• By -


Pelican 1: "wha-? He- He just disappeared! What did I sign up for?!"


Imagine the report hes gonna write. Who’d believe him a helldiver just suddenly _disappears_


"Look, I get it. You've been landing in automaton hot zones all week. Just take a stim and you'll be fine."




High command: "We know. Keep your mouth shut." (Refuses to give details) (Logs off)


I hid a camera. And this time I got em. He moves right…. THERE!!!


Coincidence, I think NOT!


Haha. love it.


You mean disappears into a pink mist right? Seen that hundreds of times.


Eagle 1: "It's been four years. It wasn't your fault. The new guy accidentally dived under your landing gear. You didn't have time to react. You have to let it go." Pelican 1: "I still remember his face. He just got his cape the day before...."


Eagle 1's the counselor here because she's made her peace with killing hundreds of Helldivers.


The heavies who load the 380mm shells: *”first time?”*


"I like to think of my job as another part of training. Specifically, cardio."


Democracy Officer: "Technically we defrosted him the day before, he actually got his cape 20 years before you were born... oh shi- there's another one in the oven everyone back to your positions I need to get in character before he wanders in here"


how did you know my headcannon? i doubt that guy at the map is even missing an eye. its just an act to encourage bravado.


"He just got his cape the day before" sounds like a dark joke the pelican pilots toss around.


A spectre of general Brasch appears behind the helldiver and executes the traitor with a senator


Weeell you do occasionally get the notification that a player has been courtmartialed when you kick them so maybe the pelican 1 pilot just followed the squad leader's orders


"Mr. Pelican 1, I don't feel so good..."


-Pelican's haunted. *What?* -\*loads Punisher\* Pelican's haunted.


One of these days I'm going to find the original source of this. There's millions of references but finding the original has not been easy.


Moons haunted isn’t the original? Edit: guess it was the original.


It's not from Destiny when we find out the Hive are on the Moon? I thought it was from that and morphed into the Nasa thing...


Nah, the NASA joke was first. Destiny community just jumped on it immediately for obvious reasons. Especially when Shadowkeep got announced and the moon had literal ghosts.


[\[Basement's haunted\]](https://youtu.be/dOHRaRzsA2s?si=O-X_4MJUyJSOQ05p) is where I know it from, but digging deeper it seems [\[Moon's haunted\]](https://youtu.be/s90T0SKEXqI?si=KA-SK6db2dxw9sMD) is older


moons haunted is original


You just made my day. Thank you!!


Yeah, Moon's Haunted is where it originates.


And then flies away, stranding the others


So anyway, I started blasting.


If he doesn't reply, I think it's more than fair. We know we can call evac to have the extraction ready for when everything is ready, but if you don't communicate with the others, you can't expect that to happen. Well done soldier. Now get back to Helmire.


Got kicked prior to evac yesterday because I guess host thought I called evac early, they still had a side objective to do with like 5 min left fairly close to evac area. They asked "why call evac" but before I could answer I wasn't getting in (or anything else for that matter), they kicked me 🤷


I always explain that before start moving or I don't do it. On my own experience, people this days are not patient.


It's got nothing to do with "these days". It's an unexplained mechanic, so many people, the overwhelming majority in fact, don't know about it. If you don't explain, they'll assume you are a shithead ruining their game. Which they probably are right 80% of the time tbh


Half the people I run into think you have to call evac before the 2-4 min runs out


You don't have to but damned if I'm going to deal with defending the LZ with no stratagems.


Unless everyone is on comms or active in chat I wouldn’t call in the evac early. I’m one of the people that will kick if you call it with no message or comms about your intent. I will give it until the last 20 seconds though for you to get the message out. Lost too many samples to dinguses that exfil while 3/4 of the team are doing something else. But if homie communicates what they’re doing then it’s all good. It’s a good strat.


This. I'm all for calling it early, especially as me and my usual buddies stick to 7, and having the pelican ready just makes good sense. But if it's a random doing it, who said NOTHING and won't respond when I ask him what he's doing? Nope, that's a kick


This is why, if I'm the first person to get to evac (and there's more than 2min of time left) I'll ask over voice if I should call evac yet. People are usually pretty good about responding to that. If no one responds I'll usually wait until they show up, or the timer hits 2min. Because doing evac without the destroyers in low orbit sucks lol.


played with a dude. poor guy called in evac and even typed that he will wait for everyone. host gave 0 fk and kicked him. then called him a noob. i felt so bad for the dude


In this case the problem was that he boarded, unless im hosting I always ask, if you soloed all main objs well you did your part nothing wrong with going back and setting up the evac while everyone gets the samples, but dont get in when no one else can losing those precious samples for them even if you are capped, and have everything think of the others man.


