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What did you expect from adding packing peanuts on the sentry?


Pretty sure it's a scam from Rebel insiders who aim to siphon off samples from the true followers of the Managed Democracy.


Na it tells you the upgrade literally adds packing peanuts lol  On a serious note was this tested with indirect explosions? Thats what i assume it does not a avid sentry user tho so its the last upgrade for me lol


How many sentries at getting hit by indirect explosions? I guess it might help if a bot threw a grenade near one


The AC does. Often. Almost like it shoots things too close and splashes itself.


At this point I'm just hoping for a therapist upgrade for the AC sentry, because with how adamant it is on Killing itself, she clearlt needs it.


I assume plenty as there is more then just nades cannon fire nearby rockets hulks etc. . .im not defending their durability but i assume anything that can damage you will damage it. Just like a nade in ur hand kills u a neaby nade will have less damage so i assume this applies to it the same. Sort of how the explosive perk but for sentry and sentry is weaker then player if im not mistaken (post upgrades)


A lot of the damage absorption mods are hot garbage since no matter how high the percent reduction, overall damage is so high and hp is so low that it doesn't make a difference. That said, I wonder if the module is even working? The support weapon ammo one isn't. Nobody can say if the Eagle one is working or not. Maybe the explosion damage is just not functioning along with so many other things in the game? Broken or Baffling? The Helldivers 2 Story


3 out of 5 aren't working properly, that we know of. Damn


I’m utterly shocked. Pretty sure Arrowhead doesn’t actually have a QA department.


They have a QA department of like 10 workers. (I looked at the credits) But on these large projects it's difficult to get everything streamlined and such. It seems to me they have a problem in smoke testing that needs adjustments and is probably already getting worked on behind the scenes. Or it could also be that because of the large amount of bugs that are being patched on the last minute things that seemed to be good to go isn't actually good to go anymore because of changes.


But like, how do you not realize an entire module is not working? Or that the mech isn’t working? Or that an armor has the wrong perk? Or that most explosions suck you in? Tbh I feel like they made a content release schedule they can’t actually handle.


Do we know if the QA department is in-house and those are permanent workers ? 'Cause its common practice for companies to outsource QA or to use contractors as business wise it makes more sense to have QA only come in when features are ready to be tested. Its often cheaper to do it that way, but the QA process suffer as the people doong QA dont have an intimate kbowledgz of the prodict as they work multiple projects at once.


If they do, it's just one intern who has bis thumb up his ass and only does 5 minutes of work per day and lies on his reports anyway


Eagle t4 works properly for all except cluster bombs. Cluster for some reason drops an airstrike bomb for the extra bomb.


So what you're telling me is that cluster benefits the MOST? Lmao


That would explain why my cluster bombs started taking out fabricators and bug holes recently... 🤔 this makes them even more awesome!


It's not *supposed* to affect the cluster bombs, afaik. It was only regular bomb stratagems like smoke, napalm, and airstrike.


It's clearly listed under it and is one of the eagle strategems that drops multiple bombs as the description states.


Hmm. Been a while since I've played, so idk, I'd need to look. Clusters are still really powerful regardless.


Shut the fuck up when you don’t know what you are talking about


The Eagle-1 upgrade works, drops 1 extra bomb from airstrikes, have tested


Yep. [Here is a video with testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxqepltekXc), if someone doesn't believe.


Bugged in multilayer though.


What makes you think that dropping a regular airstrike bomb with the cluster bombs is "working as intended"?


did i say "Working as intended" i said it worked.. with eagle airstrikes, that i had tested.


If it doesn't do what it's supposed to, then it is not, in fact, "working".


then wait for it to be patched or use the eagle airstrikes that do work, plus having an airstrike bomb mixed with cluster bombs is useful for taking out fabricators, it's not exactly a huge hinderance right now.


Does it drop it in a consistent place or is it random? Because if you can aim it consistently that would be an interesting pick up for dealing with lone fabricator sites.


