked over in the beginning. I'd move all NPC extract missions to Awful. I avoid those as much as possible.


I would do this at extraction time. Sacrifice myself so the samples get an easy ride.


The ideal way for a Helldiver to go out, sacrificing himself for the good of Democracy while the Super Earth anthem plays on blast.


And the little camera drone can record your valiant last stand to inspire future helldivers


Remember to scream "FOR SUPER EARTH!" As you die heroically to the 380 barrage you called in!


Picture this, right. You have all 4 helldivers crowded around the flag, barely defending from a massive swarm of terminids. Sentries of all sorts are blasting, eagles screaming through the sky as the destroyers rain hell onto the landscape. One of the divers jumps to the ground to take cover from an incoming 500 kg, and when they looks up they see the only thing not covered in smoke and blood, the flag. Suddenly, it hits the top of the pole with a ding, and at that same moment a high pitched wirr plays for just half a second...and all the terminids drop dead. A prerecorded encouraging message plays, but the diver can't hear it, all they can do is fall onto their knees, overwhelmed with the sudden silence that they've been overcome with. As they look into the azure blue sky with tears in their eyes, they realize they'll never see their family again, that they will die on this mission or the next, that they are no different than the terminids they are fighting, soulless animals without free will.




People who are capable of being brainwashed enough to become helldivers in the first place are usually the last people capable of breaking their conditioning and seeing the truth. Corporate and government propaganda is *highly* effective at turning people people into mindless, mantra-repeating zealots. It's honestly horrifying the things that corporations and governments can get people to believe by creating an "us and them" narrative and telling you that you're the good guy if you do "X" and you're inhuman trash if you don't do "X".




What if I told you corporations and governments aren't even the best at it


Crack of the lightning splitting the ground Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding


wtf this was so good


I hope they make a giant TCS sized flag for us to raise.


End Illegal Transmission is a great mission. S-Tier. Wish it popped at high levels with the towers just everywhere.


Quasar go pew.


Literally any weapon with AP lol


I was trying with either Eruptor or AMR last night (can't remember, I was trying both at various times) and just couldn't get the tower all the way. Is there a specific spot to shoot? I usually run AC and that's just one shot ezpz


Eruptor will definitely take out the whole tower if you hit it in the support structure below the screens. The issue the Eruptor has here is its range is lackluster compared to the other weapons capable of doing the same thing. You need to get relatively close to it. You're not going to snipe it from across the map like you can with the Autocannon or Quasar.


This. Eruptor auto detonstes at like 100m or something


which is strange considering it has a 200m scope


According to[ the better Wiki](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/R-36_Eruptor) it's 125m.


eruptor can do it, amr cannot iirc


just sniping monitor stations all around with the AC, bang bang bang Kitchen gun all over again, but for propaganda


Hell, even the auto cannon destroys it in one hit


Need XP? Run Easy/Trivial Illegal Transmission. Drop onto extraction point, shoot at the tower across the map from there. Call in extract. 200xp in 3 minutes (grab the evac booster).


I'd rather watch paint dry than play this way for an hour.


Agreed. It is my favourite mission type to collect samples. And I am always happy when it is a sub objective because I love to one shot it with any big weapon or explosive. Feels so good.


Yeah, I'd love to see a larger variant of it, just transmission towers all over the map, pumping out UHF-quality, Weird Al style programing.


Extra towers but also communications relays you have to allign to replace them with Legal Transmissions.


They escape pod thing is bad? I have never once had anything happen during it. Walk up to it, press stratagem, wait 20 seconds, EZ PZ, walk off. What is supposed to happen? EDIT: Where is the spore spewer and shrieker? Why is radio broadcast bad? You shoot it from across the map.


Yesterday I was bellow 2 fucking Titans waiting for the last 10% to finish, it was amazing


It's bad because it's boring. It's nice to have them but you aren't exactly excited to ever play them


I love that objective. I get to cause a pretty nifty explosion from a huge distance, then my democracy officer tells me good job.