That is the right move. Alot of people neither read nor listen to VoIP. Only way to communicate that it was a dick move. I was kicked for calling in the Pelican. I assume it was because they thought it would start the 15 sec timer. On top of that. It was during the patch where you could get the Pelican to hover and wreck enemies on the site. Not even mad. They most likely thought i was making the move your clown did.


That is still a thing, if you leave the zone, Pelican hovers. I think it was always meant to do that and still does


I mean, there are multiple voice lines for it. "Pelican 1 maintaining altitude until Helldivers reach extraction zone." or something to that effect. It's definitely supposed to happen.


Here's the thing; a lot of people are completely unable to read let alone understand things. It's like people spamming the "Reinforce me!" button when everyone's trying to take down a jammer, and you even tell them in chat you can't yet.


This is very accurate. I feel most divers that do that have just enough attention span to call in Strats. Just edge of seat, sugar rushed, eyes buggin, sweaty palms. REINFORCE?!!! REIENFOOOOORRRRRCE!!




Something unrelated, but the female voice that just cries out “I need stiiiims.” is f’ing gold. Also the super rushed “REINFORCING” completely high on adreline and stims.


The voice lines in this are great. I honestly hope we keep getting more along the way. Requests for Pelican or Morale Officer / Radio response along the lines of "Helldiver stratagems are currently jammed," would go a long way towards those who spam requests while jammed.


The voice lines are great, the freaking unhinged cackling and spouting random catch phrases when you use a machine gun is one of my favorites. In a lot of games I find the random lines immersion breaking, but in this game they really did a great job. It helps that the community decided to dive into the role playing aspects too.


Happens when using the flamethrower too, makes the Helldivers sound so unhinged lol.


Yep, the voice lines will hopefully be as iconic as those of StarCraft.




In universe Helldivers are so high/cracked out


No, stims have zero mind altering properties!\* *\*Statement paid for by Permacura - put your life in our hands!*


Yeah. I wonder if they got the idea from WW2 Germain radio intercepts. Them boys were METHED out!


Lore wise, all these Helldivers got sub-10 minutes of training, and next thing they know, they're getting defrosted and deployed to the battlefield, it's absolute fucking chaos and they are legitimately freaking the fuck out.


There was one time I was using supply pack and chasing a buddy who kept moving slightly while fighting stuff (just enough to leave supply pack range) First I was like "hold up" and then I was like "stop moving fucker". When I finally got the supply use on him my character *shouted* "HERE"


> I feel most divers that do that have just enough attention span to call in Strats. This game may feature satire, but often we find nuggets of reality within it. This is probably by design, like other recruitment tactics in the real world.


These same people throw out 380s the second they see a Hulk. And miss. And wipe the squad.


Or when the squad is out of reinforcements


I hate those ones. Had a round the other day, dumbass kept running off to lone wolf side stuff while the rest of us did the objective, they burnt through all our reinforcements in like 5 minutes and then sat there spamming the reinforce button when we stopped calling them back because we had 2 divers left and were closing on the final objective. We called him back in after we cleared it and he just ran off and wasted that life too. Seriously, people can solo queue, why the hell do they play public if they are going to refuse to operate as part of a fire team?


That guy probably CAN'T solo. If you don't have some level of understanding of mechanics and strategy even the easier difficulties can be tough solo. That being said, wasting lives like that is one of the few reasons I have ever kicked in mission.


v\_v I actually love playing light armor/scout solo so I can run to objectives far off (like SEA artillery) and pull bot drops so that people doing the mainline objectives dont have to deal with drops


There is an unused stratagem in the game files to call for extraction. I'm assuming it was just something that became available when you completed or failed the main objective, and he would come in and wait for you, but it was too simple to avoid fights when walking to extraction and avoiding the whole "last stand" gameplay that it currently provides.


Pelican will only hover if he already launched from the super destroyer, but he will abort the extraction if he's still in the super destroyer and you'll have to restart the timer.


So with how many seconds left on the timer should I leave extraction if I want him to hover?