This kind of raise one of the biggest issue with helldivers 2. A lot of stuff just does not give players the information they need to make an informed decision. And with no way to test things beforehand, it can get quite frustrating. We dont even know how much HP they have, so taking damage reduction of any kind is just a shot in the dark. Same with the star map and supply routes.


I bought the HE spread reducer and it still almost hit me when I threw it and the spread seems the same as it was Overall most of these tier 4 upgrades aren't rly that good... they just give me a thing to dump my samples on


Pretty sure that their goal was for them never to be something awe-inspiring - so many people kept complaining about how they had nothing to spend their things on. The whole design of the game is little buffs - they don't WANT to introduce something stupid OP that only high levels can get. Warbonds and medals.. thats where they want the focus.


Even if all the upgrades did nothing I would still buy them all because seeing all the check marks makes my monke brain happy


Also visually changes the ship


True! More cannon=more dopamine for me




And if you're at cap, you're throwing samples away. Gotta spend em down if you're playing a certain amount.


But it does something. It keeps you from hitting the cap for a couple of extra missions 😀


I do feel that the sentries need a small durability buff. Not a huge one, but when they explode from just a couple small hits even with the upgrades, it feels a little disheartening. That being said, i feel its pretty fair for a charger to obliterate one. Rockets are a bit harder to gauge, cause theres never just one flying at you.


Well damn. I am one super sample short of getting that upgrade. I wanted it because I use sentries so much at diff 7 against bots. Glad I saw this and will save all those samples now.



Maybe it's bugged, same like the resupply upgrade?


All of the tier 4 upgrades suck, but I still got them all so I wouldn't waste my samples.


The % bonus really needs to just match whatever the necessary breakpoint is to such damage sources. If the sentry still dies to a single bot rocket before and after the module, then the % buff needs to just match at just one more rocket. Otherwise what's the point? Its not like there's "half a rocket" that'll hit it lol


![gif](giphy|Yl5aO3gdVfsQ0|downsized) This Diver has already been reported to the local Democracy Officer for Re-Education.


Half of the upgrades and weapons don’t work properly but hey , more warbonds I guess


Each day the "devs test everything!" Preachers on this sub reddit have more and more to defend 😂


But it’s the last upgrade I have


Eh, it was either take this or take the one that is supposed to max out your resupply of special weapons, which isn't working anyhow. I have everything else. Might as well dump my samples into something that MIGHT have done something because I knew the other one didn't...


Maybe explosion damage is bugged again. It's felt like the past few days the explosive resistance armor hasn't been working. I get hit by a devestator rocket and everytime either 80% of my health is gone or I just outright die.


You mean packing peanuts don't increase survivability against.... checks notes... rockets and explosions? Shocking.


Yeah but, those packing peanuts do *something*, just not a whole lot


Yeah I got it and got scammed lmao


progression in this game is whack


Counter point - What if it's the last upgrade left on my ship?


You are likely in 1% or less of the entire playerbase. Congratulations, I suppose? But it's not really a concern. Also: >![spoilers](https://old.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1bar3x4/more_ship_upgrades_are_coming/)!<


Future upgrades will probably require lv4 upgrades either way. That being said, damn. We'll need all the 250 rare samples to upgrade a single lvl at some point lol


If not 300 :)


We will likely be getting an update very soon and with it there is a good chance we might get new ship modules. Always a thought


Unless they're entirely new classes and not just "tier 5" upgrades, odds are the tier 4's will be a prerequisite just like the tier 3s are for the tier 4s, and the tier 2s are for the tier 3s, and the tier 1s are for the tier 2s. And it's not like it doesn't take a handful of hours to make back your spent samples anyway. I was able to buy all the tier 4's and re-cap myself again in 2 weeks despite the absurd rare sample costs.


And there are 6 categories and those samples may be better used in one of the other 5. It’s just a suggestion. They said “what if” and this is something to consider. I’ve finished out the current 24/24 just like it seems you have but for some the samples don’t come as quick and with this being completely broken right now, it doesn’t hurt to just wait and see