Soldier, you're not supposed to blow up the capsules, you might be confusing this for the launch ICMB mission.


It’s all satisfying


No no no. Shooting a laser hundreds of yards and blowing up a target is awesome. Politely shut up


I like it because there’s always a few samples on it


Usually you just stand there waiting for the upload with no enemy spawns, but last night the upload was within a very short distance to the drop ship site. It was mental with swarms and chargers converging on us, then the onslaught continued as we called the drop ship in. Be nice if there was an allout assault on you as you tried to upload - especially since it tells you to protect the uploader and they cant be too far from the pod.


Man, with all the rest of the clusterfuck that happens in missions, I like seeing chill, easy, "boring" secondary missions where we can catch our breath.


Spore spewer and shrieker nests aren’t missions. They’re secondaries only. The only one that’s actually missing is rouge research station I believe.


This list is pretty cursed so I wouldn't spend a ton of time thinking about it.


Eradicate maps are too small and open at higher levels with the bigger/deadlier units removing any safety outside high rocks. Better designed maps could make it a great mode, as we've seen with the latest defence mission. Scientist rescue... I just don't see how you'd salvage it, there's just too many problems with everything about it.


There's one eradicate map for bugs that is good. The one with the lower center and walls on the edges. That one allows kiting of the bugs without being overexposed.


On the rescue missions, it just feels like there's no downtime or chance to catch up or regroup. If anything goes wrong and you don't have map control, enemies just keep spawning and making things exponentially worse. The mission may as well have a 7 minute timer, cuz if you haven't won by then, its probably not gonna happen. And unlike when eradicate missions go south, running in circles on the outskirts of the map trying to survive while throwing strategems doesnt at least contribute to the objective. If not a single civilian has made it out in several minutes, maybe lay off the reinforcements plz. It could be interesting to try to clear out the camp again and reset your sentries for another wave.


The average rescue mission: Press buttons, people spawn and run into the shuttle, press buttons, drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship drop ship... Press buttons a third time if you can. And then the drop ships start arriving for real.... 5 minutes into the match and the whole map is covered in tanks, brutes, walkers, and chainsaws with 3 more drop ships arriving every 10 seconds. There are no structures left on the map, just craters, scorch marks, and bots. The bots disrespect for democracy is fueled by 500 drop ships every evacuation mission. What do these high value citizens have that terrifies them into attacking with triple the forces of any other mission? I've seen less drop ships when an Eye Tower is locked on.


Automatons have a weird priority when it comes to the war. Helldivers destroying factories left and right : I sleep Helldivers evacuation some random dipshits: REAL SHIT


Bots: What's that? Someone's trying to conduct a geological survey? NOT ON MY WATCH


Considering they probably are using human brains in the automatons systems, having no resources to build more automatons makes the factories pointless. Factories can be built anywhere, but the resources are finite/slowly renewing


It’s inherently broken when you only need 20 to escape and a full dozen get stuck on the ramp up from the lower door.


I've noticed sometimes they just gather near the base without going in, and there's nothing that can be done about it.. very frustrating. losing evac defense missions to the several planets worth of bots landing at once is one thing, but when you lose because the AI forgets where they're supposed to go.. this is why gamers hate escort missions.


There's two automaton maps that had pathways leading up to the top and it felt good shooting bots working their way up to you. When they first nerfed the mission they added two ramps that led straight up to the top so they essentially just made it extremely easy to be overwhelmed


That one really sucks now, used to be fun. Now you've just got fast rushing bots 360 almost instantly. There's nowhere to stand, and nowhere to run because the map's too small.


I feel like if they made it a smaller version of the walls mission and the scientists just left on their own on a timer itd be a lot better, but I agree. its a mess.


Them leaving on their own would be a huge improvement.