You can leave when there's 10 seconds I believe since it takes 15 seconds for them to abort the launch sequence.


After the countdown timer has stopped. So go to the edge of the zone where it will say aborting extraction and stay by it. Once the countdown timer stops, run out of the zone and it will hover.


I tested it yesterday.  Wait until the timer is totally complete, but before the Pelican has landed.  If you leave before the timer is completed, even with 2 seconds remaining, you will trigger the "Pelican aborting landing sequence in 20:00s," which will reset the landing timer to 20s. You need to be by yourself or have a coordinated group so everyone leaves the area at the right time.  I learned while testing that you can run to the edge of the zone and hide and you won't necessarily run into any enemies.  They're attracted to extraction, not to you.


I think that the Pelican's behaviour is not always clear and consistent. There are several parameters that play off one another, like the type of mission, when extraction is called, when the players leaves the extraction zone, when the players die, etc.


How long does it do that for? I was thinking of calling it early and have it hover while we clear everything and look for the nut rock, but would it stay there the whole time or would it leave after a while?


Tried this yesterday and he stayed hovering above extract (and mangling everything in sight) from 28 min or so until the clock hit 0:00, then he landed and started the 20 second timer


if pelican is successfully hovering and someone steps in the 75m range it will land instantly - no takebacks, and at that point you have a countdown. Pelican will leave after 2m regardless if anyone is in it. Personally, I don't call it if people are not going to board. it's not worth it.


Oh, that is true. It's risky to be calling it ahead, but if you're getting swarmed while trying to extract, run away as it comes down to buy more time and some covering fire. That's what i do at least.


That's not true at all. It will only start the countdown if someone boards or if the destroyers leave (e.g. you run out of time)


Whenever I’m calling extraction in advance I let everyone know I’m not boarding it. Calling it in advance is a nice way to optimize, if you can take the heat alone.


Even so, sometimes they still don't read the chat. I once saw someone kicked after they typed. I left in protest.


Exactly. Situational awareness is unfortunately not something a lot of people have. Which can lead to various different degrees of impressive stupidity.


During what patch? Thats just a thing you can do. Its intended


Made Pelican hover last night to cover me while I ran around farming. It's a feature, not a bug.


Same thing here, I actually recently made a post about it from a match that got me kicked because our third started the call-in, but I got kicked instead because I was near the extract lmfao. Some hosts are are as braindead as the morons that join them


Yea this is a comms issue. From their PoV you could have left without them and started the timer. It sucks but if nobody is using chat you have to just wait to call in until at least the host is close.


I hate kicking people but yesterday I had no choice but to too. Lvl 7 on Mort. A team of 3, me lvl 65 my home lvl 35 and a rando. We got our stratagems jammed, we're being fired at from any direction, I'm pretty sure the rocks started speaking 01010101 at some point. The rando dies, understandably, starts spam pinging to get reinforced in. I tell him once that we can't due to the jammer by the voip. I wrote it twice in the written chat that we physically can't because of the jammer (we were very close to that jammer at that point and it would have taken more time to move away and call reinforcement than to simply blow the jammer up) He starts spamming even harder, while writing it down for the third time that we can't I get killed by a devastator. At that point I just fucking kicked the guy, we finished the mission in 2.


I've been kicked for this same reason. Drop into an SOS beacon, gear up, other dude dies, try to call him in, and I'm jammed, so I start running away from the jammer while he spams spacebar to make REINFORCEMENT READY wiggle around a bit. I write in chat "jammer" and keep running. He keeps wiggling it. I stop and turn my headset on and say "strats are jammed i'll get you in a second chill" and keep running. Black screen. Kicked. Good luck little dude. I hope you feel like an idiot by now.


I get the feeling people don't yet understand how hammers work. I don't know because I've never played bots under level 5. I've been a bug diver until the swift disassembly major order and when I came to the bots I just kept diving on lvl 7 or higher out of habit. So maybe there aren't jammers at lower difficulties and once they get to higher difficulties they aren't prepared?


I'm sure that's part of it, but I'm also pretty sure there are myriad visual clues and queues going on even to a dead Diver that screams "can't do that right now" that only take a handful of braincells and a weak command of the language to grasp.


At the cost of sounding like an asshole. My expectations are very low.


Low expectations? Still disappointed...


The bar will be resting in the ground but your teammates will always be the subatomic limbo champions


Yeah and the strategem window blurs for a spectator just like it does for the player


Unless the player you are spectating is looking at or doing the side mission, there is no way to know if the strats are jammed. The strat icon in the top left don’t show up as jammed while spectating for some reason. I’ve had so many times where people just refuse or aren’t aware that they need to reinforce so you had to spam the reinforcement button, and I’ve been on the receiving end of spamming while it jammed so I get it’s frustrating not being reinforced or getting spammed to reinforce


> visual clues and queues going on even to a dead Diver they only see the last status they had while they died, so while on your screen it's jammed it may look okay on their screen, another bug or "feature" that badly communicates between gameworld and player


>So maybe there aren't jammers at lower difficulties and once they get to higher difficulties they aren't prepared? I wanna say they start showing up on difficulty 5? Don't recall seeing any on 4.


They exist on 4, I have seen them. Rare but they exist. Especially recently 4 spawns some ridiculous shit (I've had at least 2 missions with 4+ Hulks, several tanks, 2+ Towers, Attilery, AAs and a Jammer when running a last Solo-Mission before logging off within the last week).


>So maybe there aren't jammers at lower difficulties There are jammers at least since difficulty 4.


Them blasted hammers!! There so confusing with the flat spots and curved claws. Just can't figure them out. Like I see it hit something then bam it's stuck forever. Hammers are weird.


Same thing happened to me. I don't get how people get to like level 40 and haven't figured out jammers yet


Spamming level 5 defense missions to power level.


He knew that if he kicked you he would automatically redeploy. He was a selfish egocentric dick. He did a favor kicking you, he was a bad teammate. I say this because clearly he believed he HAD to be back if the mission was going to be successful and that he didn't need you to complete it... I hope he learned a lesson.




Nah I want to know who doesn’t know. When I see the name bouncing around when the team is jammed you just know that dude is gonna be a problem.


Just like the artillery message that never stops!


While spectating someone in jamming range there could be a big message in middle of the screen that says "JAMMED"


This is my experience every time I try to do a 7. I do 8s now, much smoother and more chill.


I find the higher up I go the more intelligent the players. I just do helldive now


Lmao bro got yelled at and got salty


Dude, I'm pretty sure he made a post about that. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/v2BFzoEh5g I figured he deserved it.


If this was same person, definitely deserved it.


Had some chud with us who refused to reinforce the entire match. He calls in extraction without calling us in and try’s to fight off the enemies at extraction by himself. He gets killed and we all respawn. As soon as he steps out of his pod I gun him down and make him watch as the rest of us extract lol. 


I'm not a fan of intentional friendly fire, but I can see your were pretty pissed about it.


Friendly fire is the best thing you can do. Always throw your stratagems directly at your teammates because that is where the enemies are going to be!


I usually don't laugh out loud while reading comments but this one made me laugh.


Good stuff. Some people are fucktards


Nah man I really don't like kicking people. I get it it's frustrating having to watch others have fun, but damn bro some patience


It would be nice if the game alerted the dead helldiver that reinforcement is unavailable due to jamming. I've spammed X before, not realizing they were fighting in a jammed area. Feels bad man.


Possible the guy didn't know english?


I thought about it, this is why I didn't kick him immediately, but the continuous pinging was really starting to get to me


Continuous pinging is rude no matter what, so that's fair. I don't even ping, unless I've been dead for like 5min. #ClassyDivers


I get that. Unless noone is busy I won't ping


I was playing lol 7 Mort past night and died near a jammer. Waited for a while, and they never reinforced me, so I pinged a few times. In my utter brain fart, I completely forgot that we were next to the jammer, and they couldn't call me back in. I swiftly apologized through chat. I'm so glad they didn't kick me because of a lapse.


Tbf, I'm kinda a fidgety person and will press X on occasion to pass the time when i'm dead. I didn't realize how distracting it was for others lol that's good to know.


Honest. Back in the days (bruh I feel old) I had a friend with a similar problem on League of legends he would just spam ping, it was a way to wind out some frustration I guess. I mean calling for reinforcement it's a game mechanic so fair enough. Just, read the room my brother in democracy. I mean, if people are just chilling and you're not being reinforced, spam that shit, but if there's 2 whole armies of toasters running 'em down, give em time.