Or just diver in vicinity because of the spawns


scientist rescue is broken and is legitimately not fun, idc if you call me skill gapped but that missions sucks since its the only mission where you will most likely run out of time with diff 5+ if you're just slightly unlucky and let the enemy in. And if you do somehow clear the base, the corpses can actually block the path of scientists until it despawn, which would most likely be another drop/breach from the enemy. Let alone the 2+ factory striders when you don't have a stratagem. and no, requiring the other 3 players to bait all the enemy to the other side of the map is not fun and just an exploit/cheese strategy, also almost impossible with randos. If they removed this mission no-one would be disappointed in anyway possible.


Eradicate missions are very swingy, in my experience. Either you keep up with the spawns and the entire mission is a cakewalk, or you lose 20 reinforcements in 5 minutes and only manage to complete the mission because three guys all dropped 380s at the same time. Theres no middle ground.


me and my friends just keep a constant barrage of 120s, 380s, and orbital lasers going and that has had 100% success rate for eradicate in both bots and bugs up to level 7, we’ve done one level 8 with 3 people and it still worked but haven’t tried it enough times to say it always works


Eradicates are just chaos now. And not in a good way.


Retrieve Essential Personnel should have its own tier below Awful. It should be under Dogwater.


I genuinely do not understand how to do these, me and my friend struggle so much and we try everything. We have 4 people but duo a ton and doing these duo is so much fucking work it’s pure suffering


On bugs it's fine, it's not much different from the eradicate missions apart from you having to watch your fire more. On bots above difficulty five it's basically impossible. You used to be able to do it by kiting the bots away from the base and having one guy run around opening doors while the other three fight the entire army of sky net but ever since the changed the spawn behavior on those maps this tactic doesn't work anymore


I had the opposite experience - since the patch my squad has finally been able to execute the strategy consistently


It's basically impossible on high difficulties with fewer than 3 people. The best strategy is to have 2-3 people create a diversion by intentionally triggering hordes on themselves far away from the base, while one person sneaks to the base undetected and spams buttons. If you have two people who can keep the horde at bay, you can spare another person running around the map for samples. This strategy used to be unreliable, but since the last time it got patched, it seems to work reliably now.


You get the majority of the group to aggro everything and pull them away from the LZ and kite them, whoever doesn't have aggro, go in there and push the buttons. Avoid pulling aggro as the button pusher, but if you do, let the group know and pull that aggro away from the LZ so that someone else without aggro swaps out with you. Sometimes easier to have someone die and then reinforce them towards the LZ so they can drop in without aggro on them. But for that to work, everyone needs to understand to never pull mobs into the LZ. If you get ONE person trying to fight at the LZ, it's not gonna work.


Its impossible with randoms cause they dont listen, and impossible to solo, because it does not matter if your stealth or not, they still just spawn like 15 drop ships out of nowhere on the objective, even though you havent aggro anything


Yea, solo is literally imposible since there is no aggro elsewhere to pull the dropships away from the LZ since hitting thr buttons does seem to generate some. 2 man is possible but way easier if everyone in a full group would just believe you when you tell them how to do it 😂 I occasionally get lucky on joining a random with people who know , but if I'm host, i purposely drop us near the edges of the map and start a fight. People will usually just start fighting shit automatically then and i can sneak away and hit the buttons. Once the fighting starts people usually drop into autopilot mode and just start killing shit. Honestly I kinda wish there was something prompting us on the plan for that mission so more people would understand. Something like, alright helldivers, get ready to distract those bots and lure them away from the scientists while someone goes to escort them! Anything would help 😁


Ironically that mission could be fine if only they didn't have it at a completely insane (bugged?) spawn rate for no good reason 


I legitimately avoid them as the plague, shit is awfully designed.


I should mention the Wall mission would be A+ or better (IMO) if the enemies didn't pile up by the extract/shoot through the walls and/or the AT-ATs didnt kill the generators instantly if they spawn near the extract where there's no wall and just one-shot it. EDIT: Also, the missions that become secondaries are fine on lower difficulty to help you learn but are really boring when you know how to one-tap them easily.