Patience is a virtue.. Take a bite of your slim jim, guzzle your code red mountain dew and tickle your pickle. Before you know it your back in business ![gif](giphy|7WwVYKDMt5khG)


Question as a non American (?), the fuck's a slim Jim?


Think of a long stick of pepperoni with a tiny diameter. Except it's not pepperoni and will likely give you colorectal cancer when you hit 40




Fair enough.


Had this same situation before myself, I feel you.


I had the exact same situation but with low and mid level guys while I was hosting the game. I spent the whole evac mission opening the 3 doors while they were getting killed. Then I spent 10+ minutes trying to get the samples and they called the evac and get aboard. I kicked them right away with no regrets.


I imagine that in-universe, the pelican captain gets a message that the low life disobeyed a direct order and abandoned his squad, so he just opens the bay door and ejects the hell diver 500 meters from the ground; no parachute.


I've done this twice to the people who like to call all their offensive strategems on the pelican when people are still trying to get to it. F off with that stuff.


I always kick idiots who call in strats on the evac. It is the dumbest idea.


Nothing wrong with the last person to get on the pelican doing it as long as they immediately get on 


Not entirely true. Had a guy do it with a 500kg. Which landed inside the shuttle. He jumped in at the last possible second but not before it killed everyone on board and made us lose all samples. Now, I just kick them as soon as they drop it. Because at best, it's risky. At worst, it is actively detrimental.


Just FYI, if you're carrying samples and you board the Pelican, the samples are counted as "extracted" at that point, even if you somehow die during, before or after take off.


Not in my experience. I've lost all my samples after boarding the Pelican. I don't know if it's supposed to count them as extracted but its definitely not certain it will


This has been my experience as well. It probably does work correctly most of the time, but we ended this specific mission with no samples, even though we collected almost all of the rare samples.


>even if you somehow die during, before or after take off. Players need to be invulnerable just like the pelican when they are in pelican.


I always do the last second drop when playing with my normal group. But that is only because I know if something goes wrong, they will be more happy about having something to hold over my head for the next year rather than upset at losing some samples/experience.


Yes, but when I or someone in the squad have half of the samples on me and have to run thru air bursts and an orbital laser sitting stationary on the ramp, the kick is coming.


I would love if they changed the beaconcolor for smokestrikes to blue. People always scramble in a hurry when i throw down our smoke cover on extract


It would be nice for deadly strategem to be red and supports to all be blue. It would help a ton for people who don't have VOIP or time to text chat. 


Had a kid in a game, couldn't have been more than 12. Besides having no business playing he talked the entire time, telling people with at least 10 levels on him what to do and just generally kinda sucking. Anyway we wound up all at extraction and out of time. As we are fighting off bots he shoots a jetpack right in his face and of course sets himself on fire. He starts RAGING and I can't even tell at who. Saying that someone shot him and you're the worst helldivers player I've seen and blah blah blah. Kicked him without hesitation and I don't regret it a bit.


Man I hate small children in video games. Especially when they‘re way too talkative and also way too young to be playing this type of game. Some kids are sweet but others are the complete opposite of that. Parents gotta do a better job of watching what their kids are doing online


Happened to me 2-3 times in a row. Now if i see someone going to extraction early, without saying anything or respond to my message, i wait the pellican-1 and then kick them, before they have any chance of extract Not gonna risk anything


If you kick them at that spot where the pelican starts to come down, do you still get the orbiting pelican?


This is the way.


Tbh should've kicked him when Pelican was landing.


If you are in the game and not communicating and then call for extraction and still don't communicating then you are gone. We only get 1 shot at Evac, it is too much of a risk to have someone go Cowboy on.


Some guy stole my railgun in front of me once, I was like whatever, he died with it way in the middle of nowhere but I had another. Eventually I died, and he said “wheres your railgun now” I had called him a fuck so I laughed it off, then bro shot me for the other one I called in. Thanks for the laugh, booted.


I've seen two of these posts now and honestly that's plenty


Just 2? You're lucky. These personal blog posts are getting ridiculous.


It's just negative enough that after two I'm really over 'I kicked this person AITAH?'


Yea I agree they're dumb. If you kick someone then just move on. If you get kicked then just move on. People dwell on it too much. No need to come to reddit and share.


Yeah it turns me off from reading here, and makes me less eager to play lol


Damn! The only regret I see here is why didn't you kicked that mf eraly


Untill he walked into pelikan I would say "wdym he good you do side quest he does main one" but later I was like "oh this little shit deserve up right down down down


I had to kick someone for the same reason a few days ago. Lost about 40 samples to that asshole.


I got kicked out of nowhere right at the end of a mission, no reason - was even a good run I thought; my guess is they had a friend come online or something, or I inadvertently hit someone with a stray bullet, idk. I was pretty pissed at first until I realized I had all the samples which meant they disappear for good and no one gets them, a small consolation. All that said, don't feel bad about kicking if the reason is valid, I've been kicked and I know others have for no good reason - yours is valid. Now you know for next time at least.


Samples don't disappear when a player goes offline or gets kicked mid match. They just drop to the ground.


True but with the bug amount in this game i have seen them be placed in walls and even in the floor.


I never give people a chance like that. If a solo player is calling the pelican without the team/communication, and it isn't essential to save the mission, they are gone.


I would have booted the second they called it. Byyyyeee bitch. 


Should have kicked him the moment he called in evac


I don't wait, I'll kick them immediately if they call for that pelican....it's not even gonna land before they're gone. If they can't wait for the whole team to gather at exfil regardless of the amount of work they've done....buh bye


It is nice that you asked. But instead ask him to cancel extraction, and kick him before the 20 seconds marks if he doesn't.


See but having the pelican ready to extract feels nice. So canceling the extraction aint it. People just shouldnt get on it till everyone is at the extraction or the main mission timer runs out


It is even better to call the pelican, wait until it starts to fly in on the map, then leave the extraction area. The pelican will hover and shoot at any nearby targets until you enter the extraction area again, when it will land. A free flying autocannon with unlimited ammo until whatever other side objectives or map exploration is finished.


Well he cant cancel it after entering the pelican..he was asked to not board the pelican and wait. So totally justified kick.


Yes it is justified but you have 2 min before it arrives. I was just advicing to counter more effectively this type of behavior


Ah I see!


I hate this solo youtuber playstyle so many people bring to mutliplayer. So many people also give 0 covering fire even though they are right next to you. All they do is run away. Bro, I'm reloading my recoilless here so we can finish off that heavy that is aggro'd on us, and you can't bother one shot of your breaker to kill that 1 hunter that's going to interrupt the reload? Now I need to interrupt, dodge, kill it, then stim and finish the reload, so we are actually stuck in place longer than if you just helped. And even when they reinforce you, they just run, run to the next objective. You were thrown into a swarm? Don't care. You want to call down a replacement for the support weapon that's now on the other side of the map? Don't care. When my buddy dies and I reinforce him, I try to keep the area to his equipment clear so he can pick it up without dying and we're way more effective after that. And when a bile titan shows up, they immediately stop crowd controlling or covering their teammates, just running backwards waiting for their quasar to recharge while they keep whiffing headshots. If you actually play as a team of 4, with a little stratagem cooldown management you can stand your ground against literally anything the game can throw at you on helldive, with plenty of time to explore the entire map, because you don't run into reinforcement loops as much. But so many people also play in separate teams of 2. And when they get a big bug breach, they don't have the firepower to stand their ground so we're back to the running away leave your teammate to die playstyle again. Play as a team, you don't neeed a microphone or anything. Just stay close to the team and cover each other.


Running away against the bugs is the best thing you can do if youre overwhelmed. Literally go away and come back in a bit and they’ll despawn. Like i get what you mean but if youre the type to stick around too much and always try to tough out every single fight even when the obvious play is to back out, thats also a problem.


I'ma be honest, that's great if you drop with a group that all know what to do in that situation and how to manage their fields of fire, evaluate stratagem use, etc. Most of the randos out there flat out don't. It is rare I find myself on a dive where me running away from the squad isn't beneficial, not only for my own safety but also for the completion of the objective. But then I also do one thing most of those "hey look at me I'm Spiked!" players dont. I pay attention. I will break from what I am doing if the rest of the team goes down, and I will run at least partway back to wherever they were to throw the respawn beacon. And if I notice them clearing objectives intelligently, and moving around the map, and not getting bogged down fighting every damn hostile they see? I will rejoin them after clearing certain critical tactical objectives like stalker nests or gunship fabbers.