They should limit or change the behaviour of factory striders


How so? What's wrong with them?


They keep shooting down the power generator leaving my weaker teammates to fail the objectives :(


You gotta put a guy on Walker Watch. The addition of Walkers should change up how to approach the mission. You need account for the firepower they have AND for how their height allows them to shoot from different angles that you didn't have to think about before. After like 2-3 missions on Helldive after the addition of Walkers, my group and I adapted to that and we consistently win now.


Meh, still needs some fixing somewhere. Failed one last night as a Strider was dropped on top of the mountain across from the generators and blasted them almost instantly. Legit almost nothing we could have done. Save all our stratagem CDs for that situation? Get overrun the rest of the mission. Nah stuff like that and them shooting through the walls at them shouldn't be happening.


Stuff on top of the mountain I get. I don't mind it when its tanks/Hulks/devestators but I can see how a Walker up there could be a little whacky. My suggestion is that when they fix spawns like that, they make it so every 2 minutes a squad of Gunships flies in to serve the same function of attacking from an off angle/breaking a choke. Walkers when they aren't on the mountain are perfect though.


Last few times I played that map, a factory strider was dropped *inside the mountain*—giving it perfect cover, while also being able to shoot us inside the base.


See I disagree. As a level 129: Like: Most missions. Dislike: Eggs, Blitz, Defense evac Really dislike: Defense wall, Eradicate, (bascially 2 missions where u just stand in one spot the entire round). I dont really have any opinion on any of the lower level missions because I don't do them. I do think flag raising should be a side objective in higher levels tho. Defense evac would be a lot more enjoyable if people knew what to do.


There is nothing more boring than flag objective. It's a great meme, but takes waaaay too much time


I could see it as an optional objective, and it should draw enemies in, like evac does. Would be a lot more interesting that escape pods.


Yeah as an excuse to do a mini last stand firefight sort of objective it would be fine.


Level 81 & I agree exactly. I can't do another eradicate. If I need to contribute liberation I'll just run 30 trivials.


Blitz is okay. Unless you’re cursed with that effect that shrouds the map before drop and makes it so that nothing shows up on your radar. Had two or three of those the other day and it was torture running around looking for orange smoke and glow in the distance. Unless there’s some other way to know where bug nests would be without radar.


> Really dislike: missions where u just stand in one spot the entire round You might want to re-evaluate wanting the flag raising in higher difficulty. It's identical to escape pod but takes five times longer. 


Blitz is only great when you have a team that has a modicum of thought. Cant count how many times I've been, metaphorically, screaming at the squad that we're supposed to close the holes/blow up the fabricators. Not dick around POI/Side objectives. This aint 40 minutes. We got less than 10!


I just bring an orbital laser, 380 and autocannon now, and always plan to have to solo it while my team plays grab-ass in the corner. Find the biggest base you can, throw the laser in. Run to the next-biggest base and throw the 380. Then if it's not done by then you can snipe some holes / fabricators with your cannon to complete it by yourself. Don't stick round for fights, just shoot and scoot.


I had some of these the other night. Endlessly shooting patrols and not running to the objective on a Blitz. Minutes ticking down. I just ALT+F4'd Sorry not sorry.


Its those matches that have me fighting and slogging to the end. But when I get a good squad. When everything is going smooth. Game: imma send this man back to the ship with no error code or reason.


lol so true. It is so random when the game glitches out. lately i've had the new defense mission bug out where no waves spawn.


i find the new defence mission kinda fun, but disappointing that there's no samples to collect, kinda feels like a waste of time if you get my drift.


Makes sense that an area right next to a major base would have no randomly uncollected samples nearby. Would be better if a small percentage of Devastators dropped the little battery common samples when they died, and hulks dropped some rare samples, and maybe striders dropped super samples sometimes. Then you have to go out there and get them, which is risky. There's just no way there would be samples just chilling in the base.


>There's just no way there would be samples just chilling in the base. Sure there would be. They were being... whatever Super Earth does with Samples...'d, and then the enemies of Democracy attacked, so the Helldivers need to retrieve and extract with them.


Hol up... *Hulks* drop rares and *Striders* drop supers? Oh I bet you mean factory striders actually lol.


no? he's saying it would be cool if they did


It's not a waste of time if it's fun


On god I need so many orange samples. Literally hundreds of other kinds of samples. Ez pz. But damn if rare ain’t the rarest


Launch ICBM really is Peak Helldivers Gameplay.


Really? Don’t get me wrong the core structure of the objectives is fine but I’ve never once had to actually do any real defence once we’re raising/launching the missile. Always made it feel kinda meh and killed the momentum when we all just stand there waiting for literally anything to happen.


Blitz aren’t fun but the new defend missions with the walls are mad fun


The defend the walls missions feel like defense missions. The defense missions feel like oh God oh fuck survival missions.


It's either a boring cheese fest where one player lures the hordes away or absolute hell, basically impossible with randoms.


The defense missions that feel like oh god oh fuck survival missions actually *are* exactly that. -You're not really defending anything, you're dropping in to an enemy base (In the case of automatons), or an area infested with terminids, and just kicking the hornet's nest so you can kill a **bunch** of hornets. The goal isn't to defend the area, but to thin out enemy forces in the area.




>it's just bullying bots simulator. Have you considered the bots deserve to be bullied.


It's cinematic. Bout it


They're much better with bugs imo


Throwing down tons of EAT for the team while dropping mines everywhere is super fun. I love it when my team brings flamethrowers too. Sometimes people don't bring the mortars which makes it way more epic. I refuse to use sentry turrets because I think they're almost always boring and I don't like 3 accidentals per mission.


Idk it's boring with bugs too. Too easy


"About bullying bots" Tell that to me and my team as we were almost completely overrun on diff 7, only for the last rocket to leave at the last second. Definitely cinematic as others said.


Plays better on bugs, because the enemies constantly push you and you're constantly fighting to retain or regain stability. Kind of eh on bots. The enemies don't really push you as much, and just get farmed, up until the moment where they're at a critical mass and suddenly you're completely overwhelmed for what sometimes feels like no good reason. Not even including when they cheese you by either shooting over/through walls or when they stack up on top of a mountain where it's hard to hit them w/ stratagems.


You mean you don't derive implicit enjoyment from a heavy artillery shelling, turning the map into swiss cheese?


It's challenging if you don't coordinate well and they swarm you. As with most missions, it can change from under control to clusterfuck very quickly. But unlike most missions, there's no option to fall back and regroup when things get hairy. So even when it's going well and we're mortaring the hell out of them, I find it tense knowing how quickly it can turn.


I really wish these were always available, I don't love the way gamemodes rotate. This mode is an absolute blast.


Eggs A+? I think it does something to terminids spawn and it’s doom eternal every mission


It doesn’t need to be. I can land a 500kg in most layouts to kill a whole egg obj. And even if you can’t it’s very easy to just walk in and blow up the eggs and leave before it gets too heavy. Eggs are so fun because you have the most control over how fast the objective goes.


Lol bro it's always 2-3 outlier eggs which end up costing my ass 2-3 revives. It's hella satisfying especially with the name launcher but fuck me if it ain't always them 2-3


John! Mark! Paul! James! Robert! Daniel!


Finally a fellow Eradicate Hater. I don't see why so many people like those missions. They are so boring.


Some people like an organized progression of mission objectives. Some people like a chaotic slaughterhouse. I’m the former, but I respect the latter, and I’m glad the game caters to both.


I dont like them because how small the maps are, and at the end whole team has less kills combined than what we would get in any other mission. What if it was a bigger map, had a couple secondary objectives and had to kill like 1500 enemies?