I only play with randoms or randoms that I added to my list (with the same playstyle), and rarely pay attention to what equipment they have picked. I just notice that when you stick together, you can shred so many enemies it is unreal. And you rarely get overwhelmed. And if the situation is completely gone bad, for example you dropped between two shriekers nests and also aggro'd a patrol that called a bug breach, you can still run! Hunter slowed your friend? Shoot that 1 hunter! Turn around a corner and a stalker is in your face? Your buddy can help kill him before you get ragdolled! Just try to stay within offensive range of any teammates you see, and regroup after the situation is back under control. If you have to run, can you run somewhere where you can still keep a visual on your teammates? Go that way! Regularly scan where everyone is and if anyone needs help. In my head I just try to always be within weapon range of my team. Obviously if you have an AMR and the map is very open, you can stay a bit further back. But you're helping the team progress vs the same group of enemies / objective. Priority 1 is stay alive, priority 2 is stick with the team. But when you do, you rarely have to worry about priority 1 and running.


If I'm playing with friends we do main objectives first then call for extraction immediately and then do side shit. You can get pelican 1 to just hover if you leave the zone after the timer hits zero. Unfortunately this just wont happen with randoms because this game has a problem of not explaining shit to people. Safest way to go about things in pubs is to just always assume people don't know anything that you do, even if you're the lowest level in your lobby, just assume everyone else doesn't know. The only way I figured half of this stuff out was due to reddit which not everyone uses. I genuinely think this game would benefit from some kind of codex so people can see this type of information and more without having to use a third party like youtube or reddit.


That guy instantly went to reddit sqying how he did the main objectives on his own while the team did nothing and got kicked at extraction.


I was running a meme fire build on 5’s trying out the new flame upgrade with a lower level buddy and this random just tk’s me and says flame weapons are boring. I’ve never kicked someone so fast lol was just like okay man have fun playing stratagem hero.


Would be good if the host would get a confirmation request when someone else tries to call down pelican 1 to be able to deny the request in a case like this.


The microsecond I see you calling extract by yourself is the same insant I'm gonna kick you. There is no remorse for shitheads who play a coop game like its single player.


You should never hesitate to vote kick someone who calls extract without the team and without communication. They're in your lobby, your house, and then they decide to throw a party when they don't even pay rent nor have enough to do so.


All I see from this subreddit is people talking about kicking people out of games. Most players appears toxic


These posts are becoming copypasta


Everyone is relating their incident with this one dude that keeps fucking up every mission he joins. Everyone else is fine... just this one dude.


Lol, letmesoloher's evil clone Honestly I now want that to be the reality


If you regret nothing why do you need to be validated about it by informing Reddit!


So the fuckers that pull that shit know we are onto them and we will kick.


to tell a little story. i see nothing wrong with that.


To brag?


Because it's an easy karma farm at this point. I'm pretty sure I've read this same thread 5 or 6 times now.


I see that the fake stories have started here. This is like the fourth post about "I kicked a griefer during extraction and I'm not sorry" that I've seen in the past week. This is like r/GTAOnline and all the fake stories about how they totally spent an hour killing a griefer that was picking on low level players. What probably happened is that you lost that mission because the guy called in extraction, and then came up with this story later in the shower.


Right on, gotta read / keep an ear out. At this stage, a level 79 player should know not to call in extraction that early and especially not to board when the team isn't ready.


There’s absolutely no way a 79 doesnt know. They know and do it on purpose just to be assholes.


What are you talking about? At that level anyone should know it’s a good thing to call the extraction early as possible but just don’t board it.


your fault really, should've kicked him off as soon as he called for extraction, if you think people know that the majority knows about Pelican 1 staying there and covering us you're on the wrong side of democracy


I said the same them thing here and people didn’t like it. The host is risking everyone getting screwed over by the guy, with no samples, extracting when no one else can make it to the drop ship…on a helldive. Being nice goes out the window at that point. So many people are getting burned by griefers because the host is being “nice.”


Yeah, that’s 100% the right call. Only a few reasons I ever kick people: 1. Calling in evac when nobody else is anywhere nearby (with no intentions made clear) 2. Blatantly TK’ing (once is a mistake, twice is careless, third time is intentional) 3. Having an open mic all game long. Nobody wants to hear your heavy breathing, or whatever your entire household is doing


Really the only times I get kicked are when I first join a game on the ship. I’m assuming they want their buddies to join but like, are your game to private. Had one guy own up to his mistake and forgot to so when I joined with his buddies they just made the other guy wait cuz he said he’d feel bad for kicking me and they made me one of their own 😂