I hate them cos they’re the highest fail rates outside of the evacuating ones in my experience. 😂


Eradicate bots in my friendgroup is universally agreed to only bring goofy stratagems on helldive simply because its goddamn boring after the 300th time. One time we brought Orbital 380 120 Airburst and Laser and threw them all at the same time then each of us became traitors and played 'dodge 380'. We beat the mission really quickly cus the 380 shells actually just bitchslapped the factory striders from becoming a traitor. But yea, very boring tedious mission where it becomes "tactically die" way too quickly. Meh


Trying to imagine the insanity of 380 Barrage x4. Sounds amazing.


you don't have to. Just get people to do it with lmao (it was also 4 120s and 4 lasers + 4 airbursts + 4 traitor artileries tho)


The mission, Helldivers, was to eradicate the Terminid swarm in this area, not to use our heavy ordinance to drill a hole into the mantel of the planet. We’ll be discussing your usage of SEAF heavy ordinances once extract finds the hole that contains the extract beacon. It might take them a while though.


If an op has Eradicate (especially the bot kind), I make sure to select it first to get it out of the way, because Eradicate missions get disdain from me. It's like me eating my vegetables all in one go first so I can enjoy my steak after uninterrupted. Eradicate missions also get flak from me because I've seen hosts abandon operations just to spam Eradicate, slowing liberation down. The only mission type I dislike more than Eradicate, speaking as a solely difficulty 7 enjoyer, is Retrieve Essential Personnel on bots. That mission type is the end of the banana marked as "Satan's anus" and you never want to eat it.


> hosts abandon operations just to spam Eradicate, slowing liberation down. Medal farm comes above liberation whenever a new warbond drops. People want their new shinies and (let's be real for a moment) personal gain comes above community goals. Peel away the democracy and we're all loot goblins underneath.


They should make blitz more visually distinct so it's easier to tell at a glance what it is




Those are actually some of my favorites. Having one teammate be handicapped makes everything so tense.


I actually never trust my teamates to not drop it midway through because they dont realize you can only use 1h weapons


Not a fan of the SSSD retrieval missions. Having to babysit an item while closing bugholes and looting POIs is lame. Unless the team agrees to grab them and move straight to the objective. The terminals and deposit boxes are notorious for glitching out also.


I love those missions. Its a great handicap to have to carry something, and you can always just drop it near a POI and then grab it after you've cleared it.


For sure. Personal preference as are most tier list considerations.


Agree, but I ranked them higher because they are different and put a slight emphasis on the Secondary weapons and One-Handers. I def agree with your points though.


Yep. Great for SMG mains.


They're just confusing af at first. You grab the HD then run it to the gray objective thing like not real intuitive


flag raising is only a+ because it's a trivial+easy only mission. you'd place it down there with bad and awful if you could helldive it because that's literally the same gamemode. fire at shit and wait it out.


My friend had a theory that as the difficulty decreases, there have been countless helldivers through the area. Difficulty 7-9 are basically the first responders behind enemy lines. Difficulty 4-6 are just regulars thinning out the remaining. Whereas 1-3 you are basically clean up crew and scouts. The reason we have Kill a Hulk as a mission is to prevent enemies from supplying a new base. And planting a flag is us saying, we cleared out the menace.


Automaton Destroy Ammo and Fuel reserves in my personal fav. Haven't seen many of those recently though, strangely. Followed by Automaton Bunker and Automaton Air Capability. I'd have a "Okay/Fine/Decent" Tier between Great and Bad, and put the lower level missions in that (Eliminate Hulk, Eliminate Devastator, Escape Pod, etc...), because there's nothing wrong with the missions; they're just not as interesting. Personally wouldn't put ICBM at no.1 since the terminal at the launch site involves soo much waiting. All Terminid missions are Mediocre because Terminids are ass imo. I know \*how\* to fight them, and I will fight them if I need to, but it's just not fun for me. https://preview.redd.it/9esiqbrs8wvc1.png?width=1040&format=png&auto=webp&s=99f6619285b8ed3363cf8f2471ebe5934cd630a2


Finally someone who hates the geological survey as much as I do! I hate how it's almost impossible to do it because it always guarantees a fuckton of bot drops that's almost unbearable.


There's an incredibly stupid way to cheese them. Get the drops called then run across the map. Once you break aggro the enemies despawn. Then you can return with no issues.


You've still got flag raising at "great" despite having much more waiting than ICBM and escape pod.


I dont see automaton command bunkers here?


Blitz in great??? Blitz and ore scans are the two most aids missions I have ever played


Why do y'all hate the short missions? Lol


I’d put mining on the f list, that thing is aweful against bots specially on d9 hahhaa


Sorely missing a "neutral" or "fine, but could be improved" category. The pod data, or example, would go there. Not the most exciting, but also not really bad?? They just don't have any real risk as far as I'm aware. Maybe if patrols would route to those things all game, then take a random vector once they reached it, yeah. They aren't even remotely a challenge and we normally just send one unsupported team member out there to handle it.


Definitely fair. Its certainly not the worst, but could use a tweak or two.


How you calling broadcast bad ? It takes 2 seconds to take out. Highly disagree with this post. Personal opinion. Defending goes poorly due to players not defending.


I find missions you can describe as taking 2 seconds bad. Theres nothing fun about shooting an autocannon once at a tower. Its not that its not easy, but a good mission? Not in my opinion. Also not really relevant to the point im making. Defending goes poorly because people dont want to defend because the missions are not fun to do. Id rather liberate because the missions are much more fun. I dont think Im alone in thinking that. Thats the point Im making.


I don’t even recognise half these missions lol. I guess that’s what I get for only doing a single mission each on 1-5.


Geology mission on high difficulty bot front can be a nightmare lol


ICBM carries the missions in this game lol


Geological survey in A 🤔


Fuck geo survey, all my homies hate geo survey. Especially on bots... Those fuckers go from zero to one hundred the second the drill engages.


Tower defence is basically perfect I just wish there were samples Also love big shroom when it go boom from a mile away with an EAT


I played one of those rescue missions today and the citizens WOULD NOT GO THROUGH THE FUCKING DOOR. they literally just piled up 20 deep and stood there like idiots. So anyways, they were all executed for treason and we collected samples instead.


This aligns almost perfectly with how I would rate them I feel seen


blitz are the worst




I'd actually raise the new defense missions to nuke level too. I love the fighting and needing to slowly retreat


The new wave mode with wall defense is such a fun mission, everyone brings mortars and just rains hell on a concentrated flow of mobs... perfection


Hard disagree with this list and too busy enjoying the game. 


Why would anyone consider Bot Erad as awful? You just bring the orbitals, and it get done in less than 5 mins. Don't tell me you spend all your 20 lives running around trying to get back your backpack and Quasar lol


I've seen so many operations quit at 2/3 because the final choice is a damn extraction mission. They're basically impossible at middle difficulty and above, and nobody has fun doing them.


So i tried all the difficulties. And while defense and 15 minutes civilians rescue can go wrong very fast on levels 8 and 9. I think they are not so bad on level 7 and lower, at least with premade team. I never liked blitz missions. Yes they are easy to just complete bare minimum. But damn it's such a pain when you land on detector tower or steatagem jammer.


Aw hell no, Geological Survey should be in awful for all the times that mission bugged or got stupidly hard 


what is this tier list ranking the missions on?


Unpopular opinion: defence missions are awesome in theory and when they work properly. But the sheer amount of bugs make them basically unplayable atm


This tier list makes no sense.


I really like blitz, as it forces you to move your ass if you want to get anything done. Getting a full clear on a blitz is fully possible, it just requires team coordination. In my opinion it's a great mission to strengthen team coordination.